The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Norfolk JSiccas
W N UU8I Iubllrthor
KTorr ilny
oik la cents
IXaMlMir d 1S7
ojfopl Sunday Hr
Hi man pr nnr v
For lotnrmir
Ciiahihk II Dinritini
lor Lieutenant
K 1 Hwahu
ForHccintur of State
Out W MAHtll
For TroaMlror
Prosldetitlnl Hector
KMallloliod l wi
Ktery Thuruln llj mull per your IM
Kntored nt ttio riwtntllcn nl Norfolk Noli hs
lecuml cln mailer
Tolnplionn No 22
For lretldmit
Ml kisilT
Tor Vim Irooldotit
Niiw orl
For Auditor
Oiiahiih Wimtov Hlmrlilai
For Attorno lennral
Fhank N IlHlOT
For lnml mmlslouer
Ukoriik O FolMlu Nuckolls
For Siiiiiirliiliiiuloiit nf 1ithllo limlriiotlmi
W K FOW1KK Washington
f John F Nkhhiti
I II II WlLfltlU
It I llAlltIK
jacoii i jacoiihon
John 1 Kiinnkiu
John 1 liVNtnii
For Cotigronsmati Tlilnl District
John K Hah Norfolk
For JihIkii Ninth Dtntrlct
J F lloii
A MoKluloyiulKoosovolt olttli has
boon organized nt PlnttHtnoiitli with 11
liiomborHhlp of i50 Nebraska dooHiit
show symptoms of having gone unani
mously to Hryan bIhoo I Slid
OhnrltH II Dlotrloh for govornor and
tho ontiro republican fitnto tickot is
milking friends and votos oaoh pacing
day It is n good ticket and votorn ns
well as other pooplo nprooiato good
John It Hays is a republican and will
htnnd by tho ropublicau mliniuistiMtion
to bo olootod noxt fall Tho Third dis
trict can accomplish inoro through a
nun in harmony with tho balauco of
tho govorumont and will hoo to it that
CongroHumtijIIays is that man
Tho M ulifion Star was ovidoutly not
nuthorized to sponk for all tho fusion
papers in tho county whon it said thnt
tho mid road oonvontlouJwiiH belugoom
plotoyiguorod Tho call issuod by Mr
Dirlingtou is given first pltico iu tho edi
torial columns of tho Times Trihuno
More than 100001k Jpounds of wool
wore on tho market at Piorro S D
Monday and tho looil pricojpuid was l
and 10 cents Uuder tho last domocriitio
administration theso skoop raisers would
havo boon fortunate had thoy received
loss than half that amount Thoro
should be little discontent thoro which
democraoy could use to advantago iu
tho present campaign
Tho eastern journals are no more in
lovo with Bryan now thau thoy woro iu
1S915 and aro urging tho Kansas Oity
convcutlou to other action than that
coutomplated by a majority of tho dole
gates Thoy iusist that free silver and
anti expansion will not win but with
planks favoring tho gold standard and
expansion and a man who can stand
squarely on tho platform thus adopted
thoy would stnud a good chanco of
Tho republicans of tho Ninth judicial
district havo just uamod J 1 Hoyd of
Oakdulo as their caudidato for judge
and It was a wise nomination Mr
Boyd is an odd geuius as smart oh tucks
nud always as cool as a cucumber Ho
is a lank spocimou of a drawling Yaukeo
who cau soo through a millstone as well
as tho next 0110 Ho is a good lawyer
and has a way of gottiug noxt to tho
pooplo that is altogother likely to win
him tho eleotiou Tho judicial ermine
would just fit him Fremout Tribune
Charley Towno is banking on tho
united support of tho west boforo tho
Kansas Oity convention Ho husyotto
learn that there are thousands of dem
ocrats in tho west who are opposed to a
populist or silver ropublicau holding
otllco nud the ono thing thoy aro after
is tho votos of theso parties Thoy donl
out an office occasionally just to make
the boyb think thoy aro part of the
machine but inasmuch as the populists
named Bryan first thoy aro likely to
cousider that honor enough and insist ou
naming the vice presidential caudidato
Mr Bryan said in 180i If MoKtu
ley nud the republican party aro success
ful nud put in power the next four
years wages will bo decreased Hani
times will como upon us and ovor the
laud Tho price of gold will go up
Mortgages ou our homes will bo fore
closed by tho money lenders Shops
aud factories will close We will ex
port no goods and wo will import from
foreign buds all tho gojds we uho Thus
will ruiu want and misery bo with
us What a miserable failure this was
as n calamity prophecy aud what is
more Mr Bryau if he has any logic at
all kuew that ho would miss it when he
made tho utterance All history was
agaiust him and ho must havo known
that cnlnmUlon didnt usunlly occur
under icpublicau ndmluistratiouri Yet
Im mud I ho statement ox though it win
a logical conclusion If tho ghost of
that Hpii cli doesnt hittint him when ho
is drawing IiIh gloomy pictures tliii year
it will bo curious
Democracy is very docllo for policys
Huko ltdoosut just now believe In
wars In militarism or iu expansion It
shuns anything l war llko oharootor
because it is not permitted to do tho
directing It deplores war and every
thing growing out of them Its leader
went to war ami resigned with his reg
iment still in tho field which Is tho
high standard for democrats to follow
Hut wonderful to relate tho democrats
of tho Third congrossiomil district
imagine thoy see a loop hole in the war
record of tho present administration and
thoy rush for it with an Impetuosity
dangerous to their pinnies on militarism
and expansion They grab for it lllto a
drowning man grasping at a straw
And they clutch it llko a ntlsor would a
handful of gold Tho rosult is this
plank We are In favor of tho Im
mediate construction and fortification
of the Nicaraguan canal by tho United
States to bo owned controllod and
fortillod by this government Dont
thoy realize that this plauk moans ex
pansion not only as far as tho Immo lii to
t irritor is coucernod but that It would
bo tho very gateway to oxpauslon In tho
far oust And onut thoy hoo that it
would moan moro of that bated mil
itarism Thoso fortifications would
roquiro guns guns would roquiro am
munition nud tho combination would
toqulro mon and officers to manipulate
and direct Than thoro would have t
be war ships used to assist tho fortifica
tions Shouldnt thoy realize that this
is militarism and expansion Shouldnt
rhuy reconvene immodiutoly and repeal
that plank Thoy shouldnt bo Incon
sistent Thoy seldom oro V
Roports from Dresden say that King
Albert of Saxony is suffering from can
cor of the bladdor
Tho Italian crulsors Vottor Plsani
Stromboll and Vesuvio havo beon or
dered to Ohinoso wators
Tho khodivo of Egypt arrived iu Lou
dou Wednesday from Port Victoria
Ho showed few signs of his rocont ill
Judgo Dorsoy W Shackloford
for congross by tho Demo
crats of the Eighth Missouri district
Director of Census Merrlatn says ho
has no apprehension that the industrial
interests will not bo correctly and fully
represented by tho forthcoming census
Gonoral ChnfTeo who has been or
dered to command tho American troops
111 China loft Washington Wednesday
for San Francisco accompanied bv
Lieutenant Harper his aide
Tho Now York board of health has
decided to thoroughly di duect tho
Chinese quartern 111 Manhattan Brook
lyn uud Couey Island us a measure of
precaution against the plaguo
Vice Presidont and General Manager
J Ramsoy Jr of tho Wabash railway
has announced the appointment of E
B Pryor as assistant to tho vice presi
dent with headquarters in St Louis
Among the passengers who arrived
at Now York Wednesday per steamer
Breniou from Southampton wore Mrs
Crane and daughter who accompany
tho remains of Stephen Crano who
died abroad on Juno 0
Tho supreme court at Loipsic has sou
teucod to 12 months imprisonment
Wisliold Leitgobor editor of tho Gazetta
Ostrowska indicted for high treason iu
connection with tiio attempt to restore
tho kingdom of Polaud
Noah P Loveridgo for sevoral years
judge in the 15th judicial circuit of
Michigau died Woduesday after a long
Ellis Bell Miller of Iowa passed the
examination for appointment as second
lieutenant iu the United Stutes marine
William II Blase nVNow York ticket
iigout convicted of forging u railroad
ticket was beutoucod to two years aud
six months in prison
Violent earthquake shocks occurred
Woduesday iu Cordova and Malaga
Spain A few housed woro damaged
but thoro were no serious accidents
Governor Uoosovolt has advised tho
Republican national oommitteo that he
will givo three weoks to cumpaigu
work iu New York state after Aug 20
Miles Ogle tho celebrated couuter
feiter died Wednosday at Mount Car
inel hospital Columbus O aged CO
years A wife and several children re
Mdo at St Louih but thoy have boou es
tranged for many years
Cliaiitauqua Amemlily Oprnt
Chautauqua N Y Juno 28 The
27th Chautauqua assembly session
opouod yesterday Mauy improvements
have been made in tho assembly grouues
since last season aud tho assembly
flees have been removod hero from
Olovelaud for tho season The attend
ance is the largest recordod on an open
ing day The cottages or nearly all
Death from Heat In Chicago
Chicago Juue 2S Two deaths wero
caused by excessive heat and humidity
yesterday Antonio Shoggous dropped
dead ou tho stroot nud Oscar Berzner
ovorcomo while sitting in the second
story wiudow fell to the grouud
taiuiuc fatal injuries Tho thermomoter
registered 80 on tho street and humid
ity was almost at tho haturation point
To Fix Kate for MrrtliauU
Chicago June 28 Tho executivo
committeo of tho Western Pufisougor
sssociatiou will ineot here today to de
cide ou rates to bo made to fall meet
iugs of morchauts in various cities An
effort will be made to limit the cities to
which low rates for country mcrchauts
will be made to Chicago St Louis
Kaueas City aud one or two other cities
Cruknr Will A tun loi l Lincoln Vm
Itoutn In Kitiimi VAty
Kansas City Juno 28 Congrcsunan
William Sulor who Is being boomed
for vice president on the Dutnoeratla
ticket and Richard Crokor and ox-Senator
15 Q Murphy of Now York will
haTe a conference at Lincoln Nob
with William J Hryan boforo thoy
coiuo to Kansan Oity to attend tho na
tional convention Sterling Price of
Texas who has opouod hoadquartors
hero for Mr Sulzor rocoivod a tolu
gram from that gentleman saying ho
had loft Now York for Lincoln yester
day Anothor telegram says Messrs
Orokor and Murphy will Iks in tho Ne
braska capital tomorrbw night Mr
Sulzor hopes to bo on tho tickot with
Mr nryan and it Is said tho latter ox
proKsod a doslro to confer with him
Tho city is beginning to take on a
gala appearance In anticipation of an
early arrival of delegates Business
houses aro bolng decorated aro aud in
candescent lights aro being strung iu
profusion 011 the down town streets and
a goneral cloan np is in progrois A
good sized contingent of eastern nowa
paper roprosontativot havo already ar
rived but a goneral in flow of pooplo
is not oxpectod until tomorrow
YftHlnriUyii llneblt IWlullh
Pnblo 0 Bt Joupu7
lUUburir V Chiiiitfo 2
Bt LouIh 4 Cincinnati 6
Mllwsukua 4 Kansas Oity 3
ItutTulo li IndUnitnollft U
Glornhtnil i Dotrolt 4
Ulilcno 7 MlnnmioolU 1
flnniftH Today
Wofltorn Innio Omaha at Donvr Sioux
City at Di h Moines Bt Jonoph at Pueblo
Nntlotml LeaKiiH Boston nt Cincinnati
Philadelphia nt Ptttahurff
American Inaguo Kansas City at Mllwau
keti liullfttiapolld nt BufTulo Dotrolt Clove
Now lluyliifr Clinolc the Deollno Sharp
Advance In Corn
CllICAOO Juno 27 Wheat won active and
Hrm cluilng lJo over yesterday The recov
ery was dun principally to a oeHSation of liqui
dation A bltf rush business helped corn fu
tures July finishing tho Houston lc Improved
Oats cliisi d a hIiikIu higher and provisions
strong July pork Gio July lnrdSJHnnd July
rib iijlfco better Closing prices
Wukat Julv B3J40 Aur 84Jo
Conn July 4Jio Aug 4ij4BKo
Oats July 2ba Auk 2iio
PoitK July 112 80 Sept 802
Bins July J7aapt 77K07 1
hAUD July 7U2Hl SPt 4717W
Cah quotations No 2 red wheat 8HjJ9Se
No 2 Hpring wheat UlS2aNo 2 cosh corn
4l43Kc No S cash oats 25 o
ChleaRii Lire Stock
CiilOAUo Juno 27 Cattle Receipts 13000
generally steady natlvw boflt on mile today
seven head ut S7U and 21 carloads at 15 W
good to prime steers Unlit nnd medium 5 100
575 poor to medium heavy S45OC5U0 select
eil fiHHlorn JllMiffil75 mixed Blockers tU15
USOcows 2K130 heifers 1004 75 can
nera Ji20275 bulls J275M50 calves 1W
jn SO Texas fed steers 1 W51 Texas grass
steers U0Vj4U0 Texas Dulls J2758 M
Hugs ltucolptH today 27000 tomorrow 25
WX estimated left over 4000 octlvo shade
higher top thil3 mixed and butchers
t510io27l5 good to choice heavy 62Ui
527H rough heavy 51XijS20 light 13000
625 bulk of sales J174t52J Sheep He
reipts 12tl00 sheep and lambs choice strong
others steady to slow good to choice weth
ers JltiOvft473 fair to choice mixed U23
410 western sheep 14 0014113 Texas sheep
W60i400 native lambs VU01U0 western
lambs HVOOOJ spring lambs f l50viill50
Kaunas City 11 in Stock
Kansas Ci i v Juno 27 Cuttle Mecelptfl 1
BOO best grades strong- medium stock steady
heavy native steers J45tK540 stockers and
feeders J 7 Vt5 03 butchers cows and hmt
urs 13 U0ft4no canners 00 fed west
erns I423V54J Texuns i 25tJ4 00 Hogg Ue
celpts 0700 active SigilUo higher heavy
I5I55M mixed f 5103520 light J4KX4315
pigs f46yai40 Sheen Ueeelpts 2800 sup
ply made up mostly of common stuff lower
lambs 57Vrta 23 yearlings 147V9323 mut
tons 45004 75 Texaus 13 83jt4U0 feeders
300400 culls i MS J 00
South OdiuIiu IIra Stock
South Omaha unu 7 Catkin Reoetpts
4SW0 beat stronger ifunorully ateady native
beet utettrx 44 50340 cows uud liolfern 1875
473 calmer IHUftffH 60 n atockem and feed
ers 350473 calveu 36KsP7X bulU stain
etc mylB5 Hoitn KecetptH OBOO 20
UiBhor heavy 5 03MC5 0i mixed o02r
JUiUyht li003J06 ill ks 4 60i3OO bulk
of Haled S5UKS05 Ubecp Receipta 8400
steady yearling I42T0323 wethurs 875
iii btoclt aheep ta 00g4 00 lamba ilNXjiO 50
Flrat Neuru Mluatrela
The first negro minstrel troupe ap
peared lu the United States about 1845
They were real negroes led by a man
named Johnson nnd the melody which
gained them great npplauao was named
That Old Gray Goose Tho words
ran Oh dont you see thnt old gray
goose a lookln nt tho gauderV This
was snug by tho tenor voice nud the
chorus mu In parts to the words
Whore Here I hear oud theu a
ringing chorus Another of their part
songs was Oh Mamma 1 Must Be
Married to Mr Punchinello different
voices singing Who Mr Punch
Who Mr Nell Who Mr Lo Who
Mr Punchinello
Fur It
Foster Do all your employees drop
their tools the Instant that the whistle
Ployer Oh no not all of them The
more orderly ones have their tools put
away before that time Harpern Ba
Thoro is more catarrh m this seciton
of the country thau all other diseases
put together and until the last few
years was supposed to be iuourable
For a great many years doctors pro
nouueed it a local disoose and pre
scribed local remedies and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment
pronouueed it incurable Scieuce has
proven catarrh to bo a constitutional
disease and therefore requires
treatment Halls Catarrh Cure
manufactured by P J Cheney fc Co
Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional
cure on the market It is taken inter
nally iu doses from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful It acts directly ou the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system
They oiler oue hundred dollars for any
caso it falls to cure Send for circulars
and testimonials Address
P J Chksev Co Toledo O
Sold by druggist 75o
Halls family pills are the best
Call turn Cuuuty Cou entlou
A mass con veutiou of the voters of the
populist party of Madison county
briski who will support tho Ciuciu
nnti uouliiiees Hirkor nud Donnelly
for presidont and vice prosldont will
meet at Battle Crock July 10th 1000 at
i il m to elect delegates to tho state
convention to bo held at Grand Island
NobraskaJuly 20th tltOO Also to soloct
delegates to tho congressional conven
tion of tho Third congressional district
delegates to tho judicial convention
Ninth judicial district delegates to tho
senatorial convention for tho Elovouth
senatorial district of Nebraska And to
place iu nomination a representative
for the Twonty third representative dis
trict of Nebraska and to nominate a can
didate for county attorney and transact
such other business as may properly
come boforo the convention
Galled this lfith day of Juno 1100
1 W Dajilinuton
White and colored silk parasols with
chitTon rufllos the r0 tiuality for
2 X 2 fi quality for lti0
Beautiful light silk parasols tho trt 50
quality for ftr0 flfiO tiuality for 275
WM quality for f2X
See tho pretty parasols we aro selling
for 1 05 aud lK
Black silk vesta at just half price
Block silk vests low nock no sleeves
lMiautlful thread silk quality novor
sold for loss tliau 75 sizo SI l 87
M M tiuality for 75c 1115 quality for
Summer dross skirts at half price
1 tM and up
Loco covers for baby carriages new
Hue just iu prico 12r and up
Mus J Benson
South 10th St
Omaha Neb
Hallway Farm Lands For Sale
In uortheru Wisconsin the Chicago
St Paul Minneapolis fc Omaha railway
has fo sale at low rates aud easy terms
of payment about -100000 acres of choice
farm lands Karly buyers will secure
tho advantage of locations on the many
beautiful streams aud lakes which
abound with fish and furnish a never
oudiug ami most excellent water supply
both for family use aud for stock
Laud is generally well timbered the
soil fertile aud easy of cultivation
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul
Duluth Superior Ashland ai d
numerous other thriving cities aud
towus ou the line of the O St P M
O railway aud other railroads iu the
same territory furnish gOod markets for
farm produce
For further particulars address
Geo W Bell
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H McRae
A G P A St Paul Minn
Application fur Saloon Liquor License
Matter of the application of Matilda
Hans for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Matilda
Flans did on the 10th day of June 1900
Hie hor application to the village
trustees of the town of Meadow Grove
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous uud vinous liquors at Meadow
Grove Nebraska from tho first day of
May 1000 to theliOthday of April 1901
iu the building known as the Bressler
If there is no objection remonstrance
ir protest filed within two weeks from
the lfith day of Juue 1900 said lioense
will be granted Matilda Hans
Are essential to health
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
sells them at
You get
at Utiles
what you pay foi
-- I Of kjI Irl
vloe etc o
mi J Ji JJJL I
For numbing Steam Filling lnmps Tanks
Wind Mills
Ami all work iu this lino call on
SfctUfnctlou Gimrnutoed
First iloor South of Tin Daim Xews Ofllce
Everybody wants the best of
meats AVo make a special
effort to please the trade
Our Shop is the Neatest
in the City
CURES all Kidney
Diseases Back
ache etc AtdruR
gists or by mall
1 Free book
Dr D J ICoy Saratoga N V
1 N A HAlNnOLT President
E W ZUTZ Assistant Cashier
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Soils Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
f vVW44sW4ljV 444tiVsVS44yHH S
Our Stock is very Full
and Complete Late buy
ers will find a Good As
sortment from which to
3jjjn s
Cj3fX j
G A LOIKABT Pbesident
CHA8 8 BBIDQE Vice Pbisident
Hwank A Lciuabt T F Meuuinoeb L Sessions
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 01
Railroad and Business Directory
i U
CO a
-e CO s
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omaha Paaaeniier Bffiam
Chicago Ezprese 12Wp m
Chicago Kxprcsa 7M d m
Omaha Passenger 1210 pm
Ulack Hills express 710 pm
Vordigro Passenger 1210p m
Venligro Accommodation 900am
Black Hills Express 12J0p m
Verdittre PassonBor 605am
Vordigre Accommodation 720 pm
Tho Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha
aud Verdigro trains arrive and depart from city
depot H C Matbau Agent
Union Pacific
Columhus Accommodation 030 p m
Omaha Denver and PaciUoCoast 1100am
Cohimhus Acc mmndation 1030pm
Omaha kenver and PaclHc coast 900 pm
Connects at Norfolk with P E A M V going
west and north and with tho O Ht P M ic O
for poiuts north aud east
F V Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sionz Cit and OmahaPadsenger tiiOam
Sioux Clt Passenger 100pm
Sioux ity Passengor 103Sam
Biocx City and Omaha PBssentrer 730pm
Connects at Norfolk with F E A M X goiug
wost and north aud with the U P for points
sunth F W Jckeuan Agent
Dal except Sunday
Fine Watch
Spanoap Ovslenan
Boots and lr oes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
All Wobk Guabanteed
Cor 1th St and Braa ch Av
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bay and soil exchange ou this country and all parts of Europe Farm Loans
Directors Cabl Abmcs V H Johnson CnAH S Bbidoe O V Ubiah
0 M
The Norfolk Bicycle Mou Proprietors
Manufacturers Jobhcia ami Oealuro in
Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs
Al ohcv for Waltlum Manufictiirni Ci Drlnut ltlrvl u
and Fateot liicjcleiu tho World Wo iiImi handle tiio Acme World Trilmiin ilutl
up cliiin or rludil I I
hvcainoru latteu uud our own maku either
mu Riinuu apeciuu
0 whieh will he known as
We do Repairiug Promptly and Reasonable