m j V 2 The flop f oik l4cus W N UUBK Publisher livery walk 15 coiit DAILY Kutnliltshod 1st 1 aiiToxcoia Simlnj Jfvrrior -Vilnius ViitalopQ ii ilntiuor llliilno lonui Jlox llutto Jlojd llroun llulTnlo Hurt Kuttor Cnm nj ninu Im j i WKKKtiY JKslMilUlin isM TTIh 10 11 ll 1 17 11 14 24 tuliir 11 Ciumii Olmrry 7 Chojonmi Clny 17 Colfax Cuming JO Cutor 1J JDiikotn 7 DllWOD Dnwson 13 Dtiuol 4 Dixon II Dodgp 20 Douglas Duiiily j Mltmirn 17 Krnnkllti Frontior 10 Vilnius II flngo 31 Onrllnlil l Cloopor Grunt - lrcoloy 4 Hall lliimlltou II lliirlnii Hujos 4 Hitchcock Holt It tlooknr 1 Howard H lolTnmon III It ia rnconimumloil ollllHIII KimitiD Kolth Knn Inlin Kltiiliall Knox liincnntor lilncolu Logan Ulllll Mcriiornou MmiIIhoii Mnri Ick Total oil no iiroxlos bu por Ifrory Tlmrnlmgly mall por enr U0 Ktiterod nt tlm IVwtollIro nt Norfolk Nob as tocom class matter Totnplionn No 22 llr piililUiui Hlitto Oniixniitloii Tho ropuMtrnii nlorlorijof tlm potornl rmttij iloYof 0 o Miito of Nnbrimkn nro lierdi ciiIIimI mint Uiirolii Nibrankii l i i coiiumllm l Mill SIWrt ilSncbx k p in for lliurpnf our ilobiwto nnil om iiltiiiniln loot i o rolriili In Ibo iintlnmit rniijb lean coin Ililllilnlphlii Uniiwhlrliciionoln JhiJ iwonlot iilncn In noiiilniUioii cnnilldiilus roJcteaSlMnl Mr III0 nut gimirnor imcrotiir of mnti tronsuriir Inilllor of tmlllo iicroiiiit nltomm Ky JiVmmlMlmior of iub o laud mid Imllilltws nnarlnlsiulniil of imbllo liiMrnrtfim 4lolmli of rnpiwontiilloii I ono iloWnto nt largo mill onn iloWnl for nib V iiinlnr friictlon Iboroof nml for lion M li 1S forjudge of tlo stipromn court iittlinoloo lion lmlil In W Tho Hmninl counties boing miiilnl in ilnlniintiui tin follow m 13 I 17 11 NllllCD NlMllllllll II Nuckolls IK Oloo 21 Iawnoi Parkins 1 Philip U Ilorci J Ilutlo 12 Iolk 0 lloil Willow II IllcliaiiUou 2 1 Hock A HhIIiii H Harpy 7 HiiiuhIith IK Scott HlutT 4 Howard 1 Hliorlitan ft Hliorinnli ft Hioux 2 Slnnton 7 Tliajor 17 Tlioiuatt 1 Thurston 0 Vulliiy S Washington U Wimio 10 WnlwUir 12 Wlioolur 2 York 21 iaii TIT- lnuml hut that tho ilolcuatoa nroBuut cant thu full voto of tho ilnhatlon Tho county con TontloiiH in thimnviual coiintioH bulil for tho pilriHMM of HOlOCtllll lloloKlltO to thill tlou shall soloct tho county cntnnilttoo mill of llcorn thoroof At tho Btnto cououtlon tho Htato coutral comnilttnoiuiiii fioin tho odd iiiiiu borod doiiiitorlnl dltrlctB will ho uoloctod for tho otiBUiiiK two joars and tho now statu com mittoo will hold its mootiixr at tlm closo of tho jitntn contention Ouivsuo Tiri T J T Maiiaiikii Oliairiiiau Socrotary IroToin lion John It Hujh No groator compliment could bo paid a man than was tendered to Hon John 31 Hays by tho congressional conven tion yostorday His candidacy was not nnuounced until after niauy of tho dolo gatioua had boon soloctod from tho various couutios and yet in faco of tho fact that most of tho delegates camo hero oxpocting to voto for somoouo olso bo popular is John 11 Hays in this district that ho wns nominated on tho iifth ballot nnd that with a hearty good will that presages his election It should not bo understood thnt Mr Hays woe at any tlmo nn active seeker after the nomination but his candidacy wns aathor brought nbout through tho do maud of Madison county that wo bo given tho republican candidate on tho congressional ticket a position that this county bos not had tho honor of holding in many yonrs Even yesterday it is doubtful if Mr Hays was as much in terested in tho outcome of tho contest as his friends who wore championing his cause Aside from tho matter of county prido they wore conviucod that ho was tho most available mau in tho field for the position honco tholr ellorts in his behalf were earnest and sincere Mr HayB ha all tho roiuireniauts of uv statesman Ho has brains in abund ance ho is a bright original speaker ho is prepossessing in appearance and ho laid tho foundation for boing a man of affairs by being born in Ohio and on n farm This happy event took place in Clinton county on April UO 1845 When he was loss than u year old his father dlod and all that John It Hays iB today he can attributo to his own Ewrsovorance and hard work Mr Hays aiow carries an empty sleevo where his yight arm ought to bo This was brought about through an accident which occurrod whon ho wns n farmer boy 14 years old Ho was ridiug one of the horses attached to ax reaper when the team ran away and threw him uu der tho sickle which so mangled his arm that amputation just below the ehoulder was necessary Surgery in those dnys was much more crude thnu it is now nud he was compelled to suffer the tortures of tho damned during tho operation which was necessary and which was done without the use of unaesthetics This is a subject which even yet Mr Hay does not refer to without living ovor tho terror of that day nud in an aquaiutauce of nearly 13 rears the writer has never heard him speak of it but ouco After the misfortune overtook him of course his whole lifo was changed For a number of years ho alternated his time between teaching school and at tending college graduating from the Cornell college at Mt Vernon Iowa with the class of CO After that he taught school a few years lougor He moved to Story county Iowa in 1807 where he remained uutil 1880 While in that coumy he was elected couuty aapcriuteudont of schools aud at tho expiration of his term of oflico he was elected county auditor which position he hold during five terms or ten years positively refutliK to bo rv camHclnto rtRnln Kvon iluriiiK lil coIIoko tlnyn ho hiul boon stutlyiiiK Inw mid wlitlo In olllco lio dovototl nil htsHiro tlmo totlio pursuit of Hint brnnoh which nttmctod hliuso tliut in ISSi ho wumulmltted to tho Imr with hluhost lionorH hi I8S0 ho enrnu to Norfolk to itccopt tho portion of cfishlor of tho Norfolk Nation itl lmnk which ho hold for your mid n hulf mid thou ioslBcd tocntorthopruo tlco of IiIh profession which ho hits boon actively mid Hticcossfully oiiBiiftod ovor hIiico lit fltmuls now ono of tho lend ing nioinberH of tho bur of north No liiiiskn mid Is n ninu in whom tliopooplo lmvo tho utmoHt conlldoneo whurovor ho is known Uo hns ft wido nciiuuintnnco tliroiiKliout tho Htuto mid If ho isolootod to tho position to which ho is nomlnntcd ho will nutko a congrossinmi who will reflect credit upon tho Third district Holms boon u republican ninco ho wns anything in n political way mid ho has novor hesitated to spend his tlmo and monoy In furthering tho Interests of republicanism and his frlonds fool thoy havo tho right to expect tho satuo sup port for him that ho has so cheerfully glvon to othors in tho past It may bo rouiarkod incidentally that tho facts for this skotoh woro obtained only in part from Mr Hays fragments boing plckod up from othor sources known to lo correct A dologato to tho convontlou yostor day ronmrkod that Madison county was protty well flxod for candidates for con gross or nhnost certain to bo and tho fact cannot bo douiod Tho county is tho homo of both congressional candi dates of tho district and ono souatorial aspirant provided tho oflico trust at Madison again asserts its prerogative Tho republican undoubtedly camo to tho sonsiblo conclusion that flro should bo fought with flro and dooldod thnt a candldato taken from near tho hot bod would bo in a bottor position than any other to broak tho combination All tho same it has boon many years since Madison county was ropresoutod in cougross by a republican or even favored with a candldato for tho position Hon ltobert M Novln tomporary chairman of tho republican state conven tion of Ohio in his nddress boforo that body mado a uumbor of poignant obser vations In speaking of tho Philippine situation ho said I cannot under stand how auy mau born and raised in tho United States of Amorica familiar with tho spirit of our peoplo governed by its institutions roared under our lag can bollovo for ono instant that any administration that over could be elected could or would daro do anything oxcopt that it would lead to the peace and tho happiness aud tho prosperity of this people Tho Madison couuty republican con vention seems to havo set tho pace in tho coutost among certain party loaders for tho position of uatlounl committee man nnd it is quito tho thing for con ventions to send delegates uninstructed while newspapers uro nlmost unani mously urging iudopoudeut action nnd nro endeavoring to pour oil on tho troubled waters It mny yet transpire that matters will be adjusted to tho satisfaction of tho aspirants and tho good of tho party Tho republican convention of the Third district was not unanimously for any one candldato but they arrived at a unanimous decision aud there were no soro heads whou tho result was an nounced Tho candidates came with au honest dotermluatiou to try for tho honors but were willing to submit to tho docroes of tho delegates He Could Shoot Straight Said the man who had traveled Years ago In a western frontier town a traveler footsore and weary arrived ono afternoon and mado his way down tho one street of tho burg He wits suddenly startled by tho sounds of shots nud looking up discovered four men shooting at one another Tho men were standing nt the four comer of nn Imaginary square nud each wns shooting at the mau catneoruer to him llclng lu whnt ho btipposed n safe posi tion ho paused to watch tho outcomo of tlio fray when a bullet going wldo of Its Intended mark cut by his ear That roused his wrath and drawing his pistol he dropped the man In his tracks who had all but dropped him Another bullet Hying wldo from Its mail but near to the stranger caused him to lay out ono of tho other pair and tho two remaining men sought safety In flight In that particular town duels had been previously com paratively harmless amusements ow lug to the poor marksmanship of tho contestants but tho man who could shoot had nrrived and the inhabitants although they turned out to greet him in u body nnd grant him tho freedom of the city did so in manifest awe and trepidation Whenever ho told the story after ward he used to wind It up impress ively by saying And boys in that town after that they went around mo as If I hud been a swamp New York Tribune JVlicrc llopo Muttered Negroes nro unconsciously humor ous The other day two roustabouts were overheard talking They mot on the levee after ono had been absent from the city for several weks Hello Bill how is ycr said tho first Well was the reply do doctors is give mo up but de police alut Mem phis Sclmltjtr THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY A Ill J L 26 1900 GOLD AND ENAMEL NOSE A young womnii nitlst In this city who became an adept In dellcato proc esses of enameling while studying In Paris hns Just completed a gold nnd enamel noso for n woman who hud lost that oignti from cancer The suf feier hud tiled lo conceal hor dlsllg uremiiit by wax nuses but tnln nnd sunshine plnyed hnvoc with thorn llubber noses bIio found too heavy for everyday wear nnd besides they had to bo touched up frequently to keep Ihem piosontuble Tho rubber too Irritated tho skin The nttlst suggested nn experiment 8 1 it offered to bi fjr the expense In enso of failure aud woman without n nose consented Prom pliiHtor of pnrls tho artist mold ed a 1 1 illy nrtlntlc nose miltuhlc to tho pnllents stylo of faco Then she took the cast to Maiden Innc nnd bought gold nnd lind it carefully shuped after tho pattern IJy drawing out very finely the edges where the metal would touch the llesh the lines of contact when the noso wns worn woro hnrdly detectable A pair of spectacles fas tened to tho nose held the noso In place Then camo the niof ticklish part of tho work the ennmcllng Tho noso wns re enameled 10 times before tho artist wns satisfied that sho had matched exactly the womans com plexion As the patients sklu was dark and reddish and full of color it wns difficult to Imitate Finally how ever when the nose was finished it was as natural as could bo darkest at tho rootB lightest nt tho bridge and on the tip and It rose out of tho faco In stend of resting ngalnst It Now tho woman hns n better shaped noso than Bho over bad before and besides tho most durable one Now York Herald llne HecomlnK Scarce The Chicago Tlmcs nerald says that during the coming winter there will bo nn army of 35000 men euguged In tho remaining pine forests of Minnesota Wisconsin nud Michigan cutting logs for tho market Tho present supply of pine lumber Is insutllclent to meet tho demand nud It will not be many years before consumers will bo obliged to go out of the country to get auy couslder ablo quantities of white pine In 1802 the three white plno states Minnesota Michigan nnd Wisconsin were cutting nt the rnto of 7000000000 feet annual ly which thoy hnd six years Inter re duced to 5500000000 feot Todny tho country Is bnclr on the basis of con sumption In 1802 and the basis of pro duction In 1S0S nnd It will tnkc some time to mako up the difference of 1500000000 feet The forests of Mich igan and Wisconsin are now so nearly exhausted that they can never mako it up aud the entire burden will rest on the Duluth nnd Minneapolis districts in Miuuesota For the next teu years thoso two districts can probably pro duce as much pine as they are now cutting At that time tho end of tho white pine timber in the United States will bo In sight Delaware nnd the WhlpitnK Poat It Is said that the morals of Kent county Del are Improving On Sat urday only two men were lashed at tho whipping post the first to suffer in six months Mnkiug tho punishment fit tho crime hns a peculiar application lu Kent county Tho culprit Is not only brought up publicly to the post but tho olllclals allow him to hear tho ro mnrks of the crowd which nro often uncomplimentary nnd the kodak men can get all tho snap shots desired with out charge Without doubt the ignominy of pun ishment under such circumstances must be keen to ono who is still moral- y sensitive but tho effect on tho ha Mtunl criminal may be different The object lessou Is n terrible one but so nro the crimes for which the lnshlng Is administered A wife beater for in stance does not deserve tender treat ment from tho law If he cannot bo reformed by other means the lash Is none too severe for his crime Dela ware Is making a thorough experiment of this matter and whether tho whip plug post Is adopted elsewhere or not the lessons of tho oxporlment will not bo lost Baltimore American Two nenaona Yon mustnt play with Mr Borumt hat Bobby Bald a young lady who was entertaining a caller to her small brother Why mustnt I asked the young ster Because you might break It re plied his sister and besides he will want It shortly Chicago News Thcro is inoro catarrh iu this secitou of the country thau all other diseases put together nud until tho last few years wns supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease nud pre scribed local remedies aud by constantly failing to euro with local treatment prououueed it incurable Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease nud thiroforo requires treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is tho ouly constitutional euro on tho market It is taken Inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a ta spoouful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfnees of the system They oiler one hundred dollars for auy case it falls to cure Send for circulars aud testimonials Address F J Chkkev Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 75o Halls family pills aro tho best Apiillcntluu fur Saloon Liquor Llcriue Matter of tho application of Sam Schneider Notice is hereby given that Sam Schneider did on tho 14th day of April 1000 file his application to tho village trustees of the town of Battlo Creek Nebraska for liceuso to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquorsat Uattlo Creek Nebraska from the 1st doy of May 1D00 to the 30th day of April 1901 at lot 4 block 17 in tho building known as tho Hans building if it trots no objection romonstrnuco or protost filed within two weeks from tho 10th day of April 1100 said Hconso will bo granted Sam SniNKinrn Application for Saloon Liquor llcmin Mattor of application of Harry Lodor for a liquor license Notice is horoby given that Harry Lodor did ou tho 10th day of March 1000 filo his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for liconso to sou malt spirituous and vinous liquors nt Norfolk Nouruska from tno 1st day of May 1100 tothoWfh day of April 1101 at east ij lot 4 block 1 of Koenigstolns addition in first ward of said city If thoro is uo objection remonstrance or protest filod within two wooks from tho llth day of iMnroli 1100 tut said license will bo granted J O Stitt City Olork A ppl lent Ion fur Saloon Liquor Ilrniiftc Mattor of application of Wm G Borner for a liquor liconso Notice Is hereby given that Win Q Bonier did on the 27th day of March 1000 filo his application to tho mayor and city couucil of tho city of Nor folk Nebraska for liconso to soil malt spirituous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to tho IJOth day of April 1001 at lot 11 block 5 original town in First ward of Said city If thoro is uo objection romonstrnuco or protost filed within two weeks from the 27th day of March 1000 tho sold licouEO will bo grnntod J O Stitt City Olork Application Tor Saloon Liquor Liconso Matter of application of JoBoph Vlazuoy for a liquor liceuso Notlco 1b hereby given that Joseph Vlazney did on tho 10th day of April 1000 filo his application to tho mayor aud city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for liconso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to tho 10th day of April 1001 at lot 4 block 1 Koenigsteius addition in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 10th day of April 1000 tho said liconso will bo grautod J O Stitt City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor Llcmmo Matter of application of William Blatt for a liquor liceuso Notico Is hereby given that William Blatt did on tho Gth day of April 1000 filo his application to the mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors nt Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to the 30th day of April 1001 at lot 14 block 4 origiual town In First ward of Baid city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 0th day of April 1000 the Baid license will bo granted J O Stitt City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of Geo Eble for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Geo Eble did on the 27th day of March 1000 file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to the 30th day of April 1001 at lot 0 block 2 Mathowsons addition in First ward of said city If there is uo objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 27th day of March 1000 the said liconso will bo granted J C Stitt City Clerk Application tor Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of Chas Rico for a liquor license Notico is hereby given that Chas Rice did on tho 30th day of March 1000 file his application to tho mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for liconso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors ut Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to the 30th day of April 1001 at lot ouo block two Boars addition in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filod within two weeks from the 30th day of March 1000 the said liceuso will be granted J O Stitt City Clerk Application for Drueglgta Liquor License Matter of application of J L Her shisor for a liquor license Notico is hereby given that J L Hershiser didon the 15th day of March 1000 file his application to tho mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors tor medic inal mechanical and ohemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1900 to the 30th day of April 1901 At lot 8 block 4Norfolk Junction in fourth ward of said city If there is no objection remoustrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Kith day of March 1900 tho said liceuso will bo granted J O Stitt City Clerk Agents wanted for the best typewriter on tho market the Pittsburg Visible writing iu Bight at all times exclusive territory given Address Bindley Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa Everybody wants the best oj meats We make a speoia1 effort to please our trade Oar Shop 1b the Neatest iu tbe City 4yxS3e J Miss Bruuotto Hello I Got a new Sailor Miss Bloudo Yes this Is ono of Inskcops CO centers Miss Bruuotto Wolll Forovermoro 1 Miss Bloudo Yes a funny thing happonod I tried ou several hats and enllors aud whou thoy showed mo this ouo I liked tho looks of It and It was so becoming I guoss thoy nro becoming to everybody And soo it Is that now rough Jap Brnld and I thought it was all right nud worth nbout 85 cents nnd whon thoy said CD ceuts Well I you could hnvo knocked mo down with n steam hamnior Miss Bruuotto I Forovermoro I Miss Bloudo I Yes nud thoy had that now Drop Brim Sailor at 08 conts and ono othor ouo that thoy are making n run on nt 39 ceuts Miss Bruuotto I Forovermoro I Miss Bloudo Yes it was Saturday whon 1 got miuo and they woro nearly all gone but said thoy would havo thorn in ngaiu this week Aud say did you ovor iu all your born days seo such a lot of elegant nnd really practical stylish hatB Hats mado to wear not for mere window display as thoy havo at IuBkeops Miss Brunette Wolll Forovermoro sSxxJx 4 x8S4xms 444J4S4k -- Have You Tried Them KARO BROS 3 V C AHLHAN AHLMAN BROS W AHLMAN The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Manufacturers Jobbers nud Doators Iu Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs for Wnltham Manufacturing Vs Orlont Bicycles tho Finest Strongest nnd Fastest Hicjclo in tho World Wo also liiiudlo tho Acmo World Tribune Hoobo Sjcnmoro Puttee nud our own mako either chain or clminloss which will bo knouu ns tho Ahlman Specials We do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable G A LU1KAUT President CHAS S BRIDGE Vice President The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 85000 Buy and sell exchango on this country and all parts of Europe Directors Gael Abmcs W U Joitnson Chas S Bridge C Swank G A Ldikabt T F Memminoeb L Sessions Farm Loans W Bbaasch W H JOHNSON Cashieb W B BBAASOH Asst Casuieu O M FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE- The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary BABIES CRY FOR WHEELING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Norfolk National N A BAIN BOLT President ALEXANDER BEAU Vice PresldeLt W H BtJOHOLZ Cashier E V ZUTZ Assistant Cashier Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BAHKIKG BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exohange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRBOTOBS A BEAU F P HANLON F J HALK W HBUCHOLZ WM ZOTZ N A BAIN BOLT JOHN B HAYB F VEBQKH BBCOTTON Railroad and Business Directory en I o R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART 0mnlmPa8Bcnger 6M a m ChlciiKO ExpresB 1210 p m ist ABMVE Chlcnifo Kxprosg 7Up m Oiniilm Passenger 1210 pm W EHT DEPAET Black Hilts express 710pm Vnrdlgre lasseuger 1210 p m Venliro Accommodation P00am w KHT ABBJ e Black Hills Express 1120 pm VordiKro Passenger 005 a in Verdigris Accommodation 70pm Tlm Chicago and Black HIUs Express arrives and departs from Junction depot The Omaha aud Yerdlgre trains arrivo and depart from city depot H O Matbau Agent Union Pacific SOUTH DEPAET Tolumlms Accommodation 03 pm Omaha Dourer aud Pacltio Coast 1100 a in NOBTH ABBIVE Columbus Ace mmodation 1030pm Omaha Kouvor aud Pacific coast 000 pm Connects at Norfolk with P E A M V going nest and north and with tho O Bt P M A O for points uortli aud past F W Jonkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DIPABT BIoux City and Omaha Passenger 030 am Sioux CltjPassonger 100pm WIST ABBIVE Sioux City Passenger 103iam Biocx City aud Omaha Passenger 730 pm Counects at Norfolk with F E A M V goiug west and north and with tho U P for points south F V JcNEMAf Agent Jal except Sunday C S HAYES Watch Repairing Spencer Ovetmcn Boots and oes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street IflSKEEPS NlIliIiINERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue JWEDWARDS ilBI The Norfolk Horseshoep All Wobk Jiabanteed Cor 4h St and Braascu Av I f t