The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 26, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 i
H W Abts wna in Norfolk yesterday
from Columbus
Jasper Huffman wns in tho city jpr
twlny from York
Mr and Mrs SnnnderBwero np from
Stanton yesterday
II K Fleming was n city visitor yes
terday from Wrtync
Mrs A B Shurtloff of Omaha is vis
iting Norfolk frlomlB
L B Mnttcson wob n city visitor yew
tonlny from Osmond
Mm Hiuw nml Mrs Hall of Piorco
woro In tho city yesterday I
Assessor Herman Gorecko was ovor to
Madison yesterday on business
Engineer W H Lowo went to
Crook on business Inst evening
It H Schnuider tho Fremont
olan was a city visitor yestonlny
Agont F W luuoninn returned this
morning from his visit to Omnlin
Gny R Willinr nml F A Dearborn
cnnio in from Wayno tills morning
II P Shnmwiiy of Wnkeflold was n
city visitor yosterdny on political busi
Mr nml Mrs 0 HRoynoldH will go
to Omnlin tomorrow to boo Irving and
A N Hdily of South Norfolk 1uh
movoil his hack barn to n locntion on tlio
fit root
Hov S F SlinrplcsB has rotnrnod
from ONeill whoro lio wont to attend
tho Niobrnrn presbytery
O W Crnni J O Byrno nnd Frank
JMnrtln woro n trio of visitors in tho city
yesterday from Madison
Ruv W II Entoii or tho Baptist
church iH confined to his homo with
quito n sovoro nttnok of sickness
D D Brnuson is moving from tho
Ohesney building into tho resldonco
across tho Btrcet from tho Baptist
G W Schwcuk nnd Ohnrlcs Flores
-wont to Madison thiB morning hoping
to hoar tho nrgnmouts in tho Btock ynrdB
L A Poblmnn II H
3Iohr Douglas Cones ami Thomas
Ohilvers drovo down from Piorco this
Hal Voght haB nccopted tho position
as choir master of tho Y M 0 L and
nn improvement in tho musical features
is looked for
As ono of tho suro indications thnt
spring iB horo the soda fountain at
Christonhs drujr storo commenced to
Hz this morning
William Olson of Swaburg has an in
8nno notion that ho owns a lnrgo herd of
cattle and tho insane board has ordered
-Mm to tho Norfolk asylum
Damascus commaudory No 20 K T
liolds its annual mooting tonight for tho
election of officers for the onsuing term
A good attendauco Is desired
Mrs M D Tyler wout to Omaha this
morning and Mr Tyler followed this
uoon They will boo Irving and Terry
tonight in the Merchant of Vouico
James Worrel nnd Perry Trnlock
rodo their wheels to MadiBon yesterday
returnlug on tho train They do not
report tho road aa smooth ns n floor
Thoro will bo n business meeting of
tho Epworth league this evening ut S
oclock nt tho M E church for tho pur
pose of electing oillcera for tho ensuing
Rev J E Fowler of Madison wns in
tho city yestorday in connection with
work pertaining to the Norfolk district
TSpworth league convention which is to
bo held in Randolph during Jnuo
Geo D Bntterflold nud wife of Creigh
ton passed throngh the city thiB morn
ing on their way to Omaha Thoy woro
joined here by Miss Ada Bnttorfleld nud
nil will go to see Irving nnd Terry to
The grocery firm of Collamer Grant
was this afternoon dissolved Mr
Collamor will continuo the business nt
the old stand while Mr Grant will
engage iu other business after May 1
J W Fifer and J 0 Clements mem
bers of tho Intorstnte commerce com
mission aro in Denver hearing a freight
rato case From there they will go to
Omaha and will hear tho Norfolk case
Yesterday was the 54th anniversary
of Mrs Bailers birth nnd last evening a
number of friends surprised her at her
home on South Fifth street Refresh
ments were served nud n good time was
had by those attending
The elegant stained glas3 windows
for the new Catholio church have ar
rived and been placed in position Tho
edifice is rapidly approaching comple
tion and each days work adds to its
Under the new Sunday train arrange
ment on the M O road no mail will
go out on No 12 leaving nt 0 T0 a m
A postal clerk will be on train 9 arriv
ing at 10 35 n m and on train 10 leav
ing at 1 00 p m A pouch mail only
will be received from train 1 1 arriving
at 7 30 p in
W H Bridge of the Sugar City Cereal
mills departed yesterday morning for
Cedar Rapids Iowa where he goes to
attend the annual meeting of the Retail
Grocers association of Iowa nud also
the pure food show in connection with
the same From Cedar Rapids Mr
Bridge will board the train for Denver
o attend n similar mooting of tho Colo
rndo grocerfl nnd boom wheatllng
now ono of tho nccosRary pnro food
artlolefl so mnoh in domnnd by tho
grocerfl of tho nbovo named Hlatcfl
Harry G Fleming and Miflfl Blanch
Mitchell both of thlH oity woro united
In mnrrlago nt tlio M E paronngo by
Hov CI II Main at 7 I10 oclock Wed
ncBday evening Tho groom ifl omployod
in Vnll8 confectionory Btoro nud tho
briilo Ib tho daughtor of Mrs E Mitchell
tho milliner
A Ohlcngo dlRpntch to this mornings
Omnlin Boo contains tho following
Dr Fred F Teal n member of tho
Omaha board of education nnd MIrb
Mnnd Morriam woro united in marringo
thiB ovonlng at 7 oclock at tho homo
of tho bridoB parents Mr and MrB
RurroII B Morriam 2011 South Wood
street Miss Helen Holninn was maid
or honor and William B Wclshans of
Omaha was host man Among tho out-of-town
guests worn Dr W HHauohott
and J F Houston of Omaha Dr and
Mrs Teal will mako their homo In
dunlin nftor a short hridnl trip Tho
groom wnB formorly ono of Norfolks
popular young inon Ho wns a mouther
of tho Norfolk high school clnss or 12
A fuBhlon note sayfl that boltB gloves
and nccktlefl of rnttlcsnnko skin will bo
worn by women this Bpring Wo know
tho poor rattlosnnko would havo to come
to it sooner or later adds an oxohango
It wuh about tho only varmint loft thnt
tho womon didnt wear Think of n
woman being arrayed in n Bilk worm
dross sealskin snequo ostrich feather
hat goat skin shoos whale bono stays
kid Hkin gloves horso hldo bolt tortoise
Bhell comb fish scale trimming stuffed
canary birds clam sholl buttons Spitz
dog muff mink tall collarotto alligator
hido purso and now a rattlesnake
neoktio Solomon in all his glory was
not such n monngorio aa ono of theso
nnd yet wo lovo thoin no mntter what
thoy wear
Tho first timo In tho history of tho
country n patent has been grnutcd on
common Nebraska soil says a pross dis
patch from Chudron to tho Stato Jour
nal Somo months ngo Miss Emma 0
Sickles a Now England Ynnkeo girl
discovered n valuable morit in the soil
for roctlfylng corn oil nnd procured n
patent on tho soil for the process though
advlsod by several legul auHioritileB of
Chicago and Washington City that she
could not Miss Sickles resides in Chi
cago and is Boorotary of the national
Pure Root sociots Iu hor chemical
analyses her attention was nttrnctcd to
tho crudo oil that goes to wasto annually
from the Peoria coreal mills and on
whioh tho millorB havo spent forty
thousand dollars in tho vain attempt to
discover a process for clarifying purify
ing nnd reducing to a marketable com
modity Miss Sickles turned abruptly
to a peculiar clay soil taken from her
homostead in Dawos county uenr this
oity nnd commenced nn experiment
Sho was successful beyond hor expecta
tions and mastered in n fow hours
what Peoria millers spent years of timo
and failod in It wns in removing tho
rancid flavor and tusto from the crudo
oil and purifying it into a tablo oil equal
to either the domestic or imported olivo
Tho sonson is here when spring ini
plnuts into tho breasts of many youths
n spirit of unrest whon thoy fondly im
agine that it is a lifo of nobility nud
pleasure to camp on the trail of tho
dusky red man and decorate their belts
with his scalp or to go to California and
pick up gold uuggots ns large as hens
eggs until thoy become akin to CreosuB
in wealth Thoy take extreme pleasure
In tho thought thnt thoy will no more
be compelled to split kindling wood or
carry coal for their mothers Tho time
has come to assort the rights accruing
to Independent manhood whether
thoy bo 8 or 18 years of age All these
inspirations nro nil however when they
Buonk iu tho back door nt home a few
days later with sore and tired feet nn
nching void nbout tho pit of the stomach
and with torn clothes and humbly beg
forgiveness and a share in the heritage
they had previously deomod worse than
bondage Tho three youths who left
Norfolk homee the other day have been
heard from Thoy were nn their way
homo but were put off tho traju because
they had no monoy with whioh to pay
their faro by a husky employejof a soul
less corporation Thoy aro very anxious
to return but tho parents evidently
beliovo in lolling them enjoy tho return
trip iu their own way Chief of Police
Widamau is searching for a couple of
other youths who are in this neighbor
hood from somo other towu Yesterdny
morning they were reposiug in a liny
mow nnd came pretty near being run
through by a pitchfork in the bauds of
tho owner of the premises who was bent
upon feeding tho stock Two Stanton
boys took the fever and left homo Mon-
day night One was Audro Chamber
lain aged 17 nnd tho other George
Murphy aged 12 They were said to
have been in South Omaha Tuesdav
but it is uot unlikely that they are the
chaps Widamau has beeu looking for
Wanted Several bright and honest
persons to represent us as mauagers in
this and close counties Salary 000 a
year and expenses Straight boua flde
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank iu
any towu It is mainly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope Tub
Dominion Company Dept 3 Chicago
Geo Davenport Br was
a passenger
for Madison last ovonlng
MIrb Hnrtloy is iu tho city from Mad
ison to visit over Sunday
Mrs L J Speck nnd children havo
gouo to Gnrnott Kaunas to visit friends
Mrs John Snthorlnud and daughter
nro in tho oity today from Battle Creek
Mayor J E Simpson is In Ncllgh on
business nnd expects to return homo to
T B Kail 1b In tho city looking nfter
proporty Interests and greeting old time
Mr nnd Mrs G II Bano have re
turned from Illinois where they spout
tho winter
Mrs Unit Mnpes nud daughtor Ber
nico have gone to Omaha to seo Irving
nud Terry tonight
Manager Baird of tho sugar factory
returned yestonlny from a business trip
to Rocky Ford Col
II Strclow nnd family havo removed
to Long Pino where they expect to
mako thoir homo in future
Mrs Ciicnoy and daughter woro in
tho city today on thoir way from Sionx
City to their homo iu Creightou
A dnnghtor wns born yesterday after
noon to Mr and Mrs J F Gutoher
Mr Gutchor is n clerk iii tho Iloffmnn
furnitnro storo
Tho band of Gypsies who havo mado
Norfolk their homo during tho winter
departed this morning on their summer
Tho Madison musicians aro to meet
noxt Monday ovoning for tho pnrposo of
re organizing thoir baud under the
lendorship of Wnrreu Forsnlth
Noligh Yoomnu Row O J Woilles
of Norfolk came up Tuesday evening
nnd hold communion iu tho Episcopnl
church Wednesday morning
Miss Mount a teacher lu tho Chicago
schools iB expected to arrive iu a few
days to spend hor spring vacation at the
homo of her brothor E 0 Mount
O R Ellor of Long Piuo and Misses
Ilnttio Allbery nnd Ruth Mntrau have
gouo to Omaha to hear Irving and
Terry in Nauco Oldfield nud The
D A Ommermau has returned from
Nevada Mo where ho wont for treat
ment for rheumatism He states that
ho has been materially helped by the
treatment received
The Battle Creek Enterprise has it
that Anton Bucholz has been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Dr Ferdinand Verges deceased Tho
estlmnted value of the doctors estate is
between 75000 and 100000
Battle Creok Republican Tho four-months-old
baby of Mr nnd Mrs Wil
liam Westervelt living eight miles
southwest died yesterday morning of
somo iufnntilo trouble The little one
will be buried today tho funeral tnking
place at tho family residence
Tho Neligh Advocato says Ward
Lookabauch havo received word from
J N Davis of Norfolk stating that ow
ing to ill health ho had decided not to
purchaso tho Neligh house It is un
derstood that Mr Davis hod a hemor
rhngo recently nud his health is still
very poorly
Pierce Leader Sheriff Hass took
three of tho Johnson children down to
Norfolk Wednesday aud turned them
over to nn agent of the Nebraska Chil
drens homo nt Omaha One of the
children bad beeu making its home
with the sheriff and two with August
Tho first circus to strike this section
of country appears to have given Nor
folk the marblo heart The Great
Syndicate English American shows
will exhibit at Pierce May 1 and at
Stauton May 2 Norfolk people have
seen so mauy great shows that the
action of this one will uot cnuse many
At tho meeting of Damascus com-
manaory jno Xi i T ueui last even
ing the following officers were elected
for tho ensuing term G T Spreoher
E 0 Gilbert Hnlverstein Geu An
drew H Vielo 0 G S F Shnrpless
prolate S W Hayes treasurer E H
Tracy recorder j Jos Allbery S W
S G Dean J W
An examination was begun iu the
Norfolk schools yesterday morniug aud
was completed touay under tho super
vision of O W Crum Tho pupils of
tho Eighth grade are being examined
with regard to their qualifications for
holding n third grade teachers certifi
cate and those of tho Senior class in tho
High school aro being examined for
second grudo certificates Heretofore
pupils of the schools havo been called
upon to teach but have been unablo to
pass the necessary examination Tho
present plan is to find out who nro ca
pable of teaching so that like mistakes
will uot occur in the future and they
cau be recommended for positions
Tho weather bureau on March 1 is
sued somo new orders regarding the
hoistiug of weather signals The im
portant features of tho instructions nro
Tho morning forensts ouly will be util
ized for the display of weather signals
and the lings displayed will represent
only tho forecast applicable to tho 24
hours beginning at 8 p m of the day
the flags are hoisted If more than
one kiud of weather is predicted for the
period from 8 p m to 8 p m the con-
ditibtis first named in tho forecast will
bo ropresonted by tho uppermost
weather flog It two temperature fore
casts nro mado for thin period tho first
named only will bo represented by tho
tomopornturo flag In Its proper position
Tho whito or fnir weather flog will
bo displayed for n forecast of partly
cloudy or cloudy weather without
A Number of Anylum Kinjiloyen Ino
Lout Their PoHtlonH
Something of n sou Ration hns been
created nmpng tho employes of tho
Norfolk hospital for tho iusnuo dnring
tho past fow days on ncconut of tho fact
that many of them hnvo boon notified
of a stoppage of their pay nnd others
hnvo received notlco thnt their Borviccs
would bo dispensed with after a certain
It is understood that tho following
havo beeu recently relieved from farther
Engineer Ross of Lincoln Ed Karrer
Willis Martin of Kansas Mr and Mrs
G E Griubolby Ohns Rosin and
Supervisor aud Mrs Goo McPhorson
John Welsh nud Aug Grindell havo
been notified that thoir engagements
will oud with May 1 while Mrs B W
A Davis has the end of her employment
sot ut May 15
Tho reason for tho changes ou tho
part of tho management is uot known
and those still in tho employ of tho in
stitution do uot kuow whore tho ax will
land next
Mr McPhersou ho9 been in hospital
employment since 1881 nud hns been
with tho Norfolk asylum for fivo years
and seven months Whon nsked as to
tho reason of his dischnrgo he was at
first notified that it was because of his
being a resublican but he states that he
has affiliated with tho fusiouists for n
uumber of years
Jury in Stuck Yards Case SiiHtiilns Jtlio
Charge Mado
The trial of Lealaud Spauldiug tho
first defendant in the stock yards case
was finished last eveniug the case being
submitted to the jury last night nt 12
oclock Tho jury retired nnd it was
reported that an early hour this morn
ing they stood ten for conviction and
two against It is understood that the
jury has since agreed to convict but it
is not known whether or not n sentence
has been imposed by Judge Cones
As before stated much concerning the
outcome of the other cases depended on
the result of this oue The fight mndo
by the defense wns not to deny that the
prisoners were concerned in the nffair
but that they were not guilty of tho
charge preferred and the first caso hav
ing resulted in a conviction it is pre
sumed that two or three other defend
ants will also be declared guilty
although it is not certain that the same
peualty will be imposed in each instance
It is practically certain that the case
will bo appealed to the supreme court
New Cauli Hardware More
B W Fisher late of Red Oak Iowa
desires to announce to tho people of
Norfolk and vicinity that he will on
May 1 open up a handsome hardware
storo in the Robertson block The
stock will be now first class in every
particular aud everything usually kept
at an up-to-date hardware store will be
kept ou hand Mr Fisher contemplates
doing a strictly cash business aud prom
ises his customers the benefits of such a
Bystem Iu buying and selling for cash
ho will be free from long standing and
dead head accounts nnd will get a re
duction on the goods purchased He
hopes to secure and deserve a share of
the patronage of tho people of Norfolk
and vicinity He will be ready for bus
iness nfter May 1st and invites n call
from people deslriug new nnd clean
hardware at right prices
To Cure La Grippe In Two Days
Take Laxntive Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature on
every box 25c
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist
The Discoverer of Swamp Root at Work Is
Eli laboratory
There fs a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease pneumonia heart failure
or apoplexy are olten the result ct Kianev
disease If kidney trouble is allowed Jo ad
vance the kidney poisoned blood will attack
the vital organs or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell
Then the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Brights
pisease the worst form of kidney trouble
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the new dis
covery is the true specific for kidney bladder
and urinary troubles It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases after all other
efforts have failed At druggists In fifty cent
and dollar sizes A sample bottle sent free
by mail also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures Address
Dr Kilmer Co Blnghamton N Y and
mention this paper
Mrs J G Trontmnn is 6n tho Bick
E S Bagloy is in the city from Bloom
H M McLeod wns a city visitor today
from Wausn
Woods Cones camo dowu from Piorco
this morning
Terry Durloml visited Norfolk rela
tives yesterday
Dr W H Deorlug of Beatrico is vis
iting Norfolk friends
Frank Hngh of Meadow Grovo was a
Sunday visitor iu Norfolk
Mrs W 11 Bucholz went to Omaha
yesterday to visit a day or two
Harry Bromo of Omaha visited with
Mb parents ovor Snturday night
Mr and Mrs R G Mossmau were in
the city Snturdny from Mndison
M D Tylor left this moruing for
Annmosn Iowa on legal business
Knox Tipple and Ed Reynolds woro
Norfolk visitors today from Wayne
Sol G Mayer went to Lincoln yester
day to pay a short visit to his brothers
II G Howell the optician has gouo
to Meadow Grove on a business visit
Edward W Braasch was down from
Tilden over Suuday visiting his parents
and friends
Chairman Joues of the stato demo
cratic committeo is iu tho city ou po
litical bnsiuess
W II Lowo went to Madison today
ou busiuess connected with tho county
surveyors ollice
O A Smith and Jas Osboru from
Tildeu attended tho couuty convention
aud called at this office
Editor A L Stewart of tho Newman
Grovo Herald was nmong tho delegates
to tho county convention
Mrs N A Rniubolt was a passenger
for Omaha this morning where sho will
remain with frieuds nearly nil tho
Frank Twiss has resigned his position
as uight clerk at tho Pacific and will
this week accept a position in the Boyd
hotel at Wayne
Walt B Reynolds the new editor of
the Madison Chronicle attended the
county convention here Saturday aud
called at The News office
E H Requa has received word to the
effect that his four children who re
cently departed to join their mother
have arrived safely at San Diego Cal
W M Robertson went to Lincoln
yesterday afternoon where Mrs Robert
son had preceded him a few days before
They go to visit their sou Sydney who
is a student at the university
Mrs Mary Fenske died at her home
near Hoskins yesterday afternoon aged
73 years The funeral services will be
held tomorrow and the remains will be
interred iu tho Hoskins cemetery
Dr J C Bishop of Omaha came up
Saturday evening MrsBishop hid been
here several days with her sisterMrs 0
JJohnson This morning Messrs Bishop
and Johuson went ont into the raiu to
hunt the festive duck
W H Bucholz we it to Hnrtington
this moruing to attend the annual st s
siou of the Northeast Nebraska Bankers
association which convenes there today
and closes with a banquet this evening
Dr Long Geo R Wycoff A J
Thatch and Judge M B Foster were in
the city today from Madison Some of
the gentlemen are on their way to
Wakefield to look over the now school
building of that towu
Jack KoenigBtelu secretnry of the
congressional committee has a telegram
from Senator Thurston this afternoon
stating that he will arrive in the city
tomorrow evening It Is inferred from
the telegram that be intends to attend
the congressional convention Wednes
An examination for teachers in the
Norfolk city schools will be held at the
High Bchool building next Snturday
beginning at 8 oclock All who expect
to teach in tne city schools next year
who do not now hold certificates from
the city examining committee will be
expected to be present
The tpecial service which had been
postponed from Easter Suuday evening
on nccount of the rnln was given last
evening at tho Cougregntioual church
There was a large audience present aud
the program which was given by the
little people was meritorious and thor
oughly enjoyed The choir rendered
gome BDecial musio and Rev Parker
made a short talk
Members of tho A O U W should
bear lu mind tho change in meeting
night Tho meetings havo heretofore
been held on the first and third Friday
evenings but will in the future be held
on the second nud fourth Tuesday even
ings The first meeting under the new
rule will bo held at Odd Fellows hall to
morrow night at 8 oclock YiBitiug
members aro cordially invited
At noon today The News telephone
rang in an imperious manner which
quickly brought the ear of an inmate of
the ofllco to the receiver This is who
came sizzling over the wire delivered
in a voice appareutly choked with in
tense nnger This is the hospital I
want you to correct that He in Satur
days paper Mrs Davis has neither
resigned nor been discharged Correct
that lie 1 It ie uot probable that it was
Mrs Davis who delivered this wrathful
messago into tho car of a stranger It
must hnvo been another Yet if it
wore Mrs Davis and if sho addresses
tho people with whom sho associates in
tho tone and manner thnt this voico did
the person ot The News office If sho
has not been discharged sho ought to bo
Tho flour making department of tho
Sugar City Cereal mills h is shut down
for a period of about three weeks giv
ing an opportunity for making somo
extensive and necessary Improvements
and repairs mainly in tho maiter ot
machinery Tho focd mill department
will continuo to run during thnt time
After tho changes nro mndo tho mill
will bo rendy to turn out moro and
better flour than ovor before
Tho stamp books latoly issued by tho
government nro now on snlo at tho Nor
folk postoffico A book hnudy for tho
vest pocket containing 12 two cent
Btnmps is sold for 25 cents On tho
covers nro printed matter of useful in
formation coucerniug postal laws and
between tho layers of Htauips aro tissue
paper to keep them from sticking Tho
convenience costs but ono cout nud it
will uo doubt be very populnr with
certain classed
Theodore Loescher with a gang of
four meu dep rted today for Bancroft
where he has takeu a contract to build n
4600 frnmo church edifice for tho
Germau Lutheraus bx mile3 iu tho
country from that town Thoy expect
to have work there until about tho first
of September Mr Loescher also had
an opportunity to build a porsoungo for
tho German Luthernn ohuroh at Waynor
but was unablo to do so because of hav
ing accepted tho first named contract
A large audience wns nttrnoted to the
Salvation Army hall last night by tho
repeated announcement duriug the
week that a little baby boy would be
given nway and it is understood that
tho announcement was responsible for
tho collection of a crowd outside the
hall who threatened to mob the Army if
the plan was carried through but there
was no mob violence the baby was given
to the Lord being a kind of confirma
tion ceremony the child being left in
the parents charge until the Lord needs
him He is the son of Captain and Mrs
Dunn and the ceremony was in charge
of Brigadier Toft who is in command
of the Nebraska and Iowa division of
tho Army The brigadier gave an ad
dress during the evening that was at
tentively listened to He departs this
evening foz South Dakota
Canadians Sue a Conspiracy in the We
land Canal Incident
Niagara Falus Out April 25
From a semiofficial rnd reliublo sourco
this opinion was obtained There is
uo question that the three men under
arrest constitute one party of a largo
gang which was sent out to inflict dam
ngo in various parts of tho Dominion
It is yet a question whether they camo
from Philadelphia Chicago Now York
or Buffalo in each of which cities thcro
are many fanatics who hatd England
or they may havo beeu sent froro Borne
part of Canada because there aro
fanatics hero as well as across tho
border I think tho nttacks wero to
havo been mndo in various quarters and
the failure of tho first party discouraged
or postponed other attempts Tho plan
to blow up tho canal shows tho con
spirators intended to striko hard Had
they succeeded tho Johnstown flood
would havo been discounted
BAttle Creek Neb April 4 1900
Headquarters Madison County Veteran
association There will be a meeting
of the reunion committee held ut Battle
Creek Neb on Saturday May 5 at
1 S0 p m to decide on time and placo
for holding the reunion this year and
to transact such other business as may
properly como before tho meeting All
union Boldlers are cordially invited to
atteud It is recommended that tho
committee on by laws meet at tho same
time and place
S A McKay Pres
W A Barnes Sec and Treas
and I am afraid I have in
herited it I do not feel
well I have a cough my
lungs are sore am losing
flesh What shall I do
Your doctor says take care of
yourself and take plain cod -liver
oil but you cant take it Only
the 6trong healthy person can
take it and they cant take it
long It is so rich it upsets the
stomach But you can take
It is very palatable and easily
digested If you will take plenty
of fresh air and exercise and
there is very little doubt about
your recovery
There are hypophosphites in it
they give strength and tone up the
nervous system while the cod liver
oil feeds and nourishes
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