The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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f n 7
11 D I T-
p Our Line of
Is Complete
I See the Strap Slippors for
Misses and Children
I Davenport Bros
j i
When Doctors Disagree
Consult an Optician
and have your eyes examined
Nervousness headaches sleep
lessness and dizziness often puz
zle the best physicians
Nine times in ten eyestrain is J
the direct cause
Nothing can effect a permanent
cure that does not remove the
Properly fitted glasses remove
the cause and a permanent euro is J
I Muke a Specialty of Rolloving
Eyestrain by correcting the error 4
Examination and Advice Entire-
ly Free T
un ur urninALMULuui
We always have the latest styles
and guarantee that our work will
please you Our prices are right
and we solicit a share of your pat
ronage Finest line of Mat Board
in town Newest styles of Picture
Mouldings New shipment just ie
Yours for business
i cans corn 20
i cans tomatoes 25
Wheathng per package 10
Gold dust 4 lb 18
i packages yeast 10
Bakers chocolate 18
2 lbs A B O crackers 15
1 gal pail syrup 35
Gloss starch per pkg 05
18 lbs granulated sugar 100
We Can Save You Money
Thu Weiither
Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair
except local thunderstorms aro probable
Friday and in west portion touight
The sewers were flushed this morning
under the direction of Fire Chief Winter
The Fair store has received and is
unloadiug a carload of sugar direct from
Honolulu Hawaii
A handsome new delivery wagon re
presents Schoreggos grocery and bakery
on the streets of Norfolk
Miss Dorothy Rudat entertained a few
friend yesterday afternoon in honor of
cousin Miss Lillio Koch of West Point
The guild of Trinity church will meet
tomorrow afternoon at 2 50 with Mrs
Buudick A good attendance is re
Burt Mapes this morning presented
the fire department with 2o in recog
nition of their services at the fire in his
O J Johuson has donated a back stop
to the Leonard base ball nine whioh
will without doubt contribute to the
quality of the game the boys will put up
in the future
Miss May Durland of this city is re
ceiving very active support iu the Bee
vacation contest This morning she
held eighth place in the North Nebraska
territory with a vote of 3411
A nice little shower this morning has
revived vegetation and comes ns a god
Bond to the crops that wore iujurod by
yesterday mornings storm Tho pros
poets nro that it will bo followed by
moro rain
Bergen Hodgo a brakomau on the F
10 e M V was iu tho way car of his
train yesterday when the airbrako was
appliod rather suddouly and he fell
against tho laddor cutting quite a gash
in his head
Wayuo Republican Win Jenkins of
Garfield precinct was in town Wednes
day and informed us that on tho day pro
ceeding ho had effected the salo of Robt
H lottos quarter soctlon of land iu Gar
Held to Lowis Richards of Shonnati pro
duct Wo aro sorry to bo obligod to call
the attention of our fusion friends to
tin prioo this farm sold at 33 par aero
but wo cant help It and If they soo any
thing In it that looks llko prosperity wo
trust they will closo thoir eyes stop tholr
ears and with open mouth drown tho
whisperings of an arouted conscionco
withthoir sonsoless yell of imperial
Many Norfolk people havo applo treos
iu their yards iu which they take justi
fiable prido Thoir pride was ospocially
groat tins yoar as tho trees iu many
instances were lltorally loaded with
fruit but the scriptural quotation about
pride going heforo a fall was proven In
this caso the apples fell The storm of
yesterday morning at many places took
every applo from the treos and deposit
ed them on the ground As a couso
queuce half dovolopod apples aro plenty
on tho market and quite cheap Those
who counted on harvesting thoir own
apples this fall aro disappointed with
good causo
It is understood that quito a number
of boys go in swimming in tho North
fork near tho railroad bridge Not only
is that a rather public place but tho
boys Bhould take warning that tho
Northfork with its cold undercurrent
is a daugerous stream and almost every
year it claims its victim Ouo of these
boys perhaps the bravest of them may
bo the next if they do not stay away
from it If the boys must go bathing
they should go to tho Elkhoru which is
a safe stream While ouo or two drown
in the Northfork almost every year
The News fails to recall an tustauce of
a drowning in the Elkhoru and it has
accordingly become very popular sinco
the daugerous character of tho first
mentioned stream has becouio known
O M Henderson will return homo
Saturday aud will do your piano tuning
the first of next week Have your work
done by a man living in Norfolk
Leave orders at Hayes Jewelry and
Music House
Hidden away in the stock room the
Milestone management has found a few
unsold copies left These hnve boeu
placed on sale at Utters Book Store
where they can be had for 20 cents
Some good second haud rofrigerators
very cheap at Hoffmans
Fresh halibut at Ghssmaus
Bernard Whitwer of Tilden is a vis
itor iu Norfolk
Mrs Sargent of Pierce was shopping
in the city yesterday
O S Hayes returned yesterday from a
business trip to Pender
W M Queen returned from a business
trip to Omaha yesterday
Miss Matilda Nelson is in the city
from Plainview doing some shopping
J S Shurtz returned last evening
from a two mouths visit at Logan
Mrs Ohas Robbius of Wayuo is in
the city visiting her mother Mrs
James Dobbin
Misses Edith Allen and Florence
Irwin of Madion aro visiting with Miss
Gladys Jenkins
Mrs Bart Mapes aud son Donald
went to Wayne yesterday noon to visit
Mrs J G Mines
Rev A Hofius was in tho city yester
day from Pierce to meet his sou who
was returning from college
Norfolk was represented in Omaha
yesterday by H D Owen J S Math
ewson R H Day and W G Baker
Dr Frank Salter aud Captain Alfred
Gerecko left today for Spirit Lake Iowa
where they will enjoy a weeks fishing
Rev John Askin of Tabor Iowa who
came 10 attend tho Parker Johnson
wedding is the guest of Rev J J
Mrs J 0 Slegler of Modiue Minn
who has been vibitiug her parents Mr
and Mrs Ferdinand Pasewalk departed
for her home today
Spencer Butterfield returned to Creigh
ton yesterday after a short visit here
He is staying with his brother during
his parents absence in the east
Mrs Isaac Powers sr of Ponca re
turned from Madison this moruiug ac
companied by Logan MoBride She
will visit at the home of her son Judge
Powers uuttl Friday
W E Spencer rode his bicycle to
Battle Creek yesterday morning and
was caught by tho wind He was rid
ing the track and wheu struck by tho
wind he was lifted off bodily aud de
posited at ouo hide He got to Battle
Creek all right however and returned
the same morning
Spring chickens at Gllssuians
Stock of Mrs Mitchell Burned
This Morning
Tho ltullilliig Which It Orrililnil In lUdly
t tinitROil ut il tho Lima nt 1 M Thump
mm on 111 iroi ery M k In tho Itiioiu
Adjoining In Serloiin
Tho millinery stock of Mrs 15 15
Mitcholl located in tho Mipos building
first door wost of Heeler Bros was to
tally destroyed by lire at an early hour
this morning
At 2 oclock Perry Harrington who
was on duty as night watchman saw a
small bWo start near tho fiont of the
store utidor tho counter on tho oast side
Knowing that people wore sleeping in
tho store ho stopped for a moment to
arouse thorn before giving the nlarm
ami boforo ho had left tho building the
fire had Hpread across the wholo front
end of tho store The fire department
responded promptly to the alarm but by
the time tho firemen were on tho
ground it Hoomcd that it would bo im
possible to savo either building or stock
The grocery store of G M Thompson
islocatod iu the same building only hop
aratod from the millinery store by a ono
inch board partition For a tlino thoro
was good prospect that both stocks
would bo totally dostroyod but tho firo
men went to work with thoir accus
tomed energy ami intelligence aud by
well directed effous succeeded iu pre
venting the firo from breaking through
tho partition except in a fow places al
though tho boards of tho partition are
nearly all bumod moro than half through
At a fow points tho flamos crept through
tho partition and tho Thompson stock is
damaged considerably by breakage
smoke and water Wltoit ono views the
scone of tho firo he must give tho Nor
folk department ci edit fordoing almost
superhuman work to prevont both stocks
aud tho entire building from going
Tho boys had plenty of water and a good
pressure to work with aud they accom
plished one of tho tnost ellectivo victories
over fire which they now have to thoir
Tho millinery stock was owned by
Mrs E 13 Mitchell who has been ab
sent in Iowa for a week on a visit Her
son-in-law II G Fleming aud his wife
were sleeping in tho room at the rear of
tho store and tho young man says that
when they were awakened by tho
watchman they only had timo to par
tially dress before they were obliged to
escape on account of tho approaching
heat Fleming saved a pair of pants
coat undershirt and shoes while his
wife fared a little better saving a con
siderable portion of her clothing which
was where it could bo gathetod up easily
in their light The stock is a total
wreck A stove aud some pieces of
kitchen furniture at the back end of the
building were not seriously injured
Fleming states that ho does not know
just the value of his
stock but estimates that it was worth
about 1000 She carried S0O worth of
insurance on stock nnd 150 on furniture
and fixtures iu agency of Clements is
Tho stock of G M Thompson was
damaged through breakage of glass aud
china smoke aud water to a serious ex-
teut Mr Thompson said this morning
that he could not tell how great his loss
would bo until open cases of goods aro
tested to seo how much they aro affected
by smoke but he placed au estimate of
the damage at 1000 to 1200 He
carries 1500 insurance
Burt Mapes owns the double building
and carries an insurance of 2200 in tho
agency of C B Durland The room
where the millinery stock was will havo
to be practically rebuilt The plate
glass windows are gone a big hole is
burned through the coiling tho floor is
badly damaged and the walls are so
demoralized that they will have to bo
wholly replasterod J t is probable that
the cost of putting the buildiug in as
good condition ns it was last night will
be anywhere between 1000 to 1500
This is the third niilliuory firo tlmt
has occurred iu this city during the past
year aud as iu both other cases the
manner in which it started is shrouded
iu mystery Young Fleming states
that there had been no fire iu the front
end of the room during tho day no
lamps were left burniug after 10 oclock
last night and there were no old rags or
anything else to causo spontaneous com
bustiou Asked as to his theory of tho
origin of the fire he stated that ho had
no idea how it started His Btory in
regard to tho nbseuce of lighted lamps
is agreed with by the night watchman
who says that when he first saw the
blae through the wiudow the room
was in darkness until the fire had
gained such headway that it lighted up
tho surrouudiugs
Spring chickens ut Glissuiaus
Sturgeou is the piano man
Sthaved Bay mare about 1200
pounds heavy in foal Auy one giving
information regarding bame will please
leave word at Bruusona barn or at
steam laundry
Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs
Younger on the Heights
I There will be a bfeoial meeting of
Houlah ehnptor No 10 this evening at
S oYlook All inotnbirs uio requested
to bo prosont by order of tho Worthy
Number your houses full olook of
aluminum house nutuborn ut Dognors
haidwaro store
Wall paper at Ohristophs
Spring chickens at Ulissnians
11m Kiinlou Inrtlm Mnt Turin to Niimn
CniMlliluti for Slut Honittor
The doinournUo convention of the
Eleventh senatorial district met at 2
oclock this afternoon in tho Paoillc
hotel parlors and orgnuiod with Ir A
Hear of this city us chairman and It I
Miller of Stanton as secretary
A committee on conference was ap
pointed to meet with a comuiittoe from
the populist convention It was a
harmonious assembly every motion be
ing made by Shorltl 13 C 1 lass of Pierce
and all passed unanimously
Tho populist convention met in the
city hall and elected J H Donovan of
Madison temtKrary chairman and 15 A
Porter of Stanton secretary
There being no contests HOiueoue
moved to appoint a committee on cre
dentials which carried with a whoop
After a fow minutes dolnythe com
mlttoo reported that there was nothing
to roort aud was discharged
Conference commit too from demo
cratic couvontiou hero outerod and
asked that tho pops appoint a like
committee to talk it over Tho chair as
sured the rommitteo that everything
would bo done Mr H ass said Thanks
Then Mr Oruni moved that a com
mittee 1m appointed to confer with our
goodbrothors tho dentoctatH which
carried and comniittoo retired to confer
Committee ropot tod that caoh conven
tion would ballot and that no candidate
shall havo nomination until he receives
majority of each convention
Tho liilormal ballot gao W M
Wright of Wayne county IU votes R
A Tawnoy of Piorco IT 1 F Robinson
of Stanton 17
The formal ballots ran about the same
until tho sixth which gavo Wright 11
Tawnoy 17 Robinson IS
Four more ballots wore taken without
ohaugo after which your Uncle Henry
Miller of Wayuo county gained tho
floor and mado a fow pointed remarks
Tho democrats iu the mesiutime had
accopted tho report of tho conforonco
committee but decidod that on tho in
formal ballot thoy would gno someone
oi thoir own party n complimentary
vote but that of coursothey would nom
inate a man from tho other wing sinco
it was tho pops turn
Then they voted informally and gao
Adam Pilger of Stanton J2 Wright of
Wayne b
Then for tho sake of doing something
tho democrats took a formal ballot aud
gave the wholo 10 to Pilger
And thou tho domocrats waitod
Iu the populist convention the llith
ballot brought no change Undo Henry
still clung to Wright saying that ho
had his board paid until tomorrow
Tlion tho leaders got together aud
whispered aud solemnly took thoir seats
On tho 14th ballot Wayne swung 1 1
votes from Wright to Tawnoy which
closed the struggle with Tawnoy 23
Robinson 18
The news was immediately taken to
the good brothers who of course unan
imously nominated R A Tawuey of
Pierce Then they had a joint meeting
to talk things over
All my refrigerators go at a discount
of 25 per cent W R IIoitman
-Farm land and city property for bale
by G II Seiler
Nothing is left of the brick yards es
tablishment at Wayne except tho eiigino
At Creighton tho roof of a livery barn
was torn off and hung up on tho tele
phone wire
A Lutheran chuich 0 miles north of
Plainview is a total wreck Tho build
ing was just finished four mouths ugo
Two freight cars wore jerked out of
the yards at Pierce and pushed down to
the hugar factory at a terrible rate of
Tho windmills were pretty generally
destroyed and scarcely a mill is loft
standing in the country northwest of
At the farm of A Whito south of tho
Junction a hay rack shot into a corn
field for about 50 rods turuiug over aud
over in its course like a tumble weed
Small grain iu this section did not
suffer materially but corn was quite
badly biokeu down the larger stalks
receiving tho worbt injury Iu Knox
county however the wind was nccom
pauied by hail aud the crops aro nearly
a total loss
The storm of yesterday morning was
far more disastrous to telephone aud
telegraph Hues than was at first supposed
aud tho long distance service of tele
phonos has been especially crippled
All the lines out of Norfolk were down
aud sinco tho storm Manager Sprecher
uud all the forco here aud an extra man
have been busy making the necessary
repairs Columbus has been asked for
extra men aud the lines will be put in
shape as soon as possible
Farm and oity loans
Tub Durland Tuuar Oo
Dr Charles S Parker and Miss
Alice Johnson
1 Iih Coroinoiijr look Iluin Irotnpllr ut
to Oclock lid Morning ill tin Ilomn
of tlm llililnit tnrrtiM limvn on llmlr
Wrilillnjt trip
At 10 oclock this morning two of tho
loading families of tho city were united
by a ceremony which took place at tho
homo of tho brides parents wherein Dr
Jharlos H Parker ami Miss Alice John
Hon wore made man and wife
About 50 relatives ami friends of the
contracting parties hud boon Invited to
witness the ceremony anil while thoy
wore assembling Mrs 15 Mount at
tho piano filled tho house with music
soft and swoet The rooms had boon
beautifully decorated wit It potted
plants cut llowors and wreaths of Hint
lax while iu the front parlor directly in
front of where tho couple was to stand
was a table with an immeiiHO bouquet of
American Beauty roses Shortly bo
foro the hour for tho ceremony the
uilatlvos of tho bride anil groom took
places on either utile of this table form
ing u complete circle about the toom
tho oontor being loft for tho wedding
Precisely at 10 oclock tho music was
ohatiged to the wedding march ami the
bridal party dtiscondod the staits First
came little Mario Johnson niece of tho
brido carrying the brides bouquet
Tho groom came next attended by his
brother Wm H Parker of Boston
Then tho biidesnmnls Misses Frances
Johnson and Martha Pinker statins ol
tho biidoand gioom attending the bride
Tho ring ceremony was used performed
by Rev J J Parker fat Iter of tho
groom assisted by Kov John At kin of
Tabor Iowa an old t inio friend of tho
Tho biido wore a gown of cteani white
satin en tram a long veil being fast
ened iu her ltair with asinglo white lose
bud falling in graceful folds over her
After congratulations an elegant wed
ding breakfast was served At I oclock
tho happy couplo left on the M 40
amid a showor of rice aud old shoos and
with thoir trunk propeily labeled so
that no ono would omit to notice that
thoy aio just married Thoy go diieot
to Spirit Lake Iowa where they will
remain about 10 days Upon their
return thoy will go to housekeeping
in ono of tho Bishop houses on noith
Eleventh street
Tastolully arranged upon tables in
tho back parlor wore many handsome
presents which had boon bent tho young
couplo b thoir friends and which will
do much toward beautifying thoir now
Tho groom is ono of tho host known
and most popular young mon of Norfolk
Ho is tho sou of Rev JJ Parkor pas
tor of tho First Congregational church
He came hero with his parents about 15
years ago and has built up n large con
stituency of fnonds Ho is genial gen
erous aud enterprising and by his ready
wit and hearty good humor ho makes
himself friends wherever he makes ac
quaintances Early in life ho began tho
study of donttstry iu which ho has
become vory profioiont and Dr Parker
now has one of the best practices iu the
The brido is a lovable young lady the
oldest daughter of Dr aud Mrs A J
Johuson and has lived hero with her
parents for about 12 years Iu securing
Miss Johnsou for a bride p Dr Parker
has won a prize of exceptional morit
She has abundance of good common
bouse is well educatod aud is blossed
with a sweet disposition and a keen ap
preciation of tho mirthful sulo of life
blonded with a kindness of heart which
always tnnkes her thoughtful of the
desires and wishes of those around her
She is a lover of homo and will make
Dr Parker a helpmeet who will prove a
blessing to him all the days of his life
Tho two muke u most cougouiul
couple and are destined to a happy and
contented hfo Tin NiWs wishes thorn
uuulloyod prosperity and success and
has every reason to believe that its wish
will be amply fulfilled
Damascus chapter No 25 will hold a
special convocation tomorrow o veiling
for work iu the M E M degree
B Baksiuscjkh H P
Whilo at Pender Nob yesterday
they had a very severo wind storm and
ouo of O S Hayes pianos went through
the side ot John Larsons house without
receiving a scratch It was not wind
that put it through it went in on its
meats What was it A Bush ic
Geits There are others but none its
equal Sold by Hayes Jewelry and
Music House Norfolk Neb
Pickled lambs touguo at Glissmaus
We muko loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhoru Building aud
Savings association T E Odiokve Seo
Houses for sale T E Odiobne
Tho Northeast Nebraska G A R
reuniou will be hold at Piorco July 10
11 12 aud 1 Indications point to the
largest attendance iu the history of the
association Speakers of national repu
tatiou will bo beoured
DrFrauk Salter Diseases o children
JUNE 6th
and Continuing the
Rest of the Season
I will sell my ontlto lino of
Trimmed Hats at a
Discount of
20 Per Cent
I will also make a Special Halo
on Sailors
One Block Hast of P O
Sharpies Sisters Old Stand
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Ouatintood on all Wink
First dinr West of Post Olllcc
Announces that
he has the agen
cy for Chase
Sanborns Cof
fee the best in
the world
FuoslorH old stand
A Few Words
From Hayes
When you NEI5D a physician you
When you NEED a lawyer you
I am wide awake aud up-to-date NO
ONE shall excel me in service price or
promptness I have made watches a
life study and my ability is locognied
by those who must have tho fervico of
When ycu need a timepiece why not
buy it from a dealer who is known to
bo thoroughly reliable nu authority on
watches aud about tho pric you can
satisfy yourself by COMPARISON I
will bo pleased to talk with you at any
time regarding new watches or about
repairing your old ono
Wares of Gold
and Silver
Iuvites you to
Compare Prices
on Groceries with those of his competi
tors aud then use your judgiueut its to
the best place to buy
Best Stautou Flour per sack 80a
Tomatoes per can 8
Peas per can 5c
Corn per cau 8c
Java Coffee best per lb 15c
Oat Meal per lb 2jO
Soap 10 bnrs 25c
1 pound cau Hakiug Powder 20o
Best Prunes per lb 8o
Blueiug 4c
Soda per lb 3jC
Starch per lb 3lo
Crackers per lb
Clothes Liues
Lvo per cau
Mixed Cautiy per lb
Pearliue per package
Rice per lb
Lamp Ohimuoy
We have a big hue of Tinware
iteware aud Crockery which wo aro
selling very cheap
We also havo a big line of fruit which
we are selling cheap
All goods new aud fresh