The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 03, 1900, Page 8, Image 9

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Msulison county Is cortrtln to tm njmv
Fontcil In coiiKross by lolin
Thero doesnt npponr to bo liiuoh
dniiKur of n drouth in Nobrnflka dtiriiiK
tho bnliuiro of tills week
Tim Hut tlo Itvok Koptibllnin miy
The nomination of lolin It Hnyn for
oouKress Is nn nusplnoua IhkIiiiiIiik
Succors will surely bo tin ontllni
CoiiKVCRsiniui John S Uobliiion lml
bettor bo ooinlng homo TIiIiikh ro
lookliiK sonmwlmt lluysio in tho Third
district ind hod bottor fot untlor oovor
Tho chief of thu Filipino ciiblnnt Iiiir
Burrondorod to tho United Stilton au
thorities and tho popooratio aid party
In tho Philippines Is gradually boiiiK dis
Tho democratic convention or Whlto
county TonnosHoo has declared for tho
rotontion of tho Philippines Tho antis
do not Room to bo In tho ninjority in
that country
Tho delegates to tho national conven
tion from tho Second district have boon
instructed to uso tholr best inlluonco
toward tho Holcctlon of Kdwnrd Hoso
water as national conunlttoiniui
It Is soniowhat oarly to begin thinking
of a Thanksgiving dinner but Undo
Samuel is already uf tor Turkey There
thoro wo didnt mean to do that wo
didnt really Bog pardon
Tho Salvation Army War Cry is
waging war against tho long skirt It
is claimed that a skirt that will trail in
tho dust will gather up and spread
disoaso germs not mentioning tho
effect on tho skirt itself
If those gold minors In Alaska dont
lmvo a euro they will discover so much
of the valuable niotal that it will bo
coino cheap and tho ratio of 11 to 1 com
pared with silver will not bo such an
irridosccnt dream
Tho fourth annual meeting of the
Elkhoru Valley Editorial association
will bo hold at Gordon on Saturday
Juno i A good time is promised those
who attoud and u largo attoudanco of
think gonorntors is looked for
Another now gold Hold luui boon dis
covorod in Alaska which is said to yield
10 to tho pan almost at tho grass
roots Ono party roports having
taken out 500 in an hour and it is said
to ho richer than anything in tho Klon
dike country
Just now tho battle botwoon tho Boors
and tho Britons is not interesting Mr
Bryan so much as his approaching
socoml battle tho first ougagotuout of
which is likely to take place in Kansas
Citys now convention hall with Ad
miral Dowoy in comumud of tho oppos
ing forcos
If republican harmony roigus as su
premo iu conventions yet to be hold as
it has iu those that havo passed tho
campaign will bo fought by a party pro
sonting a solid front to tho enemy and
it is not nuroasouhblo to suppose that
this desirablo coudltiou will prevail with
all factions workiug to that ond
Thoro was no troublo whatever in re
nominating Congressman Mercer in tho
Second district and tho bnsinoss was
douo by acclamation Tho business of
finding someono to bent Morcor will not
bo so easy in fact it will vorgo on tho
impossible All seems to bo harmony
of tho flrbt water in tho Socoud
By tho way what has become of
Coin Harvey and his Financial
School Thoso aro two factors in tho
campaign of lSKI that will bo sadly
missed and they should at onco bo
resuscitated Tho campaign of 1000 is
at hund and tho Financial School
and its nuthor aro scarcely mentioned
A democratic oxchango says that
Senator Hoar a spoeoh may give some
aid to the Filipinos and furnishes com
fort to many Americans It is presuniDd
that the latter phrase menus the real
and original Americans the Indians
whom our leading domocratio fore
fathers aided iu governing without their
consont and taxed without ropresouta
Moses P Kiukaid of ONeill will
again lead tho republican forces iu the
big Sixth during this congressional
campaign Ho has an opposition of
2014 votes to overcome Ho should bo
ablo to overcome this and lead tlu hosts
out of the laud of the populists fusion
ists and nutis in tho promised laud of
republican prosperity
Fremont has fixed the dates of her
street fair at September 10 to 15 The
festivities will bo under tho auspices of
tho Knights of St Febnigus What
tho peoplo of Fremont undertake they
usually accomplish and tills occasion is
likely to bo the equal if not tho suporior
of anything of like character ever before
attempted in tho state
W S Molau of McOook known
among his intimates as deacou will
mako tho race for cougress in tho Fifth
district Mr Morbns selection appears
to bo generally satisfactory to the re
publicans of the Fifth and thoy expect
A fusion oxchango thinks Mark
Hanna doservos thauks for tho recent
raiufl They havo got so used to
icg Mark for anything likoly to suppress
calamity mill depression that thoy now
want to lay it up against him for caus
ing tho rain to fall and giving the
crops an abundant start Mark has
helped to bring about many good thiugs
but tho chief was tho oloctiou of Win
McKiuloy as president of theso Uuited
States Ho stopped on calamity very
severely thou and has not been forgiven
by tho fnsionist who had a barrel or
two of toar water stored away to bo
shod ovor tho crown of thorns being
pressed upon tho brow of the common
Shooting Filipinos is said by tho
fusiouists to bo a most cruel and heart
less pieco of work on tho part of this
government The government and its
soldiers would gladly relinqush all tho
pleasure thoy derive from this occu
pation woro thoy permitted to do so by
tneso samo a uipinos wnou it comes
to a inostion of shooting or being shot
it is not unreasonable to suppose that a
man with a gun and knowiug how to
shoot will shoot and that is what tho
boys aro doing Tho democrats know
as well as anyouo that tho United Stotes
army is there to stay as long ns thoro is
armed resistance nfter which tho policy
of this government in regard to tho
islauds will be developed
Tho election of Hon John H Hays of
Norfolk to congress is not among tho
mi possibilities of this campaign by any
in- ns Two years ago Judge W F
Nirris lacked but 1 S0 votes of being
j elected Boss L Hammond of Fremont
presented some figures to tho Beo yes
terday showing that tho republicans
havo been steadily gaining in tho district
bince lb while tho fusiouists havo
been as steadily losing In IS tho re
publicans polled iiii5 votos whilo in
18JS thoy polled 17IW3 votes a gain of
3Gi Iu 1802 the republican opposi
tlou iu tho district was 201M whilo in
1 SDS tho fusion vote was 1S722 a loss
of 1411 which makes a total republi
can gain of 5100 votes Iu 1603 Meiklo
John had 40 per cent of tlio total voto
whilo Norris in 1 SDS received 47l8 por
Tho middle-of-the-road populist move
ment is not iusiguificant by any means
and the fusiouists may well feel appro
housivo of ttio dark cloud looming up
on their horizon There are to bo 007
regular delegates to the Cincinnati con
vention delegates choseu by the regu
lar party conventions ot tlio various
to make a strong light for him 1 Iu was fcS delegates altogether whilo tho delo
also a graduate of an Iowa college j gatoj choson to thu Sioux Falls fusion
lug received Iiin olucatiou lit Oriiinoll convention number 8711 with no pros
The Dps Moines Kogistor slates that
Hon John It Mays the republican
nominee for representative from tho
Third Nebraska congressional district
was formerly and for a number of years
a citizen of Nevada Iowa anil ono of
the active republican workers of this
state Iloisoftho Iowa kind of re
publicans tho Register asserts and
he will bo helpful to his state and nation
in tho next congress Sioux City
Tho United States exported H00l
100 nioro of A inorlcan goods In March
11100 than in March 1801 Under tho
present administration tho country has
developed some phenomenal business
spurts which it will be impossible and
futile for tho fuslonists to attempt to
deny In 1810 tho fuslonists wore up
against a campaign of promises with
little but history to back tnom This
year they will bo up agulnfet an array of
Indisputable facts that may well daunt
tho bravest of them
James A Boyco has written to J II
Fdmlston chairman of tho peoples in
dependent parly resigning his position
as state central coininlttooinan of 01 oo
county and oxpressoa his determination
to participate in the
populist convention at Cincinnati Ho
says ho canuot submit to tho corruption
and trlolkory resorted to by tho fuslon
ists Ho closes us follows You aro
aware Mr Edinlston that I do this for
tho sake of principle as I havo uovor
been an olllco soekor honco I am not
disappointed neither havo I over asked
for an appointment for a friend or ovor
rooininondod one
Mr Bryan continues to usuert that ho
hasnt dropped the silver issuo Ho
may not havo dropped it but ho has
it concealed in tho lining of his coat
sleeve or sonio other place for exhibition
onlv on state occasions It is not at all
surprising that ho has to keop donying
that he has dropped it If ho admitted
that it had boon dropped it would bo an
acknowledgement that ho had relin
quished any claim to consistency Ho
made such a bitter fight lor tho cause
iu IStltl and placed himself on record ho
substantially that ho would bo laughod
at if ho wont back on his ropoatcd asser
tions whilo iu view of recent develop
ments ho would also be laughed at if ho
made tho samo urgumouts and tho same
light ho did iu 18M Ho has a firm hold
of tho issuo and cauuot lot go no matter
how much he may dosiro to do so It is
onibarrasslug and will provo nioro so as
tho campaign waxes warmer Ho is in
a sorry plight and no ono roalizes it
more than he
pect of any largo additions It is plain
to Do seen that tlio uiuoiuuatl
Mott is of the real populist party whilo
tho Sioux Falls nlluir will bo but a side
show Tho fusion pnpors of Nebraska
aro inclined to ridicule I Clem Doavor
and his movement but it is clear to tho
unprejudiced that ho is on tho right
road and will ho represented by a party
with a principle when tho other follows
who novor had prlnciplo will not oven
havo a party His olmuco for a smilo
will bo when thoso sumo fuslonists apply
at tho ontor door of tho regular populist
puty for udniisilon
Senator Marcus A llanna docs not
appear to bo ns unpopular among tho
people of his homo state Ohio as tho
fuslonists attempt to mako out Ho ad
dressed tho republican statu convcntioi
hold in Columbus Tuesday and at tho
conclusion of his romarks tho body
noarly wont wild with prolougod cheer
ing and enthusiasm Ho presented a
fact in regard to tho business conditions
of tho country under tho administration
of Presldont William McKiuloy that is
astonishing in its magnitude and indi
cates with convincing forco what hns
been attained Ho said Thobalauco
of not trado in favor of tho United
Stutos during tho last century procodiug
this administration nmouutod to 311
000000 Iu 100 yoars that was tho not
balanco to tho crodlt of tho United
States in our trado with thd world In
threo years of tho administration of
President Wm MoKlnloy tho not bal
anco as shown by tho books of tho
United States treasury is 1400000 000
It is 1100000000 nioro accomplished in
thoso threo years than had been accom
plished in 100 yoars procodiug Than
looking into tho faco of such results I
repoat your chairmans words Do wo
want to change
Tallow Dips
Just as soon as tho Honorable Con
stantino J Smyth has driven tho Stand
ard Oil octopus out of tho state of No
braska thoro will bo an aflluout op
portunity for tho establishment of a
caudlo factory at Omaha Kearuoy
Beatrice Lincoln and all other impor
tant towns Thoro will bo no oil for
sale at oudurablo prices anywhere in
this commonwealth Tho Staudnrd Oil
folks havo nil our trado Oil costs
under their diabolical graspiuguess one
tenth what it cost before tho fangs of
plutocracy plunged into tho tender opi
dormis of tho oleaginous traffic When
Smyth drivos out tho beast of monopoly
this bohomoth of extortion Nebraska
can at ouco institute industrial plants
for tho manufacture of tallow dips The
delightful illuminatory methods of ter
ritorial doys will bo restored Tho in
candescence of tho log cabins of the
pioneers will bo roproducod iu coruscat
ing brilliancy Down with oil I Up
with tho tallow dip I Lot us enjoy tho
beneficence of Smyth and condemn the
malovoleuco of Rockefeller who charges
us elovou to twenty cents a gallon for
oil which boforo ho began his doviltry
cost us ono dollar and a half iu Ne
braska J Sterling Mortons Conserv
Tho Porto ltlcnn View
How do tho Porto Ricaus like the
tnriff featuro of tho Porto Hican bill
that goes into effect tomorrow Thero
has boon very little testimony upon the
subject although thero have been many
surmises upon the part of thoso who
havo opposed the bill These havo
assumed that tho intelligent Porto
Ricaus would consider themselves
ohalned to a conquerors chariot and
would protest bitterly against boing
robbod by tho Americans who had como
to them iu tho guiso of liborators Tho
Journal lias seen uo actual testimony
that such opinions havo been expressed
in Porto Rico although thoso who have
not seen tho wisdom of tho measure en
acted have boon not at nil backward in
their claims that tho testimony would bo
forthcoming After tho law has been
in operation for a few weeks those
whoso interest in tho topic is snstuiued
will havo an opportunity for observing
tho woikiugs of tho bill from results
In the meantime tho following extract
from a letter written to tho Now York
Tribune by a Porto Rican tax payer
may bo taken for what it is worth as nn
intelligent Porto Rican opinion on tho
merits of the temporary tuiiff about to
go into effect
Porto Rico bring purely an agricul
tural country the fnrmers nro the tax
payors Under present circumstances
to place tho whole burden of supporting
tho insular government upon tho land is
nu injustice Tho only way to reach
the great mass of tho population who
pay no taxes whatever is by a tariff so
low that it canuot close tho United
States markets to Porto Rican products
aud still will relieve tho farmers the
truo wealth producers of tho island
from some of the burden of taxation
The house tariff bill is thereforo no
ceptablo to Parto Rico notwithstanding
all tho protests made by the Porto Rican
professional politicians
Tho present military government of
Porto Rico no matter how distasteful
it may bo to the political ngitntors is a
blessing to the tax payer It is honest
just efficient nud economic nnd the
only protection of tho insular rovenuo
uguiust the impure fingers of the
states j besides thero are 201 delegates jlatto demagogues who whilo tho most
choseu by bolters as in Nebraska or ardent iusultors of the Americans
ing tho war woro tho first to wolcomo
tho victorious nrmy
This little item of ovidonco gives
promise that tho workings of tho Porto
Rican bill passed amid such a clamor
by tho prosont congress will nioro than
justify tho action of thoso who pushed
tho moiisuro through iusplto of vigorous
oppesitiou In tho calm confidence that
time would vindicate tho wisdom of
tholr course Sldux City Journal
What do Tlioy Mean
It is tho evident purpose nud frank
avowal of tho opposition party to run a
campaign on an issuo of
Thoy aro going to stand as a fort
ress and n shelter for tho pooplo ngainst
tho designs nnd tondouoioR of tho
McKiuloy administration Their or
ators will go forth with tongues all
uflamo to warn tho populace of tho im
poudiug doom of tho republic which
unless saved by tholr offorts will bo
speedily swallowed up and lost iu tho
maelstrom of modorn Caosnrism repre
sented by tho man from Canton nud his
Men posscssod of strong lungs nud nn
oxtrnordinary capacity for tho rapid fir
ing of brilliant motaphors will rush
across tho continent and porambulato
poripatetlcally hithor and yon aud no
doubt creato considerable of a disturb
auco raiso a good doal of dust aud add
to tho dramatic and scenic effoct of tho
ousuiug quadrennial contest that is to
bo fought out and settled at tho polls
next November
Leaving tho realm of fancy and othe
rial political bluouoss and gotting down
to tho polid oarth whero tho common
roal flesh and blood peoplo mostly reside
what aro tho oratorical folks talking
about and what do thoy moan
What is imperialism
Webster dofines it as tho power or
character of an ompiro imperial author
ity Anil when wo tlnnlc ot sucli n
government our minds revert to ancient
Romo or modern Russia or if to mou
as representative of tho spirit and
methods of imperialism to Alexander
Caesar Philip tho second Charles tho
first or Napoleon These aro tho men
who have ruled great peoples for a time
with roloutless cruelty and iron will
recognizing uo authority as superior or
equal to their own Under such men
and such governments no public criti
cism of existing conditions or policies
has been allowed except under penalty
of death or banishment Under such
men and such governments despotism
has played a high hand legislators havo
beon suppressed or ignored aud tho will
of tho people has been defied except it
wns iu accordance with tho whim of
some autocratic tyrant An imperialist
is a ruler who takes the affairs of tho
country into his own hands and manages
to suit himself overthiug thero is to
manage without taking into consider
ation for a moment either tho wishes or
welfare of tho peoplo
Aud it is into this class that his polit
ical opponouts would seek to thrust
William McKuiley When we contem
plate the character of the present chief
magistrate aud review the history of
his administration it is hard work to
treat the matter seriously loug enough
to dismiss it courteously from further
consideration During theso days of
war and perplexity through which tho
nation has been passing since 1S07 the
press has beon freo to express its opin
ions and has assailed tho government
time nud again with a vehemence and
reckless disregard of truth which in
any other country would laud the au
thors behind tho bars on the charge of
treason In cougress and out abuse
and contumely havo beon poured with
out stint upon tho president and his ad
visors Aud yet through it and above
it all tho man iu the whito huuso has
like the truo American that he is
passed sereno and kindly disposed
showing no personal piquo and stead
fastly intent upon doing his duty as he
has seen it conceding to thoso who
differ from him perfect liberty to scold
nun to impugn ins motives to misrep
resent his purposes
In his attitude toward congress it is
doubtful if there has over boon a presi
dent who has beon more freo to consult
with members of all parties nud cer
tainly none that havo been more careful
to follow out congressional notion
During tho presout session although
differing widely from many congress
men as to what was host to do and not
withstanding the ndvico of oppositiou
journals to havo a scrap with that
body his relations with congress have
beeu uniformly cordial
Iu the haudliug of tho now probloe s
which tho war with Spain loft on our
hands overy stop ho has taken has re
ceived tho approval of the national leg
islature Wheuover ho has made a sug
gestion that cougress has soon fit to dis
regard there has been no umbrngo
taken on his part nor auy -personal
feeling shown whatever i
It is this kind of a man with a record
of patience aud kindliness similar to
that of Abraham Llucoln that a great
party is going before the country and
charging with being nu imperialist
A darky preacher down in Georgia
who had had niauy years experience
giviug advice to a youug brother Nvho
had a oall to tho ministry said Sam
bo theros ono thing that will help you
out of a henp of bad scrapes Whoii you
find you havont anything to say just
Tho demooAtio party has taken tho
darkys advice
A blindness comes to mc now and then I have it
now It is queer can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters arc blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabule
T ANTED- A ono of bad health that will not benefit They banlh patn i and Protons life
V One Klvi K 1 i llof roto tlio word lfl1 ANS on the packugu and accept no lubMltuU BIPAN S
10 for 3 cent s or twelve packet for 48 cents may be had nt any drug tur Ten aampiei and one thou
and teatlmiiDlnls w 111 bo mailed to any addresn for 5 cauU forward to tha BlpanafchamJoal Co No
IU Spruce St New York
tf w
sir 11 1
ii i iyFmTrinrJJJii 1 5133 33
uiiy jgj
b I
Hi aq
ai lumjiiiniin iii I
SV l ilfpsT
wiiQiesaie prsoss
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Porsonully conduct
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on tlio Centrals fnst
Nmv urloans spe
cial connection also made by this train with
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sleoninir car to Jack
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havinif through coaches and aleonliiK cars run
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points lu Florida
Dally from ChiciiBo to Memphis nud Now Or
points iu tlio South on tlio lines of tlio Illinois
Contra and Y t M V railroads will ho run on
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Full liatticuhirs coucernliur all of tho ahovo
can ho had of audits of tho Illinois Central or
by addressing A H Hanson Q 1 A Chicago
ONLY 275
ad out aud send to us state
your eljhl and lieljbt alto num
ber of Inches around bvdj at boat
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ect to examination
You cat eiamlne aud try It on
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resented ana tne nou
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and aiDrete cbarare
Kx press char ires
will aerate 10 to
40 cents for each
ftooo miles THIS
front an titra flae aod
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er cloth Inches long very full sw eep U inch upper
cape extra full I pper rape and larje alorm collar beauti
fully trimmed with black Haiti seal fori tipper cape
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To PATENT Good Ideas
may bo secured by
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Baltimore Md
Subscrlptluus to The ratent Record llwpirauuum
1icuur iiauki viumi ror ipti i u
it tUU ad out
and send to us
Ulejoor belgfataYnd weight tUte namlwrof
incnei aroana Doaj as orcui useavrer
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CODf tab j ret to iftmlnaUotu Ex
amine and try It on at your nearest
express office and If found csacilr
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THIS MACKINTOSH Is latest 1900
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Cloth full lcntrtli double tireagtod
Kneer velvet collar fancy plaid lining
waterproof sewedtenma Suitable for
both Kilo or Ottrtoit and gunolrtI
GHKiTKST TaIXK tier offrrrd by US or
any other bouse for Yrrt Clolh SinplM
or Glens jiackimosnct up io tow
and Made-to-Measure Suits and Over
coats at from MOO to 110 00 write for
Mart liottratk to are thorough reliable Editor
flSai w n i ran
trar teliiniF the it flneat Troitci madi
at FACTO UY FftllES less than one third
f u I
tue tinea cimrKeu uy uicroi oiiu nc m lh
whether youwuh our C5e French Truta or our lz New
tort lltenlble Klaitle Trnai Illustrated above cut this
ad out and send to us with Ot It KrElUL miCF named
state your HeUbl Htliche re how lonir you have been
ruptured whether rupture Is Iareorsmall also state
number Inches around the body on a line ulth the
rupture say whether lupturo Is on right or leftside
and we will send either truss to you with the under
standing If It It not a perfect Bt auil equal to Iroieee that
retail at three times our price you can return It and we
will return your money
oftrii IncludliiKthe Hew louo Lea Trun Cjl TC
Itateurei alroot any eae and whlru we sell for Oil I J
Free Reclining Chalr Gars on all Train
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and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
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Unexcelled tiuio nud accommoJutione
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Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
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