The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 03, 1900, Page 5, Image 6

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Close of the Year Brings Out
Much Business
Tho Old Council Uotlreit Inut Nlfilit unit
tht Sew Olio Hold ItH Flrnt McutliiR
Till MoriiliiK llquor IiIcoiihfh Iriinli il
mill Standing Coiiunllttoe Announced
Fom Ttiomlnrs Dnllj
An ndjourucd rogulnr meeting of tho
city council wns held last evening with
Mayor Simpson und Councilinoii Brum
mond Bucholz Bullock Degner Dex
ter lleckmnn Uhlo nnd Vielo prosout
Minutes of tho mooting of April 5th
wore rend nnd approved
Tho treasurers statement for April
was road nnd roforred to tho nuditing
committee Tho following balances ap
General fund 11 8i
Interest fnmli22l25
Water fund 115 17
Sinking fund 47 18815
Firo department fund 0 1 SO
Road fund U2 09
General fund registered warrants out
standing J170S
Wutor fund registered warrants out
Htnuding 5010
Tho trensnrors statement for Feb
ruary nr March was returned by tho
auditing committee as correct
Tho police judges statement for
April was read and referred to tho aud
iting committee Ic showed 21 iu
fines paid
The water commissioners report for
tho six months ending April ISO was
read and roftrrod to tho auditing com
mittee It is as follows
Itepoitof Wnt it CoinmUxloner
Noufolk April U0 1900 To tho
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Gentlemen I beg to submit to you tho
following reporr Tho pipe Hue and
hydrants are in perfect order tho stand
pipe and fouurintiou are in good shape
with the exception of a couplo of nnchor
bolts which were broken in my belief by
tho frost The same should be repaired
tho boilers according to tho boiler in
spectors report aro in good condition
The expenditures for coal in the
past six mouths were 579 19
The expenditures for salaries in
the past six months were 570 00
Total 1140 99
The amount collected from
consumers was 1 27 15
According to instructions from your
honorable body I have taken up and
paid tho following certificates
No 802 S 45 00
No 801 50 00
No 739 7 05
No 721 51 15
No 730 41 00
No 729 155 02
No 725 14 07
No 722 50 00
No 701 45 00
No 744 51 00
No 740 5 75
No 774 45 00
No 775 52 00
No 720 5 00
No 738 ID 05
No 751 7 39
No 700 47 00
No 825 45 00
No 723 20 02
No 824 50 00
No 741 100 00
No 48 4 75
Certificate No 803 for coal
amounting to 20430 held
by Edwards Bradford Co
partial payment has been
made on this 135 19
Total 1271 15
I herewith attach to this report nil
certificates with the exception of No
803 which is not all paid but is prop
erly endorsed for tho sum mentioned
Respectfully submitted
H H Patterson
Water Commissioner
The following report of the chief of
police was read and referred to tho audit
ing committee
Police ICeport
To tho Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Norfolk Nebraska Gentle
men I herewith baud you my report as
chief of police and Btreet commissioner
from July 1st 1899 to April 30th 1900
When I accepted the position July 1st
1899 1 found then as fhero is now many
of the sidewalks iu bad condition nnd
requiring a great deal of attention nnd
labor to keep them iu repair Many of
tho property owners object to tho city
repairing thoir sidewalks and in all
cases when tho property owners are
known they are notified when nuy
repairs aro necessary iu many cases
after waiting for the owner to repair
tho walks for safety wo are obliged to
do tho work and have it charged to tho
Following I give the cost of now
work and repairing as nearly as possible
with reports of collections disbusomonts
and recommeudutions
Annual report of the chief of police of
arrests made from July 1st 1899 to
April 30th 1900
For driving over sidowalk 1
For violating bicyclo ordinance 3
Drunk and disorderly 13
Disorderly conduct 48
Canvassing and peddling without
license 2
Vagrancy 12
Complaint to keep the peace 1
Disturbing tho peace 13
Violating dog license 1
Discharging firearms without permis
sion 1
Gambliug 1
Jjnrceny uuder tho statutes 1
Selling liquor to minors 2
In addition there have been fifty
persons lodged in the cjty jail over
night that wore without money and no
place to stay nud about the samo num
ber of bums and other suspicious char
acters compelled to leave the city
During my term there have been
quarantined j
Scarlet fever 3
Diptheria 1
There was collected by the police
dog tax on 13 dogs 2700
All of which was piid in to tho city
There was also collected by especially
appointed police to collect dbg tax tho
amount of 13100 for which a report
was mndu by tho collectors to tho city
Hack licenso which was collootod
and paid in to tho city treasurer
for which 1 hold rocoipt 1000
Hack and dray licenses paid to tho
city troasuror aniouutiug to 10150
Totnl 11150
During my term as Btreot commis
sioner thoro was
NiV STltlfKT wouic
Stono crossings No 13 total
length 400 foot
Lumber crossings No 4 total
luiigth 90 foot
Tilo culverts No 1 total longth125 feet
Lumber culverts No 2 total
length 75 feet
Total amount of work dono 201 02
Collected of tho nbovo amount for
which I hold receipt 1808
Balanco charged against proporty 21384
Mowing woods and shoveling
snow charged against property 2130
Total charged against proporty 208 1 1
roti TAX
Amount collocted iu labor 21900
Amount collected and oxpoudod
on stroets 550
Total amount collected 22450
Amount of lumber roccived from tho
lumber yards
Used for all purposes 07035
Used tilo for culverts fj45
Total 72080
Cash receipts as abovo
Reooived from dog tax 2500
Received from sidowalk repairs 1808
Received for hack licenso 1000
Recoived for barb wire sold at
city dumping ground 320
Received for poll tax ft 50
cash disduksimints
Paid city treasurer as per
vouchers 5028
Paid for street labor 550
Total 0178
Tho crossings on tho streets aro rapidly
wearing out as aro also tho wooden
culverts and I hereby recommend as
economy to roplaco as far as possible
worn out wooden crossings with stono
crossings also roplaco all culverts with
tile culverts would recommend to
property owners as economy and con
venience wheuovor sidewalks aro re
placed to put theniu brick stone or
other lasting material as far as possible
All of which is respectfully submitted
Dated this 30th dav of April 1900
W H Widaman
Chief of Police and Street Commissioner
The following report of tho city clerk
was read and referred to tho auditing
ltcport or City Cleric
To the Hou Mayor and Council I
herewith submit a statement showing
the receipts and expenditures of the city
of Norfolk Nebraiku from August 13
1899 tho beginning of the old fiscal
year to May 1 1900 the beginning of
the new fiscal year
Treasurers receipts NosG7S to 730
From Fire Insurance compan
ies occupation tax 129 80
From hack dray and miscella
neous licenses 113 00
From dog tax 24 75
From sidewalk repairs and salo
of barbed wire 2128
From couuty treasurer road
taxes 050 00
From county treasurer general
taxes 4350 00
From water rentals 383 51
Total 5072 31
General Fund
For salaries city officers and
employes 1910 33
For electric and gasoline light
ing 901 20
For election supplies and ex
penses 121 50
For street labor uud materials 1030 01
For printing 70 20
For olllce and other supplies 31 95
For fire alarms and fire depart
ment expenses 55 30
For telephones street sprink
ling and other miscellaneous
expenses including cost of
Third ward hose house 517 19
Water Fund
For salaries of water commis
sioner and fireman 852 00
For coal and supplies at water
works 959 85
For repairs and extensions to
waterworks 392 31
Road Fund
For street labor and materials 012 55
Interest Fund
For interest on bonds 1750 85
Firo Department Fund
Cash to fire dopartmout 219 90
Total 9533 23
Excess of expenditures over re
ceipts as shown by tho hooks
of this office 3S00 89
Certificates of indebtedness out
standing against general fuud2290 90
Certificates of indebtedness out
standing against water fund 3001 VI
On November 2 1899 tho water com
missioner reported that under instruc
tions from tho mayor and councilman
ho had cashed tho following certificates
of indebtedness against tho water fund
to wit Nos 052 051050 707 711
712 713 714 715 715 717 719 and
warrant No W 93 amounting to
Since said report was mndo it is esti
mated that tho water commissioner has
cashed other certificates indebtedness
against tho water fund amounting
to 123700
Making au estimated total of 2553 10
Such true total should be added to tho
total receipts
The certificates of indebtedness out
standing against tho water fund should
bo reduced a like amount
Owing to tho nature of tho above
transactions no entries of the samo ap
pear upon the accounting books of this
office aud they are therefore reported in
this form
On September 8 1899 there was is
sued to the Northwest Publishing com
pany warrant No G 070 for 50 00 iu
payment of four city maps aud one plat
book Said warrant has not boon called
for and now lies in this olllce
In conclusion I wish to call attoution
to the growing necessity of u bond
registry book for this olllco Without
such a record book tho history and cur
rent condition of tho various bond
Issues will soon become dllllcult to
Dated April 30 1900
Respoct fully submitted
1 O Stitt
City Clerk
A petition of L Sessions for permis
sion to erect an iron covered building on
lot 9 Boars school lots was read and no
tion on samo was deferred
Petition signed by Miko Moolick and
others nsklng for a sidowalk on tho east
sido of Fourth street from Grove avenue
to First street was read and roforred
to tho committee on streets and alleys
Petition signodby 11 13 Hardy and
others asking for a sidewalk along tho
south sido of block 2 Mathowsous sec
ond addition was read and referred to
tho committee on streets and alloys
The street and alloy committee was
instructed to bring iu au ordinance for
all sidewalks recommended by thorn to
bo built
On motion the cleric was Instructed to
have nil city insurauco oxpiring May I
ronowed iu same amounts nud with
samo compauios
On motion tho clork was Instructed to
notify coal doalors that bids would bo
recoived until next Thursday for fur
nishing coal to November 1st
Tho committeo on public works re
ported that tho pumps at tho water
works had been repaired
Mayor Simpson returned his thanks
to tho council and officers nnd aunouncod
that tho now council would assomblo to
morrow at 8 a m Tho council then
Tho Nun- Council
Tho now council mot in special ses
sion this morning at 8 oclock and Ex
Mayor Simpson introduced Mayor Rob
ertson with a fev roumiks nindo in his
characteristic manner No time was
wasted by tho new mayor aud council
and business wns at ouco taken up
Roll was called and tho following
geutloinon responded as present
Mayor Robortsou Oouncilnion Beck
Brummuud Bullock Deguor Grant
Hockmau Spollmau aud Uhlo
The main business of tho session was
tho granting of liquor licenses aud all of
tho following were licensed by unani
mous vote
Wm G Bonier saloon Harry Loder
saloon Wm Blatt saloon Ohas Rico
saloon granted with tho understanding
that a written waivor bo presented from
Herman Buetow C F A Marquardt
saloon Geo Holler saloon 11
murry saloon Geo Eblo saloon A
H Kiesau druggist A K Leonard
druggist Goo B Christoph druggist
J L Hersheiser druggist
Tho application of Jos Vlnzcey for
liquor licenso was rejected six voting
for rejection and two against
The application of Lizzie Vlazney for
liquor license was granted
J Koeuigsteins application for a
druggists permit was also granted
Mayor Robertson announced tho
standing committees for tho ensuing
year as follows
Ways and means Heckman Bullock
Auditing Beck Degner Grant
Fire and Police Brummoud Uhlo
Streets and alleys Degner Uhlo
Spellman Beck
Public works Bullock GrantDeguer
Nuisances Uhlo Brummuud
Public health Spellman Bullock
By consent tho council proceeded to
nominate a president Bullock aud
Bruuimund were nominated
On roll call Brummuud received five
votes and Bullock three Brummuud
was declared elected
Tho bonds of W 11 Risli and L L
Rombe as plumbers wore preseuted and
on motiou tho same were approved und
licenses grauted
II M Roberts camo before tho coun
cil and asked what help could bo given
the G A R post for Decoration day
exorcises Action on tho matter was
deferred and on motion the council
It is understood that tho council will
meot again Thursday night nnd at that
time the appointments of city officer
will bo announced aud action taken on
Dr Humphreys
Specifics enre by acting directly upon
tho disease without Cciting disorder iu
any other part of tho system
1 F er Congestion Inflammations 45
1 Wormi Worm Fever Worm Colic 23
3 TiBtlilngColloCrjrlngWakefulness 25
1 Diarrhea or Children or Adults 25
7 Coughs Colds Ilronchitls 25
8 Xeuralglo Toothache Faceacho 25
O llcadarlio RlclcHcadacho Vertigo 25
10 UvirpalalQaige8tlouWeaVstomach25
11 Suiin itaed orliilnful Ierlod 25
li Wliltin Too Profuso Periods 25
13 Cruup Lnrniltl Hoarseness 25
1 1 Salt Hlieum Erysipelas Eruptions 25
13 IlheumatUm lUicumatloPulus 25
10 Malaria Chills Fever and Ague 25
10 Catarrh Inlluenza Cold In tho Head 25
20 Whooplng Cough 25
27 Kidney IWeue 25
2H Verou Debility 100
30 Urliinrv Weaknemi WetUngBed 25
77 Grip Hay Feer 25
Dr HunipUre Manual of all Diseases at our
Drugglnts or Mailed Free
Sold by druggUtsor Kent on receiptor price
Huuiphrex Mud Co Cor Wlllliun Joan Bu
Jew York
Ain27l 5r JHPb
lllh AMIK Tor
farm tore or
wiirrhoufU Ihft
irnnil will
in f iirttinii
WIllHtUh DOO I In by uxllik nil wi hrhtK fiimUlu il
Ilras beam weighs W Iin hni Hl ent llriutHIMInic oU
llitronn l Ifii l Incluu rutlrn nu niljuxlablu clilll
brurln haft Denton tttiil phnlH tnunt Mnltlu
aciMinitt ami dunililu wulo uiailt iimiinltMl on four
lurru whorl they nre nicely pulnteit unl ornatnenteil
ami h autlfulty llnlrhoil throughout Ker farmer
will at tle tin pott In ont Mufion b wiIkIiIiii the
kraln ho Jl nnd bu mtliHI AT IIM V btfnro tho
riruintiviuirfi I ainioKiiooi Knir in w lor mo nK
nr ilire Sears Roebuck Co Inc ChicagollL
trn Koctmtl In are tliurouglil rrlUlilc tdllur
- ijil 1 j
A genuine WAL0 Sllvcrsteel String for
will be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE to any
address on receipt of a 2 cent postage
stamp for return postage We do this
to introduce the WAL0 Sllversteel Siring
which is a combination of the best tone
producing metal and much superior to
any string on the market at the present
LUTELY TRUE As an inducement I quote
these strings iu coniplote sets for a
short time only at 12c a set
OUR 500 WALO VIOLIN Stradivarius
inodclcut to 333 reddish brown color
fine polish verv SWEET and CLEAR TONE
Our 750 WALO VIOLIN Stradivarius
model cut to 498 light reddish shad
ed hiuhly polished best finish good
seasoned SPRUCE TOP and ebony trim
mings Complete with each Violin line
black poliihed CASE good BOW extra set
of strings rosin nnd soil instruction book
Scud for WALOS Catalogue of all Musical
Instruments and furnishings We also
carry latest up-to-date BAND ORCHES
TRA and PIANO music Catalogues on
application Fine repairing a specialty
Iu writing mention this paper WATCH
lut thl Mil nnt ml krmt to ua with flOO ami ft til rml Jim ItiU Nm
iTllltOtKO IAKUIU r OIMJAV li fffluM O II ljtrt tuMtmU
tlnn You ttiii rtnmlno llnLjiiiir trimM IY la lit ilrpnt Mini It
j on fltitl It rksirtly it n trt rntiMl lh Rrvitlrsitftliir jn trr
tnJ far hrttrr linn nntana ftiltrrlUfil I17 othfnt ftl in or mnnfj pj th CraUM
rnt OUR PRICE 330O lf lh lHltrll r tl toO ant
rrrlthlrhitrvc THE PARLOR GUM ln nr th mnl lilK
AMI Htmifctl lliKIl IntmmriU rurniil Frnin tlm 1 1 Itntlmtlon
Iki it hlrh Is rnnrrtxril dlirt t finm ajiJintunrnili uuofin form
Bonn ilPt tif ItH hivititlfiil npintiiiioo Almln rrmnniMiI umirtir
u 1 il out ir t 11I1111I us ilrsitri il irrforatrit if j nlli Tull tiirl ImhIj
lirautirul hunjurlrj lrsln anfl ami man ulhrr hamUome 1r rural Ittna
ami niBrnls mnUntt II ll WHY IAlkHT HTYI K I II 1 It LOIt
IM InflfiM t I1UI1 4 2 Inrlir i tnntU1 Itirhot uhlttmtil vn llin Tl
IxmiiiM l nil 1 1 1 11 n ft nrtfiMH II ntupt nn fnlhiww lllapatun rrlitrlpal
lulrlana TlrlmlU I elMtr rnntnia Ilaaal tiuiilfr Trrlili I tiiinlrr
IIUinsnn I or If and Ui Human a IS Urtatn Coiijtlrrsi I Took Nnrll
I Oraml DrKan Hurll 4 Hrla if llrrlitalrnl 1 until lfniialnr Ill
UnallU IlirtU 1 St tor 91 1iirc Nnnl Hrloilla Hr I Hclirii7
tliarmtnitlt llrllllant rlrslf KrnN I Hit of J I Itlrli Mun Hmiiulh
lUapnvnii Itrr ls Sri nf Ilfaslnir Hfl Hrloillotii Irlnrlpal
lrrl TME PARLOR GEM m linn cunMMi nf itm
rrkliratnl Nt rll lltnls w I1I1M1 nin t ml y Uhi illn Ihti hl li
nt ihikIi ImtlnntiiMitni llllii with llaiiiintnl loulrr anJ
llmiini A lilt liriit Ihihti fi II H h tin m ctt hlmri
nf tho Im tl MilihiTttnlh 3 ilv hi llnufl htnrc nml llhint
1 ithrr ImnhiH THE PARLOR GEM iHfiinil lnl
wild ft lOill huwlnlpt ttn 1 iiiinh mlrmr nlclal pin Iki I
prthil rifinion ithil miry inn lorn Imiirmi iiirnl 1
rtiinUli frrr a liamUomo irKin aluul nJ llif Itral uran Initruc
totitimk luidllJird
Uiuu uwrltliMi hliHlln ibt i urutiiirniiti i h Ihc
t inn rtiul rotnlltloni nfwhhli lfmiy purt MM h nut wti
roniiir ll rrrr r ciiartr iiyu uuv inniiin ntui vv will
riMiml i Mir tiioiuV If S on nriMint pi rrirtly ruitlath it o
uf Hinaiiincaim will hi mll uL S333Q OUUKK
d nu 1 1 with iMHk ui iiullilinrnhmit Uh wilto
irio puniMiior nr thin mpir nr m impunitm
Nitluiwu ltnhKnri in Nut llnuk nr Iiuhkiii
tuir uut
ll lH Jf
t t I ii riiimi Kxi huiiKit lliiiiW Ndw nr atiy I rfiiw
Nillmnil nr DXpirHH rnmniiy in Clihan Vin IWCftZ
tr arapllntnr ntrr TMIIHMl HI ni i up ciltlrn II
nnt nf ln JuitfHit liuflnnun lilmkttlii Oliftn VlTW
nml rmtilny nonrly ummi tinotili In nir nwii ll lTi
till 1 1 II u nr HI II IIIIUNH AT JJJOO nd unl
tnur frrlu lit aurnl
aniHrfilit liuten MilcIiIiiu vikik l J pnunUiiuiHl tliefrcltrht will
nt niLFu7Sn ntii for each WlnUiit QIVF IT THREF MflHTHC TPIAI In
jouniMii hniiic and we will return jnurli Ci any ilny jou uru not
tiJltltiflfNl lwll dltfrrrut inalra ami frradffif htnlnir Jlarlilurt at ft 60
1000 H11IH fli M bihI up nil fully ileicril I In our Irt r hi wing
Jlarlilnftalaliikur ImtflSO fnrthht Illun Ill Ik AIIM T HLHIMLk U
llir nn ultt tuluu rtrr cilnml y uny Imu e
llsimiitsItrintf uhIhiihu marlilui1 under arlutiniiAiiicrt with iarlualn
darfDnnU Write aula friend laf htrano andh arn wlw arr rrllaMr and w hn arnnot
huh ftry nuorio inritownKXT
ftMlV lOOIl IOIM OK KHti Jlimi
IlvfrHTN K MnK Mudf hy the
JH The Blighting
Jr DisasG of
In ninny respects Scrofuln nnd Consumption are alike thev develop from the same mMrmmmMmS
JBfw end chums both me heteilttnt mil dcpciideut upon an impuic nnd Mm GmCfmrnW mm WAV
povisnm moousnppij in coiiHiimpiioit tiUMiiieuselnsicns llscll upon mr
the lungs in Scrofula the lauds of the neck nnd throat sv rll nnd suppurate causing ugly 1 mining sore
the eyes ure inllaincd aud rnk thete Is an almost couti11u1l discharge from tin tnti tho limbs swell
bones nehe nnd whiti swelling Is fteiiently n tesult causing the diseased bones to otk out through
the skin producing iudcsetilmble pun nud sulTcrlng Cutting away a sote or disenscd glnnd does no
Ktl llle M is poisoned 1 he old setofulous tniul which has probably come down tliiough several
ginctutlnus has polluted every dmp of blood
iHiuiiiui ieiiuie vikoioiih pciNimrui tieimiem I lie 010011 must lie inuijiu nitric to uncanny
condition befotc the tetrible disease can be Mopped iu its wottc of destruction Meieiiiy potash nud
other poisonous tuiiictnU usually ijivctt in such rases do mote harm than fjooi they ttiin the digestion
and leave the system iu it wniso condition than befotc
S S S Is the only medicine that can tench ilucp senteil blood troubles like Scrofula It goes down to the very roots of
the disease nnd forces every vestige of poison out of the blood S S S Is the only purely vegetable blood putifier known
The roots nnd hctbs from which it is made contain wondeiful blood pin ifyiug pi operties which no poison however powerful can
long tesist S S S stiumliiti4 mid purines the blood increases the
m mmmmmm aaa
SmWK THkL GHMLOnkTM appetite aids the digestion and teMotes health and sliength to the
rm wwmm m m m mm m mmmmmm mmm mm m
iMiy If you have teason to think you have Scrofula or
your child has inherited any blood taint dont wail for it to develop but begin at once the use of S S S His 11 fine tonic nud the
best blood purifier and blood builder known ns it contains uo poisonous minerals S S S in pie cmiueutly a icmedy for
When III V ilmiKlitcr wan n 11 Infant ulic Iml n ccrpccol Sctofiiln or wlilrli hc wni under the run
stntit cnte of pliyilciain fur mote thin Ihiiuiiik Hhr iinur ill the cud of that lime Imwevcl und
wcnlmoit delimited u f her life A few Imltlrtnf Hwlftt Hticillio rtlird hei intillilrlt ly nt It nciiunl In
Kdltcct tothccaiiieuf tlictmulile 1 do mil lit llev It hut nn cuul fot stubborn eatetof hlimdillvuiieii
wmen are ncyntia tue pnwer it inner to eaueii moon trmeiiiet h I Hiumict Mniillicllii it
Our medical department is iu charge of experienced physicians who have made
Scrofttln and other blood diseases n life study write them about your ciise or nuy one
you nre interested iu Your letter will receive ptotupt and careful attention Wo make
uo charge whntcver for this Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA
luiln Ooiien Owirrtilnn Motion For Now
T1I11I mill SniitiiurrmSpiililillliir
Krimi 8attirdnn Dnilt
The argument for a now trial iu tho
case of tho State against Lelaitd Spauld
ing was hoard by Judgo Oim at Madi
son yesterday afternoon
The motion wnsovorruled and Spauld
ing was sentenced to a term ortlvo years
in tho penitentiary about 10 oclock
by ludgo Conos
Tho hontonco was suspended until
Juno 111 and tho prisoner was left in tho
custody of Shoriil Losoy
Tho attornoys for tho dofoiiHo gave
notice of an appeal to tho supremo court
and hope to get tho enso bofore that
body ubout tho first of Juno after which
bail can bo fixed upon and tho prisoner
may be released until tho cause conies
on for trial Tho caso may bo decided
by tho supremo court oithor tho latter
part of Juno or iu September
Tho trial of tho other cases in the
district court will not bo hud before
tho November term nnd meautimo
thoro will probably bo 11 decision by tho
supremo court in tho caso already tried
Will stand at Hrunsons Barn Mi
hills old stand Fridays and Saturdays
ot oacu week until July 1 Ivor terms
see owner
Cut this iliI nut find ffinl to tin ninl
wuwlll m rni wm tnl Itlfsll UHAIih
In iilit C 1 Hiibfett to uxniiii
nitloni oil can examine It ntjour
fremiti ucpoiuiiu 1 r louiiu iwriecu
Mitlriictoryoxuctly UM rirLeeritMi
uiiil uijual to Mculm that retail at
S2MM ntrlhrrallrofttl atrt nt our fctiftUI
prlrc 775 10 or
5G75 tiiiil Iiulklit rlmiKOH Tho
hlunpiiirf weittht In lri Mh and tin
frHifht will a emeu iViforeiic li60c
mile and ku19 Ufiorrj
- 3
ftSmm9tmwwivrt ijalastfSCM
H mmmT7mTmm9FfhMFf Kt J J
Jyf Mmmimmw
iJBamj r LI M I i I i wy JmUL n DH Ml
mWrmmwsimMiWmMiv PrtmwaifUXiu
HBPH3 d- tt1 HI rudiKll
kSslSlHni iteit w w 3 Mm
tfmMSsmmmi ms
74Zmutt KJr r MBS R
iRunAnni I Jrw MfAci Ztj9L rlr Iviui il
- T-
IliMis lino nluiHiilmrvorjllilni In inn Irol Inntninirntn nt lowput wlinlmivln irlim Willi fur frr
firuii iiliinti Kiut iiiimIihI liiHtriiiiiiitlLalalniui AililriiH Hr lloeliuck A Co n IhurotKhlr roliftJtle
fJEARScROEEUCK CO Inc Fullon Dcjplainci anil Wayman Sl CHICACO
arc the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
turd work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catalogue Free
Ask for It
Smith Premier Q
Typewriter Co 10
IIUII IVJIi Ulll DAUIIIIIIC IkUk jlllil lltdll Dt 111 llllllllfVUll II l
I rrfrriij aiirariiirjtxiiciiy us rtproBnitii rjmi mi maruint uutr n
4 Mh at rwi nu unil TIIII mirAiri IIAIIIltl Ylll
himhiiik pj special OUcr Prico 1550 EaMatik
i mvmv
iwf HI
iifni itiiiki r in AincrKu
from the hiat uiutcrlul money
KUIUtr 1
tk J fi P1f
AlnB 1 E4a 1 M mW
1 Ml m I jlyBgriW I I win
rial i
IVllil B
i lMil lif nil ilropplnif Irnui ultrlit In lo usiil an it fcoir ulilp u4
ur drli the otliernnii ltli lull ltimth tatilu unit In ml In plure fur
newlni 4 fnrj dr wrri Iltmt IhUU Lrlrlua rrim rari il Iianulrtl em
ineilBiMlilicoitilrttMrietlliilli IlliCKt iilcki 1 ilrnvtr ultn rfl mi fur
iutlrr oilJunUiMitniiilli kcliulniHiiiylli Iron Ktanil tlnri Urnr High Arm
hril imnltlvufourinntliiii fiml nrlf thriuillnir ilirutlni rliuttlcuiitiiiimtli
tioMilti MlmUr mljiirlutilo iMurlnM imtrnt ttnlnn lllierutor ImprOMillnoAO
wlict l oillutnlileiiri runifiiot liiilirnx il vlmttl currliT tuitiiitnirilli lwr
pHlcnt ilrilKUiriI brd 1 hndnmrlj ilrrortr nd ormmriilri nil hrlullTullr
lilrlrl irlmmi il GUARANTEED lhrllililrlrunlm mol durlllr oil iirirrl
imUrlrt larltlpr indr trr LmiMn fttlrliturnt 1 furnlbrd ami uur Trou In
Htructlon Hook tells Jut linwnnjnnirniiniiiltnnil doi Ithrr plain urany
ml in ianc vorK a nu irr iiuiniuKiiuiruirriii rniMiii intiy umciiuie
PfKTQ Vflll NflTHINf nnd rimlnrililmrliliir compare It Itl
nirekeencr ri ll at liiuo to
trona ami thrn If cinvlnrert tlmt jnu n mttiiiic tiiou to liuoo pn jour frelirlit at tnt tlm 16 BO
Ml Til IlliniS llllll fliiD If at any tlmo within tlirriMiinutliijoii ray ou uniliut tallarivU OltUtK 1UUAY
UOIJT BKJjAV Suars Itiibutk 4 I u are tlmrouirblt rilUlilr Kultur
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
Edisons Phonograph
Hotter tiinn a Iinno Organ or Millie Box for it sings nnd talks as well as plays and
dont cost lit much it reproduces tho music of any instrument hand or orchestra tolls
stories and flings the old familiar hymns ns well as tho popular songs it isal ways ready
Irices 7 SO to 10000 Hco that Mr IMisons signature is on every machine Cata
logues of all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAIMI CO 135 Fifth Ave New York
George W Hervey
Successor of Win Jcnnlngi Ilryan as Killtorof tho
Omaha World Herald Umaha Notir had tho
worst form of Dyspepsia for years After threo of
Nebraskas best physicians had failed to rollnvo
lilm ho decided to l0 to Chicago for treatment but
then as ho says I was induced to try
Dr Kays Renovator
with tho result that now elfht months slnco I last
used Ur Kuys Itcnovator I liao no symptoms
whatever of mv old troublei Dybpeptles hliould
writo for Freo Full Keiiort of this Wouderful Caso
Shun substitutes Remedies Just as Good as Dr
Kays itcnovator aro not mado or sold any
Whorp If not at dnifufsts uoivlllhond ltpost pnd
on reoeljitof price Dr Kays Kenovator t5 cts 1
Six for 5 Freo Medical Advice Sample aud liook
for tho asking Address m
Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Yw
a full line
of liest Varieties nt Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in large suppl Milllmib of Straw bcrr
plantn very thrift and well rooted iotthe
iiust near lioiuo Hnd bhvo freight or oxpre
Send for price Hot to I
North Bend Nurseries
North Dead Tidsc Count Net
Cltamn ill I tut tie tht htlr
liiuiuti a luiumnt cruwth
Never Fullo to Hoitore Qray
iiuir 10 lis vouiaiui ioior
Cun fculp u iu hair tauuig
cnilfl t niUu