The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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1 X
1 A
i 0
Republicans Choose Represent
atives to the Convention
Dolcgiitlntift Nniiilimteit Without Opposl
tlon In Kuril iWiinl lrlnmry lllerllon
to Approve tlio Sfllrntloiin r tlio Guu
rinon nro llulng Hold Till Altornotin
toiimi SntnhlnyB DMIy
Tho republican olectors of tho various
wards mot iu caucus last ovening
pursuant to cull to solect dolcgntos to
roprosont them at tho ropublicnn couuty
convention to bo hold in this city uoxt
Suturdny nftoruooii Tho mcctiiigs
woro hnrmonious nud uniiuinious ami
strong dologatious wore aoloctcd from
each ward Tho following nro tho
results of tlio caucuses Tho uomiuoos
of tho caucuses nro beiug submitted to
tho approval of voters this nftoruoon in
the various wards
Tho caucus of tho First ward repub
lican votors resulted in tho nomination
of the following gontlomou to represent
tho ward in tho county convention
They aro being voted on at a primary
eloctiou at tho city hall this afternoon
H H Pattorsou
Geo II Spear
Davo Owen
M T Spouner
Al Johnson
Tho Second ward caucus elected the
following names to be voted for at the
primary election
W M Hubert son
O B Burrows
Clyde V sAy
J W HaiihOin
0 J Stockwcll
W L Kern
II A Pasowalk
H M Roberts
J T Teireries
Sam MoPnrland was telected clerk
and Harry Hardy judge of primary
The Third ward caucus was called to
order and Burt Mapes was made chair
mion and W N Huso secretary
Tho following named were recom
mended as delegates to tho county con
vention subject td the primary election
to bo held this afternoon
M D Tyler
Burt Mapes
W H Bucholz
W N Huse
E H Tracy
1 Powers
M R Morris
J S McOlary
M O Walker
E A Bullock
J B Barnes
M O Hazen
P E Hardy
L 0 Mittelstadt was chosen judge of
the primary election which is to be hold
at his lumber office and T W Gibson
was elected secretary
Motion prevailed that those delegates
present at the county convention bo em
powered to cast the full vote of tho
I The caucus in the Fourth ward
resulted in the nomination of tho follow
ing delegation to be approved at the
primary election
W H Rish
Gilbert Anderson
W H Livingston
G J Chapman
Proceedings of ii Tivo Duyn Session of the
County Hoard
Madison April 10 1900 1 oclock
Board of commissioners of Madison
couuty state of Nebraska mot pursuant
to adjournment PresontH W Winter
J J Hughes and Christ Schmitt
Minutes of last me ting road and cor
rected as to claim of Aug Buntrook
for land for road Amount allowed
was 135 Miuutes approved
On motion resignation of A HGardells
as constablo for Battle Creek precinct
was accepted
On motion tho following appointments
were made
Ghas Holm road ovorsoor district
No 80
E G Dennis justice of the peace
Battle Greek precinct
J R Gardells constable Battle Creek
Ben Preece constablo Battle Creek
On motion tho following official
bouds wore approved
E G Donnis justice of the peace
Battle Creek product
J L Daniel justico of tho peace Nor
folk precinct
L S Warriok road overseor diBtriot
No 1
Thomas Ambroze road overseer dis
trict No 23
Ole Johnson road overseer district
No 37
Charles Helm road overseor district
No 30
Ou motion the claim of O B Haon
for bounty on timber was rejected on
tho ground that law was repealod March
On motion tho following bills wore
Madison Chronicle printing 11 00
Gust Kaul janitor for March 3000
Fishor Typowritor Co ono dozon lib
bona 1M
J H Htimo lumber 1800
O W Orum salary for March
M D Tylor salary as comity attorney
1 months 20000
Oscar Uhlo moicliandiso for sick
paupers fr 10 nppliod on personal tax
A W Tillottson nursing and board
ing Mrs Mary Woods 13JiO
K N Smart in tho case of Ella Lowis
insane 1000
Geo W Losoy jailors foes boarding
prisoners etc o50Ui
G T Sprochor representing tho Ne
braska Tolophono Co presontod con
tract which was entered into by county
commissioners for 3 years sorvico for
tolophono iu court house at a rental of
3 por month from April 1 1900 on n
party lino Rental to bo paid quarterly
On motion report of Win Bates
county judge in tho matter of Mary
Lavina Davis a fceblo minded child
was accepted
On motion board adjourned to 7
oclock p m
Board mot at 7 p m
On motion tho following bills woro
J J Adams 1 table 900 appliod on
personal tax
Robert Horrocks 1 wolf scalp 2 00
Norfolk Printing Co blanks for
county judgo 1250 less personal tax
808 balance 152
O P Montross printing 700 ap
plied ou personal tax
Orowoll Lumber and Grain Co lum
bor 3903
Tlios Ostcgard Co lumber 1780
G E Stork 1 wolf scalp 200
R E F Crozior painting iu jail
In tho insanity case of Ella E Lowis
Chr Schavland foes 18S3
A W Gross fees iO0
Wm Coltmun witness 1 day and
mileage j00 applied on personal tax
J II Jackson witness 1 day and
mileage 1C0
H L Kindred witness 1 day nud
mileage 200 applied on personal tax
M O Wuger salary for three months
ending February 20 1900 10000 less
personal tax 078 balance 93 27
Mrs A D Wilberger 10 days nurs
ing Ella E Lewis insane 15200
J P Altstadt road work ordered
paid out of road district fund 1050
On motion bill of A D Wilberger
waslaid over
On motion board adjourned to April
11 at 8 a m
April 11 8 a m board met pursuant
to adjournment Commissioners spent
the day in examining delinquent tax
list to ascertain uncollectable tax
On motion it was agreed to vacate
road running across tho nw section 81
town 21 range 4 west in accordance
with petition of Hans Syversou ot al
On motion adjourned to 7 p m
Board met at 7 p in and proceeded
with delinquent tax list
On motion adjourned to May 8 1900
1 oclock p m Phil Baucii
County Clerk
Does Coflee Agree With Von
If not drink -Grain-0 made from
pure grains A lady writes The
first time 1 mndo Graiu 0 I did not like
it but after using it for one week noth
ing would iuduco mo to go back to
cofteo It nourishes and feeds the
system The children can drink it
freely with great benefit It is the
strengthening substance of pure grains
Get a packego today from your grocer
follow the directions in making it and
you will have a delicious and healthful
table beverage for old and young 15c
and 2octs
Largo Atrndncn at Annual Snunlon ol
TranainUalailpplaiis at Houston
Houston Tex April 18 The olov
onth session of tho Transmississippi
congress was formally oponod yosterday
by Presidont E O Stanard of St Louis
There was a largo attondanoo Tho
morning session was taken up with ad
drossos of welcome and responses there
to At tho conclusion of the first ses
sion the different stato dologations met
and solected vico presidents oxeoutivo
committeemen and members of commit
tee on r esolutious and permanent or
Resolutions were adopted indorsing
the marina subsidy bill now ponding iu
congress indorsing tho Nicaragua canal
advocating statehood for Now Mexico
and indorsing efforts to secure deep
water at Houston
Mr Montgomery of Colorado intro
duced a resolution instructing tho presi
dent to requost W J Bryan as ox-president
of the cougress to attend tho ses
sions of the congross With a few
dissenting votes tho rules were sus
pended and tho resolution adopted
Tho aftornoon was devoted to ad
dreEBjs on different subjoots
Hunter Shoots His Hand On
Stanton Neb April 18 A E Root
met with a very painful accident yes
terday morning whilo arranging to go
hunting A shotguu iu his own hands
was accidentally discharged ontirely
soveriug the loft hand from tho arm
just abovo the wrist Mr Roots homo
is at Stuart Neb and he was here
working in tho intorest of tho Modern
Brotherhood of America and has a lodgo
ready to institute Ho was a member
of company H Sixth United States in
fantry during tho Spauish Americau
war and participated iu the famous
charge up Sau Juan hill
Trial of Stock Yards Case Pro
ceeding Slowly
An Klloil to Introduce Testimony of V
V KtMd Wim Not Niirrrul
Ht niiullsoti In Which ii Yniuif Mini ul
Norfolk Wns u Irliiclpiil
Krom Wednesday Dnlly
Tho stock yards caso is progressing
but slowly before tho district court ivt
Madison nud from present indications it
will bo fully a week before it is com
pleted The trial of the young men is
boing taken up one at a time
Monday was taken up largely in se
curing an impartial jury to hear tho
ovidonco and yosterday thoro woro but
two witnesses examined for tho proso
out ion tho complaining witness being
ono of thorn Hor ovidonco was a re
vamp of that heretofore givoti and which
was reviewed at somo lougth
A largo portion of tho timo yosterday
was taken up in an endeavor to get iu
somo testimony on tho part of tho pros
ecution by W E Rood of Madison
Tho court ruled tho testimony out on
tho ground that his testimony was a
confidential interview botweon client
and attorney
A sonsatioual episode in connection
with tho caso loaked out yostorday
morning As reported horo ono of tho
wituossos on tho caso a young man
from Norfolk wont down Monday and
in company with a young woman wit
ness on another case secured a room as
man and wifo Yesterday a warrant
was sworn out for tho arrost of tho
young man and Shorill Losoy started
after him Ho niado his oscapo to this
city and tho shorill followed but it is
understood that tho young follow again
gavo him tho slip and escaped ou a
train out of the city last night
Tho facts in tho caso are not woll
known but if all is truo that was re
ported Norfolk has additional cause to
be ashamed of n class of her young tnon
It is outrage upou outrage and it is be
coming more and more evident that tho
city should bo rid of such timber
Residence Occupied hy W Hull De
stroyed With Contents
Fom Tnosdoys Daily
The residence property occupied by
W O Hall ou Madison avenue second
door east of Fourth street was destroyed
by fire last night about 11 oclock The
building and contents woro entirely
consumed with the exception of a
dining table belonging to Mr Hall
Tho household goods were insured for
about two thirds their value1 iTho
houso was tho property of Mr Black
man of Omaha who formerly lived hero
and built some years ago What insur
ance was on the houso has not been
Mr Hall estimates tho value of his
personal property thatj was destroyed
at about 700 The building was worth
about 1 200 and itis understood was
insured for S00
Mrs Hall was away from homo at
tho time having gone to Neligh to
visit her parents Sho expected to
return today
Soon after 8 oclock last night Mr Hall
went homo to make somo alterations in
his wearing npparel preparatory to
going to the military ball Tho houso
was cold and damp and ho throw about
half a buoket of cobs in the stovo satu
rated thom with koroseuo and lit them
Ho remained in tho houBoElfi or I2C
minutes and when ho walked out set
the lamp on the dining roomtableand
is uucertaiu as to how it could have
caught whether the lamp was upset in
some manner or whothor it caught from
tho fire iu tho stove Anyway it was
fully an hour and a quarter after ho
left tho house before the alarm was
Mr Vail who was an early arrival on
tho scono states that tho house was on
firo around tho chimney when ho ar
rived being burned through tho ceiling
and perhaps a proper conclusion Tas to
its origin would bo that tho soot in tho
chimney caught on fire nud a spark of it
fell out nud lodged on tho wood work
where it in timo devoloped a blaze
The department was a little slow iu
responding to tho alarmowiug uojdoubt
to the disagreeable night and by tho
time they got tho first stream of gwater
ou the blaze it was in supreme control
of the dwelling
Tho wind was strong from tho north
and as soon as tho flames had burned
through to the air the building wont
like tinder
The storm of wind nnd rain prevail
ing made it very disagreeable for firo
mou and citizens to got out but never
theless there was a largo number on
the sceue boforo the fire was under
In running to the fire Mr Hall took
quite a serious fall on the slippery walk
bumped his head and skinned his hand
He al60 managed to tear and muddy
tho only suit of clothes ho had loft and
lost several dollars and a pocket knife
Mrs Halls wardrobe was also destroyed
she haviug takeu very littlo clothing
with hor besido what she had on owiug
to tho short visit she iutended to make
Farm and city loons
Tuk DuRLiSD Trust Co
Cut this ail out and m ikI to tin and
ueulll iM ini joii till IIMill lltAHF
ACME- riAitoun kwki
n lLil I I piiliibit to exuin
nation you can examine it ntmir
frt lRlit depot am if found nrfictl
caUnfiietoryoxutly uh rrprPMiitiHi
ainl m rjua I in Malcs that ritull ut
t it O paj llie mill nail AKfiit nur kptTlal
Iirlre 779 l tht flOO or
5675 and fielht chnrurH Tim
Miiiipintf vwdudit lit IY Id and the
freight will aeratfo xlnr encliWxi
fill It arid Kuaruntre tale 6rlerj
lllh AmK for
farm tlorf or
Hart IniuwUlIt
truurunttcd IU
vhTti nnd wilt
11- f lifltltllf
WUIuelKli fWO IIh tiy ihIiik oil welisliw rurnniiiMl
llraxMhiioil wellflihV lli iuh MMrim llrahlldlnn VoUr
riitforni lniril InrtiHH rc tlnt on mljilalilu rhill
lieurliiKu Iihh Ilentnti Btecl iHol moat neiiltUe
aruuratii nnd duraliln wale inailf inmintcd on four
lartrit wlieilui they are nicely painted und iiriiamcnted
and htaTitirully nnlidied throughout Kery farmer
Hlllsan twku tht roitt 111 one veaftnu hv HidKhlnrthu
Kraln ho h II- and huyn OIIDFIt AT o F huroru tho
nrliitli ndvatired Cat iloirii of Halea flee for the auk
Iiur Addre s Sean Roebuck Co Inc Chicago IIL
ISrira ItwUuck U lu arc Iburaugkl rcllalilr kdllor
m2rMI f
AGenuIno Walo5llver Stcel String for Violin
Mandolin lultar or llanjo will be sent aliso
lutcly llii to any a lilress on receipt of -cent
ttamp for return poatnec Write to day for
one A complete set will bo bent for 13c
For This Week Only
Our 200 Walo Accordion
reduced from 1300 Is a single row Accordion
has 10 keys 2 basses 2 htops 2 sets of reeds
ebonlm wood llnlsh open keyboard double
and strong bellows our best seller
Our 550 Walo
Double Row Accordion
reduced from 1850 has t sets of reeds ID keys
i bassos open keyboard sweet tine Is very
durable bus metal corners ou strong dcublo
bellows and is all nickel trimmed
Our 725 Walo
Double Row Accordion
reduced from tis00has 21 key s2 stops 4 sets of
reeds black molding all nickel trimmed open
keyboard nickel corners und clasps and very
long bellows This Accordion Is only for pro
fessional tue It can be used with bands will
tune to the Clarionet Cornet or any other musl
cal Instrument Kemcinber These Prices Are
Only tor One Week
Send for Walo Catalogue ol All Musical In
struments and purnishlnw Latest Hand Or
chestra and Ilano rtuslc Catalogues on appli
cation Repairing ot All Kinds Done Neat and
Prompt Watch our next ad or Uarsalm
lew realise what a ilccp seatrd obstinate disease Catarrh Is tcgnrditig it ni n simple iiiflnimtintion of
the nose nnd throat little oi no nltentiou ii given it Hut however insignificant it nmy seem nt first It
is sci ions uiul fur leaching iu its tesults
The foul secretions entetiug the riiriilntinii poison the entile system The inmurlt kidneys in
fact all tho organs fool the effect of this rnlutihitl poison and when the liuigi utr reached iti progress
istnpid nnd destructive nud fiunllv etuis iu consumption
It frequently happens that the senses of heating nnd smell ntc In pnttoi entirely lost the soft lioncsof
the nose oaten Into and destroyed causing intense suffet ing and gt oath ilisfigunng the face While sprays
washes nud salvos may give tetupotnty telicf no pottuiineiil benefit can he expected from such treatment
nnd fnr beyond the reach of mote local tonicities Those who tely upon litem fot a rule lose valuable limb meet with disap
pointment and allow the disease to lake linnet hold Only n teal blood tonicity can teach this tiouhlesotne and daugetnus disease
SSS cutos Catanh because it fust clonuses nud builds up the blood purifies it makes it noli nud heallhy stimulates and
puts new life into the sluggish wotu out organs nud thus relieves the system of all poisonous accumulations
Mrs Jnncrtliluc Iotliill of Due WrM S C write I limt Oiitnttli whlcli liernnir so drcji
tented tlint 1 win vntlii ly dciif In one cur mid nil linldc of m nose ituliidliii unit of tin- Ihiiic
slouched oft When lite dlcn r had ioiip this fin tlir liylcliiti rhvp me tip ns liiiimililr I
determined to tiy H S M ns n luM tcsott nnd lirunn to iiiipiove nt ontr It seemed to i t nl the
nent of tile clNene uiul lifter n few weeks lieiitliictil I was cntltely ciited nud fot mote Hum
seven ycius Imvc hnil no slj n of Hie illM mr
S S S is made of roots herbs nnd harks of wonderful tonieiil and pttiifyiug
properties It is the only vegetable blood purifier known nud n ourtniu and safe
cure for all blood troubles Send for our book ou ltlood nud Skin Diseases nud nt
tile same time write our physicians about yoiircase They will ohooi fully irivc von
Till lhlj mil anil tml hi u with M IHI and w ll kNl tun ttila t
tnraoKi takmih ukm oihun i rrrUhi r u d ujrrt iiiin
linn You run r mmlnn llntyiir Trt IkM drtt onil It i
ymi find It rtnrlly hh rcitrrnrnlid Inn Rtidraitalaa jnu trr im
an it far f llr llm nntana adirrllard lij nthrr l innrn fnnnaj a lh frrhtM i
Bitrnl OUR PRICE 5T3G0 IrMtUtfl imi lrttilit vr 11 150 nl
rrvUhlfhantta THE PARLOR OHM Uim r Ihn iabt 1M IUIII K
AM HUKK1KNT 11lM Inatramrnlri rtrr inailf ltitlll tlin lllimtrntlnn
nliooii which lrnrnM d dilccl linn a jiltittuitrnpti miiaii form
nonin liliii tr Hh tnMitlfill npirniiutiaM Slnlr rrnin nnllil jtiurlrr
miMril link or wulnnt n ilrlnl prrfnratnt Iry allp full ianrl Immj
lanllTuI narrjarlr ilfilgii anfU ami many ttthrr hamUomr ilrrnratloMi
anl ninamrnla mailnv It thf MUX lil IHT HI lfc I II I IA IM1I it
MVW Inn fret hluh iZ Inrhrn limrf J1 liirlirn wlilnnml rluhit 1V
UMtniin imuiihrirMHintiri 11 hliti i iitllUHri lilann rrlntliial
Irulrlana B1rlilla IVIralr I rt mtina Havalitunlf r lrrlil tniiilrr
IMniaftnn l ortr and t Unman a a Orlatn rMitrr I limn Mwrll
I Jrand Oryan Ntrll 4 Hela of Orrhralral litnnl lrnnalir rin
Vni7 irrn i nnni ui i urn nnffi Tinmii iirrnti rriiTl
any information or advice wanted We make no charge for this SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA
Wantkd Honest man or woman to
travel for largo houso salary 115
monthly nnd oxponsos with increaso
position norinanent enclose self-ad
dressed stumped envelope Manuiuu
lllO Oaxton bldg Chicago
Cure And Trout monk Of Tim Mc If
Dr Humphreys Spocillo manual on
tho treatment and euro of tho siok
mailed free on request Adress 1
roys Medicine Co New York
Dr Humphreys
Specifics euro by noting dirootly upon
tho disease without ociting disordor iu
any othor part of tho system
I Ietem CitiKWitlimii InnnmmMlntis iH
IS Wiirmi Worm Worm Colic 2i
1 Colic CrylnuWnkofnlnoM US
l ninrrlien of Children or Adults US
7 CoiirIis Colds Ilrouchltls 21
8 Veurnluln Toothache Kaconclio ii
tl llentlneho Hick Ileadacho VertlKO Vtt
10 lvsieistnIiiillKesttonWenkHtomncliU5
1 1 Hupirenaiil or Inlnrul Period ii
lJ WhlteM Too lrof uso TcrlodJ 2H
13 roup Inrynnltls lloarsenoss 2i
1 1 Snlt Itlieiim KryHlpelns Eruptions H
11 HIieuninllHin IUicumntlc Ialns
10 Mnlnrln Chills Fovor nnd Aruu
19 4ntnrrh Influenza Cold In tliu Uend
20 WliKopliiK loimh
21 Kidney IHxriiHey
JH WrvouH Delilllty
lO lrlnnry Wrnknemi WottlnKllod
77 Grip liny Fuvor
J 5
Dr Humphreys Mnnunl of nil DlneoncH nt your
DrumflBtii or Mailed Kreo
Hold by ilrUKKlxts or Hont on receipt of prlre
numphreys Med Co Cor WlllUun John Bis
Now York
CTlHnitf anil ticxitinn the liilr
lmmtitrf a luxuriant Growth
Novor Falls to llentoro Qray
xxnir 10 11H xouiuiui uoior
Cure falp tliFBMs A tinlr falling
No 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo
I nanninmj uniiliyiH flfiiP ur MU I rector ill Itlru Tlrllotv Nmmilli
IMaiainn HrriU 1 Hr f rifnIn Noft Jlrloillnu rlnrlial
llfnit THE PARLOR GEM linn funitintHiif llin
Olrliratnl hriil llri ils wlilrli mv iinlv unci I in I ho lilirh
tHt LP 1 11 1 1 IliStl lltlWIttti lltliil With Itdtninoml I ntiplciv and bP
t lliimana nlnn lirft Ihrln fiilt n Ir ilhtiH rto IhIIiiwh fV
in mi nrnt iiiiKiorniMii iuv iidiiuwh biick iimii II m fit l
Irnlhri In nwn THE PARLOR OEM In Tn i itl Im I
w I Ih it 1 0 k 1 1 lnitrliil plato rrrnrh inlrnr itlckt I pUtcil
piilnl finmcM HIM in cry lumlrin linpinviiitnnl Hr
lurtiUh frrf a tiamUuma urRae aloul ami tlie lirnl iirftan Inttruf
tlnn I W MillUhril
ignite a wtlttiii liiiMlhifT ir ur itiuiiiiltO Iy thti
ttiinftutit iMiinllllniirf iirhftli If tiny pui t vMwiff Ml un
icpitlr It frrn nr rharitr Tiy It imn ItHililh nlirl hii will
r nun iiiriiniHv If 31111 urn lint prrlrrtly f nt tnllftl omi
nrtlnM ruaiiK will In- ho11 nt 115 30 MUKIt
il all with HHiLTk nil rtii iKhhoi atmtil mm wrllo
inr jniminiirr ni nun pupi r or tifimpMlllutl
Nallotial Itimka nrCoin Nat Unnk of tlilt iidi
or iit niun I iiluuitro Hunk Now Sorl or uny
riillpiiil or oxprrHH rmtipany In 1htf ao Vr
han a CRpltalfir otrr IHIMHMt orcup rntlln
wif of tin1 Lirurit IniahiiHH blorltH In t hknio
n m Ituploy rumrly 2hhi pinplo in our own
itiiiu k nr wri 1 iMitni at tZZuu and uni
II il I III II Willi I ii
imsmmmMXi Illfigf
- fmfQrlawaBMBBVKt J21
a ltgfTjFJMMLlSsBtBPawawJ fToi
1 1 flivl I aak Wmm I tc
111 T I IMEll hfad
i i Bwl Ill QJtW il wii
5 f t4 XShl I U AVI latent
Zg ii rrrz mtat
S t i Ail I rcvY rir
iltiPK SliliF KITH TDK
DKl MTH r miw Mudf hy the
heat iniiLcra In Aiiicrlcu
Iriiin the html liiutcrlulmuncv
run iuy
aREslfl BMff 1 Iff TtBl WrM
taHLVVai bHKa IKiRhHbI
H laaWnBBSsWatTlBWvfl
niHMRiW Mvmym1
am91 Mk Slam
jfnBavavHaBHHMsUstfJJhH i tawlaB
BawlBBVaLaHBWVTVBaaUiwlBBBV 3 til ml H
C5SawfflSiSpiSSS sBf
ssst m nwm f V m f 1 1 mm
I NMriiio tlftffiKyaSLUi1Ca 3 HlUVl
iMAMis if 1 1100 iaitpi nlnMvTvlhlrn In inn Irnl Initriimcnla nt Inweiit wliolraaln prliea Write rnr froeviecUI
iirii iliiMiiiiliniMlrnl liiatnimeiit ratalnKue AiMniiia Stan llotbutk M lo are UurouKhtr rillalile Kdllr
tltAHb ROtBUCK CO Inc Fulton Dciplaines and Wayman Sl CHICAGO ILL
are the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catalogue Free
Ask for it
5mith Premier
Typewriter Co
with ynuR oi
ml nut mi
wo will
RRAnr riRnp caiinft iurdick sewinu machihe w rrriiiiciKiu
Hon uu can oxuuiliiii it at your nrurmt frolht ilepot atxl If fiu tjjp
iprffflly halMarlnrjtixartly aHroprnnonliMl rtjual oniirlilnrniCifrh m y R
iiiiiiiKjitiMiKp Special Oiler Prico 1550 aLtfiLii
iurfrffKlit aicrnt our r
undfrcir tit chariert Macliliiu wlIkMh vm iouhIniumI thcfnH it w
v iraKu7ftccntHforoachtvwmlla GIVE IT THREE MOMTHS TPIAL
your nwu hoinoa and wo will return your 15 Ut any ilayjuu aro r t
ftatlhtlotl Wr ll tillTerfnt naia and rradfauf Hrwlnr Marfiluf at fil
1001 11 HI trJOOiDd up all fully ilicrltMfl In our Yrtr Hrivlait
Slarlilnf Calalogur huttlMl for thht I1UP DKMk AIIINKT IILItDltk It
tht irrratcat aluc our ontTiu ny uny iiuuae
tlHemtiitBoiTerinn uulmown narlilnfi unlir varlniiHnanifi wltli variuuala
darriTMil Writ aom frUod la UilraRoandleirn who arr rrlltlilr andshoarnut
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cIopimi liiuij ilroppliiK fruin hlht to lo iiiim n a rmler lalil iaa4
or drl the otlieriHii wltli full Icnutti tahlu anil In ml In iluru fur
rewlnir 4 fanry ilraMvr UImI lhlltt tkllon frimr rarvtil laliflcilein
tl ami ilcoiirattilrilliK tlthlili lineal nickel ilracr nulls ntx mi four
rn ailjutlalile treadle Kliuliif J iiny tli irnii rtuml Hurl Urgr lllrti Xrm
IKiKltlte nur mnllon fieilreir threnillnir vilirutiuc hliultlit uiitonutli
n Mimler iitllufltulilti betrlriLfH natent leindoii lideritor liiiirneilloi
niljuntahl1 nreioiuririKt lutiiroteilahiittl currier patent lie ille bar
flreKMUUunl heil I hinilftml ili mralH lod iirnmnlr4 and liriutirullj
Irlmifil GUARANTEED Ihrllnlitnlruanlnir ninl duralilr lad nnrt
unltrlrBt laarlilnr nulr rtrr fcRonn allrliraol l ramUhrd nllil OUT rrOO In
struction Hook tell Jiihi liowaiionrfeanniii Itaml ilotltber plain ornny
Mini of liinci uurk A 2ilFn lllodUilluirinlfil fen twltli eteryiiiaclilliH
PnCTC Vnll NnTlllfjn IdlaiidnamlnrlhUnitfLlnr eoinpuru ilwlth
lreel r arils at IOIMl to
IfiOOO ami then If convinced that nii are naviriK Ijiou to llunn pay jnur freight airent tlie Sift SO
K lit mil UN 10111 JliMl l at any time wllliin three n mitli on ouurMiiot Mttiflid UllUiU TO Int
DONT DELAY Seara Korlmck t t o aru tliorotuliiv rellalile I illior i
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
Edisons Phonograph
nctter tlinn a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as playsand
dont cost as much It reproduces tho music of any instrument band or orchestra tells
stories and sings tlio old familiar hymns as well as tho popular hongs it is always ready
Prices 750 to 10000 Seo that Mr Kdisons bignaturo is on every machine Cata
logues of all dealers or NATIONAL PUONOQRAlll CO 135 Fifth Ave New York
The Balloon
Painted by I ullen Dupres
This Masterpiece represents a fam
ily ol puiisiims m uiu IliirVUSb uuiu
It is noonday not a breath of air
is stirring and away oil in the dis
tance where the villagers are hold
ing their country fair a balloon
hangs in tho sky They gaze in
luuto astonishment wonder awo
Most Bkautikui Pictukr nnA iwi nTii n
uu aun iuvk u -
faces and attitudes It is the work
of a master hand This is reproduced in colors 22x30 inches
in a marvelous oil painting effect You could not buy one
for 200 Wo bought them in ten thousand lots so can offer
it mailed in a tube post paid with a three mouths trial sub
scription to THE WEEKLY BEE FOR 25 CENTS
Address Tho Heo Publishing Co 2073 Faruaiu St Omaha Neb