j i l i V I i 8 I 3 4 H l 1 l ft u If l It I I w t n ledge concerning the proposod block is expected in a short time and it can then be stated when work will commence Battle Creek Enterprise Thognnderp who last week closed a deal for the mill Bite and wator right will commonco work on a mill as soon as a deed for tho property is secured That Battle Greek will have n mill is now a settled fact and thero is a general rejoicing among business men and ciizcns The Sanders thoroughly understand their bnsintss and will put in n plant that will meet every demand modo upon it George Sprcchor accompanied his son P F Sprccherhomc from Schuyler Friday prepared to make a good long visit but yeBterkay a telegram was re ceived announcing tho death of his grandson Otis Dane and this morning in company with Mrs P F Sprecher ho returned to Schuyler Tho funoral will be held tomorrow afternoon and Postmaster Sprecher will go down in the morning Tho deceased waB a great favorite with his grandfather and the old gentleman could hardly bo pre vented from an attempt to return on foot when tho message was received Tho emancipation celebration to be given at Marquardts hall tomorrow evening under the auspices of tho Nor folk colored club promises to be a good time for all who attend Tho commit too on arrangements announces that the address of Mayor Simpson will com mence promptly at 8 MO and when he has finished Bpoaking tho remainder of the program will bo given finishing with a Bupper cake walk and dance The committee desires through Tin News to especially invite the outgoing and incoming mayors members of the city council and all other city officers to be present Easter was far from being satisfactory as far as the weather was concerned to those who had planned to appear in choice array of new spring finery The clouds were lowering all day and the rain descended at regular intervals that was disheartening However consider ing this feature there was a fair attend ance at the churches especially those that gave special observance to the day If the weather was not conducive to at tendance at church it was certainly a factor in the resurrection of nature and vegetation has been given excellent en couragement by the copious showers and the farmers and gardeners are gen erally happy No change developed up to nearly noon today and the April showers that awake the May floWers continued to descend The wiseacres who believe that if it rains on Easter it will rain on each of the seven Sundays following are predicting plonty of moist ure this spring While the showers let up somewhat toward noon tho sky is still lowering and threatens rain The mud on the streets is quite sloppy for teaming but it has not formed to any considerble depth Taken as a whole the people are very well pleased with the Easter weather as they can see be hind it bountiful crops and rich har vests The Omaha Christian Advocate of this week contains a likeness that is familiar to Nerfolk people that of Rev J W Jennings D D now presiding elder of tho Omaha district and general conference secretary to Dr J H Potts A considerable portion of the matter in the paper is in review of the work in the Omaha district with an editorial in support of the work all edited by Doc tor Jennings On another page is a writeup of the reverend gentlemans life and work Speaking of his experi ence in Norfolk the article says In tho fall of 1889 he was appointed to Nor folk which up to that time had been served by 17 pastors within 18 years It was still a Mission without a par sonage and with a debt of years stand ing on the church building He re mained at Norfolk four years during which time a parsonage was built and paid for the debt on the old church was paid adjoining lots were purchased on which to build a new church and price of lots 1512 provided for more than half being paid in cash The ad UtionB to membership during those four years were by letter 117 and by conversions 107 The net gain after allowing for removals etc in four years was 07 At t he end of four years Norfolk was one of the most desirable charges in the conference Railroad Bearing April 23 The following indicates that the in tf rstato commerce commission is neither a tired nor as bnsy as our own state board of transportation and they find time to at least replj to their corre spondents The communication is self explanatory Washinoton D 0 April 111900 Chas H Johnson Esq Norfolk Neb Dear Sir Your letter of April 7 has bjen recoivod Notice was sent you April G 1900 that your caBe had been assigned for hearing and argument April 21 1000 at 10 oclock a in United States court rooms Omaha Neb This notice was supplemented April 7 by a telegram and letter in whioh the case was postponed until April 28 at Omaha and not Norfolk as you state in your letter The case is absigned tor both further hearing and argument and of course yon will be allowed to submit any further testi mony you may desire Very respectfully EDW A IJpSELKY Secretary TUESDAY TOPJCS C S Hayes made a business visit to Pilgcr today A J Durland returned Sunday from his trip to Knox county Miss Mattio McNish spent Knotr with friends at Cnmminsville Rev W R MoKim returned from a trip to Omaha Saturday evening E E Losh of York is in tho city looking after tho wants of customers II G Huutzinger representing a Denver portrait company is in tho city O C A Bauecamper of Omaha ited at tho home of T J Morrow Sun day M B Singer wont to Mnditon yester day to sit on the jury in the district court Herman Tilleubnrg has taken a posi tion as attendant at the Norfolk hospital for the insane Jas A McDonald returned yesterday from Fender whero ho visited his parents and friends A daughter was born yesterday to Mrand Mrs CharleB Cline who reside on West Philip aveuuo E Bovee who has been in tho employ of C S Hayes as watchmaker for some time left this noon for Omaha M F Harrington prosecutor in the stock yards case camo down from ONeill and went to Madison yesterday J B Dey editor of the Bradshaw Republican was a city visitor this morn ing Ho was on his way home from Plaiuview A son of Henry Wnchtor died Sunday at his homo near Hadar and was buried this afternoon from that place Rev Klug officiating Members of company L N N G are requested to meet in the armory tomor row night and attend to business in con nection with the ball The Columbus postolllce has increased its sale of stamps until it is possible for it to be raised to the second class The business for the year ending March lilst was 8188 Geo Kuapp tho 17-year-old son of Mr and Mrs F E Kuapp of South Norfolk is quite seriously ill and Mr Knapp was summoned to his bedside off the road yesterday J G Troutnmn returned Sunday from Chicago where he underwent a very serious operation He is getting along nicely and an early and entire re covery is looked for Laurence Heckendorf writes from Storm Lake Iowa that he will remain there during the summer and superin tend the planting of sugar beets for the company that contemplates erecting a factory there if the beets test up to the standard The time of tho district court was largely occupied yesterday in securing a jury to servo during tho trial of the stock yards case It is understood that a jury of disinterested persons was fin ally impannelled Many conjectures are made as to the outcome of the trial A telegram from Blair announces the death of Mead Sutherland a brother of Will Sutherland formerly of this place He had been operated upon for appendi citis a week ago and was supposed to Le convalescing until two days since when he suffered a relapse which resulted in his death L O Mittelstadt contemplates start ing about the middle of May for New York and from there will sail about the 23d for Europe where ho will make an extended viBit to his old home and be fore returning will view the exposition at Paris He hopes that the rest and recreation will be beneficial to his health The late rains have demonstrated that the Auditorium should be completed be fore many like storms get a chance at it Tho water has come through it at places and soaked the plastering quite badly The need of the hour has been recognized by those interested and brick ore being hauled onto the ground for its early completion Tho emancipation celebration which was to have been given in Marquardts hall tonight by tho Norfolk colored club has been postponed to some future date Tho reasons given are that the weather is two disagreeable and it is impossible to get the orchestra together for tonight The date to which the celebration has been postponed will be announced later The services postponed at tho First Congregational church Sunday was the childrens Easter program in the even ing In the morning there were special Easter services Rev J J Parker preaching a fine sermon There were lovely decorations also and the music by the choir was appropriate and beauti ful The childrens exercises will be held next Sunday The funeral over the remains of the late Dr A E Scofield at Tilden yester day drew out a large attendance of friends many from Oakdale and other neighboring towns being in attendance The funeral was under the direction of the Masonic fraternity of which the deceased was a member The A O U W Modern Woodmen and members of other orders in which he held member ship were also in attendance in a body Services were held at the house Revs Wm Gorst of Neligh and W A Ro minger of Tilden officiating The house was crowded and nearly all theaajlable space for a block around was occupied THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 19 HKX Tho remains wcro interred in thoTildop cemetery Tho rain last night was a record breaker for tho season one and 1 inches of precipitation being tho record from 8 oclock yesterday morning to tho saino hour today Tho surprising featuro is that tho ground absorbs tho moistnro about as rapidly as it falls and thero is vory littlo water standing or running off Tho rain continues to descond today with no sign of immedi ate cessation nlthough tho weather bnrean predicts that it will be generally fair tonight and tomorrow Tho ground is receiving a thorough soaking much to tho satisfaction of farmers Tho grass and small grain crops are looking fiuo Tho military ball given by tho mem bers of company L at Marquardts hall lost night wnq not so largely attended as had been hoped for owing to tho very disagreeable woathor Still thero wore about 10 couples present and ont side of a largo attendance the entertain ment was a magnificent surcoss Twolvo mombcra of tho Mndisou com pany braved tho olemouts and woro present Had tho weather been ulco it was anticipated that tho number of M idison people would hayo boon about twico as largo and that thero would have been a number present from Piorco Stanton aud other towns as well as a much larger turnout of Nor folk people Tho music furnished by Bohuorts orchestra was excellent tho hall was nicely decoratod with tlags and bunting and the evoning was vory much enjoyed by all who woro present Two stacks of arms and tho members of tho companies represented in uniform gave a martial aspect to tho ball that was in kcoping witli the occasion nnd pleasing to tlioso participating Tho entire program was carried through tho dancing continuing until 2 oclock this morning Tho ball was tho opening entertainment of the season and would certainly have enjoyed a liberal patron ago but for tho weather Ab it was tho company lacked soveral dollars of meet ing tho expenses incurred The friends of tho company are sorry that tho weather was against them and wish them better success in tho future A diversion not ou tho program was tho firo alarm about 1 1 oclock to which a number of those present responded to the detriment of their clothes and per haps not to tho enhancement of their pleasurers or improvement of their tempers Battle Creek Neb April 4 1000 Headquarters Madison County Veteran association Thero will he a meeting of the reunion committee held at Battle Creek Neb on Saturday May fi at 1 80 p m to decide on time and place for holding tho reunion this year and to transact such other business as may properly como before tho meeting All union soldiers are cordially invited to attend It is recommended that tho committee on by laws meet at the same time nnd place S A McKay Pres W A Barnes Sec and Treas For the Best Photographs And Prompt and Finishing go to Satisfactory MICHAEL The Norfolk Photographer Frames made to order at low rateB Photo Buttons all sorts and sizes finest assortment in town A Share of Your Patronage Solicited WOMAN IS LIKE A DELICATE MUSICAL IMSTRUMEirr In good condition she is sweet and lovable and sings lifes song on a joyful harmonious string Out of order or unstrung there is discordance and unhappiness Just as there Is one key note to all music so there is one key note to health A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look well while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased She must be healthy inside or she cant be healthy outside There are thousands of women suffering silently all over the country Mistaken modesty urges their silence While there is nothing more admirable than a modest woman health Is of the first importance Every other con sideration should give way before it Brad fields Female Regulator is a medicine foi women sills It is thesafestandqulck estway tocureleu corrhea falling of he womb nervous ness headache backache and gen eral weakness You will be astonished at the result es pecially If ypu have been experiment ing with other so called remedies We are not asking you to try an uncer tainty Bradflelds Regulatorhasmade happy thousands of women What it has done for others It can do for you Sold In drug stores for 1 a bottle A free Illustrated book will lie knit tu all who write to IhT BRA0FIELD litcUUTORCO AtlMUG Ill a 4s s 1 1 111 N I f Mr WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Rev lloflus of Piorco was a city vis itor yesterday II Miller was down from Battle Creek yesterday Mr Goldsmith of Madison was u city visitor yesterday W 11 Ohappol of Osmond was in Norfolk yestorday C G Whlpplo waB in tho city yester day from Niobrara Mrs 12 L Sargent of Osmond was a city visitor yestorday W II Jackson wan a city visitor yes terday from Randolph Tho Fair store is being improved with fresh paint aud new paper F Waterman was a Norfolk visitor yesterday from Silver Creek J F Boyd tho Onkdalo attorney is in town today ou legal businosB Mrs It Smith went to Wakefield to day to attend tho wedding of a friend John 11 HnllV and family will leave tomorrow for Omaha to visit friends a fow days Frank hundack and Georgo King of tho Niobrara Tribuno were in tho city yestorday Chas Vail manager of the Boyd hotel at Wayne was greeting Norfolk friends yesterday Mrs Dr llollistorof West Point is visiting at tho homo of Mr aud Mrs Carl A sums Tho West Side whist club will be en tertained tomorrow evening by Dr and Mrs Frank Salter Earl tho littlo son of Mr and MrH John Kraut is quite sick at his home on South Ninth street Tho Ladies Aid society of tho First Congregational church will meet in tho church parlors tomorrow afternoon at tho usual hour Harry Hilbouru who has been serv ing as baggage man at tho Junction lias been promoted to a position at the Creighton depot Henry Graack takes tho place of E C Brooks as baggage man at tho union depot during tho absence of tho latter in Colorado John D Haskell of Wakcfiold has purchased tho Sattler interest in tho Haskell As Sattler 10 acres adjoining tho city on tho northwest paying 2000 for tho interest O A Harshmnn of South Norfolk departed yesterday for Wyoming where ho goes with the intention of engaging in business His family will remain here for the present Mr and Mrs E C Brooks and child ren departed this morning for Colorado Springs Col on a visit Mr Brooks is bnggnge man nt the union depot but has secured a vacation Tho shingles nro being removed from tho Krantz livery barn and will bo re placed with new ones An addition of 35 feet on tho rear aud other needed improvements are also contemplated R II Reynolds and ILL McCormick who went to Lead S Dt some time ago to secure work returned yesterday Thoy state that there will be plenty of work there soon at tho building trades hut a scarcity of brick prevents im mediate operations Rev and Mrs F W Leavitt of West Point are here for a weeks visit at the home of Revand MrsWmLeavitt Rev Jetreries and Rev Leavitt will exchange pulpits niFxt Sunday Mr Jofferies go ing to West Point and Mr Leavit preaching in the Second Congregational church Herman Brunimund the bookbinder has just put a substantial cover on n biblo which was printed in 1818 and is tho property of O G Hydo of South Norfolk Mr Brummund is doing con siderable work in the way of re covering old books binding magnines etc at his shop south of tho Pacific Benj Lindsay H F Earnhardt and H II Mohr of Pierce O B Willoy of Randolph and B M Smith of Osmond who have been here in connection with tho bankruptcy case of H M Davidson of Osmond which was given n hearing before Referee Weatherby Monday and Tuesday returned homo this moruiug A settlement in the case was reached Manager Spear of tho Anditorium an nounces that the Huebner Settlo com pany lias arranged for a return engage ment in Norfolk May 21 22 and 28 Thoso who attended that companys en tertainments when they were here be fore were highly pleased and it is safo to say that the company will be greeted with crowded houses on tho above dates The weather today following the storm of tho past few days is all that could be desired The sun has shown witUunusnal brilliancy warming tho atmosphere and causing vegetation to grow very rapidly The lawns and fields are assumsng their snmiuer garbs of emerald and the landscape is becom ing more pleasing to the eye with each passing honr This morning there was a slight freeze which apparently did no damage Will Hazel ono of W O Halls barbers has gone to Missouri on a visit and it is reported that when he returns ho will be accompanied by a fair daughter of that stato entitled to bo known hereafter as Mrs Hazel The newly married couple had arranged to keep house in the bpme of Mr Hall 5 To get the best results you must use the best materials You need expect only poor laundering with poor soap but you will find dainty articles that have been washed with Ivory Soap restored to their original freshness with unchanged colors Nothing that will stand the application of plain water will be injured by Ivory Soap IVORY SOAI IS JJVh IER CENT PURE COfVHIUHT ItlliU lV 1MI lOCYtH It UAMfHf CO CINOIHNATI while he and his wife went away for tho summer but tho lire tho othct night will necessitate a change in the program Tho following item concerning com pany L of this city npixwrcd in yester days State Journal A big batch of discharges from company L Second regiment at Norfolk was lccoived yes terday by tho adjutant general The liBt contains several sergeants and cor porals tho total number being sixteen Tho discharges woro given on accconnt of non residence No other roiison for tho exodus from tho company is known Captain Alfred N Gerccku and Colonel Will II Hayward have approved tho discharges Tho list of discharged men is as follows Sergeant Eugene Ehi hardt First Sergeant DeWitt Ama rino Sergeant Martin J Oesterling Sergeant Arthur Small Corporal James II Mills Corporal Carl W Kltis Priv ates W F Marqumdt Charles A Mayer Rudolph Mebring Harry C Quick iMikoSlegol Edgar A Tullis Harry D Chase Fred J Feyorheim Frank L Meinke John T ORourke It is understood that these discharges of non resident members of tho conipuiy was made to allow for the admission of now members and that tho company will at once bo recruited up to its full strength Letter Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postolllce April 10 1000 Olliver Anderson Charley Bingell J Bush D M Chillbon Francis E Clayton II Drexel Demaiue Gordon Billy George II M Iloldrcgc liirty Mirror A K Mooro A L Prentice Earl Shock Chas Speeces If not called for in 0 days will be sent to tho dead letter ollice Parties calling for any of tho above please say advertised P F SlKKCHKK P M Wurnervllle A II Cropper is building nn addition to his house A J Moats of Adams Neb is visit ing his stepson Wm Lovell Our school will closo with a public ex hibition Wednesday April 2 r Melvin Homer has erected a windmill ou his farm southwest of town Thero is tho largest acreage of small grain being sown in this vicinity ever known Neil McBcath purchased a vacant lot in tho north part of town last week of G W Hills Mrs Sarah Cropper having effected a satistactory adjustment of her loss with the insurance company is rebuild ing tho houso dostroyed by fire some two weeks ago At tho caucus held by tho republican voters of this precinct last Saturday evening A N McGinnis O D Mnnou and Fred Terry were elected delegates to tho comity convention to bo held in Norfolk April 21 Mrs J G Cnpliu received a letter recently from her son Ezra who is a member of the Thirty third infantry aud is stationed in tlio Philippine islands This is the first letter received from him since October 1st Ho writos that he has been in the hospital eight weeks sick with typhoid fever that there is six months pay due the regiment from tho government and that he expects to return to this country soon Prof A D Sayoor tlo great netic healer using tho Woltmer method will euro you or teach you to cure nil ohronio or long standing diseases at 2051 First Btreet Norfolk Neb Will give three treatments free Tuk News jod department is com plete in every particular NEBRASKA BOURBON WILKES STALLION Will stand at Bnmsons Barn Mi hills old stand KriihtyH and Saturdays of each week until July I For terms seo owner J A WALLER TREES AND PLANTS 8 a dill lino Fruit Trcei of llcst Varieties lit tlnril Tlmcn Irlcen Himill fruit in Iiiikh hiiily MIIIIiiiih of Htniwlmrry liliiiitH iiy thrifty nnil well riMitiil iottlin IHni niiir lioiuit itml hiivi frciKlit or uxpinvw 8c n I fin puce liht tu Ho lh Bend Nurseries North hi ml iJyt County Nm mm in Mcdlcnl Offices 38 N Y Life liuililliiK 7 a J SANTABOM 3615 North 241b St - - OMAHA NEB All Chronic Diseases Treated By Modern Successful Methods TREAT Catarrh In all ita WE forms Affections of the Nose Thront Enrs deafness Bron chial Tubes and Limits Stomach Liver Bowels Kidneys Bladder Womb Hay Fever Asthma Rheu matism Neuralgia Paralysis and other seated ailments which the fam ily physician has not the facilities to thoroughly care for aud treat Se lected Surgical and Confinement Cases will also be received SANITARIUfl TREATMENT nipctn the nenlH of each enso nnd IntlurifH proper diet anil medical atten tion HutliH In nil fouriKelemle electro thermal and saline Hlectrlctty In every form Ozone InliulatloiiH In ciliurlial nnd tironclilal uilmentK medical ami Hundeal care of wninin cliemleal and inlcroscojil nil teptH in affection of the Iiiukh and kldneyui lavage and tent fiedlmjh In Ktomach dleai eK etc X Itay apparatus for diagnosis Ju clascuru cutes DOWN TOWN OFFICE OinceH In the New York Mfe HtilMIn RnoniH will lie continued as for merly where consultation and oillc treatment will tin Kiven All patients lu city or country should come to tho of tlce Ilourx 9 to 4 dully evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays only 7 to 8 Sunday 1J to 1 HOHE TREATHENT BY HAIL Those who nro not seriously 111 or whe ennnot fpure time to come to the Sani tarium may ho treated by correspondence with excellent results Vo have treated over stx thouvalid people by mull during tho past eiKht years Hend for full ques tion lists and diagnosis sheets Also foi special literature pertaining to your case SPECIALTIES Catarrh Anthm Bronchitis Deafnei Dyspepsia Rheumatism Malaria Nen vou Dlr ensfB Blood Diseases Skin Ul races Female Dlieases and other euro hie chronic ailments treated successfullj ty mail Address all letters to DRS SHEP KRD IIEADRICK3o8 New York Ufe Olds Omaha Neb On Tuesday April 24 Dr Sheiuird will be at the Pacific Hotel Norfolk frtr n trPi pniiRnltnffnn nml nYnniinnftnn of patients His object in mnkinK this visit is to meet his patients who find it impossible to oome to Omaha and also to meet any new people desiring to con sult him in regard to the Sanitarium or javiuv Jircutmeut