V 10 I i I v r If Mi We Invite You to Our Store Our suit Iuih InesB 1h u pro- 11011110 01 DUO COSH Ur HIllCH most Hattcrlng Why Our suits wore selected from tlm sales rooms of Now Yoiksforomost lnnkcrs O v o r UK suits for our ouBtomorHtoBO lect from They mo designed nf tor tho lutost and most ac cepted fashions mid right bo yod n doubt Our prices com pared with anv catalogue will provo to your own witlsfao tion n snving to you All wool ot 500 Others up to sfi 00 A lot more now HuitH on tho wivy Childs jnokotp ladios cnpoH mid jnekots Oront showing in ludioH sepamto BklrtB IS5 to lf00 each Dress Goods Tho public is well ncquaiutod with tho superiority of our DroBB Goods Btook This Bprlng we positively uunounco a largely increased and bettor stock than wo havo ovor shown Plain rich fab rics onco more provnil and wo filled our Btock toovortlowing A GOOD DRESS GOODS STOCK NEEDS TO BE SEEN Ask to 10 bIiowu our Dross Goods and yon will bo pleosod oven to outhuBiiiBin Evory want can bo filled at our pricos from 10c to 300 per yard Silks Wo most emphatically challcngo com parison with silk samples from imy city Mi Mi M Mi Ml Mi Mi M M M m m m m m m m m TOR NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 8 1900 IfOK Mice goods wo made persistent search for four weeks in the great iirkois - selecting tho choicest and most pleasing styles adapted to our trade 1ksht and better than over in our history Hought tho lowest On sale tho lowest I fliti tcr values or more correct up-to-date merchandise Ladies Tailored Suits store Onr silkfl are bought from first linndBand fioni tho best mnnufnetur ors Examino our Black Dross Silks 8fo 100 125 sJUiO and Satin DucIichh at DOr Too 100 1 25 and 1 50 Handsome Dress Foulards Liberty Silks lastcl Shades in Cropo Do Chino FanrioH TnlTutt is Silk mid Wool Glial Una iu tho nuw designs etc Dress Trimmings Laces Neckwear Wo especially ask you to look in this department because wo uro showing a very much liner assortment than wo over carried before Trimmings in tho rii best but dainty designs of Applique Edges Galloons Fringes Spangled Nets etc 10c to 750 a yard Ijiicofi Yokings in Plaucn sance Chiffon Appliquo etc up to 0 00 per yd Nookwear Ploted Satin Stocks Chif fon Jabots Mulls oto Silk Waists Profusoly tucked many Btylos black and colored Silks latest ideas iu correct Dros WnlBt making 3 50 to 750 COTTON WAISTS 50 dozon is our Btook to select from Pick from this enormous assortment and you may And M Mi Mi Mi Mi m m m mi m m m mi m M Mi Ml Ml Ml M Ml Ml Ml Mi Mi M Mi to please you Colored Iercales and Batistes Lace mid Insertion Yokes Pletings etc 50c to 175 WHITE WAISTS the dainty airy creations so much in vogue 100 to I00 Lace Curtains i l1 M u W l 1 Lnco Curtains double tho stock wo ever showed Arabians Renaissance Tambour Esprit Brussels Kid Gloves Wo make SPECIAL ANNOUNCE MENT of our NEW Kid Glove stock After carefully inspecting and compar ing the values and merits of tho many glovo manufacturers and importers in Now York wo bought and adopted three entirely new lines which wo will keep freshly assorted iu colors mid shades as fashion may decree M tib Clasps havo entirely replaced liooks overywhero henco wo bIiow tho throo grades in Clasp only Alexandria black mid colors 100 Victoria black colors and white 1 25 Dufour black only 175 Muslin Underwear A Healthy Locality To nil nppoarnnoe Ardnnmurchan on the west coast of Scotland Is u great plnce for longevity Whether It Is be cause of tho soft nnd salubrious cll ninte or the remoteness of the place from the centers nnd the sins of popu lation or something Indigenous to tho Ardnnmurchan nature It would be rash to say but certain it Is thut nn Ardnn murchnnlte seems to hnve u good chance of becoming n patrlnrch With in M yenrs many of the inhabitants have been cut off nt verylng ripe ages between 100 nnd 112 Scottish American- A man who owns n eocoanut giove In Venezuela Is Independent as the fruit continues to ripen all the year round and brings a good price Each tree averages an annual income of 1 120 junkIer qAr m im fr Immenso Now Stock from tho best manufacture in tho U S The Royal of Worcester Mass Corset Covers lo to 100 Drawers i8oto100 Skirts 50c to 150 Gowns 50c to 175 Childrens Muslin Pants 15c to 50c Wash Goods Thousands of yards in the graceful dainty stylos of the season Antrine Linens Dotted Swiss Muslins Kildare Dimities Primrose Batistes Ondine Muslinettes Crepons Crinkles etc 5c to 75c per yard Hi m M Ml M Mi M Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi v THE BIG BUSY STORED Springtime Announcement With Every Department in Our Store Filled With Appropriate Now Needed Goods of the ensl searching for tho 13EST VALUES in every line CASH PURCHASES would buy Uy fjir the largest stock of nierchaiHlise we have over shown Each department is now full 3 imuilinn iu full nf Mirfrrnaeiirnnncu nrl lrwttru niu1 tin -U i 1 1 1 i iiuuihuu iu v hhvuuioj o uu in cn umpuuiuiuu uiiy y LiiiiD can give ww Jlllii lrw TWO CIIAnMlMJ BODICE arrangement of bandeau or handker chief silk In colorings of blue and gold tho points thereof held together with gold buckles The other bodice Is of old rose glnce silk nnd torchon Ince through which rows of nnrrow velvet nre threaded which nre tied In a loose knot on the left side Fiidn and Fanclca In continuation of the furore for white it Is predicted that white cloth will be largely employed for visiting nnd traveling costumes nnd will be made up Into clonks coats and wraps of nil kinds hut smarter still Is white taffeta for coats and Jackets and long driving clonks A novel collar band eiunnntlng from Paris Is a stitched plain baud of rib bon passing through n lnrgc dull gold buckle nt the throat nnd finished off In a pointed short tab It looks well for traveling aud morning suits A note of blnck Is struck In nil the most elegant light gowns either tulle choux df black black frluges or blnck belts A shoulder scarf of chiffon fnlls In a twist uud long ends from nn elegant linen nnd pique costume These old fashioned tlonting scarfs sit some what oddly on the energetic ladles of today but they are pretty and quaint and require ns much practice In the art of wearing them ns does tho fashion able skirt If it is to be lifted in the way It should go A Pretty Table Decoration Get a long piece of glnEs for the cen ter of tho tablo nnd put brown pnper nronnd Make it as rugged looking ns possible Then arrange damp not wet moss on it nnd stick small fronds of fern in tho moss nnd nny wild Dowers or simplo garden lowers uvailablo Water lilies look delightfully cool put on tho glats There is more catarrh iu this seciton of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few Black Petticoat 100 to U00 Styles that aro fascinating Baby Millinery Caps Bonnets Mull Hats direct from manufacturer Tablo Linens exquisite patterns 25c to 2 00 per yd Nnpkius to match 100 to 750 per dozen Umbrellas and Parasols Handsome Styles iu tho Parnsols Carpets and Mattings 50 STYLES TO SELECT FROM Ingrains 80 15 40 45 00 05 and 70o Fino Carpets for your parlor iu stock or additional big Bample lino to se lect from First class Bis sels Sweeper 108 special Shoes Shoes Shoes We will save vou monev on evervnair good Shoes Our Styles aro kept fully selected in tho up-to-date shapes THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS COMPANY HIS CLOSEST CALL AND AtnTER ALL 1 1 I UHNED TO BE NO CALL AT ALL The llcforiiHMl Ionchrr However In of tilt- Oitliilcm Thill There l Little Dirterenee llcleeit llelux Killed nnd IletiiK Soured to Dentil The closest call I ever hnd remarked the reformed poacher turned out to be no call at nil but for a time I was sure old Gabriel had his trumpet tuned up for me and after nil there aint a mighty sight of difference between get ting killed and getting scared to death And thats about what happened to me It was In the early eighties tho llrst winter 1 trapped In Allegash waters nnd although up to the 1st of February tliere wasnt six Inches of snow in the woods I hnd snlted down In my slinck the prettiest lot of furs Ive seen before or since And out of 200 skins some thing like 70 were otter Funny thing too that run of otter I took every one of them from a short lino of traps set back of a small stream of dead water The other traps tool everything that came along beaver fisher mink nnd ermine but these half dozen somehow or other would spring only on to the leg of nu otter And I didnt kick n bit for the skins were worth then just 15 apiece Well come the 1st of February and about time for a big snowstorm I got unensy as trappers will wanted some thing more exciting I guess and one fine morning 1 bundled my furs on to n big sled and set out for Klneo Tliere wasnt any snow to spealc of on the river and I made pretty good time up Churchill Inke and about dark reached the thoroughfare Into Englo lake where 1 built a tire and got a bit of Biipper It was a tine night but n little breezy aud n big circle around the moon told me of snow and lots of it not far away So I figured twould be a good idea to get to the settlement about us soon as 1 could aud packing up again I set out down the hike Tho wind was at my back aud Just boosted me along but the sled traveled faster and kept bumping Into my feet Says I to myself Why dont you use the wind And I did Huuulng ashore I cut a Btout pole and two crosspleces and soon had n tlrst class sail set aud was dying dowu the middle of Eagle lake n smoklng my pipe as hnppy ns any old salt coining Into port before a fair wind There wasnt anything for me to do but steer clear of Plllsbury island not a hard Job so 1 burrowed under the furs and sort of dozed off thinking of the good times those otter skins were going to bring me The wind kept rising but the old sled kept right along with It Thnt didnt worry me any however for there was no danger nud the faster we went the better 1 liked it Well we were drawing under the bead of the Island when the sled struck a wrinkle that sort of Jarred some life Into nu nnd rousing up 1 looked about to get my ben rings Gee whiz What I saw drove nil tho day dreams out of me Hlglit ahead not 1000 yards away was a stretch of blnck open water reaching clear across the lake and the sled rushing right into It ns fast as half a gale could drive It Throwing myself forwnrd on my knees I grabbed the mast to unship It but I hnd done too good a Job puttiug It up to be undone In n minute 1 pulled nnd pushed with all my strength but It wouldnt give nn Inch Then 1 tackled the ropes that held the blanket but they were drawn so tight you couldnt start them although my nails were torn off to the quick And all this time the sled was driving nnd swaying nloug nt race horse speed toward tho awful black gulf yawning ahead I could almost hear the waves breaking along the Ice front Every moment I expected to go through never to come up Cut the ropes enme to mo nnd like n flnsh my hand sought my belt But the sheath was empty I hnd used the knife to cut tobacco nnd It was somewhere beneath me among the skins Too late to hunt for It too Into even to Jump for safety for at thnt instant the white Ice nt my side fnded away Into blackness nnd throwing myself forwnrd on tny face nmong my precious otter skins I nwalted the fatal plunge How long I lay there 1 dont know It seemed hours but It was only sec onds I began to wonder If I had real ly gone to the bottom nnd never knew It If 1 was really drowned why I wns not cold nud wot and strangling Then came n sudden shock a crash and I was hurled more dead than alive from the sled For a time 1 knew nothing 1 was too near dead from fright to think Then 1 mustered courage to look around No I wasnt at the bottom of the Inke or tlonting ou the Icy wa ters but I was lying mighty well bruised anil shaken up ou the rocky shores of Plllsbury Island It wasnt open water after all that awful black space It was simply black Ice across the channel that had formed nfter the other nnd since the last fall of snow But It fooled me terribly And this is my closest call no call nt all you see But 1 tell you there Is mighty little choice between being killed and being scared to death Bangor Whig nnd Courier Wtien u husband gets up to give his wife a chair sho fairly beams nt the thought thut other women now see that he Idolizes her nnd would be will ing to die for her Atchison Globe It Is said that dried currants given to horses occasionally In lieu of oats will Increase the animals powers of en durance A BEAR FOR A ROOMMATE Funny Story Abont a Itanalnn Beast Which Slept In u lied Livonia Is a pnrt of our globe where fondness for pets coexists with love of sport A Russian subject from thnt province tells me of the strange con sideration evinced by one of her neigh bors for the feelings of a bear The animal hnd an odd fancy for sleeping Indoors nnd In a bed To humor him a l ooiii in a tower wns always left open for the nnlmnl Some nights he came nnd availed himself of the hos pitality but often he staid out In tho woods If ho nrrlved nt his tower nnd mounted tho long flight of steps which led from outside to Ids own door nnd found that anything prevented his en trance the bear mnde a horrible noise growling nud battering the woodwork In Livonia during the brief northern summer the locnl magnates visit each other without prior arrangement nnd they nrrlvo prepared to stop the night It not Infrequently occurs that many carrlnges converge nt the same time on one country house with the result thnt ns many as 40 beds may bo required A large influx of visitors nrrlved one night nt tho house where the bear had his room The last comer wns n timid n cousin of the house The host met him rndlant What n pleasure Ivau Youll And hnlf the relations here But nlns youll not have n good room Every other corner Is full Theres only the tower left As you know the bear conies there But never mind Ho does not put in nn nppearancc every night The young man would fain have gone farther but the nearest country house wns ten miles off his horse tired and the hospitable relations very pressing Iu their Invitation to him to remain He was greatly afraid of the bear but still more afraid of offending host hostess nnd all the other cousins nnd neighbors lie decided to stny nnd nt last retired to rest In a large square room with two beds In it He Inquir ed If he might not bar out the bear the door had but n latch but he wns tod that no fnstenlugs might be used the bear was too noisy If shut out He would not let a soul in the plnce have a wink of sleep Besides he wasnt coming very likely And further tliere wasnt nny menus of altogether fastening tho door It wns left on the latch on purpose The Inst words of a rather sleepy cousin to the new comer were Bettor take the bed In the far corner Ivan The guest can hardly be sold to hnve slept there The terror of bruin kept him nwnke nt tlrst nnd then bruin him self for In the small hours n shambllug step nud n sound of claws on the steps nnd balustrade froze the blood Iu the unhappy youths veins Tho noise came uenrer There was a fumbling nt the latch With great growling and grum bling bruin entered nud put himself to bed In the couch near the door There tho beast crumbled crunted aim seemeu co snirr unat snimng nlnrmed the other occupant ot tho room most of all for ho thought It meant that the bear scented him and might resent his presence The wretch dared scarcely breathe Dawu wns breaking but thnt wns only nuothcr danger Tho benr might see him Bruin a great curled lump nbove the blankets be came In due time visible to his fellow lodger Then the bear snored There was comfort In that sound But soon ho rolled about nnd growled nnd groan ed discontentedly The heart of the watcher beat painfully loud no dared not rise He had not nerve enough to pass the sleeping nnlmnl nud rush down the steps Terror paralyzed the youth and prudence whispered thnt Inactivity enn be sometimes masterly The slow hours dragged on All the company had nssembled down stairs nt breakfast but bruin still slept nnd the timid cousin watched him with eyes that burned nnd throbbed At last the host said Wheres Ivau Wheres tho bear too Aud a mes senger was dispatched to tho tower there to llnd n pallid guest nnd his un invited companion The messenger routed out the bear who had been kept ns a pet when n cub nnd who wns renlly only half a wild beast nnd help ed the nerve shattered youtli to dress nnd Join the breakfast party London News Her Ambition After the youthful but powerful in tellects of tlit observntlon clnss Iu n West Philadelphia school had devoted 15 minutes tho other day to making known the results of their thoughts upon nature and surrounding objects the teaehei diverted their minds by asking ench of tho dozen youngsters what they meant to bo when they grew up One precocious girl of 7 looking up nt the strong but not overly comely face of the teacher whispered timidly If Ize prety when I gets blgf I nm going to be an actress but If I grows ugly Ill be n schoolteacher Phila delphia Record Fnncy Wulnta In Grent Favor Fancy waists of nil kinds remain aa popular as ever The cut shows two charming models One Is made up in tucked blue satin with a very original yenrs was Biipposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pro nouueed it a local disease nnd pre scribed local remedies and by constantly failing to euro vsith local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be n constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional cure ou the market It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful It nets directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 75c Halls family pills are the best For riumbine Steam Filling Pumps Taoks WiDd Mills And nil work in this line call on W H RI5H SntUfnction Gunriintood Firet door South of The Daily Newb Ofllce AnotoPoitlandTfaiu n II tU VJ SwcTOr TWO TJjfllJJS DAILY THE UNION PACIFIC Oregon Short Line and Oregon R It aud Navigation Co Hno phiced in Sonicn nn ndditionul Portland Train This Train THE PACIFIC EXPRESS Leaver Omalin t21p m nmi arricn Portland 730 a m ONLY TWO DAYS ON THE ROAD Tho time of tho other Portland Train uThe OVEtjhAflD ItlffilTED IenviiiK Omaha b20ain lib been reduced 2 hours aud 15 miiiiitei Only f5 Hours nnd -10 Minutes Hetveon Missouri Ilivernnd Portland Splendid Equipment For Ti mo Tables Folders Illuetratod Hooks F W JUNEIAN Agent j V I