N V 1 r 12 the High Grade Dress Trim- mings THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 8 1000 Special 7 Items Colored Dress Goods Ifjn per yd for Jacquavd Mo luu hair Effects all shades Pebblo Cloth new and stylish OEp for Flemish Lustre 1Ep 20e and 25e for Berkshire lllu Plaids Largest assort ment elegant colorings nCp for Black and White Shop Ullu ards Checks Desirable and stylish Eflp for the best Double Warp llUb Sicilian Navy and Gray the popular goods for Skirts for Fine All Wool Serge all colors PI HI per yd for tho greatest iDliUll variety Pattern Dresses in the now shades Whip Cords Solile Bioges and Ai mures ylfln to S5c for Ail Wool Chal 7UU lies the finest goods of the kind over brought to Nor folk Q Cp for the Now Mercerized ll UU Foulard for Waists Looks like silk but wears better Do not forget to look at our immense assortment of Ladies Silk Waists Shirred Tucked and Corded in all tho new popular shades and popular prices Black Jet Insertions f and Spangled Beaded Nets AAAAAAA44A4AA4mmoHHmmMmHOHHMMHMHHmmmmMmHHHMHmomHMMmmHmHmM f c J I i r l H fc 1 HV V B 1 R r A Great Values for Spring of 44 New and Very Attractive Stock All the New Styles and Fabrics for this Seasons Wear to bo found on our shelves and a great many Exclusive Styles and Patterns No Advance in Our Prices GoodB Sold Cheaper than Ever Before The finest display of Black and Colored Silks all the New Popular Pastel Shades in Taffetas Armures Peau do Soie Satin Duchess and Satin Liberties Boautiful and dainty printed Foulard Silks Exclusive Patterns for Waists Shirred Silks and Crepe de Chine for Trimmings and Yokes LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS d5 0 or an All Wool Suiting in Brown Navy and Oxford Grey jfelf OO for the Best Ready Made Ladies Suit in the city Tan Colored Venetian dMO ff and 1450 Elegant Ladies Suits in all the New Shades and Material Better made garments and plOa wJ styles than you will find anywhere else A large assortment of Ladies FINE BLACK SILK CAPES all styles from 150 up to 1000 The Swell Window Drapery Ruffled Bobbinet Curtains A Fine Selection Also a Full and Very Fine Line of Nottingham and Tapestry Curtains Nets and Madras Goods Great Values in Mens Boys and Childrens Spring Clothing I i o I HI i A l Y Clothing that will please the boys as well as the old man If you wear one of our New Spring Suits this season you will have tho Best Clothes Money Can Buy The nobby style and neat fit of these clothes recommend themselves to every man who knows what clothes are and who like to wear the best Our prices always the lowest for honest goods It will surprise you to see our Nobby Elegant Styles of Vestee Suits for little folks 3 to Syrs old GENTS FURNISHING GOODS The Largest and Best Assortment in the City comprising all the New Novelties out this season in Shirts Neckwear Hosiery Underwear Gloves Hats and Caps and at the right prices BRUM BROS NORFOLK Special Items Black Dress Goods OCp for Black Mohair Bro LUU cades new patterns Eflp for Pure Mohair Jacquard UUU very much in use this season Eflp to 85c for the best quality UUU pure Mohair Sicilians the best goods for skirts Blk All Wool Serges QEp 50c 65c 75c and 85c UUU Each one extra good for the price Black Crepons English and German Goods 7 En 125 150 185 and UU 200 per yd Extra fine quality and some of them worth almost double the price for the New Bar Jeon Venetians Drape de Al ma and Amures All new and most stylish goods out this season PI QC buys a good black Bro iDIZu caded Skirt 150 for a better quality P0 in and 250 for a very jJLiUU fine Black Jacquard Skirt and 350 for an Extra Quality Plain and Fig ured Sicilian the most dura ble bkirt out tor the money CQ fl fl Applique Trimmed iDUUU Skirts from 300 up wards both black and colored jp Ladies SHIRT WAISTS Uuu The most popular Waist in the largest variety and pat terns gCp for a fine Percale Waist Uuu choice patterns lEp and 100 Waists in fine UU quality Percale and Ba tiste 7Jp up to 250 Extreme fine lu assortment of Ladies White Shirt Waists with Lace Insertion and Tucking NEBRHSKM flHr pHlv lfe PHI 1900 t DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING I j w m m w w a t 1 he Prices that we are Uuoting are without question the Very Lowest quality considered that have ever been offered i k