The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 19, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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H W Wolverton of Pierco wns i city
visitor todny
David Whitln wns in tlio city today
from Bnttlo Creek
Mrs Win Parkinson of Madison ifi a
Norfolk visitor today
0 S Hayes nnulo n bufilnesB trip to
Stanton lit noon today
Gus WcbckI of Whiter wns n Sugar
City visitor yesterdny
Dr Scoggln lum eold his Shetland
pony to a Ewlng
John Konzol nnd O Mocker of Wtencr
were city visitors yesterdny
Dr W A Ivory of Wnyno iB in the
city the guest of Dr 11 J Colo
W 11 Bridge will Mnrt Boon on n
buplnitis trip to Denver Colorado
John Davenport 1b over from Sioux
City visiting relntiveH nnd frioudB
Mrp Julius Klrschbnuni itt reported us
Ptill very low nt lier homo near Hudivr
II 13 Meiisur nnd John S laHsrkowich
wero city viBitors today from Winsldu
Mrs Loomis wiu over from Warucr
villu to attend the open meeting of the
womans club
A son was born yesterday to Mr and
Mrs Nineman who llyo west of the
sugar factory
U II Hull in moving IiIb family from
South Norfolk into tho roonm over
Hayes1 jewelry Btoro
Mrs W S Collard of Dover N J
iB visiting at the homo of her niece
Mrs W R Hoffman
Tho infant daughter of Mr and Mrs
Otto Selling died Wednesday and was
buried yesterday in Prospect Hill ceme
Mr and Mrs Frank Oesterling hnvo
gono to Alliance thiB stato whero Mr
Oesterling expects to ungago in the
saloon business
Mrs Hattio Wnndall will depart next
Thursday for Niobrara where she will
bo employed for n month in her capacity
of professional nurso
Tho gang of men now ougaged in
Hheariug sheep at tho ranch nt South
Norfolk numbers twenty two and the
work iB progressing nicely
The uaino of tho goutloman omployod
in MlohaolB photograph gallory is W
W Embree iuBtead of Rombreens pub
lished in yesterdays paper
Herman Schrooder had a birthday
party Tuesday night and tho friends
who assisted him in celebrating enjoyed
tho evening very thoroughly
Dr A J Johnson departed this morn
ing over tho Union Pacific road for Los
Angeles Cnl whoro ho will ninko a
visit of threo weeks or more
Mrs 13 S Moll who 1ms been viBiting
her children hero during tho winter
nccompnuied her daughter Mrs
Landers to Genoa yesterday
Mrs Sam Roberts will leavo tomorrow
for Platte Center whero she will visit
her homo a week and from there will go
to Rocky Ford Col to join her husband
Edward Wagner hnB disposed of his
livery interests in Norfolk and has gone
to Alliance this stato where it iB said
ho will eugngoiu tho restaurant business
Fred E Bliss engineer at tho laundry
who has been very ill with pnoumonin
is able to bo up and arouud nnd will
leave for his homo in Genoa tomorrow
Tho Y M O L will gladly undertake
to distribute any old clothing that may
bo left at their rooms to needy and
deserving families in the city and vicin
Dr Scofield of Tildon underwent an
operation for abscess of tho brain at
Omaha recently and it is stated that he
iB now very low with small chance of
The creditors of tho Auditorium will
hold a meeting at tho Oxuard hotel Sat
urday evening at S oclock All per
eons interested are urged to be in at
L Beiudorn of Omahn Neb travel
ing passenger agent of the Union Pacific
line is in tho city on business connected
with his railwny and made tnis oillce a
pleasant call
H 0 Plumley of Grundy Center
Iowa is visiting Mr and Mrs J C
Adams Mr Plumley is Mrs Adams
fat her and will go from here to California
to visit another duughter
t Geese were flying north at a lively
rate last night and this morning which
is taken to mean that spring is again
here and the weather today iB substan
tial proof that they do not lie
Fred Roberts returned yesterday
from Lincoln whero he has been work
ing in the asylum for several months
Ho will leave in about a week for Rocky
Ford Col to woik in the beet sugar
Mrs Dr Bertha Ahlman celebrated
her GOth birthday and her daughter
Elsa celebrated her Wth birthday Wed
uesday evening A number of friends
were present aud the occasion was
heartily eujoyed by all
Today is Good Friday a church day
-of much importance with many denom
inations Services were held in tho
Catholic Episcopal aud Lutheran
churcheb and wero attended by large
audiences of worshipers
A horse driven by Carl Korths boys
became frightened at tho 0 oclock traiu
last evening and created some excite
ment by reariug fulling dowu and go-
ing through other ovolutionB No dam
ago was dono nnd tho Iiotbo wns quieted
with ilio aid of bystanders
I W Fisher tho now hardwnro man
has arrived in tho city from Red Oak
Iowa witli hia family and will ocoupy
tho Box reflldonco property on North
Tenth Rtreot Tho Btoro room lu tho
RobertBon block whloh will bo oconpied
by him is being placed in readiness and
Mb storo will bo opened to tho public
May 1
Tho flult iultho district court CitfzonB
National bank v Doxtor haB boon
variously reported m against W H
Doxtor nnd 13 K Dexter Nelthor tho
ono nor tho other of these gontlomon
wero involved Tho Biiit waB against
Frank 1C Dexter who wm formerly
interested in tho cold storage buBluosB
but failed Tho bank won the suit
J C Clark of Madison wna arrested
last night and placed lu jail ThiB
morning ho created a rough honso for a
time by battering on tho jail bars with a
tin can yelling lire smashing win
dow lightB and throwing coal Ho was
brought beforo Judgo llayeB this after
noon and aRHOssod n fluo of 7 J0 fpr be
ing drunk and disorderly Thoprosonco
of his wife aud child were no doubt an
inlluenco in hia securing tho minimum
Boulah Chnpter No -JO Order Eastern
Star olocted tho following olllcerB at
their meeting last evening for tho ensu
ing torm Mrs Edith HutchoBou
worthy matron Mrs J C Aid nsBoci
ato matron D J Koonigstein worthy
patron Mrfl A 11 Violo conductress
Mrs John Ilulff associate conductross
A P Childa secrotary nnd Mrs E
JacoliB treasuror Tho evoniug wns
vory pleasantly Bpont by tho member
ship in n social manner
Seldom if over has tho Easter season
brought forth such a display of rnro and
lovely flowors as 1b shown in Norfolk
thiB spring Business housos and resi
dences havo profuso collections of
Eastor lilies hyncyntliB roses goraui
urns aud other choioo plants whilo tho
perfume is oncouutorod everywhere It
is judged that those collections nro but
n slight foretaste of what will bo in
ovidonco nt tho churches Sunday
EaBter morning iB anticipated with
ploasuro by tho lovers of tho beautiful
Today bolng Good Friday morning
prayer was said at tho Episcopal church
Tho Eastor services will bo a follows
Easter oven at 1 oclock baptismnl serv
ice Easter day Early communion at
7iO a in morning prayer and mid dny
celebration nt 10 ovonmg prnyor nt
7 Tho Knights Templar will attend
tho morning prnyer in a body Jack
sous To Doum will bo rendored by tho
choir and tfo offertory will bo an
Easter hymn composed by Mrs Day of
this city and rendered by five of tho
choir boys Tho oflorings aro to bo ap
plied on tho indebtedness unless other
wise spocified by tho donor
Julia Rhodn Hattio and Lowis Requa
departed this morning for Santiago
Cal to join their mother Mr Requn
will romain hero a short timo longer
closing up his business interests when
ho also will join his family Richard
expects to remain hero indefinitely and
rotaln his position with tho telophone
company Tho Requa family has mnuy
frionJs in Norfolk who aro loth to see
them depart from tho city They will
wish them hoalth nud prosperity in
their new home with tho hope thatsomo
dny they may return to Nebraska and
Ed Cramer brother of Mrs D Her
rington nud Mrs Frank Raiuoy nud
nophow of W II Law of this city
started on tho U50 traiu last evening
for Columbus aud from thero will pro
ceed to Sf attle Washington Thero he
will be joined by his brother-in-law
Sam Collins of Indianapolis Indiana
nud together they will proceed to the
Cape Nome gold fields in Alaska Mr
Collins has n patont machino for separ
ating gold from tho dross which ho
will introduce into tko new mining
district Mr Cramer will endeavor to
securo a portion of tho wealth to bo dug
out of tho ground up there
The last open mooting of tho season of
the Womans club was held last oveuing
at the home of Mr and Mrs A J Dur
laud on South Ninth street nnd n very
pleasant evening was enjoyed Each
member was permitted to invite ono
guest and there was n large attendance
The feature of the evening was n parlor
nddress by Mrs Sawyer of Lincoln on
The Iutluonco of Home on Civiliza
tiou The address was most plousing
and well received the lady showing an
ability to entertain that was highly ap
preciated by the membership and their
guefctB Mesdames H L Suyder and
M O Hazen favored tho company with
some musical selections Tho refresh-
meuts of ice cream aud cake were dainty
nnd very acceptable adjuncts to the
evenings entertainment
Tho jainitor in a neighboring school
threw up his job the other day says au
exchauge When asked what was the
trouble he 6aid Im honest and I
wont stand being Blurred If I fiud a
pencil or hnudkerchief ubout the school
when Im sweoplng I hang or put it up
Every little while the teacher or some
one that is too cownrdly to fuco mo will
give me a slur Why n little while ago
I seen wrote on tho board Fiud tho
least common multiple Well I looked
from cellar to garret for that multiple
and I wouldnt know the thing if I
wonld moot it on the streets Lnst night
in big writlu on the blank lonrd it said
Find tho greatest common divisor
Well 1 biJb to myself both of thorn
blamed thingn aro lost now nnd Ill bo
accused of swiplu cm ro Ill quit
Rev J B Vnn Floot formerly pastor
of Trinity Eplscopnl church this city
writeB from Wavorly Iowa to n friend
from which Tun Nkwh is permitted to
quote Ho snys Wo nro nil finite
well My work fnr fnr BnrpasBCfl all
my expectations and I feel ns if I had
boon guided by a highor power to take
it up Alrondy wo hnvo n parish nt
Charios City for BprviccB They hnvo
raised thntifl fpr services overy other
Sunday over 000 for tho yonr Wo
hnvo rented a ohuroh for tho yenr nnd
it ia filled June 2lHt I expect to present
HO men nnd women for confirmation
Wo will inovo to Charles City this fall
It is only SO miles north of Wnvorly
nnd n population of oyor 5000 Ho
closes Tmstiug that you aro nil woll
nnd that tho work in tho church nt
Norfolk is making good progress
Oiiyturd la irnnri NnrrnUirjr
L M Gnylord is homo from Lincoln
where ho hns boon attending n meeting
for tho formation of n grand lodgo of
tho Sons nnd Daughters of Protection
Tho meeting wns culled to order nt 1 1
oclock on tho morning of April 10 by
Supremo President 13 11 Spencer 13
13 Howard of Edgar was olocted tem
porary president nnd F M Willoughby
of Lincoln temporary secretary M L
Stowurt supremo vice president wel
comed tho delegates in n neat address
which was responded to by E E How
nrd ou behalf of tho delegntes Tho
oommltteo on credentials reported tho
names of the delegates entitled to Beats
in the grand lodge At tho opening of
tho session in the afternoon tho presi
dent appointed Dr Lowis Sister Fnnnio
Smith Jas Hutchinson Cy Rockbill
and Sister S K Daily n committee on
constitution nnd Brother Cleaver
Sisters Soars nnd Cook Brothers Osborn
aud Gaylord a committeo to make rec
ommondation for officers After a
recpss tho committeo on constitution re
ported nnd the roport was adopted The
committeo on ofllcors recommended the
following named as officers of the grand
lodgo who wore duly elected
Alex Graham of Beatrice grand past
E E Hownrd of Edgar grand pres
Dr Alfred Lewis of Valentiuo grand
vico president
L M Gaylord of Norfolk grand sec
Fauuio W Smith of Milford grnnd
Hattie A Sears of North Loup grand
Lizzie Bender of Albion grand mar
Conyada Eversou of Kearney grand
inner guard
Jas Hutchinson of Broken Bow
grand outer guard
S K Daily of University Place O
Rockbill of Harvard and C H Beal of
Fnirfleld grand trustees
Tho officers wero nil installed in their
various positions after which tho dele
gates wero given tho grant lodgo degree
W S Cleaver of Neligh was elected
as delegate to tho supremo lodge which
will convene in Lincoln ou May 8
Tho business of the grand lodge wns
finished nt tl oclock and an adjourn
ment was taken to meet on the first
Tuesday in May 1901
Wasted Several bright nnd honest
persons to represent us as managers in
this aud closo counties Salary 900 a
year and exponses Straight bona flde
no inoro no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mninly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dept i Chicago
To Curt I a Grippe In Two Dnyg
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro E W Groves signature on
every box 2rc
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind dis
courages and lessens ambition beauty vigor
ana cneenuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it Is not uncommon
fpr a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys If the child urin
ates too nflf n If ihr
urine scalds the flesh or if when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passage it Is yet afflicted with1
bed wetting depend upon it the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same great lemedy
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp Root is soon realized It Js sold
bv drupoUt In
cent and one dollar
sizes You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free also pamphlet tell-
noma of SaiujEoot
InCf all about it including manv nf thn
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured In writing Dr Kilmer
Be Co pinghamton N Y be sure and
mention this paper
Miss Watson is on tho sick list
A memorial service will bo hold at
F J Halo of Battlo Creek is n Nor
folk visitor
W 13 Bishop wns n city visitor from
Pierco today
Mrs W II Bnttcrflold is vipiting
with fricudfl in Chicago
Mrs R M NcBblt was n city visitor
yestorday from Oakdalo
Mrs Rudolph Ohrischillis is Buffering
from nn nttnok of sickness
Rlchnrd Roqun will occupy roomB
over Davenports shoo store
Judge Cones was In tho city todny en
routo to his homo in Plorco
Charles Mndson has returned from
his visit to friends in O mnhn
Mrs Alfred Osborn is reported sick
at her homo northeast of the city
Mr nnd Mrs L Fisher hnvo gone to
Stanton to spend Easter with friends
Mr nud Mrs Asa K Leonard havo
gono on n camping trip to tho Olo Lowo
J II Couloy boa recovered tho bicyclo
which hnB beeu advertised ns lost or
Snlvntion Army hnllSHndny April 15th
nt 8 p in in remembrance of Darison
Miss Lillian Parker has gono on n two
weeks visit to friends in West Point
nud Omaha
Miss Nyo and her mother havo re
moved to Omahn whero thoy will make
their home for tho present
Tho Auditorium creditors nre
reminded of the meeting nt tho Oxuard
this evening nt 8 oclock
A numbor of infants and adultB were
baptized nt Trinity ohuroh this nfter
uoou nt the Eastor even service
Mrs J M Bondnrant will depart
Monday morning for n -months visit
with friends in Mount Marin Missouri
Rev Goo II Mnin went to Blnir this
morning to preach tho funeral sermon
of a member of the M E church ot
that place
Tho usual Easter sermon will be
preached at tho M E ohurch tomorrow
morning In the evening there will be
a song service
Miss Irene Dexter is home from
Browuell Hall Omaha for Easter She
was accompanied by Miss Nellie Little
of Oehlrichs S D
Sheriff G W Losey wns here yester
day from Madison with the window
smashing maniac who was taken to the
hospital for the insane
Tho Times Tribune has it that Clint
Amarino and Miss Elva Lee both form
erly of this city wero married at Cas
per Wyo April 7th
Mrs Josephine Hull is moving her
art studio from tho rooms she hns been
occupying over Hnyes jewelry storo to
those over Vnils confectionery store
The street sprinkler started out on its
first round of dust exterminntion this
morniug nud its work was soon supple
mented by some sprinkles from the
Miss Edna Hartley returned to New
man Grove today after n visit with Nor
folk relntives nnd friends Miss Hartley
is teaching in the Newman Grove
One of tho Queen City houses is now
located on the lots north of the old
Schwenk property and another is well
on its way towards its new location in
tho city limits
W J Gow is moving his barn from
back of J W Edwards horeshoeiug
shop to n location across the street
Mr Edwards will erect a new barn on
the space vncated
The wenther today with its showers
does not present n fnvorable outlook
for Easter services tomorrow which
havo been elaborntoly plnnned for in the
various chnrches It may bo no indica
tion however of what tomorrows
weather will be
The Battlo Creek Euterprize reporta
that Editor R D Scott has made
rapid improvement during tho past
week and that ho will probably bo able
to lenve the house in a short time The
Norfolk friends of the hustling editor
are pleased to learn of his improved
Preparations for the military ball to
be given Monday evening at the Mar
quaxdt hall are well in hand and a
large turnout and splendid event ore
anticipated The hall is being decorated
for the event in nn nrtistio manner
The ball is uuder the auspices of com
pany L N N G
The gospel meeting of the Y M 0 L
to be held at their club room tomorrow
afternoon at oclock will bo for men
ouly Next Suuday there will bo a
meeting for both ladies nud gentlemen
for which special music will be pre
pared All are cordially invited to at
tend the union meeting next Sunday
John W Simpkins one of the fellows
who stole n load of wheat near Tilden
some months ngo was sentencedjto 18
months in the penitentiary by Judge
CoueB Bert Clute the stntes witness
got HO days in jail and Rudolph Hoep
linger the youngest member of the
gang wns sentenced to the reform
The village board of Mendow Grove
is no longer n corporation says the
Mndieon Chronicle In the case of the
6tate in rolntionol Perry V IjwIs vb
Wm McDonald et al villago trustees
in which tho plnlntiff began proceed
ings to set nsldo the corporation nnd
eject tho village trustees judgment wns
awarded plaintiff
It is understood that II O Trumnn
and S G Denn contemplate filing pro
tests ngniuBt tho nrrest nnd incarcera
tion of nny more window smashing
maniacs They undoubtedly consider
such individuals of no small benefit to
their buBinosB nothing short of n
ing hall storm or an earthquake could
be more satisfactory
Mrs J J Clements very ploasnutly
entertained tho W R 0 nt her homo
Inst evening in honor of Mrs A J
Ilosonbnum who has been n very active
worker in the W R 0 for several
yenrs and it is with rcgrot that tho
ordor with many good wishes nro
obliged to see her lenvo Norfolk for
Omaha to make her future home
D A Hnlo who wnB n resldont of
Mndison comity for n numbor of years
died nt Hot Springs Ark Wednesday
night HO has recently been making
his homo nt Humphrey Ho loaves a
wife and three dnughters Mrs W E
Harvey of Newman Grove nnd Misses
Lugono and Francis Deceased wns n
brother of F J Halo of Bnttlo Creek
nnd wns 55 years of ngo
Dr A E Scofield of Tilden died this
morning nt 1 oclock in an Omnhn hos
pital whero ho went to submit to nn
upuruuuu ior auscess oi nio Drain lit
Scofield wns very popnlnr in Tilden
whero he enjoyed n largo practice nnd
his plnce will bo one hard to fill He
loaves a wife and two children to mourn
Wb Iosb The doctor took n keen interest
in the nffnirs of tho Elkhoru Valley
Medicnl association of which ho was
nn nctive member Ho at ono timo ran
for county coroner on the democratic
Madison Chronicle One of the Nor
folk excursionists Monday night came
within nn aco of getting hiB everlasting
Just as the train polled out of Norfolk
homeward bound a young fellow whose
identity could not be learned wnnted to
show off to the smokers on the plntform
nnd attempted to get on the top of a
coach He did but slipped and fell to
the ground striking on his stomach
Had he fallen n second later he would
have landed on the switch rod nnd life
would have been uncertain Just then
the train stopped to take on Eomo tardy
Madisonites nnd the victim of the fall
got on with them Ho wns unhurt
Madison people nre enthusiastic over
the prospects of the re opening of the
North Nebraska college this fall E
Diefenback of Lebanon Ohio was there
last week with n view to looking over
the building and prospects for n school
A mass meeting of citizens was held
Saturday morning nnd the project dis
cussed The property is now owned by
in lnrge part by E A Whitwnm A
guarantee of 75 students wns aked for
tho opening term nud Si were guaranteed
nt the meeting nnd before night tho
number had been increused to 05 Mr
Diefenback returned to O io Snudny to
consult with others interested in the
The first contest in the University of
Nebraska championship swimming
races took place Thursday evening at
the Sulpho Saline bath house in Lincoln
Guy W Barnes of this city wns n con
testnnt in one of the events the State
Journal speaking of it as follows
Nine contestants entered tho fancy
diving event Remarknblo perform
nnces were mnde by Barnes Pearse and
Anderson The diving by Barnes was
especially good each of his three feats
being faultless His divo from the
thirty five foot platform elicited much
praise from the judges nnd probably
won him tho place Pearso was
awarded second place in the event and
Anderson third Two contests will
follow one on April 20 and tho
third April 20 Tho alumni trophy
will bo awarded April 28 for the highest
class total
K9 V
R is a food
Hi 1 2
medicine for the S
babv that h thin and not nr
well nourished and for the
V mother whose milk does 3
M not nourish the baby J
a It s equally good for the f
boy or girl who is thinand
pale and not well nourished
By hcir food also for the S
anemic or consumptive S
adult that is losing flesh 5
and strength jj
V In fact for all conditions W
of wasting it is the food g
ijf medicine that will nourish
and build up the body and
p give new life and energy
g When all other means fail
Y Should he taken In summer as J
3J nd i oo til drvpgiiti
ii- SCOTT fcUQWNE Chmi Kw Vi
Mips Susie Carter ontortainod n few
friends at nn Easter dinner yestorday
0 B Walley of Randolph was n city
visitor todny
L 13 Cnrscnllcn of Tilden wns n city
visitor Sntnrday
P H Kohl of Wnyno was n Sunday
visitor In Norfolk
Mrs E Tnnner was n Suudny visitor
from Bnttlo Creek
Herman Fricke was in town yostcr
day from Mndison
G A Luikart hns gono on n trip to
Omaha and Lincoln
Attorney W R Ellis of Bloomfleld
was n city visitor this morning
Miss Efllo Barret departed lost night
for her homo in Brown county
Eli Rasley canio in last night nnd do
parted this noon for Nebrn jkn City
Judgo Cones wns in tho city from
Pierco this morning enrouto to Madison
H H Mohr nnd Bcnj Liudsny of
Pierce were Norfolk visitors this morn
Mrs G A Luikart nnd son E H
wont to Tilden to nttend the Shoficld
Mrs Mnplo of Lincoln is visiting nt
tho homo of Mr nud Mrs G W
Fred Siedschley and his child nre
sick at their home on- South Fourth
Mrs William Zostrow who haB been
sick at her homo on South Fourth street
is now improving
E M Huntington is arranging to
improve his property in Tho Heights by
the erection of aporch
Mrs Oscar Uhlo went to Florence
this morning to visit a few dayB with
her mother-in-law
Dr H L Scoggin went to Tilden
this morning to nttend the funeral of
the Dr A E Scofield
H E Glissmnn nnd Lee Bniloy will
go to Lincoln tomorrow to tnko in the
state sportsmens tournament
Jack Phillips came down from Tilden
lpst night nnd went to Mndison where
he is serving on the jury this morning
Specinl Easter services were held at
the Methodist church Inst night the
program cousisting of speaking and
singing The church was nicely deco
rated with flowers
No Easter services were held at the
First Congregational church yesterday
on account of the inclement weather
They wero postponed for a week and
will be held next Sunday
The trial of the famous stock yards
case opens at Mndison today nnd tho
morning passenger was fairly well
filled with witnesses attorneys jury
men nud spectators interested in the
Tho congregation of St Marys Cath
olic church participated in a very pleas
ing Easter service yesterday the church
being nicely decorated with potted
plants and cut flowers The music wns
very good
Frank Riley of Omaha was arrested
yesterday morning and placed in jail
This morning he appeared before Police
Judge Hayes to answer to the charge of
drunk aud disorderly and was fined
the fine and costs amounting to 8
Today is observed by the German Lu
therans as a holiday in connection7 with
Easter Friday and Saturday of laBt
week wero also church holidays The
services yesterday in both Lutheran
churches were very elaborate and were
quite well attended
Protection lodgo No 101 Degree of
Honor of the A O U W is issuing
invitations for the sixth annual May
party of that organization to bo given
at Marquardts hall Tuesday evening
Mny 1st A fine timo is anticipated by
tho membership nnd their friends
Mrs J M Bondurant goes to Mis
souri to visit her mother who is quite
rick Tho lady is well along in years
nud it is understood that she is the
oldest of five generations now living
the child of Mr nnd Mrs W L Pnrker
of this city being her great great-grandchild
Rev J J Parker went to Meadow
Grove Saturday and officiated at tho
ceremony which made F P Newport
of Creighton and Miss Lettie Johnson of
of Meadow Grove huBband and wifo
Mr Newport is prinolpal of the Creigh
ton schools aud Miss Johnson has been
teaching thero the past year Mr and
Mrs Newport Btopped here yesterday on
tyheir way to Creighton
Members of Damascus commaudery
No 20 K T attended the Episcopal
churoh yesterday morning in a body
and listened to a special Easter Bennon
by Rev J 0 S Weills The churoh
was very nicely decorated with flowers
and tke attendance wns good in spite of
the rain The special musio for the
occasion was most pleasing and every
feature of the Easter day servico was
It is said that preliminary
ments for putting up a two story brick
block on the corner of Main nnd Fourth
streets by Geo H Bishop of New Haven
Conn are well under way nnd that the
building will be one of the latest nnd
most convenient kinds It will nrnh
ably occupy the entiro tpace between
the Knro block aud the street It is re
ported that the estimated cost of the
structure Ib 22000 Defiulte know-