i l Hi The Norfolk Weebxy News nntonir lirii MM fib NAMED President McKinley Has a Popular Running Mate CONVENTION UNANIMOUS Enthusiasm Was in Full and Complete Control HANNA GAVE IT UP YESTERDAY Nutlnnal Chairman Cimldtil Stem the Tide ir 1opulnr Sentiment 1 emlers and Kteryhody IMho Coiilldent of tin Over whelming Majority Thin Fall Philadelphia June 21 tllO P M Special to Tun Nnws Amid a sceno of enthuFioEtu which has seldom if evor been equnlled nt a nominating conven tion the republican national convention this afternoon placed in nomination Wm McKinley of Ohio for president and Govenor Theodore Roosevelt of New York for vice president the former by tumultuous acclamation and the lat ter with lucking but one vote of being vote President McKiuleys name was placed before the convention this after- j noon by Senator Foraker of Ohio in a brilliant and effective speech Gov ernor Roosevelt of New York seconded the senators nomination and at 1241 in a burst of enthusiasm that threat 1 cned to dissipate the mammoth building in which the convention was held President McKinley was unanimously renominated by acclamation as tho standard bearer of the republican forces during the campaign of 1900 When order had been restored tho convention was literally carried off its feet by Lafe Young of Iowa who placed in nomination for vico president Gov Theodore Roosevelt of Now York On J roll call the dashing Rougli Rider re 1 oved 92 votes one delegate refusing I to vote The convention then adjourned Early yesterday Chairman Hanna saw that it was impossible to stem tlm drift of sentiment toward Roosevelt and at last gave a reluctant consent that ho bo the nominee and it was then a foregone conclusion that he would be the choice of tho convention Party leaders did not expend all their enthusiasm at the convention but are enthusiastic in support of its action and believe that with McKinley and Roose velt as the party leaders a wave of en thusiasm will sweep over the country that will culminate in an election this fall by a leiord breaking majority HANNA ISSUES STATEMENT Other Candidate Withdraw In Favor of the ltuugh Killer Hero Philadelphia Juno 21 Sonator Hanna authorized the following The administration has had no candidate for vice president It has not bem for or against any oandidate It has deemed that thb convention should make the candidato and that has been my posi tion throughout It has been a freo field for all In these circumstances eeveral eminent Republicans have been proposed all of thorn distinguished Ifbota by Rice BKNATOB HENBT CABOT LODaC men with many friends I will now Kay that ou behalf of all these candi dates and I except none that I havo within the last 12 hours been aeked to give my advice After consulting with m many delegates m poMible in tho time wlthia mj tJtyce I tare ciuaen to accept tho responsibility in volved in this request In tho present situation with tho strong and earnest Bontimcnt of tho delegates from all parts of tho country for Governor Roosevelt and since President McKiu loy is to bo renominated without a dis senting voice it is my judgment that Govornor Roosevelt should bo nominated for vice president with tho samo unan imity Philadelphia Juno 21 lrosidout MoKiuloy was not nominated at tho see of tho Republican national con vention yesterday but today will wit ness in all probability tho un paralleled spoctaclo of both tho presidential and vico presidential candidates being nomi nated by acclamation Sonntor I latin a threw np tho spongo yesterday Ho found ho could not stem tho tide of tho popular favorite withont using tho direct influence of tho administration at Washington and this ho could not get Possibly oven with it ho might havo failed Out without it the task was hopeless Tho president would have no hand in an effort to control tho convention Ho inndo known directly to Mr Hanna his wish that tho will of tho convention should not be thwarted and when that unequivocal time came Mr Hanna abandoned tho fight With hiB retirement from the contest against the Empire state governor both nomina tions could havo been mado before tho convention adjourned yesterday Tho original program was to renominate McKinley Wednesday and to nominate tho candidato for vico president Thurs day But the national Republican com initteo had mado a compact with the local Philadelphia committeo to keep the convention hero for three days and it was feared that if tho nomination for president was mado tho convention might take tho bit in its teeth and wind np tho proceedings before dark Know ing the temper of the delegates and tho crowdfl Mr Hanna decided to take no risks And consequently tho immense thron gs which blackened the vast amph itheater were compelled to content themselves with tho routine incidents connected with tho permanent organi zation an oration by Senator Lodge the permanent chairman and tho scene which attended the unanimous adoption of tho platform Then they returned to the city to wait another 21 hours for tho nominations which they havo traveled some hundreds some thousands of miles to witness It wus a great disap pointment to most of them Convention Mnvea Smoothly Tho machinery of the convention moved t o Miioothly that there was no opportunity to let off steam There was not tho slightest jar The hand of Hanna was at the helm Ho is an ex perienced and an accomplished engi neer At one point when tho conven tion scraped on a sandbar over a propo sition advanced by ex Senator Quay o cut down the representation of tho southern states in futuro conventions to a basis of votes polled for tho Repub lican candidate tho lever was reversed and the convention promptly backed off thus avoiding tho threatened shoal by postponing a decision upon the subject The southern delegates without regard to color are very much incensed over what they regard as a blow at their power in national conventions and the growl they omitted indicates that they propose to fight in their effort to avert it Again Governor Roosevelt earned off the honors His entrance was again the signal for the most pronounced demonstration of the session It was as dramatic as that of Tuesday and was practically a repetition of his ex perience then He still wore his rough rider hat Sorao of his austerity bad departed With the relaxation of Mr Hannas opposition the governor real ized that ho must succumb to the in evitable and he appeared resigned to his fate Tho most striking incident of the day was tho appearance on tho stage of IS of tho survivors of the original conven tion held in Loonst street in this city in 1850 Lodge Takes the Oavel Senator Lodge young brilliant al ready famous as a scholar statesman and historian mado a fine figure as he de livered his address as permanent chair man His finely poised bead close cropped iron gray beard delicately chiseled features and slender athletio frame were clearly outlined as ho faced the convention His speech was tho scholarly clear cut effort expected of him but it covered the same general ground Senator Wolcott went over Tuesday and though somo of tho fine periods elicited applauEC as a whole it did not stir up any great enthusiasm Neither did tho reading of the platform a very strong document by Senator Fairbanks and for the samo reason Both in different forms were epitomes of the record of tho administration upon which the party will ask tho country to return it to power a record eloquently placed before tho convention Tuesday by Senator Wolcott Mlunc sotu Dcinorrnts Indoma Tonne Minneapolis Juno 21 Tho Demo cratic state convention yesterday was ono of tho largest and most harmonious held by tho party in this state for years Charles A Towuo of Duluth Populist candidato for vico president was given tho heartiest kind of an indorsement and tho delegates to Kansas City were instructed to support him by their votes and by every honorable means 1 Iowa Sunday School Srtdon CitEfiTON la Juno 21 Waterloo will likely get tho uext maoting of the Stato Suuday School association Fifteen hundred dollars was raised for stato work Tho feature of yesterdays pro gram was an address by ex President Cole who organized the association in 1W5 NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY JUNK 21 WOO W HIE PARTY PLATFORM A Strong Statement of Repub lican Principles IT COMMENDS THE PREBIDENT No Thought of Niitliimtl AggriiiiilleHient Tnrnlnhrd tlm IIIk llirpiiNfi with Willi h American Standards IVrtti tnlnrlid Truats Mtuulil be Curheil PiiiLADUMPiUA June 21 Following is the full text of tlu platform udnptttl by tho national republican convention The Republicans of the Putted States through their representatives In national convention looking bock upon an unsur passed record of achievement ntitl looking forward Into the grout Held of duty ami opportunity ami appealing to the Judg ment of their countrymen make theo declarations Tho expectation In which the American people turning from the Democrat la party entrusted power four years ago to a Republican chief magistrate anil a Ne ptibllcau congress has been met anil sat isfied When the people then assembled at the polls after a term of Democratic legislation and administration business was dead Industry parolyml and the na tional credit disastrously Impaired The countrys capital was hidden away and its labor distressed and unemployed The Democrats had no other plan with which to improve tho ruinous condition which they themselves produced than to coin silver at the ratio of 111 to 1 Tho Ho publlran party denouncing this plan as sure to proilueo conditions even worse than those from which relief was soiiKht promised to restore prosperity by means of two legislative measures a protectee i parity of the Democratic party to conduct public affairs The prime essential of business prosperity In public confidence In the good sense of the government anil Its ability to deal Intelligently with each new ptoblem of ailmlulstratlun and leiflsla Hon 1 hat confidence the Democrat In party has never earned It Is hopelessly Inadequate and the countrys pruMxTlty when Democratic success at tho polls Is announced halts and ceases In mere an ticipation of Democratiu blunders and fallurts Maud Out for loltl We renew our allegiance to tho princi ple of the goltl ktnmhml and declare our confidence In the wisdom of the legisla tion of the Klfty sixth congress by which the purity of all our money nnil tticsta btllty of our currency on a troltl basis had been secured We reeognlo that Inter est rates ate a potent factor In proline Hon and business activity and for tho pur pose of further equalling and of further lowciltig the rates of Interest wo favor such monetary legislation us will enable the varying needs of the season and of all sections to be properly met In order that trade niny bn evenly sustained Inbor steadily employed aiul commerce en larged The olumeof money in circula tion was never so great per capita as It Is today We divlurn our steadfast opposl Hon to the fice and unlimited coinage of aIIut Mo measure to tliat end could be consliWreil whMi was without tto support of the leading commercial countries of tho world However firmly Republican lrnis latUm may seem to have secured the coun try against the peril of Imso and discred ited i uireiiey the election of a Demo cratle president could not fall to Impair the countrys credit and to bring once more Into question the Intention of the American people to maintain upon tho gold standard the parity of their money eltculation 1 he Democrat lo party must bo coin Inced that tho American people Vill neer toletato the Chicago platlorm y tariff and a law making gold the standard of value The people by great majorities Issued to the Republican party a commis sion to enact these laws This commis sion has been executed and the Repub lican promise is redeemed Prosperity more general and more abundant than we have ever known has followed theso enactments There is no longer contro versy as to the value of any government obligation Every American dollar Is a gold dollar or its assured equivalent and American credit stands higher than that of any nation Capital is fully employed and everywhere labor is profitably occu pied No single fact am moro strikingly tell the story of what Republican government mains to the country than this that while during the whole period of 107 years from 1790 to lb7 there was an excess of exports over imports of only JJ8a02847 there has been in tho short threoyears of the present Republican administration an excess of exports over imports in the enormous sum ofl4ba7380UI and while tho American people sustained by this Republican leg islation have been achieving these hjllen dld triumphs in their business and com merce they havo conducted and in victory concluded a war for liberty and human rights No thought of national aggran dizement tarnished tho high purpose with which American standards were unfurled It was a war unsought and patiently re sisted but when it ramo the American government was ready Its fleets were cleared for action Its armies were In the field and tho quick and signal triumph of its forces on land and sea bore equal tribute to tho courage of American sol diers and sailors and to the skill and fore sight of Republican statesmanship T 10000000 of the human raco tliero was given a new birth of freedom and to the American peoplo a new and noble re sponsibility President l Coiiiiiieiidrd Wo Indorse thi administration of Will lam McKinley Its acts have been i stab lishetl In wisdom and in patriotism and at home and abroad it has distinctly ele vated and extended tho influence of the American nution Walking untried Iiaths and facing unforeseen responsibil Itles President McKinley has been lu ev cry situation tho true American patriot and upright statesman clear in vision strong in judgment firm in action al ways inspiring and deserving tho confi dence of his countrymen In asking tho American people to Indorse this Repub lican record and to renew their commis sion to tho Republican party wo remind them of the fact that the menuce to their prosperity has always resided in Demo cratic principles and np less In the We rccognic tho necessity and propri ety of the honest co operation of capital to miet new business conditions and espe cially to extend our rapidly Increasing foreign trade but we condemn all con rpiracies and combinations intended to restrict business to create monopolies to limit production or to control prices and favor such legislation as will effectually re strain and prevent all such abuses protect and promote competition and secure tho rights of producers laborers and all who are engaged In Industry and commerce We renew our faith In the policy of pro tection to American labor In thatpolfcy our industries havo been established di versified and maintained By protecting the home market competition has been stimulated and production cheapened Opportunity to tho inventive genim of our peoplo has been secured and wages in every department of labor maintained at high rates higher now than over befiro ulways distinguishing onr working peo ple in their better conditions of life from those of any competing country Knjoy ing the blessings of American common s hools In the right of self government und protieted In tho occupancy of their own markets tho constantly increasing knowledge and skill havo enabled them finally to cMer the markets of tho world We favor tho associated jiollcy of reci procity so directed as to open our markets on favorable terms for what we do not ourselves produco in return for freo for eign markets On Ilehalf of Labor In the further interest of American workmen wo favor a moro effective re striction of tho immigration of cheap la bor from foreign lands the extension of opportunities of education for working children the raising of tho ago limit for child labor tho protection of freo labor as aguiiint contract lalior and an effective bystem of labor insurance Our present dependence upon foreign shipping for nino tenths of our foreign carrying is a great law to tho industry of this country It Is also a serious danger to our trade for its sudden withdrawal In the event of European war would seri ously cripple our expanding foreign com merce The national defense und naval efficiency of this country moreover sup ply a compelling reason for legislation which will enable us to recover our former placo among tho trudo currying fleets of the world The nation owes a debt of profound gratitude to tho soldiers and sailors who have fought its battles and it is tho gov ernments duty to provide for tho surviv ors and for tho widows and orphans of those who have fallen in tho countrys war Till euiloajAWI fiOQilcd In tbia just sentiment should be llboial am should be liberally administered and should be given wherever ptiicll cable with respect to employment In the public service to soldiers and sailors and to their widows and orphans Mill Nervier Htatmii Wo commend the polity of the Repub llcuti party lu maintaining the efllclitie of thcchtl service The adiiiinlstiatlou has acted wisely In Itseffoit to secure for public senile lu Cuba Porto Rico Ila wall and the Philippine Inland only those whose fitness has been determined bi training and experience We bellee hat employment In the public serle In these territories should be confined as far as practicable to their Inhohltnnts It was the plain purpose of the 1Mb amendment to the constitution to pre vent dlsi limlnatlou on account of race or color In regulating the legislative frim ehlse Devices of state goiernmentN whether by statutory or constitutional cnactnlcnt to avoid tho purpose of this amendment are revolutionary and should be condemned Public movements looking to a permit not Improvement of the roads and high ways of the country ineel with our eoidlal approval and we recommend this subject to the earnest consideration of tho people and of the legislatures of the seveitl states We favor the extension of ho rural free delivery service wherever Its extension may bo justified In further pursuance of the constant policy of thu Republican party to prolde flee homes on tho public domain wo recommend adequate national legislation to reclaim the arid lauds of the United States reserving control of the dlstrilm Hon of water for lirlgatlon to the respec tive states and torrltorli s We favor home rule for ami the early admission to statehood of tho ferritin les of New Mexico Arizona and Oklahoma Itediietliin or Wnr Tniri Thu Dlngley act amended to provide sufficient revenue for tho conduct of the war has so well pet formed Itswotk that it has been possible to reduce Hie war debt In the sum of f 100011000 So ample are the governments levenues and so great Is the public confidence In the lu tegrity of Its obligations that Its newly funded 2 percent bonds sell ut a premium The country Is now justified lu expecting and it will lie the policy of Die Republican party to bring about a lediictloi of the war taxes We favor the construction ownership control and protection of an Isthmian canal by the gmcrnment of tho United States New markets am necessary for the In creasing surplus of our farm products Every effort should bu made to open and obtain new markets especially In the Oil cut and the adinliiistiatiou is warmly to lie commended for Its successful effort to commit all trading and eoloniiiig ua lions to the policy of the open door in China NiH Cublnit Olllcur Kicuiiiinuiolril In the interest of our expanding com merce we lecominend that cougicshiTcalo a department of commerce and industries lu the charge of a secretary with a seat in the abinet The United Mules con sular system should he reorganised under thi supervision of this nev depailmeiit upon sin h a basis of appointment and tenure as will render It still more service aide to tlie nations increasing trade J he American government must protect the person and property of eveiy titleu wherever thev aiu wrongfully violated or placed In peril W congratulate tlie women of America upon their splendid reeonl of public serv Ice In tlie volunteer aid asrociatlon and as nurses in cam mid hospital during tho recent campaigns of our armies in the Eastern and Western Indies and we ap preciate their fait lit nl co operation in all works of education and industry President McKinley has conducted the foreign affairs of the United States with distinguished credit to the American peo ple In releasing us from the vexatious conditions of a European alliance for tho government of Samoa his course Is espe cially to be commended Hy securing to our undivided control the most important island of thu Samoan group and the liest harbor In the southern 1aciflo every American interest has been safeguarded Wu approve the annexation of tho Hit wullan islands to the United States Wo commend tho part taken by our government in the peace conference at The Hague We ussert our steadfast adherence to tho policy announced In the Monroe doctrine Iloer KritUh Flunk The provisions of Tho flaguo convention were wisely guarded when President Mc Kinley tendered his offices in tho war bo tvci n Great Urituln und the South Afri can republics While tho American gov ernment niiiFt continue the policy pre scribed ny Washington affirmed by every succeeding president and Imposed upon by The Hiiirue treaty of nonintervention In European controversies the American people earnestly hope that a way may soon be found honorable alike to both contending parties to terminate the strife between them li accepting by the treaty of Paris thu just responsibility of our victories in the Spanish war the president and the senate won the undoubted approval of thoAuicr loan people No other course was possible thun to destroy Spains sovereignty throughout the West Indies and in tho Philippine Islands That course created our responsibility before tho world and with thu unorganized population whom our intervention had freed from Spain to provide for tho maintenance of law and order and for the esalillnhment of good government and for the performance of international obligations Our authority could not be less than our responsibility and wherever sovereign rights were ex tended It became tho high duty of the governmuit to maintain its authority to put down armed insurrection and to con for thu blessings of liberty andclvilkatlou upon all the rescued peoplo Tho largest measure of self government consistent with their welfare and our duties shall bu secured to them bylaw To Cuba inde pendence and self government were as sured in tho same voice by which war wus declnml and to the letter this pledge shall bo performed The Republican party upon its history and upon this declaration of its principles and policies confidently Invokes the con slderute and approving judgment of tho American people Philadelphia June 21 By a vote of 12 to 4 tfee Nebraska delegation selected H B Schneider for national comatitttawMii - SEYHOUKAT PEKING British Admiral Forcc3 His Way to the Capital BEVERAL riOIITB WITII OniNEBE Nnlltrt SilirTnird Hevrrn Iniii During thfl Mmeli Wild Hlorj Tlmt liiiprror U Mm ilntril mill Iniprri liiniiiiir Com ill Icil Mull 1 1 1 n In Simisilliig London lime ill A dispatch from Shanghai dated June 20 says After an arduous march and fre quent fighting with tho Chinese Vice Admiial Heymour arrived at Pelting Hunday afternoon On fivo soecasions the Chinese attacked the column in gieat force There wore many mounted men among the Chinese but most of the natives were badly armed At times they fought with admirable cour age and biavery The losses of tho Chinese during tho march aro esti mated tit fiOO killed Tho losses or tho foreigners were trifling Thu exact state of affairs insidf Pe king it is Impossible to describe in view of tlm many conflicting reports nothing having been received from tho legations of foreigners there liONiios limn 21 The reports of Ad miial Seymours urrival at Poking and of the salety or the legations originat ing ftom Chinese sources and cabled to this city ft nm Shanghai aro still tin veiifled However tho Italian consul at Shanghai has wired lo the Italian minister Senor Viscontl Veuostti that tho legations me safe The lobellion is spreading far and wide There is nu impression in diplo matic ciicles hero and on tho continent that tho allies have not yet grappled with tho situation effectively and that oven fiOOOO I loops would bo powerless to do much to control 1000000 squaro miles Tho lutest story sent out by tho Shanghai gossips is that Prince Tuan president ol the has burned the imperial palace at Pelting and murdered tho emperor and that tho empiesH dowager had committed sai oide Tho ollect ol tho bombardment or tho Tnku forts as described by tho Shang hai cniicHpondcuts was gory in tho ex tieine nothing loss than rivers or blood und mutilated corpses piled up inside tho foils The Hussions guarding Tien Thin tio conling to another report fired artillery ami nfluH June 15 at a tango of 00 yaids into tlio diuiso crowds of attack ing lioxciHitud killed 300 Japan accoiding to a dispatch to tho Daily Mail fiom Yokohama intends to land an cpiditiou at Von Chow MAKE ANOTHER ADVANCE IIiIIIhIi IiiUu Miiehniloilfirp Aflel Heavy inuiiHiiiriil Willi Artillery London June J I The Rntisli havo penetiiited Ttansvaal territory as far as Machiidndorp Passengers who ar rived at Ixaireir Marque tell of heavy artillery being engaged and that tho Doers abandoned Machiidndorp retreat ing northward President Krugor is still at Alkiiitiar Doer bulletins regard ing General Dewets opunitions along Loid Roberts communications assert that two convoys were captured and 800 workmen with 60 military taken prisoners Oin Fur Cornell Cullage Ckoak Haimuh Juno 21 Attorney Edgar J Hrackett a member of the state senate of New York yesterday made a donation of 1110000 to Cornell college of Mount Vernon In It ii understood that a chair has been en dowed but tho character of tho new department lias not been given out Mr Brackctt is a graduate of the olass of 1872 Klllm by a Uve Wire Gaikna Kan June 21 City Mar slial Milfoid Parker was killed last night A telephone wire had fallen across the sidewalk and he picked it up to wrap it around a post Ho walked a distance of about 10 feet with it in his hands when ho suddenly pitched for ward dead In pulling tho wiro to tio it np it touched a livo wiro which con nected the current Fighting Kiirett rire HouoiiTov Mich June 21 Mass City in Ontauagon county has been fighting forest fires all day and tho de struction of tho town was proveuted only by favoriug east winds which aided in holdiug tho flamos in check I Tho town has sawmills and copper mines with about 1000 peoplo Tho danger is not yet past Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day KoraMKihorowticRoaKrw took