The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 10, 1900, Page 7, Image 7
ti r i Attend the Cut Price Sale at Davenports SIMPSONS CORNER OIHco Hanlrs Coal Onicn Firo iusurauco Farm and City Loans and Real Estnto Two Rood houses for rout J E SIMPSON THE EYES r ccLf THE BRAIN Parents who neglect their drens eyes are more cruel than J the Chinese who encase the feet of their littlo ones Ouo dwarfs tho feot the other stunts the- mind When We Adjust Glasses study becomes a pleasure Con sultation free Satisfaction guar- ntitoprl G F W MARQUARDT I OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN I NORFOLK NEBRASKA i FOR THE FINEST PHOTOS -COME TO- MICHAELS STUDIO We always have the latest styles and guarantee that our work will please you Our prices are right and we solicit a share of your pat ronage Finest lino of Mat Board in town Newest styles of Picturo Mouldings Stamp Photos as fiuo as the finest Yours for business CPMICHAEL At Thompsons cans corn 20 J cans tomatoes 25 Wheatling per packnge 10 GolddustMlb 18 3 packages yeast 10 Bakers chocolate 18 2 lbs ABO crackers 15 1 gal pail syrup 35 Gloss starch per pkg 05 18 lbs granulated sugar 100 We Can Save You Money Tlie Weather Conditions of tho weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 77 Minimum temperature 50 Average fill Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for mouth 55 Earoinoter 2070 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight and Friday Warmer east portion to night Continued warm Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS Mrs Burt Mapes entertained a com pany of ladies this afternoon at an old fashioned quilting bee y A Madison correspondent to tho Omaha Bee states that A J Rex of this comity had a 10 buggy harness stolen soreral nights ago Tho brick yards started ou the sea sons work yesterday but wore inter rupted by a breakdown They wero ruuuiug again this moruiug Tho tenuis court at tho corner of Ninth street nud Norfolk avenue 1ms been completed nud tho young folks have enjoyed several games thereon T O Vau Horn has purchased the old Sohweuk property at tho corner of Koeuigstoiu avenue and Eleventh street now occupied by F L Culver u 9 1 and expects to take possession this week John Van Horn will remain ou thd farm south of tho city Cards hnvo been received by Norfolk friends announcing tho marriage of Miss Florence Ohenoy of Oroighton to J S Scott of Omaha which will tnko place in Croighton on tho 5th of Juno Tudgo Hayes was entertaining a civil caso tho greater portion of this forenoon In which Francos tolomnii sued Hello Clover for tho recovery of 70 alleged to bo duo for housoheoplng and other services Tho judgo resorved hi de cision until tomorrow Tho pcrfumo from tho sheep yards is agaiu In evidence slnco tho wind Is In tho south If peoplo will only hold tholr breath for a few days tho smoll will not disturb thorn It is said that tho pouotrattng odor Is produced In tho most part by tho fertilizer which Is bo lug distributed over tho Holds near tho city Tho reopening of tho North Nobraska collego at Madison which has beou closed for several years now looks prob able Those at Madison having tho matter in baud sont a favorablo roport Tuosday to tho prospective purchasers at Lobauon Ohio regarding tho selling of tho property and tho attondanco of students guaranteed W O Halls horse Burtwood was shipped to Terra Hauto Indiana May 1st and Mr Hall ha3 received word that ho arrived thero in good condition nnd Is working fluo At Terra Hauto ho will enter tho first raco of a series of 15 on tho Fourth of July Mr Hull ex pects to leave tho first of that month for Indiana to see tho nice Tho Wednesday club held its last meeting of tho year yesterday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs John H Hays Tho annual election of oilicers was held and all tho oilicers who served during tho past year wero re elected Mrs Hays sorved very dainty refreshments nfter tho business of tho mooting had been transacted Tho nununl banquctwhioh it has been customary to servo at tho close of tho year was postponed until fall About 1 50 this afternoon tho floor gave way under tho soda fountain at Kiesaus drug store allowing tho foun tain to tip forward The top which contained a large plato glass mirror fell breaking the mirror and doing consider able other damage to tho fountain and the counter About three dozen bottles of malt extract wero broken by tho cal amity nud tho damage done will amount to quito a considerable sum The work of clearing nway tho wreckage was at once commenced and consumed a largo portion of the afternoon The nccideut is peculiar in that a similar one has never been noted Through a misunderstanding of the order of tho board of education concern ing another examination of tho senior class of tho High school some of tho members of tho class filed a protest with tho board yesterday The pupils were laboring under the impression that the intention of the board was to pre vent them from graduating unless tho new examination gave them higher ratings than they now hold but it was explained that such was not tho inten tion and last evening they appeared be fore tho board and withdrew their pro test at the same time offering an apol ogy for their hasty action Anton Bucholz and Miss Minnie Verges went to Madison yesterday to be present at tho county court when tho last will and testament of the late Dr Verges was read and proved The property which amounts to about 70 000 mostly in real estate was divided by tho terms of the will equally between tho four children tho division to be made when oaoh of tho heirs becomes of age Mr Bucholz was named as administrator of the estate and guardian of the children Miss Minnie Verges will soon reach her majority whon appraisers will bo appointed and she will be given her share in tho property Tho St Louis Globo Democrat wanted to know how English sparrows might be destroyed Two correspondents re plied One suggested that wheat bo soaked in whisky over night and thou placed where tho birds could find It Thoy become drunk and nro easily cap tured and may bo destroyed Tho other corrospoudont suggested that tho grain bo soaked in water containing stryohniue and fed to tho littlo pests which would mean suro death Tho former method is suggested as tho safe est as tho strychniuo is as likely to kill fowls or other birds as sparrows whilo if they only become drunk thoy will re cover Superintendent D O OConnor and Miss Maude Taunehill left this morning for Kearney whore Miss Taunehill will engage in tho state High school declam atory contest representing the North east Nebraska district in tho humorous class Tho class of 1900 Norfolk High school has been peculiarly fortuuato iu this class Clyde Hayes carried off the state prizo in thQ humorous class last year and tho members now havo nine gold medals won in various contests ns a result of their successful rendition of humorous recitations Another peculiar fact is that this is tho only class of tho High school that has ever been repre sented in the state nud district coutests iu tho humorous class We make loans ou real estnto at THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 10 1J0 lowest rates Elkhorn Building Savings association T K Omohni Seo Barn for rent J L Dvsiri Wax run A good girl for general housework Mils P T IKitcuviU To Mr 1utroiiR I mn proparlng to close my Norfolk olllco In Cotton block during tho mouths of Juno July and August llospeot fully Dit HutvrY Ij SroduiN Dentist Farm land and city property for snlo by G H Sollor Horses clipped at Sellers barn Wanted A good cunvnssor at Michaels studio A five room cottage on South 12th St for rent Enquire of O F Shaw PERSONAL W I Wlltso was a city visitor yos torday from Ponder Mrs F W Koorbor was a visitor yes torday iu Lincoln D C Hopporumn of Dakota City was a city visitor yesterday E A Bullock has gone to Sioux City for n stay of two weeks Supt O H Reynolds paid an oltloiitl visit to Vordigro yesterday T F Monnningor of Madison was a visitor yesterday in Norfolk- Dr Augustus Hamilton wns a city viator yesterday from Coloridgo A II Bohanon and J O Bryuo of Madison wore city visitors yostorday W E Spencer rotumod this morning from a business visit to Grand Island Geo S Dovino and F A Dearborn of Wnyno wero Norfolk visitors yester day Dr P II Saltor is in Omaha attend ing a mooting of tho state doctors as sociation Mr and Mrs A K Leonard havo gone to Andersons slough for an outing of a fow days John C Sprccher A C McLeod and Anton Kespar wero visitors in tho city yesterday from Schuylor W II Wigtou who has boon in tho city several days looking after Auditor ium matters returned to Omaha on tho noon train N A Rainbolt returned last ovoniug from Columbus where ho attended a successful two days session of tho Central Nobraska Bankers association Mr and Mrs E E Coleman of Bloom field who formerly lived in Norfolk were hero over night visiting old timo friends Mr Coloman is now engaged in tho hardware business at Bloomfield Sturgeon is the piano man W B Vail tho jeweler and optician is putting in a lino of sowing machines and supplies Special Siilo of Heil Spreadx at Itiiiim llroH The long looked for bed spreads havo at last been received at Baum Brothers and thoy are prettier than over Cus tomers know what they aro as thoy have before been on sale by this firm Prices aro ns reasonable as over Fair OroumlH For Sale Tho undersigned committeo will oiler for Bale at public auction in Norfolk on Friday May 25 1900 tho property known as tho old fair grounds compris ing about GO acres of laud east of tho city reserving all tho pumps buildings windmill and fencing with tho excep tion of tho posts on tho outsido fences Sale to bo held at Pasowalks implement house at 2 oclock p m Terms of sale One third cash balance in one and two years on approved security with interest at 7 por cent I G Westekvelt L M Gaylokd H A Pasewalk Committeo Nice strawberries 15 cents a quart box at Schorregges Houses for sale T E Odiornk Spring Schedule on tlie Nlcklo Pluto Itoml Kllectlve May 1 1100 Ft Wayne Findlay Fostoria Belle vue Lorain Cleveland Ashtabula Couneaut Girard Erie Chautauqua Luke Dunkirk Buffalo as well as Now York Boston and all intermediate points in Now England New York stato and tho anthracite coal regions are reached on fast time and lowest rates of faro by trains of theNicklo Plato road Leave Chicago 105 a m U 30 p m 1030 p m with drawing room sleeping cars Unex celled diuiug cars ou through Boston and New York train at 10 35 a m and Now York City fast express train leav ing Chicago at 80 p m All trains run daily Train leaving Chicago at 2 30 p m has observation car east of Buffalo over tho Lackawanna road ar riving in New York City 725 p m every day iu the year in good shape for evening entertainments Secure sleep ing car space in advance Write wiro or phono 2057 central to J Y Calahau general ngout Chicago 111 Elegant work nnd prices right at Michaels studio For artistic photographs and fine work go to Miohaels studio The News oo aopartment is com plete in ovory particular Tho now Cash Hardware Store has a nice lino of screen doors wiro cloth lawn mowers and gasolino stoves nt the lowesfprices Call aud oxamiue thorn TEACHERS ARE CHOSEN Ilmiril of IMiinillon llilil it Mcnllni lmt Nlclit mill Tiiniiiiitril Hinlnrnn Adjourned meeting of the board of education was held on May 1 1U0O at 8 p iu Present Luikart Dean Aid Bruggonmn Salter and Matrau Meeting was called to order by Presi dent Luikait The election of teachers for tho ouhii lug school year was taken up and tho following teachers wero elected by ballot J 13 Barnes jr principal High school Miss Kvn 1 Mainos assistant princi pal Miss Francis R Gllson assistant pricipal Miss Harriet 0 Wood to bo asslgnud Miss Valley Garllngor to bo assigned Miss Gertrude Watson to bo assigned Miss Lizlo Roes to bo assigned Miss Edith Batcholor to be assignod Miss ICato Stafford to bo assigned Miss Hattlo Allbory to be assigned Miss Graola Kidder to bo assigned Miss Bossio Kiildor to bo assigned Miss Marll Bryan to bo assigned Miss Julia Stafford to bo assigned Miss Luoy Williams to bo assigned Miss Margaret Morrow to be assigned Miss Nettio Nelson Ith grade Miss Pearl Rceso to bo assigned Miss Kdlth Morrow to bo assigned Miss Ellon Mullen to bo assigned Miss Edith McOlary to bo assigned Miss Oriole Adams to bo assigned Miss Mamie Matrau to bo assigned Miss Pearl Wlilanian to bo assigned Miss Anna MeBride to bo assignod Miss Nellie Dingiiiaii to bo assigned President Luikart appointed tho fol lowing standing committees On discipline course of study text books and teachers Matrau Luikart and Saltor On grounds buildings and supplies Salter Denu and Brueggotnnn On finance claims and salaries Aid Dean and Bruoggoinuii It was ordered that all now teachers who have been elected shall lie roquired to attend during this summer vacation some good normal or summer school and pass a satisfactory examination beforo tho fall term of tho city schools shall begin Tho board adjourned II 0 Math At Socrotary If Vour Watch Stop Go to Fritz Hoohno in Kocuigsteins drug store Ho is tho host and cheapest watchmaker and jowlor in town All work warranted Nico strawberries 15 cents a quart box at Schorreggos Ituul IJxtnm 1 raiixtorH Tho following transfers of roal estate aro roported by E G Heilman man ager of tho Madison county abstract office at Norfolk Kathorine Giobelhaus and hus band to W Donner part of tho Roki of nw4 27-24-1 de scribed by motes and bounds Grantee to pay one dollar ou i mtg to A Bear wd 203 7o Norvol Jones to Ella Jones os of se4 and a part of wtj of sej described by motes and bounds wd 1 00 Farm and city loans The Durlant Trust Co Lost Ou Main streot a Waterman Ideal fountain pen Return to this oflico and receive a suitable reward F V M V It It KxourHloiiH May 1st aud 2nd to Lincoln Nob account republican stato convention May 1st aud 15tliJto Hot Springs S D one faro plus 200 with 0 day limit May 8 and 9 to Beatrice Nob account state encampment G A It May 15 10 17 and 22 to St Louis Mo account general assembly Presby terian church May 19 and 20 to Washington D C account Mystic Shrine May 21 and 22 to Detroit Mich ac couut national Baptist anniversaries May 28 and 2 to North Manchester Iud account German Baptists Dunk ards June 2 and 3 to Milwaukee Wis account general confederation Womaus clubs Full information will bo glndly fur nished II C Matkalt Agent Furnishod rooms to rent by Mrs Youuger on tho Heights Try the Sew Mmlglit Front French Model Cornel Prettiest line of white shirt waists ever shown in Omaha Pretty colored shirt waists from 50c to 350 White pique waists worth 200 for 75o Handsomo parasols iu all tho uow shades and styles A great variety of childrens parasols White piquo capes trimmed with em broidery for childron Mull caps nnd hats for children from tho lowest price to tho best Handsome chiffon boas 100 and up Wash veils with handsome borders black or white prices 15o to 500 Silk gloves black whito tan nnd gray 3bo to 100 Lisle gloves in black or white 25o to 75o Initial for pockotbooks 15c A handsome lino of dress trimmings Tnllota silk applique iu black or whito with rovers and oufts to match La Franco rose perfumes aro equnl to j tho finest tosos themselves Only 50c por ounce Mas 1 Bpnson South lilth St Omaha Nub Thiil IniiiiiiliMil Ciipllnl I M Zoln when In Unuluiid wiih much linprpsspil with Hip Cugllih lisp of tho capital Whj Is It h nays that Hip Ihigllsliiuun when lip writes of himself should limirlahly iisp a capi tal letter That tall T which occurs no often Iu a personal narrative Htilltps mi as being very arrogant A French man to hhnseir wrltcH Jo Willi a Htiiall J a icnmui though he niny gratify all IiIh hiiIihIiiiiMvoh with capital IptletH pniployH a small P In writing Mch a Spanlaul when he imps the personal pronoun at all bestowM u Hinall y on his yo while he honors the person he iiiIiIi pnsph with a capital V 1 hellovo Indeed though I am not Hiitllclently acquainted with foreign languages to speak with certainly on that point that tho Englishman la tho only person In tho world who applies u capital letter to himself M Zola might havo enforced bin con trastH Htlll further by referring to tho Japanese who really havo no word Tor 1 In speaking of oneself In Japa nese Keif depreciatory terms aro used Hiieh iih servant tho awkward per son Junior while In Hpeaklng of or to other people complimentary ternm nro employed such as senior mas ter prince used by young men Iu itildtPHsIng each other familiarly Tho most usual lapnnese equivalent for I Ih wiitaliiishl which means liter ally selfishness Buffalo Commer cial Nm Vorlin Tiiii imwit Motion One of Hip Indications of the tin provpineiit of Hip masses In this city Is the gradual abolishment of tho pup tneiil as the word Is generally under stood The big ronkprlPH with their small rooniH airless balls ami rusty lire escapes arc going out of plstpnco Iu bo ordinary course of ovents by tire tumbling down and being remov ed to makp room for modern struc turps and the people who llvo In them nro seeking more airy homes In the wiburhs or Iu Hip lints up town While th foreign plpinent coiilliiucH to live In teneineiits for Hip first ypar after reaching New York Hie children of forolgn parentage are not willing to exist In the noisome quarters of the cast and west Hides They crave more light more air and clcaullticHS ami In many cases they get It Rapid transit makes narlcin as accessible as Grand Htrcet and there Is no occasion to live In a down town tonoinont unless one likes It No new tenement bouses are build ing The llathotiHo has taken Its place and In tho course of time tho foul bar racks In which scores of families aro crowded will be a thing of the past and only remembered as part of a distem pered dream New York Letter In Pittsburg Dispatch African mill Ii iniillic The children of the desert were filled with awo when first Hie silence of the primeval solitude was broken by the pulling of Hie steam engine Down at tho other end of the Cape to Cairo line the simple Matabcle when first con fronted by a locomotive were certain that the strange machine was worked by the labor of an Indefinite number of oxen which they assumed were shut up Inside hence when the engine stop ped they gathered Iu curious crowds waiting to see the door open and the oxen come out nor could they for many days be persuaded that Hie power of the locomotive could come from other than the strength of the ox The Arabs of the Sudan more Imiig lnatlve than the Matabole saw In Hie fire horses of the railway one of the DJInns of the Arabian Nights har nessed by the magic of the Infidel to the long train of cars The steam en gine wns to them n living sentient being Of which belief there Is curi ous evidence In the fact that on one occasion a sheik made an Impassioned remonstrance against the cruelty of making so Hinall an engine draw so huge a train Windsor Magazine The Ilearileil A young married couple In Belfast Me received n startling bhock They carried their baby to a photographer for a picture In due time the proof enmo around but the parents nt first fnlled to recognize It The babys fea tures wero thero all right and so were tho pretty dress and nil the other ac cessories but the child had apparently grown a full beard while beforo the camern Tho artist had used by mis take a plato on which an Imperfect picture of nn old man hnd been taken anil the two exposures coincided bo well that ho saved tho plate ns a curi osity Peruvian Army DUclplliic This military story Is printed In n Lima paper A man belonging to the Peruvlnn artillery was ordered to be flogged run there wns no regulation cat handy with which to Inflict the ens tlgntlon The officer In charge who wns a severe disciplinarian decided to defer the carrying out of the order un til the official scourge which he nt onco requisitioned should arrive It was about a year before tho cat was supplied by the authorities By that time the soldier had been dead Bovcral months The Salmon When a young salmon Is first hatch ed It Is known as a parr Just before It leaves tho fresh for the Bait water It Is called a smolt When It first re turns to spawn It becomes a grilse and not until It hns spawned is It en titled to be dignified by the uamo of salmon Wasted Twenty men and tennis at sheep ranch nt onco Wall paper at Ohristophs DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children Cut Prices in Groceries iood Colfen per lb 10o Toinatopt por can 08o Mixed Candy por lb 7yc Best Flour por sack 90c 10 bars laundry snip 25o Oranges per do 10c All kinds of Fruit cheap B MEYER Box Old Stand MR8 H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Humps lowolry Sloro CRSEILER Sale andL Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Soldlo Commission Brnnnch Avenue and Tnlrd St PHONE 44 PURE GROCERIES Aro essenUiil to heuIUi UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You Kci wliiil you pay for ul Uhlos arpenfers oojs SEASONABLE GOODS Lawn Mowers Screen Doors Poultry Netting Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves and Steel Ranges Garden Hose Lisks Anti Rust T i n w a re every piece guaranteed not to rust Stransky Steel Ware at Degners Hardware Pure Fresh Groceries ave essential to good health and cost no more than the cheap stuff handled by some dealers Fuesler Sells the Best Sole Agent for Chase Sanborns Coffee