The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Ohns Rico mndo n business visit
Piorco today
G T Kelly was n viBitor yesterday
from Plainview
Judge 1 Mackoy was in the city
yesterday from Stanton
Mrs Wntidel is in Niobrara in her
capacity of trained nnrso
J H Stewart vraa n Norfolk visitor
yestcrdoy from Osmond
Misses Hughes Carter nnd 13enser of
Winside wore Norfolk visitors over Sun
E P Weatherby has gouo to Creigh
ton to hear tcstlmouy in a bankruptcy
Rev 1 P Mueller of Chribt Luther
an church went to Clearwater yesterday
to attoud a couforouco
Tho BO ool of MIbs Nina Walker will
floso this wcok for its long vacation and
Miss Walker will return to her homo
Miss Irono Doxter aud herschoohunto
Miss Little departed today for Omaha
to resumo their studies at Browuell hall
Rev C Gutkuect of Wayne passed
through the city yesterday on his way
to Wiuside to attend the conference of
Lutheran ministers
W B Fisoher tho now hardware
man ha recolved two carloads of goods
and fixtures and tho same are being
placed in his store room in tho Robert
son block
Tho meotiug of the Wednesday club
whicli was to have been held nt tho
home of Mrs John R Hays tomorrow
afternoon has been postponed until fur
ther notice
A number of men employed in tho
fiheop yards at the Junction got out for
a merry time yesterday and created
some excitement on tho streets but
nothing serious happened
County Superintendent C W Crum
writes that the Eighth grade examina
tions recently held here had nothing to
do with teachers certificates the pupils
of that grade as a rule falling below
the age limit of teachers
Mrs John Lanktree of Omaha wife
of the iiiperiutendent of the bridges and
building department of the Union
Pacific is visiting her friend Mrs John
H Hulff Mr Langtree stopped for a
visit today and left for Columbus on the
morning train
The grocery store of Oscar Uhle is be
ing improved by the application of a
new dress of wall paper on tho interior
and it is understood that the woodwork
will also be repainted Mr Uhle is fur
ther improving his store by having
placed therein one of Norton Dexters
acetylene gas plants
Rev and Mrs F W Leavitt returned
to their home nfc West Point this morn
ing after visiting several days with Mr
Lenvitts parents Their visit was
somewhat shortened by a message
announcing the serious illness of Mrs
Leavitts mother Mrs Dr McGrew at
Geneva where the daughter will go
this afternoon
A new building will be erected on the
vacaufc lot just we6t of the Fuesler
tailor shop as soon as the weather per
mits and when completed will be occu
pied ae an office by the Singer Sewing
Machine company with Pan B Lee as
local manager The building will be
about the same size as the tailor shop
About 00 bankers attended the meet
ing at Hnrtington yesterday and enjoyed
a very pleasant Bession and banquet
Washington county was added to the
district The association decided to
hold its next annual meeting in this
city W H Bucholz was elected as
president of the association and was
also chosen to represent the district at
the national meeting to be held in Col
umbus May 8th
Jsaao Doughtery of South Norfolk re
turned yesterday from Rocky Ford and
other towns in Colorado He Btates
that the foundation for the new sugar
factory at Rocky Ford has been laid and
the work is waitiug for the steel This
has been shipped by boat and is coming
wrong end to That is they ore receiv
ing boilerspipo and other material in ad
vance of the steel needed in the erection
of tho building He reportB snow block
ades and Hoods ob other interesting
features of his visit and his stay was ex
tended somewhat on account of these
A new scale of prices has been ar
ranged for seats at tho entertainment to
be given next Monday evening by local
talent for the benefit of the Auditorium
as follows 100 150 2 00 50and
500 At these prices the house should
not be capable of holding all who want
to go especially when it is considered
that tho proceeds are all to be used for
the purpose of finishiug the building
which must be done at onco or the
spring rainB will practically ruin the in
terior The building is incomplete and
insecure at the present time and should
be speedily finished The people of
Norfolk cannot afford to leave it in its
present condition which simply means
that it will have to be closed If more
money bhould bo realized from tho pre
sentation of Saratoga next Mouday
evening than is required to finish the
building the surplus will go to pay
small accounts whioh will bo assigned
to tho trustees of the house and not to
the insurance company Tho creditors
nre all business men and laborers of
Norfolk aud no one contends that they
should not have the money due them
Tire News hopes to see a good patron-
ago of tho ontortaimnout becauso it
t0 boliovcB that the city con woll afford to
put n llttlo moro money into an enter
prise which will provo as beneficial ns
thin Auditorium is Bnro to when com
llrrnilt Itremli Itrenril IIto us llreml
Tho following appeal for roliof for
starving India lias boon recolved
Broad I broad bread I givo us broad 1
is tho cry that comes to us from- tho
starving millions of India
Tho area effected by tho drouth is
abont 150000 square miles having a
population of 110000000
Great numbers have already perished
aud thousands nro now on tho vorgo of
Lord Curzon British vicoroy of
India furnishes a Bhip In Now York
harbor to take 100000 bushels of com to
Wo can do them moro good and do it
quicker in this way than in any other
If wo front them money direct tho com
would cost them 1 10 a buBhel in India
Lord Curzon furnishes tho ship aud 40
cents will buy as much com in Now
York as J1I0 in India thereby saving
moro than three times as many
One cent invested in corn in
York at -10 cents per bushel will
than sustaiu ono man for u day
Forty cents or ono bushel of corn
will savo tho life of fifty men women
aud children for ono day
One dollar will savo ono persons lifo
until tho rain comes in July and tho
famine will be relioved
Ten dollars will rescuo fifty children
from starvation and support thorn for a
Wo urge tho people of Nebraska to
contribute to tho immediate relief of the
starving people of India
Fletchek Ij Whauton pastor St
Pauls church Lincoln
W M Hindman pastor First Presby
terian chnrch Lincoln
H O Rowlands pastor First Baptist
church Lincoln
N II Manss pastor First Congrega
tional church Lincoln
T J Thompson pastor First Christian
church Lincoln
We heartily endorse the above appeal
W A Poyntkk governor of Ne
W T PouTnn secretary of state
O E Bkssey acting chancellor of
state university
L A Sherman dean of state univer
D W C Huntington chancellor
Nebraska Wesleyau university
Chas Fokdyce dean Nebraska Wes
leyan university
F A Alahasteu secretary faculty
Nebraska Weslpyan uuiversity
B L Paine M D Lincoln Neb
This plan meets our warm and hearty
J E Simpson Mayor
J J Parkek pastor First Congrega
tional church
W H Eaton pastor Baptist church
G H Main paBtor M E church
In response to this appeal tho follow
iag joint committee has been appointed
by the churches of Norfolk Fred S
Benjamin C W Lemont and G T
Sprecher who will receive subscrip
tions and forward the money collected
Those who wish to have a part n this
fund will confer a favor by not waiting
for the committee to visit them and send
ing their contribution to any member of
same on or before Saturday April 28th
as the money must be forwarded on
the following Monday
Twenty three dollars aud sixty eight
cents have been paid by the employes
and patients of the Norfolk State In
sane hospital
Will the rest of tho Norfolk people be
ea liberally disposed
After He Comes
ho has a hard enough time Every
thing that the expectant mother
can do to help her child she should
do One of the irreatest blessimrs
she can give him is health but to 2
do this she must have health her- jj
self She should use every means 2
to improve her physical condition 2
She should by all means supply
herself with 2
It will take her
through the crisis
HL lflsssflLLKs r
easily and
quickly It is a
liniment which
gives strength
and vigor to tho
muscles Com
mon sense will
Show you
that the
stronger the
muscles are
which bear the
strain the less
oain there will h
A woman living in Fort Wayne
Ind says Mothers Friend did
wonders for me Praise God for
your liniment
TtOfl ltlc fxH TT 1 v
xiunei uai m
Mothers Friend is a blessing to tt
all women who undergo natures 5J
ordeal of childbirth jj
Get Mothers Friead at tho j
drug store SI per bottle
Atlanta Ga
Write for our free Illustrated book Before 2
lialiy Is Hum Z
Mies Ann Seymour is on tho sick list
Mrs Pippin of South Norfolk is on
tho sick list
Tho Turf Exchnngo Is being Improved
with a fresh coat of paint
Shorltr Loseyjwas a Norfolk visitor
yestorday from Madison
Mrs W II Bntterflold returned yes
terday noon from Chicago
Miss Ellon Mullen leaves this evening
ffjr a visit in tho Blank Hills country
Mrs J F Ludcr of Meadow Grovo
was shopping in Norfolk yesterday
Fred Dedcrman is building a flno
honso on his farm northwest of tho city
Tho local lodge Trlbo of Ben Hur
will mrot tonight for work in tho
Miss Mary Horlskoy has accepted tint
position of operator at tho telephone
central Mutlon
Jos Allbory and Atulrow Violo wont
to Blair yesterday to attend a lodge
John Peters of Albion a brother-in-law
of W 11 Widaman is attending
tho convention
W F Ohapin of Omaha traveling
agent of tho Burlington route ip in tho
city on business
II G Cross of tho St Edward Sun
is attending the convention and paid
this olllco n visit
R G Strothor of tho Monroe Republi
can is attending tho convention aud
paid this olllco a visit
Fathers Welsh and Vermuollon at
tended a conference of Catholic priests
at West Point yesterday
Mrs August Hellormun who has
been very sick for scmo timo is some
what improved
August Bruesson who has beon very
low with a cancer on his leg shows a
little improvement
W A Moldenlmuer has added a
porch to his residence aud is painting
and otherwiso improving it
Pension Examiner D W Green has
vacated his office in tho Mast block and
returned to Washington D O
Mr nnd Mrs M D Tyler havo re
turned Mr Tyler from Anamosa Iowa
and Mrs Tyler from Omaha
Senator and Mrs John M Thurston
arrived in the city last evening from
Omaha and are attending the convention
Frank McCluro Chaffee has beon so
cured for the commencement lecture of
the High school and the same will bo
given on the evening of May Silst
A meeting of the official board of the
M E church will bo held this evening
at the close of tho prayer meeting
The pulpit at tho M E churoh next
Sunday morning and evening will bo
filled by Rev Thomas Bithel of Wayne
in tho absence of Pastor Main
Chas II Johnson returned this noon
from Omaha where he has been giving
testimony in the Norfolk freight rate
case before the inter stnto commerce
An election was held at Wayne
day to vote on a proposition to bond the
school district in tho sum of 1000 for
the purpose of erecting a new school
building The bonds were defeated by
a majority of 25 about SO ladies voting
A strictly April day with thunder
showers wns tho feature of todays
weather and every green thing is grow
ing nnd everything that should be green
is getting that way in a manner aston
ishing to the natives
The lawn mowers are being persuaded
thnt winter qunrters are no longer
essential to their well being and are be
ing enticed therefrom by tho muscular
arm of the lawn fiend It is seldom
that lawns look more beautiful and
velvety than they do this spring There
has been little need of artificial water
ing thus far
It is understood that ono of the demo
cratic conncilmen wanted the police
force increased today by three or four
extras as was douo at tho time of tho
democratic convention He seemed nl
most incredulous when informed that
an increase in the force was entirely
unnecessary and that the citys quiet
would not bo marred by any riotous
BRev G II Main of the M E church
will leave tomorrowJforEvanbtou 111
as conference visitor at the commence
ment exercises at the Garrett Biblical
institute He will remain n short time
at the meeting of the general conference
in unicago ana win visit ms parents in
Magnolia Iowa on his way home His
family will accompany him as far as
Tho grand council of Nebraskn U C
T which is the state association of
traveling men will meet in this city on
May 4 and 5 The business sessions will
bo held during the dnys at the Odd Fol
lows hall und on Friday evening May
4 the council will givo a danciug party
at tho Mast hall whilo it is expected
that au entertainment will be given nt
tho Auditorium on Saturday evening
The committees in charge of tho danc
iug party are as follows Arrange
mentsFred J Cashin Geo Moeller
Iuvitation Ralph Henry Day Frod J
Cashiu Ed Seymour Reception G I
Beuford O R EllerMrs W N Hueo
Mrs W E Alexander Dr Chas S
Parker Mrs OTappert L E Waller
stedt Miss EdithJMcClary Floor D
P Owen Loo latenvnlk Frod Fulton
It is oxpoctod that tho businoss Reunions
and entertainments will bo largely
attended and Norfolk should nttompt
to make tho visit of tho trnvolora
enjoyable ns possible whilo they aro
tho city
Iunlt Ans tjlveii DolMtutliui Stiito Del-
i giiti thilimtrurctl
KiiinBMnrilnn DnlU
Tho republican county convention
mot at Martiuardts hull in this city this
afternoon Tho convent ion wns called
to order at 1 110 by I Whitlo chairman
of tho county control committoo and
Secretary Nichols read tho call
On motion Judge Powers was elected
temporary chairman and Jan Nichols
temporary secretary
On motion a committoo of five was
appointed on credentials consisting or
M V Unon 1 Whitln Win Parkin
boh V A Randall and S II Grunt
Tim convention took n rocoFS of lfi
minutes to give tho committee time to
make up its report which showed that
all but two products were represented
Tho temporary organization was then
made permanent
A considerable timo was spent over a
motion to select n committoo consisting
of ono dolegato from each precinct to
recommend names of delegates to tho
Htnto convention An amendment was
mndi that the state delegates bo holrctod
from among tho delegates to tlm county
convention but this was afterwards
F W Richardson olleiod tho follow
ing resolution whioh wuh adopted
Resolved That tho delegation fioni
Madison county to tho Htato convention
go unpledged to any of tho candidates for
national committeeman now hooking
that honor that they be loft free if in
their judgment tho best interests of tho
party demand it to givo their support
to some now man whom they believe
will harmonize tho elomonts of tho
Judge llarnes gnvo notico that nt tho
proper timo ho would oiler a motion
that John R Hajs bo allowed to select
tho delegates to tho congressional con
On call of precincts tho following
were named as tho committoo to report
names to tho stato convention II II
Patterson O E Eisoley M D Tyler
W II Rish Geo D Smith O A
Smith T L Curns J L Rynenrson
John Wilson J L Knesol F W
Richardson A N McGinnis W 13
Hutchinson C M Marsh C A Ran
dall J M Jostes S II Grout
Tho convention thou took a recess of
lfi minutes to givo tho committee time
to mako a report
Upon reconvening the committoo re
ported the following names as delegates
to tho stato convention and tho report
was adopted by tho convention
Dave Owen Wm Robertson W II
Buoholz J S McClary Burt Mapos
Chns A Smith S J Arnett M J
Riley W N Huso David Whitla J 15
Simpson M Gross Guy Deuel A L
Stewart Mat Klosseu jr O M Junk
ins Harry Barnes
On motion tho 17 alternates selected
by tho committee were chohen us fol
1L H Patterson M Roberts 7
B Barnes J L Hershiser Storrs
Mathowson Will McDonald Aug
Steifin Chr Schavland Jos Kilpotrick
Wm Low M R Morris V Cruo S A
McKay G W Randall Walt Reynolds
C A Randall and C J Stockwell
J B Barnes moved that Hon John
R Huys bo allowed to uamo 18 delegates
to the congressional convention The
motion was seconded by Robertson nnd
Randall and was adopted unanimously
On motion n committoo of throo was
appointed to notify Mr Hays of tho ac
tion of tho convention nnd the chair
named as such committee Messrs W
M Robertson C A Randall and Wm
On motion of E II Tracy convention
proceeded to tho selection of n county
central committee tho following being
Norfolk First ward W A Heinle
ben Second ward C E Eiseley Third
ward J E Simpson Fourth
ward Fred Hollingsworth Outside
precinct A L Carter
Jefierson T T McDonald
Battlo Creek Dr 15 Tanner
Madison O S Smith
Union John Wilson
Highland J L Knesol
Vnlloy David Whitla
Warnervillo W H Boyd
Grovo John D Askwith
Deer Creek S A McKay
Shell Creek C A Raudall
Kalamazoo Mat KIiieec u jr
Emerick A B Riohardson
Fairview S O Duun
Green Garden Chris Schmitt
Schoolcraft S M Dowling
A motion prevailed thnt thoso named
bo declared the central committeo
On motion the committee met aud bo
leoted David Whitla as chairman aud
James Nichols as secretary
At this timo the committee sent to
escort John R Hays to tho convention
ball retnrued aud introduced Mr Hays
In n feeling address ho said it would bo
false uiodesty not to express thanks for
the honor that had been conferred upon
him nnd ho warned tho convention that
if he Bhould be so fortunate as to bo
nominated as tho republican candidate
for congress ho will be elected After
again thanking tho convention he
submitted the following list of names as
VERY old maxim declares that it isnt econ
omy to pick up pins the time is worth more
than the pins Similarly it is not true econ
omy to do without Ivory Soap your health
requires the daily removal of the bodily excretions
which are discharged through the pores of the skin
These tiny mouths must be kept open and they
should be opened only with a pure soap
rnrnirMT im M mi tannin owitrn itriiiti
delegates to tho congrc ionul coin on
Hon V M Robertson F W Richard
son O 15 Burnhnni O A Randall
WN Huso A N McGinnlH Wm
Parkinson S A McKay W II Hutch
inson S O Caniplmll W II Muchol
S II Grant Chr Schavland Norman
Ochsnor J B Barnes F II L Willis
Peter Rubondahl David Whitla
Tho convention thou adjourned
Hiiliurlntciiilmit Kuliir of tlm Ilonilliil
Siin M IflhtHtrnirnlH Wuo Muilc
NoitroiK IIosiitat April l In tho
article in Saturdays Nrws relating to
uHniiB at tho hospital nro many mis
statements evidently given you by homo
designing person for a sinister purpose
Tho recent dismissals from tho hos
pital servico were all for reasons which
any superintendent would consider
good and so would the public if it know
them Mr McPhcrson woll knows that
reasons nsido from politics were given
for his dismissnl but since ho has men
tioned politics 1 think it proper to state
that in tho presence of other persons ho
defended tho assassination of Governor
Goobel a crimo equalling in atrocity
tho murder of President Lincoln
Tho falsity of tho statements is evi
dent when it is known that Nils Martin
resigned to take a more lucrative posi
tion as conductor of a street car lino in
Kansas City his home John Welsh
resigned of his own volition August
Grendahl has never been asked lor his
resignation and is still in tho sorvico
Mrs Davi3 has not been asked for her
resignation although she designs leav
ing tho sorvico nbout Juno 1 to join her
husband who js now stationed at Loup
Witli regard to Mr Ross it has been
customnry when the weather gets
warmer to dispense with tho service of
one person about the engine plant and
get along with only two persons until
tho wenther gets colder ami ho in
formed me a month ugo that he thought
he could do better at Lincoln his home
as his chances of promotion would bo
hotter than here and Mrs Grimoldsbys
resignation was not asked
A profound conviction that tho good
of tho hospital required it was tho mov
ing spirit in tho request for tho resigna
tions of the others mentioned
In hospitals employes nro always
coming and going It is stated that at
Ularinda Iowa tho average duration of
service is four months it is much longer
Some of tho dismissed persons havo
been actively engaged in trying to get
somo of tho other employes to resign
but as yet without success
Very respectfully
G F Kkuku
Prof A D Sayoor the great mag
netio healer using tho Weltmer method
will euro you or teach yon to euro all
chronio or long standing diseases at 20
First street Norfolk Neb Will givo
threo treatments free
For the Best
And Pioinpt nnd Satisfactory
Finishing go to
The Norfolk
Frames mndo to order at low
rates Photo Muttons all sorts
and sizes finest assortment in
A Sfure of Your Patronage Solicited
Will stand at Mnin ons Mum Mi
hills old stand Fridays and Saturdays
of each week until July 1 For terms
see owner
a full lino
Irult Trees
of hest Varieties nt Mnrd Times Prices Small
Trull in lnri Hipply Milllniih of Htruwlxirry
lilimtH very tlinfty and cll rooted lot tho
iiit tifar lioiiin nnd hiivii frniKlit or uxproew
Scud for prlcnliht to
North Bend Nurseries
North Heid Tjdiie County Neb
flui Orcutcst SlMt laliHt or tliu Timo lcn
Kwry CUho 11U IitkouhI Attention
llathawovS U cnnvn which wcniul nil Hliullnr
uil1 IIjIh Ih not Dr llnthavrnyH method
mumuu LvirvriiMiilthliltiiiHiiiiuitpiirifiiiiv
Mot doctor linrun cnrtnln muulicr
Of HOC rulUOltllMHlllCtl IllUJ UMllll
juiKiioKuii aim mi cxiici
illlliiii ill tiriutiKil I Im
Ivorycako lx treated siuiir
ntuly anil inidlclnuHaro id
mliilHtorud which aro
cclally irpnrud tinder
It lliithnMHjH tcTiinal
iiht luloii forciicli ram
NolHOx0ilar riiiitIcctiHl
kuiik mnnnnr eorinimoiit
ly no tHuiwoiilo i linuld ho
treated in thu fiuiui nuy
ut en or Kiiniii complaint
Or llnthainy IfinKpeclal
let In thu liei t boiiPttof thu
Hon ho treats fiieclul
eineH in a pnectal manner of
pji hm mulled out yours nuo whlln In
rwau colleen und lumpltKl practice und Im
tnlrl proTedundiiilurBeduiHiiicouitihtly
Specially durlmr tlm twenty years Klnco
j twenty years of tho inoct exteiiRlvo
I rOBIOQu practice niijnjml liyunv
this country Dr llathuw u h treut and uniform
due to this ludlilduul syMeiu of treutmunt
Evnlualvn In spite of hundred of rcujuestH
r JLV rwrly from doctors In ull parts of thu
Treatment WorlI w kniK for tlm privilege of
It wlur to ullow none Ix side hlniHulf thu kiionluduo
of his remedies as bo is too well uwurn of thu mis
chief which may ho done hy the unskillful uwiofnny
sjftom rieturmlnd how
n perfect
Blood and Skin Dr lluUmwu1 treatment for
Dlsoaaos ll01 1H whutm er sUiko
cures all forms of ulcer Miros
Notches plinplps etc and not only rentoros the skin
nnd sculp to their natural condition hut so purines
the Wood that the dlseanols permanently und com
pletely ilrlvpn from the ctein und all this without
udmlnlilerluK poisonous or dunuerous druu s
unini j I treatment of Vnrlcoceln
VariOOOClO and
and Stricture is a method oVcm
Strloturo IJ nd in W per cent
of all ciim8 remits Inn perfect
nnd permanent cure No operation is reiiiilreiland
no pain or Inconvenience aro exierinced hr tho
patient Jhuexpeni oof this treatment Is much I is
thimthatof tiny operation or ho piui or uiAlt uto
treatment und fs I0U1 wife and pure restoring tho
organs to u condition of isrfeet normal henllli
Kidney tt UrUuthawayhasiutt iiuestmn hlank lor Umse preruredii din 1 have new
Diseases rmThTalHt1 Klnr trousiound
this plant ho will clnd y send free to
everyone who sends blm his name uiil addnU
New Bonk slie m d fop lr Jlathnwii a new
new book book Mm bw Vluor Health has
FREE KfW he an edition of
SiS u ted time 11 of
this rooK u ni be sent free to anyone who seitds copy his
Consultation MiKe ald r HuUmway
iiI Ur Hathaway makes no churite
FREE forconsultutlonandadviceat cither
Dr Iluthuwuy Si Co
3 Commercial Bloc b faloux City Iowu
77 A
Beccher Higby
City clerk of Omaha Nobr favorably and
widely known as a man of integrity aud
ability writes I beliovo that
Dr- Kays Renovator
and Dr Kays Lung Balm aro worthy of
tho publics confidence having known of
faomo truly remarkable cures ol Omaha
peoplo etTected by their use
Shun substitutes Remedies Just ns Good as Dr
Kayb Keuovutor and Dr Kays Iunt Halm uro not
mndo or sold anywhere if uotat druggists
vo will semi them Kst paidou receipt ol price Dr
Kayb Itenovator iScts und II Six for 6 Dr Kays
IupK VAa lUaudtS ets Free- Medical Advice Sample
und lor the asklutr Addrexs
Dr BJ Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y