M DsOsQ it im The Norfolk pieois W N HU315 Publlrtlior Kvory luy mk li c UlllK DAILY IrfliilillKlmtl lvS7 iiirint Similiiy lty riirrlor lty iniTIl pur your 00 HKKIUV KhIiiIiIIgIioiI ISM imr Krery Thursiliiy Hy mail lr yr - Kntnnul lit tlin Pontolllco ivt Norfolk Nul iik locmiil chum unit tor Tolupliutin No 22 REPUBLICAN TICKET Stuto For Gin onuir CllAlttci 11 niinuirii iliinn For Uoutiiuiiit Governor K ISwmii CtiBlor For Socrolarj of Sliito Oko W Muisii HlcliimUon rorTroimirnr WiiiivMSriiFKKK CimiiiiK For Auditor Oiiaums WisnN bliurliliiii For Attorney lenoriil FllASh N Pkout For Limil ominlBhioiior Uioiuu Foimimi Nuckolls For9uirliitiimloiitof Public Instruction W K 1uwiku Wiislinmtim fJoiiN F NrimtT rreeliloiiltul Kloclora K II WIN1HIM KliWAIll UOIHH It lj llWIUH 1 S r Davidson i Jacoii U Iacoiison I John I Kknniiv John J Ijnoiu CoiikitiihIoiimI ForConKriunmun Third District- JOHN It HAYS I Norfolk The winuera are named MoKiuloy aud Roosevelt But dont burst your nnHuiKinRiii niiikiuc annaratus Save a littlo of it to ratify their election in No vember The ice trust is a horrible institution even compared with other trusts tho World Herald has said so aud tho anti trust people of Now York are very much interested in it In Colorado during t81l there wero 185112 bank depositors whilo last yoar thoro wero over 80000 Iu tho flrst mentioned year the amount on doposit was 91SO000 Last year it had in creased to 20000000 There is littlo wonder that freo silver aud Bryan sup port in Colorado has doclinod Tho graduating olassof tho Concordia Kansas high school chose as its motto Beyond this he the washtub and tho Bawbuok a somewhat original vorsiou of tho popular motto Beyond tho Alps Lio Italy An exchange is perhaps justified in saying that tho author of this original motto will somo day have a place far in advance of those who ap propriate an old aud high sounding quotation as their motto The Eolid south is likely to breakaway from domocraov this fall iu a manner that will surpriso tho natives Missouri is ouo of the southern states that is very strongly impressed with tho administra tion of President MoKiuloy Frauk B Moore editor of tho St Joseph Daily Herald says Domocracy has nothing to offer to the public but he predicts that tho dinner pail brigade will turn out Bolid for McKiuloy iu November The Sioux City Tribune said Aud wheat went up four cents the day tho Becond MoKiuley convention met The democrats are in hard luck But thoy wont acknowledge it They will keep on making preposterous claims until after the returns are all iu next Novem ber aud then will endeavor to explain how it nil happened to their own satis faction A democrat is moro tenacious than a bull dog because that auiinal does know whou he is whipped after he has beeu almost killed It is feared at Liucolu that that city will show a loss of 10000 iu population since tho ceusus of 1890 aud the enum erators havo beeu grauted three days louger ia which to make their returns hopiug to briuRthem up near tho former figures Can it be possible that tho ac quisition of reform officials to the resi dence list of that city has had such an effect ou former inhabitants that 10000 have left for greener fields and pasturoa now Hinco thuir advent to thnt pluco Or did tho onumorutors interview tho tombstones ia 18M Tito national committeeman from No briuka was chosen yostorday by tho delegates from tills state H B Schnol dor of Fremont boliiH tho choice by a voto of 12 to four Mr Hosowator his opponent It ia understood had for somo timo past conceded Mr Schuoidorfl ulcction and was not groviously disap pointed nt tho ont como Tlio editor of tho Beo was also in for honors boiuR chosen secretary of tho resolution com uiittoo Thoro was for a timo consider able fooling over tho contest for commit teeman but now that ho has been named it is hopod that all will lend their hearty support and work harmoulouBly to rodooin the stato from Bryanistn A fow of the eastern democrats who repudiated Bryan in 1890 havo como out in his support but it is evident that they speak only for themselves and that thero are large numbers of gold demo I crats who will not bo led by them to supporting him Ouo of tho roprosont ativo business housos of Baltimore tho head of which is democratic says tho following in a circular lottor The advocacy of Bryan for tho prosidoucy by ono of the two political parties is a pos itive monaco to the preservation and oxistouco of all the financial commercial aud mercantile institutions of this country We aro sick and tired of Mr Bryan aud all that he reprosouts aud we hopo that an indignant aud long suffer ing peoplo will give him such a quietus next Novombflr as to remove him for all time from tho field of presidential as pirants Commenting on this the Baltimore American remarks that if gold democrats of tho standing aud reputation of tho Messrs Hambloton so regard Bryan as the nominee of his own particular element of the party it is proof positivo that thoy will never ac cept him as their candidate Tho farmers of Nebraska and else where cut a considerable figure in tho business of tho world and their import ance is continually increasing The export of fresh beef iu 18S0 amounted to f7000000 in 1801 tho value of this itom of export was 24000000 Corn exports of 1S70 were 1000000 in 1830 70000000 Wheat Hour exported in 1870 was valued at 20000000 In 1890 170000000 The growth of agricul tural exports has boeu as follows 1800 257000000 1870 1301000000 1880 fiiS5000000 1S90 iJOU 1000000 1899 793000000 Every increase iu the amount of exports moans an increase iu domaud for the farmors products of tho United States and a consequent increase iu price Everything that tends to ou courago the iucreaso of exports should be supported by the farmers It has li en tue well denned policy or tho re publican party to do all in its powor to increase these exports aud all the great iucreasos have been made under repub lican rulo while under democratic rule they havo always suffered a decline It should not need a great deal of argu ment to convince farmers and all de pendent upon their success for their prosperity that the republican party is their best and truest friend in spite of tho efforts of democrats and others to mislead them Itepubllcan Club Tho republicans of Norfolk and vlciu ity aud all those who expect to voto for Wm McKiuley are respectfully and urgeutly iuvited to meet at the law ofllce of Mapes Ilazeu at 8 oclock Thursday ovenlup Juue SI 1100 for the purpose of reorganizing the Repub lican club of Norfolk aud selectiug del egates to represent us at the State League of Republican clubs at Lincoln June 28 An especial invitation is extended to youug voters to be preseut aud take part iu the proceedings J Ei Simeon President Republican club 1890 THE NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY JUNE 21 1900 mm and ItOW PRICES Ifl HOT MTflEU GOODS 1 1 Mens Percale and Madras Shirts Wo think wo huvo ilio nioai select lino of Mens Colored Fino Shirts you luivo ovor soon Handsom est stylos produced in 1er eales and Madras and Si Front 50c 65c 75c M Our assortment is largo See Them Compare Prices Well Surprise You Hosiery 50 do Fast Black Scaniloss Womens Hose a quali y and nuinbor that wo have sold quantities of at 15c lib SPNUIAL per pair IUb 15 doz regular 35c grade Lislo never sold lfjn larly for less SPECIAL per pair T LW Thcso are Great Bargains whilo they last GREAT BARGAINS 5 dozen regular 30c value White Hemstitched Aprons 15c THE JONlSOfl DRY GOODS GO UA4MMMmmm 9WWWWW VVVWVVVVVWWvrrv r r r r r r r t r Mens Balbriggan Underwear Wo havo two numbers we think cannot bo matched No I Shirt or Drawer 25c No 2 Shirt or Drawers 50c See them and judge for yourself PERSONM Dr Geo Wilkinson of Omaha was in tho city ourouto to Lyons MlssEstollaHartmau of Sioux City is in Norfolk visiting friends Dr Frank G Salter went to Wausa today on professional business Miss Nellie Williams loaves today for Wall Lake Iowa to spend a month with friends Mrs Priestlv and meco Miss Helen Durham of Oakdalo are guests at the homo of L M Beeler Miss Etta Hodgotts has returned to hor homo iu Grand Island after a ploasaut visit with Norfolk frientU T Cody who has been visiting with his noice Mrs Ed Murphy departed today for his homo in MiBsonri Valley Iowa Mrs T F Mommiuger of Madison and Mrs A S Burrows of Sheridan Wyo are guests at tho homo of A J Durlaud Father Thomas Walsh departed on the noon train today for his extended trip through foreign lands It was U voars aeo todav that ho said his first mass Mrs E Boll who has been a guest of Mr and Mrs David Barnett for the past few days returned to hor homo in Columbus yesterday Rov W R McKim departed yester day for Cheyenne Wyo and will en joy a sojourn iu that state and Colorado hoping to return with his health much improved H L Rucker of Omaha general man ager of tho History of Nebraska which is soon to bo published under tho aus pices of tho State Historical society was iu tho city this morning in tho interest of his work Call for a County Convention A mass convention of tho voters of tho populist party of Madison county Ne braska who will support the Cincin nati nominees Barker and Donnelly for president imd vico president will meet at Battle Creek July 10th 1900 at 12 S0 p m to elect delegates to tho state couvontiou to bo hold at Grand Island NebraskaJuly 20th 1900 Also to select delegates to the congressional conven tion of tho Third congressional district delegates to tho judicial convoutiou Ninth judicial district delegatos to tho senatorial convention for tho Eleventh senatorial district of Nebraska And to place in nomination a representative for tho Twenty third representative dis trict of Nebraska and to nominate a can didate for county attorney and transact such other business as may properly como before the convention Called this 15th day of June 1900 D W Darlington Committeeman fepeclulSule of Frniry Hosiery 50o hose for Slilo 75o I1030 for 45c 100 hose for 02c 125 hose for 7fic 1 50 hose for 100 200 hose for 125 150 black silk plaited hose for 100 100 black silk plaited hose for 05o 05o black silk plaited hose for 45c Childrens fancy striped hose 50o quality for 25c Childrens fine quality silk plaited hose at just half former price Ribbon salo 75o tafTota ribbon five inches wido 2o any color Boys white or colored kilt Bults 100 and up Mits J Benson South 10th St Omaha Neb An I drill Cllmute The first white man to set foot on Utah soil Father Silvestre Velez de Escalaute who reached tho Great Salt Lake on the 25rd day of September 1770 wrote iu his diary Here the climate is so delicious the air so balmy that it is a pleasure to breathe by day and by night Tho climate of Utah is one of the richest eudowments of nature On the shores of the Great Silt Lako especially aud for fifty miles therefrom iu every direction tho climate of cli mates is found To enable persons to participate in these scenic aud climatic attractions aud to reach tho famous health bathing and pleasure resorts of Utah tho Union Pacific has made a rate to Ogduu and Salt Lake city of ono fare for tho round trip plus 200 from Mis souri river to bo iu effect June 21st July 7th to 10th inclusive July 18th and August 2d Return limit October 31 1000 Fr full information call on or address F W Juneman agent F K M V It 1C Kxcumlonn To Hot Springs S D June 19 To Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D Casper Wyo Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo and Glon wood Colorado Salt Lake City aud Ogden Utah on June 21st July 7 8 9 10 and 18 and Aug 2 To Chicago 111 account prohibition national convention on June 25 26 and 27 To Lincoln Neb account republican league ou June 20 and 28 To Beatrice Nob on June 20 to July 4 account Chautauqua assembly To Kansas City account national democratic convention on July 2 3 and 4 To Lincoln Neb account state pro hibition convention on July 9 and 10 To Pierce Neb account district G A R reunion on July 0 to 13 To Cincinnati O account B Y P U convention on July 10 11 and 12 To Denver account Y P O U Pres byterian church ou July 23 and 24 To Lincoln Neb account Epworth League on July 30 to Aug 9 To Long Pine Neb account Chau tauqua assembley on Aug 2 to 13 To Chicago account national Q A R encampment on Aug 24 to 27 Will bo glad to furnish particulars of abovo cheap excursions to all interested H C Matbau Agent There is more catarrh in this seciton of tho country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many yoars doctors pro nouueed it a local disease and pro scribed local remedies and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Uatarrn jure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional euro ou tho market It is taken inter ually in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Thoy offer ouo hundred dollars for any caso it falls to cure Send for circulars aud testimonials Address F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 75o Halls family pills are the best Application for Saloon Liquor Licence Matter of the application of Matilda Hans for a liquor licotiso Notice is hereby given that Matilda Hans did on tho 16th day of June 1900 file her application to tho village trustees of tho town of Meadow Grove Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors at Meadow Grove Nebraska from tho first day of Mnv 1000 to tho 80th dav of April 1901 iu tho building known as tho Brosslor building If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho Kith day of Juno 1900 said license will be grauted Matilda Hans B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits made to onlor anil In tho latest style He pturliiK noatly ilono Shop on South Fourtli St tuuth of llmim Hros WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH CO TO W 0 Halls Barber Shop Ladies Ribbed Vests 25 doz Ladies ltibbed Vests each Tapo neck and 10 cent quality New bargains each week throughout our store Shop with us Its economy for you PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhles T WILLE City - Scavenger Water Closets and Cess Pools Cleaued All work noatly and promptly dono according to City Ordinatico No 217 Loavo orders at Braneclie coal otllco M C WALKER DEALER IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Hayes Jewelry Store EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices on Groceries with those of his competi tors and then use your judgment as to the best place to buy Best Stanton Flour per sack 80c Tomatoes per can 8 Peas per can 5c Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2c Soap 10 bars 25c 1 f pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3c Starch per lb 3c Crackers per lb 7c Clothes Lines 9c Lvo per can 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7c Pearliue per package 4c Rice per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4c We havo a big lino of Tinware Gran iteware and Crockery which wo are selling very cheap We also have a big line of fruit which we are soiling cheap All goods new and fresh B MEYERS GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission Braasch Avenue MAIN iT TUIUD DOOB EAST OF FOUBTE Und Tnlrd St PHONE 44 Cotton Challies fast colors 5c Corded Lawns fast colors 6Ac Best Wash Kaikai Silks fast colors 25c Silk Dotted Mull white black and colors 50c Thin Wash Goods in great variety gARNES TYLER j Attorneys at Law Norfolk DR O S PARKER MastBlock JJ J COLE Norfolk DENTIST J B BarnoB M D Tylor Nebraska - Norfolk Neb JR n T nOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon OOico Citizens Nntiounl Untile nuildiug Tolophouo 101 Sanitarium aud Iteaidonco Main ami 13th St Tolophouo 9 Norfolk - - Nebraska JR I E SCOBEE OSTEOPATHIST 511 Sonth 9th Stroot Norfolk Nobr Will bo iu Croihton Monday Wednesday anil Friday uftoruoous of each wook DENTIST Oflko ovor CitizonB Niitional Bank Residences ono block north of CoiiKiegatioiml church Norfolk Nebraska JyJISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Dp stairs in Cotton block ovor Bannis Btoro First class work Kuaruutecd Nebraska POWERS HAYS Attorneys at Law RooniB 10 11 and 12 llastblock Norfolk Nebraska - - - SESSIONS BELL Undertakers and Eniualmcrs Norfolk Se9sious HIk NorfolkJAvo Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney at Low Rooms l and 2 Robertson iWlgton Block Norfolk Summer Excursions VIA VpicTO The Uuiou Paoiflio will placo in effect on June 31 July 7 to 10 iuo July 18 aud August 2nd Summer Excursion rates of ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP plus 200 points from Kansas aud Nebraska TO Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City Tickets Good for Return Until October 31st For Time Tables and full information address P W JUNEMAN Agent i 3 I m