The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 26, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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faro uovor cheap shoes Shoos i
llkoPingrco Smiths mens j
womons and ohlldrcua aud
Drow Solby Shoo Cos lndios
shoos aro truly economical J
becauso thoy
Will Outwear
two pairs of cheap shoos and
aro not high priced at that
If you havo never1 tried them 3
wo would adviso you to do so
1 Bros
Offloo Hardra Coal Offlco
Fire insurance Farm and City Loans
and Real Estate
Two Rood liousos for rout
Without a Clock
Pretty slow somotimes and
likely to bo behind time With
the assortment we carry for you
to select from and at prices so
low every homo should be pro
vided with a Clock
we have a repairing department
unexcelled for fine Watches
Clocks and Jewelry at prices
Jeweler and Optician
w Have you been to Michaels studio
MUWU 11 UU9 UDUU 1UULICU uuu luipiuvuu
in every way We claim and can prove
that we have the handsomest and best
systeniized and as thoroughly equipped
photograph studio there is in this
country and we guarantee our work to
be strictly first claes and satisfactory in
every way Our help wo know to be
competent to make work equal to any
made in the state We are hero to stay
and will try to please you with our deal
ings and give you your moneys worth
every time We have the very latest in
photo mounts and novelties and you
will find our prices right We have
just received a fine line of picture frame
mouldings that we offer at vory low
rates Crayon water color sepia and
oil painting in enlard photos
Yonrs for business
3 cans corn 20
a cans tomatoes 25
Wheatling per package 10
Golddust4 1b 18
S packages yeast 10
Bakers chocolate 18
v 2 lbs A B O craokers 15
1 gal pail syrup 35
Gloss starch per pkg 05
18 lbs granulated sugar 100
We Can Save You Money
i p c a
O 2 ft H
I tfi o -3
I 01
L f w C3
w immLd O
I VJ fn
i W Z II I
X o fcfl T
5 J 1 Z
I 3 ca
rk boo
j 2 4
v o tc1 O
i J s S
4 Q -a
1 The residonco of W H Butterfleld is
undergoing qulto oxtonslvo timprovo
Tho front of Unum Bros store is
I iug improved with a frosh coat of paint
Tho Verges rositlonco on North Tenth
street Is boiug roshingled and othorwiso
Norfolk lodgo No 11 I O O F will
meot In regular sossion tonight Thoro
will probably bo work in tho initiatory
Tho Norfolk lodgo Tribo of Bon Hur
held a vory interesting mooting last
night and added four now members to
Its roll whllo sovoral moro applications
aro on filo
Architect J O Stitt has boon awarded
tho contract for providing plans and
specifications and superintending tho
work of construction of tho now
school houso at Madison in competition
with Omaha architects Tho building
will cost about llOOO and will bo about
tho samo stylo as that rocoutly com
pleted in Wakefield
It is understood that Engineer Dan
Murphy has boon offered and will accopt
tho day run between hero and Sioux
City over tho M O road This will
admit of tho familys continued resi
dence in Norfolk although Mr Murphy
will bo home but a short timo each day
Ho has boon running on tho main lino
between Sioux City aud Omaha
Mast hoso company held its annual
meeting meeting last night at firemens
hall and elected tho following officers
for tho ensuing year Presidout
Eugono Austin secretary J L Docker
treasurer S R McFarland foreman
Oscar Barr assistant foreman Fred
Sidlor Tho foreman was authorized to
select hydrantmon Tho company reo
ommonded Warren Rouse and Henry
Hollingsworth for fire police
Word has been received hero that
Jas H Kingman formerly of this city
is again very low at hi9 homo in Eagle
Grove Iowa and at tho timo tho word
was sent it wqs not expected that he
would livo through the day Mrs
Kingman expressed the desire that
someone from this city representing the
Knights of Pythias and Woodmen of
the World lodges of which Mr King
is a member might bo sent to his bed-
side aud it has been decided to send
Geo H Spear who will depart for Iowa
Saturday morning
The trustees havo announced a further
reduction in the price of seats to tho
home talent production of Saratoga
Monday night and one which places
them within the reach of all The an
nouncement is that the seats of tho
entire lower floor and the first two rows
in the balcony will be sold at 1 each
and the balance of the house will be
held at 50 cents admission The enter
tertainment in course of preparation is
well worth tho price and not only this
but tho money realized will be used in
finishing tho building aud protecting it
against the elements During the Con
vention yesterday the rain caused tho
roof to leak like a sieve in places and if
it is not completed it is within the
province of anyone to judge that tho
elegant scenery aud other interior ar
rangements will in a short time be
ruined There is a firm belief on tho
part of those in control of the building
that tho people of the city who have
been appreciating tho advantages offered
by a good auditorium should assist in
completing it and they seem to bo deter
mined that unless this bo forthcoming
they will allow the interior to be ruined
and the building finally closed Not a
man woman or child in Norfolk should
desiro this result and they aro few in
deed who cannot well afford to assist
the trustees in their commendable
effort to complete the building and pay
up the indebtedness The building was
well constructed up to the finishing
process the men employed wero given
liberal wages which were doubled for
overtime and it is not unreasonable that
the public at least those who havo not
heretofore assisted should lend a hand
toward completing the work Very few
of the entertainments thus far held
have paid anything to the house and
there have been fow indeed that have
not been worth tho prices asked So
with Saratoga it is believed that all
who attend will get tho full value of
their money at the latest prices and no
donations aro therefore being asked
nothing but patronage It is to bo
hoped that tho appeal of tho trustees
will not bo in vain but that the people
will rally to their support For onco
there should not bo a vacant ohair in
the house and standing room should be
hard to find
A dolioious supper home made candy
sherbet aud cake and popcorn balls will
be sold during the linen sale Friday
April 27th
Mrs H II Hull is now ready to do
mauicuriug shampooing and give
ladies baths over Hayes jewelry store
This evening is the Emancipation
celebration by the Norfolk Colored club
to which everybody is invited Mayor
Simpson aud Fred H Free will speak
tho exercises to begin at 8 30 There
will be a cake walk and a prize will be
awarded tho prettiest colored lad v
Dauoing and refreshments are features
of the celebration
For artistic photographs and fine
work go to Michaels studio
If Your Watch 8to
Go to Fritz Hoehuo in Koenigsteins
drug Rtoro Ho is tho host aud cheapest
watohmakor and jowlor iu town
All worlc warranted
lj M I A
Spooial mooting Thursday April W
Full attoudanco doslrcd
John Quick W C
II M Vauoht V S
Fine picturo moldings at Miohnols
Wall paper at Chrlstophs
Tho Wouthor
Conditions of tho wenthor as rocordod
for tho 24 hours ending at S a in to
Maximum tomporaturo TO
Minimum tomporaturo f
Avorago 00
Snowfall inches 00
Preolpttatlon 17
Total proclpitatlou for mouth -117
Baromotor 2D 10
Forocast for Nobraska Partly
cloudy night and Friday with probably
local thunderstorms
W B Vail tho jowolor and optician
is putting iu a lino of sowing machines
and supplies
Spoolnl Halo lrkco Cut In Two
2000 doublo rolls wall paporall
now 00
Finest ono baud blondod border
gilt paper 15
1000 patterns of wall paper to
seloct from
St Louis strictly pure whito load
red soal por hundred 5 00
Linseed oil por gallon GO
Best paint sold per gallon 1 2
Good roady mixod paint per gallon 80
Flno cloth window shados each Ufi
Extonsion curtain rods 10
Largest assortment of room moldings
brushes varnishes glass caloimino etc
over in tho city H O Tkuman
104 North Fourth street
Farm and oity loans
The Duuland Tbubt Co
C S Hayes is in Petersburg on busi
Mrs Barnes was in the city Monday
from Madison
Mrs Mark Wilson of Oakdalo is visit
ing Norfolk friends
Mrs J J Beckham of Bloomfield was
a city visitor yesterday
Sol G Mayer departed today for a
visit with Lincoln friends
Ed Walters made a trip to Humphrey
yesterday returning last evening
Capt John Steeu of Wahoo was a
business visitor in tho city over night
J K Baxter a veterinarian of Oak
laud Iowa was hero yesterday in con
sultation with Dr McKini
Mrs W H Bucholz returned from
Omaha Tuesday evening and was ac
companied by her friend Mrs Chas V
Loomis and daughter of Santa Rosa
Cal who will visit hero a short time
Mrs S F Sharpless leaves tomorrow
for Evausvillo Iud whore she will
represent the Niobrara Presbytery at
the meeting of the Womans missionary
board of tho northwest Before she
returns she will visit her old homo at
Fairbury 111
Tho News received calls yesterday
from W E Peebles and Mr McDonald
of Pender Jue Jeual of Hartington O
W Conkling and J R Sutherland of
Tekamah Neil A Schmead of Dakota
Oity Fremont Everett and E E Carter
of Lyons all politicians who were horo
to attend the convention
Wanted Two sowing machine sales
men Apply at Singer Machine office
Letter Ilnt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofilco April 23 1000
J H Duftmior Rosie Faimon D A
Grimes Charlie Jones Lorin Krick
baum Sarah Mooro Miunio Mac Miller
J H Slusher Jno C Tibbets J F
Thompson Carl Troth Bridgett Sulli
If not called for in 30 days will be
sont to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Spkecher P M
DrFrank Salter Diseases of children
To lease for the season 100 acres
pasture windmill and tank ii milos
from Norfolk and will accommodate
about 50 or 00 head of young stock
Enquire of W H Lowo
Dont forgot tho linon sale and sup
por Friday April 27th at Variety store
Important to Motherx
The manufacturers of Castoria havo
been compelled to spend hundreds of
thousand of dollars to familiarize tho
public with tho signature of Chas II
Fletcher This has been necessitated
by reason of pirates counterfeiting the
Castoria trade mark This counterfeit
ing is a crime not only acainBt tho
prietors of Castoria but against tho
growing generation All persons should
bo careful to see that CaBtoria bears the
signature of Chas II Fletcher if they
would guard the health of their children
Parents and mothers iu particular
ought to carefully examiue tho Castoria
advertisements which havo been appear
ing in this paper and to remember that
tho wrapper of every bottle of genuine
Castoria bears tho fac bimilo signature
of Chas II Fletcher under whoso
supervision it has been manufactured
continuously for over thirty years
Philadelphia Bulletin
iv x
Republicans of Third District
Do Not Equivocate
Action of CoiiRrniK Arn Coininonilcil unit
the A I my mid Nuy Ii iiImmU 0itlnilntlii
Nriitliiitiit lmvulW of t tin
ColiKiolonal Cnutriil Committer
Tiik Nrws report o the republican
congressional convention yesterday
nftornoou closed as tho committee on
resolutions was making its report Tho
following woro tho resolutions prepared
aud atloptod
Tho republican dolegntos of tho Third
congressional district iu convention
assembled ronow our devoted allegiance
to tho principles of the republican party
Wo ro alllrni tho declaration of tho last
national ropublicau platform with such
slight modifications as party duty aud
public exigoucios havo romilrod
Wo rojoloo in tho comploto fulllllmont
of ovory party pledge Wo congratu
late tho pooplo thnt thoy havo boon ros
cued from tho depths of a democratic
panic nntl restored to tho sound ground
aud froo sunlight of an unprecedented
prosperity Wo rojoico that tho wago
earner is again given opportunity to
work aud to transform IiIh muscle into
usulul products that ho Is not depend
ent upon charity for democratic soup
but thnt manufacturers aro competing
for his skill and brawn at advanced
wages that thoy may ocoupy tho
markets of tho world now so fully opon
to thorn
Wo rojoico especially at tho improved
couditiou of agriculture Tho prices of
farm products havo risou until tho
farmers labor is no longer unrequited
Proud of tho glorious aohiovomont of
tho republican national administration
cousoious of tho fact that only untlor
republican supremacy can our bclovod
country make adequate material and
moral progress wo unreservedly endorse
tho administration of Presidout Mclvin
ley for its wise aud statestnaulllco
To the oud that a continuance of its
benefits and patriotic policies may bo
vouchsafed to tho pcoplo wo horoby
instruct the delegates elected by this
convention to tho national convention
to cast their votes for tho ronominution
of Win MoKiuloy for presidout
We havo pride iu tho supremacy of
Amorican arms on land and sea Wo
havo onlarged our borders by supplant
ing old world tyranny by tho flag of tho
free These now acquisitions impose
now duties from which tho American
genius for government does not shrink
Tho soil which has been rondered sa
cred by tho blood of our soldiers shall
bo forever dedicated under tho stars nntl
stripes to tho largest liberty consistent
with tho character of tho inhabitants
Wo congratulate a ropublicau congress
upon having so expeditiously fulfilled
tho party pledgo to establish a cold
staudard of valuo It has given busi
ness a now iuipotus and created renewed
faith in the public credit While under
tlio last democratic administration the
gold reservo wns reduced to less than JO
millions rendering it necessary to issuo
202 millions of bonds in a timo of peace
the gold in tho treasury now amounts to
250 millions without bonds and iu timo
of war
Wo favor a proper regulation and re
striction of all combinations of trado
and capital calculated to interfero with
natural and healthful competition
Looking hopefully to tho future and
having full fnith iu continued prosperity
under a republican administration wo
cordially invito tho co operation of all
voters to tho end that tho republican
party may reign and prosperity perma
nently prevail
The congressional committee was
empowered to fill any vacancies which
may occur on tho ticket The follow
ing were named as members of tho
central committee
Antelope N D Jackson Neligh
Boone H C Fail Albion
Burt E L Rorck Tekamah
Cedar Ben Hollo Laurel
Colfax E H Pholps Schuyler
Cuming F B Alderman West
Dakota Mel H Schmied Dakota
Dixon J H Brown Wakefield
Dodge O O McNish Fremont
Knox Robert Lynn Wausa
Madison W H Bucholz Norfolk
Merrick A J Bowles Central Oity
Nance John Porterflold Fullerton
Pierce A L Brando Piorco
Platte Chas Kramer Columbus
Stanton W W Young Stantou
Thurston J S Lemon Thurston
Wayne C A Chaso Wayne
The Ladies guild wishes to remind
you that Friday is tho day for tho linon
sale and supper
You get a prize with ovory r00
worth of goods purchased at tho Palace
Cigar StorO
We make loaus on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odioiine Sec
Harry Gibbs weut to work on the
section Tuesday
Burt Reed is laid up with a felon on
his haud
Noali Phillen has returned from his
visit to Boyd county
Mrs O D Munsou returned from her
visit to Omaha Saturday
Geo Wheeler dug out six coyote pups
one day last week Ho will bo 18
ahead when the bounty is paid
W E Gillespy received a dispatch
from Pottanattamio county Iowa Mou
day that his father had died suddenly
Ho took tho next train oast to attend
tho funeral
New Silk AValteo
Prettiest and most durable waists
over shown for tho money tHM aud
A very lurgo and hailtlsomo lino of
blnck ohltlon boas Pricos from 100
to 500 Now neckwear of nil kinds
Mus J Hnssos
South 10th St
Oinulm Nob
Farm laud ami city property for salo
by G H Seller
W acres of fann land tu section I
Wnrnorvilh precinct to rout Call on
II Warner Wuruorvillo
A Ivo room cottage on Smith IJlh 91
for rent Enquire of F Shaw
If you want any bright clean heavy
oiUh call on O W lirnascli
13 P S Best paint sold al Chris
Tiik News jot department Is com
ploto iu ovory particular
Wantii A good giri for general
housowork Good wages
Mum W H Hurricitrucii
Sturgeon is the piano man
Kurnishod rooms to rent by Mrs
Younger on tho Heights
IIouhoh for sale
T K Odioknb
No ono who is interested in pretty
useful linen articles should miss tho
linon salo Friday afternoon anil even
ing April 27 in tho Varioty store build
ing Thoro will ho a suppur too that
noods no advertising
Application for DriiKKnl lliuir Ilconno
Matter of application of A II Kiosau
for a liquor lioouse
Notieo is hereby given that A II
Kiosau did on tho nth dav of Anril
1000 filo his application to tho mayor
ami city council oi the city or Norfolk
Nebraska for liconso to soil malt spirit
uous aud vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and ohonilcal purposes at
Norfolk NobraHka from the 1st day of
May 1100 to tholiOthday of April 1101
at east of lot It block i MhUiowhouh
addition in First ward of said city
If thoro is no objection reinonstranco
or protest filed within two weeks from
tho 5th day of April 1100 tho said
licenso will bo granted
1 C Stitt
City Olerk
Application Tor DriiKKlHti Miior llRoimn
Matter of application of Geo B
Ohristoph for a liquor liconso
Notice is horoby given that Goo H
Ohristoph did on tho 1th day of April
lf00 filo his application to tho mayor and
city council of tho city of Norfolk Nob
for licenso to soil malt spirituous and
vinous liquors for medicinal mechanical
aud chemical purposes at Norfolk No
braska from tho 1st day of May IM
to tho 30th day of April 1101 at lot IU
blook 1 original town in FirHt wartl of
said city
If thero is no objection romonstranco
or protest filed within two weeks from
tho Hh day of April 1100 tho said
licenso will bo granted
J O Stitt City Olork
Application for Saloon Ilijunr Moiiiho
Matter of application of Janetto Rico
for a liquor license
Notieo iB hereby given that Janetto
Rico did on tho 1 Hh day of April IM
filo her application to tho mayor and
city council of tho city of Norfolk Ne
braska for license to sell malt spiritu
ous and vinous liquors at Norfolk No
braska from tho 1st day of May 1100 to
tho SOth day of April 1001 at lot 1
block 2 Bears addition in first ward of
said city
If thero is no objection romonstranco
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 11th day of April 1000 tho said
licenso will bo granted
J O Stitt City Cleik
Application for DiUkkImIh Iliiior IIcciihb
Matter of application of Asa K
Leonard for a Liquor Licenso
Notice is hereby given that Asa K
Leonard did on the 27th day of March
1000 filo his application to tho mayor
and city council of tho city of Norfolk
Nebraska for liconso to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st duy of
May 1100 to tho 50th day of April 1001
at lot 2 Pilgors subdivision iu First
ward of said city
If thero is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 27th day of March 1000 tho said
license will bo granted
J O Stitt City Clerk
Application for Saloon Liquor IIciih
Matter of application of C F A
Marquardt for a liquor licenso
Notieo is horoby given that O F A
Marquardt did on tho 27th day of
March 1000 filo his application to tho
mayor and city council of tho city of
Norfolk Nobraska for liconso to sell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors at
Norfolk Nobraska from tho 1st day of
May 1000 to tho 0th day of April
1001 at lot -1 blook 1 Koenigsteins 1st
addition in first ward of said city
If there is no objection romonstranco
or nrotost filed within two weeks from
the 27th day of Maroh 1000 tho said
license will bo granted
J C Stitt City Olerk
Cut Prices in
Good Coffee per lb 10c
Tomatoes per can 08c
Mixed Candy per lb 7 jfc
Best Flour per 6ack 90c
10 bars lauudry soap 25o
Orangos per doz 15o
All kiuds of Fruit cheap
Box Old Stand
Pure Fresh
nro essential lo good
health iind cost no
moro than tho cheap
slu IT handled by some
Sells the Best
Sole Agent for
Chase Sanborns Coffee
For riiunliiiiL iSlcmii Filling Iuiniu Tanks
Wind Mills
Anil all work In tliln linn rail on
Hnl Ihfarl Inn limimilnml
Klil ilmir Hmilli of Tin 1 vim Ni vvh Olllca
Books and Magazines
Neatly Bound
NoxtloDimtiM Paint Slum rtli Htuxil
Merchant Tailor
North Side Haiti Street
Four doors west of Tho Fair Store
New Goods
Latest Styles
First Class Work and Perfect Fit Guar
Prices Reasonable Trial Order Solicited
Jl Hl
For Sale at all First Class Saloons
Nebraska Distributors
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
First door West of Post Olllce
Aro essential to health
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
sells them at
You pet what you pay for
at Uhles