The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 03, 1900, Page 6, Image 7

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F S Bogloy 1r In town from Bloom
F W Blntr Jh In tlio city from Ran
W Hull camo down from Pierco yes
Knox Tipplo Ih In tho city from
A 1 Murkley 1b in tho city from
W 1 Mlxtor of OBinond wnfl a city
visitor today
0 1 Jenkins 1b hick with nn attack
of InflUOIlZA
Arthur Urosso of Madison was n city
visitor yesterday
Mrs Honry Dunham of Oakriulo 1b a
visitor in Norfolk
K II Rnhlow of Pierco wna in this
metropolis yesterday
Otto Bauninn was in this inotropoliB
today from West Point
Goo Hitohitm was a city vtoltor yoB
tcrday from Plalnviow
Mr and Mrs J H Booth wcro city
visitors ycBtcrday from Pierco
Mrs O W Priestly and daughter are
Norfolk visitors from Oakdalc
W R Siuilfoldt of Omaha has ac
cepted n position iu tho Fair Btore
Mrs A E Campbell who htft boon
very Bick with oryBipolos is improving
Will Sutherland formerly clerk at
tho Pacific is in the city from Omaha
Curtis Stltt went to Battlo Creek to
day to deliver somo fruit trees for hiB
MIbb Minuio Colo of Strawberry Point
Iowa 1b visiting her cousin Mrs J W
Mr ond Mrs R H Day have rented
rooms in the MoBrido residence on Tho
Mrs A P Cavo and Mrs W II
Baundors woro down from Bivzilo Mills
this morning
A Morrison went to Taokson Neb
this morning where ho is Buperintond
iug the building of a very flue residence
John O Spreohcr of Schuyler deputy
state oil inspector is in the city greeting
relatives and frioudBond attondiug to
Miss Edith Morrows sohool in tho
Beicho district threo miles Bonth of tho
city closed today with appropriate exer
cises for the summer vacation
Mr and Mrs I M Mucy returned
Wednesday from Perry Iowa where
they wero called by the serious illness
of Mr Maoys mother Tho lady died
Goo H Spear loft on tho noon train
for Eaglo Grovo Iowa in response to
the request of Mrs J II Klugman
Nothing has recently beou learned of
Mr Kingmans condition
All tickets to Saratoga that havo
been delivered may be taken to Leon
ards drug store and tho difference be
tween what has been paid for them and
the present prices of the tickets will bo
Tho precipitation thus far during
April has beou four aud SiMinndredths
inches which is nearly four inches more
rainfall than during April last year
Present indications are that tho amount
will bo fully five inches before the end
of the month
Mrs F F Miller and children have
returned from Omaha where they have
been spending tho winter They will
go to housekeeping as soon as Mr Miller
comes in from his trip to Kearney
where he is working in the interest of
the A 0 U W
Livi A Bartlett of Virginia has Bold
the honso aud barn together with four
acres of laud owned by him on North
First street to Herman J Wagner who
will occupy it for a homo Tho consid
eration was f 1000 cash tho deal being
cloned yesterday
Tho Indies guild of Trinity Episcopal
church have arranged for a social and
supper in tho Richards block this even
ing which they propose to make of
more than ordinary interest This so
ciety is progressive aud euterprisiugaud
desorves a liberal patronago on the part
of tho public
The Ladies of the Maccabees gave a
hard times social last evening in the
G A R hull The entertainment was
quite largely attended and a very enjoy
ablo evening was spent by those partici
patiug Some of the costumes wero
striking in their simplicity and were no
doubt temporarily rescued from tho rag
Herman 0 Sattlor of this city and
Miss Annie Carton of ONeill wero
united in marriage- last evomug at the
Catholio parsonago by Rev Thomas
Walsh the wedding being a very quiet
affair Mr aud Mrs Sattler will for
the present board at the Oxnard hotel
but will begiu housekeeping as soon as
arrangements can be made
The sugar factory at Rome N Y is
about to be placed in the linnds of a
receiver The capital stock of tho com
pauy that owued it is placedjat 300000
while there is a mortgage against tho
plant of 1110000 There is but a small
amount against tho compauy iu bills
unpaid and it is understood that tho
producers and workmen have beeu paid
iu full for their assistance
Madison Chronicle A Madison
county school teacher well kuown iu
these parts was considerably embor
rowd a few days beforo Enstcr Sho
went to n Norfolk Btoro to pnrchnBo
eggB of a uuifonn size Sho spoko of
her pupils as her childron and excited
tho curiosity of an old German lndy who
thought her very young to havo bo many
children Tim young woman was com
pelled to oxplaln
Judge Couch of Plcrco was In tho oity
thiB morning on His way to Madison
whero ho will hoar au argnmout for a
now trial in tho cobo of tho State vs
Lealand Spaulding The dofondantand
Bovoral othors intqroBtod went over on
tho 11 oclock train to bo prosont and
tako part in tho hearing If ft now trail
is not granted today it 1b probable that
tho judge will pronounco tho Bonteneo
in which case tho cause will bo appealed
to tho supremo court and tho dofondant
will probably bo released on bail pend
ing tho EUpromo court hoaring
Tho Emancipation celebration given
by tho inomlierB of tho Norfolk Colored
club in MarquardtB hall last night waB
lulto lurgoly attended and was very
successful in tho way of ainuBOinout as
well bb receipts Tho dancing was con
tinued until an early hour this morning
Tho program aa arranged and carried
out was very entertaining Mayor
Simpson In a short talk reviewed somo
historical foots leading up to tho eman
cipation proclamation and was followed
by Fred H Freo who Bpoko about
Abraham Lincoln Mr Smith gavo o
personal recital of how it seemed to
him to bo n slavo whon a boy and ro
marks wero made by other persons
present after which camo tho amuse
ment features
Mention has horotoforo beon made of
Geo II Rishs hydraulic- pipo laying
machine on whioh ho has been working
for somo tlnio past Ho has recently
completed a working model and a test
of its working capacity was mado yes
terday proving very satisfactory and
100 feet of pipo was laid Heretofore it
has been customary for plumbers to dig
a hole every few feet bore through tho
intervening ground with a hand auger
and then run tho pipo through tho hole
Mr Rishs maohino requires the dig
ging of a hole from which to start aud
from which tho machine both bores tho
hole and lays tho pipo Ho believes
that a lino of pipe can be started and
after 100 feet or inoro have been laid a
holo can bo dug down to tho point nnd
connections made or another start
taken for another 100 foot run It is
thought that not only fewer holes will
have to bo dug but that much time will
bo Bovod in laying tho pipo after dig
ging the holes Tho maohino is not
cumbersome and can easily bo handled
by two men and convoyed in a wagon
It is considered by thoso who have ex
amined it that Mr Kish has discovered a
very valuablo adjunct to tho plumbers
Letter Lint
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofllco April 80 1000
Miss Ethel Also u Miss Ella Blair
Mrs Nell Bailey L C Dewitt Gottleib
Heckman Miss A E Leu Mr Dick
Kent Mrs Harvo Loomis Mr R A
Panly Mrs Katy Richardson Mr W
E Sutton Mr Frank Trefreu Wm
Teigner John Wilson
If not called for in HO days will be
sent to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of tho above
please say advertised
P F Spkechek P M
Wasted Several bright nnd honest
persons to represent us ub managers in
this and close counties Salary 000 a
year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dopt 3 Chicago
Every woman loves to think of the
time when a soft little body all her
own will nesie in her bosom fully
satisfying the yearning which lies in
the heart of every good wsman But
yet there Is a black cloud hovering
about the pretty picture In her mind
whih fills her wth terror The
dread of chllcbirth takes away much
of the Jjy cf motherhood And yet it
need not te so For sometime there
has ben upon fe market well known
and rcxnnerded 1 physidans a
liniment caled
Moiers Friend
which ni childbirth as simple and
easy aa t ture intended it It is a
strengthening penetrating liniment
which the skn readily absorbs It
gives the muscles easticity and vigor
prevents sore breasts morning sick
ness and the loss of the girlish figure
An ftISent m tllr 1 Hutler Pa
Bays tru 1 to nia MuthiT6 lru nif
K din I v ould ottu n U bottles if 1 had
to pay 3jier bottle K Tit
Get Mothers Frltnd at tho druir
store per bottle
Atlanta Go
Write for our tree lluctrst d book Beioro
luoy i Uutu
Mrs W E Powers was a city visitor
today from Pierce
MIbs Merl Wills was In tho city yes
terdiiy from Madison
Miss Mattio Phelps was a city visitor
from Battle Jreok yesterday
Mrs David Covert has returned from
a visit to friends In Fremont
MifiB Eflle Ball went to Omaha yester
day to spend Sunday with friouds
Judgo J B Barnes returned last
night from a trip to Lincoln on legal
Mrs It A Tawnoy nnd daughter
Mary of Plcrco wero in tho city todny
doing somo trading
Tho Loyal Mystio Legion of Amorica
will hold an adjourned regular meeting
Monday evening noxt
Tho iKsitiou of clerk in Vails candy
kitehou formorly held by H Flomlng is
now filled by Frank Davis
Rev J P Mueller has returned from
Clearwater whero tho German Luthcrau
ministers held a conference
Geo McPhcrson has rotnrned from a
trip up tho Oroightou branch and signi
fies his attention of making Norfolk his
homo in future
Mrs Desmond has returned from
Chicago where sho has been for tho
past eight months much of which timo
lms been spent in tho hospital
A number of voting people went to
tho homo of Mr and Mrs Hal Vaught
last ovonlngto greet W B Hazel and
bride who aro making that their homo
for tho present
ThoB Ferguson who died in the hos
pital at Hoquinna Washington of rhou
matism of the heart laBt Saturday was
buried at Arberdeen that etnto
Rov J H Bithel of Wayne will
preaoh in tho M E church tomorrow
morning and evening owing to the ab
sence of Rev G H Main tho pastor
W B Hazel and his bride returned
to Norfolk yesterday The ladys name
was formorly Miss Carrie Ewald and
they were married at RuBsell Iowa
April 18th
The regular Sunday afternoon meet
ing of the Young Mens Christian
league will bo held in the league rooms
tomorrow at 3 oclock O O Gow will
speak on The Quiet Hour
TodayB State Journal says that Gov
ernor Poynter has appointed Father
Thos Walsh of this city as a delegate to
tho national conference of chairaties and
corrections to be held at Topeka Kan
sas May 18 to 24 Dr J W Jennings
of Omaha formerly of this city is an
other delegate
Mrs J W Fetter and her cousin
Miss Minnie Cole departed on the noon
train for Vermillion S D to visit their
uncle Gilbert Bigolow who has been
vory sick during tho winter and is not
expected to live long He is n brother
of Al Bigelow who has been with him
during the winter
Tho social and linen sale held in tho
vacant store poom in the Richards
block yesterday by the LadieB guild of
Trinity Episcopal church was liberally
patronized and proved very much of a
success in every particular the society
clearing about 00 Tho supper was
an especially successful feature and had
a large patronage from business men
The Washington correspondent of
the Omaha Bee under date of the 26th
said Congressman J S Robinson of
tho Third Nebraska district said that
tho nomination of John R Hays of
Norfolk for congress on the republican
ticket was a guarantee that the fight
would be dignified as Mr Hays is an
able and high minded man Mr Robin
son believes that ho will be nominated
on the fusion ticket but cannot say
when the districts conventions will be
called He thinks about the middle of
The Washington correspondent of
todays Beo says Senator Thnrston
has requested that an investigation bo
made by tho postoffice department
looking to the establishment of free
delivery service at Norfolk Earnings
for three quarters of tho present HecoI
years foot up 7500 and nt this ratio
Norfolk ought to reach f 10000 at the
close of business on Juno J0 which is the
statutory requirement for tho establish
ment of free delivery or a population
of 10000 Receipts of ofllces usually
aggregating 10000 long before 10000
people aro shown by the census York
is tho next city in point of receipts
which ran look expectantly forward to
freo delivery although its receipts full a
thousand dollars short of reaching those
of Norfolk
The many Norfolk friends of W S
Pardonner formerly manager of the
Norfolk sugar factory will be gratified
to learn that his ability has ngaiu re
ceived deserving recognition and that
ho lms been promoted to a positiou of
much more importance thau any lio has
heretofore held He has since leaving
Norfolk been manager of tho Oxnard
sugar factory at Chino Cal but has
recently received notice of his selection
as vice president and general manager
of tho Oxnard Construction company
whou principal place of business is in
New York City Mr Pardonner ex
pects to remove to New York and will
leave for his new location about May 30
The business of this company is that
of building and equipping sugar fac
tories and Mr Pardonner will be right
at homo in tho work laid out for him
As a business man and managor Mr
Pardonner has few equals and whllo
gratified his friends are not surprised
that wider and inoro important fields
for his efforts are being opened
Volunteer of Atnnrirn
To tho public of Norfolk Tho Vol
unteers of America in tho form of a
musical brigade will pay Norfolk a
visit for two weeks beginning May 4
Tho brigndo is under tho nblo leader
ship of Major II C Glllot of Omaha
who is iu command of tho battalion of
Nebraskn Kansas aud Oklahoma terri
tory Ho will be osBistod by A D O
and Mrs F J Preston also of Omaha
also by A D C and Mrs J II Wat
kins lato of Chicago
Tho mootings will consist of n good
musical program iu tho shape of a string
band brass instruments solos ducts
and many choruses and nn earnest 15
minuto sermon each evening All will
bo dono that is possible to make tho
mootings lively and entertaining
Tho Korvices will bo conducted in n
tent All are welcomo and your at
tendance will bo highly appreciated
The Volunteers are nn undenomina
tional movement nnd desire to make
their services a benefit to the city and to
build up the churches with those who
may become converted in -the meetings
bo chriBtuiuB wo cordialy invito yon to
Yours for God and country
J H Watkins A D 0 Sec
Battle Creek Neb April 4 1000
Headquarters Madison County Veteran
association There will be a meeting
of tho reunion committee held ut Battle
Croek Neb on Saturday May G at
1 80 p m to docide on time and place
for holding the reunion this year and
to transact such other business as may
properly come before tho meeting All
union soldiers are cordially invited to
attend It is recommended that the
committee on by laws meet at the same
time and place
S A McKay Pres
W A Barnes Sec and Treas
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for large house salary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope Manager
30 Caxton bldg Chicago
Utilizing Soweragc
Millions of dollars of waste ocour
every year in the cities of the United
States enough it has been stated to
sustain ten million people The waste
in a single largo city New York for
instance is enormous the annual value
of her sewerage and manure alone being
in the millions New Yorks and Chic
agos vast sewerageis carried out to sea
and Chicngoons think they have achieved
a great engineering triumph whereby
their hundreds of thousands of tons of
concentrated fertility is swept into the
Mississippi and finally to the Gulf of
Mexico In this connection it is inter
esting to note that some communities
are utilizing their waste in enriching
adjacent lauds Paris is making a vast
experiment with using its sewerage for
irrigating farm lands upon which can
be grown wonderful yields A dispatch
from Walla Walla Washington states
that a fruit company owning a large
orchard near the city has contracted to
take tho entire city sewerage for a term
of 35 years without cost to the city
Here is mutual co operation the fruit
men want water for irrigation purposes
and the city had a task of no small pro
portions in getting rid of this surplus
water The fruit company owns a largo
orchard just below Walla Walla and the
trees require irrigation to bring the best
results For years the company has
been endeavoring to solve the problem
now it is bolieved the irrigated property
will be oue of the best paying invest
ments in the state
To Cure La Grippe In Two Dny
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature on
every box 2Cc
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Dont Know it
How To Find Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with yow
water and let it stand twenty four hours a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys if It stains
your linen it Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order
What to Do
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed that Dr Kilmers Swamp
Root the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism pain in the
back kidneys liver bladder and every part
of the urinary passage It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
it or bad effects following use of liquor
wine or beer and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day and to get up many times
during the night The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp Root Is soon
realized It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases
If you need a medicine you should have the
best Sold by druggists in 50c andl sizes
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery Ky
ana a dook mat ieiisiRiijirig
more about It both sent fjyfri
absolutely free by mall-
address Dr Kilmer Home of Swamp Root
Co Blnghamton N Y When writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper
J S Kay was a city visitor yesterday
from Ewiug
W II Avery was down from Bittlo
Creok yesterday
Mrs N A Rainbolt returned yester
day from Omaha
Sol Draper was a Sunday visitor iu
tho city from Niobrara
Dr P II Salter was called to Pierce
today to consult on n case
L R Pritchard was in tho city yes
terday from Meadow Grovo
Mr and Mrs F H Claysou wero in
tho city yesterday from Stanton
Hon E K Valoutino of West Point
was a Sunday visitor in Norfolk
J R Gardols was a visitor in tho
city yesterday from Battlo Creek
Editor U E Foster of tho Plainviow
News was in tho city this morning
Dr Wilkinson tho Omaha specialist
is practicing his profession in Norfolk
Mrs E Tanner and Mrs Richardson
wero city visitors yesterday from Battle
Ray Hayes departed this noon for
Chicago where he will visit for about
two weeks
P F Bell aud A K Leonard have
gone up the Creighton branch on a hunt
for jack snipe
J B Donovan A H Bohanon and
W E Reed wero Madison people in the
city yesterday
I W Gillingwater the advance man
for Hans Hanson iB in the city billing
that attraction
E A Bullock came over from Sioux
City Saturday to look after hiB Norfolk
business interests
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
Wm King who live east of the North
fork last Saturday
Mr and Mrs W K Jackson of Ran
dolph were Sunday guests nt tho home
of W H Blakeman
Chief of Police Widaman is busy
settling np the business of his office and
Martin Kane is doing day duty
The roof of the opera house is receiv
ing some additional tar the endeavor
being to at least check its leocking ca
The doors of the Auditorium will be
opened this evening at 7 30 for Sara
toga and the curtain will be raised at
815 sharp
L O Mittlestadt haB received a fine
new safe from the Hall Safe company
which is being placed in his lumber
office today
This has been another of those elegant
spring days and a person with a right
quick eye can almost see the grasd shoot
and the leaves expand
Christ Lutheran church will in future
hold service every other Sunday even
ing The first service under tho new
arrangement was held last evening
The old city conncil will meet tonight
and complete its business for the past
year It is expected that there will be
considerable business to be transacted
Mark N Perviance will cultivate Dan
Murphys farm and is moving onto it
from the rooms over Davenports livery
barn where he has lived during the
The Sioux City Journal announces
the birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs
J H Hamilton of that city Saturday
Mr and Mrs Hamilton wero formerly
residents of Norfolk
Mrs E Hutcheson W M Mrs J
C Aid A W and John H Hulff W
P of Eenlah chapter No 10 O E S
left today noon for Hastings to attend
the grand chapter of that order
The 0 weeks old son of Mr and Mrs
Elmer E Benedict died yesterday morn
ing at their home over Davenports shoe
store and was buried this morning by
the Salvation Army folks in Prospect
Hill cemetery
Conductor Young has vacated the
house on the corner of Ninth street and
Philip avenue formerly occupied by S
Kethledge and it has been rented by
Geo Christoph who will move into it
in about a week
The English American Syndicate
shows passed through the city last even
ing euroute to some town on the Creigh
ton branch where they exhibited today
They show at Pierco tomorrow and
Stanton the dny after The special
train consisted of 12 or 15 cars
Todays weather has had a beneficial
effect on the seat sale forSaratoga aud
tho plat has been quite regularly punched
full of tacks The play is to bo pre
sented by local talent for the benefit of
the Auditorium aud all who possibly
can should contribute their patronage
Express Messenger O Stewart who
has beeu on the ruu betweeu here and
Columbus for tho Pacific company has
beeu promoted to an office position in
Grand Island and will soon remove to
that city His run will hereafter be
taken by Messenger Castello of Omaha
This morning a delivery horse with a
little girl perched on tho high seat of
the wagon to which he wub attached
started to run nway from in front of the
Citizens National bank aud thoso who
saw the start wero frightened for the
little ones safety but tho unimul was
stopped before it had proceeded far by
Wui Blatt who waded into the mud
over his shoe top3
H O Van Cleve and Jake Brown
who have been handling junk here got
into a somewhat heavy argumont today
in tho rear of tho Bryant drug storo and
fists aud brick bats it is said wero
used in n telling manner Brown had
Van Cleve arrested and ho was assessed
n flue of 2 and costs a total of 710 in
Judge Haye court Ho paid tho as
segment then sworo out a complaint
against Brown The latter was not
ready for trial and his case will not bo
tried until tomorrow morning Tho
defendnnt has summoned a number of
witnesses and will mako a fight
Tho amusement committee of tho
United Commercial Travelers whoso
annual convention will bo hold in Nor
folk during tho present week hnvo so
cured as their special attraction Satur
day evening May 5 Jan T McAlpin
in his new Swedish dialect comedy
Hans Hanson This company played
in Denver all last week aud tho press of
that city speak in terms of highest
praise of thoir performance They
play nn extended engagement in Chi
cago beginning May 18 and having au
open date between tho two cities tho
U C T succeeded in securing them
They aro certainly to bo congratulated
on their good fortune
One doy last week Fred Lehman and
Gus Lierman two Pierco county
farmers were catching flsh with a dip
net below the dam when a warrant was
sworn out for their arrest Tho gentle
men were not aware that they had been
violating the fish laws and for this
reason as well as because of the fact
that a number of Norfolk people were
-violating the Borne law by spearing fish
on the dam apron friendBof the parties
explained the matter to the complainant
and the officers and the gentlemen were
let off by the payment of a portion of
the court costs The fine Jfor such an
offense iB understood to be 25 and costs
Those who have been spearing and
seining fish should nave a care as it
seems to be the sentiment with certain
persons that the laws in this regard
should be enforced
Ilazel Kwald
A very pleasant wedding occurred at
the residence of Mr and Mrs Nicholas
Ewald Russell Iowa on Wednesday
evening April 18 when their daughter
Miss Carrie and Mr W B Hazel of
Norfolk Neb were united in marriage
Rev Robinson of the M E church
performing the ceremony
Promptly at eight oclock the guestB
assembled in the parlors Mrs Geo
Ewald presided at the organ and to the
beautiful strainB ot Mendelssohns wed
ding march the bridal party entered
The groom and Mr John Ewald who
acted as groomsman entered first Im
mediately following were the bride and
bridesmaid Miss Maude McFarland of
Chariton Iowa The ceremony was
performed in front of a large bay win
dow tastefully draped and filled with
blooming plants while above these was
a beautiful canopy of smilax and white
Tho groom was dressed in the usual
black and the bride wore a rich blue
satin dress with white tucked yoke and
collar finished with velvet and cut steel
trimmings and carried a boquet of
white carnations The bridesmaid
wore a beautiful brown silk
After congratulations were extended
tho bride and groom led the guests to
the dining room where a bountiful
repast was served The table was
prettily decorated with flowers and rib
Tne bride received many beautiful
aud useful presents The out of town
guests were Dr J C Tracy Zand Miss
Emma Ewald of Mound City Mo and
Miss Maude McFarland of Chariton
Mr and Mrs Hazel will remain in
Russell for a few days and will go from
here to Norfolk Neb whero they
expect to moke their future home The
best wishes of many friends will follow
them R in Mound City Missouri
DrFrank Salter Diseases of children
I cant take plain cod liver1
oil Doctor savs trv it He
might as well tell me to melt
lard or butter and try to take
them It is too rich and1
i will upset the stomach Buti
you can take milk or cream
so you can urne
Scotts Emulsion
It is like cream hut will
feed and nourish when cream f
will not Babies and chil s
dren will thrive and growS
fat on it when their ordinary f
food docs not nourish them jv
Persons have been known to tjaitt
a pound a day when takintf zf
ounce of Scotts Emulsion It gels V
the digestive machinery in working
order so that the ordinary food h
Dronerlv digested and aMimilateA
Cnc and C 11 J -
5u e ioo an arucKUts
IfcnmOvr i
SCOTT Chemists Kew