The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 03, 1900, Image 2

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Nebraska Republicans Nomi
nate Him for Governor
All the Notnlnntlnns but Tiro Arc Made
by Acolninntluti tiuth Thurston nnd
Itosewater Olusn Delruntcs to llilln
rielphln Tlio llatforni
For Governor Cuaimks 11 Diktmcii
Kor Lieutenant Governor E 1 Savaob
For Secretary of Stuto Geoiiok W Unsit
For Tri amirer WnilAM Bthukkkii
For Auditor CiiAiiitcB Weston
For Attorney General FnANK N Thout
For Ijiu1 ComminHlnprUKiitiED FoiMPlt
For Bnpt of Public liiHtrnotionW KFowlrll
f GnwAiin UosBWATKn
Dclegatm at Large
Alternate at Larrfo
Presidential Eleotors
Joiin M THU118T0N
John H McClay
John A Eiiiiaiidt
Nonius BnowN
ill O Baiiii
I Charles Kaiet
joiin F mtsniTT
u vviNnow
KnwAitn Hoyhe
8 P DaVidsoh
John L KBNNtfnv
John J IjANoeh
Lincoln Mny 8 Everybody was
vindicated ycHterday in tlio Republican
btate convention With two exceptions
tho state ticket was nominated by accla
mation The contest over
the crux of which was tho fight
made on United States Sonator Thurs
ton caused intense excitement while
tho roll was being called But when
the result of tho balloting showing
that both tho senator and Editor Rose
water who headed tho anti Thurstou
movement had been elected waB read
the convention gave itself up to tho
wildest of cheering Tho convention
assembled at 280 p in and shortly be
fore 7 oclock had finished its business
and adjourned sine die Stuto Chair
man Tefft called the convention to or
dor and after tho reading of the call by
Secretary Mallalien introduced as tem
porary chairman George W Jenkins of
Roll Cull on
A determination on tho part of tho
delegates to get down to business was
immediately made apparent A motion
was put and carried making the tem
porary organization permanent Roll
call waB ordered on to
the Philadelphia convention No nomi
nations were made in tho formal way
but Adams the first county called
started the list with tho names of
Blown Erhardt McClay and Rose
wator Antelope couty foJlowH add
ing tho name of Senator Thurston The
roll call was followed with breathless
interest by tho 1033 dolegates and 3000
spectators present It was so close that
the result was in doubt almost to tho
last moment When tho secretary an
nounced the totals the convention broko
looso and cheered for ten minutes Calls
for Senator Thurston who was seated
on tho platform were repeated with
growing energy until finally tho four
successful ones mounted the stage and
bowed thoir thanks A speech was de
manded front the senator but ho did
not avail himself of tho opportunity
gust then The voting was as follows
Rosowater 902 McClay 983 Er
hardt 072 Thurston 000 Brown 500
Mauderaon 72 Norval 80 Mercer 1
Field 0 Lambertson 6 Wells 4
Crounse 1 Gear 1 Harrison 1
Election of and
presidential electors wero made by ac
Dietrich Unads the Ticket
For governor only one name was pre
sented that of Charles H Dietrich
president of the German National bank
of Hastings His waa the namo to
head the ticket by acclamation Mr
Dlotrich accepted tho nomination ia a
brief speech ia which he predioted the
reclamation of Nebraska by tho Repub
licans in November
For lieutenant governor Colonel
Savago of Ouster county was nominated
by acclamation
George W Marsh editor of the Falls
City Journal received the nomination
for secretary of state in the same man
For treasurer William Steuffer of
Cuming oounty was unopposed
For uudltor Obarles Weston of Sheri
dan county was placed on the ticket by
Two names were placed before tho
delegates for the position of attorney
general They were Nelson O Pratt of
Omaha and Frank N Prout of Gage
county Considerable feeling was
stirred up over this matter It seemed
to hurt the majority of the delegates to
be compelled to take a vote so general
had the harmonious feeling become A
roll coll had nearly been completed
when it was seen that Prout had a win
ning lead and Mr Pratts uanio was
withdrawn allowing tho unanimous so
leotion of Prout
For commissioner of pnblio lands and
buildings George D Folmer of Nuckolls
county was the unanimous choice
Vf R Hart of Gage county and Pro
fessor W K Fowler tho well known
educator of Blair City wero presontcd
fur superintendent of pnblio instruction
This time the roll call was gono through
to the end and rosnltod in tho selection
of Professor Fowler by a vote of 039
against 404 for Hart
The Platform
Chairman John L Webster from tho
committee on resolutions then laid his
report before the house Its readiug
wus loudly applauded and the report
was unanimously adopted Tho declara
tions against trusts and the laudation of
the natiouul administration seemed to
be extremely pleasing to tho delegates
Following is the Dlatform as
r the Itepulillrniis of Nebraska are
unlike our political adversaries who In
lalo convention held high curulvul mer
Imaginary uvIIh threatening our t ouiitiy
ninl adopted platforms which am a stand
ing proteit against prosperity grandeur
ami glory We rejoice that we are eltl
trui of a mighty nation whose revenues
are larger than nt any previous period of
Its hlitory whose treasury Is overflowing
with gold whose agricultural Industries
flourish n never before whose laborers
ute nioro generally anil continually cm
ployed at profitable wage whose finan
cial policy commands the confidence of
tho people at homo and ntlmulntes our
trade with the nations abroad whoso pro
duct from the farm and the mill from
the workshop and the fuotory are a moun
tain of wealth whtihu commerce in Its
stupendous strides has outdistanced all
competitors whoio achievements In peace
and glorious victories In war are without
a parallel all these are living evidences
that It Is fulfilling tho destiny far which
It was created and that Democratic pro
tests cannot stay Its career
These and other equally meritorious
considerations have endeared our hearts
to our nations worthy leader William
McKlnloy a president who has wisely
dealt with new and untried questions
who has guided tho ship of state with
safety and security through unexplored
chunnols and tho troubled waters o agi
tated seas and in each hour of dangor
given evidence of such masterly states
manship that wo unhesitatingly indorse
his magnificent administration and pledgo
ourselves to secure to him tho vote of Ne
braska at the November election
We point with prldo to tho remodeling
of our tariff laws which has increased our
revenues and not Impeded trade which
has opened tho doors of mills and facto
ries to tho millions of American skilled
mechanics and Is returning to them tho
higher wages that are tho just recompense
for their toll
Gold Standard Endorsed
We endorse the legislation that has
strengthened our financial system and
firmly established tho gold standard and
mudo the American dollars so safe and se
cure that they are kept busy chasing one
another around tho endless circle of busi
ness too good to go into hiding and too
patriotic to steal abroad In answer to tho
cry for tho frco and unlimited coinage of
silver and tho claim that thoro Is not gold
enough as a basis upon which to do tho
business of the country tho United States
treasury puts In evldenco the fl20 000000
In gold that has ooino to it within a year
and the 418000000 in gold now held
within its vaults and the unexampled
prosperity and measureless and limitless
nnd countless fluuncial transactl ons thus
sustained without seeming effort
To the army and navy which so signally
and suddenly humbled our enemy and hon
ored them selves and doubly honored our
country and the causo of hum nnlty for
which they battled we acknowledge our
dobt of gratitude Tho Republican party
lias always been ready to protect Its pro
tectors and to defend Its defenders
While wo are unalterably opposed to
Imperialism und militarism as practiocd
by European nations wo are willing to
accept all the legitimate results of honor
uble warfare and wo assume tho burdons
of governing and holding territory Wo
are In favor of Increasing our navy to
such strength and power as will make us
600111 0 from foreign aggression and tho
maintaining of such an army us may be
necessary to quell insurrection establish
peace und maintain good order In our
Islands In the seas and protect tho flag
from insult at homo nnd abroad
But we are opposed to a largo standing
army in timo of peace rolylng on tho na
tional ardor of tho people to meet any
emergency with the volunteer soldiery
such as has for more than 100 years chal
lenged tho admiration of tho world
For tho nations defense for the
strengthening of the navy for tho en
largement of our foreign markets for tho
employment of Amorlcan worklngmen In
tho mines forests mills factories and
shipyards and for tho enhancement of tho
value of farm products we favor such
appropriate legislation as shall muEc the
seas give evldenco that American built
and American manned ships are carrying
American foreign commerce to tho four
corners of tho earth
We applaud tho nrlon of the administra
tion in securing to American merchant
men free access to trade with tho Chincbo
empire through tho ports and harbors
now held by foreign powers as one of tho
greatest achievements of diplomacy
Opposes TruiU and Combination
The Republican party recognizes that
legitimate business fairly capitalized and
honestly managed has built up our in
dustries at home given tho largest em
ployment to labor at highest wages and
enabled ub successfully to compete with
foreign countries In the markets of tho
world Bu t tho Republican party now
as always Is unutterably opposed to all
trusts und combinations having for their
purpose the stifling of competition and
arbitrarily controlling production or fix
ing prices Wo refor to the faot that all
restrictive legislation in the national
congress has been the product of the Re
publican party and we demand In sub
stance the following amendment to the
constitution of the United States Con
gress shall havo tho power to regulateand
control any nnd ull corporations copart
nerships and joint stook companies and to
enact such laws as will prevent any and
all combinations In restraint of produc
tion and trade tho formation of trustsand
such other combinations of capital us op
erate to prevent freo competition
We earnestly recommend that congress
devote a part of tho money now annually
expended In largo quantities for river und
harbor Improvement to reclaiming the
arid lands of the west and to this end
wo urgo our representatives and senators
to secure If possible appropriations for
expenditures In irrigation in tho western
part of our state
Stuto Interest
Wo aro not unmindful of local condi
tions and state interests Wo are in favor
of a reappnrtlcnment of legislative und con
gressional districts to ho based upon the
ceiibiis of 1100 that will uceord fair and
equal representation to tho peoplp in all
sections of tho stuto
Wo favor the widest latltndo of municl
pal rule consistent with our system of
good government Wo favor a revision of
tho constitution of tho state to meet tho
demand of her growth as 6he enters the
beginning of the Twentieth century
Wo cheerfully pledge ourselves to tho
encouragement and protection of home
compauleo home associations aud hmiu
societies eugiged in pro ullng tntlcmnltv
for lois of property life and limb so Unit
as far as reasonably may be the mone
collected fioi i the people shall remain
with our people and bo Invested and ex
pellded for the Use of our people
We Invite ami will heartily welcome the
return to llepubllcati ranks of former
members of the partvnndull the pattlotlc
eltlens who ma hae been estranged hj
false alluiemi nts ami Insincere and tin
kept pledges for the time 1ms come when
they ran plainly see and knowingly un
derstand that they are but the menial
servants in the household of the Demo
cratlo party
MotlindUt MliilMrrn Vote Full lie premuta
tion to tlio lnlty
CinoAno May 1 Tlio pulpit and tho
pow sharo equally in tho highest gov
ernmental body of tho Methodist church
Without dissenting vote tho general
conference nt tho Auditorium ratified
tho notion of tho annual oonferonoo in
extending equal representation to tho
Inlty Tho provisional dolegates wore
admitted without a contest
Mis M Y MoMnhan withdrow her
claim to a Beat in tho conference rather
than jeopardise tho status of her male
Tho step takou makes the Methodist
church a democratic body tho rulo of
tho preacher passes with tho contury
Tho episcopacy in tho church long sinco
has been restricted to a superintend
ence without any authority beyond the
placing of ministers and suggestions to
tho general and annual conferences
Niimhor of Companies Apply for Admis
sion to Haft Intent
De3 Moinics May 3- Today Adjn
tant General M II ByerB will go to
Cherokee to muster out Company M of
that place which has applied for such
action Company M in of tho Fifty
second regiment and its muster out
will leave a vacanoy whioh both
Sao City and Emmotsburg aro
likely to bo applicants for On
Saturday General Bycrs will go
to CrOBton to mnstor in Company
G of tho now Fifty first Iowa Ho haH
not docidod on what date he will visit
Oelwein to muster in tho now company
whioh is to take tho plnco of tho former
Clinton company Now oloctions of
lieutenant colonel of tho Forty ninth
Iowa regiment nnd of major in tho
Fif ty seeoud woro ordorod by tho ndju
taut goneral Both oloctions will bo
held May 10
Women Vote for Scliuolhouse
Iowa City la May 8 At a special
election hold hero yesterday tlio propo
sition whether or not to build a 05000
high school building wns carried by a
majority of 210 votes in a total of 1581
votes Tho women of tho city wero
permitted to vote on tlio proposition
Tho fomale majority in favor of tho
proposition was 300 whilo tho male ma
jority against tho proposition was 120
It is alleged that several prominent tax
payers aro preparing to contest tho
legality of tho cloction on tho grounds
that tho womon had no right to vote
and that their ballots changed tho re
sult of tho election
Ilronk In Cnstlowood Dam
Denvek May 8 Chief of Police Far
ley was uotiilod last night by iv tele
gram from J W Alsop superintend
ent of Castlewood reservoir that an
ugly leak had developed in the dam and
there was danger of its giving away
Tho request was made that residents in
Cherry Creok valley bo notified All
farmers living in tho valloy above Den
ver have boon warned and Superintend
ent Alsop has horsemen ready to givo
further warning if tho dam goes out
Nugrn Lynched by Masked Men
Lirbkty Mo May 2 Henry Darley
a negro was lynched in tho court house
yard hero jnst before midnight last
night by a mob of masked men Tlio
negro was arrested in Excolsior Springs
on Tuesday charged with having brut
ally assaulted Miss Vera Armstrong a
waitress employed in Snapps hotel
Darley was employed in the samo hotel
as a porter The mob came from Ex
celsior Springs on horsobck
Unci of Dewey Celebration
CmcAno May 3 Tho Chicago cole
bratiou in honor of Admiral George
Dewey practically came to a close yes
terday with an excursion by tho ndmiral
and members of the general committee
of tho Dowoy celebration down the Chi
cago drainago canal as far as the con
trolling gates of Lockport
Victor Bierbower formerlv lienten
ant governor of Idaho diodataSpokano
hospital Tuesday
Demonstrations hnvo occurred nt
Widin Tiruovn aud other towns in Bui
garia as protests against tho new tithe
tax law
Gerondale a hamlet on tho Wiscon
sin and Michigan rood was de6troved
by forest fires Tho fires aro abating
Sir Henry Stnnloy the explorer whilo
denying tho stories of his immediate ro
tirement from parliament says ho will
no seek re election
Tho German torpedo flotilla Wednes
day passed up tho Rhino through Hol
land immeuso crowds witnessing its
passage at vurious points
Tho Portuguese ohaiuber of deputies
Wednesday refused almost unauimously
to interpellate tho government in ro
gard to the Beira matter
Judgo Cantrill of Frankfort Ky
Wednetday ordered a change of venue
to bcou county lor tlie trial of Pqw
luvih iouuey ami omcrs cna
cuiupiiiaiy in mo upuoeiumrtt y
jwucri xiryuu
years old iuiui
Wednesday JBFtff
break the iibW
afloat aur
did it for
Mine Diai crutScoficId Hourly
Grows In Horror
Wuik of Itrsrue Is Mill lining On linns
Mny Haiti Innsml tlin Ktplnslnn It v Itslng
Slant tnxidrr to Assist llicm liillnilr
Work Dvliills of the Disinter Menure
Salt Lakh Mny U Tho latest re
ports from Seollohl say that It is now
known that 18 are dead from tho ox
plosion and that tho estimate of Ions
will increase rather than decrease
Tho superintendent of tlio initio says
thero is no record of tho number of
men hat go in the mine from day lo
day and that tho oxnot number cannot
bo known until all tho bodies aro takou
out One estimate is that thoro wero
DDO men in tho mine nnd on that basis
thoro must havo boon at least 800 lives
The claim is nindo that 140 bodice
havo been identified Twenty or mors
bodies aro said tq bo mangled boyond
recognition and overy hour is adding
further victims to tho list Whilo liu
nierous ideas havo been advanced as tc
tho cause of tho explosion uothiiig u
yet definitely known on that point
Tlio theory of lliuhop ParmuleuiB that
home of the Fiuim recently imported
secretly took giant powder down into
tho initio to assist thorn in their work
They wero exceedingly anxions to make
a good showing aud mako as mu6h
money ns possiblo und it 1b thought this
form of explosivo was used in ordei
thnt great bodies of ooal could more
ensiiy be dislodged It is thought that
when tho giant powder was touchod off
it ignited somo of tho dust of which
every coal injmji has u0pjjr Josh
Roberts Seeking to Drlre Boon Daok to
Clear Way to Advnnoe
London May 3 Hard fighting is re
ported at Rovoral points in the Ornugo
Free Stuto but details aro moagor it is
possible howover to form a general
iiloa of tho scope of tho operations
Tho Boers appear to be concentrated
in considerable forco along tho hills
which stretch like an arm or n bont bow
from tlio neighbotbcKxl of Karee Siding
to Thaba NChu to cover tho main
road from Bloomfontoin to Wlnbnrg
As tho result of desultory firing Mon
day nnd Tuesday the Boors wero pushed
back a few miles Tho Boors continue
to follow thoir harassing tactics Ona
well horsed commando operating in tho
Saunas Post district in tor fores with the
convoys going from Bloomfontoin to
Thaba NChu Tho Boors nearly cap
tured n convoy Tuesday but woro driven
off after a brisk fight
London May 8 The immediate ob
jective of Lord Roberts is to establish a
lino of British posts from ono frontier
of tlio Freo State to the other at right
angles with tlio railway thus prevent
ing Boer raids southward It is essen
tial therefore that tho Boers should lo
expelled from tho rugged Thaba NChu
district and be forced to retire to Lady
Preparations for an advance continue
at Kimlierley Sir Alfred Milnor has
written to the mayor of Kimberley
stating that tho roliof of Mufoking has
not ceased to occupy his attention and
that oi tho military authorities and that
nothing will be left undone to raise the
Forces along tlio railroad to Warren
ton have boon strengthened and supplies
havo teen going along A mounted
forco has gono to Burkley West in con
sequence of tho BoorB having occupied
Wiudsorton A thousand Boers
threaten tlio communications between
Boshof and Kimberley
Malala chief of the Taungs has in
formed the British that tho Boors ore
preparing to rohist thoir advance nt
Phipokuni 20 miles north of Warrenton
A correspondent at LouronzoMurqnoB
telegraphed Tuesday that a largo part
of the investing forco at Mafekiug hud
been withdrawn General Buller re
mains quiet The Boors assert thut
they are delaying an attack on him in
the hopo thut ull tho horses of tho Brit
ish will dio of horse sickness
According to a correspondent of tho
Daily Telegraph with Lord Roberts
President Krugcr is again asking peace
Thrre Stale Coiirsnllons
Lincoln May 8 Tho Democratic
Populist and Free Silvor Republican
state central committees issued their
calls for stuto nominating conventions
to be held in Lincoln at 2 p m on Wed
nesday July 11 Tho Democrats will
meet in tho Oliver theater Populists in
the auditorium and Silver Republicans
in tho conservatory of mudo hall The
bnsiB of representation is tho same as at
the lato state delegate conventions
ChlruBii Strikers Are Indicted
CinoAno May 3 As a result of the
grand jurys investigation of tho pre
out labor troubles in O hicago ho far as
it hns proceeded trno bills were voted
agaiust eight men yesterday all on the
charge of conspiracy aud huverul of
them on tho additional charge of per
jury Tho men iudioted aro all labor
ing men
Juwu Desnuoat HnI
Dks Moines May 3 Sfte Chairmaa
prge A liulfmnn called tho
nntion to ordwatlO
Wf Temporary Chair
w mi iimmi
nti tiimmmiMrFrfaW mn s
uellvwfcd a
T3nrsrMffMM Afmr JKW Jt VB x
v a
sHFi rjrmjmmK m pwwttrii
ti rtttioat
WXK JVn MHQ4aMBFvKnHituvr u ri - - jMmM
iitiiHimw m 2fUM DMLasawaiiiaaH urore aim irrii imiammwmawrmmfmmeB juiiii
Itellil In limilnu I lint Dm t nan t unlit
llllllll In llfllll
Manila May 8 11 noml Kunston
has discovered a rebel warehouse near
Culmiiiitunn eimlatiiiiig nil the archives
of the MulnloH government Aguliiiil
dos eoiTcsponilenre up to the time of
his light ami much valuable hirlorieal
mailer The beliel Is glowing that
Agiilmtldo was killed by the lgoiolles
There is no proul that he has been alive
hinco Major loyton U Maieh of tho
Thirty third icgimiiiit abandoned the
chase after the Filipino leader in the
Bemiuet nioiiiitaiiiH although an insur
gent officer who recently siirreiideied
to GuiKirnl Young says the iiiHtiigent
Tiuio holds this belief Tiuio held
regular communlcat Inn with Aguinaldo
until Dee W sinco when hehasheaid
nothing of him and Tinin thinks
Aguinaldo would find means to com
municate with him If alive Major
Marchs information was that thero
wero only half a dovou soldiorH with
Aguinaldo when ho fied beyond the
Bon too wilderness whero the savages
are hostile to all nt rangers Friends of
Agulualdos wife assert that sho has
heard nothing from him since thoy do
Tho sultnn of Hnlu with a retinuo
including several of his wivos bun
sailed for Singapore ostensibly on a re
ligious mission A Iloug Kong dis
patch to a Manila putMir says the sultan
lias gono to Singapore in order to pro
test to tlio British against tho Ameri
cans establishing a tun IT against im
ports claiming that it is a violation of
tho treaty of 1877 between Spain Great
Britain and Germany guaranteeing tho
Bulu islands free trude whereas tlio
AmcricatiH havo established a tariff
nearly doubling the Huhi staples of life
most of whioh aro imported from Sin
KIiik Osiiir Hide With ICiiKlniid
London May 3 I tun entirely on
tho British side in this war in South
Africa said tho king of Swodon ami
Norway now on a visit to this country
in an interview with a represontntivo of
tho Associated Press You may mako
it quite clear that I havo no sympathy
whatovor with tho Boors and that 1
will givo no support to tho attempts
they aro making to secure tlio counten
ance or co operation of our countries
Stlluell Is iiocti
Kansas City May 3 Tho director
of tho Kansas City Mexico anil Orient
raihvay chartered last week at Topoka
yesterday elected the following olficers
A K Stilwoll president Enrique O
Creel Chihuahua first vice president
S A Withorbee Detroit second vice
president W W Sylvester St Louis
third vico president Alouzo Fernandez
St Iouis fourth vico president
Yoiiuir Wmnnn Kills llersrlf
Boohk la May 3 Miss Mary Olson
20 years old a graduate of the Boone
high school committed suicido by
drowning herself in a cistern Grief
ovor tho deatli of a brother is said to
have unbalanced her mind Sho was a
member of tho First Methodist Episc
opal church and belonged to a highly
rcspCted family
Two CIiIIiIihii Knlnlli llurni l
Bkiktow la May 3 The house oi
James Walsh threo miles from hem
was burned lust night One child was
ho badly burned thut it died buforn
morning Another is thought to be fa
tally burnod and Mrs Walsh the hired
woman and a sou aro nlo badly burned
Ilehels Attack huiull tot
Manila May 3 The American gar
rison of Catubig island of Saxuur con
sisting of 80 men belonging to the For
ty third regiment has been Attaokud by
rebels Twenty of the Americana wnr
killed The remainder werw rescued
will Jttlioilillnlle IXiy
Macon Mo May J Reports from
the primaries held in all the counties of
tho First congressional distance indicate
tho selectiou of Congressman James T
Lloyd us the Democratic candidate Tho
convention will formally nominate later
An Ohio man has announced that he
does not want the office of vice presi
dent Well well This is Indeed an
age of surprises
Usuirn flayed tesleruuy
New York Philadelphia 7
Brooklyn 5 Hoaton 10
Plttaburn J 8t Uiub 6
Buffalo 10 ludiauapoUn 4
Cleveland 6 IKtrot ti
MiuutttpolU 2 CIiIchko 12
Mllwuukiv b Khiiuih City 9
InniiS Tuilay
National Irf ttpueNuw York at Brooklyn
PhllaUlliltt itt ISoston Cincinnati ut Chicago i
Bt Ioui at IMuburg
Aiiii rloitn L4iiuo Kansas City nl Mil
wanktm CilcuKut J4iinnviKII luiUaimuuliri
at HufTuU Detroit ut CluviUlul
Four Italians while charging a hplfl
with dynamite on Murdooks uutUui oi
the Uainy lliver railway Woduuhday
were blown to atoms
Montana Central switchmen joined
the striking trainmen Wcdnomiay
KxU nited Status Senator Wmuwan
Thomas Wllloy of West Yirgtuia died
at Morgautown Woduuaday gf uld aj
The btrike of the uirpoinoro of Boaioii
aud vicinity for an eight Iuhu da Mid
a minimum ruto uf 2Utt iu U o poe
tically ended by nintfly all inui
ing the new
Ohief WUkio of the Lnut
secret borvjeo ban rchii fro iu
Peusi TfutJoutf bauK of Phidtlj u
ouo of tho most duuierou couuttrii
ii0 notes that liu dpikHiit d nt
Out of tbo engine ui y
Mmc conipauy five yt
aauw Ore tintodfd O
nil aud Ottc Av C4
Big Majority In the House for
Nicaragua Project
VOTIi 18 225 TOR TO 35 AQAIN8T
Hihiik IVrsmiiilltltS IihIiiIkiI In Miirlnif Ml
CIiisIiik llrlmlo lllifs Cumins
tllri I In - Am liiiiiiiliins Itolnitn nil til
Army Aiirnirliillnn Hill In tlio Srnntn
Wahiiiniiton May 3 The house yrv
ertlay at tlio eoncliiniou of the most
stormy debate of tho prnsnnt flntsion of
congicHsputHod tho Nicaragua eanalbill
by I he overwhelming vote of 225 to lo
All attempts to retain in the Mil tho
language of tho original bill for tho
fortification of tho canal ami to further
strengthen the language on that line
wero balked and tlio victory of Hep
burn anil thu committee was complete
Those who voted nay wore Acheson
AilaniH Hurton Cannon Capron
Olark Mo Coonoy Cowherd Cos
laloll Do Arm nnd Denny Dougherty
Fleming Fletcher Kiuton Gillette
Muss Graham Hitt King Tjiiwruiice
Lester Uivy Ltttntuir Littletleld Mb
Cnll Neville Uhcn Ky Richer
Shafrolh Hpragne Stewart Win lal
bcrt Thayer ir
Amoliniito recommit the bill with in
MmclimiH to report hack another iilll
leaving the selection of tho route o the
president was buried under an udvctrEo
majority of 52 to 111
Cannon chairman of the appropria
tions committee and Bnrton O tolmir
ninn of the river aiul hnrlKin nmmifc
tee made a game fight to Htall ilf ac
tion at this Hesston but their appeals
were in vain and the members rodo
rongh shod over all their argninent
and prnteHtH Muoh excitement pre
vailed throughout the day und some
times bitter words wero uttered The
excitement reached a climax lu a scent
between llepbnrn and Gannon wlien
tho former used the words llo and
liar as ho denounced tlm chairman of
the appropriations commit too for at
tempting to dishonor him
The house was in confninn dnrlng
the quarrel members rnwded tho
aisles anil the tritnatfnu at ono Hino wnp
go threatening tliar Whefler ought i
pour oil on tho watera by railing a point
of order Ent ho wuh not uphold and
the two irate members carried thoirTar
to the vory hilt Thero was i Hhow f
peace at the cIoho of tho incident hnt
the feeling between the two nen rcrt
so high that tho mutual rotntirnc
with which such incidents gcn mlly
eud wero bnt the cloaks for the lcneit
und must cutting sarcasm
Tnt or tim nut
The bill as it passed tho lion- j n
Be it enaoted etc That tin
dent of tho Onitcd States bo and
by authorized to acquire from th
of Costa Rica and Nicaragua tor
behalf of rhe United States c ntrl
such portion of territory Uw
iuk to Costa Rica and Nicaragua
he desirable njitl necessary on 1
osenvntn construct und prefer
of Htioh depth and capacity is
snilloient for tho movements f
of tho grenteHt tonnage aud diriH t
in nse from a point near rQyr
tint Caribbean sea via Lake NV- n
to Breto on the Pacific ocean
snm as may he necensary to srr r
control is hereby upproprhtre1 mt
any money in tho treasury H
wise appropriated
That when the proaiilonr ibs
cured full control over tho Nr finr
f erred to he shall direct Hie rrra
of war to construct saf and imhihu i
harbors at the termini of aid imh i
such provisions for defHe n
neceHary for the mft ninl tin tti
of said canal and harbor
That in any negortHtaans wiu
states of Conta KIoh or Niearaga
president is authorized u giinrantt
said states tin of sum oaui
harbors uion mob taraut aa
agreed upon for all vetuseia own
said states or oiti7iiH tatieeui
That the nam of 10000UUU -by
appropriated toward uw pn
the Kcrotory o war is tartlni
nuthoriz ed to outer lulu ooutin
materials aud worn laac uuy t
necet Miry lor tn prupor ueumn
und dotense ut nuU akuuJ t
for as upprunruiUuii uuty Iron
time be hemittw uuuio wot
in theuggruguti40WUouu
Acrlitiuutuits tLaM ait Aim
Wahhimhoh May 8
of tlttt tutu appfufirUtHou bi
bouate duveiutiud a dibato oik
men l oi mu wiui4tr wu
ippint H iu at tiuiw was
Tuiuei tiAi Waah miife
vuiuua aikaia on thv WJjf
IkMiauau ii u pour auuuiniiAi
tin uuiuti rtsturcui buu
ipinuuj Ue Hft fuivd byl
Www lkatl MtMMJfei
uivai lur uot diwhajrnj the S
kuu Koiuiikwn wbm thair t
tiuoi AMsuu tkUvarvd a
wmiw wk by the
iv uu tli adalrtiou of fe
aii4 uihl that ooiign
liki uvli lu Wu
ie i Vila
A I one M a At aui
rial Nw i jilt sW sv
uf j in i uiurUv i t J
frJtthaU iu t a i vilr
drew tinuu the -
lwye yio Jligfthi v it
-An MfUMtkjtjUb i utM
tir U
1 r
t it
Hil 3
v r
i i