The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 31, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Lord Roberts Expects No Op
position When He Enters
Couimauiliuit Krnut Turns Over Jcilinn
nPHburfi to tlio llrltUh KriiKer lliiS to
Wutorvnlbovon nnd Will Set Up
- eruiiiciit nt Iviltiiliiire
London May 31 Tho Daily Mail
publishes the fallowing dispatch from
the Earl of Rosslyn who was a prisoner
at Pretoria but who ns a civilian ap
pears to have been released
Pretoria May i0 Noon Pretoria
will be occupied in about two hours
without resistance Tho president has
gone to Watervnlboveu Burgomaster
Do Souza is authorized to receive tho
British He with an influential com
mittee of citizens including Chief Jus
tice Gregorowski has been appointed to
preserve life and property during the
Everything is quiet hut crowds are
waiting expectantly in Church square
for tho arrival of tho British
Fearing a possible disturbance and
bloodshed among the prisoners of war
at Waterval United States Consul Hay
and Leigh Wood insisted upon 20 offi
cers being liberated on parolo to go to
the men Their action cannot be too
highly praised
I was permitted to accompany tho
officers Everything was quiet
London May 31 Yesterday at noon
tho British were about two hours
inarch from Pretoria and the Boer mili
tary forces had abandoned the city
This intelligence comes from the Router
agent at the Transvaal capital and from
the Earl of Rosslyn in a press dispatch
The two messages loft about the same
This morning tho war office had re
ceived no news from Lord Roberts
which tho officials would make public
but it is assumed that tho press advices
are correct Most of tho London morn
ing papers through the courtesy of the
Daily Mail print Lord Rosslynu dis
patch and comment on it treating the
war as ended Some of tho more cau
tions critics think that guerrilla war
fare is likely to be carried on for some
time in various parts of the conquered
territory If tho Boer forces are din
6olviug Lord Roberts apparently has
not taken any quantity of artillery
anns or stores Large bodies of Boers
must still be somewhere in the field
Watervalboven iB 180 miles duo eaBt of
Pretorin on the Dolagoa Bay railway
It should not be bo confused with
Waterval 10 miles north of Pretoria
where the British prisoners are Water
Talboveu is a small place in a mountain
ous country Tho seat of the Boer gov
ernment will probably be Lydenburg
A dispatch from Lour ouzo Marquez
dated Wednesday says Command
ant Kraus has surrendered Johannes
burg to Lord Roberts By tonights
train from Pretoria arrived a few
Greeks who say they were told to leave
Pretoria Tuesday They affirm that the
train in which they left was shelled by
the British and that half of the train
was out off the remainder steaming
away This inoident probably occurred
at Elandsfontein Junction Passengers
from Pretoria assert that the town is
utterly demoralized There is a mad
rush for the coast Five trainloads of
fugitives are expected here tonight
The Louronzo Murquez correspondents
think the trouble between the Trans
vaal and Portugal may come to a head
at any moment Komaii bridge is
strongly defended
It is reported that a special train from
Pretoria with fugitives was derailed on
the Trau6vual side of Komatipoort a
number of passengers being killed or
The British authorities at Bulnwayo
think the Boers will retire iuto southern
By the release of the British prisoners
Umbrellas and
Exceptional Values Mi inch Fast
Black Sero natural pure Conpo
Yon cant duplicate it JUL
liuch Corila Oloth the best wear
ily material in UmbrelhiH rtj I n
Paragon Frame Steel Hod M I tUU
JtMnch Silk LiiBter Strong Oloth
and Sterling Silver Trim- d I n r
i inch Pnro Boxwood
11 tndlo at
n 300
Coaching Parasols in tfj I nn
black Special valno vplUU
j Large Variety of Other Styles
Summer Corsets
flC We offer a Great Bargniu in 10 do Summer
L Jl Corsets at Me each This is fnlly a IISo qual
ity and cannot be duplicated nt the price when theeo
are gone
Cjj CORSET Ab perfectly shaped Corset as any
uUo of the hifh priced styles Good web and
well btayed You have not seen its equal at 50c
I iU U er and favorite 1 Wo ask yon to see it
nt Waterval thero will be a full brigade
added to Lord Roberts command
General Hunter re entered the Trans
vaal at Mnribognpan Tuesday The ad
vance was made off tho railway Water
is scarce and all the farms aro deserted
Yesterday General Hunter reached
Geysdorp with ten days supplies Gen
eral Hunter meets with no resistance
General Baden Powell is invading
further north without opposition Com
mandant Suymnu having gono toward
In northern Natal Utrecht has sur
rendered to General Ilildyard and Gon
oral Littleton is moving to Vryheid
Tho correspoudoudents estimate tho
nunibbr of Boers at Laings nek at
j 10000
I Tlmiulcrir hjh War Ih Over
I London May 31 The Times says
I The war is practically over By this
I time tho British flag is flying in Pro
j toria Kruger has fled and is ero this
I hulf way to Deltmoo Bay Mr Hav
son of tho United States secretary of
state who holds tho oflico of American
consul at Pretoria and who in that ca
pacity took chargo of our interests
thoughtfully insisted on a special stop
for safeguarding tho largo number of
British prisoners
Siivh War Will Oi On
Boston May 31 Even if tho wholo
country is taken and tho loaders im
prisoned the war will ceaso only for a
time and it will bo renewed again and
again if need be until we get our lib
erty was tho dramatic utterance of M
A Fischer ono of the Boer envoys
when ho was shown tho Associated
Press bulletin from London announcing
tho impending surrender of Pretoria
Certainly it Cane of ringun
San Francisco May 31 Dr Kel
logg who has been investigating the
corpse of a Chinaman found in a Chin
ese undertaking establishment express
ed an opinion last night that tho China
man had died of the plague
German Hill nor Not Go Into Effect Un
til October May Be Modified
Chicago May 31 Chicago packers
saw a chance of relief from the restric
tions of tha German meat bill in infor
mation cabled last night to Morris Ep
stein president of the Gorman-American
Provision company that the bill
will not go into effect nntil Ootobcr 5
By that time it is supposed tho Ger
man naval bill will have been passed
and the German opponents of tho meat
bill will Do better able to work against
it and perhaps modify some of its work
Tho news that tho bill will not go
into effect until October makes mo
believe that boforo that time somo way
will have beeu found to soften its re
strictions provided tho United States
does not lose its temper and begin re
taliatory measures on German pro
ducts said Mr Epstein While I
was discussing the meat bill with a
German statesman not loug ago when I
was abroad he said to me that Ger
many never would euforco such an un
friendly measure against America pro
vided the United States did nothing
unfriendly to Germany From that I
inferred that tho opponents of the meat
bill looked for tome modification of it
before it is put in effect
Statiou Afeut Curii America and Crowd
la Iurloui
Sioux City May 31 Station Agent
O E Schmidt of the Sioux City and Pa
cific road narrowly escaped mobbing at
Salix this county yesterday by step
ping in frout of tho Memorial day pa
rade and shouting To h 1 with
America Tho ciowd pursued him
some distance beforo giving up tho
Later ho concluded to give himsolf np
He was taken to the postoflicoaud there
he made a public apology and begged
forgiveness of the people There was
some talk of tar and feathers but the
cooler heodB prevailed and the apology
was ucceptod
Graduating Fans
Wo lmvo just rocoiveil good assortment of Choice
and Beautiful Fans especially appropriate for irailuating
Classes Pure White and White delicately sprayed with
Color in Ivory Trimmings
100 125 150 175 200
- Large Assortment of Cheaper Fans
The Johnson
Dry Goods Co
Filipino Force Rushes a Garri
son Town Near Manila
lufttiriffMitM Swiirp Tlirilith Hnn Miguel
Filing Klein anil Iifl ami Khciiip
Forty Mxth llifintrv A lj At tuclcml ami
TIlK U SllIllllTH KIlllMl
Manila May 31 On Tuesday night
the insurgents rushed San Miguel do
Mayuino province of Bulucan Luzon
garrisoned by three companies of the
Thirty fifth volunteer infantry They
swept through tho surprised town
shooting right and left killing five
Americans and wounding seven Cap
tain Charles D Roberts antl two pri
vates aro missing No Filipino dead
were discovered
San Miguel is a fow miles from Ma
nila While a hand under tho escort of
tho troops of tho Forty sixth infantry
was moving from Hang to Silting with
in 25 miles of Manila it was attacked
by ladrones three of tho party being
Suvirnl Slight Ijiigagnnontii Reported
From PrinlnciK of limin
Manila May 31 Lieutenant Jens
E Stedjo of company L Forty seventh
volunteers commanding a scouting
party in the southern part of Albny
province had several engagements with
the insurgents in which 17 of the
enemy were killed and 23 including a
captain were enptured Six oxplosive
bombs and a number of valnnble in
surgent documents also fell into tho
hands of the Americans Tho Fcouts
burned the town of Yubi the head
quarters of tho rebels Sergeant Brick
ley was killed during a slight engage
ment near Higuo proviuco of Albay
Scouts of the Thirty sixth and Thirty
fourth regiments have captured 32 rifles
and GOO rounds of ammunition in the
Pangasinin province
Cloning Up Ilranch Iloniea
Pittsburg May 31 All the branch
houses of the National Tube company
in tho country will be closed on June 1
and the managers and employes dis
charged In the future all shipments
of tho products of tho company will be
made from the various works in dif
ferent parts of tho country Thero is a
long list of these branch houses nearly
every city in tho country having one or
more of them The now order will do
away with about 800 employes and re
sult in a saving for tho coinbino of not
less than f 1 000000 u year
Irrigation Cminl Project
Bayard Neb May 31 Tho farmers
canal project seems to have taken on a
new lease of lifo with good prospects of
being an assured fact ero long Tho
canal will be 70 miles in length and
tho territory to be irrigated includes
about flvo miles in width extending
over a semi arid bolt The proprietors
of the enterprise hay that nothing now
interferes with the work on the canal
except the delay in the arrival of the
necessary men and material which is
expected hero within a fortnight
Ilauna Ilrntri Report
Washington May 31 Senator Han
na denies the report that he has deter
mined not to be chairman of the now
national Republican committee A
story to this effect was sent out from
Washington last night in which it
was stated that ill health and business
duties were responsible for tho sena
tors determination to retire notwith
standing tho fact that President Mc
Kinley earnestly desired him to con
tiuuo at tho head of the committee
Dozen IVriiini Injured
Chicago May 81 The failure of a
brake to respond resulted in the derail
ment of a Chicago Evans ton and Edgo
water electric cur lust night Over a
dozen passengers went injured Those
sermusly hurt were Mrs Oatherino
Curtin concussion of the brain Mrs O
Donaldson lei t side bruised Mrs Henry
A Mother left leg broken and body
bruiMd Motorman John Kline head
and body bruised
TlnV Unlll Slllltglllll
MtliKit Neb May 31 Thero was a
shooting all ray south of this pliicu be
tween 1 V Stevens mill his son-in-law
Frank Menman Domestic trou
ble was the caue Both used shotguns
I which both claim they were carrying to
shoot ground squirrels Both received
charges of birdshot in the face and
body but neither is thought to be fatal
ly injured Both parties wore bound
over to the district court
Un mireriilng MurilHgn
Lincoln May 31 A decision has
just been handed down in probata court
here which has aroused a storm of liti
gous discussion among members ii the
bar In this case Judge Waters held
that a marriugo occurring within six
months after either party to it has been
divorced in this statu is illegal oven
though the marriage occurs ouuidu tho
UIxoiiIii Tom ii Horning
Iron Rivmt Wis May 31 Fire
started shortly after noon in the power
house and spread quickly to the Alex
ander Edgar lumber mill It then
spread toward the lnmlor yards which
contain 10000000 feet of lumber The
wind is from tho west and tho wholo
town is in danger A call has been
made to Superior for engines and help
While Waists
While Waists from their reigning
popularity were newr designed no
neatly as this season Comhinations
of line pleating and delicate inser
tions and lace make them very at
tractive Our assortment is select
and large
Prices 100 to 3 SO
We invite von to sec them
Dlninonil InlilliK lnnil Mini lh Orent
Itnce mill u Flit Ntiilie
IvONDon May 31 At the second
days racingof the Epsom Mimmcr meet
ing ychtctday Iho race for the Derby
stake of 11000 sovereigns was won by
tho Priucu of Wales Diamond Jubilee
Siniontlale was second nnd Jimucs R
Keenus Disguise II was third
His victory ih worth 800 to the
Prince of Wales Diamond Jubilee has
won lor him nearly 1 7000 this yeai
and tho hori has four great races
ahead three of them carrying 1000
each in which ho will meet some of the
bauie competitors
Wo ahull have another try foril
saitl Iwnes It Keene after Disguise II
came so near winning
It is difficult to give anything like an
-accurate estimate of the wagers but
somo of the sporting writers believe
that 1000000 changed hautlH
Ilr StetHim ICenlgtih III linlr
Dis Moinks May 31 Dr II L Stet
son for many years president of the
Des Moines college lias resigned IiIh
chair and will in all probability step
out into tho world of politics becoming
a candidate beforo the Republican statu
convention for nomination as secret iry
of statu
Uiuilile to Agree on Armor Iliite
Washington May 31 The confer
ees on the naval bill were unable to re
concile the differences between the two
contested items of armor plate and
government armor factory lake sur
veys and the course at Annapolis and
will sit today
are made with Royal Baking
Powder and are the most appe
tizing healthful and nutritious
of foods
Hot biscuit made with im
pure and adulterated baking
powder are neither appetizing
nor wholesome
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder
Take every care to have
your biscuit made with Royal
which is a pure cream of tartar
baking powder if you would
avoid indigestion
Corset Waists
HALF PIHCKI Do yon want a real Huram
lacliBon Oorhet WiiIhIh Hold the world over at Eft
if I id our price JUC
Wo liuvii both the Satinii and Suinnier Wainl but
lHieafler will confine uuipoIvck to the J I Chicago
Waint and will clone the IjicIchou either style at io
Lenders In Dry looilsl New Solid Coloi Dimi
ties 2fC 10c value Wash WilltH in Clioice MiripeH 20c
Dolled Silk Swiss all coIoih fic Win Skiiinci
Hi inch Satins all good colors lf0 Jhin Wash
lioods too many to describe 4c to 7fC
44444444444444444444444 -
M U Ijlnr
jVorfAlk Nubiaska
Mnstl Block - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic llijHlciau and Surgeon
Ollkll CltlVIIIS Nil I Klllll I 1 tf I III UllillllllK
Tiilepliiiiiu Ull
Sim it ii ii inn iiml Iti Hiiliiitii Main mill IUIi St
Teltiilililio 1
Norfolk - Nebraska
rll South Mli StiLot Norlolk Noljr 1
Will In in Miiilitmi Tiiutilny iiml Fttiliy t
Illdl WII
2 j com
Olllce mor Citi7iii s Nutiomil Hunk Ifenilcnco
ipiio block not tli of Coiigiigiitiniml church
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up Minn in Ccitloii hlock owr lliitmit store
Kirstclin s work Kiiiiriititouil
AltorwjH at Invr
ItimiiiH 10 11 mill 12 Miinilick
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertakers nnd Kmbaliiierg
brtt imifc Hll NorfolkfAve
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney at Liw
Rooms t and 2 Robertson Wlgton
Block Norfolk
Practical Plumber
andDSteam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
FirBt dotir West of Post Office
North Western
F E 4 W V R R is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska