The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 26, 1900, Image 1

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Brabant Brings Succor to Be
leaguered Garrison
Hoberti Reports tho Ilureher Army Flut
ing Northward Iloihof Itctnken From
Methnen Southeast Free Btnto rtelleTort
to Do Cleared of tho Federals
London April 20 Tho war ofllco
has ispuctl tho following from Lord
IJoberts dated Bloanfontcin April 25
iho enemy retired from in front of
Wepener last night and this morning
fled northeastward along tho Lady
hrand road Their number was bo
tween 4000 and 5000
The reliof of Colonel Dalgoty was ao
complishod by General Brabant
A Bpociol dispatch from Pretoria
dated Tuesday says that tho Boers
havo reoccupied Boshof tho British ro
London April 20 The Times has
tho following from n special corre
spondent dated Mafetiug April 25 I
rode from Jammersburg here skirting
wamtxii vKmnwjnraamt
- V
i mflwlffiJWJftffs
J A or v
T I V 1 AA A rt i
Wepener and I met General Brabants
advance guard four miles south of
Wepener They report three success
ful fights Saturday Sunday and Tues
day with 22 casualties Tho siego was
raised and 5000 of tho enemy retired
along the Ladybrand road within our
sight and unpursued Colonel Dal
getys casualties are 33 killed and 132
Chcrinatuo Ocuuplra IJmvetiidurii
London April 20 Lord Roberts has
telegraphed tho following message to
tho war office
Bloemfontein April 25 Dewets
dorp was occupied by Ohcrmsido with
out opposition at 930 oclock this
Small Chance of Cornering Hoers
London April 20 It is now appar
ent that the chances of Lord Roberts
catching tho retreating Boers is very
slender Tho Boers havo everywhere
retired at the first pressure of tho Brit
ish advance and tho hopo that General
Ruudle would bo able to induce them
to remain at Dowetsdorp until they had
been forced to fight has been disap
No attempt was mado to pursue the
commandoes retiring from Wepener
Everything now depends upon the pro
gress of General Frenchs cavalry brig
ades but they aro entering a very diffi
cult hilly and practically unknown
Tho cavalry have already had a long
march over heavy and sandy roads and
nothing is known regarding the condi
tion of tho horses In any case it is a
raco between the foderals and the forces
of General French and General Hamil
ton The slowness of the British in
fantry and previous ability of the Boers
to move rapidly with guns and baggage
over their own country lead to a belief
that Lord Roberts enveloping opera
tions will fail and will have to be re
peated further north At tho most ho
will perhaps capture somo Boer guns
uud baggage and harry the retreating
Considerable results have been at
tained in tho relief of Wepener and tho
clearing of tho southeast corner of tho
Free State but the Boer army what
ever its strength has still to bo dealt
Besides tho casualties among tho men
the Boer bombardment of Colonel Dal
getys pobition wrought great havoo
umoug tho cattlo uud horses Tho gar
rison could havo held out for another
fortnight but it is in no condition to
render much assistance in pursuing the
Boers There is little news from other
quarters The inhabitants of Mafeking
ore now on a daily ration of two pints
of soup and two quarts of skilly
A dispatch from Dowetsdorp dated
Sunday says General Rundle arrived
there that morning
lorte Finds an Ally
London April 20 The Constanti
nople correspondent of the Daily Tele
graph says Tho porte considers that
its offer to rebuild tho American struc
tures burned at Kharput will close the
question It bases this belief on news
that Russia has intimated an intention
to oppose any attempt on tho part of
tho United States to enforce payment
Itlchtert Farm In Ilurueil
Bloemfontein April 20 Richters
farm near Leeuw kop from which
while fiyiug a white flag the Cauadiaus
were fired upon has been burned as a
puuisbmeut Richter is a prisoner
Cavalrymen Corner Fitly Insnrcents In
Klvcr and Slny All
Manila April 20 Officers who havo
arrived hero from Nuovn Caceras prov
inco of South Camarinos bring details
of- -- - a so Filipi
nos wciu ninuii ino American out
posts reported 300 natives assembled
threo miles from tho town and General
Boll sent jhreo dctaohmonts of tho
Forty fifth regiment with two Max
ims who nearly surrounded tho Filipi
nos tho majority of whom wcro armed
with bolos and woro caribou hide hel
mets coats and shields Tho Filipinos
wero quickly put to flight leaving tho
flold strewn with armor Their rifle
men wcro unable to shoot straight and
tho bolomen nover got near enough to
tho Americans to do any execution
Thcroforo uono of tho Americans wero
Lieutenant Batch with cavalrymen
from tho Thirty seventh regiment cor
nered 60 bolomen in a river and shot
ovcry one of them tho bodies floating
away Ono soldier had his head struck
off with a bolo General Bolls two
regiments aro hard worked in clearing
tho country
One Man Killed Two Fatally and Nino
Others Seriously Injured
PiTTSiiuiia April 20 Ono man was
blown almost to atoms two mon re
ceived injuries which will probably
prove fatal and eight mon and a girl re
coivod seriouB injuries by an explosion
of blasting powder and dynamito at
Larimer Pa last night Tho concus
biou of the explosion was so great that
all tho windows in tho surrounding
dwellings wero shattered It is believed
that tho blasting powder and dynamito
which was stored in tho double houso
by tho miners and railroad laborers be
came ignited bv tho explosion of a lamp
Three Persons Dead nml Throe Severely
Hurncd us a ICcmilt of the Illnze
New York April 20 Threo persons
woro killed and threo severoly injured
in a firo early this morning in tho six
story tenement 74 Forsyth street The
IlANNAn LmnowiTZ 13 years old
AMKUK Liehowitz 11 years old
Jacoii LiEiiowrrz years old
Simon Liebowitz Dora Liebowitz nnd
Michnel Hiui chbiuiin wero burned about
the fuco and hands whilo making their
Carter Starts For Fort Leavenworth
New Yoke April 20 Oberlin M
Carter onco a captain in tho United
States corps of engineers was a passen
ger last uight on a parlor car of a Penn-
eyVuiiaiTiilroad train westward bound
In chargoof a military guard ho is be
ing taken to tho military prison at Fort
Leavenworth Kan vhero ho will
servo out what remains of his sentence
of five years imprisonment for embez
Dpnd Hoily or 11 linn Is Found
Grand Island Nob April 20 The
remains of a man apparently about 25
years old wero found about one and a
half miles east of this city on tho Union
Pacific railroad Tho body was com
pletely severed from tho limbs HiE
clothing was marked H G McAnneney
Winona Minn On his person was a
letter addressed to Mrs I Ero Osceola
Holdup Killed by Town Marshal
Kansas City Kan April 20 An
unknown man who held up and robbed
tho Missouri Pacific station agent at
Anthony Kan last night was shot
and killed by the town marshal at Cald
well after a gun fight in which 15 shots
were exchanged Two barber tickets
bearing tho namo of John Perkins wero
found in tho dead mans pocketB
The international tuberculosis conven
tion was opened at Naples Wednesday
Governor General Wood Wednesday
offered tho post of secretary of agricul
ture to Seuor Perfecto Lacoste of Ha
John Watson and Bill Brown both
white and Sonnio Crain colored were
hanged at McMiunville Tenu Wed
A S Haliidio builder and inventor
of tho first cablo car system in tho
United States died in San Francisco
John Mack who for many years was
very prominent in commercial life in
New York died Wednesday aged 75
Ho was an intimate friend of President
Tho management of the Consolidated
street railways of Detroit has formally
refused to accede to u request of tho em
ployes for an increase in wages of 2
cents per hoar
Mrs Anua Louise Lottridge was
freed from custody and exonerated from
all blamo for tho deatli of Millionaire
Rufus Wright by the coroners jury at
Chicago Wednesday
The gunboat Yorktown has arrived at
Shanghai It will replace tho Benning
ton and Concord in the waters of north
ern China in looking after tho interests
of resident Americans
J A Edgerton secretary of the na
tional committee of tho peoples party
anuouuees that all tho railroads have
conceded a half faro ruto from all parts
of the country to the national conven
tion at Sioux Falls 8 D
Mother Stewart the fumous Chris
tian Temperance leader celebrated her
64th birthday anniversary Wednesday
at her home in Springfield O She re
ceived many letters from all parts of the
country containing tender greetings
Tho Alliance Realty compauy has
awarded to tho Carnegio company the
contract for structural steel required for
a 22 story building in Now York city
Over 10000 tons of material will be used
ut uu average price of f 00 per ton mak
ing the total about f 000000
Ohio Republicans Nominate a
State Ticket
The Norfolk Weekly News
All Legislation IteRHxdlus the Countrys
New rossrislons Is Commended Without
Any Special Itoferenon to lorto Itlnn
Special Ilauk Acnluit Trusts
Beoritnry of Btnto LttwtR C Latmn
Huircnii JuiIrh John A Bhaick
Hoard of PuulinWorlcfl CiiAiuro A OoiWAim
School ConmiUvtonrr L D Hhnkuuakh
Food Commissioner 3 K lllACUIUIUN
CoLUMnus O April 20 Tho Repub
lican stato convention hero yostorday
was of national significance Tho del
egates and alternates at largo represent
closo personal as well as political friendH
of tJjo president and tho platform is just
as it camo from Washington with tho
addition of tho antitrust resolution and
tho omission of tho Porto Rico resolution
Tho so called Hanna slato on
Foraker Dick Nash and
Grosvenor and tho stato ticket went
through without auy breaks Thoro
was however opposition to Food Com
mibsiouer Blackburn becauso ho wim
running for a third term and for other
local reasons nud to General Grosvenor
for delogato from tho friends of ex-Governor
The platform rcalllrms tho principle
in which tho Republican party had itF
birth and on which Abraham Lincoln
was elected president that tho repre
sentatives of tho peoplo have full power
over territory belonging to tho United
States in harmony with and subject to
tho fundamental safeguards of our free
institutions for liberty justice and per
sonal rights Wo sustain tho president
and congress for exercising this power
with due regard for tho safety and wel
fare of tho union and with tho most
just gonorous humauo and fraternal
consideration for thoso whom tho au
thority of tho nation is extended
Tho provisions of tho treaty of Paris
aro approved in every particular On
this subject tho platform continues
That sovereignty tho Philippines
must not bo repudiated and that high
purposo of its origin must bo accom
plished in tho establishment of peace nnd
order and tho blessings of individual
liberty among tho peoples of tho Philip
pine islands
Tho plank on trusts is as follows
Tho Republican party of Ohio stands
committed to legislative and executive
opposition to tho threatening combina
tions of capital that seek to restrict com
petition and stiflo independent pro
ducers wo invite within our borders the
capitalistic investments that uro mate
rial to the industrial development of tho
stato and tho largest employment of la
bor but wo insist that injurious combi
nations shall bo forbidden uud socallcd
trusts shall bo so regulated from tinio to
time and bo so restricted to guarantee
immunity from hurtful monopoly and
assuro fair treatment and protection to
all competing industries
Pennsylvania Itepuhllcnn Convontlnn
Haurisburo April 20 Tho Repub
lican stato convention cordially in
dorsed tho administration of President
William McKinley and instructed the
delegates to tho national convention at
Philadelphia to support his candidacy
for renomination Tho convention also
declared in favor of tho election of
United States senators in the same man
uer that stato officers aro elected in
dorsed Senator Peuroso tho administra
tion of Governor Stono and other stato
officials and pledged its heurty and
cordial support to M S Quay for re
election to tho United States senate
Satnford Tor Governor
Montgomery Ala April 20 Tho
Democratic state convention nominated
W J Samford for governor Tho
names of Charles E Waller and Con
gressman Jesso F Stallings wero also
presented to tho convention for tho
nomination but before tho result of tho
third ballot was announced they wero
withdrawn and Samfords nomination
was mado unanimous There aro yet
to bo nominated candidates for other
state offices and delegates to tho na
tional convention
Kansas Populists Instruct For Ilrynn
Clay Center Kan April 20 Kan
sas Populists in state convention horo
yesterday elected 84 delegates to tho
national convention at Sioux Falls and
instructed them to voto solidly for
William J Bryan Tho delegates then
adjourned and proceeded to tho depot
to greet Mr Bryan who camo in from
the Wichita banqnet on a special train
Five thousand people escorted tho Ne
braskan to the city square and cheered
him lustily as ho spoko on the issues of
tho day
Convention In Indiana
Indianapolis April 20 The program
as arrangod for tho opening session of
the Republican stato convention was
carried out to tho letter with not a rip
ple of excitement asido from tho usual
convention enthusiasm and not a note
of discord The impression seemed to
gradually gain ctrength that in case
Griffiths fails to rooeivo sufficient sup
port Hogate will receive the vote of tho
Griffiths men for governor
Spencer for Itopresentatlve
Wilder Neb April 20 At tho Re
publican float convention for tho Thirty
third district Saliuo and Gage held
hero A D Spencer of Barueston was
unanimously nominated for representa
Morlau Named For Congress
Holdueqe Neb April 26 Repub
licans of the Fifth Nebraska district
yesterday nominated W a Alorlnn of
MeCook for congress by acclamation
Trlnbn IpiTt ilritlnn Should tin Made
ARnlust Turkey
Nkw York April 20 Tho ecumen
ical conferonco held two central moot
ings last night ono at tho Carnegio hull
and ono at tho Central Presbyterian
church Tho chief paper of tho even
ing at Carnegio hull was read by Presi
dent James 1J Augell of tho University
of Michigan and ox minister to Tnrkoy
His subject was Somo Present Prob
lems in tho Relations of Missionaries to
Ho said Tho government which
breaks treaties with respect to mission
aries and sees that their own govern
ment takes no steps to protect thorn will
easily yield to tho temptation to in
fringe on tho rights of other citizens
Is it not possible that becauso our gov
ernment has allowed outrages against
our missionaries to go on since 18811 in
Turkey highway robbery brutal as
sault destruction of buildings without
any demonstration beyond peaceful and
patient argument that tho Ottoman
govurnmont is proceeding in so high
handed a manner to provent by false
allegations tho importation of our Hour
and our pork
Rliiyer of Mrs Crlpprn Is Sentenced to
LITo Imprisonment
Mufcatink la April 20 Tho jury
in tho case of tho stato against Gcorgo
Wright last night returned a verdict of
guilty of murder in tho first degreo und
fixed his scntenco at lifo in tho peniten
tiary This was Wrights second trial
Last July Wright shot and killed Mrs
Nellie Crippon tho young wife of a
planing mill foreman Tho crinio was
committed upon tho ovo of tho depart
ure of tho woman and her husband for
a now homo in another stato tho fatal
shot being fired whilo tho woman stood
in tho doorway of her home in tho
presence of her hnsband and soven wit
nesses Wright has u family His do
fenso was insanity
lowii Commissioners on for St Louis
Dis Moixkh April 20 Tho Iowa
board of railway commissioners left last
evening for St Louis where they will
meet with tho commissioners of Illinois
and Missouri to discuss uniform classifi
cation It is understood by Iowa ship
pers that tho railroads want tho classi
fication of agricultural implements ad
vanced by agreement of the roads
which is opposed by tho manufacturers
and shippers Tho Iowa board mem
bers indicatu they will tako no final
action until after full hearings in this
Will Close Dis Moines Saloons
Des Moines April 25 Every indica
tion is now that thero will bo no more
open saloons in Des Moines this year
Judgo Bishop yesterday ruled on tho
certiorari application asked by tho anti
saloon people Ho holds that tho op
ponents of tho saloon aro entitled to
havo a hearing at tho canvass of tho pe
tition and that tho court will roviow tho
proceedings of tho supervisors in mak
ing tho canvass
Funeral of Matt Iarrott
Waterloo la April 20 Tho fu
neral of former Lioutcnant Governor
Matt Parrott was held from Christ
Episcopal church in this city A great
number of people including most of the
stato officers camo from outsido tho
city Tho sei vices wcro conducted by
tho rector of tho church Rov Har
United Christian Convention Called
Des Moines April 20 A call was is
sued horo yesterday for a national con
vention of the United Christian party
to bo hold hero on July 4 This is tho
party that was organized hero last year
and at one timo considered running the
famous Rev Dr Sheldon of Topeka for
Child Drinks Carhollo Acid
Dexter la April 20 The 8-year-old
child orMr and Mrs George John
son drank crndo car bolic acid and died
in less than two hours Tho little one
was at play and found tho bottlo and
drank tho contents
Ilomescekers Itnte to New Kriglnnd
Minneapolis April 20 General Pas
senger Agent Calloway of tho Soo Liue
has a rather poor opinion of tho pro
ceedings of tho lines of tho Western
Passenger association nnd when ho re
ceived notico from that organization
that its lines would put on homeseek
ers rates to Colorado common poiuts
for ono faro plus 2 ho officially an
nounced that upon the same dates on
which tho homeseekers rates to the
farm lands of Colorado wero to bo made
tho Soo Lino would mako a rato on ex
actly the same- basis to Boston New
York Portland Me and other eastern
common points For said Mr Cal
loway thero aro many vacant homes
in that part of the country Mr Cal
loways rato for homeseekers in New
England and tho middlo statos will go
into effect on May 1
Games Played Yesterday
Cincinnati 0 Pittsburg
Bt Louis 6 Chicago 2
Philadelphia 4 Brooklyn 6
New York 8 Boston 9
Detroit 11 Cleveland 4
IndlanapoliH Buffalo 2
Chicago 0 Minneapolis 2
Kansaa City 4 Milwaukee 2
Games Today
Chicago at Bt Louis t
lkwtonat New York
Brooklyn at Philadelphia 1
Minneapolis at Chieayo
Milwaukee at Kansas City
Detroit at Buffalo
JmUanapolla at Cleveland
Attack on Employes of Chicago
Printing House Ends Fatally
One Dnloit Man Dead nud Auoltier Hnrl
ously Wounded ns Outcome of Three
Months Intinr Troubles Astnultlnir
Tarty Armed With Cluhs
CuHaoo April 20 In a labor riot
which occurred at Racine and Welling
ton avenues last night ono man was in
stantly killed another severely injured
and six others received slight injuries
Tho dead
lKiiuMiiirR filiot through head and
Instantly killed
The injuicd
John MeOulm shot In tho right arm
ml cheek liy II Huhtor Injuries se
vere but not fatal
Kdwurd Yiirrautou cut on head with
brass knuckles
IJcnjiimln Bernard out on head with
brass IdnirUUH
William Iott getter bruised nboul lieiul
Louis Jwltlshti cut about fuco
James ftlhhnnH struck withn club
Thero wero no other participants in
tho riot snvo those that wcro injured
and all wero arrested by tho police with
tho exception of Gibbons who mado his
escape Tho fatal shot waH fired by
Hastcr who is u suporintondont em
ployed by tho Baker Vawler Printing
company Tho bullets which struck
McGuiro wcro also fired from tho super
intendents weapon His aim was truo
in each caso as but threo shots wero
Tho killing was tho outcome of threo
months trouble with striking work
men Tho firm omploys nonunion labor
and threo months ago several pressmen
and feeders wero discharged becauso
thoy joined tho union Tho assaulting
party consisted of Miller McGuiro
Pottgotter Jockisko and Gibbons With
tho exception of Miller all aro former
employes of tho firm Thoso who wero
assaulted wero Baster Bernard and
Yarranton Tho latter threo wcro on
their way to their homes from work
when tho assault took place Two of
tho assailing party wero armed with
brass knuckles nnd others curried clubs
Yarranton and Bernard wcro struck on
thoir heads by Miller and Baster was
struck several times with a club before
ho drew his weapon
After tho shooting Chief of Polico
Kipley issued an order to tho depart
ment that all offenders in tho cases of
assnults on nonunion men should bo ar
rested and vigorously prosecuted
Thero were a number of small riots
and assaults during tho day in which
nonunion men wero beaten though not
fatally hurt
Ten Thouniuul Miners Jul Work nml
MIih h Will ClclSfl Dohii
Chicaoo April 20 Ton thousand
miners employed in tho threo Spring
Valley mines went out on strike yester
day becauso tho compauy would not ac
cedo to the demands of tho union A
resolution adopted by tho miners in
mass meeting not only declaros a strike
but provides that tho mulo feeders shall
not bo permitted to work nor tho men
who supply tho coal furnish fuel for
running tho engines
Oflicials of tho company say tho reso
lution if carried out to tho letter will
prevent them from protecting their
property as tho fans must be operated
to keep tho roofs of tho mines from
S M Dalzell general mnnager of tho
Spring Valley Coal company said that
tho mines would remain closed for the
present and that no attempt would bo
made to opeiato them with nonunion
Ileum Leaves the Niiimai
Lincoln April 20 J A Bcattie
principal of tho state normal school at
Peru handed in his resignation to the
stato normal board of education to tako
effect Aug 8 Tho resignation was ac
cepted and tho vacancy will bo filled at
tho Juno meeting of tho board Two
names are already being mentioned for
tho principalship A K Goudy former
state superintendent and W A Clark
who was formerly professor of philos
ophy at tho school
Will Investigate Lack of Quarantine
Des Moines April 20 It is not un
likely that tho stato board of health will
tako soino action in the recent neglect
of smallpox quarantine at Fraser la
Dr Kenuedy secrotary of tho board
said that tho next regular meeting of
the board would bo held May 15 and
that undoubtedly tho alleged ueglect of
tho health authorities at Fraser about
which thero havo been so many roports
would come up at that timo
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum biking powders are the greatest
meaacersto nealthof the present day
w Mm BAKJf0 SOwOf R 00 srw tou
AllorncjiTiil ftu
Norfolk - Nubraska
At Ilnrcn Kwy Monday
MnstIMock - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic riijHlrlim nml Surgeon
Olllcti Citizen Nnllminl llmik IIiiIMIiik
Tolthniiu lilt
Bmiiliiiimu nml ItcMileiire Miiln nml tlth HI
Toloiliuiiul --
Norfolk - NolmiHka
Ill Smith lltli Street Norfolk Nolir
Will Im in MmiIIhiii Tiirnlny nml Ithlny ot
eneh ttcok
Olllcn mm CUI7011V National llniik Iteniilnucu
iiiiu block inn lli orCoiiKriKiitloniil church
Norfolk - Nebraska
rnshlnunlilo OrcHsninkor
li Mulr In Ciitlun hlork out Himniit storo
1iiit 1 cIihh work KUinmiteeil
Attorneys nl Iinv
Hikiiiif 10 II nml IL Mutt Mock
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
UitderlnkcrH and KiiilmliucrF
SimniiiH lllk NmfolkgAvc
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson JWIglon
Block Norfolk
W D Hair Barter Siiop
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold o
Braascb Avenue
and Tnlrd St
Another Portland Train
Oregon Short Line and
Oregon R R and Navigation Co
Hae placed In Service a 11 additional Forttauil
Truiu ThUTmin
Leuc Omnhn 423 ji m uud
urrivcb Portland 7 S0 11 ni
Tho time of tho othur Portland Train
The 01Elliflfo MINTED
Leioinc Omnhn 820 a in
hut been reduced 2 liourt nml 45 minutes
Only 55 Hoars nud 40 Minutes
Hetveen Missouri Rler nud Portlnud
Splendid Equipment
For Time Tables Foldere llluetreted Books
Pamphlets descriptive of fhe territory truven
ed call on
P W JlWEilAN Agent