ThepioHfolkfleuas V N HUBIC tubllHhor DAILY KMnlillsliid IHsH Kvory day oxropt Suiuliiy Hjr cnrrlor woiV 15 contn 11 mull Mir jimr faw WKItKIV KliiMI1ixl issi Ktofj TlmrnliijUlly mil por jour JI0 Ktilnrml nt tlm IVmIiiIIIcm lit Norfolk Nnli eocuiiil clni iiiiiIIt Tnlniilimin No 22 I idi iwr Itppu1tllnt Slnto Comoiitliin Tlio roimltllrmi nWlornor tlm jmnnil coiiti tins of llin ftntn or Nnlirimlii urn IiitpIu nil ml toiiiiol In cmieiitliii Ml llnciilii Nnlirnskii Mns 2 IHX1 t 2 oclock i i for tlm piirpiiHnnr irin four ilnWiitn mill four nltnriiiitn Inliufnina lii llin tintliiliiil liinilillriili Hi n ulitnli rotiinniH in llilllilnllilnii 1HKh1miIo iiliicc III lionilnillloli cotinn limn 111 riimlliliitiH fortlinliillnullig iiunw Kluhl iriwliliillnlniivtiiri Kinriiiirllnnlnif nut Kiiuriinr Kiiointiiij f ntnl Inmsiiror nnilltorof imlilli nromiiilH illinium uniinrrtl coinmlmloimr of public IiiiiiIh mill buildings nniiorlulniiilmitiif public Itmlnirllim TlinliimlHof riiiiriwotiliillnu imiim iloliwitn nt liirwo mill mm iliili rtiitii for ouch ItM otnn mill iniijiir frnrllon llifroof cnsl for lion M linen for judge of tlirt Kiipriiinn court nt thniiloc lion Imlil In IHni Tho wivtinil roiuillDK Imlug IMltltlml to llllllrfllllW iih follllMH AtliiniH Aiitotiipn llittincr lllniim lliiniin Ilox llir lloil Drown HiilTiilo Hurl llutlcr ClIHH IS till Il 4 17 Ill 14 21 Orohir II OIiiipii I Chnny 1 riiiuimiin Cluy n Collux H Cuming l Cimtor II Dnkotii 7 DllWCK II Dilution Il Dmwl 4 Dixon It Dodge 20 1oiikIiii W lliimlj 4 Fllmiiin 17 KriuiMlu lrontinr PuriiiiK flngi llllllxlll nonpiir Irnnt lni lii Hull lliiniiMoii llllllllll IIiiwh IllUllllHk Holt llookor Ilowiuil InlTprhou loliliron 13 Kiinriiny Keith Knwi Ilihn 4 Klinbnll S Knox 1 liiiiRiiHinr fs Lincoln 11 IOglltl IOUII 2 MuPlinrimu Miiilimm 17 Mmriak H Niinrn 9 NlMllllllll II Nuckolls 1 Uton InwiiDii Perkins llllllpH Ilnrio Ilnttii Polk Kml Willow ltlrliiirilnoii Itook Siillun Hriy SiiiiinlorH SiottH llltilT SiiwiiiiI Slintlilnii Slioriniiu Sioux SI union Tlm j or TIioiiiiih Thornton Viillny WiihlliliKton Wu no WolHtnr WliDolnr Tnlnl It Ti inriiniiiiiiiiiroil tliut no nioxl In limed but llint tlm ilnlngntnii priwnt runt ii i ii nil Illll OIOOl III lUMrKllHOUt illll liflllllj TdlltillllH ill till HllVlirill COIllltllW UlUll iiiiriiomiuf wloctlnu ilnlegiitiw to t lilt 21 15 II s 12 II 21 5 IS 7 IS I 17 tlio run- for till IOIIVOII hIiiiII Miliul tin counts ciimiiiilliiu ami llriiru lliKruiif Al till nllltll COIIMIIltioo till rtuto Iiiilial comiitiltomiioii from tlm oilil iiiiui buitil tiuuiiloiiiil ilibtriotB will bo huIdcIihI for till IMHIlllIK tM JDIirH llllll till IIIIW Ktlltll com mittci will hold U niiiotinu nt thocloMXif tho ptntocoimiiitiou J T M mimikii Ohuiiinuu Sociotiiry lro Tom dill forConvonlloiirorTlilnl OoiiBrodHloii nl DlMtrictor Nelinuku Tlm ropiililiciiiDloctormif tlm Hiivnnil couii tlosnf tho thinl coiiurimsioiuil iliatrict of No bumkn nui Imroby ciillml to moot in convuuliou nt Norfolk Nnhr on WoiluiMiluy April 2V 1W0 at 2 oclock p in for tho purponoof biiIocIihk two itfllnKiitiw mill two nltoriiiito ilnljiBHtP to thoiiiitiounl niiiublicnu coiimition which in to coiiNono t Ihilailiilphiii on luno 19 HXW nlso to plnro In iiomliintiou n cauiliilnto for il ropro Konlalho to roiiKriiiH from aniil ooiiroslonul ilibtricl ami for mich othnr IhihIiiosa lis limy jirojiorly roiim biiforu Hiiiil convention Tho Imnla of iiiprBiiutntion ouo ilouviiito nt lnrcu nml ouo ilnltKiit fr oucli 100 olnt niul mnjor fmctioii tluirio ciil for thoHouJIil ltVoco for jiiiIko of lli Mlpiomo court ill tin olKCtion hohl in IMW Tlm ouirnl count ioii nru outitloil to iluloatoa iih follows Autolopo It Knox IS HOOIIO II MlllllKOII 1 Hurt 17 Monick 12 Ccilur 12 Nmicn 10 Oolfiix U riorcii l CuiniiiK H Iliittn 14 Dakota H Slnnton S Dixou 12 Thin uton JoilKi 21 Was mi U It u riM miimiMiilmi llnit no inoii9 bo allowoil but tliiit tho ilohwatoH pirsiuil cast tho full oto of tlm iliiloKiittnn C W Coskmmi Imk KoiNirrtTllN Chairman Hociotuy ltnpiilillrun County Comntloii Ilio nipiibliciti oloclorHof Miulimii county Nobriuka urn nxiiinstoil to blind ilnhwitoa fiom tho niMiral ottim products to inniit in coiimmi tlon at Norfolk Nobraska on tlm 2lt ilay or April 1P00 at 1 oclock p in for tlm purposo of BoliCtiiiB 17 iloloiiiitoa to tlm republican Btato coiiontlon at Lincoln Nobraska Hay 2uil 11XX jilm to oloct iloliKiitivi to tho republican con Kroiouiil coiivontiim of tho Thinl ilibtrict anil to transact mich ouuir uubiuubb ho muj brouRhl boforo tlm coin oiitiim Tho Bovornl preciuctH aro outitloil to ropro pontation an follows tlm iipiKirtioiiinont boiUK biifoil iiMii tho oto oast for Hon M II HoodO for jiiiluoof tho Biiproinocoiiit of Nobniska at tho olaction lmlil In 1KW boiiiK oim iloliinato nt InrKO for oaoli votiui procinct anil ouo for oacli 15 toIos anil major imciioii inormin Norfolk Kiurviow 3 Kirnt wnril ft Second wanl 0 Thiol wanl IS Fourth want 1 OutBiilo 7 JolTiTfon II Hattle Crook 6 MiidUou ir Union 0 lllk lilnnil 4 Vallov Warnorvillo S Orovo 4 Iroou liinloii 2 Door Crook 3 Kholl Crook IX Schoolcraft 1 Kalamazoo 4 Total 124 ll ta riwiiiiitimnilmrillllt lircciuct prilllliriod 10 hehl on tho Ittli ilay of April UH David Whiti JUiis Niciioih Chiilrniau Secretary John O YoiBor of Omaha the famous octopus killor soenia to aspiro to Gover nor Poyutors broiius aud has tho Douglas county doloRatioii at his back The World- Herald seems to find great relief in uuotiuir ropublicau editorials theso days uud no doubt its readers also experience a fooling of delight in tho chaugo of editorial matter The papers quoted from aro furnishing magnilicout ammunition for tho f usionists at prosout but the fusionist who imagines that they will turn in and support Mr Bryan during the approaching campaign aro likely to experience a considerable dis appointment Tlio Wu Ynrlr Run rnnlvlncr lo nn inquiry as to tho origin of the name of Tommy AtUiua as applied to nn Eng lish private soldier says that some yeurs ago the British war otllce prepar ed a scries of blank forms to be lUled out which dealt with the various en listed men of the army In the sample form where the soldiers names ap peared alphabetically the first soldier was Atklus Thomas From this the name as applied to a soldier became common In the army and Punch took It up and mudo It common to the Brit ish public This explanation would seem to relieve Mr Klpllug of all re sponsibility In the matter Hoinmvlmt Pornoiml m Hnttln Omolk KntorpriHO Tho Wnko floltl Hnpnhltiiin nays Hint tho imnio of W N Hum of Norfolk in ImtiiK prom inontly inoiitlonnil for tho position of Htnto mnlitor on tho ropubltcuii tlckot UiIh fall Kinorson Kntorprlflo W N Huso of Tint NoitroiK Kitwrt is moiitloiuxl as n posslblo cautliilato for btato ntiilltor 1 lo 1m a Kwtl mi nml will iwulvo tho tiultoil mipport of northouHt Nobrniku if lio conoltiilcs to ontor tho raco Wayno Horalil W N Hum tho ablo oilitor of Tim Noukoik Nkwh 1h inoiitioiiid us llrHt olrnH tiinlmr for tho nomination for statu auditor and tho ropublioan parly will bo nhliitml t Ko oulsido of tho stato to Ilnd hot tor Wakotlold Itopublioan W N Huso of Tine NoitroLK Dauy Nicws is bolni proniinniitly niiintlonod for Htnto auditor Mr Huso is a pionoiir in tho nowspapor business is favorably known all ovor tho stato aud would niako a No 1 stato ollloial lonon Tournal A stroiiR Hontimont is dovolopliig amoiiK tho republicans of tho stto favorablo to tho noinliiatlon of W N Huso of Tin Noukoik Nkws for Btato auditor Ho would nmho ft lino auditor nnd would rocolvo a biK boost on olootiou day from IiIb old homo county of Dixou ONoill liroutior Tlioro sooiiib to bo highly favorablo sontlmont in tho wholo of north Nebraska to tho caudidaoy of W N Haso tho outorprisiiiK editor of Tine Noukoik Nkwh for stato auditor and if ho wants tho place thoro is a class of republicans lu Ills favor who will soo that ho gots tho noinliiatlon Wost Point Honublioan W N tulir of ITttt TJrkt Huso nublsher Noukoik Daily Nkws it boing suggested for tho nom ination of stato auditor on tho repub lican tlokot From a long porsonal ao qnaiutaucQ tho Ropublicau wishes to add Us intluonco to tho rocoininondation as no ablor or wqrthior cholco could bo mado for auditor Fullorton Nows Tho naiiio of W N Huso of Tin Nokkolk Nitws has boon niontloned by several of tho north Ne braska papors as being tho porsou to mako tho raco for stato auditor on tho ronubllcan ticket If Mr Huso has nny ambition in this diroction ho not only has our firm support but wo believe ho is tho propor man for tho place Stanton Plckot If W N Huso tho hustling editor of Tmc NokkmkNbws roally wants to bo tho ropublicau uom Inoo for secretary of stato ho should ro colvo tho nomination and wo run no risk in assuring him that that tho Stan ton couuty delegation will bo at his dis posal or wo mistako groatly tho souti ment of tho party In this couuty Sowaril Uoportor W N Huso ed itor of Tin Noukoik Nkws is being talkod of n good deal in connection with tho ropublicau nomination for stato auditor Mr Huso is ouo of tho loading nowspapor mon of tho country pross Ho has brains aud busiuoss sagaoity aud is as houprablo a man as livos in tho stato A tlokot mado up of such mou as Huso would command rospoct and would suroly win back republican su premacy in Nobraska Wayno Ropublicau Tho name of W N Huso of The Nohkolk Nkws is frequently montiouod In connection with tho nomination for state auditor If tlio ropublicaus should nominato Huso and tho fusiouists do so seusiblo a tiling as to namo Edgar Howard of Papilllon tho nowspapor boys will And it some what difficult to vory sovorely criticio oithor of them in fact wo aro inclinod to think somo of tho boys wouldnt bo just sure whoro thoy aro at in tho mat tor of choice Kearnoy Hub Thoro has boen more or less talk in tho stato press of running Mr W N Huso editor of Tin Noukoik Nrws as the ropublicau candidate for stato auditor Tills would strike tho nowspapor mon in a tendor spot for Mr Huso is counted a big chunk of tho salt of tho earth in tho fraternity in this stato Tho only question is as to whothor ho could afford to neglect n splendid business for a couplo of years for an ofllco that would net lum less in come and a great deal moro of griof aud worry Howovor tho craft is for Huso to a standstill if tho nomination would bo agreoablo to him Tho forogoiug ore a portion of tho flattering notices that have appeared in stato papers during tho post two weeks oonnoctiug the name of tho oditor of this paper with tho nomination for state auditor by the coming republican con vention As yot tho opposition has re- fraiuod from insinuating that ho might be a horso thief or a wild buccaneer n forbearanco on tho part of the opposition that is certainly considerate Whilo this happy condition oontiuues to oxist and before tho vulnerable points of his character aro found however is prob ably an opportuuo time to inject the statemout into the situation that ho is not a candidate for auditor of state or any other office This boomlot was started wholly without his solicitation and probably emanates from the fact that his predecessor as presidout of tho Nobraska Press association Hon Kdgar Howard of Papilllon is an avowed can dd ite for nomination as auditor on tho fusion ticket and that the ropublicau mombors of tho association do not pro pose to be outdone by the fusiouists hence they aro pushiug tho namo of an other ex president for tho Bauie place So far as holding ofllco is coucernod the writer expressed his honest sentiments when he accepted the presidency of tho press association stating ho considered that position the greatest possible honor which could bo couforred upon him by his fellow workers and that his ambi tion ob au oillce holder was fully grati fied It must bo admitted that the kind words rocoutly spokon by tho Nebraska press are valued highly aud the writer is proud of the tant that he has so many friends us appears among the class of people with whom he has been identi fied during exactly one half of his lifo yet iu spite of the temptation held out by the press coupled with offers of sup port by prominent party leaders in tho stato he is obliged to decline to stand as THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 12 1100 honor of boing ono of tho standard bearers on tho stato tlokot is ono not to bo lightly turned asido but ho is loicod to do so partly bocauso It would compol him to neglect his personal alVairs and partly bocnuno ho Is not In n financial condition to boar tho cost of milking such a campaign as the candidate should do who expects to win Moreover tho Nebraska Workman tho ollloial organ of tho A O U W of tho stato has boon placed In his chatgo and ho does uot soo how ho could conscientiously fulfill his duty to this greatest of fraternal honollciary orders should ho devote tlmo to a political campaign whioh rightfully belongs to that orgauiiitinu and ho be lieves that ho is doing moro to sorvo mankind in his present position tlmn ho could possibly accomplish if ho woro to bo elected auditor of h ate Again if ho were to bo absent from his desk during n long campaign ho would necessarily havo to noglect Tin Nrws which ho proposes to make a factor in helping to place Nobraska In tho ropublicau column this fall Whllo ho is koeuly appreciative of tho gouerous sontiuionts that havo bcon ox prossod toward him by his brothers of tho prosB still ho must insist that ho is not a candidate aud his namo will uot como boforo tho convention with his consent Ho is glad at all timos to holp those of his friouds who want public po sitions and will do nil ho can for tho man who is nominated for statu auditor by tho republicans but for himself all ho asks of tho public is that sharo of legitimate busiuoss which will ouablo him to contlnuo to maintain his nows papor iu Its place nmoug tho foremost of tho stato PINKED THE TEN SPOT A Trick nt Cnriln Tlint lnxmled Thoite VllO WltllCHHCll It I saw a ninn do a trick with cards once said Godfrey Asbton of Atlanta which although he assured mo was wholly a trick and that there wns no second sight or nilnd reading connect ed with It has always rested lu nn uucxplnlucd condition In my mind There were four of us at supper and the man In question sent for a pack of cards and handing them to the man next him told him to select a card lu his mind uot to tako It from the pack but to tell the other two men what card It was He was then to shulllo tho pack and pass It to the other two men who wore each to thoroughly shulllo It Tho last man was then to place It on tho floor In tho meantime a large napkin had been tightly bound over tho magi clans eyes nnd his dross coat bung over his face with the tails tied under his chin so that bis head was to all In tents nnd purposes In a bag He by his direction wns led to the pack of cards aud his baud placed upon It He then proceeded to scatter the cards about until they covered a rough cir cle of three or four feet In diameter Ho called for a knife and bringing It sharply down drove It through nnd atllxed one of the scattered cards Re moving his headgear he asked what card my friend bad chosen The an swer being the ten of diamonds be turned the knlfo toward us and there sure enough was tlio ten of diamonds transfixed upon the point He swore it was a trick but for tho life of mo I ennnot see bow It was done None of us was lu collusion with htm I am sure the cards wcro not n rake pack and 1 am equally certain that he was so blindfolded that It was wholly impossible for him to see Yet he accomplished It exactly as I tell you New York Tribune Tke Itnllnar Passion The clergyman had finished and the organ was pealing forth the sonorous rapture of the Mendelssohn march One moment George said the ra diant bride and facing the audience she raised her exquisitely bound though somewhat bulky prayer book In her daintily gloved bauds and point ed it directly at tho brilliant audience There was a sharp click AU right George said tbo bride come along And ns tbey marched down the aisle she showed him that the supposed prayer book wasnt a prayer book at all It was a camera Its my own Idea George ehe whispered Clever lsut it Cleve land Plain Dealer Dan AIce Mrt Clrcu Tumble Did you over hear of the joke which got Dan Rice tho most famous of all tbo circus clowns his first job under tho canvas asked an old timer No What wns It Dan while still In his teens applied to a circus mnnager for a position What salary do you want asked tho manager Eight hundred dollnrs a night re plied Dan Tell you what Ill do said tho manager Well speak quick returned Dan Im losing time Ill give you 4 a week AH right said Dan Its a go Atlanta Journal There is more catarrh in this seciton of the country thau all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease aud pre scribed local remedies aud by couetautly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it iucurable Scieuce has proveu catarrh to be a constitutional disease aud therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Oure manufactured by 1 J Oheuey Co Toledo Ohio is the ouly constitutional a caudidate before the convention The I cure ou the market It is taken nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea spoon fill It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho systom They offer ono hundred dollars for nny case it falls to euro Sond for circulars and testimonials Aildrosn F J Ohknkt Jo Toledo O Sold by druggist 7fo Halls family pills are tho best Agents wanted for tho best typowritor on tho market tho Pittsburg Visiblo writing In sight nt all times oxcluslvo territory given AddroBS Bitidloy Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa Appllrntlou for IlriiKKlntx Iliiior Ilcoiinn Matter of application of Abu K Loonard for a Liquor License Notice is horoby given that Asa K Leonard did on tho 27th day of March 1100 fllo his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nobraska for Hconso to sell mult spirit uous and vinous liquors for medicinal liioohaulonl and chemical purposes nt Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May IKW to tho aoth day of April 1001 at lot 2 Pilgers subdivision In First wnrd of said city If thoro Is no objoction romonstranco or protest filed within two weeks from tho 27th day of March 1000 tho said license will bo grantod J O Stitt Pity Clerk Application for DriiKKlitrt Liquor Ilconnn Matter of application of Qeo B Ohrlstoph for a liquor licouso Notico Is horoby given that Goo B Ohrlstoph did on the 4th day of April 1000 fllo his application tothomayorand city council of the city of Norfolk Nob for licenso to sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors for medicinal mechanical uud chemical purposes at Norfolk Ne braBka from the 1st day of May 1000 to tho aoth day of April 1001 at lot 18 block I original town in First ward of said city If tlioro is no objection romonstranco or protest filed within two weeks from tho lth day of April 1K0 tho said licouso will bo grnuted lO Stitt City Olerk Appllrntlou for Saloon Llipior IIcmihc vMattor of application of William Blatt for a liquor licenso Notice is hereby given that William Blatt did on tho Gth day of April 1000 file his application to the mayor audclty council of tho city of Norfolk Nobraska for licenso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nobraska from tlio 1st day of May 1000 to tho iiOth day of April 1501 at lot 14 block I origiual town in First wnrd of said city If thoro is no objection romonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 0th day of April 1500 tho said licenso will be granted J O Stitt City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor IlceiiMO Matter of application of Harry Lodor for a liquor liceuse Notico is hereby giveu that Harry Lodor did on tho 10th day of March 1500 file his application to the mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nobraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1000 to tho 30th day of April 1001 at east lot 4 block 1 of Koeuigsteius addition in first ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 10th day of March 1000 tho said liceuse will be granted J O Stitt City Olerk Application for Saloon Liquor Ilrnune Matter of application of Win G Bornor for a liquor license Notice is hereby giveu that Wm G Bernor did ou tho 27th day of March 1000 file his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Nor folk Nobraska for licenso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nobraska from the 1st day of May 1000 to tho 80th day of April 1001 at lot 11 block 5 origiunl town in First ward of said city If thoro is no objection remonstrance or protest filod within two weeks from the 27th day of March 1000 the said liceuse will bo grantod J O Stitt City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of Joseph Ylaznoy for a liquor licenso Notice is hereby given that Joseph Vlazney did on the 10th day of April 1900 tile bis application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for lioeuse to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1900 to the 30th day of April 1001 at lot 4 block l Koenlgstoius audition in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filod within two weeks from the 10th day of April 1000 the said license will be grauted J O Stitt City Clerk Application for Suloon Liquor Liceuse Matter of application of Geo Kblo for a liquor licenso Notice is hereby given that Geo Eble did on tho 27th day of March 1000 file bis application to the mayor aud city council of the city of Norfolk Nobraska for license to sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1900 to tho 80th day of April 1901 at lot 0 block 2 Mathewsons addition in First ward of said oity If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 27th day of March 1000 the said licenso will bo granted J O Stitt Oity Clerk Amplication fur Saloon IIiuor Iloense Matter of application of Ohas Rice for a liquor license Notice is hereoy given tnat unas nice did ou the Wth day of March 1000 file Mb application to tho mayor aud city council of the oity of Norfolk Nobraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May luoo to tne 80th day of April 1001 at lot ouo block two Bears addition in First ward of said citv If there iR no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Wth day of March 1900 the said llceuso will be granted J O Stitt Oity Olerk Go to see CARL L LAUB6CH for first class TINWORK One door west of Oxnard Hotel 44 Jk4x We are Making Prices on t t Street Hats and Sailors Which will surprise you Please vestigate before you buy in N INSKEEPS MILLINERY j3SsSMk SxxS3k3Jk3h W ---- W C AMLHAN BABIES CRY FOR - AHLMAN BROS C V AIILMAN The Norfolk Bicyole Mou Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Manufacturers Jobbors nmi Doulors lu Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Ascncy for Waltliiini Manufacturing Cos Orient Hicycles tho Klnost Strongest nml Fastest Illcyclo In tlio World Wo also hntiillo tlio Acmo worlil Trilmno Itoobo Sycamore Pntteo nnd our own make oithor chain or cliainless whioli will bu known us tho Ahlmuii Specials We do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLANP Secretary i A LD1KABT President CHAS S UBIDQK Vice Puesident W H JOHNSON JASntEB W H BBAASUH Asst Cashier The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bay and soil exchange on this conntry and all parts of Europe Directors Carl Abmus W H Johnson Ciias S Bridge C Swank O A Luikabt T F Mkmuinoeb L Sessions Farm Loans W Braascb O M WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Norfolk National NA1 J ALBS 1 W H EW Bank nifUDnrqi ALEXANDER BEAU Vice President liuutiuu uoamer ZUTZ Assistant Caehior OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buya and Sella Exchange Intcreat Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Ordera Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted A BEAU NA W X -2 13 iu stn CO com u Q a IL C c3 u S DIBBOTOBB P P HANLON pF J HALE W H BUOHPLZ WM ZUTZ BAIN BOLT JOHN B HAYS F VEBQEH B B COTTON Railroad and Business Directory o R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley - - EAST DEPART Oniitliu PaseonRer 805am Chicago Express 1210pm KAUT ABB1VE rhlciiuo Express 7rf0p m Omuliu Iaesengor 1210 pm WEST DICPABT Black Hills ciprofs 710pm Vordlgro Passenger 1240 p 111 voniiRro AcoouimouaiiuQ ii WEST ABBIVB Black Hills Express U20 p m VonllRro Passengor 295um Voruigre Accommodation 7si0pm The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives anil doparU from Junction depot 1 he Omaha and Verdlgre trains arrivo aud depart from city depot H O Matbau Agent Union Pacific doom DEFABT Columbus Accommodation 880pm Omaha Donyer aud Poclttc Coast 1100 a in NOBTll ABBIVE ColumbuB Ace mmodation 1030pm Omaha louver and Pacific coast 900pm Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west and north and with tho C St P M O for points north and east F W Junkmak Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DIPABT Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 0 30 a m Sioux CltyPassenger 100 pin WKHT ABBItE Sioux City Passengor 10 3S a in Blonx City and Omaha Passeuger 7 30 p in ConuecU at Norfolk with F E M V goiug west and north aud with the U P for points sonth F V JtNEMAN Agent laly exoept Sunday C S HAYES Watch Repairing Spenesp Oialman Boots and hoes Repairing Neatly Done d BHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street INSKEEPS fflluuINERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avepue JWEDWARDS BflKHM The Norfolk Horseshoer All Wo uk Odabanteeu Cor 4th St and Uraasch Ave V i t