The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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I 1
Official Canvass of Votes Cast
Last Tuesday
Klcnl N Autliiirlid to IIckIii lujlup
llio liil llulli y IImi IoniilKtliiti to
irt It 111 ItmirilK lloulltiK Alley In 11
coimoil Next Mnntltig Apt II 10
From Frlilnfl Dnllj
Tho rogulur nuotiiif of tlio city
council was hold in tho council ohnm bora
last ovoniiife thcro boiiif prosont Mayor
Simpson mid Ootiiiciliiion Hruniinunil
Buoholz Bullock Downer Doxtor
llecktiiiin Uhlo and Vide
Tho miuutiS of tho regular nuotinj of
March 1 and tho Hpicinl mci ting of
March 8 wero road and approved
Clio police judges stitoinont was road
and accepted art audited showing lines
paid 14 and unpaid 7
Tho treasurers statements for Fohru
nry and March wero read nnd referred
to tho auditing committee Tho fol
lowing balances wero shown deneral
fund ii7r5 interest fund sfityjIlT
water fund i ir7 road fund sJiMUOil
sinking fund i7iSst tiro department
luud iIS0
Mr Klont asked tho council what
tho city would do this year towards
street sprinkling Moved by 13rum
mund to allow Mr Klentz 0 for
street sprinkling for tho mouth of April
Tho roll call on this motion resulted as
follows Aye Hrummuml Mucholz
Dogner Uhlo no Dexter lleckman
Vielo Carried by concurrence of
A protest was entered by Albert
Wildo and Kl liraasch regarding tho
ordering out of tho slot mnchines that
paid a cigar for every nieklo played
Tho mayor stated that 1m could not
rescind tho order
Mr Braaseh complained of tho side
walk on north Eighth siiecr in front of
tho O G Miller propei ty Referred to
the committee on ttreets and alleys
V H Biily presented a petition
requesting permission to erect an adver
tising bill board on lots l and 10 block
J Uears addition On motion permis
sion was granted to erect samo under
supervision of street commissioner
with tho understanding that said board
set back from tho sidewalk a distance
equal to its hoighth
On motion tho city marshal was a u
thorized to sell all barbed wire around
city dump ground for i2Q
On motion tho committee on streets
and alleys was authorized to purchase
ouo car of stone crossings
Ou motion tho street and alley com
mittee and city marshal weroinstructed
to notify tho F E M V railway to
put in a culvert near Madison avenue
Tho public works committee reported
that they had corresponded with various
contractors regarding the pulling of the
pipe out of the deep well No satisfac
tory replies wero received and the com
mittee were given further time
Tho same committee reported that a
hoso house had beon purchased and
placed in tho Third ward as per instruc
On motion the clerk was authorized
to notify John O Muy that a bowling
license would bo granted for three
months for 1300 or six mouths lor
Tho bills of tho Times Tribuno and
the Daily Nbws wero referred to tho
committee ou printing and supplies
The following claims were read and
it was moved to allow the samo
List of bills not furnished for publi
Moved that tho city clerk be author
ized to issue certificates of indebtedness
to election boards at tho rato of 400
forjudges and clerks and 200 for
Tho council resolved itself into a can
vassing board and examined tho returns
of tho annual city and school elections
held April I 1900 Tho results wore
found to bo as follows
Cumliriutox 1st 2ml 3rd tth TotiilMoj
Itobortson rop 02 110 202 M 127 11
WWorvolt loin 12S 113 b2 63 00
City Clork
McFnrlnml riii S8 123 1M IS 451 72
KoouiKBtulu doiulOl 123 101 r7 3S2
City Trensuror
Maylnnl rop 01 73 144 4H 320
Friday duni 127 181 137 CO 509 183
Polico Jtido
HnyoB rop 59 112 100 51 UK 12
Childs dom 124 137 b3 01 403
City Kiigiiioor
W 11 Louoroii 146 1S5 215 S5 601
Irummmiddom 111
Horn rop PS
DoKnor dom 160 72
Iusewulk rop 100
Oraiitilom US IS
Jieck rop 161 40
Ilolahaiidom 121
Ililtrhosou rop 20
tipolliuauilom 00 Gl
School Hoard
ItiBhrop 19 07 119 33 3 13
Jattoreon rop 54 7 131 13 279
Mntruu ilmn 19 120 11 5S asl
Doan doiu 71 129 107 lis 307
Tho clerk was instructed to issue
certificates of election to those candi
dates found to have majority votes
Tho council adjourned to Monday
night April 510 1000
An IlttornKtlli Contiitt III Which uo fe
DiivIh Won Klr t riHcc
From Saturdays Daily
Tho road race under tho augpicea of
tho Young- Mens Uhristiau league
which was run yesterday aftoruoon be
tween Stautou and Norfolk was tin in
tcrcsting and exciting ovont and much
enthusiasm was in evidence on tho part
of tho contestants nnd those who
watched tho outcome There wero nine
entries Geo Davis Clyde Williams
John Kuhl Arthur Ahlntan V V
Hughes Wellington Fo Olaronco
Clark Tames Woarol and Hay Hartford
There wero soveral handicap- given
tho first to start being one of the young
er contestants at S3 YJ Others received
tho word go up to i oclock when all
woro oil Tho road was in very good
condition but tho wind front tho south
west worked to some disadvantage
Some of tho racers wero soveral times
thrown from their wheels and two of
them ran together breaking a pedal on
one of tho mnchines while a number of
other accidents happened to the riders
Tho rider to sutler tho most by tho
race was Secretary Hughes He waited
to start until all were oil and then
woiketl so hard that he was completely
oxhauMed On reaching tho goal on
Main street he fell from his wheel in a
fainting condition Ho was carried in
to a nearby business house anil a doctor
summoned who applied restoratives and
he was then taken homo in a cab Ho
has not recovered from tho exortion yet
today and is still quite sick
Tho first contestant to reach tho homo
sctatch was George Davis who niado
the distance in a little nioro than I
minutes Ho was followed quite closely
by Clyde Williams and lohn Kuhl
canto in tliiid Arthur Ahltnuu was
fourth and Mr Hughes fifth to cross tho
lino Then camo Wellington Fox
Clarence Clark and lames Worrol while
Kay Hartford brought up tho rear
There were no prizes offered tho race
being merely for tho fun of tho thing
It is quite likely that other spoils of
liked chanicter will bo indulged in dur
ing tho summer this being a leading
fcatuio of the Y M O A methods to
interest young men
Tho SlionriH Whirl Iliiio liccn IioiiiImimI
lor ii lVriki
From Morulas h Daily
The showers which havo been prom
ised by tho weather bureau for tho past
five or six days at last commenced to
como this morning and tho promiso is
that they will continue tonight and to
morrow Tho condition of tho weather
during tho past weok has beon such as
to puzzle tho oldest forecaster and ad
mits of no explanation along tho usual
lines of proceedure Tho Omaha Bee of
Saturday evening publishes tho follow
ing which explains tho weather com
The weather forecaster has troubles
of his own For weeks ho will forecast
tho weather for Omaha and vicinity
with exactness and tho people will take
his efforts as a mattor of courso and
will hardly realize that ho is at work
but let theory and fact vary in tho least
and there is immediate complaint that
something is wrong in tho weathor
This remark is occasioned by tho ex
perience of Forecaster Welsh in tho last
four days Wednesday morning tho
daily bulletin stated that Omaha was to
have rain but tho sun fahown with un
abated brilliancy People remarked
that tho little cards were entitled to an
other guess Thursday morning tho
card said rain again but still tho sun
shouo on On Friday when tho card
called for rain tho rays of tho sun
seemed to take satanio delight in get
ting into the oyes of tho forecaster
when ho went to lunch but tho
weather man was persistent and in tho
face of the shining sun on Saturday
morning he again wrote probably
rain on tho card and this time tho sun
surrendered to the inevitable and per
mitted tho clouds to hide its faco while
it was persumably chuckling at the
forecasters predicament
A peculiar condition existed over tho
country this weok An area of high
barometer had passed over the country
to tho southeast followed by a low
bringing with it rain and snow from
tho west as far east as Oheyonuo and
Pueblo By all of tho rules of tho
weather bureau that high should havo
buried itsolf in tho Atlantic ocean and
ponnittod the rain bearing low to spread
itself over the west but instead of that
it stopped somowhoro down in Tennessee
or Georgia and acted as though it had
taken up its summer quartors down
there Tho low which followed it
was a timid little creature and would
not force its company upon its predeces
sor but started south on a little trip
until tho high had decided to get off the
earth It deposited snow at Santa F
and rain all over tho south and west
gavo trace of rain to Lincoln nnd a
larger quantity to Valeutino but still
refused to bring rain to tho Missouri
river north of Kansas Oity Friday
night the low reached Omaha and tho
solf registeriug barometer at tho
weather otllco showed this morning that
wo had a thunder storm in Omaha with
out a thunder clap or a drop of rain in
other words tho record indicated tho
existouco of all conditions found during
a thunderstorm except tho water
If tho present conditions continue
wo shall keep ou promising rain
though none should fall till the Fourth
of July said Forecaster Welsh
Thero is nothing else that we can say
for this feature predominates and rain
has fallen all around us
Tho Washington olliee and all of tho
observers in tho territory havo
oasted rain for this section and there
fore It can bo soon according to the
rules tho Oniaha olllco is correct and
tho only thing that is wrong is that
recusant rain which has not come
Iimili KiTimti mid 111 Coinpiiii I looted
hV ii Liiro mill Aiiliiilntln AiiiIIcik
Fom TiiowIiijk Dull
The Auditorium was packed by the
largest audience in its histoty lust
night when Sol Smith Russells great
sympathetic play A Poor Relation
was presented with Frnnle Keonan in
tho leading role of Noah Vail and
among all tho assemblage there was not
a person but who thought they had ex
perienced one of tho rarest theatrical
treats presented in a lifetime Tho
people wore at all times in close touch
with tho actors and tho players felt tho
impulse ot a sympathetic uudiouco
Words are totally inedequato to de
scribe tho performance A reader
might havo overy lino before him and
yot it would bo a mere shadow ot tho
play In fact tho merit of tho picoo iB
not so much in the words and tho
rendering of thorn as in the acting of
tho members of the cast and tho situa
tions Every onu of tho pcrforineis
was a real star Mr Keonan and Mis s
Lilu Conver as Dolly Fayo being
especially meritorious Tho lit t lo tots
woro also marvelously adopt and gavo
every evidence of careful training Tho
pioco was ono in which thero is a
marvelous blending of I ho sublime and
tho ridiculous the grave and tho gay
tho humorous and the pathetic in
fact it would bo dilllettll to lull wero
ono mood left oil and tho other began
Tho audionco would bo in tho midst of
a mirthlul burst and at onco tho feeling
would bo divurtcd into tho doptli of
sadness without being able to dellno
tho cause
Tho author IM ward H Kidder is
entitled to much credit for tho harmoni
ous ticcord of the piece but tho actors
havo tho Important part and without
their interpretation would never havo
assumed tho importance that has been
Tho sentiment of tho audionco was in
ovidouco at the close of tho ilrsl act but
when tho second act was completed
their enthusiasm knew no bounds and
nothing short of a speech before tho
curtain by Mr Keonan sorvod to satisfy
their denianils IIo thanked tho aud
itors for their appreciation and paid an
especial tribute to tho energy of Man
ager Spear IIo appeared as thoroughly
at home in front of tho curtain as ou
tho fctago and tho pcoplo woro dolighted
with his effort
About 100 people wero in attoudauco
from Madibou and other neighboring
towns wero represented by delegations
pooplo coming from as far as Humphroy
Neligh and Wakefield
Every Beat in tho house was filled and
standing room was at a premium In
spito of tho fact that it was tho largest
crowd of pooplo ever in tho building it
was readily emptied without jar or
friction Time was kept on tho move
ment of tho audience and it was found
that the building was vacated of tho
last person just niuo minutes after tho
curtain was rung down on tho last act
thus showing how quickly tho people
could escape in caso of a firo
The reception given Mr Keenan and
his company last night is an evidence
that tho sentiment in favor of high
class attractions is increasing and that
tho people will patronize a first class
play if a proper effort is niado The
success of tho porformauco last night
was undoubtedly largely duo to tho
efforts of Manager Spear who was un
tiring in his efforts to secure a good at
tendance at a guurantood attraction
Mnnagor Berger may rest assured
that should he ever visit this city again
with his Poor Relation ho will be
given a cordial reception and it is safe to
promiso that other meritorious attrac
tions of liko character will bo met by a
largo and sympathetic audience
The Hoimou lfun Itent Frloiul
Turpentine is tho best friend tho house
koepor has and a supply should always
bo kept ou hand It is good for rheuma
tism or sore throat and a quick romedy
for fits or convulsions
It is a suro preventive against moths
a few drops reudeiing garments safe
from such invasion when put in storage
It drives away ants and hugs from
storerooms aud corners by putting a fow
drops ontho shelves It effectually de
stroys bugs and injures noither furniture
nor clothing
For cleaniug paint add a spoonful to a
pail of warm water A little in the
suds on washday will mako washing
I iisBSBHiisSj1
H 1 IliSK J 5JHia 5 -3
Isritwtoiiiinml pohon whfrh galtiiaccevilothclilood thtiHigh fuiluicof Ihepiopct
uijuhh Hirany on ami uecpute nvsu ni cleat n all mot Mil ellele matter This poison
uiciu ocnu 15c kj jiaruy jay tj
postage or exprcsJLc and will S
send you one It ha 1 100 jkij
17000 illiittintioiiH aid tuntLt
prices on nearly 70000 tilings
that you t at and u v and iar
0n1i1i1H lanj 1 itucv all
art u iium i
The Tall st MercanMt Cjiffna in IbeWcrld WIC WTCCWERY WARD CO
0 vricJ and Occupr l CcUjud Py Us jiMjv 1 luuu hi itUCu
iiiim rmirmwfitKiiXifa
Moris lteces
Shatters Mw9
Miens joints
through tltegeneial circulation is deposited in the joints tiiiisclesnnil neives i uiisiuglhemos iitliMiseniiu
uiii uiiiiiusiii iuiih k wnii mil it suiliieiiuess anil evenly as to uuikr utiiiiii it i v ilnvi n lienlllty
active pet son helpless and lied iidileii with distotli il limbs and slmtt iril in tvcs fir it 111HV f 4lflM In
A iiv oiitinitiiilittory lultor
M mini it Neb Ian T 1100 Dr
1 C Clark Dear Sir I am much
pleased with I ho resultH of your treat
ment of my little gills eyes Tho
glasses you filled for her havo done all
and more than you claimed they would
She never looks oross oyed now and
her oyt s do not trouble her as they
used lo in school wotk
1 gladly recommend you to any per
son with eye rouble
Mus W A Pitistiv
Mn Preston is a very cultured lady
teaching the school at Maguett Neb
Call upon Dr Clink and read lie thou
sands of such letteis ho has on file
Dr Humphreys
Specifics euro by acting directly upon
the dihOiisc without OHoiting disorder in
any other purl of tho system
I 1itrr OniKoflllons Inllnmnmtloim iH
ii Worm Worm Iuvw Worm Colic 2i
l Tret III nil Colic Crying WakofulniM tiff
I Dinrrlimi of Children or AiIultH
7 CiHiRhit Colda DronchlttH iS
H iiirnlRln Tootlmclio Kacuaclio i1
l llrriiliiilu Kick Ilemlnctio Vci Uko i3
1 0 IvhIiIh InillKHllonlWvalcHtoiiiaclitii
I 1 HiiiiriNHcil or lnlnliit IVrloilx JI
lU White Too Irofuso Iorloili it
III roup Iiiirinultltf HoarflisiutB i3
1 I Knit lthiiiin Kryslpulafl Kruptlnns ii
1 ItliiiiiiintiHin Hlictimiitlc lnliirt 7t
15 Mnlnrlii Chllla Fover mill Akuu iff
ID Cntiirrh Inlluunza Cold In thullvad iff
liO Whooidnic toiiitli iff
U7 KIiiiiv IMmlminph iff
iH irvoiiH Di lillltv
i lrlnnry Wcnkiirwu WolllriK llid
77 Urlp Hay Fever
Dr Hiimplirityn Manual of nil DIsnHcH nt your
uniKgiHH or iiniiun itoc
Holil hy truuulrtt or ncnt on nrInt of nrlrn
Niiw York
jut uur iiuuin juuii out
AgenuineWcIo Silver Steel String for your
Violin Mandolin Guitar or Banjo will
be sent absolutely free to any address on
receipt of a 2 ccnt postage stamp for return
OurHanilollns arc guaranteed to ho ubgnlutcly
true In the Scales perfect worltmanslllp and
correct adjustment of strings
Our 195 Walo Mandolin
reduced from SI 00 Is Walnut and Mnploll libs
neatly iliilsiieil Inlaid souudliolc rosewood
llntfer hoard iiosltlon dots American patent
head PKI2I with every Mandolin an oxtri set
of Strings nnd a valuable Sclf lntructor
Our 345 Walo Mandolin
reduced from i00 Is Oals and Maple IS ribs
funcy Inlaid houndliole celliilofd houiul cdfie
ebony trlmin ntts position dots American pat
ent bead and lino tlnlsh
Our 495 Valo Mandolin
reduced from iOO Ii solid Kosewood 13 ribs
hlgbly llnlshedeilKes Inlaid with fancy colored
wood iiurllliiff liouud with celluloid ebonled
UnKerbourd tearl loiltlou dots uinhoany
ueclt host Amen -an patent head
Send for Wains Catalogue nl All luslcal In
strument und rurnlshhiK ratcil
Hand Orchestra and Ilano Music Cataluuucon
application Pine Kcpalrlna Speclulty Watch
or Our Next iiaricalns
No 9 S Broadway SI Louis Mo
Wholesale Prices
Our General CaUlrtut qvot s i
developing with siliehl vuitideting pains just hccic enough to titiike one 1 iiueomforlaliU the ton-
itciiey in sitcli eases is in gmw worse im 1 lumllv become
Itkeothet blood diseases Ulii titinitisiii is often iiihetited and evposiite todninpot cold wnnlof ptoper
food insufficient clothing or anything alenlaled to itnpitii the health will fiisiiintlv utise it to develop
in early life hut moie often not until middle age ot later In whatever fot in win tlni utile ot chiottic
uiTiomcd RlBGussssttiSstst is Stfi ffotily a BSoorl fOiscase
and no liniment or othei cxd tiutl tiealtneul run temli the tumble Nelthei do the piriuiiutliiimnf potash
and tneteuty and the mious tniueial salts which lite dot lots always ptcMtihi eviu KhcuumliMii hut
tuiit the digestion nnd bteiiK down the ciuiMitutioii
A remedy which builds up the geneiitl health and at the mime tune nils the Hstein of he poison is
the only safe and eettain cute for Uhettunitisui H S H tiudi of toots Inibs and lmilsif wnidiifnl
solvent putifying ptopetlies attacks the disease in the tight way and in tlteitght plan- the blood iiinl tiitti kl iinitiiiltci
the acid and dissolves all poisonous deposits stimulates and teiufot es Hie oveiwotUed woiu out otiiitis and ileats the system
ot an uiincaituy accumiiiiiiious - n cities peimauciiity anil tiioioughivaud keips
the blood in a pute heallhy Mate
Ml J O Mujlrv IM W iMtiSlicrl lnilliiiiiiiolls lllil for moiillii wiiinotriiflily nCllitrd
with Kliriininllsiii In- was tiniiMr to feed n dirn t lilmvlf timlois sidd hit wiih IniiiHiis llr had
ttlrd lilts two iiiHrtiilloiiH that llhiidi had KlWii tilm without tin- sllnlilrsl l ilii f A I v linllli m of
S S S 1 inril linn Hiiimiiriilly mid In- Ins lit vis hnd it iliviitnnllr piln slinc Thhun i m riiiHiii
We will send ft ee out special book ou Rheumatism which should be m the hands
of i vii v from this tin tnrini disease Dm nln liiini liiv nnnl lilmul mil 1ii
diseases a life Mndv and will uive von anv infotiiiilimi ot advice wanted mi utile I Ik hi tJWtif
w1 rtB ikUlMCv
fully and freely about your case We uiiiLo no chiitge whntevei fot thin tun ire AiIiIksi SWIFT SPCCIFIO CO Atlanta ia
niaDtpilUPOADINtt DUnOICH Slrla MARHIIIk iillii u n iijrri kii - liiFtflA U 3
II u ti ii nltiiii 11 ii 11 ii ill i M Ii iih r i i il 11 Ill I ft ft 7
linlirll nallMrnr n II iiki ir ul 1 I In iiiitrlilii 1 lliT i I fl tflKf U BllV I Vl
i iiii mi mi i ink miMiiii iiuiMi mi cprrrTfJrtvfi v visv r
niiiiiMiiiimi special Olltt li let Sllino VffiDJAKiyisn
our i i iniii ac m ii i i i MTtiiJ nmV r llMvf
i mm tintiMo Mm inn -inn in uiniitii fiiit n tJyfJi ltll7XjlMiitl n
ii Kiili nut nli niim ii m v in ii mi n i iW i tciiiMx LcKit5l
in iiil iiiiiiiiiiiI mIiiiI iimiir sxliii iimiii ai i cci Qtiitii I Viiii MM1jmI
lllllll ll nil l lilniliii nil in 11 l l l ii hir iniM Vllftil lt V UUJB Ri3M2a
h i iiii iiiimaiiiii tin iwiir iii i i ttiMi iii ninth itfA T I H nftflifwl -
iii miiiil wilm ii nil til hi nn liiiiiK lIlvD r ziu1iUw T1
BEVf ARg OF imitations t 1 IA M SftHl S-
li mum i II i it iiiiLiinnii ninrlliMft lit I I in Ior IMIIK V- illi iitilmlii ffjSl n fiilrjjl w W
lui nnii llilhki iirrlMil Inl llf tin Mini Ii urn nli Hn irlUII mi I hImi nr I VvVl 11 B W I
tl l Fli fc H iJrUf nun i IniMiii una nun ticl p isccrXJ - v
z zzi iiiunv iiviiiim Him Mini mi a SvA vJk l1 Z
tti Ill MIM M UijAiViifiJAiiitfil 1
ltl Am il wlSA I1
- s
ifvr il tfllr l I iliiuililniiilnirli in II i Ii li ii it n i r lM nlmil
lJVi In - -1 iV31 I nr ui llhi iiIIim iii n wild lull Ii mi Ml lilli mill linl In l in I
- -4 U II TF Jfcffl MWiiu i ii ir ii 1 h ii ii i f 1Mi ltl Im
9 tfWl 9 U UiitvV I nl iillii liiilinlillii I llnluli tin 1 ill I i I ilium i pi I mi I in
1 H J I i t t 1 J 3 lll I 1 III II Hi II Ml III 11 If U I II II I III 11 III I I tl t lllll I llMkl lllllP II lul 1 1 I
f i Hi 1 1 R mkH l I 1 iln I nir in II hi Ii 1 Mir llii n lint iliulliu i Ii illli mil until
3 V1 A Eli tVfilVl I lln l Il lii In Mi In ii Hi it nl iiii in hi mill tl llliiii
u jtl I 3 G VhTtm mil dili in hi ri inn i t iii iiiii 11111 pni iii iii ii tui
- V 1 ti yV Ky I nl 1 Mrillill In nl U lim 1 itttl iltriiinli1 nnl itriiitint nl l nml In liillltillj
ti VI W AiiT I I OUAlrANTEEO llKllullrlr Inn 1 Inallo nl nrn l
i rSl tlitiiK y sri n l In mnrliliii iiihI Inn Liiinii nlliirlitiii nl U furnllinl n nil mil Irii n I
V 5Ifuaii nlintliii lloiilt lll liiil lm wimim mn niiiiin llnnil ii nln r ili mrnti
- 4 lYkw5WJ JJ H hi i It I linn v ill l lnrnllltlltialliiriliilrrliliiilitulliiYliiy llll
IT CnCTC Villi NrVrillMrt In il imiIiiHI linfllu Uin If II wltli
i i ininu vi iw m
- VI 1 M Id t fill no til
ffiiinn nml tlun If ImivlniTil tl nl u mi iiivliir t in tin mi mv niii Irilitlii ni inl 1 1 Sin no
III III til 1 1 1 lll II It til II nl nut tin i i 1 1 liln lllll i iniilillin Mm -it V ill nln nut rnlmlli i Ulllll It III K
UOHT U1XAY Siiim Itoil Uiu mi ilimini ii IihIiIi I 1 1 1 i
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
III 1M Hl Mill Mllll ftfllll III U4 Hllll r IIHr Itlll Wf Mill Htll JIHI lllIN hM
mruiiim rtiiMMi ut i intuit ut in iitiit i u n kuiirci 11 riKinitm
Hun ttu rim i ii mt ui1 It nl nnr iirtm Kt It i In lit ill rt untl II
1 mi riinl II i iiil l lm rttrrm iii l llir Krcxlfhl aluti rtrr nw j
ami fur Irrtlft linn untHn alifrlUrd hy itlirr nl nn rr nuniij nj lli fir 11 f
tirint OUU PRICE Snrr0 llirlM lOI H r iVltM nP
Im mht TIIK PARLOR GSM I f l li U All Ik
IMi HnrMMi mimii itnirmiMtiiH rirr iNiim I ionium uni Linllnri
ii i ii m Inch Ii iiinirt illrn t ftniu u pliilinili mi inn rurin
tioitiM lilcnnr 11 Im iiutiful fitKiiiiiiiM Alndr fruui niitlil tiinrlir
4HhimI tml nr limit iim 1l irrfirlnl lij bIIi full trl lnl
Itrnutirtil tntiiirlrj tlrlrn puirU Kmt irnti iilSrr limiIiinr IrToritlinn
Mil iiniiiriitii mnLlnir II th IItl LMlSlhMII Til K l IE IOIt
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iniinknii rnrir inn iiii iiinnanni iiriHir iinpiri i iunr rrii AAA
I rmiil Ir iran Srtl 1 Hcln of Urrln ntrn Innnl llronUtr Vl VjS
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I I r ii lmtt llrlllnttlrhl HfriN I frltfl Kli li Jlfilm Hninilh
lliaiiin llf nU firt tiT rirnln noil JlrluUlont Irlnrilitl
llifil THE PARLOR CiZM ucllnn ivnMir Lhn
li imrftiru iii nn vmiiciiumi nmy iritu hi iiiniiinii ilsWUfsr
1 1 III11I u iiUMi lm 1 ill iiii Willi iiBiiniiiii i puiirr ami lZZ
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I iMiiiilnv nifirlv y hhi iiiimlit In mir ciu ti
1 i lnitf U SHIi IItlHM AT ilZtr mi1 upt T
IUMiS 11200 mil up nl tniViiy tli I ii J III mu cn Instnimfntu at Iriwcut wljolraalu prUfK Urltu Tor rrefttMiif
or t n pliiMiutil inistrnl hiHtruinont cutfijni AillrvfH Htars lUfbncJ it Co re thuroughl rnlUUe K iler
EARSftOESUCK Sc CO Inc Fulton Oesplalnesand Waman Stf CHICACO ILL
Daily News Job Department
Free Reclining Chair Cars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
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With direct cuiuioitions to all Suulli
era and Kastorn points
Unoxcullod tiiiui ii ml nccommodutiunii
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Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
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Cut this ml nut uinJ mihI t usnii
Ml Will M Ml ii tli I -4 IIII II I KilH
ACME lt lMlMHtfl bt tl ov
Irvuiit o hiilije t to tihiiI
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frnitfltt iifmt nniiir fuuinl erftvtl
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Ulrmiil will
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Ilutr irui M lAiil iin itf ic tint tin alJUtahlt chill
IwtirlllJ httri tntnii ttvt plvnt llt t
iunitt niul ilunihtu wait tnailr uiuuiittul mi four
Ijijo Mint1 tluV mu nlttly jMilntcl uml rnainenttMt
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rniln he nrlls unit Itujn OIIIUK r lN t if the
iiiliit iMfultunruil Iut ihtitu nf alo nt tor thtuik
In AiMirxt Sears Roebuck AColncfChIcagotlll
ISnr JortutkAlu are Iburuuglt reliable
ir krlimii Ik ffJ Hoftt Trotlft 4
t t urimn UllUS lew than oniv dijui
nrlii 1lmrKVii iy oiiirra aim Wl
AJnrrr TO fir YOU PCRrCCTlY bur
Iti h r jiiwlli uiu U5r Irrufb I run uruur rlSS itn
nrk ll rrllilr ttlllr 1 ru lllll traiitl abtiTr tut till
I out and Ml lUltllOl It MHI1L l K nai
i v tur lrlhl Villl A liow lonK J oil Imitf liill
inrinl whclior liiiure I Inure in uniall ulnortatt
jilr iiipluii aroUtiil ilu boilj oil a llnu with tli
uri ray wlittlicr illilurc Is on rlldit or It It lili
iij e till nvml wittier till tn ou ltli tin- uniltr
til s If It liul inlrrl 111 git rgul lu Iru thai
iili ihrvMlriimir itrlic oucau return it aud wo
ktl0 VT
tin lomrn your money
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tur bilaul u ttt bil nblruMOrll fur 0 fJ
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To PATENT Good Ideas
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our aid Address
Baltimore Md
OMUIA NEUliAS sutcrlHloa to Tlie 1utcnt Hccord ilWiicrsanuiu