i Theftottfolkfieuas Consistency hm t fl ablilltiK ilioi within tlio ilomomitlu miike Jho onninrmtorll t yo of yo ilont writohoiit ntnl lioll nrolmbly Kt you if yon do witch out Hokh Mild In this stuto In ISllilut V Tlil your t hoy broii lit I l Morul Aoto for tho doniooratlo ltind of nionpor ity mid Rood old t linos llcnldont MdClnloy witnewsod tho total Icllnso of tho huh it Koit Momoo VlrKlnlii thusKPttliiKim r ll0W Mr Hryiui would look after tho lotums mo In not No umber Tho republican statu ticket Is KiiiniiiK In pupuluiity with each Htipcoodiiii dny and It now looks as though tho majority which has boon aaliiFt tho loimblicaii party in Xobiiska will bo mvoisod this fall It is to bo hoped that tho fuhionists willboabloto avo oiiohkIi out of tho dolirlH cmsod by tho wreck of tho vari ous partios concerned In tho dual to innko at lonat a showiiif In tho prosidon tial cantimiHii Tho f unionists have no patience with tho proposed nutl trust luKislation by tho present congress They would like 1ho trust issue to lemaln alive until after tho campaign Their sympathies nro not as much with tho pooplo as with lomociatie party interests Fusionists continue to ivo evidence that thoy hate a man with principles with a deep and abiding hatred Their continued and severe denunciation of ISarkcr and Donnelly and their follow ers beais conclusive evidence thai they do not believo in political liberty but have a profound lovoienco for tho polit ical tniBt When the tnsiouists anive at tho point whoie they can got rid of grood for olllco and can piesent better argu ments than bunconib and platitudes for tho approal of tho peonle they may hope for an inciease in their votes A thinking Miiisiblo people deniaud facts thoy demand sincerity and they re spect party bravorv and honor ldgar llowaid of the Papillion Tunes might havo at loast excepted tho freo silver and the fusion trusts when he stated that tho republican paity is io sponsible for all trusts and In view of tho Nebraska anti trust law and tho populist rule of tho state ho might with propriety havo excepted the ice and othor Nebraska trusts whiohare said to exist W J Hryan is now being intorviowod inrogaul to faun hfo farm1 methods nml farm products Tho grand old farmer has been one since letuiinng from one of his extondod tours a mouth or two ago and is piolmbly preparing to bo called Knrmor Hryan during the coming campaign as the boy orator of tho Platte will not sotwell on a man of -10 odd buinniers Tho fnsiouists aro already working tholr unscrupulous prognostioators over tinio in a fruitless endeavor to givohomo grounds for the assumption that Hryan may be elected tins fall They niado glittering arrays of Uguron in 18W but the election returns knocked them all silly and it will probably bo as woll not to call him President Bryan until after tho votes aro coautod this fall In ISOli Oregon was carried for Mo Kiuloy by a majority of 1951 at the state election held there Monday the Topublican ticket was elected by MH to 8000 In ono congiessional distriot a republican was elected by a majority estimated at oOOO to 7000 If f iiBiouists desiro a straw to indicate how tho wind is blowing let them tako tho returns fiom Oiegon it is reliable medicino Tho effort made in the M 1 gonoral o Hiferonco to condemn President MeKin leys attorney gouoral for not piolnbit mg tho regimental canteen cannot bo taken to mean that those supporting the report would support the doinociatic nominee as thoy undoubtedly fully realize that it would bo somowhat liko hearohing for a needle in a hay btack to tlud a democrat with prohibition tend encies President McKinloy at Antietani said There must bo comfort in tho fact that American soldiers never surrendered to any one but American soldiers This is a fact to bo prond of indeed Hut the fusionists would like it clmniiod if their words mean anything Thoy would like to see the Ainoricau soldiers in tho Philippines surrender to tho Tagals Oh yes thoy are patriotic Who said they werent A Now York contractor is reported as Saying that ho can get 110000 men iu that city to work for 1 JiOporday Why didnt ho muke it MX 000 a few hun dred thousand shouldnt mako tho dem ocratic machine halt Perhaps tho most convincing method would hae boon to produce the men or ho might endeavor to orgauive a Coxey army of unem ployed Thero are a great many people ifke the man from Missouri who had to tao shown The fnsiouists of Saliue havo strurlpd tholr delPKtitei to tho legislature to olo for Hryan and Allun forjlTnltpd States senators This Is a little prema ture in that It is a ioiipesioii men be fore nominations are made that MeKln ley will beio electod and the friends of Hryan want to make a soft place on which he may fall What tho fusion islsneodtsa little of this republican eontidoneo that they had so much fun with In IHM until the votes were counted It must teiiilro an Insurmountable heap of gall for tho democratic paity to pose as tho friend of labor and thoy do so to the complete ignoring or their past recoid It has not lately been announced thai what labor demanded was tho Oovey army and free soup house system that prevailed when domociacy was last In power and It should bo re membered for at least a generation During thai campaign labor believed their false pi omlses of prosperity high wages and high pi lees for farm pioducts but the realisation stamped tholr pro fessions as tho veriest frauds Hoys with hats on tho backs of thoir heads and long hair hanging down over their foiohoads mid cigarettes and smutty stories in their mouths aro cheaper than old worn out horses Nobody wants thoni at any prico Men will not oinploy them and girls will not marry thorn Thoy aro not woith tholr keeping to anybody and thoy will never bo able to Icoop theinsolvos If any boy happens to road this who answers to this description lot him tako a good thoughtful look nt himself mid then do what his cotiscienco says Is the best thing to do Heaver Oity Tribune Mr Richard Orokor has giveu his pei mission that Bryan should cling to his freo silver fallacy admitting that it would bo fatal for him to drop it in view of tho noise ho niado about it in I MM It seems to bo the understanding howeer that Mr Bryan is to cling to it for ronionibrauco sake only and that ho will not be permitted or cannot injure tho interests of tho gold bugs on Wall street of which Mr Orokor is ono IIo also claims that Mr Bryans rule will bo marked by bravory and a living up to principles but that he does not fear his free silver sontiiuont marks oithor Mr Orokor or Mr Bryan or both as insin cere Mr Crokors iutorviow concern ing Bryan is not likely to provo his host campaign document Bryan may succood in winning tho loaders of Tammany to his cause but it is vory evident that thero aro a larger number of domocrnts who will not fol low their load Tho Indiana gold dom ociats in no uncertain terms auuouncod their abhorrouco of Bryanisiu and in commenting on their action J Sterling Mortons Conservative of this state says A reunited democracy with Bryan is unposiiblo Tho statement issued by tho conforonco of gold domocrats of ludiaua Indicates quite accurately tho feeliug among tho Palmor Buckuor men It roafllrnis tho platform adopted by tho uatioual domocratic convention at Indianapolis in ISOli denounces Bryau as an uusteady dangerous man and declaros an unwillingness to sup port him upon any platform Tho Grand Island Independent thinks that thepatriotismof AdmiraljSchloy is liable to bo questioned It is rumored that tho heart of tho admual doos not burn with an uncontrollable desiro to bo a vice presidential caudidato on tho agin ticket which is to bo headed by Colonel Bryau and thus lead a forlorn hope The Independent pays Dosent the ndmhal know that the democratic party is al theio is loft of freedom and tho declaration of independence Isnt it about time that he realizes that the ono hope the beacon light of freedom tho preservation of the lights of the peoplo equnlity boforo tho law all all is in the deniocratio paity I It appears ho doesnt for ho wants to know what ho has done that it should be desired to connect him with tho ticket in that manner Is it any wonder that niauy of the fusionists aro consideied domogogues of the woist sort Is it any wonder that they aio losing lnllueuco with tho P nlo Is it any wondor that thoy nro son mes classed ns dangerous citizens Tl r illowiug is a samplo of their logic and would seom to indicato that they do not deseive prosponty iu any extont whatever Tho following item ap peared iu one column of tho Stanton Register verbatim The Dun Brad street prosperity reports are not so bright and highly colored as they used to be Thoy aro talking of falling prices and a lighter volume of business Can it be possible that goldito prosperity hsa shped n cog and is -now ruuaing back ward Iu another coluuiu of the same issue was this- This editor relensod nearly i00 worth of mortgages this week Tho po itnl frauds in Cuba are to be deplored an 1 it is to be hoped tlmt those connected with or responsible for the bteals will be brought speedily to puuish uient in fact few doubt but that they will It is interesting to note that these disclosures have not embittered the Oubaus ngaiust this government Tho Cubauo a leading journal of that island says Cuba is not primarily interested but she looks to sea what the THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 7 J 900 United States will do Fraud is not tho monopoly of any nation and there Is a gioat dilleronct between tho frnuils of the postoflleoand thosecommltted under the Spanish regime Now thorough in estigatiou is being madowith a view of punishing tho criminals In foimer days tho criminals went scot freo Tho Americans aio proving thoinselvos more honest than the govorntneiit which ruled Cuba for 100 years Fusionists expresssurpriso that some lopublicau forecaster Ins placed No briska to Bryans credit in tho coining campaign Thoy never concodo any thing to tho lopublloaus often oven when tho votes aio counted and they cannot appreciate this honest opinion Based on tho fact that this is Bryans homo state and that Itgave him a ma jority of something liko JOOOO votes iu lslfl In tho Hryan column would bo tho only way for an houost classification but it is not certain that former returns will Indtcato how Nebraska is going Tho sentiment of Nebraska voters has undergone a wonderful change during the past four years and to many it would not bo surprising If Nebraska was placed In the McKinloy column this fall Howovor the logical thing to do would bo io concede It to Bryan and agreeably surprise tho republicans and disappoint tho fusionists by the change Tho soldiors fighting in tho Philip pines do not tako kindly to the attitude of fusionists on tho question mid repeat odly lay at tho doors of tho autis tho responsibility of death to ninny Ameri can soldier boys Lewis S llynn of Company K Forty Fifth United States volunteers writing to his father at Lincoln says Iuotowhat is mid iu regard to the natives having backing from outsido powers but I am sorry to say their strongest backing comos from tho United States The insurgents con tinue lighting becauso certain traitors havo by speeches and acts givou tho Filipinos to uudorstuud If they just hold out a little lougor tho noxt presi dential olection will bring a change of putynnda withdrawal of troops I know whereof I speak for I havo road many of tho insurgents newspapers wherein thoy quote tho speeches of stntosinan and lawmakers 1 glory iu thoso speeches and say in substance that If tho robols hold on a little lougor tho hatod American soldior will bo de feated and disgraced by his own coun try It is ovideut that association with Aguinaldos patriots does not tend to io belief that ho is a Georgo Washington ud a hero as tho autis in this country would havo tho pooplo bolieve Even their tried and true who have gone to that country havo returned with praiso for tho United States and its action in tho islands on their lips Tho Manila Times of April 15 has this to say of tho men who are lighting for liberty to increase their atrocities Tho insurg ents by their noble and human acts are rapidly qualifying for heaven At least thoy are showing tho need to re move thorn from tho earth Every ad ditional murder of a defenceless prisouor is another black mark against them though they havo now so much black on thoir record that a tar brush would mako a white mark on it This time thoy have slaughtered twelve Ohinoso iu tho northern town of Pint Also two Spaniards omployed by the Compauia labacalars Seuoros Ouo and Mosal And yet a native paper in Manila talks of the humanity and culightuieut of Aguinaldos cut throats Tho Nebraska State Board of Agri culture through its secretary Kobt W Furnti3 has issued press tickets to the 3Jnd annual state fair nud exposition to bo hold nt Lincoln Sopteniberilid to 7th Complying with a desire of Nebraska publishers these tickets havo been issued so that they are trnusferrablo and absolutely unlimited as to conditions Tho coupons aro good on any day at tached or detached or by whoover pre sented Secretary Furnas requests the editors on reaching the grounds to call at headquarters whero you will bo provided with freodoui of the grounds daily during your attendance Tho board of ogricultuie is indeed liberal to the publishers this year aud their kind ness will undoubtedly be reciprocated Owing to the fact that expoiitions have been hold in Omaha during the past two years there has been no regular state fair exhibit and it may bo expected that this falls fair will be better and more attractive than ever Announce ments already issued teud to indicate that Hind exhibit of tho Nebraska stato fair nud exposition will be worth going miles to Bee The Fremont Tribune is culling con siderable prosperity literature from tho World Herald the leading calamity sheet of Nebraska nnd the west It finds m Suudnys edition of that paper soino waut advertisements Eight fe males wanted positions while there were W persons wanting female help Of males there were just two advertis ing for positions while there were 03 idveitisements calling for male help one of which wanted 1000 men auother 500 another ten nud auother five Al together theie weie 10 advertisements for places aud 173 for meu nud women to fill places The Tribune says this beats tho ratio of IU to 1 It is 173 to 1 The World Herald however with its notor tlnue to abuFe tho administration yell corruption and calamity and do every thing possible to blind tho pooplo to their best interests Not for many years has labor been so universally em ployed and not for years has democracy ootid it such hard work to mako an is le that will stick It has boon com pelled to soarch tho uttermost cornors of tho oatth for a pretext fot McKlnloys defeat and ovon then It is not likely to result successfully It is nn extromoly dilllcult undertaking to couvinco n man that ho should throw his pocketbook in the sower and go over and help his neighbor weed his garden Tho domocrats aro making nil the capital thoy nan out of tho armyenntcon law which leads ono to suppose that they aio against anything in tho shnpo of intoxicants and may funny thought become prohibitionists The prohibi tionists should not bo deceived by this play however as they mo not likely to receive more than a million recruits from tho domocratic camp whero good old lourlon Is preferred to tho boor of tho at my canteen As a matter of fact it is said that tho army cautoou is much more conducive totompornnceandsobri oty than tho grog shops outsido tho army It is woll known that there aro thousands of Boldiers and probably tho largo majority iu tho army who valuo something to drink almost abovo their rations aud will havo it iu siite of all tho precautious that may bo taken It is certain that tho ovil uudor army io stnctions cannot provo as serious ns whero thoy cannot bo controlled Tho army surely cannot ba bettor morally than the average ruu of citirons who insist upon their licensed saloons and thoso who desiro tho army rid of its canteen should at tho saino time rid the country of the saloons which has thus far proven uu impossible tnBk This is a phase of tho question however that tho domocrats will not ondorso They desiro to have tho soldier boys rofused privilegf s for political reasons only which thoy will not themselves forego Chanty to the starving peoplo of In dia is all right but the distressed and sulVering aud dying near homo should ba lirst taken care of Iu Omaha child ren nre suffering aud dying men are having tho life crushed out of thorn and pestilence prevails at loast that idea is gloauod from tho World Heralds cartoons concerning tho ice trust One woman there with a sick and dying babe in hor arms is appealing to tho monster ice trust for enough of tho con gealed nqua to stand death off Another dressed in rags in a grimy hut with only a tnllow candle for light is plunged iu bitter sorrow over the coflin of a child porhaps her only child whilo tho ice trust looks on smiles grimly and says Yes I know I might havo sold her ico a littlo cheaper and saved the fever stricken youug un but I aiut built that way you know The charitable institutions of Omaha that allow theso conditions to exist should bo run out of town for not appealing to the peoplo of tho state if tho people of Omaha are not able to provide moans to meet such distress The humane of ficers should bo arrested for cruelty to children aud the Douglas county poor hoaso should be dispensed with Wo have no sympathy with the ico trust neither have we much respect for tho boasted charity of Omaha if that city allows conditions as pictured by tho truthful World H9rald to exist Consent oT the Governed A reader of the World Herald writes Tho World Herald says it is in tavor of government with the consent of the governed I am a republican and yet the govern in Nebraska with out my consent Yet tho World Herald npproves of this assault upon Its favorite doctriuo Tho writer of tho above is mistaken He is not governed without his couseut No better explanation of tho error of his claim could be mado than that glvon by Beujauuu Franklin Keplyiug to ouo who raised a similar point Dr Franklin said Every ono who votes for n rep resentative knows and intends that tho majority is to govern and that the con sent of tho minority is to bo understood n tho consent of tho whole World- Heiald And yet tho World Herald rails at tho present administration elected by a lmnd iome majority of the people of this country nud denounces it as overriding the will of tho people Asserts that it is trust nud corporation rulo and that McKinley seeks to assert the authority of au emperor The same paper that so glibly quotes Heujannu Frauklin wauts nnd is work ing to the end that a handful of Tagalogs might control tho millions of peoplo in tho Philippines Tub News is glad that tho World Herald has placed itself ou record in thi3 matter aud it now can safely pro sumo that this argument as applied to the state can ba ns worthily applied to tho nation for if the majority of the people wanted popuhstio rule in Ne braska it is safe to presume that tho majority of the people of the untion wauted republican rulo The World Herald will now probably wait for the people of Cuba Porto Rico aud the Philippines to express their preference before it makes any more flourishes about tho consent of the governed The majority might desiro these United States to govern them and then that papers previous spells about tho consent of the governed might ious fashion of iguonng facts will con- appear ridiculous Three Weddings of Occurrence 5 Recent OUPIDS MAD 0APER8 IN NORFOLK School MniitiiA nro In Much Invor With llymnii Mr Itoiiuott mill MIm To I or Mr Ciilleii nml Minn llrimnr Mr Short 7 nml MIm liilitmiiii From Wotlnoitlnrfl Dni j A vory protty wedding ceromeny was witnessed by about 20 invited guests at tho homo of Mr and Mrs 1 O Aid at 8 oclock this morning when Grant W Bennott of Sallda Col nud Miss Eva Toler of this city woro joiued in tho bonds of matrimony Rev W H Eaton of tho Baptist church officiating Tho riug coromouy was used mid nt tho appointed hour tho bridal party marchod iu to tho strains of music ron derod by Miss Mario Bryan littlo Mary Aid noting as ring boaror After tho coromouy nud congratulations thoguosts sat down to a splendid wedding break fast Tho houso was decoratod with carna tions nud suiilax The groom was attirod in conventional black aud tho brido in a becoming gown of whito silk mull Thoy were tho recipients of a number of valuablo wedding gifts Mr and Mrs Bennett loft on tho Union Pacific train at 11 oclock for Omaha and will bo at homo about tho first of July at Sallda Col whero tho groom has a position as railway en gineer Thoy wero accompanied to tho train by quite a number of friends who woro lavish iu thoir uso of rico and tho music of tin horns and bells Tho brido is a sister of Mrs Aid and hns taught with excellent satisfaction iu the Norfolk public schools for the past two years Ciilloii llriinor At tho church of the Sacred Heart this noon with Rev Thos Walsh offici ating Joseph D Culleu of Wayne aud Miss Lucy Bruuor of this city joiued hearts aud hands in holy wedlook a fow utimato friends being iu atteudanco Tho bride is well and favorably known in this city having taught in tho public schools here for several terms and gave good satisfaction to the board the children and tho patrons The groom is a prosperous young farmer residing near Wayne where they will make thoir future home Mr aud Mrs Cullen departed ou the 1 oclock train amid showers of rice scattered by well wishing friends Johnson P A Shurt of the Fair store and Miss Gertrude Johnson wero married yesterday morning at 10 30 at the home of L M Gaylord Rev S F Sharpless officiating A wedding breakfast was served at tho home of the brides sister Mrs A Fishback in SouthNorfolk after which the couple went to Omaha on a wedding tour CENSUS WORK Questions Propounded to Town 1olks by the Enumerators The enumerators are now busy with tho gigantic task of gathering facts and figures in regard to the population wealth growth and other items concern ing tho United States a census that is takon every 10 years Taken as a whole the task is gigantic but when it is con sidered that thero are thousands of per sons now at work under the direction of the census department tho task for each one is not so arduous Still those engaged find much difficulty in collect ing all the facts when the peoplo aro not conversant with them It would greatly assist them if the citizens should get their answers in readiness before hand aud with this object in view The News herewith presents tho questions to bo propounded to city peoplo Namo in full Residence Relationship of each member to tho head of tho family Color and race Sex Age nt last birthday Day mouth nud year when born Aro you siugla married widow wid ower or divorced Number of years married How inauy children Number of childen living Place of birth Birthplace of father Birthplace of mother If foreign born date of arrival in the Uuited States Stato if naturalized Occupation trade or piofession of person 10 years old and over Number of months during the year not employed Number of mouths spent iu school Can you read Can you write Do you own or reut the hoaso in which you live If you own tho house is it freo from mortgage Call at tho Cash Hardwaie Store for household novelties Big line at low price Subscribe for Tun Norfolk Weekly News I o Cure I u Grippe in Two Day Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure K Y urovea signature ou every box 25c Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WINTBB TOX7RISTS Tlio llllimlp Central ilfsiriM to cill attention to tlio iiiinTcnlbil M rvIci tlmt I olTon d ly Its lilies to tlio south for tlio Benson of 1WJ 1900 c AUFORNI VIA NEW ORLEANS EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM CHICAGO Iorsoniilly conduct ed Hum tlironifli to I os AukoIus anil S in Francisco tin Now Orients In connection ith tlio Southern Pa rifle lenin CliicnKii on tliu Centrals fnl New Urlenin flltl PDLhIIHltlill Ian tnl 1 1 I II ki liiiiiiiii biwi iilfll IIKIIIU IJ Lllin lllllll Willi il ill trains nut of Now Orlo inn for the Pncillo Co ml Tlio Limited from I hlcnuo every even nt coiiiiocIh on Monday anil Tliurida8 al New Orlo ins tnftor December IS isirj with tho SUNSET LIMITED of the Southern Pacillc litn special Ihroimli sen ico to San Krmicisco F L O RID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA A Double ilaily sorv ice Is maintained out of St Louis via tlm Illinois Central and connecting lines to Nash illoChattunoo ka anil Atlanta thro sleetiinu car to Jack sonville Florida boini carried ou tho DIXIE FLYER lotting St Iouis nvorj ovimintf This train an woll as tlio Day Kxpross leaitiR St Louis iu tho morning aro both solid trains to Nashville having through coaches and sleeping cars run ning through Martin Teun and the N C A St L It Connection via tins lino for all princi pal points in the Southeast such as Charleston Wilmington Alkin and Savannah and for all points in Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS lail from Chicago to Mjmphis and New Or leans homisikkihs icursions to coruin points iu the South on the lines of the IllinoiH Central and Y A M V railnuds will bo run ou tho llrst and third Tuesda of each mouth dur ing the w inter season Cull pirticulars concerning all of tho aliovo can bo had of agents of tho Illinois Central or h addressing II Hanson O P A Chicago ROBERT UTTER DEALER IV- Books Stationery Toys Fancy Chin aware Novelties Wall Paper Window Shades Musical Instruments Etc NORFOLK NEBRASKA HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT One Application Gives Relief It euros Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter nal Ullnd or Weeding Itcblngor burning Fissures and Fistulas Relief Immediate cure certain It cures Burns Scalds and Ulcerations and Con tractions from Burns The Relief Instant healing wonderful It cures Torn Cut or Lacerated Wounds and Drulses It cures Bolls Carbuncles Felons Runrounds Ulcors Old Sores Itching Eruptions Scurfy or Scald Head It cures Inflamod or Caked Breasts nnd Soro Nipples Invaluable It cures Salt Rheum Tetters Scurfy Eruptions Chapped Hands Fever misters Soro Lips or Nostrils Corns Bunions Soro and Chafed Feet Stings of Insects Mosquito Bites aud Sunburns Threo Sizes 25c 50c and 100 Sold by Druggists or sent pre paid on receipt of price HUMPHREYS MED CO Cor William John Bta EW YOUK Free ecllning Ghalr Cars on all Tral JUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS TWO DAILY FAST TRAINS EACH WAY IJKTWEKN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South em and Eastern points Unexcelled time and accommodations to tlio Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas BE URE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For more complete information doscriptlre pamphlets etc address J 0 lHILLIIlI W C IJAItNES AO F and P A TPA Southeast Cor Hth and Doaglaa 8t OMAHA NKDBA8KA A I i v