The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 10, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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lormoro Himi twcntyflvi yours Dr 1 Now
ton 1 Indian ny lias inado n xptrlalty of lciniili
DKtvi cs During tliit llliic Int lias liml ninmiK
make you itronir
Ills imtlctilH nwr ton tnmiH
ninl wiiiiii nMiilorliiK from nil
tlioso inn n illiloicnt com
laltilsioiMillu totliosovaml
lias oniiiplrlcl liml ioriiia
tuiitly riiroil nmro llinn mi pur
oonl of Hid en sos lio lias
lly Ills omIihIvo inctlio
lilcli ho luis perfwtrd during
tliti tttonty Mvo joars of Ills
most otonslvo pmitloi lio Is onablod to euro nil
of tlioM illlToront illsoavos Itirludliitf painful
jirofusoor Mipprossoil mriistruallon prolapsus
nil ovarian trouble tumors nml ulceration In
fnet oorvformof thnso discuses ulilcli iiuiko a
Jmrilcn of ltfo to tho ureal majority of women
Ho lias mi perfected this system of his thai ho
can treat tlmso eases liy mall without mry per
gonal examination to ulileli wery scnsllUo
woman tiatnrnllyVihJects ami without nny oicr
ntloii with Its cotiMMHient iilii mid necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In tho prl
racy of tho homo tho euro Is painless mid It Is
AVrlto lilm a letter MnllnR briefly your condi
tion and ho will betid you n hlnnk to ho tilled out
Ho will ulo your enso his personal nttontlon mid
enro nnd tnaku his feo m nuMlerato lucludliiK all
medicines necovsnry that you will not feel the
burden of tho payment mid ho will guarantou
ou n positive euro Addruss
Ir lliittiiiuny Co
Votntitprrlitl Modi Nliiux City Iowiv
North -Western
p E IB V R R is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
OASCARFTM do nil claimed fur them
nd ore a trulr wonderful nivillclno I novo often
nlsbed for amedlclno iilunsnnt to tako nml at Inst
havo found It In Cascnrots blnro takliiK tlicm m
blood lias boon jiitrlllod mid my complexion tins Im
proved woiulorfiilly mid 1 feci much better In cvory
nay Alus Sallik U Heluahs luttrcll Tonn
ricssnnt PalataMn Potent Tantc Good no
Good Never Blckcn Weaken or Gripe 10c 2jC 0C
Mrltof Rrmtd Clr CMfno Sotrl lw Tcrk 319
Jfl Tft Dip Sold and piiarnnteed br all drug-
KlsUto CUttK Tobacco Habit
aKfaW A
faKaaV am VALa
m J IL t JW T u
fv nnrmi w w
Made a
Well Man
1 of Me
3PXU3RrcnBc KBaonyg
produce tho abovo results ln30 days It artl
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall
Voons men will regain tbolr lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
Bees Lost Vitality Impotcncy Nightly Emissions
Lost Imer Falling Memory Wasting DiErasesand
all effects of self -abuse or exerts and indiscretion
which unfits ono for study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
lot back tho pink Rlnw to pale cheeks and rs
storing the Ore of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having REVIVOi DC
other It can bo carried in vest pocket By mall
100 per package or six for 65O0 with a post
Uve written guarantee to rare or refund
bomutney OlrcuUrtroe Address
Royal Medicine CoM
For ruIo by Geo B Christoph
rSaftW II If 1 1 vui fV V
ELVS CREAM I1ATM is n positlvoruro
Apply into the nottril IlUqiiUUy aliorbed X
tents at DrucplM or by mail - tump t s by mail
tLY UltOTUKltS 60 Wawn buNcw York Cuv
Ilreit with you whether 70a continue the
BerTOKutiuf uucruutuiinu m o
remove iau aeure sor louacco w
out ornuui uuirtti eipen nicuj
UUVi uuiiuri iu iiiuuu
lurr iu IUUUUUU
r v wm m ra K ahi3u
ai fai 11 a wLai
r 1 rH
m HBBBkU 1 1
bo 1 ei
ASescureti ituv
your own urutrgltt vlo
vouehforui TaLcltmth
111 utlrntlr nerlttf ntlT One
txil uiuallr cured SboieeCM
iruftrnnteeu lurure or we rei unci mnnt 7
t ltrllr BmKo 1 blfire olrtl fit Ik
Dont Be Fooled
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medl
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Neer sold
In bulk Accent no
MConrenAiioiM tutc Ask jour druggist
Illinois Republicans Nominate
Son of War Govcrpor
Iliitiei y Wlllnlrnws in lFiitornf III i
ponilit In Orilrr to llnfrnt Itroica Until
Tinnier unit Ciilliini Eiiiliirseil Iteaulti
Ileum Itrnlllrni St loul Pint forin
Fr lovcrnor Itiniunii Yati h
1nr lliMitonnnt Oovcrimr W A Noniiicorr
rorHccrctiiry uf Htntu UmihA Hour
For Auditor IamfhH MuUif iiaciii
Kor TrcftHiircr M O W 1 1 iumwii
Kyr Attorney limirnl II 1 IIamiin
1icoitiA JIny 10 Uliniriniui Dawes
culled tho Huiullleiiti Htuto convention
to order nt 1005 Tlio coimiiitteo ou
cicdcntiiils iiiinounccil Mint it liml
readied an agreement and reported iu
favor of neatltiK ft majority of tho con
teHtitiK Ciilloni dckateH Tho report
wiih adopted without opposition Tho
commit too on permanent organization
reportcil for permanent chairman for
mor Governor Joseph W Fifer of
Uloomington Tho rejiort wnn adopted
mid the perinunont ofllccrs wcro elected
hy ncclmnntion
Tho nomination for governor wm
made on tho fourth ballot after a pro
longed struggle Governor Tanner and
hid friends worked Htronuotisly for tho
nomination of Tudgo Hanecy of Ohi
cngo It wn Hanecy iigainHt a Held of
three Judge Orrin N Carter of Chi
cago Walter Reeves of Streator nnd
Judge Richard Yutctt of JaclcHonville
Hon of Illinois famous war governor
Hanecy led on tho first two ballots On
tho third a break canio nnd tho nomina
tion Hccnicd to be going to Reeves Tho
Hanecy lieutenants began to transfer
their votes to Yuteo and tho Jackson
ville man wiih nominated ou tho fourth
ballot amidst great confusion The
resolutions indorse President MoKiuley
nnd reafllrm tho entire St Louis plat
form Tho trusts are denounced and
the gold standard commended Gov
ernor Tanners administration is ap
proved and the return of Shelby M
Cnllom to the United States senate
Etrougly recommended
Semite Consider tho Question of a Gov
ernment Factory
Washington May 10 Practically
tho entire session of tho bcuuto was do
voted to tho section of tho naval bill re
lating to armor and armamont Tho
debato largely hinged on tho proposition
that tho government should erect nn
armor plant of its own Senator Till
man presented an amendment limiting
tho price to bo paid for armor to 300
per ton nnd providing also that tho gov
ernment should erect a plant of its own
Senators Tillman Money and Chandler
advocated tho erection of a plant whilo
Hale supported tho committee amend
ment providing for a plant in tho con
tingency that armor could not bo pro
cured for 1 15 per ton No action was
taken ou tho proposition tho bill going
over until today
Contented Klcctlon Ciiho In House
Washington May 10 Tho houso
yesterday considered tho contested elec
tion case of Pearson vs Crawford from
tho Ninth North Carolina district Tho
report of tho majority was against tho
sitting member a Democrat on tho
ground that Pearsons election was
prevented by fraud intimidation bri
bery and bloodshed Tho minority
deny all tho allegations of tho majority
Tho debato was on party issues Myers
Ind speaking for the minority denied
all tho charges of intimidation bribery
mid violence Tho houso at 515 p m
Ilewey OIV for Ninlnllle
Memphis May 10 Yesterdny tho
special train bearing Admiral and Mrs
llmvnv nrrivplt nt Nnshvilln Ailmirnl
Dewey before leaving Memphis ex-
pressed Ins gratification at his reception
in tho south Everywhere iu Memphis
ho has been received with tremendous
enthusiasm and his visit has been one
of tho most notable and demonstrative
occasions in tho history of tho central
lluwnrd Ole lllmit lt Up
Fkankfout Mwy 10 Jim Howard
who was named by Cultou and other
witnesses as tho niau who probably
tired tho shot which killed Goebel sur
rendered at tho jail hero last night
Sheriff Whito says that Howard told
him when his namo was first men
tioned in connection with tho assassin
ation that ho was innoceut and would
surrender whenever ho was wanted
IloetfelUer PleuU Not Utility
Fkkmont Neb May 10 Henry
Hoctfelker was arraigned beforo Justice
of tho Peace Dumo this morning on the
charge of embezzlement of 2150 from
Dodge county m his capacity of treas
urer of Webster township Ho pleaded
not guilty waived examination and in
default of bail was committed to tho
county jail for trial at tho uet term of
tho district court
Kllllll AriMlllleilt III Piixnr A li imm
Wasiunuton May 10 The Coeur
dAleno investigation wns brought to a
close yesterday when Frederick C Rob
ertson made tho final argument for
those making tho charges Ho took oc
casion in his address to mako u fervent
plea for organized labor aud in partic
ular for uuions which ho contended
wero being oppressed and discriminated
Vemxliu Cuiitlui Ueiuuge
NArus May 10 Themuyorof Torre
lo Greco at tho -southwest foot of
Vesuvius has issued a proclamation ex
horting tho population to bo calm An
opening has occurred iu tho lower part
ot tho cono from which are escaping
sulphurous vapor and thick smoko Tho
priucipul houso of tho guides aud tho
upper depot of tho cable railway have
been destroyed
Olilrngn tnlior War
CtHOAdO May 10 Tho luiwr war M
ovor axi far as tho producers of building
material in Cook county are concerned
It was announced today that tho man
ufacturers and dealers In brick nnd
mill supplies had opened their plants
and no longer were refusing to soil
material for building to citizens or con
tractors employing union labor Loss
than 1100 men hail been employed iu
Cook county brickyards slnco tho out
break of tho labor war Today more
than 2000 men wore nt work Fear
of n general strike of trades unionists as
a possible result of tho labor convention
next Sunday is believed to bo ono of tho
powerful factors looking toward u set
tlement all along tho lino
Mny Tin Up Kiininn City llnen
Kanhah City May 10 A strike that
may tie up till tho lines of tho Metropol
itan Streot Railway company is threat
ened nnd may occur within tho next 2
hours Tho Metropolitan controls all
street railway trafllo in Kansas City
with tho exception of tho trafllo over ono
short lino Tho company employs about
1500 men At u mooting last night at
which 000 of those employes wero repre
sented it was voted to servo an ulti
matum on tho company demanding 20
cents an hour for all uion who huvo
been in tho employ of tho company for
ono year 10 cents for all nthort
Vetenint In Ktutn Cum p
Dratuicii Mob May 10 Tho state
oucampment of the Grand Army of the
Hopublio opened yesterday under tho
most favorable circumstances At tho
afternoon sosslon tho following officers
wcro elected John Rooso department
commander Broken Bow R S Wilcox
senior vico commander Omaha O F
Steele junior vico commander Fair
bury Dr Ferdinand Brother medical
director Beatrice Harmon Brass chap
lain Lincoln
The Dai Plnlteil Skirt
Despite Its being almost n familiar
object In Purls a skirt box plaited all
round has scarcely yet made Its bow
In this country This arrangement
looks pre eminently well In black cloth
as also In tafTetne the plaits united ei
ther by a piping or that openwork
feather stitching Authorities howev
er nro unnnlmous that with every
skirt a flowing effect nt the feet shall
A Paris correspondent snys I have
heard a great deal about tho new plait
ed dresses which wero to bo so very
wide and loose but I have found Hint
all the plaited dresses now worn are
ns tight fitting ns those that nre not
plnlteil at nil The models preserve the
lino of grace and widen out nt tho bot
tom only Some skirts have a wide
flounce coining from tho knees but
tho effect is not graceful nnd they will
not In all probability become fashion
Ono thing nbout which every one
seems to bo In accord Is the length of
the skirts which appear to grow longer
ns tho season ndvnncos
A Unique Window Screen
The New York Tribune tells of the
Ingenious mnnner in which one woman
screened a window overlooking n
neighbors unattractive back yard She
procured from the glazier a number of
panes of glass the exnet size of those
of the lower sash and a ball of putty
Then she covered the panes of the win
dow with pressed autumn grape lenves
ferns nnd other brightly tinted foliage
She Imltnted tho bunches of grapes
-with purple tissue paper cutting out
each grape separately the tissue pa
per giving the same luminous effect as
the pressed leaves The stems and ten
drils she painted in oils gumming the
leaves and grapes in place with a little
mucilnge and adding a few butterllle
which she bought from n collection
When her design was finished she cov
ered each pane with the others she had
bought and fastened them in with the
putty making nn illumlnnted window
of great beauty
On the IMnltn
First Actor much elated Did yon
ee what the critic of The Ilanet said
that btieli acting as mine has seldom
been seen
Second Ditto Essentlnlly thnt Is
what The Daygleain says only It does
not go quite so far Tho Daygleain
man says It wns tho worst he ever saw
Boston Transcript
A Tennessee exchange snys the name
of thnt play Leithersole In which
Miss Ollle Bapollo Is appearing Is
tough whether the young woman is or
MIlliuUH Given Avtity
It is gratifying to the public
to know of ono concern which is not
afraid to be generous Tho proprietors
of Dr Kings Now Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds have given
awny over ten million trial bottles and
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma bronchitis In grippo nud all
throat chest and lung diseases are
surely cured by it Call ou Kiesau
Drug company and get n free trinl
bottlo Regular sio 50o nud 100
Every bottle guaranteed
Dout sit down and wait for your
fortune to turn up Take Rocky Moun
tain Tea brings prosperity huppiuess to
all who use it Afrk your druggist
Try imlii O t Try Uriiln O I
Ask yonr grocer to bhow you n pack
age of Graiu O the new food drink thnt
takes tho place of coffee Tho children
may druk it without injury as well ns
the adult All who try it hko it
Graiu O has thnt rich seal brown of
Mocha or Jiva but it is made from
pure grnins and tho mot delicate
stomach receives it without distress J 4
tho price of coifce 15c nud J5c per
package Sold by nil grocers
Edurate Your llowel Willi Cuscnrets
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
Oc25c If C C C fall druggists refund mouey
Corn Still Under Im muto Firm Tone t
CutdAoo Mny I A drop of lo n buiol In
tlm Mny price nt New York n poor export tie
mantl nnd Iwnvy My dullvorlM WL nkoiiwl
whrnl hero todny nnil July clinoil with n loss
of liffV Contlntud liquidation of Hinnll
lioldliiKii dipretHil corn July closing nt n lu
cllne of c OatH oloil n slindo lower lro
vlxlnnn rttlo 1 Htronir nnd rioted with nmtorlnl
Itnlnt nil uround CIchIiik price
Wiibat mv nvoi Jtiiv enKir
Coiiv Mity u7itfii7Jo July aiasij
UAlB Mny July tlAa
loltK Mny I126J July f 12 OS
Uint Mftv tOM July I0MKS152J
LAltn Mny Id BJK July
Cnli quotntlons No red vrlient 71oj No
i Hprinit whent OWflBOJo No t corn IIOjJ
WiJic No a onto IKxUlo
Chicago Live Stock
CntOAOO Mny 10000
utecrH uctlvo Htently to lOo lower cloed HtroiiK
Rood to prime nnttvo steers tl BViJS80 poor
to medium 14 Watbi Holected feeders 1J5
iM00 mixed stockerH 1U76100 cowh 13 00c
463 helfern tUUSlD cannerH 2 4fttfiOO
bulls 2Xa4l5cnlve llOOtflWj Texnn fed
Hteem 100Csl20 Texan bulla I112V9U7S
Hogs HecelptBtodny 000 tomorrow 23000
eHtlmntud left ovor 2600 nctlve 10c lilKhor
top ttM mixed nnd butchers lol0J5U7J
Kootl tocliolco henvy rV6fl8 40 rough heavy
1US20 llKht tl KlQtfj 00 bulk of Mica 1520
gibOO Slieep ItecelptH 14000 sheep strong
to lOo higher Mnmbs 10c higher good to choice
wethers 15404676 fnlr to choice mixed 15 009
64b western sheep 15 60ft675 yearlings 1503
0000 j native lambs 15603740 westorn lambs
Kansas City lle Btook
Kansas City Mny 0 Cattle Receipts 8
200 all Kradofl of natives atronif TexnnH strong
to lOo htithcr imtlve steers f 45095 80 stock
ers nnd f voders 14000560 butchers row
andhlfers 134Htf50O canners f2758S0 fed
westerns 1426 500 Toxnns I4104 60 Hogs
ltecelpts 13000 good advanced 5of heaTy
51tX6 20 mixed 500ttt516 light 148005 00
pigs 14KXS4no Uhecp ItecelptB 8700 llbernl
offerlniti sold quickly at Arm prices spring
IninbM 700d70 clipped westerns 660T6 00
clipped muttons I460560 culls 1860460
South Otnuha Llvs Stock
South Omaha Mny 0 Cattle Receipts
8100 steady nntlvo beef steers 1420
50covb and heifers 3709180 canners
t2WgU00 stockers and feeders 8739516
calves IU 001700 bulls stags etc 1300 423
Hogs Receipts 8200 ulindo to 6o higher
heavy I516322 mixed S61Q3510 light
14003516 pigs 1476500 bulk of saleM610f
616 Sheep Receipts 6800 steady yearlings
15 238565 western muttons 160035 40 stock
em 1460ffl60O lambs J576710
Tlinnsaiids nro TryliiR It
In ordsr to provo the great merit o
Elys Oua n Halm tho iuo t elleclivo cure
for Cntnrrh and Coll in llcnd wo hno pro
oared a gonorous trjnl sio for 10 cents
Get it of jour tlraijg t or mud 10 touts to
ELY 15H03 C3 Warraa St IT Y City
I BuSorcd from citirrh of tho worst kini
ever siuco a boy ul 1 never hoped for
jure but Elys Cream Hnlin beoms to do
even that M my nctjtiMiitinccs bavo use i
it with oxoelleut result Obcar Ostruui
15 Warren Ao CldcngJ 111
Elys Cream Balm is tho ncknowlcdpod
eurofor caturrhnnd contains no cocaine
mercury nor any injuiious drug Price
CU cents At druccists or bv maiL
Dont Tobacco Spit aud hmclio Your Mfe Auny
To quit tobacco easily and forever bo mag
nctic full of life nervo and vigor talto No To
Mac be wonder worker that makes weak men
strong All druggists tOc or 81 Curcguatau
teed Booklet and sample free Address
2rllng Remody Co Chicago sr New Yotlt
now Are Your Kidney f
Dr Hobbs Spnracus Pills cure all kidney Ills Sam
plofreo AM Sterling Itemed Co CtVcago or NY
Spreads Ilko Wild lire
When things nro tho best they be
como tho best selling Abrnham
Hare a leading druggist of Belleville
O writes Electric Bitters are tho
best selling bitters I have handled in 20
years You know why Most diseases
begin in disorders of stomach liver
kidneys bowels blood and nerves
Electric Bitters tones up the stomach
regulates liver kidneys and bowels
purifies the blood strengthens the
nerves hence cures multitudes of mal
adies It builds up tho entire system
Puts new life and vigor into any weak
sickly rundown man or woman Price
50 cents Sold by Kiesan Drug Co
To Cure Constipiitlon Forever
TnkoCibcniets Caudv Cathartic 10c or 25c
K C C C fall to cure druggists refund money
Agents wanted for the best typewriter
on the market the Pittsburg Visible
writing in sight nt all times exclusive
territory given Address Bindley Hard
ware company Pittsburg Pa
Thnt Throbbing lleiiiluclio
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches
They make pure blood and bnild up
your health Only 25 cents Money
back if not cured Sold by tho Kiesau
Drug Co
Dont refuse the life line Dont
scorn the aid thnt comes from usiug
Rocky Mountain Ten 35 cents Ask
your druggist
Men can be cured privately and posi
tively at home of all weakues and dis
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Naught save Rocky Mountaiu Tea
conld possibly do what Rocky Mountain
Tea does for suffering humanity Ask
yonr druggist
Kent for the ISowels
No matter what nils you headache to
n cancer you will never get well until
your bowels are put right Cascarets
help nature cure you without a gripe or
pain produce ensy natural movements
costs you just 10 cents to start getting
your health back Cascarets Candy
Cathartic the genuine put up iu metal
boxes every tablet has O O O stamped
on it Bewnre of imitations
A Horrible Outbreak
Of largo sores on my little daughters
head developed into a case of scald
head writes C 13 Isbill of Morgantou
Tenn but Bucklens Arnica Salve
completely cured her Its a guaranteed
cure for eczetnn tetter salt rheum
pimples sores ulcers and piles Only
25c at Kiesau Drug companys
Im ashamed to go nnvwhere
with my face in this condition is
the expression of n very natural
feeling To a beautiful woniin an
eruption on the face is the greatest
of calamities her very beauty seem
ing to increase the disfigurement
Ninety eight times iu eerv hun
dred eruptions arc cured by Dr
Pierces Golden Medical Discovery
nnd the skin re
covers its maid
en bloom a u d
softness Med
ical 1 i s c o v -cry
is a medi
cine which acts
directly on the
blood purifying
it increasing its
quantity and its
richness limp
lions blotches
pimples etc
nre but surface
signs of the
corrupt blood
current under
neath Dis
covery cleans
es the blood
CjRhM i I I jT T Yv flX7jBaV
nnd so cleanses the skin
Women will find in Dr Tierces
Golden Medical Discovery a true
benutifier All the tints with which
Nature paints the skin nnd com
plexion all the brightness of the
eyes nnd the coral of the lips are
made from one chief ingredient
pure healthy blood No bloom
or balms applied to the skins
surface can simulate the exquisite
work of Nature Discovery
cleanses the blood of the impuri
ties which mar its rich coloring
and gives the smooth soft skin
and clear complexion which arc
often lost with the loss of vouth
BaBaBaBaBaBKfrHaBBHsHr JiaaBaBaBaBaBai
Her Pace Disfigured
Ioralmut one jenrnud a half my face
v cry badly broken out write Mls
Cirrfc Adam of lift Wet Main St Hattlc
ctctk Mich I pent a great deal of
mom v with doctor and for different kinds
cf medicine but received no benefit At
lat 1 read one of jour advertisements and
obtained a bottle of lr Iicfccs Golden
Midicil Divovery Ilcfore I had taken
one bottle of tbU nudlciue I noticed n
chntige and after taking three bottles I
wa entirely cured
Pimples Cured
It gives me
much pleasure to
testify to the mer
its of Dr lierces
old en Medical
Discovery writes
Mis Annie Wells
of 1crgussons
Whnrf Hie of
Wight Co Va I
can say honestly
nud candidly that
it is the grandest
medicine ever com
pounded for puri
fying the blood I
suffered terribly
with rheumatism
and pimples on the
skin nnd swelling
in my knees and
feet so that I could
not walk I spent
about twenty dol
lars paying doc
tors bills but re
ceive - no benefit A jear or two ago I waa
rinding one of your Memorandum Hooks
nnd I decided to try Dr lierces Golden
Medical Discovery nnd Favorite Prescrip
tion and am entirely cured
Scrofula Cured
I cured my little girls scrofula with
your Golden Medical Dlscovcrv and
leannt llllcts writes Mr Ijll Ah
ford of Knney Hunt Co Texas It has
been four years since then and there has
not been any return of the disease
Dr Pierces Medical Adviser Is seat
FREE on receipt of stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing ONLY Send 21 one
cent stimps for book In paper covers or
Jl stamps for cloth binding Address
Dr K V Pierce Buffalo N Y
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Bock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61
They overcome Weak
ness irregularity and
omissions increase
or ana oanisn pains
of menstruation They are LIFE SAVERS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
Erastus A Benson t
President of tho Omaha Real Estate Ex-
change and one of the leaders in real
tato circles in Nebraska writes I tried
Dr Kays Lung Balm
for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr
W L Selby and the result was remark- f
able The effect was so quick I would not
have trusted my senses had not Mr Selbys
experience been tho same
Shun substitutes Remedies Just As Good as Dr J
Knys Lung Balm aro not madoor sold any- Y
where If notat drucclsts tvo will send it v
paid oo receipt of price Dr Kays Lung Ualm 10
Skcts Free Medical Advice Sample and Book for
the asking Address
Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y
J555 J5555m5 5 55 5 5
The Man of the Hour
A Magnificent Portrait of
President McKinley
Reproduced in Ten Colors from a
Late Photograph for which the
President specially sat at the re
quest of the Publishers
Size 1 1x21 Inches
will be published by us shortly
It is now being printed for us on
heavy plate paper in a form suita
ble for framing by one of tho
largest art lithograph houses in America in the famous
French style of color plate work Every American family
will want one of these handsome pictures of the President
It must be remembered that this picture will be in no sense
a cheap chromo but will be an example of the very highest
stylo ofilluminated printing It will be an ornament to any
library or drawing room Our readers can have the McKin
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