The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 28, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Hftlph Sullivan of Wnj no i n K f
Jloy Gardner
MlssPnrl Mnekcy of Stanton mill
Miss Hello Walker of Omnhn wore city
visitors yesterday
ilnv 1 0 Slegler who hns lcon visit
ing rolnnves nnd friends horn returned
to his homo 1 Nordino iMlnn today
Mr mill MrH Henry Mnwmiim who
live near Battle Crock welcomed n new
daughter to their homo tho first of the
A Holloitis being inmlo to nrrnngo
for it game of bull between the Creighton
mill Hoik Rapids lowii teams for fr00
a Hiile to Ihi played on the Norfolk
Miss Lotn Ulnkely left thlR morning
for Oomitdin Kansas where she will
Hiwnd the summer vinitiiiK frierds Her
inothi 1 accompanied hiriiHfurus Su
perior N b
An Informal reception wns Kivon yes
Uitiluy in the homo of Mm A J Dur
liuiil foj Mrs A S Burrows who left
tMlny tti Madison enrontc to her home
tn Siieriiliui Wyo
Commencing July a a new Kuuiluy
legulution will go Into effect nt tho post
ofllce whloh will bo open from 112 to
I U p in nnil will not lo opened ngnin
iu tho evening Patrons of tho otllco
Hhoulil ktop thlR fnct In mind
Miss Nnnnlo Kemy formerly or this
nitv iMin ii in from Grniir ou tho
train und will visit nt tho homo of
W H Spencer Tonight sho will leave
fur VtUeiitino whero who will lo married
Sunday to John M Cotton who at one
time reprepeuted tho World Herald in
this territory
OIiiih Ledcrer jr and Miss Itosu
Weston wero niarried nt 11 a m yester
day at tho homo of tho brides father
Burt Went on 11 vo miles northweRt
of Norfolk iu Pierco countyby Rev J
G Shiek pnRtor of tho Pierce M 15
church A lnrgo number of friends
nd relativcR wero presont Mr nnd
Mrs Lcdorer will live on n farm 11
miles northwest of Norfolk
Congressman John S Kobinson hns
uiiinid tho following delegates from
M idihou county to attend tho congres
sional conventionjto bo held in this city
next Tuesday H W Winter J II
M ickay A P Childs Peter Stafford
Al Degner Lew Young John J OShen
J F Nowhall Geo W Losey M 11
Foster John Malono T J Malono T
1 IMuiuminger 13d OShen Herman
iFricko P F Zimmerinnn Otto Mans
John J HugheH It D Scott John
IDietor S J Fiuuiguu Georgo Brant
Dr 11 L Scoggiu wns in Osmond
Wednesday and helped try to resuscitate
Guy 0 Blnekmor tho young man who
wns killed by lightning thnt afternoon
Tho youug man with his brother wns
driving iu from work ho standing
against n barrel of water in tho wngon
and his brothorjoccupying tho spring
Boat Tho bolt tore tho young nmus
hat to pieces while his brother scarcely
foil the shock Blucknior was 1 years
of ngo and was an nctivo workorin Rev
J P Wigtous church Ho wns also
n niombor of tho Good Tomplars who
will have charge of the funeral All
efforts to revive him wero fruitless
Tho replevin case of Ohas II John
sou vs the Elkhoru Jrnilroad compnuy
was tried this morning before a jury in
Justice DanielR court and resulted in a
verdict iu favor of JoIiupou ThiB is the
civ e wherein the plaintiff hnd some bed
wrings shipped from Sioux City in tho
name of John Friday and which were
afterwords forwnided to Norfolk on
Fridays order Tho railroad company
refused to delivei the springs to Friday
or to Johufion the owner except on
surrender of the original bill of lading
which could not be produced the same
having been filed iu evidence before the
tuato board of transportation It is
stated thnt the case will be appealed to
tho district court This case bids fair to
become as famous ns tho celebrated
Jouus county cnlf case in which n for
tune was lost iu litigntion over n calf
Iu this enso the vulue of the bed springs
was nlout fSOO and the costs have
already run up to nbout 7000
Hiring Srtinlule on the Nlrklr Mate Ituml
iilecllve May 0 1000
Ft Wayne Fiudlny Fostorin Belle
Tiie Lorain Clevelaud Ashtabula
Oouneant Girard Erie Cbautnuqua
Luke Dunkirk Buffalo as well as New
York Boston and nil intermediate
points iu New Eugluud New York
etuto nnd the anthracite cool regions
ore reached on fast time and lowest
rates of fare by trains of the Nickle Plate
roul Leave Chicago 10315 a m 8 S0
j m 1080 p in with up-to-date
drawing room sleeping cars Unex
celled dining cars on through Boston
und New Yoik train at 10 a m and
New York City fast express train leav
ing Chicago at i 80 pm All trains
inn daily Train leaving Chicago at
-2 p in has observation car east of
Buffalo over the Lackawanna road ar
rivug in New York City 7 2f p in
vey day in the year in good shape for
evening entertainments Secure sleep
ing car spoe in advance Write wiie
or phone 2057 central to J Y Culahnn
generul agent Chiougo 111
Humphrr Specific In Knrop
If you ore going abroad write to ub
for the addresses of our houses iu
Kurope Also for Dr Humphreys
Manual Humphreys Medicine Co
MesdnincR Thatch and Brown of
Battle Creek were Norfolk visitors yes
S Fuislor nnd fnmlly have rented
nnd will occupy the Olney houso on
First strict
Tho Verges houso 1r now in town and
fast nenring ItR new location on South
Tenth street
Mr nnd Mrs 11 0 Hnttler have rented
the Schelly cottage on Main street and
will move into it next week
Mlsi Prior who hns lx en with the
Diirlnnd Sisters for the pnnt rIx moutliR
has returned to her home in Winsido
The point liehig applied to the
Bishop honseR recently moved in from
Ciieen City Place iR vastly improving
their appearance
Mrs Belle Walters and children who
hnvo been visiting Mrs Pheasant de
parted this morning for their homo iu
Klbertu Washington
There is a strawberry patch of seven
acres in extent near Columbus from
which tho owner expected to harvest
2000 buHhels of berrieR
Martin ltaasch and Harry Luebke
have returned from Wntertown W1p
where they hnvo been attending the
German Lutheran school
T V Rend is home from Winona
Minn where ho is oporntiug a Linotype
machine for a leading papor Ho will
visit his parents for about a week
Froom ShnrploBR and Leo Horriskoy
have established a lemonade stand iu
front of tho Sharpless residence and are
conducting a very satisfactory business
Tho Sisters of St Frances are building
a convent to bo known ns St Marys
at ONeill Tho cost of tho structuro
will bo 10000 and it is hoped to hnvo it
completed by September 1
Tho Kiesau ball team wont to Stanton
yesterday and won n game from the
boys of that city by n score of ili to 10
They are having a game this afternoon
on tho homo grouuds with u nine from
Arrnugemouts arc being mndo to hold
n union meeting under tho auspices of
tho Young Mens Christian lengno n
week from Sunday afternoon and even
ing It ib probable that out of town
speakers will bo secured to address the
At Newman Grove they expect to
celebrate tho Glorious Fourth iu becom
ing stylo It is expected that tho lire
departments of Madison Humphrey
and Newman Grove two bands Com
pnuy F of Madison tho Madison Wood
men and tho ltoynl Neighbors and Wood
men of Newman Grovo will participate
in the parado
Hooper is tho latest town to make n
coal find It wiib discovered 140 feet
below the surfneo at the Albert Miller
farm nine miles northwest of the town
Two veins ono threo feet thick and
another 18 inches thick wero pacsod
through by tho drill Tho conl is said to
bo of very iiuo quality closely resemb
ling Rock Springs
Yesterday was the 20th nuniversnry
of Miss Jeunio Bossiers birth nnd Jnst
evening at tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs W
II Itish ou South Third street sho re
ceived n surpriso visit from lr members
of her Sunday school class and her
teacher Mrs J H Oxnam Avery en
joyable evening was passed with ice
cream and cake for refreshments
The annual log rolling of tho Madison
County Modern Woodmen of America
Picuio nssocintion and the Bcribner
Branch Picnic association will bo held
at Madison July 18 under the direction
of Box Elder camp No 485 Head Con
sul W A Northcott will be tho orator
Sports parades fireworks and a ball in
the evening will be features of the day
muuiou ncKet a demented man
wns arrested at this place last Monday
and placed in confinement Later he
was ideudifled as one Mussehlman from
across the county line near the south
west comer of Cuming couuty and was
taken home by his father Tho young
man has been demented for some time
but as he is harmless is watched nnd
enred for nt home
Tho people of Neligh have discovered
that an old beggar named Copeland
who hnd been soliciting charity from
them owub a tine ranch in Butler
couuty Kansas besides live other farms
aud several thousaud dollurs in cash and
securities He deserted a boy who was
helping him solicit at Neligh nnd u
collection was taken up to return tho
lad to his home in Wichita
Battle Creek Republican Mr and
Mrs J H Allen departed by team Wed
nesday for Nuckolls a town iu the
southeran part of the stat where Mr
Allen owues a stock of drugs which he
became possessor of through some sort
of a trade Their object in going there
primarily i6 to dispose of this stock
but they also intend to locate thtre if
the country is suitable to their tastes
That smoking is conducive to longev
itv was well exemplified at Wisuer
Wednesday Frank Knoll was workiug
in an excavation and left a few moments
to get a mutch to light his pipe when ou
amount of earth caved in that would
have buried him While the people
wore congregating with picks and
spades to dig him out he calmly ap
peared on the scene undoubtedly glad
that he used the weed
The Pierce correspondent of he
Oinnha Bee reports a scriouR storm in
that county Wednesday afternoon He
snys It ih learned that quite nn
amount of damage wns dono north und
southwest of Pierce by wind nnd hail
A small twister formed north of town
nliout five miles on the old Olaik plnce
It moved toward tho west It 1r re
ported that Fred Luebe n fnrinor lost n
vnlnable windmill that had just been
erected It also took tho chimney off
Ills Iiouhc Other farmers hnd trees nnd
granaries destroyed John Bilhack
living Routhwest of town report h that
tho hail destroyed his crop of small
grain and mined his corn
Several fnruiers of South Dakota and
a number in tho neighborhood of Jack
son this state nre carrying on an inter
estingwnrfnre The Dnkotn fnrmerfi
nro interested in chnngiug tho course of
tho Missouri river nnd to do so wanted
to cut through a neck of land on the
Nebraska sido known as Bellingers
neck whch connected a considerable
trnct of land On two former occasions
the Dakota farmers had sallied across
the river and cut through tho neck but
the Nebraska farmers as promptly filled
it up Thursday night tho Dakota fel
lows again dug n ditch nnd guarded the
approach to it with shot guns aud rifles
and it now looks as though they would
wiu their point Tho river traverses a
distnnco of about nine miles but a cut
through this neck will shorten its
course considerably und it 1b snid will
give it n full of six feet in going less
than 100 feet There is sonio apprehen
sion at Sioux City that tho chaugo of
course will ruin portiouB of Riverside
and other parks adjacent to that place
Mrs Dan Murphy of Omaha iB visiting
friends iu the city
Lewis Glass of Winsido spent last
night iu the city visiting friends
Theresa Lobnow went to MadiBon
yoBterday to visit her eisterB n couple of
Fred Thiem who has been visiting
here returned to his home in Omaha
Mr and Mrs Chns Thiem who hnve
been visiting friends in tho city returned
to Omaha yesterday
J W Henderson who lives four miles
south ol tho city haB four children
very Bick with tho whooping cough
Miss Oriole Adams departed for Fre
mont yesterday where Bho will attend
tho normal for the next two months
Samuel McElhoes came in from Madi
son Saturday evening to visit over Sun
day with his Bister Mrs Albert Upton
Dr P II Salter returned last even
ing from St Paul Minn accompanied
by his cousin Miss Powers of Canada
Mrs A Peterson nud Miss Martha
Sheer of Pierce nre in the city guests of
Dr Bertha Ahluian on South Fourth
Mrs Edwin Booth of Beatrice who
has been visiting her parents nt Warner
ville was iu the city yesterday visiting
There was a musical party atx the
homo of Mr and Mrs C D Jenkins
last evening at which Lndwig Koenig
stein rendered some choice selections
Tho Christian Endeavor society of the
Congregational church is planning for a
lawn social at the home of A E Camp
bell on South Eleventh street for Thurs
day evening
Four double header trains of western
horseB passed through the city last night
and this morning enroute to Sioux City
They are a portion of a consignment to
T met Bros who advertise a sale of 10000
head of horses and 500 of mules next
Thursday The four trains consisted of
20 cars each
Rev J W Jeffrest pastor of Mt
Zions Baptist church nt Lincoln will
preach at tho Baptist church in this city
tonight in the interest of the colored
people aud looking forward to the estab
lishment of a colored church here
The weather here for n week or more
has been very hot last Thursday the
government thermometer indicating a
temperature of 101 degrees Today will
probably equal that record It is get
ting rathr dry also and pastures corn
and potatoes show a need of rain Rye
and wheat are ripening rapidly with
promise of good yields and the harvest
will Boon begin The roads are dry aud
dusty The popular pleasure is a cool
shady retreat or a place to bathe
I O Hungland representing the
Piano Manufacturing company is here
from Fargo N D In speaking of the
drouth iu that state he says that the
wheat crop is a total failure beyond
redemption nnd the only crop that can
be raised will be flax with plenty of
rain from this time on to maturity
The stock raisers are shipping their
stock out of the country because there
will be no straw to feed and are adver
tising for places to keep them Many
persons depending on the harvest for
labor are out of employment and leaving
for other places Some of the harvester
and thresher companies are calling
their men in from that territory and
either sending them to other places or
discharging them
Subscribe for The Norfolk Wkuult
The new Cash Hardware Store has a
nice line of screen doors wire cloth
lawnmowers aud gasoline stoves ut ihe
lowest prices Call and examine them
Born to Mr and Mrs Fred Schelly
yesterday a son
Miss Nello Gerecko will not arrive
homo until tomorrow night
Will and Fred Parker arrived from
tho east this noon to visit at homo for a
Robert Johnson who has been attend
ing Rush Medical college caiuo home
today noon
Mrs Whitchend who hns been visit
ing her nunt Mrs Short left for her
home in Albion yesterday
Mrs M A Young mother of Mrs W
II Johnson arrived at noon from Chi
cago to visit for some time
Mrs W G linker and MiBs Florence
Johnson returned Saturday night from
a visit to friends in Wayne
Mr and Mrs Willis McBrido of Madi
son spent Sunday iu Norfolk guests of
Mr and Mrs O II Reynolds
The creamery company shipped two
cnrlondR of butter lnRt week nnd expects
to ship two moro cars this week
Mr and Mrs A II Allinson expect to
leavo tomorrow for Chicago where Mr
Allinsons sister is to bo married ou
the 27th
Leo Bmbaker of Laramie Wyoming
is visiting with his parents Mr and
Mrs Martin Bmbaker and friends for
a few days
Stanton is ndvertising a big celebra
tion on tho Fourth nnd undoubtedly
thnt town will entertnin a portion of
Norfolks people
Quite a crowd of spectntors attended
tho bnll gnme yesterday between the
gueBts of tho Pacific and those of the
Oxnard The former won tho game by
a score of about 20 to threo
Miss Rosahind Wise who has been
with the Durland Sisters as trimmer
this season departed today for Le Mars
Iowa to visit a few days and will then
go to Spirit Lake for a vacation
The 18-days-old baby boy of Mr and
Mrs Otto Zuelow died Saturday morn
ing and the funeral was held this morn
iiur at 0 oclock from St Pauls Luther
an church Rev WmHoelzel officiating
The school census shows that there
nre now nbout 1 700 children of school
nge in this district n gnin of nbout HO
over thnt of the Inst census There nre
092 families in the district with child
ren of school age
Louis W Ray who lives five miles
west of the city wns iu town this morn
ing nud was iu very good humor over
au event that recently transpired at his
house He nnd his wife have been mar
ried 1 1 years nud the eveut nbove refer
red to was the arrival of their first boy
Richard Russell of Wnyne nud Mrs
T C Stinson of Wisuer were married
last evening nt 0 oclock by Rev J J
Parker nt the home of Mr nnd Mrs W
W Allinson They went from here to
Wisuer this morning aud expect to make
their home in Wayno The bride and
Mrs Allinson nre sisters
There will undoubtedly bo quite a
celebration of tho Fourth on the river
south of the city The lodge of the
Moderu Brotherhood of America of
Wnruerville is prepnring for a good
time just south of the river in the
Burrel Reed grovo and the A O U W
nnd D of H of Norfolk are planning
for a good time in tho Burr Taft grove
thiB side of the Elkhoru That the two
celebrations will amalagate to a certain
extent is probably a foregone conclusion
anyway it is certain that a good time
will be had south of the city ou the na
tions birthday
Past Grand Master S W Hayes went
to Winside Saturday and in the evening
publicly installed the officers of Frater
nity lodge No 232 Worthy Brother
Dr A B Cherry assisting as grand
marshal There wns a good crowd in
attendance and a fine banquet was
served nbout 100 plates being placed
There was good music a vocal solo by
Mrs Chapin being a feature The fol
lowing were the officers installed
John Elliott W M J P Marvin S
W F S Beuser J W W M Mc
Clusky treasurer W D Prince S D
J W McClusky J D Mike Lyons
tyler Benj McKeen chaplain
It is said that the excursion to West
Point yesterday waB one of the best pat
ronized that ever went out of Norfolk
Two full carloads came down from the
Creighton branch and when the train
left here it consisted of niue coaches all
full The train contained about 1210
people 100 of whom were from Norfolk
the balance being from the we6t and the
Creighton branch It ran right through
to West Point without stopping and
then returned as far as Stanton to pick
up the people along the line for whom
there were no accomodations on the
first trip It is thought that there were
between three and four thousand
strangers in West Point during the day
aud the exercises and amusements wero
very thoroughly enjoyed The people
were not all returned to their homes un
til a late hour last night
Fnnlou IopnllnU
One segment of the fusion parties in
Madison county has been absorbed the
free silver republicans now affiliating
with the populists
At the populist county convention
held at Battle Creek Saturday O D
Jenkins was chairman and F H Free
The following were the delegations
chosen to two of tho nppronching con
Judical delegntcs H D Kelly W
L Bickley F II Free J B Donovnn
O D Jcnkinp W Stork jr Mike
Hnlpin W Rockfcller Fred Tegler O
S Evnns Eli Dnniels W S Stork D
A Callen J W Callen Joo Martin
Phil Avery
Stnto delegntes W V Allen L B
Bnker W L Miller Lew Bickley 13 J
Brink O W Crum Joo Martin E B
Green A II Bohannnn W Stork jr
O J Evnns W A Rockfcller J
Wnkely H D Kelly C D Jenkius J
B Donovnn
The convention adjourned to meet at
the call of the chnirmnu to nominate n
couuty and representative ticket
IlrmocrHtu nnil Iutiulliit Trying to Noni
liinto n Catiillclitte for lmlr
The democratic and populist conven
tions for the purpose of placing iu
nomination n candidate for judge of the
Ninth judicial district are in session in
this city thiB afternoon the former at
the Pacific hotel and the latter at the
city hall Conference committees from
both conventions agreed that each con
vention should ballot independently
nntil both nominate the same man
The democrats gave Douglas Cones
the present jndge tho unanimous vote
of the convention The populists on the
riret ballot gave J H Berryman of
Creighton 20 votes Cones 28 and Frank
Fuller of Wnyne 12
The next ballot gavo Berryman 10
Cones 29 Fuller 10
Three more ballots were taken with
out a change in tho result
Then the convention proceeded to enst
uine more bnllots without chnugo
At 4 U0 the convention took a recess
to see if thty could not get together nt
which hour this report closes
It is freely predicted thnt Judge Cones
will wiii out but stranger things have
happened than his defeat
Sufferer KeleBuril Yesterday
From Tuctlnye Daily
Mrs J C Adams died yesterday
afteruoou at U oclock at her home fi04
south Fiurth street after suffering for
about two years with enncer nnd during
the past three weeks being very sick
The f nneral will be held from the
house tomorrow afternoon atj 2 oclock
Rev W H Eaton pastor of the Bnptist
church conducting the services Inter
ment will take place in Prospect Hill
Mrs Adams was born iu Canada
April 18 1870 and was therefore 80
years of nge nt the time of her denth
She was married in Grundy Center
Iowa to Mr Adnms December Ii0 1S90
nnd four children besides her husband
are left to mourn her loss
Mr nnd Mrs Adams hnve lived here
about two years coming from
Fremont but had lived here previously
ho being employed ns engineer on the
F E M V road
The deceased wn a member of th
Bnptist church holding membershipiu
Besides her immediate family er
father and two sisters survive her all o
whom are here her father coming from
his home in Iowa nud her sisters Mrs
W C Warner and Mrs C F Baihy
arriving yesterdny from their homes in
Redlands Cal Mr Bailey also accom
panied them
Mr Adams brother W S Adams
with hiB wife is expected here tomorrow
noon from Sterling 111 to attend the
The deceased has many friends in
Norfolk who will be deeply pained to
learn of her death and will sincerely
sympathize with the bereaved relntives
Everything that money aud medical
science could do was done to save the
ladys life and she returned three weeks
ago from Fort Dodge Iowa where she
hns been receiving treatment from n
specialist The efforts in her behalf
were of no avail however and the Inst
three weeks have been sad ones which
culminated yesterday in her death
Mrs Ed Booth of Beatrice is the guest
of her parents Mr and Mrs O D
The dance at Alex Wnrds last Satur
day evening was well attended by the
young people of the vicinity
The members of the Open Window
club held a most successful picnic last
Thursday on the banks of the Elkhorn
At a meeting of the M B A lodge
last Saturday evening Fred Odell was
elected a delegate to the supreme lodge
at Kansas City Mo Oct 10th
At the populist caucus Wednesday of
last week six delegates were elected to
attend the convention nt Battle Creek
and Maurice Carberry was nominated
for assessor of this precinct
The M B A lodge iB making exten
sive preparations for a royal good time
at their picnic July Fourth at Reeds
grove TJiey nave tne promise or a large
attendance and if the weather iB pleas
ant it will no doubt be a success
Waxthd Several bright and honest
persons toj represent ub as managers in
this aud clooe counties Salary 900 a
year and expenses Straight bomt fide
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly oflioework con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope Tub
Douixios Company Dept 8 Chichgo
Mrs Persons of Stanton was a visitor
in Norfolk yesterdny
It is reported thnt Ed Gerccke is quite
sick nt his home in Stanton
The storm did not cool the wenther as
thoroughly as could hnve been desired
The government thermometer Bhowed
a temperature of 101 in the shade yester
Mr Hulbert of the Citizens National
bunk Ib enjoying n visit from his brother
who lives nt Bennett
Hnrry Miller Robert Appleby and
Joseph Grattin were visitors in the city
yesterdny from Stnnton
Mrs Cooley nnd her dnughters will
lenve tomorrow for New Loudon Wis
to make an extended visit
Steve Overton Ib homo from San
Francisco whero ho has been during
the past five or six months
Mrs Robert Utter entertained her
Sunday school class last evening at her
home on South Tenth street
Mrs It H Reynolds will leave tomor
row for Ames Iowa nnd will probably
spend the summer in that state
Miss Nello Gerecko returned last
evening from Chicago Sho was accom
panted home by two lady friends
The Sunday school class of Julius
Hulff enjoyed a picnic yesterday after
noon at Tufts popular resort south of
the city
A number of Indian boys and girls
were in tho city today on their way
home from the Genoa school for their
summer vacation
In tho absence of Mrs R H Reynolds
Mrs C G Somers will have charge of
the intermediate department of the Con
gregational Sunday school as superin
Mr and Mrs C E Green left this
morning for Columbus Ohio where
Mr Green goes us delegate from the
grand council of Nebraska to a conven
tion of the uatioual U O T
Mrs Geo O Williams and little
daughter of Ithicn N Y nrrived here
this morniug to spend six weeks with
Mrs Willinms pnreuts Mr and Mrs
W M Robertson Mr Robertson went
to Sioux City yesterday to meet his
daughter nud returned with her this
Chief of Police Widamnu snys that
there must be less of shooting fire
crackers nnd throwing torpedoes on the
streets or there nre likely to be arrests
Some horses are easily frightened by the
crackers nnd torpedoes nnd precnution is
necessary to prevent runaways
There will be special meetings under
the auspices of the Y M C L at the
Baptist church next Sundny afternoon
at ii oclock nud at the First M E
church in the evening nt 8 oclock The
pn6tors of the different churches will
take pnrt in these meetings Procrnms
of these two meetings will nppenr in
S iturdys paper
lelle ijinl
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at it postoWcH Juiih 25 1900
A L Burdoiue Plan Cottel Henry
Clark Myrtle Hull F M Tockim May
Lmont Mike Leuell M una Manske
Ruth Mass Lizzie Manske Jack Mans
field Gertie Miller Geo Gebhart Aug
Nieuo Ollie Konrey Wm Paul jr
Maud Paul Laura Peterson John Ohm
Tom ONeill 2 W H Oppened Chas
Scott Mrs C B Scott Jas Waller
Mrs J R White Agnes Whitla Mrs
E Whittaker Jessie Wood
If not called for in 10 days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please sny advertised
A Baby
Ji fBIHh
is very much like the blossom
ing of a flower Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon the care bestowed upon
its parent Expectant mothers
should have the tenderest care
They should be spared all worry
and anxiety They should eat
flifcntv nf irnnA rmiiricViiTiiT fnr
uwriynqrine me months of crentn
turn rt
ujs It
tuuiey -which BiAm j
women nsd
ff Doiuieiy ntukuarv
bitnpi unirpeal
s to be txterrmllG ft iMU
sireoRth nd vigor to the irmsoleS and
nrunu nil nfiii
vo uunk
Motnw friona Is wkJ more
Grt MotbcrH Pi rend ut the
store 1 fr bottle
is no
IWHU or om Itm koo Bor 4b7 Doto
uuuiajce gentle exercises Tnls I
Will Ti fl lriCf tttn irmnt 1 C
ing their health arid their beauty
as well as that of the little one to
of a 6hort and painless labor they f
should use t