The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Convention Selects a Norfolk
Mr Hays Accepts With a
Characteristic Speech
Souutor Thurston HcniioiiiIh to DoiiiiiikIh
mid AddroSHOH tho Conontlnn Tlio
SoHhtuu Coiiilucteil With Kvery IHlriuitco
of Good Fooling liotwoon Faction
from Woilneeilnrs Daily
Tho opublicnu convention of tho
Third congressional district which is in
session this nf tcruoon ut tho Auditorium
is aud has bcou the occasion of moro
political interest than nuy meeting
which has been held in Norfolk for
several years and in spito of tho
showers there wore nu unusual number
of applicants for ndmissiou to tho
building on tho part of Norfolk people
quito a number of whom wero ladies
Tho delegates candidates and their
friends commenced to arrive as early as
Monday and during yesterday thoy
cmno in crowds on almost every train
By evening tho delegations were largely
present but some failed to arrive until
this morning a Jules Tonal delegation
that camo in over tho M O being
especially noticeable for their number
aud the large badges worn announcing
their favorite candidate
All day yesterday and up to the timo
tho convention was called to order this
afternoon tho friends of the candidates
were circulating among tho delegates
urging tho especial fitness of their re
spective choice for the position on tho
ticket The hotel rooms were especially
lively and the interest was manifest in
the groups congregated on tho streets
Tho stage of tho Auditorium had been
arranged for tho session with the parlor
scene in the center of which was a
largo portrait of President McKiuley
draped with the stars and stripes
About 1 oclock tho delegates began to
wend their way toward tho Auditorium
and by the time the gavel fell the build
ing was well filled with delegates and
spectators The delegates wero seated
in tho parquet while behind them in
tho dress circle were seated their friends
and out of town visitors Tho balcony
was given over to general admission and
was very well filled
Tho stand of tho speaker was in tho
center of tho stage with tables for secre
taries on either side A number of
chairs on tho stage wero occupied by a
number of leading politicians and states
men of tho district
At 2 20 Chairman 0 W Conklin of
Tekamah called tho convention to
order and made a short talk thanking
the committee for its good work aud
making other remarks pertinent to the
occasion He announced that tho
central committee had selected Judge
N D Jackson of Neligh as temporary
chairman nnd E A Liudberg of Wayne
as temporary secrotary
The temporary officers wore intro
duced to the convention Judge Jackson
responding with a speech very happily
worded and delivered his remarks boing
presented in tho manner which ho has
made so popular
A motion prevailed that a committee
on credentials bo dispensed with and
that tho list of delegates as prepared by
the congressional committee be accepted
Tho following are tho delegates
Dixon J H Brown PDFalos J W
Thompson R ARovsoH PShumway
A D Collins IIO Armour OAButler
Henry Allen D Armstrong J O Mil
ligan S E Cobb
Burt J P Nosbit Oscar Samson O
A Witherell P L Kork O J Swan
sou Thoo Palmquist E P Sissou Jos
Hall T R Ashley John A Audersou
E A Sears E B Everett O W Conk
ling J A Clark E O Houston J R
Sutherland James Steedraau
Merrick A J Bowie L R Riohard
son W E Kerr 0 P Newmyer W
O Sheldon M Martin H A Wells
W II Baird J P Spollman P Sweet
James Jensen W H Orites
Knox Robert Lynn O E Gallagher
O W Jones W A Needham George
Luudberg W O Wood E L Brooks
George Edgorton R D Robinson A
A Baker George W Chambers R II
Cedar H A Miller Frank Nelson
O Ritohio E h Dimick W P
Sohworin E R Guruoy Z Botfghu
L H Bruner S W Mosher G W
Wiltso W S Weston Bon Hollo
Pierce A L Button Georgo W
Littell Thomas Ohllvers O B Brande
0 W Potter N M Nelson A L
Brande Georgo Mitohell
Colfax Peter S Dutter P J Mur
phy 0 A Abbott James LangloyC W
1 Allen J D Wolfe E II Phelps
Thomas Bryaut N W Wolls
Booue S D Allen II G Cross
Georgo McCliutock P E Silkett
Georgo W Brown G 11 Doughty
Victor Johnson J A Prico II 0 Vail
S B Moroherttl P D Williams O M
Needham 0 P Plum M Thompson
Dakota William Clapp T D Curtis
Atlco Hart Moll A Sohmoid Mar
tin Lockwood John Estaque It D
Wayno J B Manning E A Lund
bnrg A II Carter 0 Hairlgllat M S
Moats Nelson Grlmsloy E D Mitchell
Georgo 0 Morrill E Cunningham
Grant Moars J G Miller
Madison W M Robertson F W
Richardson O E BumhuinC A Rnn
dall W N Huso A N McGinnis
Wm Parkinson S A McKay W H
Hutchinson S O Campbell W H
Bucholz S II Grant Ghr Selmvlanil
Norman Ochsnor J B Barnes F 11 L
Willis Potor Rubondahl David Whltla
Dodgo R L Hammond 15 W
Hooker Ralph Johnson Chris Oussack
J P Lambortson 15 0 Burns 11 P
Boobo T W Lyman John Ross Errio
Morrcll 11 Dions D A Elder A K
Dame A J Fornmn William Nicol
William Becker L D Richards Samuel
Etchlsou John HernsrCal Wormword
O 0 McNIji
StantoTi Charles McLcod Alox
Rogers S D Donnoy Otto Furst Otto
Becker John Eborly G A Euos
Georgo Barr
Thurston W E Peebles M Eniing
ton W B Warrington R II Josboru
J S Lemon II S Smith
Cuming A J Langor William
Gauuou John Bysoug T O Fleming
P B Alderman A D Bccmor Joseph
Bleukiron W P Sinclair Ira C Wil
liams James C Elliot
Nance John Porterflold W H Sov
ereign J A Storch J A Osborne D
McLean Goo Edwards P W Wuko
G S McOhesuey Henry Stocks D
Platte Carl Kramer Ed Hoaro H
B Reed R G Strathor E M White
P M Cookingham Geo Barnum W
E Colo Goo I Clark D H Herring
ton Harry Lamb Bert Galley E II
Antelope J P Boyd N D Jackson
H C Torpiu G II McGee Geo Coup
laud Joseph Crippen Geo Swat L
Thompson H J Hads Judson Graves
M C Bressler
Tho temporary organization was on
motion made permanent
A motion prevailed that a committee
of five on resolutions be appointed by
the chair
Moved and carried that tho delegates
present be empowered to cast clio full
vote of the convention
The chair named the following gentle
men as members of the committee on
W M Robertson Madison Ross L
Hammond Dodge H O Vail Boouo
J R Sutherland Burt A L Brande
Under the call tho election of two
delegates and two alternates to tho na
tional convention was the nextorder of
business but a motion was made that
tho order be changed and that the selec
tion of a candidate for congressman be
mado the order of business
An amendment was offered that two
delegates to the national convention and
two alternates bo now elected tho two
receiving tho highest number of votes
to be tho delegates aud tho two receiv
ing the next highest to be alternates
Moved as a substitute to the motion
nud amendment that tho convention
proceed with tho regular order of busi
ness as stated in tho call
On tho roll being callod the substitute
was declared lost
Tho motion to proceed nt once to the
selection of the congressional candidate
was finally carried
Moved that an informal ballot bo
tnkeu by call of counties for caudidnto
for congress and the motion prevailed
The result of this ballot was an
nounced as follows Jule Jenal 70
Fremont Everett 78 John R Hays 10
Tho ballot indicated a pretty even di
vision of delegates between the three
candidates and it looked ns though tho
business of tho convention would settle
down to a contest as to whioh had the
best staying qualities
The first formal ballot didnt ohaugo
tho result tho vote standing Everett 78
Jenal 70 Hays GO
Tho second ballot showed n little
chaugo Everett getting 80 Hays Hi and
Jenal 09
Third ballot stood Everott 87 Hays
CO and Jenal 02
Tho fourth ballot resulted Everott
01 Hays 00 aud Jenal fiS
The fifth ballot was never anuouueed
but thoro was no question as to what its
result would be On this yoto Thurston
county mado a break from Jenal its sev
en votes beiug cast for Hays of Norfolk
This unnouncomout was greeted with
cheers on the part of Hays supporters
nud their enthusiasm grew to vociferous
applause when Platte aunouuood her
18 votes to Hays This was followed
by Nance with her 10 votes Knox
with ll Colfax with nine and Pierce
with niuo
At this point Ross L Hammoud of
Dodge arose aud moved that tho selec
tion of John R Hays ns tho districts
caudidato bo mado unanimous and tho
motion was carried with cheers
Mr Hays was called for and escorted
to tho platform amid tremendous ap
He Bpoke as follows
Mr Chairman aud Goutlemen I do
Injustice to my own feeliugs if I do not
first express to you my keen apprecia
tion for tho distinguished honor whioh
you havo this day conferred upon mo
Coining as it loos 1 tun doubly grateful
Gentlemen I havo not words to express
to you my feollngs upon this occasion
Mr Chairman I bollovo In this grand
nation I bollovo It is tho sacred koopur
of tho greatest of all governments I
bollovo in this government nud in this
nation 1 would havo within my hoait
tho reinoinbranco of this nation 1
bollovo this government is In tho keop
lug of tho republican party I believe
its best interests iiro promoted by tho
republican party Boforo I was old
onoitgh to voto I wns with it I worked
for it 1 fought under It Gontlonion 1
had thodistlngulslHd privllego to cast
my first ballot for Captain Ulysses S
Grant Oheura
From tho timol inarched in the pa
rado as a private until this day 1 havo
always boon proud of tho fact that I was
a republican And gentlemen I havo
had tho honor of taking political orders
under Captain Grant undor Garlluld
and under Win MoKlnley
If it shall bo within tlio providoneo of
God that I shall represent thN district
In tho congress of tho United States
and if at tho expiration of Unit torni
when 1 shnll relinquish to you tho obli
gations of that oillco I shall bo weighed
in tho tmlnnconntl not bo found wanting
Tnon I shall bo content Gentleman
ngaiu I thank you
Froinont Everott was called to tho
platform Ho was pleased to say that
this office had boon given to ouo who
could hotter boar its burdens than him
J F Tonal was called for and mado a
short address thanking his friends for
their support Ho said ho thought tho
convention had mado no mistake in tho
selection of a candidate nud ho prom
ised his hearty support
Sonator Thurston who was prosont
was called for and made ouo of Iuh
strong characteristic spceohos in bohalf
of republicanism Ho was greeted with
cheers aud his remarks wore frequently
Tho convention thou proceodod to
take a ballot for delegates to tho na
tional republican convention Tho first
ballot resulted
John D Haskoll 105 A II Torpin
100 Henry Ragats 117 N W Wells 85
S Sanders 25 aud Henry Ragats waB
declared elected
The second ballot resultod in no
choico aud the third elected John D
N W Wells and Nelson Grlmsloy
were elected alternates by acclamation
A motion prevailed that tho nominee
be permitted to select tho chairman of
the congressional committee
A motion was made that this conven
tion endorse R B Schneider ns member
of the national committee and that all
honorable menus bo used to secure his
election Roll call was domnuded nud
tho motion was lost by a vote of 82 to
134 N
As this report closes the resolutions
as prepared by the committee are being
Frightful Accident In tlio Fifth Event nt
Aqueduct ltnra Track
Nnw Yokk April 25 A frightful
accident happened at the Aqueduct race
truck yostorduy in which Jockey Prank
OLcary was fatally injured nnd two
other boys wero badly shaken up It
occurred in tho fifth raco and in u mod
erate field Tho horses got away in
good order and when they had gone
about a sixteenth of a milo G E
Wightmau stumbled nnd fell Jockoy
McJoynt rt liug undor tho fence out of
harms way and escaping with slight
bruises Pettifogger bumped into
Wightmau as tho latter was falling and
went up into the nir turning u somer
sault aud landing ou his back Hewitt
was thrown some distance but ho too
was out of tho way of the other horsos
and was even less hurt than McJoynt
OLcary however was not so fortunato
for Randy which ho was riding stum
bled into tho pair of horses on tho
ground and throw OLoory among
them Ho was kicked in tho head by
one of them and his head crushed iu
Au ambulance was called aud ho was
taken to St Marys hospital in Brook
lyn where ho died
Fiiniiel Sliiiixd Cloud Titur Up tliu around
ou tlio lriilrk
Wymokk Neb April 25 Tho most
perfect oyclono cloud over seeu hero
spout its force in tho heavens threo
miles southeast of hero yesterday The
cloud was a regular funnel shaped
twi ster which seemed to form about
five miles southeast of hero It trav
eled duo north over tho prairies striking
the ground nt intervals at which timo
it would plow tho earth up in chunks
and cany it along
John Traunich a Gorman farmer liv
ing three miles east of hero was work
ing in tho flold when ho first uoticed it
Ho rnn for his homo about UO yards dis
taut and warned his family who wont
to tho cavo Ho stood nnd watchod the
twisting monster approach his homo
but when 150 feot in front of him it tore
up tho ground aud carried dirt and
debris high in tho air over his homo
So far ns known no person was in
jured aud no serious damugo done
Tho cloud which was a perfect one
was witnessed by hundreds of pooplo
from this city
Man Killing Kit pliant in Dead
Kansas City April 25 Rajah
tho man killing olephunt owned by a
local cirous died at tho winter quarters
uear Argontiuo Kan Tuesday of braiu
fever Rajah was ouo of tho biggest
elephants ever brought to this country
Ho was 35 years old nud during his
career is credited witli haviug killed
ninv men
If we did but know how little some
eujoy the great things tlint they pos
sess there would not bo so much envy
In the world i
im Trnnu
KUIllltlUlliJ 1U1KT
turn unit will
lu tallfuimc
of this acid poison reaches the skin and it becomes ted mid
almost unburn able esnecinllv when tverluiitifl from nnv riim
el RiTOnol I MiUL
Vm ltfIiffWEil tf PJlfMrt1
1I Al rt Mill l0i 1 Kl HUH
This most nggtnvnting nud toiineiiUiig of nil skin diseases is mused by an acid condition of
the mood and unless iclicvctl Ihtough certain liisttunieiitalities too much
iiillaiued The Itching nnd burning arc
1 lie skin seems on fire slcen or test is
impossible the tlespetute sulleiet tegnrdlcss of eousciiuences scratches until sttenilh is exhausted
litis limning m lung humor nppenrs sometimes in little pustules discharging a sticky fluid which
forms crusts and scales Again the skin Is di y hatd and fusuicd itches intensely bleeds and scabs over
lhls is a painful aud stubborn fotm of the disease
While Kivema Tetter KtysipcluB Salt Uheuiii nud many like troubles ate spoken of us diseases of
the skin they ate tenlly Mood diseases because
If the blood is in a pine healthy condition no poisonous elements can teach the skin
lvxtetual applications of washes lotions and salves sontetuues mitigate the Itching and soothe tho
nilintiimalioii but cannot teach the disease Only S S S the lenl blood medicine can do this
H 8 8 the only purely vegetable temetly known is a safe anil peituanent cute for I tvctna and all deep seateil blood and
skin troubles It direct to the seat of the disease neuttnlies the acids aud
goes cleanses 1111- blood to iiifotces 111111 invieoriitefl
ll l - 1 1 1 1 r ii t ti i
nu wiy mollis mill mii i 111111 un sysii iii til 1111 impurities lllllMlgll UIC Uflllltai IIIIIUIIUIS 1110 Skill ICltCVCIl nil 1 1 1 1 llltllll llll lUtl
nuusmes aim an signn in me disease disappear
rrl r 11 rt
nut icin 111 iiuiiiiiiu iii V11111111K11111 mini mivi Mir wis iiniiriru Willi rUiiiliilmil sntesiitiil Hcrritin
rrntn lilttli llcr rnce id times ln nune ho I1111IU swollen Hint she wnn mil unit lift Unitis
nnd liuidsMcic vciv Hire She wns tiealrd lis nil I lie dortoisln town without fielnn lieiielilltd nud In
tier tcsentchvs fin irllrf uns told liy nil old pliviiiliili to tiikr S S S Hhe folium il Ills niMcr nud wis
tit nniitly cut eil nnd lins neer Imd 11 let tun of lieitlsensr Tills mihsc cut rrn iintHiiun Hlie slm ruly
ticlleVes would lme tieen In tier Ktnve ciiih hro hut fnt H S h nud ndds wluil It lum dune foi 111c
11 win 110 101 iiiueis
ouiin iiirotirnooKoii inooo uiidriKiu insenses mux write our iiiiysicinusitilly nliotil your
- 3
Will uclull CIIO llw liv nil UIlLhts Turn Iuh Ill
Itrafrtlitiun VMiBlibfiO llm linn Mntlil llruhblMlaK IltUr
Ilutrnnii If 11x21 InciicK rotliu on ailjuttalile chill
lifarliiirii hail Denton ntei 1 piwitH init MrihltUu
iiCLurnti nml iliirullv ncnle mnile tnmintcil on four
uliicli tlii5 me nicely mlntel anil ornmncntcil
nml lii aiitlfully llnlrliiit IhrniiKlimit ler funiu r
will t aw tlce the eoic In one hUiiNOll li uclihlu the
k ritln tin Helli nml Imys lllllitlt AT IIMK lcfire tho
iriiuliuliiinreil Cntnluinii of htiIcb fnu for the ark
lint Aililreh Sears Roebuck Co Inc Chicagolll
Itjrart llutliick lu trc ILurtibBliljr rrlltbli ldllor
To the Musical Public
I -
1 ggSafEv
if1 if XkHKrVr
Write lo dny
and receive a
genuine Wnlo
Sllvcr Stecl
String foreither
aultnr Mando
lin Violin or
Ilnnju absolute
ly IklR on re
ceipt ola -cent
stamp for re
turn postage
Wc do ibis to
Introduce tlio
Wolo Silver
Steel String
which Is a com
bination or the
best tone pro
ducing metal Is strong durable and absolutely
true As un inducement I quote these strings In
complete sets or a short time only at 12c a set
Our 535 Walo Guitar
reduced from i60 Standard sizo Solid Ha
tiogany highly polished Fancy Colored Wood
Iurfling Inlaid edges and houndholo bound
with celluloid fancy stripe down back
Concert size same as ubovo 585
Auditorium blze same us ubovo 720
Our 800 Walo Guitar
standard she reduced from J1S00 Solid
Uosewood otticrvlbe same a above
Concort size 900
Auditorium size f 1000
A Pine 200 Canvas Leather Hound Flan
nel Lined Case with any of tho abovo guitars
for PPc
Watch our next llargalns Send for Walos
Catalogue ol Musical Instruments and Furnish
Ingi Uand Orchestra and Ilano Music
No 9 S Broadway S Louis Mo
Fine Repairing Done Neat and Prompt
case tliey will cheerfully give any information or advice wauled We make no ehatge fot this Addtess Swill Specific Co Atlanta Oi
WanttI Honost man or woman to
travel for largo house j Rnlary I5
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent encloso
stamped envelope Masaopu
MOCaxton bldg Chicago
Curo A nil Trtiiitintiut OI Tim Molt
Dr Humphreys Spociflo manual on
tho troatmimt and curo of tho siok
mailed freo on request Adress I lumph
roys Medicine Co Now York
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by noting directly upon
tho disouse without oScitiug disorder iu
nuy other pnrt of tho system
so cimus rntens
I IVuth Congestions InflnmmntlonH ii
Worms Worm Vovvr Worm Colic ii
1 TVi tliliiic Colic CrylngWnkefulnusa 2H
1 IMiirrlii n of Children or Adultn US
7 Cmmlm Colds Ilronchltls 25
H XeuraWIn Toothache Kacoacho V5
9 lli ntliielie Sick Hundacho Vertigo 185
10 lvnieimliiIiidlKeatlouWeakStomacli25
1 1 Hiiirt niil or Inliiful 1crluilH 25
IV Whlti H Too Irofuao Periods 25
ll riiiii Iinryimllls Hoarseness 25
1 1 Snlt Itliiiiiu Erjslpulas Eruptions 25
15 KlnMiiiintlmn Illieumatlc lalns 25
10 Mnlnrln Chilli Fuver nnd Aguu 25
19 Cnlnrrh Inlluenza Cold In the Head 25
20 Vhcioidniioiiiili 25
27 Kiilm v niseiiHCM 25
Dehlllty 100
30 Urliinry Wi nliiirss Wotting lied 25
77 Jrlp liny Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Mnnunl of all Diseases at j our
DruKKlhts or Moiled Freo
Sold hy druggists or wnt on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Co Cor William John Hts
New York
Clean bc 1 and Uautilks the hair
Pruinutci a Itizurlntit growth
Hover FailB to JlcBtoro Gray
Hair to Ha Youthful Color
Cun srnlp riiraMa tiulr Jailing
IQcandCHmit lnigKt3
V Ut 11113 Kilt UUl IMHJ M M1 HI UK III J
urulll t rml ou till IIKill HUliK
Irritflit C 0 1 Milijtct tn
rmtluiit oucan exmuint Hut join
fivluht depot iiiiil if found rUctl
Mtl tfaetnijuxnctly HrepinenUii
nnd equal to Knli n thrat ntullnt
tlir railroad bk M our prclnl
rrlrr 775 Hi 100 or
5075 and tulkht chmen The
MilipliiKwellit 1 IV Iht and tin
freight will juurngc V for each too
mlluiund hi1 guarantee 8ri di liter
nir Awir lur
farm fcton or
HArrlmuil Il
in o9ooiio coup 19 xonnaou suvas ssajpnv
t JilltM 1 1 I MiiiiniJiiii I l Hl II iiH V3T TNOT
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HI oiiJt Jim niii tiiunj tiAunii iihhii ijii jiitin rfiii4nin bj4ii
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Jlrli llll HI llihl JIJJII lllllipllijiiill onj liHiilinirilifpil I lllM
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IllVIHX SH1H0W mm It 3Ain
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rtnnnrip 7i7ipiij puu
J tut liMllv inltjlij Jno
03 QI3 ooid 0 icpntls
TrFTJiVitrrt TzNT7iT mvimui ism iiii Milt ihhinhiiii mjiim
Y I wVfCaT 1 idJITlUI 1 rijjtHMiiiiin tun 14 iiliniJlUNii Aiillttfiii4vpn fJJl
I I VtlW f IBBHe iunj 1 iti 11 iihIiii iijrt ut in utiiu jimC in if iiMjnnrxtt ma rn i nnt
sOLSlSTil SSS A3MOIAJ finraqs
rjrcm9WULMrj rw m
i ut ItiU ftd oul hihI MncJ In u mIIIi f IIHI J we will cimI ou IhW M1
IJirilOVHl VklllAtit UhJlOlUliS hj frrUM V O It kuhjrrl Ittfiainlni
lion Von can txuniliu1 II ut jour iitiirrHt fn lielit kput iuh lli
jn una it ctuciij im nprifci taiue juu rir
and far hrllrrllmn nrvttis Bilifrllofd hi olbrr at murf idodi t bar tin frt lvlil
jrot OUR PRICE 3350 I Ihr 1H drjHlt or IMM ah I
rrfltthirnnnrr i nt HAKLUK Ulvl ou ux inn mni im iianir
AMI MUHIST imm lnlninmlH rtrrmadp Kroili tho lllll trutluil
feliuwn which Is iMiKrnveil dlnrt from a thotjniph youuui rrin t
bfino Idciiof IU hfiutlful uppcaruncu Mmlr rrotnMulhl iinrUr
uwnl uiik or u H i nut iiKdiIritl perioraiwi kpy klip run pnni i inij
hrautirul fnaiqurtrr At gn itnt U and manj olhrr hauJMimc flrrt rntlmia
and ontnenli maUn ll tlic lfUY 41KlThTYtK TJ K V IMOIt
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itounus ontniiiHociavdi ii Hiupaiiif luiioHH uiiaun rtiuriai
Itairiaua Tlrlodla ttlrbtr irriounav HUtuifr irritlalouilrr
Dlaptkno Jortf and ui lluraana 2 Dftaif Couptrr 1 Ton hHI
I drand Ornan NwcM i Hla of rflifbtralTunrd Urabnaliir Ilpc
gualllf lit nil 1 HrtKr 37 lurr Hmtt 9Irldla Utti lht HraJ
harinlnKljIlrllllajit Olral UrtU I Hltofil Klcli Srlltiw NmuoUi
IMapaboa lifcdt x mi or rjratinir Mn Jiriuuiuua Irinripai
rfK THE PARLOR GEM uttlon coiittlftUor thu
Crlrljratf d Srtl Itrrdt ulilcli uru only uwdln thoJiUh
H ruiKiliatruiIlftlUi llttfd with lUmmnni Coup If m and
tot Humana ttlHt In ft Io1ko feltM lfithern rtc hello n
nf tlin litbt ruhlrtirdoth 3 ply btllowB tlock and flmttt
IfAthiTln viiIxh THE PARLOR GEM In furnUhcil
v 1th h 10x11 he vt Itll pinto trench mirror nickel platiil
riHlnl trumvst and overy modern liiiirnvciniiL W
fumUh frff a handaone orKo atuol and thr lifil orxan lobtruc
tion biKik putiiUhfU
iiiue a rltten lilmJlnif a icar wimruiitto by Hit-
tiTiim and conilltloni ut uhlcli if any lrt ilvcBoilt un
re pnlr It frrr tit tliaricr Try It nnu month nml u will
riiunit jounnonry If youurenolpirrrctly FutlHlUil Wj
of llifnri aiiiilll le nM ut 3350 VUIIKII
dtalt Mitli uuark nur iu liflibor about uf urlto
tliu publiHliiT oi tiiU pnpiT or Mi trniMilltaa
allonal iiuiik nruorri Mil naiiK in wiucnKui
i r urinaii rxciiuniu Hank Nnw Vnrk t or any
tj i
rallrnuil nr exprnt company In Clilruto Ht j ieJ
bair aoiliur oifr imIKiul oci up mtlro I Am -7 T
iiiiuf thH Inreit IjUFlnukS IjIucLh tn lilcuun
mil tlnpluy nearly tun iwupIh in
iiuiiithiK nr sni uiii151 ai r3i
our umii
nnu uii
are the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
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Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catalogue Free
Ask for it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
7T TtjlyAv rV iftM
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v4i Aittiwr9wT iBrFrm
MUr9 KtVlll
THBjm3IIi iH
mm mmm
1 1 tRwiumoil rVraLpfS fKyStky Fta m Mnl
niwMrrhoo VuivaJmx l MS u Wmrl
9pii PmwnlmfiM FllSLw
mew tixj m j wn
I IIMIS fllSiiiidunialuvtTtilniliiiniilrallnrtnim3ntiat lowest wholctale nrlcM Write for free raeUl
orKan piano unit mUHrul lntn incut cataluirui Aililrtii Uon lio Lota J to ore tuoroovblr wllible Ldjur
JEARGOCEUCIC CO Inc Fulton Oesphines and WamanSU CHICAGO ILL
Edisons Phonograph
Hotter than a Piano Organ or Music Box for It sings and talks as well as plays and
dontcostns much It reproduces tho music of any instrument band or orchestra tells
btories and siiigs tho old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs it is always ready
Trices 750 to 10000 Seo that Mr Edisons signaturo is on every machine Cata
logues of ull dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAPH CO 135 Filth Ave New York
The Balloon
Painted by Juliou Dupros
A Most Beautiful Piotuiie
j kok the Home
This Masterpiece represents a fam
ily of peasants in tho harvest field
It is noonday not a breath of air
is stirring and away off in tho dis
tance where the villagers are hold
ing their country fair a balloon
hangs in tho sky They gaze in
mute astonishment wonder awe
onl oilnii vo f inn vnvnnlnrl 111 flimv
uuiiiiHimw v
Jcwvi and attitudes It is tho work
of a master hand This is reproduced in colors 22x80 inches
in a marvelous oil painting effect You could not buy one
for 200 Wo bought them iu ton thousand lots so can offer
it mailed in a tube post paid with a threo months trial sub
scription to THE WEEKLY BEE FOR 25 CENTS
Address The Beo Publishing Co 2075 Faruam St Omtiha Nob