The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 28, 1900, Page 8, Image 10

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1 11 fill III i
CuprrlRlit IIHM r Itobrrt llnrr a
Mlaa JcnuloDnxtnr wlthncveral fltnvl
inl dainty touched that hi to rlKhta
her lint iitnl tlreas n littlopull here and
njint then1 regarded herncf witlmonio
complacency In thu InrKo mirror tlmt
Wiih net lieforo her nH indeed ulio had
rvury rlht to do for nho wiih nil ex
ceedingly pretty girl
On thin oceiiHion MIph Tennio hnd paid
more tliun usual attention to her toilet
for nhe wiih about to Httout toenpturon
mini and the imin wan no other than
Radnor Hard wick the capable editor of
The Daily llngle which wiib concidered
nt that nioiiiont to bo the iiiont enter
iriniiiR morning jonrnnl in the great
metropolis Minn Unxter had done work
for Home of the evening papcm several
cf the weeklleH and n numlier of tha
monthlies and the income nho mado
waH reanonably good hnt hazardously
fitful There wiih an nncortalnty alnnit
her mode of llfo which wbh displeasing
to her and film resolved if possible to
capture an editor on one of tho morning
papers nnd get n salary that wan fixed
and certain
Sim stepped lightly into tho hansom
that waH waiting for her and Hiiid to
tho cabman Olllco of Tho Dally Bngle
please sldo entrance
The careful toilet mado Its llrHt Im
pression upon thu surly looking ItihIi
porter who like a grulT and faithful
watchdog guarded the entrance to the
editorial rooma of Tho Bugle When he
caught a glimpse of MisiT Baxter hu
nlid oil thu stool and camo out of tho
door to her which wiih an extraordinary
concession to a visitor for Pat llyan
contented himself as a nennl thing by
Baying euvtly that tho editor wan busy
nnd could sou no one
What did yo wish miss To see
the editor TlintH Mr Ilardwick
Have ye an appointment with him Yo
havent Then I very much doubt if
yell hoc him thiH day umni Its far
better to writo to him thin yo can state
what yo want an if lie makes an ap
pointment therell bo no throubloat all
at all
But snrely said Miss Jennie in
her most coaxing tone there must be
some way to see even such a great man
as tho editor and if thero is you know
tho way
Indiido miss an Im not so auro
there is a way unless yon mot him in
the strate which is unlikely Theres
13 men now waltin for him in tho big
room Buyout that room theres another
one an beyont that again is Mr Ilard
v wicks oillce Now its as much as my
place is worth mum to put ye in that
room beyont tho ono where tho men are
waitin hut to tell yo the truth
miss said the Irishman lowering his
voice as if ho were divulging ofllco
eecrets Mr Ilardwick who is a
cult man to deal with bonietimes comes
through thu hhniall room an out into
the pns sngo whin ho doesnt want to
eee any one at all at all an goes out
into the sirato leavin everybody waitin
for him Now Ill put yo into this
room an if tho editor tries to slip out
thin yo can speak with him but if he
iisks yo how yo got there for the sake of
hiven dont tell him that I tint ye be
cause thnts not my duty at all at all
Indeed I wont tell him how I got
there or rather Ill tell him I came
thero by myself so all yon need to do
is to show me tho door nnd thero wout
need to bo any lies told
They wont up tho stairs together at
tho head of which the porter stood
while Miss Baxter went down tho long
passage nnd stopped nt the right door
Byan nodded and disappeared
Miss Baxter opened tho door Boftly
entered and sat down near the door by
which hho had entered from the passage
ready to intercept the Hying editor
uhonld ho attempt to escape
In tho editors room sonio ono was
walking np and down with heavy foot
fnll nnd growling in n deep voice that
was plainly nndible where Miss Jennie
You see Alder its liko this said
tho voice Any paper may have a sen
cation every tiny if it wishes But whnt
I wunt is nccurncy otherwise our sheet
has no real influence When an article
appears in The Bugle I wunt our read
ers to understand tlint that nrticle is
true from beginning to end I want
not only sensation but definitencss
and net only defiuiteness but absolute
Well Mr Hnrdwick interrupted
another voice whnt Hazel is afraid
of is that when this blows over he will
lose his tituntion
Bnt interrupted the editor no
one can tell that he gave the informa
tion No one knows anything nliout
this but you nnd I nnd we will certain
ly keep our mouths shut
Whnt Hazel feurH is thnt tho mo
ment we print the nccount the board
of public construction will know he
Ijave away the figures because of their
accuracy Ho 6ays that if we permit
him to make one or two blunders which
will not matter in tho least in so far as
the general account goes it will turn
enspicion from him It will be supposed
thnt toiiio one had access to the hooks
and in the hurry of transcribing figures
had made the blunders which they
know lie would not do for ho has a rep
utation for Hecuracy in figures
Quite bo said the editor and it
ia just that reputation for accuracy that
1 wunt to gnin for The Daily Bugle
Dont you think the truth of it is that
the man wants more money t
Who Harel
Certainly Does ho Imnglnn that h
could get more thmi M elsewhere
Oh no I Im sure the money doesnt
come into tho matter at nil
Where do yon meet this man At
his own house or in his olllco ut the
Oh In IiIh own house of course I
Yon havent seen the ImhiIch then
No but he has the accounts all
made out tabulated beautifully and
has written a very rlear statement of
tho whole transaction You under
stand of course that there lias been no
embezzlement The accounts iih a whole
balance perfectly and there isnt n
penny of thu public funds wrongly ap
propriated All thu board has done is
to juggle with ilgnrcfi so that each de
partment seems to havo come out all
right whereas tho truth is that some
departments havo been carried on nt n
great profit while with others there has
been a loss
I am sorry money hnsnt been
stolen said the editor generously
thun we would havo them on the hip
But even as it is The Bugle will make
a great sensation What I fear is that
the opposition press will seize on those
very inaccuracies and thns try to throw
doubt on the whole affair Dont yon
think you can persuado this person to
let us havo tho information intact
without tho inclusion of thosn blunders
hu seems to Insist on 1 wouldnt mind
paying him a little more money if that
is what ho is after
1 dont think that Ishisobject Tho
truth is the man is frightened and
grows more and moro so ns the dtiy for
publication approaches Hu is so anx
ious about his position that hu insisted
ho was not to he paid by check but
that I should collect tho money and
hand it over to him in sovereigns
Well Ill tell you what to do Al
der Wo mustnt seem too eager Let
the matter rest where it is until Mon
day I suppose ho expects yon to call
upon him again today
Yes I told him I should bo thero
at 7
Dont go and dont writo any ex
planation Let him transfer a little of
his anxiety to fear of losing the H I
want if possible to publish this infor
mation with absolute accuracy
Is thero anydangar Mr Ilardwick
that some of the other papurs may got
on tho track of this
No I dont think so not for three
days anyway If wo appear too eager
this man Hazel may refuso us altogeth
Very good sir
Miss Baxter heard tho editor stop in
his walk and sho heaid the rustling of
paper as if tho subordinate wero gath
ering np some documents on which he
had been consulting his chief She was
panic stricken to think that either of
thu men might come out and find her in
tho position of an eavesdropper so with
great quietness she opened tho door and
slipped out into the hall going from
thero to tho entranco of the ordinary
waiting room in which she found not
tho 112 men that tho porter had expa ti
nted upon but five Evidently tho oth
er seven had existed only in tho porters
imagination or had become tired of
waiting and had withdrawn Thu five
looked up at hor as sho entered and sat
down on a chair near tho door A mo
ment later tho door communicating
with tho room she had quitted opened
and ii clerk enmo in He held two or
three slips of paper in his hand and
quickly dismissed all five of tho waiting
men The ho turned to her
Has your nanio been sent in mad
am the young man said to Miss Bax
ter ns slit rose
I think not answered the girl
Would yon tako my card to Mr Hard
wick and tell him I will detain him but
n few moments
In n short timo tho socretnry reap
peared and held the door open for hur
Mr Ilardwick was a determined look
ing young man of about U5 with a bul
let head and closely cropped black hair
Ho looked like a btubborn strong willed
man and Miss Baxters summing up of
him was that ho had not tho appear
ance of one who could bo coaxed or
wheedled into doing anything he did
not wish to do Ho held her card be
tween his fingers and glanced from it to
her then down to the card ngnin
Good nfternoon Mr Ilardwick I
began Miss Baxter I dont know that
you havo seen any of my work but 1
have written a good deal for some of
the eveuing papers nnd for some of tho
Yes Baid Hnrdwick who wns
standing up preparatory to lenving his
office and who had not iibked the young
woman to Bit down Your name is
familiar to me Yon wrote Borne months
ago aii account of u personal visit to
tho German emperor I forget uow
where it appeared
Oh yes said Miss Baxter That
was written for The Summer Magazine
and was illustrated by photographs
It struck me continued Hnrdwick
without looking at her thut it was
an article written by n person who had
never seen the Germau emperor but
who had collected and assimilated ma
terial from whatever source presented
The young woman in nowiso abash
ed laughed but still the editor did not
look up
Yes she admitted thnt is pre-
clsclj how It wns written I nover hnve
had hie pleasure of meeting William II
Whnt I have always Insisted upon
in work submitted to me growled tho
editor in a deep voice is absolute ac
curacy 1 take it that you have called
to sen mo because you wish to do somo
work for this paper
You nruquitu right in that rvurmlso
nlso answered Miss Jennie Still If
I may say so there was nothing inac
curate in my nrticlo nliout the German
emperor My compilation was from
thoroughly authentic sources Ho I
maintain it was nH truthfully nccurnte
nn anything that bns over nppenrod in
Tho Bnglo
Perhaps our definitions of truth
might not quite coincide However if
you will writo your address on his card
I will wire you If I havo nny work
that Is nny ontsido work which I
think a woman can do The woinnns
column of Tho Bugle ns yon nro prob
ably nware ie already in good hands
Miss Jennie seemed annoyed that all
hur elalxirato prupnrntionH wcru thrown
nwny on this mnn who never raised
his eyes or glnnced at her uxcept once
during their conversation
I do not nspire sho snid rnther
shortly to tho position of editor of a
womans column I never read a worn
nils column myself and unllko Mr
Grnnt Allen I nover met u woman who
Sho snececded in ranking tho editor
lift his eyes toward her for tho second
Neither do I intend to lenvo yon my
nddrcsfl so that yon may send a wiro to
me if yon think yon have nny thing thnt
you think I can do Whnt I wish is n
snlnried position on yonr staff
My good woninn Rnid tho odltor
briskly that is utterly impossiblo I
may tell you frankly that I dont bo
liuvu in woman journalists Tho articles
wo publish by women aro sunt to this
ofllco from their own homes Anything
that a woman can do for n nowspnper I
hnvo men who will do qnlto as well if
not better and thero aro many things
that women cant do at all which men
mnst do I am perfectly satisfied with
my staff as it stands Miss Baxter
For thu third timo ho looked np at
her and thero was dismissal in hie
MIbs Bnxter snid indignnntly to her
self This brnto of n mnn hasnt the
slightest idea that I nin ono of tho best
trained women ho has ever met
Bnt thero wns no trnco of indignation
in her voice when she snid to him
sweetly Wo will tnko that as settled
Bnt if for some other paper Mr Hard
wick I should show evidence of being
as good a newspaper reporter as any
member of your staff may I come up
hero and without boing kept waiting
too long tell yon of my triumph
Yon would not shako my decision
ho said But I will seo yon again if
yon call
Thank you I And good afternoon
Mr Hnrdwick I am so much obliged
to yon for consenting to seo me I shall
call upon yon at this hour tomorrow
To bo coiitimiuil next Tliureilnj
A Illtiiunl Dentil Fight
Mr W A Hines of Manchester In
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death wiys Exposure lifter
measles induced serious lung trouble
which ended in consumption I had
frequent hemorrhages and coughed
night nnd day All my doctors said I
must soon die Then I begin to use
Dr Kings New Discovery whichwholly
cured me Hundreds have used it on
my advice and nil say it never fails to
cure throat chest and lung troubles
Regular size 50c and 1 00 Trial
bottles free nt tho Kiesan Drug Cos
drug store
A Minister Devil FUh
Destroying its victim is a type of
constipation The power of this mnl
ady is felt on organs nerves muscles
and brniu But Dr Kings New Life
Pills nre a safe and certain cure Best
in the world for stomach liver kidneys
and bowels Only 2Gc at Kiesau Drug
Cob drug store
To Cure Constipation Forever
TaUu Cinaiets Cniilv Cutlmrlic 10c orI5c
C C C lull to cure drucKlsu refund uiouey
Olorloim NettH
Comes from Dr D B Cargile of
Washita I T He writes Electric
Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula
which had caused her great suffering
for yenrs Terrible sores would break
out on her head and fnce nnd the best
doctors could give no help but uow her
henlth is excellent Electric Bitters is
the best blood purifier known Its the
supremo remedy for eczeinn tetter
salt rheum ulcers boils and running
sores It stimulates liver kidneys and
i bowels expels poisons helps digestion
I builds np ihestreugth Ouly50o Sold
i by Kiesau Drug Co Guaranteed
Free of Clinree
Any adult Buffering from a cold
settled ou the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who
will cull at Kiesau Drug Co will be
presenttd with a sample bottle of
BoHchees Germnn Syrup freo of
charge Only one bottle given to one
person and none to children without
order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had
such n sale as Boschees Germau Syrup
in all parts of the civilized world
Twenty yenrs ago millions of bottles
were given away nud your druggists
will tell you its- succues was mnrvelous
It is renlly the ouly throat and lung
1 remedy generally endorsed by
cinus One 6 cent bottle will cure or
vA ita llnfk Cnlil Vi rlofllua nil
civilized countries
Educate Tour llowrli Willi CwrnreU
Candy Cnttiartlc cure constipation foreier
acSSc If C C C fall tlrufKlis refund uioucy
Align Flower
It in n surprising fnct snys Prof
Houton ilint in my travels in nil parts
of tho world for tho Inst ten years I
have met moro jcoplo having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dysjiepflin deranged liver
nnd stomach and constipation I find
for tourists and salesmen or for persons
filling ofllco positions whero hendnches
nnd general bad feelings from irregular
habits exist thnt Greens August
Flower is u grnnd remedy It does no
injnre tho system by frequent use and
r xcellent for tcur htomnchs nnd
indigestion Snmplo bottles free nt
Kiesnii Drug Co
Sold by dealers In nil civilized coun
Mlllluim CI I ii A nay
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern which Is not
afraid to be generous Tho proprietors
of Dr Kings Now Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds hnvo given
away over teu million trial bottles and
hnve tho satisfaction of knowing it hnB
cured thousands of hopeless enses
Asthma bronchitis In grippe nnd nil
throat chest nnd lung diseases nre
surely cured by it Cnll on Kiesau
Drug compnny nnd get n free trial
bottlo Regular slzo f0o nnd 100
Every bottle gnnranteed
How Are Yonr Kidney t
Dr Hobta Simrasuiillllscurcnll kidney Ills Pan
plo free Add bttTlliiK Itcinvdjr Co CrVcago or N V
Gosiikn 111 Genesse Pure Food Co
Lo Hoy N Y Denr Sirs Some dnys
since n pnekagu of your Grnin 0 prepar
ation was left nt my oillce I took it
homo nnd gave it n trinl nnd I hnve to
say I was very much pleased with it as n
substitute for coffeo We havo nlwnys
used the best Jnvn and Mocha in our
family but I nm tree to say I like the
Grain 0 ns well ns the best coffeo I ever
drank Kespectfnlly yours
A O Jackson M D
Biliousness is cnui ed by n lazy liver
permits food to sour in your stoinnch
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Ladies desiring n transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
ami blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Men enn be cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City Ia
A I etttr Friiin Newman Grove
Mrs L Gutru Newman Grove Mad
ison Co write Last spring I used
Dr Kays Renovator for tired feeling and
nching limbs It helped mo greatly
Shall use more this spring
For Freo Medical Advice sample
book address Dr B J Kay Medical Co
Saratogn Springs N Y Dr Kays
remedies sold by Koenigsteius Phar
macy and Kiesau Drug Co
A Wraith or lleuiity
Is often hidden by unsightly pimples
eczema tetter erysipelas salt rheum
oto Buckleus Aruicu Salve will glorify
the fnce by curing all skin eruptions
also cuts bruises burns boils felons
ulcers and worst forms of piles Only
25ets a box Cure guaranteed Sold
by Kiesnu Drug Co
ShU I Your Opportunity
On receipt of tin ecus cash or stnmpa
generous iurplc will be mrilcd of the
most populir C turrh nnd Hay Fever Curt
Elys Creitin lnm snffcinit to demon
btrato the giit ni nts cf iLc icnedy
to Siarnii i Icv York City
Rev John Tteid Jr of Ortnt Fuls Mont
recommended Llys Cieiirn Hcim to nie I
can emphasize 1 s rntemput It is n posi
tive cure for cpt h d t d ns directed
I Kev Francis W i oole Pattor Central Ties
fjnurcu Helena Mont
Elys Cream Hrm is the acknowledged
cure for cnnrrh and contains no mercury
nor nny s ir Price 50 cents
For more than twenty tlvo years Dr J New
ton Hathaway lias mado a sMolalty of Ioinalo
Jliseases DurlUK that time he lias luu amonn
his patlenti over tea thous
and women fcutTeriai from all
those many dllferent com
plaints peculiar to tho heaud
has completely aud erma
neatly cured more than so per
cent of the cases he 1ms
Ily Ills exclusive method
which ho has perf ected during
tho twenty fhe jears of hi
most extensive praetleo he U enabled to cure alt
of these different diseases laeludlni painful
profuse or suppressed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration in
fact eterv form of those diseases which make a
burden of llfo to the iireat majority of women
Ho has so perfected this system of his that he
can treat these cases by mall without airy per
bonal eamluatloii to which eery sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oper
ation with Its consequent palu and necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In tho prtH
vacyot the home tho cure is painws ana n is
Write him a letter stating brlely your condi
tion and he will send ou a blank to bo filled out
Hu will gho jour caw his personal attention and
care nnd mako his fie so moderate Including all
medicines necessary that you will not feel tho
burden of the payment and ho will guarantee
oua positive cure Address
Dr llutlmuujr Co
Commercial Itluck Mouz City lows
MUNT10 TUlb 1AlElt VI UKM WltlTlNg
Tried Them
makes you strong
in neaitn nerve
A cross Clerk
la n rarity For the most iwrt the young woman behind the
counter is smiling nnd obliging though her back hurts her
side pains or her bend throbs distrnctingly The wonder is
not thnt n clerk is Mimttimes irritable but thnt she so rnrely
shows irritation when every nerve is quivering and she hardly
knows how to hold her head up
The cnime of this suffering is not far to seek It grows out
of some derangement of the feminine functions or disease of
the delicate womanly organs Until this deranged or diseased
condition is cured there will be no relief from pain
The nervous condition headache and weakness which arc
the results of irregularity or a diseased condition of the wom
anly organs can be entirely cured by the use of Dr Pierces
Favorite 1rescrintion It rctrulntes the functions stops en-
feebling drains strengthens the nervous system and promotes
the general licaltn of tlie entire body
There is no alcohol contained in Favorite Prescription
and it is entirely tree ironi opium cocaine nntl all other nar
cones it is a niiiuiimu iiicuicmc
prepared of vegetable ingredients es
pecially for womans needs and cannot
harm the most delicate constitution
Do not be deceived bv the claim
just ns good which is sometimes made by dealers who
seek to make nn excessive profit by selling less reputable
wares Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription has cured hun
dreds of thousands of sick and suffering women It mnkes
weak women strong and sick women well
Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter
free of charge All correspondence private Address Dr
R V Pierce Duffalo N Y
A Blessing for Wcnk Women
Having ud Dr rievces Knvorite Prescription onU folilcn Mctli
ml Discovery duriiiK the pnFt yt nr write Mr Mnttit IotiK of
Ifoul Vnlley Terry Co ln I mn truthfully rirommend the medi
cine for nil female weaknesses I haveusid liottlesof Tnor
Ite Prescription which I consider a print blessing for wink women
I win m nervous nnd discouraged thnt I hnnlly kntw wlat to do
Your kind advice for home treatment htlped me wonderfully
A 2500000 GIFT
In the past year it has cost Dr Pierce over 25 00000
exclusive of postage to give away copies of his great
work The Peoples Common Sense Medical Advis er
This liook containing 1008 pages nnd over 700 illustrations
should be in every family It answers th unspoken ques
tions of young men and women It points the patii to
healthy nappy life It is sentKv on receipt of stamps to
defray expense of mailing only Send 21 one cent stamps
for book in paper covers or 31 stamps for cloth binding
Address Dr R V Pierce Huffalo N V
toaoi mahh MwrrsitiD
Pleasant Palatable Potent Tacte Good no
Good Never Blckcn Weaken or Gripe 10c Jjc 10c
aCrllaf Itrardy tasptn fblcsf o Bonlrfl fttw Tort Sit
UATflRlf Sold and guaranteed by all drug
HU I UDAU gins to ITUE Tobacco Jiublt
ilrciti with you whethrr 70a continue thr
BerTfmiiiuy tunacru uauil nvicUAi
remoTta luenesire loriouaeio wivn
tine purines the blood te mfM I L lIT3i5
lores lt manhoodisTaJ m I sPWO boies
m 1 1 v bok
rues cured Uuj
KO TO I1AC from
our own druffffint whs
wlll Touch for hr Take it with
wlllntienllr n0rslc1ntlT On
Dosfl usually cure SboicstJM
ruarauteed to cure or we refund money
rltaf BUmrii C Ckltf HctrMlliw Iwfc
Ask your
for a generous
Elys Cream Qam
contains lo cocnliic
mercury nor any otlier
Injurious drag
It 1b quickly Absorbed
Gie Kellef tt once
l and clvause 2Sir J
Allays lie opens Jiasal Inflammation JWgie CQl Q Ik H FAQ
Heals and 1rotixU the Membrane liertnrte the
Reuses of Taie and frrrel Kill Size Go Tj
bUo 10c at llriitirtts or by mail
M AVar -
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison McdN
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on cacb package
Price 35 cents Ncter sold
in bulk Accept no substl
conrenATsnisst tute Ask your druggist
They overcome Weak
ness irregularity and
omissions increase
or ana unnisn pains
of menstruation They are LIFE SAVERS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists DIt MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
K SEE-x-
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
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