The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Mrs W AY DoWItt vih upyoMorday
from Stanton
O P Ferris wns a rity visitor ycstor
tiny from Stanton
Miss Kato ONeill was horo yesterday
from Battle Creek
Conductor Kox will spend Sunday
with Alliion friends
IM OShoa was a Norfolk visitor from
tMadicon ytFtorday
W H Branson returned lntt evening
from a trip to Sioux City
Arthur Pilgtr was a Norfolk visitor
yesterday from Madison
Miss Molllo Taylor was n city visitor
yesterday from Battle Creek
Mrs Ferdinand Hnnso lms gone to
Jlot Springs P D for her health
Mr and Mrs 1 A Shurtz returned
laRt night from their visit to Omaha
Misses Florence and Mnblo Estabrook
wont to Madison yesterday to visit
W H Johnson returned last evening
from a business trip to Omaha and
Miss Mamie McNeil has accepted a
position as cleric in this dry goodH store
of Bnnm Bros
Mrs O I Bonford and son Morris left
this morning for their now homo in
Glintbn Iowii
G T Sprocher moved his family yes
t unlay to tho Mnrplu house on South
Fourteenth street
Miss Mart lm Parker who has been
teaching in Omaha Is expooted homo
tomorrow for tho summer
Tho Indies of tho Presbyterian church
nro arranging to ivo nn entertainment
untitled tho Peneh Sistera
Mrs Agnes Lee who has been clerk
ing in Baum Pros left yesterday noon
for Wyoming where sho will make her
MisB Oevtrudo Watson departed this
morning for Denver where she will
Bpend thoBvmmer with her brother Or
Mrs A O Alexander and daughter
Mable who have beon visiting with tho
formers sistor Mrs W P Williams
departed for homo yesterday
Miss Mattio Simmons canio down
from Battle Creok yesterday to meet
her sistor Elsie who is returning from
tho stato normal Bchool at Peru
Upon their return from Omaha last
ovenitig Mr and Mrs P A Shurtz
were accorded a vigorous nud noisy chir
ivari Tho demonstration was not in
vain for tho treats were boon forth
Just ns Tin Nuws is about to go to
press it is learned that Geo HolVmau
who has been very sick at his homo
south of tho river died this aftoruoon
Further particulars aro unobtainable at
this hour
Childrens Day exorcises will bo held
at tho First Congrogntiounl church Sun
day morning at 1015 A program of
oxeroiFos will bo published tomorrow
A full rehearsal of tho school is desired
touight at the church
D J Koonigstein and family camo
homo from Lincoln last night where
they hnvo been visiting Mrs Koonig
steins mother Mrs Waldron who has
boon nud still is very sick with but
slight hopes of recovery
Editor J B Donovan of tho Mudison
Star wns in tho city yesterday Mr
Donovan has been sick for tho past
three weeks and expects to leave tomor
row night in compnuy with his wife
for Hot Springs S D where ho hopes
to recuperato his health
Frank Osboru returned this noon
from Lincoln having completed tho
four years course in tho stato university
mid received tho degree B So His
mother who has been attending tho
commencement exercises and visiting
friends in Lincoln returned with him
Miss Irene Tunomau will leavo tomor
row for Denver Col whero sho will
visit during tho summer Lust evening
MiEB Clara Rudat gave a farewell pnrty
in her liouor at the home of her mother
ou North Eighth street and tho occa
KJcu proved u very enjoyable one
The News was in error in stating
that the list of personal property pub
lished in Inst evenings issuo was tho
propertv of rlie precinct It was tho
schedule of tho city only Tho items
and value of the persoual property of
tho precinct will probably bo presented
du a few days
Fierce Itoyn ilo up the Norfolk Team to the
Time of 14 to 12
There was a fair attendance and con
siderable iuterest at the bull game lust
-evening between Pierce and Norfolk
The game was called nt fi oclock nnd
was not completed until 7 J0 Mayor
Jftobertsou threw the first ball nnd no
cording to an eyo witness he only missed
putting it across tho plate by n trifle
more than 12 feet and he is satisfied
with the fact thnt the batter didnt find
The game wns a very fair oue with
two or three exceptions and tho teams
wore very fairly matched Walter Pil
ger acted as umpito and gnvo very fair
decisions Ho changed his decisious
twice nt the enrnest request of the visit
ing team and decided tho points in their
favor The Norfolk boys did little kiek
ing but the impression seemed to pre-
vail nmong thnm thnt they would have
won linil tho nmpiro adhered to his orig
nnl decisions In tho two instances above
referred to Tho following is tho way
tho tenuis lined up on tho diamond
IMiiftn Norfolk
WutMiti o J KomiiIkMoIii
IVtrrxni p A KoeulKMelii
llitxittlrr H Wntfon
llrrlort It Wrlxlit
loll Ill Iliiriiull
tlrown SI Dixon
Unit If Ix
McDiiiiiild cf Hoiiilctlidi
VtiluVriilir rf Worrell
The following U tho score of tho
game by innings
Piorco 0 1 0 6 a i J 0 0 14
Norfolk 0 it 0 l 2 0 1 0 0 12
Norfolk IoIk A I W iitul DrRrcn or
Honor llnltii In tint
Norfolk lodgo No 117 A O U W
and Protection lodgo No 101 Degree of
Honor million very successful observ
ance of Floral day yosterday Tho
members began to assemble nt I O O F
hall about 10 oclock in tho morning but
on account of tho Christian Science
church which is held in that hull they
adjourned shortly nfterwnrd to Tin
Nrws olllco At 1 1 oclock a procession
of about 10 members of tho orders was
formed each wenring n bndgo and a
roso nud n march was mndo to tho llrst
limit 1st churoh whero Row W 11
Eaton also a member of tho order had
arranged to givo a special discourso
Tho church was nicely docornted with
lings bunting cut Ilowors nud potted
Row Eaton took as his text tho two
words Our Father from tho second
verse of tho 11th chapter of Lnko and
from it gavo u very lluo address on tho
fellowship of man not only as applied
to lodgo fraternity but in tho general
walks of lifo IUh central thought was
our fnniily relationship which while it
grants great privileges also imposos
grnvo responsibilities When tho words
our fnthor nro used thoy imply n com
mon compnet with tho people of tho
world nnd while wo may tako pleasure
in tho thought that tho rioli nnd power
ful aro brothers and sisters tho fact
cannot be ignored that tho lowly and de
graded are entitled to tho same privi
lege His romarks found a responsive
sentiment in tho brensts of hiB hearers
In tho afternoon nt nbout oclock tho
members of tho orders wero convoyed
by threo wagonettes and a numbor
of privato carriages to Prospect Hill
cemetery whero tho impressivo Floral
day exercises as prepared by tho grand
lodgo woro read by Master Workman
H L Spulding and Past Mister Work
man O G Doleu over tho grnvo of tho
late Frank Wise Tho grave wns then
decorated with many beautiful llornl
oTeriugs aftor which tho members
movod to tho gravo of Mrs Geo Mc
Arthur which was decorated under the
nuspices of tho Degreo of Honor Rev
Eaton offering a prayer
Tho membership then returned to
their homes very well satisfied with tho
successful tittciidiinco nnd manner in
which tho day had boon observed
A Pi oiVhIi Hull Uaiup
A ball game is boiug plnnned for
Tuesday and will bo hot ween tho lawyers
ou ono sido nud tho doctors dentists
nud druggists on tho other Much
amusement is anticipated froin tho
games It is alleged that tho teams
will lino up as follows
Lnwyerc Doctors
Hurt Miiies c lty Seymour
JuiIku HurntB p A K Leonard
Mayor itoburtBon t O S Purkor
V II Frio II Alfred Gorocko
M D Tylor 2b J 11 Mackay
1 L Whitham 3b Clmrles Mmleeu
I J Kiieuiisbtciii rf J KoenlKftoiU
M C IlitZKii cf l A Hryant
E I Weatborby If A Hear
The nbove will bo a bonefit ganio for
Norfolk bnse ball club Admission 10
A Wife Says
V7c have four children With the first
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform I used three
bottles of Mothers Friend before our last
child came which
is a str on fat and
healthy boy doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of brth and suf
fered but a few hard 0
pains This lini
ment is the grand
irt remedy ever
will do for every woman what It did for the
Minneiota mother who writes live above let
ter Not to use it during fttpxincy to a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering
Mothers Friend equips the patieat with a
sttong body and clear intellect which in
turn ate imparted to the chili It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness
t puis all the organs concerned in perfect
coraition for the final hour so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breads is altogether
avoided and recovery is merely a matter oi
a few days
Druggists sell Mothers FrlcnJ tor I a bottle
The Braufleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
Send for our free illustrated book
Miss Grace Mntrnu is on the sick list
Miss Opal Mndsen is on the sick list
Ciooi L lies is homo from South
Judge Cones was in tho city todny
from Pierce
1 MoNolll will come homo tomorrow
from liloomfleld
Miss Fannio Uromo is expected homo
from Omnlia this evening
Olinrles Blorsdorf went to Plnlnview
this noon to visit friends
Kimball Bnnics returned last evening
from tho state university
Mrs F Koorbor went to Omnha this
morning to visit over Sunday
Mrs Hnrrington living on Thirteenth
street is quite sick with scarlet fever
Dr Tlioinno tho Way tin oste6pathiBt
was the gnest of Dr Scoboo over night
Miss Allio Conloy has returned from
Fremont whero sho lias been uttendiug
Miss May Wallnco whb in tho city
this morning from Pierco on her way to
Tho Bon Ton restaurant is being em
bellished by tho application of n fresh
coat of paint
Miss Abbio Thomas who has been
visiting Mrs S K Long retnrued to
Madison yesterdny
T II Wyun returned to Omalin yes
terday nfter a viBit of a fow days with
Norfolk frionds
MiBB Nina Walker wont to Albion
this morning to attend a convention of
tho Y P S C E
Miss Poarl Reese will go to Fremont
Monday to attend tho summer term of
tho normal school
Mrs S II Brown of Niobrarn who
has beon visiting her son roturued to
her homo this noon
Col J 13 Simpson met with th3 re
publican county central committeo nt
Buttle Creek yesterday
Goorgo Krnbleu who hns been sick
loft yoBtordny morning for Epiphany
S D to tnko treatment
Miss Clark ono of tho Pierco teachers
wns in the city this morning ou her wny
to her homo in Columbus
Drs Salter and Salter performed an
operation this morning on Mrs Ticrney
sister of Mrs W P Williams
Miss Hnttio Mather and Mrs J 1
Clements left todny for Delaware
county Iowa to visit relatives
J F Gutcher and family will soon
leavo for Missouri Valley Iowii whero
thoy will make thoir homo in future
Miss Lottio Sidler has resigned her
position as clerk in tho Johnson dry
goods store to tnko effect this evening
Geo Collins of Sioux Fulls S D
will spend Sunday with his mother in
this city whilo on his wny to Denver
Miss 1311a Bnrrett roturued Inst night
from Omnha Sho is going to Bed Onk
Iowa Tuesday to teach n class in short-
There wns n danno at Warnervillo last
evening and quite a number of young
foils from Norfolk nttended tho enter
Chuck Brome son of Mr nnd Mrs H
O Brome of Omnhn is expected hero to
day to visit at tho homo of his grand
father Levi Bromo
Mrs Fred Linerodo aud 6ister Mrs
Hugh McFarqunr of Salidn Col left
today for Chicago to visit their brother
who iB very sick
County Surveyor W H Lowe re
turned this noon from Antelope county
where ho has been doing some civil
engineering tho past week
Mrs Henry Temberg and family
who have been visiting nt the home of
L E Wnllorstndt returned to their
homo in Oakland this afternoon
The last of the Bishop houses is now
inside tho city limits and will soon be
on its new locntion next to Mrs Belle
Gnrlingers residence on North Eleventh
Todny is tho birthdny of Rev S F
Sharpless and as ho intended going
away tho event wa8 celobrated Inst
evening by his friends taking supper
with him
W II Rish nnd S G Dean have re
turned from Omalm whero they at
tended a session of tho grand lodge
A F A M Wednesday and Thurs
day representing Mosaic lodge No 55
The bathing season is on in full blast
the popular resort being at Tafts grove
south of the city where it is said large
unmbers of bathers are immersed in the
cooling waters of the Elkhom almost
every nfteruoou
Mr and Mrs R A Stewart enter
tained the members of the Browning
club at their homo on West Norfolk
avenue at a lawn party last evening A
very pleasant oveniug wns spent by
members of that organization
Mendow Grove Press Mr Warner
living north of town better known ns
Old Grizley met with quite n serious
accident Inst week by beiug tossed into
the air by nn unruly cow thereby re
ceiving sevornl broken ribs At last re
ports he was getting along nicely
Battle Creek Republican A full
blood Humbletouinu stallion belouging
to W B Vail of Norfolk died on Wed
nesday nt Dufpheys livery barn He
wns a fine animal and tho owner claims
ho refnsed nn offer of 1200 for him n
week or so ngo Dr McKim wns called
up from Norfolk to treat him but wns
Nowmnn Grovo Herald Wo are
sorry to lenrn of tho rcfiignntion of Miss
Hartley from tho corps of tenchers in
our public schools A good tenchor
ought to bo retained by all means for n
lifetimo at least It is rumored that
Miss Hartley intends nccepting n life
timo school with only ono pupil Sho
leaves today for Norfolk
P B Titus who lives six miles south
east of Stanton was badly if not
fntnlly injured during a runa
way nt Stanton Tuesday Ho wns
dragged by tho team across Maskenthino
crock brldgo near tho crenmory and was
thrown with such force against tho lxl
posts forming tho railing thnt ono wns
broken At tho time tho Picket wns
published ho was still unconscious al
though his only broken bono was his
Thoso who drivo into tho country
speak in great elation of the mugniilcont
promiso of nbuudaut harvest this fall
If tho weather continues ns fnvorublo
during tho balance of tho growing sea
son ns it has thus far Nebraska farmers
aro likely to scoro a record breaker in
tho way of produce It is said by those
Save the Middlemans
Profits by Buying Direot
from tht ISanufactunr
HAVE decided that in fu
ture I shall sell my manu
factures direct to the con
sumer saving them the
jobbers also the retailers pro
fit 1 guarantee them in the
following particulars viz Ab
solutely true scale perfect
workmanship and correct
adjustment of strings
OUR 269
reduced from 1 is genuine blrchwood
beautiful rosewood finishrosewood finger
board position dots American patent head
standard sire We include FREE with
every Guitar an extra set of strings aud a
valuable self instructor
reduced from 500 is same as above with
extra celluloid bound edges best French
finish neatly inlaid soundhole a magnifi
cent guitar
Free Free
A Qenulne Walo Silver Steel String
for vour Violin Mandolin Uultar or
Banjowillbesent absolutely free to any
address on receipt of a 2 cent stamp for
return postage
Send for Walos Catalogue of All
fluslca Instruments and Furnishings
Latest up-to-date Band Orchestra
and Piano Music Catalogues on appli
No 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo
Pine Kcrnlrlnc a Specialty
Watch tor Our Next Unntalns
I J Johnson spent Sunday in Oinahn
Father Wnlshwas in Battle Creek
S G Dean was a visitor to Madison
Ed Norton was a pnssenger this
morning for Mndison
Mrs McFnddon of Columbus waB a
city visitor yesterday
Row J P Muoller was a passenger
this morning for Hooper
John Wnnner of Stanton visited his
brother in this city yesterday
Prof G II Whaloy of Neligh spont
Sunday with friends in tho city
Arnold Hcilmnn of Mndison spent
Sundny with his parents in this city
Jos Horriskey will lenve Wednesday
for Pocntelln Idaho to spend tho sum
Dr Georgo Wilkinson of Omnlia is in
tho city today looking nfter specinl
Misses Emma Inhcldor nnd Ethel
Chilvers wero in tho city yesterdny from
Commissioner Winter went to Mndi
son this morning to nttend n meeting of
tho board
Mrs 13 M Huntington hns gone to
t Dodge Iowa to visit with relntives
who have observed that tho crops look
better this spring than for 10 or 15 years
past Everybody hopes that the nbund
nut promiso will bo realized
J W Edwards who owns tho race
track in tho pasture north of his horse
shoeing Bhop which ho keeps in fine
condition states that bicylists are at
liberty to use it at any tinio when it is
not boiug used for driving purposes
Mr Edwnrds usos it himself an hour or
two during tho evening and at that time
of course will want no bicycles on
This will bo an excellent opportunity for
scorchers to speed nud when they feel
tho desire to cut tho air they should tako
ndvantngo of Mr Edwnrds generous
oiler and not abuse street and sidewnlk
privileges in tho city Other horse
owners who desire tho use of a track
should speak to Mr Edwards
SprluK Schedule on tlie Nlcklo Plato Kouil
lClleetlvo May I 1000
Ft Wuyno Findlay Fostoria Belle
vuo Lorain Cleveland Ashtabula
Couneaut Girard Erie Chautauqua
Lake Dunkirk Buffalo as well as Now
York Boston nnd all intermediate
points in New England New York
stnto nnd tho nuthrncito coal regions
are renched on fast time and lowest
rates of fare by trains of theNicklo Plate
road Leavo Chicago 10115 a m 3 30
p in ioyo p in witn up-to-date
drawing room sleeping cars Unex
celled dining cars on through Boston
and Now Yoik train at 10 15 a m nud
Now York City fust oxpress train lenv
iug Chicago at 5 30 p m All trains
run daily Train leaving Chicago nt
2 30 p in has observation car east of
Buffalo over tho Lnckawanna road ar
riving in Now York City 725 p m
every day in the year in good shape for
evening entertainments Secure sleep
ing cur spaco in advance Write wire
or phono 2057 central to J Y Cainhnn
general ngent Chicago 111
Wanted Several bright and honest
persons toropresent us as mnnngers in
this aud close counties Salary 00 a
year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less Balary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted nt homo References Enclosed
self- nddreBsed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dept 8 Chicago
Buy your tinware at the Cash Hard
ware Store and save money
a short time
W P Evans editor of tho Meadow
Grove Press spent Sunday with his
parents in this city
Mrs Bentley ono of Tildens school
teachers has been viBitiug Norfolk
friends several dayB
F A Fisher is moving his family nud
household goods to Humphrey where
ho formerly resided
Mr nud Mrs C E Ilutton and chil
dren of Pierce wero in the city yester
day enroute to Neligh
Chas E Green who went with tho
oxenrsion to Sioux City yesterdny will
spend a few days there
A 13 Bullock went to Sioux City
again this morning to look after his
busiuess interests there
Miss Nora Conway of the Tohnsou
Dry Goods company went to Sioux City
on tho excursion nnd visited her sister
County Attorney M D Tylor went to
Madison this morning to attend tho
ingof tho board of county commissioners
Miss Agues Perry of Wisner this
morning accepted a position ns clerk
with the Johnson Dry Goods company
Robt Utter went to Mndison this
morning to open up an art exhibit dur
ing the Mndison county teachers insti
Mr and Mrs Alfred Gerecke aro now
nicely settled nt housekeeping in the
cottnge on South Tenth street recently
vncated by W 13 Alexander
The item published Saturday in re
gard to Mrs Harrington having the
Ecarlet fever was a mistake Her little
son wno nau the disease is convales
Mr and MrsJohn Peters of Albion
spent Suuday in the city guests of Mr
and Mrs W II Widamau Mr Wida
mau aud Mrs Peters are brother and
Miss Lucy Williams was in the city
yesterday from Omaha on her wny to
Madison where she will instruct the
Madison county teachers in primary
Guy Barnes who has been home from
the university for a week returned to
Lincoln this morning where he will
attend a summer school during the
coming six weeks
A number of young lads from Pierce
came down Saturday to play ball with a
team of like weights composed of Nor
folk young men The Norfolk boys
won out with a scoro of 21 to U
Mr Ely of Ainsworth who has been
visiting Sidney Robertson for a few
days on hie way home from the state
university went to Pierce today for a
short visit with another schoolmnte
C B Holahan received a telegram
this afternoon from St Pnul Minn
announcing that Mrs Holahuus father
had died at 1 oclock today Mrs Hol
ahan was with him at tho time of his
The Omaha Illustrated Bee contains
a fine likeness of W Dwight Pierce
formerly of this city and who
here last summer He was one
four honor graduates of tho
High school
It is noticed by a telegram from Chey
enne in the Omaha Bee that Superinten
dent E C Harris has been offered a
position by the Northwestern road
His friends need never fear that a man
with the ability of E 0 Harria will
ever starve
T H Hooker living 10 miles south
east of the city had three horses killed
by lightning during Saturdays storm
Two other horses were injured by tho
bolt and Mr Hooker also felt its effect
quite seriously Tho loss is a serious
one and Mr Hooker could ill afford it
Eugeue Austiu who has been nu ef
ficient employo of this oilice left yester
day morniug for Lo Mars Iowa whero
ho will bo joined by Clifford Stern and
together they will mako a trip taking in
Minneapolis Duluth Winnipeg then go
west to the uionntoius and into Wyom
ing He expects to be absent perhaps
I three mouths
I Columbus Journal
of the
Hon John K
Huys republican candidnto for congress
was in tho city Fridny renewing old
ncquaintnncos nnd mnking now ones
Wo nro sntisfled thnt if ho and his op
ponent could travel the district over and
debate tho issues and get personally
acquainted with the voters HnyB would
be our next congressman Success to
Tho nnunnl session of tho Mndison
County Tenchers institute convened to
dny nt Madison for a courso of instruc
tion in methods in teaching Tho insti
tute promises to bo lnrgely attended
John Barnes jr of this city wont over
to assist Superintendent Crum in tho
examinations Miss Lucy Williams
will instruct in primary methods
Among thoso who went over from hero
to nttend tho session were Misses Grace
Mntrnu Ratio McNeil Nellie Morrow
Margaret Morrow Winuifred Jeffories
Otelia Pilger Chnrlotto Kuhl Maude
Dingman nnd Mr Homnu Wnlkor
Yesterday was observed by the Congro
gationnl nnd Methodist churches as Chil
drens dny ThoCongregntionnl Sunday
school observed tho day with very pleas
ing exorcises in the forenoon tho children
tnking leading parts Tho church was
nicely decorated and tho exercises were
entertnining Kov G H Main of tho
M E church gavo n special Bormon to
children in tho forenoon nnd in tho
evening the Sunday school gavo thoir
exercises appropriate to the day tho
church beiug nicely decorated with
flowers Tho Baptist Sunday school
will hold its childrens day exercises
next Suuday
About 150 Norfolk people took advant
age of the excurrfiou yesterday to Sioux
City over the O St P M O road
aud the crowd wns added to by each
town along tho lino until when Sioux
City was reached tho train consisting
of 12 coaches was literally packed
The weather was exceedingly propitious
for the outing and these who partici
pated enjoyed the occasion to the
utmost Whilo many visited tho parks
and witnessed tho ball games nud other
sports others improved tho opportunity
to view the city nud its sights The
train returned nt a Into hour Inst night
the excursionists having very thor
oughly enjoyed tho dny
At a special meeting of the city
couucil held nt tho council chamber Sat
urday afternoon called for tho purpose
of passing upou the official bonds of the
city treasurer and water commissioner
as well as for the purpose of hearing the
report of the committee appointed nt
tho last meeting as to the condition of
the funds in the hands of the city treas
urer bonds of both officers were offered
and approved aud the committee re
ported that an examination of the books
of the city trensurer showed them to be
correct and all moneys on hand The
mayor and all members of the council
wero present at tho meeting except
Heckman aud Spellmau
The Salvation Aruiy War Cry of hist
week published a very excellent half
tone likeness of the late Davidson
Ameriue together with this comment
by 11 0 Allen drummer for Cnptaiu
and Mrs Dunn Norfolk Neb bear
a great loss by the death of Brother
Davidson Ameriue He hud been a
soldier in tho United States service
fought a good many bnttles and finally
received an honorable discharge When
the Salvation Army opened here he
became a soldier and often testified and
declared that he was fighting for an
other honorable discharge that he had
enlisted in the Salvation Army for life
and that he would get it and he has
Blessed are the dead who die in the
The North Nebraska college building
located at Madison was Btruck by light
ning during Saturday nights storm and
was completely burned nothing but the
four walls remaining The building was
outside the city six blocks beyond the
reach of the waterworks Bystem Tho
lightning struck in tho dome and the
fire quickly spread from there It
burned for quite awhile before being
noticed and when an alarm was sounded
it was a mass of llanies E A Whit
warn of Illinois formerly president of
the institution owns a controlling in
terest in the stock but was negotiating
a sale to eastern parties who contem
plated reopening it Tho building had
been unoccupied for about five years
The loss is nevertheless a serious ono
to Madison as the prospects were good
that a school would be reopened therein
this fall The amount of insurance
carried iB not known
Agent Wanted
We want nn active agent in Norfolk
and vicinity to represent the largest
evergreen nurseries in tho U S A full
line of hardy fruits shado and orna
mental trees shrubs etc Three plans
pay weekly Address at once The
Elgin Nurseries Elgin Illinois
rvsvitr jtopi bctusc the weather A
Kj l winn j
fy Then why stop takinij ft
simply because its summer j
if Keep taking it It will heal your A
S lungs and make them strong for
y another winter J
jf foe and fiooj all drag jilts Jfe