The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 19, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Theoitfolk fleuas
It Booms to lio ix niiKtitke to iniikii i
lion until it hut hwui liifoovorni wlmt
liin Hlitirnl inrlliuilloiis nmy n
AcconlltiK to nil ropuiin tlio Hours
havo not boon uuulo Horfu liy Uiiulnnil
thoy sooni to ho ruuuirUiihly froo from
Jlio Itoy iiolo of tloiuocnitio nhjoriiou
lo ropnhllciin nioiiHuroM is to phico tlitilr
oiindithito in llio tnoHtilniitnl olmlr tliiH
full riKiinlUss of roiisocuiifot
Tho followiiiK iyiim f Miohnnl
AiikiIo is roMpott fully rtiroitoil to W 1
llrynn ami hit suppot tors 1 onttuho
not hy lliiilliiir fiuill only hut hy urout
inn fiouiothiuK hottor
Wliiln tho Potto Uirnn iuostlon oIVoih
a toinntiiiK nido trunk to ihunouriiuy on
which to hwiik tho proMpmity train it in
not likuly that thoy will huvo tho iihhIrU
iuuO if tho yard moil in aucoinpliHliing
thoir purpose
Thorn nm now no Coxoy annios or
froo noup houHus Tho unoinployod aro
oinployod and ovoryhody who hiw tho
ability ami want to to making waos
Tho majority of tho pooplo will not
want a change
If Otis is comliifr hoino to subscribe
for wnnul place on Dowoys ticket
thuio is likely to he more trouble in tho
ranks of tho politicians One thins is
certain such a town should he pretty
well posted on tho Philippine situation
In 181VJ the people voted for a chniiKO
in the administration without duly con
HidoriiiK what the change was they
Thoy got it Its result is too
fresh in thoir memory now however
for tho democrats to convince thorn
that nnothor ohiuiKo would be accept
able at this time
Tho fuslonistH designate Iresidont
IMolvinloy as tho light ultiK change artist
without calling attention to tho many
tlitVorent colors Mr llryan has worn
since ho was llrst introduced to tho pub
lic If thoy can keep track of his
changes it will keep thorn busy without
dovoting attention to the president
Porhnps the quioturto of tho statu houso
maybo explained on tho theory that tho
uiombors of tho state boanl of transpor
tation aro busy inditing a letter to tho
people of Norfolk informing them how
worry they aro that court proooodiiigs
roudor it impossible to do anything with
tho rato question at prosout Omaha
Tho Appeal to Koasonof Girard Kau
nas a Hooiulibt publication says that
every man who believes in privuto
property is an anarchist This is a
Htatomout that places the anarchists in
avast majority and Hryan and his sup
porters who wore termed anarchists in
18111 should draw some consolation
England is about to contract for 10
O00 more American horses which
would give a farther impetus to tho
liorso market Tho horseless ngo has
not yot arrived It is an ill wind that
blows no one good and it must bo ad
mitted that the war in south Africa is
not a bad thing for American horse
Dr Leyds the Transvaal agent at
Brussels in reply to tho offer of John
G Maker of Ohadron to send 1000
young Nobmskans to South Africa to
assist tho Uoers declined tho offer by
aiying that greator aid could bo given in
other ways The doctor had probably
hoard of Mahors typewriter and was
afraid of it
Tho St Louis Globo Domocrat
says A republican legislature would
give Missouri tho biggest lift tho stato
lias ovor known A republican ad
ministration has cortainly given tho
country the biggest business lift it has
ovor known and judging thorefrom tho
conclusions of tho Globo Domocrat aro
not far awry
Tho por capita circulation of money
iu tho United States is now fJU13 por
capita an increase of over 20 por cent
since 1801 when it was 215j Surely
this should bo a ploashig fact for tho
freo silvorites who mado more money
thoir plea in tho late campaign but it
isnt thoy are busily engaged in nu
endeavor to find something else to kick
John D Haskell of Wakoflold is boiug
mentioued as a candidate for dolegato
to tho national republican convention
from tho Third congressional district
Mr Haskell is well knowu in Norfolk
where ho formerly lived and still retaius
interests and it is probablo ho may
receive considerable support from this
county That he would bo a fit repre
sentative of tho district goos without
Because a number of republican
statesmen and newspapers refuse to en
dorse tho action of congress in regard to
Porto Rico Is no reason to suppose that
they aro ready to swallow W J Bryan
and all the antis aud isms fathered and
endorsed by him A difference of opin
ion on one of tho many questions
handled by tho present republican con
gress is not very surprising aud that
tho majority have taken tho only propor
course will probably ho demonstrated in
Congressman K 1 llurkot was re
nominated by nipuhllcans of the hlrst
congresional district by acclamation
without a dlsenting voice a nico com
pliment to his ability in the halls of
congress It is considered that his re
election will bo almost as unanimous as
bis renomiiiiitioii Congressman ISutket
has been a powerful representative of
the Kitst and that district is full or his
Secretary of tho Treasury Gage es
timates that the United States treasury
will again be alllicted with that abhor
cut thing to democrats a surplus and
that tho amount of said abomination
will bo about ifioOootMX by tho end of
the present year To chango this situa
tion it is recommended that Old Grovor
bo again placed in the presidential
chair I lo would substitute n dollclenoy
for tho surplus in mighty quick order
Corn has increased only about per
cent in price since 18111 when wo woro
told that tho election of MoKiuloy
meant 10 cout corn to farmers Thoso
agriculturalists who didnt holiovu tho
fuslonists stories thon aro congratulat
ing themselves because thoy voted right
Tho facts developing since that uiemorl
ablo campaign have convinced many of
tho orrors of thoir ways and thoy will
vote for a continuance of prosperity
Tho publishers of north Nobraska
will heartily Bymhathlzo with Editor
W H MoNoal of tho Way no Horald
who is also postmastor of that city
Tho sudden death of his wlfo Friday
morning was a terrible blow to him aud
his friends She was taken sick bo
tweeu I and 10 oclock Thursday night
and died about l oclock yesterday
morning Tho funeral will bo hold
Sunday Sho loaves a husband and
four daughtors to mourn hor loss
An exchange takes prido in pointing
out tho fact that very fow anarchists
have been produced in tho Uuitod
States England or Ireland Theeo
enemies of society aro bred in tho con
tinent of Europe and have boon im
ported to tho above named countries
Tho paper states that had tho priuoo of
Wales boon with his mother in Ireland
no attempts upon his lifo would have
been made Tho people of Ireland aro
not to bo classed with thoso of Belgium
Admiral Dowoy strenuously deuios
tho report of a Now York paper to tho
offect that ho would withdraw his uamo
from tho list of presidential aspirants
Tho old admiral moans to find out if
possible whothor tho soutimout ex
pressed on tho occasion of his Manila
victory and his rocoption homo was truo
or falso Ho will probably discover as
others have Oaudiduto Bryan for iu
stanco that pooplo do not always show
by their enthusiasm how they nro going
to voto
Hudson county Now Jersey is taking
heroic measures to get rid of tho slot
machines Hy order of Prosecutor
Krwin 10000 worth of tho inncliines
were confiscated in Jersey City Ho
bokon Hayouno and other towns of
Hudson county One hundred of tho
machines representing the above value
were piled up in tho meadow west of
tho I iackensack rivor and destroyed by
tire It is evident that slot machines
aro bocoming a thing of tho past as fast
as law and order can make thorn
Tho democratic press dolights in tho
insinuation that the editorials in certain
republican journals aro as near copper
head as any that havo appeared in tho
doniocrutio press Tin Nkws fails to
soo it Tho said oditorials are a criti
cism of tho congressional majority
sometimes in sovoro but not objection
able language They havo not resorted
to cursing tho Hag their solders or tho
country Nor havo they lout aid and
encouragement to rebels guerillas aud
baudits There is cousidorablo differ
euco between intelligent criticism nud
anarchistio or rebellious slandor
Tho democrats are hoping that tho
Porto Uico rock will split tho republican
party wide opou They need not bo
ularmed Tho republicans will hardly
consent to vote tho country into nn
othor era of ruiu and disastor bocauso
thi y happen to differ on ouo pnblio
queM on ovon provided they thought
tho 6wd question would be adjustod to
J their satisfaction hy voting tho fusion
ticket There aro othor questions to bo
decided at tho coming election and oven
though tho republican party may not be
right on all of them it has shown that
it is right more often than it is wrong
Tho good book says somothiug con
coming charitable deeds about not let
ting the loft hand know what the right
hand doeth Mr Bryan has not recently
read this passage perhaps and may
possibly bo excused for informing tho
press through a to egraphio report that
while at Pheuix Arizonia ho left a
reception in his honor to call upon a
dying woman as sho dosired to meet
the champion of her faith Had ho
exerted his power and brought tho lady
back to health and strength or hud ho
givou assurance of a life beyond the
tomb there might havo beon some
excuso for the auuouucoment but as
far as politics are concerned it would
probably have been just as well had tho
announcement nover been made
Tlii Porto Ulunn Turin
The polloy of this govominont in
regard to Poito Klco and othor outlying
possessions Is a matter fordeop thought
ful and earnest consideration aud u
policy adopted in ono instance should
bo n criterion which should govern in
all instances It is a well recognized
fact that a fundamental principal of
democracy is that this government
should have freo trade with all other
governments A policy which has
never boon approached but to tho detri
ment of home manufacturing industries
home labor aud homo production Tho
policy of tho republican party has over
been one of protection nnd encourage
ment to nil of thoso and under this
policy tho country has always prospered
When it came to dealing with Porto
Hico tho democrats sawor thought thoy
saw a lino chance to so manipulate
affairs that thoy could prosout an open
ing wodgo that would finally result in
unlimited froo trado and thoir efforts
were energetically bout in that direction
Had thoy accomplished thoir oml thoy
would not only huvo placed tho ropubl
can party in an embarrassing position
but would have again had an opportun
ity to placo tho country in a position
aud condition as it wnsuudorOloveland
but thoy woro unsuccessful
Tho result of tariff legislation in re
gard to outlying possessions is somo
thiug of nu oxporimout and tho republi
can party stauds rondy to give such
possessions absolute froo trado providing
it is shown that tho interests of the
pooplo of tho mainland aro not jeopar
dized to thoir bonollt No ono could
conscientiously support n plan that
would result in untold benefit to a small
island or inlands with loss than n quarter
of tho inhabitants of tho mninlaud
Such a course would bo condomued us
worse than silly For instauco if it was
demonstrated that all tho corn needed
in this country could bo produced in
Porto Hico at less cost than it could bo
produced hero it would bo a suicidal
policy to give tho farmers of that island
ovory udvantngo and tho thousands of
producers of this country none
Time will demonstrate theso things
and tho people of tho United States
may rest assured that tho pooplo of
Porto Rico nnd tho othor islands will bo
given overy udvantngo possiblo without
sacrificing tho interests of a larger num
ber of pooplo of this country It has
boon repeatedly asserted that tho repub
licans aro an overbearing people grind
ing the lifo blood out of overy one under
their control but tho assertions havo
novor boon substantiated and thoir
policy will always bo just to tho great
est number of homo pooplo concerned
A writer has recoutly presented this
ndmirablo review of tho Porto Ricau
tariff case
The bill as it stands proposes to
temporarily colleot on goods passing
from Porto Rico into tho United States
aud from the United States into Porto
Rico lo per cout of the regular Diugley
tariff nnd to pay into tho empty treasury
of tho island ovory dollar so collected
this plan to contiuuo only until tho
legislature of Porto Rico shall have
provided local taxation sufficient to meet
tho necessities of tho island aud in no
ovont to continue beyond March 1 1902
after which dnto there is to bo nbsoluto
freo trado botwoou tho island and the
United States
Ono of tho objects of a tariff upon
Porto Ricos products imported Jhere is
to establish a right to impose such a
tariff in later years should it bo found
necessary This will bo a precedout in
our legislation for our now Epossossious
the Philippines Tho proposed import
duty 15 per cout of tho Diugloy rates
is merely nominal within 0 por cout of
freo trado Baok of it is nu established
power and recognized authority to deal
with theso questions as shall seem wisest
and best whou wo know more about tho
wholo matter nnd shall Jbottor under
stand tho truo situation with which we
havo to doal
What Porto Rico is today wo know
what it may become ten or twouty
years from now under tho influence of
American capital nnd ontorprize we
can only conjecture Cotton may bo
grown thoro nud cotton manufacturing
might become a largo industry With
cheap islaud labor the product of our
own northern nud southern mills
could bo uudersold Would it bo right
to exposo tho agricultural aud industrial
interests of theso United States to such
competition If tho principal of a tariff
bo not now maintniued it might bo dif
ficult if uot impossible to impose ouo
hereafter if it should thus become
necessary Then tho republicnu party
would bo blamed and justly so for its
uogloct to protect the interests of Ameri
can citizens on tho mainland nud for
its lack of forethought
It may bo that the sugar yiold thoro
may grow to such nu oxteut as to curtail
the available market area for our grow
ing beet industry Tho Baino may bo
true of tobacco of vegetables of
oranges of rice of hides of hemp and
other products It is not claimed that
there is daugor today But that there
is strong probability of danger to Ameri
can industries through tho establish
ment of freo trade relations with Porto
Rico as a precedent for our policy in
dealiug with all our outlying posses
sions no ouo can deny after having
given tho subject careful investigation
What applies to Porto Rico might be
held to apply equally to other posses
sions aud who can say what may develop
in that much largor and equally fortilo
area in tho cast with its nbundanco of
chonp labor
This is what wo must gunrd against
Without a procodont and tho established
right to impose a tariff upon any of tho
products of our island possessions tho
United Statos may in years to conio fool
tho offoct of such lack ofjlogislation to a
very sorious degree
Hy tho adoption of this legislation
future protection will bo possiblo to
American interests in caso it bo needed
against that sourco or ngalnst tho Phil
ippines or against tho Danish West
Indios should wo acquire thorn or any
outlying possessions
An ounce of provontlon2is worth a
pound of ouro and it is host not to fix a
precedent that willnbollsh a right which
maintains our national policy Moro
ovor tho ropubllcnn party will not bo
committed to tho policy of froo trado as
is so earnestly desired hy tho domocrats
Tho fusionlstrt havo long advocated
tho eloctiou of sonators hy dlroctjvoto of
tho pooplo while tho republicans hnvo
not particularly opposod it Now that a
law to that offoct has been passed by
tho house and is likoly to bo passod by
tho souato it takes nnothor plank from
thoir platform aud It is beginning to
look liko that foundation ouTJwliich to
build a party has boon wrecked by
dynamite Early in his political carcor
W J Bryan was introduced to the
pooplo by having his name placod on
tho ballot in Nobraska as caudidnto for
tho United States sonnto Ho was not
olocted to tho placo covotodjbut stoppod
from thoro into tho caudidncyjfor presi
dent Tho oloctiou of United States
sonators by direct vote of tho people is a
legitimnto conclusion nud will bo done
at less cxponso than heretofore Tho
timo of legislatures is largoly consumed
by tho choosing of senators and by
electing them direct tho stato congress
could devoto thoir time to matters moro
portiuont to tho stato nud would un
doubtedly got along with a shorter
session and therefore loss expense to the
tax payers Tho timo is ripo for such a
chango nud it will undoubtedly come ns
all truo and pormaneut reforms havo
through a republican congress About
state legislatures have endorsed the
proposition and tho republican state
convention of Nobraska of U0 years ago
adopted tho idea as a plank in its plat
The Wisuor Chronicle has a novel
plan to induce equitable taxation and
ono which certainly has its points to
recommend it If the pan could be
adopted it would certainly tend toward
tho adjustment of a very vexing prob
lem The Chroniclo says Judging
from tho reports of assessors meotings
in tho various counties tho grand assess
ment roll of 1900 will scarcely exceed
that of 1899 if in fact it equals it The
coucerted effort in all the richer counties
to force down the valuation of property
aud in plain violation of law must bo
effectually overcome before anything
liko equitable taxation for maintenance
wf state government can bo accomplished
Just what will do this is the problem
A system of stato insurance would bring
about bettor assessments If each
property owner by paying a small levy
on the dollar valuation could havo his
property insured by the state at its as
sessed valuation there would be some
iucoutivo to list property at about its
caso value There might bo abuses of
such a system but the cases would be
isolated At present public opinion is
nullifying a plain provision of tho
statue and personal property is being
assessed nt from one fourth to one
twentieth of its actual value
As has heretofore boon asserted tho
prico of agricultural products depends
somewhat upon tho farmorsIf the
present price of corn induces all of them
to plant a largor portion of theirfiolds
in that coreal thnn usual aud if they
happen to raiso a bumper crop the prico
of the product is nlmostj certain to
decline unless perchance thoro should
be nu unprecedented demand A busi
ness administration has sonio power to
mako prices by stimulatiug industries
but there are limits to such powers and
business tact ou tho part of agricultural
ists aud othor peoples is an essential
coucomitaut to prosperity An admin
istrations policy can no more prevent
sonio people from failiug than it can
prevent others from making money
Theso facts should bo born in mind at
this time
Tho announcement that Congressman
Morcor of this state is being talked cf
for second placo ou tho republican
uational tickot is received with great
aud general satisfaction by tho friends
of the young statesman in Nebraska
Ho has created a record most satisfactory
to his constituents and his abilityjiu the
halls of congress is recognized by the
people of the state regardless of politics
There has been no one mentioued for
the position as yot whom the republi
cans of Nebraska would more quickly
roll up their sleeves aud wado through
blood up to the bridle for than Davo
Mercer of tho Second district Givo us
Congressman Dave aud watoh us climb
into the band wagon
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for large houso salary 05
mouthly aud expenses with increase
position permanent enoloso self-ad-dressed
stamped envelope Manages
B0 Cuxton bldg Chicago
u rwm 11
jik i u v u 5m vi j i v r n i
ri fg vr tr ii tt
- - jr XyX
A blindness comes to me now and then I have it
now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Rinans Tabule
A enno of bad health that 8 will not benefit They banish pain nd prolong lira
WANTED roller Noto tlio word RMMSI on the packiigu nnd accept no iiibUUuta
10 for S C4int8 or tweU e puckrtu for 4H cents may be had at any drup tore Tni aamplea and one thou
id tentlmonlalH will bo mulled to any addrw for 5 ceuta forwarded to th Klpana Cntmtoal Co Wo
U Spruce HI Now York
Sail v-
f Hi
r JB
ZF Sift P I N ff WrSi
iC Ill iBeainnir j
The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World
Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Ui
Illinois Gentral fi 8
Tlio Illinois Central ilesiros to cull nttontinn
tci tliounoxcollnd horvico that is nIToruil by its
lines to tlio bontli for tho season of 1819 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally conduct
ed Huns through to
Los AiikoIos and San
KtiiicUco via Now
Orleans in connection
EVERY with thoSoutliprn la-
WFnNFD4Y cilr loiiviiiir Cliiciiffn
rlKKi tlio Centrals fast
MORNING Now Orleans So
rial connection alto mado by this train with
daily trains out of Now Orleans for tho Iaciflc
Coast Tho Limited from Chicao oory oton
iiik eounocte ou Mondays nnd ThursdaNs nt
Now Orleans after December l lSfJ with tho
of tho Soiithorn Pacific Kivins special throUKh
service to Sail Francisco
Double daily serv
ico is maintained out
of St Louis via tho
Illinois Central and
connecting linos to
Ka and Atlanta thro
bleoninir car to Jack
sonville Florida boiiiK carried on tho
loaviiiB St Louis ovory ooniiiB This train as
well as tho Day Express leaving St Louis in
tho morniiiK aro both solid trains to NashWIIo
having through coaches aud sleeping cars run
niiik through Martin Tenn nnd tho N C St
L Hy Connection via this lino for all princi
pal points in the Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington AlUiu and Savannah anil for all
points In Florida
Daily from Chicago to Moniphis and Now Or
points in tlio South on the lines of the Illinois
Central mid Y M V railroads will bo run on
tlio llrst nud third Tuesday of each month dur
ing tho winter season
Full particulars concerning all of tho above
can bo had of agents of tlio Illinois Central or
b addressing A II Hanson 1 P A Chicago
ONLY 275
ad out and seud lu ub stato
your weight aod tielgbl atro nuiu
ner of inches around body at boat
and neck and wo win send tola
Jf CuUfuliJ
to you by exuress
ect tu examination
You cat examine and try it on
ai your nearest express or
lire and It found perfectly
atlifaclory exactly aa rra
resented and the meat
weaderrol value you
ever caw er heard of
pay the etpreas
arent our eneilal
and exprra charge
Lx press char ices
will average lu to
CO cents for each
1000 miles THIS
WINTER raids
from an extra flae aod
heavy all wool blacaorblue
arenulne Iturltotl Ilea
Ter cloth Z7 Inches lone very full sweep 13 incb upper
cape extra full Ippertape aad largo storta collar beauti
fully trimmed with black llaltic teal fun upper cape
trimmed with three rows and collar with two rowsof
fine uobalr braldi cloth button ornamentsvTbl cap Is
Hoetallormidetbruuiaout and equal tu capes that sellat
mure than double the price it rile for free t loxl Calalorue
scan Uocbuck A Co axe thereof bly reliable till lor
To PATENT Good Ideas
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our aid Address
Baltimore Md
Subscriptions to Toe Patent Record 1100 per annum
Wholesale Prices
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Our General Catalogue quotes
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postage or cxprcssagc and well
send you one It has 1100 pages
17000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70000 things
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We constantly carry in stock all
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Michigan AvA MudUoiiflt Chicago
JBjI ii
lVf fSrVl
rwtmsu s
c a
it tiiTntlV IMili aVE lAftoi llin nnotlilnl
Cut tins ud out
and ftlid to in
tale jour height sod weight sUl nnjnberf
inenee mroana boaj al Dreut taken over
feat under eoateloienp onder anaj an J
we will send ou thlacont by eiprea
COD aulijecl lo examination Kx
amlne and try It onut journenrosi
Gxnrecd oflice and if found exactly
at repreteoled and the mot wonderful
value xon ever aaw or beard of and
equal lo any coat ynu can huj rur
tsOO nav iho exnresasont Ot K
SmiAL OHKK Iltllfc 275 aud
f xiircs1 cunrKtrn
TII1H MACKINTOSH is latest 1300
ptylo oacy fitting uiado from heavy
waterproof tan eolnr genuine Davis Covert
Clolh full length double breasted
Snger velvet collar fancy plaid lining
v ntcrnroof sew ed teams buf table for
both italn or Overcoat and guaranteed
tlKe lThST ViMK ever offered by US or
any other houe lor Free Cloth Hample
of Mens Mackintoshes up to 65 00
and Suits and
y onatsatfromMOOtoeiOOO write for
MIIK NinriKillHIkle UUKV ladreti
Stan Uoetmck A Co are thoroughly reliable Editor
Ww r E -
It hnu 11x AnaaiV Tivniiii nitaff
the price charged by others and WE 1
Wllrtlli juil n ima uui uh v r ituiu ui iiui
loia lUvrrlble KlutUc Trunt illustrated above cut thla
ad out and send to us with OIK NlKiUL IMIIlKnaard
ecare your ileum KelaM Are how long you have een
ruptured whether rupture Is large or small also stato
number inchei around the body on a line will tha
inpture cay whether rupture Is on right or leltsidrt
pud we uill send either truM to you with the under
blttlMIlg If It I not a perfect fit nod equal lo Iruir that
retail at III ree tlmca our price ou can return it and we
will return your money
nflrunea Including tho tew tiooo Lea Truia tJQ ir
thatetire almnt any rave and which we aell fur Oai I O
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Unexcelled time and accommodations
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Famous Hot Sorincs of Arkansas
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Southeast Cor Hth aud DonglaoSu