The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 24, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The j4o ttf oik fleuas
Posslinlsiti will hold its nutloiml roso
luliiiKComontiou lit Kiumi City in
irhcRluB to look in iIioukIi Mo
lvinloyfi ro clcotioii would ho almost
John It Hays Is riroulntlnn nhout in
tho Third dlMriot and lnwlnuliiKfrieuilR
whouovcr ho boos
aovornniDiit by injunction ii not n
half Ivul IhitiK who fusion ollh lal
llndrt it noctisnty to two in oulor to Itwp
ponco in tho political family
iRtmtins Donnelly thinks that Hrynu
mifiht havo boon a HtutiHiimii if tho
Lord had taken an inch or two fiom ills
lower jaw and put it bi twuen his
Hautonulomoornts ato nUrthiK a vlco
proHldontinl boom forOonnrossinmi Goo
12 McOlollnn son of liittlo Mac tho
union Ronoral during tin civil war and
doinocratiocundldnto for president in
It is intoiostiiiK to coujecturo whothor
tho lomocratH will conoludo to k It
ivlono at Kansas City or whothor thoy
will tie up with tho remnant of fusion
populism recently represented at Sioux
It will not bo necessary for the lopub
Menu national convention at Philadelphia
to roKot condemn doploio and
viow withalaun All such mattojs
will probably bo fivoii full and ample
ttontion at Kansas Oily
If tho national convention recontly
hold in Sioux Falls was tho genuine and
only true populist conumtion why in
tho niuuo of fuhlonistic honso did they
naiuo u democrat for president and a
republican for vico president
Governor loyntor says that if ho is
nrrostod and placed in jail ho will
pardon himsolt out It would bo a
funny situation to say tho loat
to havo tho govornor executing tho
rights of his olllco bohind tho bars
Uho World Herald lias invited
people of Omaha to write up tho
trust through its columns and pursuing
its usual tactics it will probably lino up
11 who do not improvo this shining
opportunity as Bynipathiers of tho
Sioux Falls is kicking about tho poor
investment sho made in inducing tho
fusion populist national convention to
locato thoio for a fow days Tho com
plaint Rooms to bo that it didnt draw
much nioro of a crowd than a ono iiug
Now tho democrats in congress aro
opposed to giving that body tho right to
regulate trusts because it is contrary
to tho states rights doctrino Theso
follows will soon bo foicod to defend tho
trubtfl by tho only party which has over
legislated against these combinations
Tho sooner democrats begin ingoing
foots instead of fiction tho sooner thoy
will coumionco to havo inlluonco with
tho peoplo It is lamentably truo that
thoy havo fow facts to present that will
hold water but they should not hesitato
to present what fow logitnnato argu
ments they havo
If tho World Herald really wnutod to
smash tho Omaha ico trust why didnt
it quiotly givo tho tip to its loforin at
torney general to proceed against tho
cold cruel octopus without giviug it
notoriety and a chnnco to bmco itself
ugaiust any proceedings by a notifica
tion of soveral columus length
Tho fusion papors havo been very con
servative in their criticism of tho repub
lican tickets and republican actions
Thoirgiound for criticism is vory nar
row but thoy aro undoubtedly busily
collecting whatovor past history tho
candidates may havo which may bo sub
vortod to their uso during tho yoar
If tho mid roaders can be induced to
withdraw their ticket from tho field nud
if Charley Towno can ha withdrawn
from tho vico presidential race and if
tho Kausas City convention can straddle
far enough to pleaso all parties to tu
fusion movement nnd if tho ticket can
gain si fow million votes Bryan will bo
elected if he is uounuated Groat
word that if
Tho secretnry has called in another
batch of government bonds which ho
wishes to pay off aud Btop tho interest
tho batch being worth fJjOOOOOO
Thus do republican prosperity and busi
ness methods contiuuo to mnke them
selves ot benefit to the country and the
peoplo nud tho said bonds nro to be pan
with money worth 100 ceuts on tho dol
lar If you want those things chauged
you are hereby waruod not to vote for
JSditor Guilds does not show tho symp
toms of bravery that must have charac
terized the fathers of this country who
fought for its liberty and thereby nmdo
tho Fourth of July possiblo 119 a nations
-birthday Nearly everytime tho aforo
said editor is shot at ho dodges bohind
tthocorjiso of ono of the poor soldier lads
who surrendered his life for his country
iu tha Philippines A person with n
particle of patriotism and humauity
woulil not disturb tho laurels of a bravo
boy for paitisan 01 personal controversy
Tho Poster County Onief in frnoakiiiK
of diaries A Towno says If the
democrats do not name him as tho run
nliiK tunto of their Kreat leader thoy
will havo no one to hlamo but thom
hoIvoi for what follows It might bo
added that if the democrats do name
Towno thoy will havo no ono to lilamo
but thoniBolves for what foil own Thoy
are like tho follow who would bo
damned if ho did and damned If ho
didnt They aro in a poMtlon which
It will bo amusing to seo them wIkkIo
out of
Tho roform state olllcials aro hhhIii
mi record for roformiiiK tho railroads
whleh thoy ovldoutly bollovo in killing
oil by kindness Judge Hairiiigton of
ONeill who is also something of a re
former wrote to tho board having tho
ta business in hand and stated that the
railroads uiidor reform government
wore paying taxos on about 3010000
loss than thoy did under tho honiblo
republican regime Tho board of as
sessors ignorod tho ndvlco and havo
again paid for their passes with tho poo
plos inonoy
All is not hnrmony poaeo and good
will in Nebraska fusion politics and it
appoars as though tho forces of reform
woie becoming nioro widely soparatod
with each succeeding day The ONeill
Independent populist asks Will
Neville endanger the success of tho pop
ulist ticket in this district again by
asking a ronoiniuntinn To which tho
Fremont Herald democrat answers
Will hev Ho has already pocketed the
salary earned by Greono and duo to his
widow Like most of his kind thats
all ho wants tho olllco for
It loolrs as though those corpoiit ion
ridden republicans in congiess would
piss a substantial nnti tiut law bofoie
congress adjourns and thus tnko all the
wind out of the fusionist sails concern
ing this evil Tho thing for tho fusion
ists to do will bo to get into lino bohind
tho corpoiations as thoy havo in Ne
braska Fiom their insinuations con
corning Mark Hanna and tho benefits
corporations havo boon to tho ropub
licau campaign fund thoy could havo
soveral barrels to roll into tho present
campaign should thoy do this
Tho domocrats aro not yet horaldlng
tho fact in bold faced typo that tho
Standard oil company has raised tho
wages of its employes 10 por cout This
is probably glad uows to tho common
pooplo in tho service of tho company
and tho domocrats poso as tho friends of
tho common peoplo and their synipa
thiois Now why is it that tho demo
cratic organ aud politicians do not re
joice with them Can it bo possible
that thoy in o iusincoro in their profes
sion Would it havo been possible for
them to rejoico in a reduction of a like
per cent
Freo silver is not iiuito an unanimous
sentiment among New York democrats
yot A convention of Bryan domocratb
waB hold in Now York City Saturday
and less than a huudrod delegates wero
iu attondauco Resolutions wero passed
demanding that tho democratic state
convention instruct for Bryan Tho
convention adjourned to meet Juno 0th
and if their doinaud is not complied
witli thoy will send a contestinc delega
tion to Kausas City With Byninsin
losing in tho west ami not gaining in
tho east it looks dubious for the causo of
tho common people
Iu spito of tho notoriety given tho
Fiiglish Ainericau syndicate shows as a
grand and couipleto aggregation of
sviudlors ntd confidence men it con
tinues to haul iu suckers by tho tub full
at each stop and every oxchaugo where
they show contains accounts of their ex
ploits with the pockets of tho gulliblo
It lsapparont that there nro a largo
number of peoplo who do not rend For
if thoy did thoy would bo fully nppnsed
of tho machinations cf tha great syndic
ates leading attraction tho shelljgauie
Tho fool killer should not bo discouraged
there ia plenty of material for him to
work on
The News has several tunes suggested
tho advisability of either celebrating the
Fourth of July or holding a street fair
his fall nud it is pleisod to note that its
ontenipornry is iu sympathy with n
celeuration ot some character oven
though resorting to its usual tactics it
would bo pleased to iusiuunto that a
celebration of tho Fourth would bo uu
affair in whioh only peoplo of the calibre
of Childs could participate with enthus
iasm Tin News will guarantee that
thoro aro ouo or two republicans left
witli a hpirk of patriotism iu their
breasts which might be fauued into
Accordiug to fusion logic the ropnbli
cau party is not responsible for tho
prosperity prevailing but its responsi
bility for tho trusts is unquestioned it
is uot responsible for tho increase in
money circulation and tho cash on
hand in the treasury and tho pockets of
tho people but is responsible for failures
aud bursted banks it is uot responsible
when wages aro raised but is to blame
for the strikes nud whou wages
are reduced it is not icspoubiblo for the
life happiness and liberty of citizens of
the country but should bo ceusurod for
the condition of tho Filipinos nud tho
overthrow of tho Hoor government
According to those political contortion
ists tho republican pirty should bo cred
ited with no good but everything bad
should bo laid at its door Tho pcoplo
will not coucodo that these aro tho lacts
Tho statoiuout was made that when
Henry M Toller and other republicans
walked out of tho republican national
convention because freo silver was not
mado an issuo that he nud his followeis
were truo republicans nnrt were stand
ing by principal more than party Now
that Mr Teller has boon hoodwinked by
democracy and tho issuo is being
dropped ho roturufl to tho fold believing
with grounds for his belief that any
truo reform in tho interests of the peoplo
comes thiough tho republican party
aftor all and with him como thousands
of republicans who wero llkowlso fooled
by democrats in search of olllco
Tho surplus at tho end of tho prorent
fiscal year is estimated to bo about ifSJ
000000 That of tho past year was
70000000 Tho gold rojorvo is near a
quarter of a billion Bonds aro being
paid oil as rapidly as thoy mature and
they ate ovon bought up Tho chiinjo
from tho democratic state of affairs four
yours ago whon 2l 000000 in bonds
wero issuod to pay ordinary expensoH
nnd to keep thogold resurves above tho
danger lino and where thore was a de
ficiency in revenues each month is
wonderful It would ha startling if
people had tinio to stop and think it
over Soward Reporter
Kditor Childs having doconded from
a controversy concerning Fouith of
July patriotism to tho field or scandnl
Tm Nis most macnaniinoiisly rcthos
from tho contest This paper never did
and nevor will make a specialty of
scandal aud sensation and is perfectly
willing that its contemporary may havo
all tho honors in that field whioh it may
attain A desiio for Police Gazetto or
Saturday Blado notorioty is not oidi
narily cultivated by fathers nnd mothers
with growing bons and daughters and is
not a uecetsary constituent of a family
uowspaper whioh field Tin Nuws
has triod to fill and has mot with veiy
fluttering oucouragemcut
In 1S10 Colorado gave Bryan 158048
votes to2IOS5 forMcKmley republicans
nnd all political parties uniting on tho
groat 6ilvor champion At tho republi
can stato convention recontly held in Col
orado it is said that there wero -100 dolo
gates presout who had added to Brynns
majority iu that stato iu ISilO Thoy
aro now convinced that MoKiuloyism is
good enough for thorn and aro lined up
undor tho republican banner In viow
of theso facts which by tho way nro
coming to light in all parts of tho
country it is not unreasonable to claim
that Bryans populority is waning and
thafhowill como a long ways from
cairyiug tho vote ho did in lSOO
Tho drama Kentucky politics is bo
ing successfully reproduced nt tho
Beatrico institute for tho feeble minded
and tho performances nro being greeted
by increased interest on tho pait of a
stato full of auditors In tho last act
thus far presented Dr Lang is repre
sented as barricaded against the fenied
assault of Governor Poyntor aud his
cohorts wlulo tho buildings and grounds
aro being patiolled by an armed forco
Iu an intorior room two maidens who
wero discharged but rofit6ed to go aro
held prisoueis while tho Romeos on tho
outside hoist provisions through tho
windows Whon tho reform officials
becomo imbued with the truo spirit of
roform they create peculiar and unique
Senator Allen assures the Boer envoys
that thoy have the sympathy of OS per
cent of tho American peoplo of this
country which is probably truo and tho
envoys should not violate this sentiment
by a proposition involving the lives
trensuro and perhaps even homes and
country iu their troubles The Ameri
can peoplo will bo glad to do as Senator
Allen aud Congressman Robinson have
douo express to tho envoys their hearty
good will but tho per cent would be
materially reduced should wo bo asked
to violate neutral and international
laws Tho American pooplo will go
further they will welcomo to this laud
of the freo and tho homo of tho bravo
nil who find it impossible to live under
British rule should that countrj wiu
and will concede to them life liberty
and tho pursuit of hnpplness as their
The World Hernld has suddenly dis
covered that there is a trust in Omaha
grinding its iron heel iuto the vory
vltnls of humauity tho ico trust and
is uiakinga grandstand play against tho
heartless soulless corporation Tho
trust may havo been in operation for
years it may havo been responsible for
the loss of huudieds of lives and thou
sands of dollars to tho common peoplo
tho ico cream nud Foduwater glil may
have shaken her little gloved fist at tho
ico man every morning 6iuco sho began
calhug herself 10 which mny havo
been years and years but tho World
Herald that great ohampion of leform
aud tho common people has not thought
necessary to don its CJulxotio armor and
squelch the brute until it has found it
cousistout to make Its political staud
firm by instigating a fight agaiu6t tho
trust evil which it has fought iu overy
comer of tho couutry except nt homo
Chailes Hunt Dlelilcli
Tho following personal sketch of
Charles H Dietrich tho republican
nominco for governor was writton by
Adam Ureede editor of tho Hastings
Tribune and published in his papor
Mr C II Dietri h tho republican
caudidnto for governor is a self made
niiu ono of those typical Americans
who hao fought their way sluglo
handed fiom obscure poverty to compe
tence and positions of honor and trust
His parents wero both nntives of
Germany His father was a shoemaker
who had wnikM up a good business in
tho town in vthlch ho lived but on ac
count of his radical espousal of tho
cause of tho patriots of 18 IS ho wis
forced to lleo from his nntivo land in
disguise His wife with sevtu small
children followed him u year later but
tho father hud lauded in Quebec and tho
mother in Nw Orleans They wero
very poor and tho tiry of their long
search foi oaoh othpr is as pathotio as
tho similar histoty cf tho exiled Acadian
Alter a year of struggle hoy IluaUy
met at St Louis nnd toguthor worked
ihoir way to Chicago lloro tho father
found intermittent work at his trado
and tho mother lock in washing all the
water and wood used being ciurkdfroin
tho lnko a half it mile away
In 18511 during a driving snow storm
which piled tho snow diifts upmi the
lloor of their wretched home Chailes
Hf h 9jyspp
El LiOkr jjP
Henry Dietrich tho subject of our
sketch was boin and baptized In tho
Germ in Lutheran church
Tho nidu try nnd thrift which char
acterize tho Gorman peoplo began to
conquer aud tho circumstances of the
family improved but there wero many
mouths to feed and at tho age of nine
Charles began to work nt anything ho
could find to do At twelve ho left
school for good and worked out among
tho farmers near Aurora till ho was six
teen when ho went to St Joe Missouri
nnd worked for Wveth Harclwaie Co
for three years Ha went to Chicago
and engaged in the same hue of business
till 1ST3 when having saved up a small
capital ho decided to roiuove to Arknusas
and venture into business for himself
But fato ruled otherwise for while
traveling through Arkausns he was set
upon by highway men robbed of all ho
possessed and left in a nearly dyirg con
dition Then ho was penniless in n
strange laud with tho battle to ba
fought all over but nothing dauuted ho
went to work for C P R Breckinridge
on a pluutntion rebuilding log cabins
and fences afterwards cutting cypress
logs iu the swamps If any man
imagines that cutting cypress all day
under a southerau sky is easy work let
him try it but Mr Dietrich remniued at
it for six mouths ho then went back to
Aurora and woiked ut tho blacksmith
trado for a year
Iu tho winter of 1875 6 with just
510 00 in the world ho started for tho
Black Hills ho bought the necessary
supplies at Cheyenne aud walked to
Deadwood passing through tho famous
Red Canyon whero so mauy people wero
murdered by tho Indians
At Deadwood he cut logs and built
tho pioneer store of that place nud for
a long time ho delivered merchandise
for this store on pack oulmals through
out tho Black Hills Much of tho de
livery had to bo done at night to avoid
tho danger from tho Indians Ho was
also ouo of the locators of Spoarfish
Mr Dietrich is n mau of great phys
ical strength and courage and theso two
qualities stood him in good stead during
his pioneer experiences Soveral times
his own life nud that of his companions
has been saved by tho exercise of these
traits oud bo It said to his credit ho is
as genorrms ns ho is brave Few men
perhaps havo endured the hnrdships nud
privations aud passed through the thril
ling experiences of our candidate
In lh7 Mr Dietrich iu compnuy
with othors located tho Aurora initio
which wns made famous in tho enrly
days by tho many fights mndo over it
and tho frequent attempts to disposess
the original owners
In tho spring of 178 Mr Dietrich
sold his share to Brown Thumb
baukers of Deadwood Conklin aud T
O Piatt of New York nud Senator
George K Stewart of Alabama for a
good round sum whioh gavo him his
start in life He then wont back to
Aurora to receive tho reward of all his
privations nud in May 1378 he married
Miss Kliaboth Slaker The following
September ho locatod in Hastiugs Ne
braska nud eugaged in the mercautile
business Iu early days when customs
wero decidedly priniitivo In Hastings
Mr Dlotrich worked in his store all day
nud in tho evening took a wheelbanow
and dolivored his goods From that
time till now ho has always stood iu tho
front ranks of thoso who tried to build
np thoir town nnd tho stato ho was in
strumental iu organizing tho German
National bank of Hastiugs of which ho
is prosidont Ho has glvon unsparingly
both of timo nud money towards all
business enterprises which ko deomed to
bo for tho bouefit of his town Church
nnd charitablo organizations have al
ways found him n liberal contributor
but tho recipients of his privnto bounty
are without number
But while Mr Dietrich is generous
ho is nko just two qualities that un
fortunatoly do not always go togothor
Iu 1857 Mrs Diotrioh dlod lenviug
her husbnnd with ono child six years old
who has siuco dovoloped into maiden
hood and Is tho Idol of horfatherj heart
Sho has recoived her education first in
the public schools then iu convents
two years each in America Frauco nud
Gormany Sho is now ft student nt
Bryan Mawr collego near Philadelphia
Mr Diotrich has uover sought any
politicnl proferment whntover This is
indeed a case of the olllco seeking tho
mau Ho is an ideal caudulnte a clenn
man In ovory sonso of tho word an en
thusiastic republican a mau of broad
lilmrnl nrinlinnl irlnins 1Ti will irirn no
a cood clean busiuoss liko administra
Tho stato board of tiausportntiou has
boon engaged iu n grandstand play nt
Omaha siluular to the oues presented
hero to delighted audiences This is tho
boards favorite pastime nnd when it is
not wrestling with tho knotty problems
of stato or industriously engaged in
drawing salaries tho members take nu
excursion to somo of tho remoter do
mains nud indulge to their hearts con
tent tho humor resulting from tho fond
delusion of somo simple coLstituent that
through thorn will bo found tho remedy
for wrongs real or imaginary If thoy do
happen to encounter some facts that are
too serious to bo funny they retire to
thoir cnstlo become again industrious
too much so to answer correspondence
or ntteud to the other potty desires of
their constituents and impatiently
await an injunction restraining thorn
from nny wild impulse to earn thoir sal
aries as tho peoplo believe they should
Thoir recent season of sport has been at
the iucauco of John O Yeiser of Omaha
who desired tho Nebraska telephouo
company regulated to his satisfaction
That tho board has enjoyed the function
aud does not fear that it will bo com
pelled to do anything in tho matter
may bo gleaned from the following par
agraph taken from tho Omaha Daily
Nows It is to bo feared that under
tne laws ot JNeoraskn as they now are
aud with tho aid of tho present board
disposed as it seems to be to shut
out important itein3 of evidence Mr
Yeiser is proceeding much aftor the
manner of tho small boy who went hunt
ing after big game with a sling shot
From Mr Yeisers standpoint however
ho may be repaid for his outlay of timo
and energy
It is generally conceded that if this
government should comply with tho
wishes of tho Boor envoys it would
mean that we should ongago in a South
Africau war with England and perhaps
other of tho worlds powers It would
also mean that all right to enforcing tho
Mouroo doctrino would bo foregone as
the European governments certainly
have as good a right to interfere iu
South American affairs as this govern
ment has to take a hand iu South
Africa Tho ono thing this government
can do without provoking war is to
offer its good offices looking toward
peace with the consent of both parties
to tho war and this it will probably do
again as it has done before While
this might be satisfactory to the Boer
representatives it will uot satisfy tho
follows who aro making political cap
ital and any action the administration
may tako looking to penceful mediation
is expected to be met with a loud guffaw
on the part of tho fuslonlsts nud tho
assertions that this country is ngainst
republics aud for empires When this
government overstops the neutrality
laws recognized by all untions it may
uover hope to exist without the inter
ference of other uations iu its affairs
Tho republicaus heartily wish that thoy
might do something for tho Boers but
no sousiblo and patriotic countryman
will want to interfere when it means
war aud perhaps the destruction of tho
country by the world powers The
vory fellows who aro now urging this
government to do something rash
would bo the first to avoid responsibility
and ceusuro tho administration should
it take tho stop
Nothing could recommend Chas H
Dietrich moro highly nud commend
him to tho peoplo of tho stnto with
greater forco than tho fact of his exceed
ing popularity nt homo Hastiugs peo
ple with ouo accord have honored him
unstlntingly since Jhls nomination for
governor aud it is safe to predict that it
ho carries no other precinct in the state
ho will at least havo a haudsomo major
ity at homo Adams county had a
fusion majority of betweeu 200 and 400
votes In past campaigns but this fall at
least on governor It uiny be dopeuded
upon to go the other way by at least
that much majority
Illinois Central R 8
Tho Illhini Vntrnl lolres to cull nttfnticm
to tlio uiinxcelleil nerUci Unit Is iilTorcd I Ha
lines to tlio south for tho season of lsyj 1WJ0
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
lcronnlls conduct
ed It litis thronitli to
Ios AiikiIus nml Sm
Friincltco i In Now
Orlciui in connection
with tho Southern In
cltlr letiln Chicago
on tho Controls fust
Now Orlonns biro-
clnli connection rilso mndo 1 this train with
dully triil 11 ft out of Sou Orluiins for tho Incillc
Const Tho LImitod from Chlcnuooiury oven
Inn connects on Mnndni nnd Tlmrsilnvn nt
Now Orloiins aftor Documbor IS lSjy with tho
of tho Southern lnciflc Riving epoclnl through
sen ico to Sm Iritncieco
Douhlo daily son
ico is maintained out
of St Louis via tho
Illinois Coutral nud
connecting line to
Knfch illoChnttanoo
ri and Atlanta thro
sleeoinc car to Jack-
BonUUo Florida beinj enrriod ou tlio
lcninKSt Louis over ovonimj This train iih
woll as tlio Dn Kxpross leain bt Louis in
tho iiHirniiiK aro both solid traitiB to Niishwlle
hmitiK through conches and sleeping enrs run
ninij throuKh Martin Tumi nnd tho N C A fet
L It Connection ia this lino for all princi
pal pointB in tlio Southoast bucIi ns Charleston
Wilmington AiUn nnd buwiminh nud for all
points in Florida
Dally from Chicago to Memphis and New
points in tho South on tho lines of the Illinois
Central and Sc M V railioads will bo run on
tho llrut nnd third Tuobda ofonch month dux
linr tho winter boisoti
Full paiticnlais conccrniiiK nil of tho nboo
can bo lind of aents of tho Illinois Central or
b addrcBtiiiB A II Hanson G 1 A Chicago
Books Stationery
Fancy Chin aware
Wall Paper
Window Shades
Instruments Etc
Dr Humphreys
Specifics care by acting directly upoa
tho disease without ccciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
1 Fenr Congestions Inflammations 25
J Worms Worm Fever Worm Colic 25
3 TcelhlncColIcCrylngWnkefulncss 25
l Diarrhea of Children or Adults 5
7 Coucln Colds Bronchitis 25
8 Neuralgia Toothache Faceacho 25
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25
10 nnpcpnlaIndlgestlonWeakStomacb25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
12 Whites Too Prof uso Periods 25
13 Croup Larmsltls Hoarseness 25
1 1 Salt Rheum Er slpelas Eruptions 25
15 Rheumatism Rheumatic Pains 25
10 Malaria Chills Fover and Ague 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In tho llcad 25
20 Whooplng Cough 25
27 Kldney DUcnsrs 25
2H crtoua Debility 100
30 Urinary Wenkness Wotting Bed 23
77 Crlp nayFeier 25
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