l 9 8 CATARRH The Mother of Consiunnlion How this Dread tlcwc May brProentu and Curcd The drcatut nl Specialists Wrltra on the Subject Cslnrrh Is tlm mother of eniisniniillnn llr tills I tli II ini iui inni ii rry rnwm i floe Into coiinuiiiilioii bull 1 u ilo lnnin tlml rnimiii wiipiiuii rlirt ktsl niu wlii n lilt i n tlm iirtiixT oiiiirtniiHli fur IUlen don from llx plnr imf Ik hIiiiiIiuc nlilrli I the nnNil ihimiikoki iImIxt mill iliiiHr along llii tiroiitliltiu trnrt Inviirliililr wnl lii1iiiiiiiiiMloiior IIik Liiiibi 1iitnrrli niiltmi iIckIiojh niif iWBiyi rnnslilrriiMi lm 01 uw iium hub LipLv fc luirfncn of Hi iiltcr iilr im itgKriflfcW hitch II Inllmni d mill roiuii st RKNF llifin raining iiMinllr I TmI nlntAittil mill offotiMto din rlmrcPtlml lion It nwIiimi tlm H f1 lliilniiot llinlmlMlkn liiiiKtiilialiil I ll llKl J thn mlliiiniitloii and rowii flloli ilch rliwthfn wiwll lr inwniMs n nil iilli w ItiK Him imlrlililldrlinritKil matter d iimiw at n r i 1 i rot tinu iihiit of bin mninliriiinN rwnlllnu In wlml wii rKlVVidimiitiiin of tlm Lungs A Tlln TINItNCV OP CATAKKH 7 Tlmtmiiliiid of rnliirrh hImmi II liiwoiicnolitnllieil 1 foolliill In iinv portion iif thn VA rnT wlilch line men emit ot Hm hod lulo rnnMiilitl tlinillniurvillrirllim starts ii it d Onturrli In iilimwt u irs Indliuiro fniniiiniilrkiiimn 111 coil In tlm lmii I I his rolil is sdiMl ilo iiimliii r Ikm humi itt poiii i ttn iiiwirfi nrwiniilinr of II111 hjMkiii 11ml Iiwoiiii h rlminlr NsmI t irrh H Hi n diilt 1olcid 11 riiilli nlriirii of tlilNin llloi ldirnrli l tlm 1 IdoiiM iidji H riijli II litllin thniit to Hi Immrliliil tubes ami then to tlm I- NJVV UN15 tJnniiiiiiillniiriiiiiot Im rincil Nun lungs riinnnt Iniiiimliiforii mini niiy mine limn imw lingers or 11 inn iiidiiliiit rnliirrli run Im cured In nil Hm rtutrt iirtittlitdlliiiil nil iilmijd IiiImIiiiiii A CNKTAIN CUWH In 1111 inimrlnniM of twonlv jeiit during tite Jj tliur1 liiintrimliMl nmny thousand of rases of nil roriiidiifrnliirrli I Juno inner Jit falli il tiinllrrlii ruillcnl mill iHinniiiliiil cute llii imllioil I Iliilliir IdiiimiiKrtitdltKlv nivimn 11ml Hm riiiiwllpiiwlililil usnnro vriiniriil undor my iwiiinl illrecllnn In my iiitii InlHiriiliirlnd 11 MiinvmiiioliniKlnii HiiV ImMiConmimiil onwliiii In riilty Hm iIIimiho luid not niilt rciiclmil Hint Mnuii I inn trmilliiif imil ciirlnu ciim h r Hild rort nviryiliy So Imiif im Hm iinyi dd of diTiiy Imyn tioiruii liitlin ItliiKt tlinmiMilvtw 1 cull limku tlio tmtlont lerfirlly ull 11ml dtnmK nifiiln nnoiN at oNcn It mo onco inoro urifo nil mliirrlinl Minrjrn In tPHlolriiitmiMit nt onpo for n nimitli of trciiliucnt now Id lxUir Hinn H10 Hiroo montlid lntir on 1 hIiiiII limko for tlm not month 11 KiiiClully low Imi fur tlm Iriiilmiiit of mtnrrli not ciiiiilllcnlii Iiy tnnklnir no oitru rlmri forulluiwl lclniw do Uiutuiiiy Iki riHiuiroil J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr Iliitlmwiiy Co Coinnurclul Hloili Sioux CllyIowa MJU4T1UN TII1H IAIKK WIIKN WltlTlNO THE North -Western LINE p E IB V R U Is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska PIMPLES My wlfo bad pimples on har face but ibe has boon taUlna CASOAUISTS and thoy have nil dUappoarod I had boon troubled wltb oonitlDiuton for nomo tlmo but after Idb tbo first Casoarot I bavo bad no trnublo wltb tnl ftllmont Wo oannot npoalc too high ly of Casorcts FnED Wahtman 8703 Qormantown Ave rhlladelphU Pa 0 CANOV TftAOl MAHH RlOimniO riant rolatablo Iotont Taste Oood Do Good Nuvor Blckon Weaken or Qrlpe 10c 2SO60O CURE CON8TIPATION mrtl Rtaitllr Cobiiibj Cblciio Xonlrrtl Kw Tork lt Sold nml Kunrnntcecl by nlltlrug ItUis 10 CIJUK Tobacco Habit lbolofrftpat iroM un IO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Dalm contains no cocnlnc mercury nor any other injurious drug It is quickly Absorbed Ghes Hellef at once REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE Vasjfe Made a Well Man A of Me pcedaoa the abovo reaolts ln30 dayi Itactl owerf ully and quickly Cures when oil others fall SToanc men will regain their lost manhood and old Stan will recover their youthful vigor by using KEV1VO It quickly and uurcly restores Nervou aesa Lost Vitality Impotency Mgbtly Emissions tVost Power Failing Memory Wasting Diseases and U effects ot solf abusa or eicccsand Indiscretion which unfits ono for stndy business or marriage It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease but la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring Ins back the pink glovr to palo cheeks and re storing the Are of yonth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on hsvlng KEVIVO no other It can be carried In vest pocket Sy mall BlJOO per package or six for SJ5O0 with posa UTe written rnamntee to care or rras4 ey rarcuiaruee aaareea Royal Medicine Co tTl yor Kale by Geo B Ohristoph Ask your Druggist for a generous CATARRH tuc Allays NVal Inflammation Iassage PQI D JN H EAD nt siul Prntiii tlie Membrane ltoftorm the benes of Tate and Smell Full Size 60s j Trial SIA 1A at 1 irtiiti jt a nr til Tnntl rLYUKOTHEHtiM Wsxr n v S wMrmgai llrtiti with yoa whether yon roctlnne the bmd Ii tiling tobacco bbtt remoret the dtlre for tobacco lthWfl cut ncrruut dittrcn eipeli nicoUM 1 1 W tine purines the blood r mlM I a sJ ttorft loit mmbocd I mW I tpoooo reu 11 lohealttinerreBSXfjjw avjcaieicurtii ur and Potktt VgWl gUMO TO II A V from toes il rgelour own drulitwtio 1 1 1 ggWwIll Touch for us Take It with gUASH llli wlllp4ilrntlyperililtntly One ggav fsW boIi mually cure 3 boiti fM fWSiaraQieedtoriire or we refund money gt iurlUf aiM4C lkUt ln1 Si leri Dont Tobacco Spit aud huicle Your life To quit tobacco easily and forcter be mas netic full of lite nerve and vigor taho ie wnndcrworlcer that maVtes weaU men strong All druggists too or II Curceuaran teed Dooklet aud sample free Addrest Pcrllnc Kemedy Co Chlcaco r New York - t i m I WAH A YANKKR SnoOTIKO A SrANIAnil nml In that way he Iiiih encouraged 1110 until Im likely to lame myHulf for llf If I dont Htop goliiK to his place One day It was a war picture that he was making 1 was a Yankee shooting a Spaniard- When I lieKitn to pose the Ktin Lorrlmer gave me was Just an or dinary rllle Half an hour later It was a lit Inch cannon to Judge by the weight lust as 1 was on the verge of col lapse the prettiest girl in the world walked Into the studio Thats the on ly way to describe her Mv heart didnt beat for ten minutes after she came In lint Lorrlmer well you know hltn He merely nodded his head toward a chair on the other side of the room and went right on with his job The girl seemed to be used to that kind ofreception She walked or glid ed or lloated or whatever word Is good Enough to describe such a carriage as she has over to the chair that he had indicated and sat down In It ioiTliner Had posed me in such a way that 1 was pointing the gun ex aetly at the girls head She didnt r coiii to mind it much but it was al together too thrilling for me and I gently shifted my aim Dont move Dont move yelled Lorrlmer Get back to your pose or youll ruin everything I didnt want to spoil his picture so 1 hastily resumed my position Then the girl started to move her chair but Lorrlmer called out Keep still Alice You bother me And she subsided This Interesting situation lasted for about teji minutes and then Lorrlmer said All right as if he had been a hypnotist aud I his subject and he jumped up and went across the room to shake hands with the girl Splendid model I heard her whis per Who Is he- Ills names Williams Lorrlmer re plied Shall 1 Introduce him She laughed and said Certainly and Lorrlmer galloped through the form of an Introduction 1 was pretty warm by Unit time In this democratic laud professional models may be as good as anybody else but I didnt care to be mistaken for one It was espe cially painful that the error should be made by a member of the profession who ought to know the trademark Perhaps 1 might have scorned her Judgment if she had not been so atro ciously pretty and so well got up If I had not recognized her as the origi nal of many female llgures in Lorrl mers plctuies I might have thought her an acquaintance of his In high so ciety despite her free and easy way of wandering Into a gentlemans studio and the brusque treatment accorded her In conversation she was as sweet as she could be She talked about art with that superllcial familiarity that people get who frequent studios yet I could see that she had considerable ap preciation of what was really good When 6hc mentioned posing of course she gave the Idea that she did It for amusement and because art wouldnt be art If she didnt whereas I did It for a living and being a pro fessional could doubtless teach her a great many things Lorrlmer was hugging himself with delight He Is a practical Joker who stops at nothing Hed let himself be buried alive for the sake of getting a laugh on the sexton The way in which he treated me as if I were worth SO cents an hour and no more was beauti ful to see 1 fell In with him to the best of ruy ability If the girl couldnt tell the difference between me and a profes sional model I would not point it out to her It struck me that 6he might feel worse about it If she found out THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL J 1000 JwwwJwW9wvi wvt4 TT TTTT TTTrr A PAIR OF MODELjLOVERS BY HOWARD FIELDING i l J JI llnnico I ori Itiii r lie llliiHtriilor Iiiir n Httidlo on 1 lie top llnor if tin- Uokiih liultilliiK I k P tliin rroitiiiily lit ciiiiho 1 llko 11 tn anil tin view from IiIh Htuillo wlmlowH lh iiiiuly nlwityH 1h for I1I111 IiihIiik Ih linnl work If I over Iohi Hit propiily wlilfli my aiiccHtorn wimo 11ml IlititiKli U iiiiiiih 1 hIiiiII lint turn o pohliiK Tor a living Wn won derful how tlriMl oiiii kiIh HtamlliiK or cviMi Hit Inn ptrfectly Ht 111 for half an hour lint IoitIiiht has played 011 my vanity lie Iiiih told ine that I ean hold a piiHe Ioiikim than any one cIhc that Im 11 llerenleH for HtamltiiK on one foot In the attitude of a man ko liiK tii HtalrH with no HtnlrH to ko up I K F m CojivriflM SS9 Xv Cfuult W Hook 5I J HTXJXX5Xi FFUr9mmm9rwf her mistake at a later day MoauwhlU I treated her with the deference appro priate to my humble station nml let me lemnrk right here In parenthesis that nt duference 1 could show to her If I were the sole ruler of the universe would be more than her due However I could not help cherishing n petty resentment against her for the estimate she had made of me ami so I was willing to let the little Joko run on There was good sport for a few minutes and then I positively had to leave I knew that 1 should meet Alice I hadnt caught her last name again In Lorrliners studio and as a matter of fact she was there the very next time I called That day Lorrlmer got uh to pose together for a society picture something sweet and sentimental I had the pleasure during almost an hour of gazing Into the softest brown eyes In the world while I maintained a loverllko attitude that nearly broke my neck That evening Cnrletftn King came round to see me nt my rooms and from him I learned some facts about Lorrl mens model Alice tJray Mns her name and she was well liked in all the studios because she posed so well for society stuff She had three swell dresses that were her business capital anil by means of them and the pcrsonnl charm that gave them grace she earned from 7 to 10 a week Aud she had to take care of a little sister who was an Invalid I relleeted quite seriously upon this information nml the more I relleeted the less easily could I reconcile any de ception practiced upon Biich a girl with my Idea of gentlemanly conduct How ever I couldnt bring myself to tell her who I was for I was afraid she would treat me differently If I did and I was more than satisfied with the situation exactly as it was We met frequently at Lorrliners stu dio Indeed we posed for nil the llg ures In that long series of illustrations that he made for Ilentnu Ives Inter minable magazine serial In half a dozen sets of characters she was the loved and I the lover I was on my knees before her until I wore a hole in Lorrliners hard pine lloor I posed with my arm around her I kissed her hand I wns accept ed with maidenly reserve I was re jected with scorn In fact I passed one half my time pretending to be in love with her and the other half try ing not to be for It really wouldnt do you know I was fully aware of that Williams said Lorrlmer to me one day you make a great lover You look the part And Alice laughed and said I was the most realistic man In that capaci ty that she had ever met I had made up my mind that thei thing had gone far enough Without allowing myself to be an Idiot about it 1 couldnt help noticing that Alice was becoming Interested in me I couldnt let that go on Then there wns another aspect of the case 1 wanted to help her 1 learnt 1 from King that the poor little sister was worse that she needed everything that the rich can have and others ennt aud that there had been some talk of a subscription among the artists Now of course 1 could have ilxed that whole matter and my pocket would never have known the difference but couldnt do It In the character of a f0 cents an hour model I had decided Just how and when I should tell her all about it and then of course I did It exactly as 1 wouldnt have planned to do We had left the studio together and were wnlklng up llroadway Hroadway of all places for v oil Sfeilllb ynifPiiri WAIT FOU ME nEItR ILL COMK BACKl such a scene She said that she must hurry home nnd I saw a pained look In her face Alice said I theres a secret 1 must tell you and nows the time Thli begins like a scene in a melodrama but dont you laugh Ive been sailing under false colors and I want to hoist the true ones Im not a model 1 cant lay claim to that or any other honest trade Im merely a rich fellow with nothing to do aud no disposition to do anything even If 1 had It Im the son nnd heir of the Williams Iron works aud the Iroquois Loan and Trust company Do you see that bank right ncross the street We happened to be opposite the Ninth NaUonal Well that bank would cash my check for a fortune Naturally when I spoke of the bank her eyes turned In that direction In stantly nlio Interrupted mo with n sharp cry Walt she exclaimed Walt for me liortl Ill cotno backl And she darted across the Btreet re gardless of cable cars and lesser com mcrclal Juggernauts Hho disappeared In the Ninth National bank building and a moment Inter regardless of her request I rushed nfter her The situation wan too much for me It looked as If the girl had gone across to I mill I re what my balance was which you will admit would have been a very unusual proceeding I could not find her In the bank and the king of tho elevators In the main hall said that ho had seen no one answering that de scription After a fruitless search 1 returned to the spot where wo had parted regretting deeply my folly In over having left It Alice did not ap pear On reaching my homo In the Ilelle aire apartments late that afternoon the hnllbov handed me a letter that had been addressed to me thero In care of the Janitor The envelope bore the name of ho llrayton Car Wheel company and the letter within merely requested John Williams to call at the ofllce on a matter that mlglfc prove to be considerably to his advan tage I knew Chnrley llrayton of that com pany very slightly but had never nipt his father who Is the head of the firm I Judged that young llrayton had dic tated a note to me about some club matter and that a stupid secretary bad mlxed It with some other llelng down town the next day I called at the llrayton companys of llce Charley was not In but the old gentlcmnn wns just passing by as I gave my name to the boy nt the rail Williams Williams said he Oh yes let him come in I followed the pompous old fellow into his oflice He seated himself and beamed upon me through powerful glasses which however appeared not to quite remedy tho defects of his vision Williams said he I have been in formed by a a person In whoso opin ion I have the greatest confidence that you are a very worthy fellow Dont you ever have confidence In lint persons opinion again snld I Hes off his base The old mans Jaw dropped More likely perhaps he was refer ring to somebody else I continued I am Jack Williams loafer and any clubman In town will tell you that Im no good at any honest work for I BIIK CHKCKED HEItSELF SUDDENLY AT SiailT OK ME take It my dear sir from your man ner Unit under some strange misap prehension you were about to offer me a job Is Mr Williams lie stammered to be perfectly frank with you my daughter who sometimes vis Its the studio of her cousin Mr Horace Lorrimer told me that you were earn ing a precarious living as an artists model and that she believed you capa ble of better things Mny I ask Mr llrayton if you have seen your daughter since yesterday No sir no sir 1 have not I spent the night out of town I am told by a young man who was hero a few min utes ago that my daughter narrowly missed me yesterday afternoon nt the Ninth National bank She saw me from across the street or something of that sort 1 dont fancy It could have related to this mntter Hut It did snld I Miss llrayton had just been Informed that I did not need work aud she wanted to tell you about It In a hurry knowing that oth erwise she mightnt see you till today At that moment Alice herself burst Into the olllce She checked herself suddenly nt sight of me and stood thero looking from one to the other of us Well I hope you nnd father have had a good time snld she at last We havent quarreled yet said I Hes offered me a Job but it isnt the one I want Whats that I want him to engage me as a son-in-law She looked at the second button of my waistcoat for about a quarter of a minute nnd hen up into my face again I hnve already recommended you highly for 11 ny position she said So that was all settled and nothing remained but to square accounts with Lorrlmer and his usslstant Ilur Carle ton King Const w I fce Papa said Tommy Northslde who laid been reading news from the Atlan tic shore what kind of a steamer Is a coastwise steamer A steamer wise enough to keep off the rocks along the coast replied Mr Northslde Tlttsburg Chronicle-Telegraph EXCITEMENT ON CHANGE 1 Prices of Until Grain unit Iroilnlond Sour Iiir Corn llio Louder Chicago April 4 This whs n day of vx oltvmoilt on clianBP Tho trndn In both jrnln and prnvlxtoiu wn bewildering In Its enor mity Tho corn nml provldlimR pits were tho centers of interodt but nil over tho floor tho effect of Hn lncreiwlnR demnnd was felt Tho news gcnornlly was lmlllili but It was over shndowed by thn Irresistible buying fever May wheat cloned Hto May corn WWe May oats JfWPlo nml provisions from 22 to 4Vj higher tlmn Mutulnya figured Cloalng prices WllRAT May 08c luly 00i00Jgo CoilN May 41ci July nyo Oats May J6Jic July 25a Poiik Mny IIB2U July UZfHJf Hins Mav IMK0ttt July I08S LAliD May fl70July 07 J47U Cash quotations No 2 red wheat 70d71o No 2sprlng wheat 68d00o No icorn 4UUo No a oats lHc Chicago Llvn Htoett Ciiioaoo April 11500 generally lOo higher natlviM best on nnlo today 1580 good to prtmo Htecrs 5XKP 6 SO poor to medium 4S40 Helocted feed em J4W483 mixed Htoclceri I3W100 cows I3UKS4MJ heifers i2V4 7S cannors Siurgi bulls U0044U3 rnlvort JJMXtfOOO TuxaH fed steei H 4 IXX5 05 Texas bulk tJiX9 UI10 Hogs KoculptN 111010 tomorrow aK entimntodloft ovor 2500 uverngu fully lOo higher top 5 05 mlxitl nml butchers S5M500 good to cholco heavy 8 4VtfiK rough heavy J5l0ft540 light J525i5fty bulk of Hales J645i0Sn5 Hliccp HecelptH 12000 btrong to 10c higher good to cholco wutlierH lOOOtiMIK fair to choice mlxod J51KX 000 western Hheep f 575cftS0 yenrllngH 0OJ 0lW native lumbs 5Mft740 wentcrn lambs fOOOSl740 Men can bo cured privntoly and posi tively at homo of all weakness ami dis ease Write for now free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sionx Oity la Try ftrnlti OI Try Ornln Ol Ask your grocer to show yon n pack ago of Grain O the new food drink that takes tho place of coffee Tho children may drink it without injury as well as tho adult All who try it like it Grain O lias that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from puro grains nnd the most delicate stomach receives it without distress tho price of coffee 15c and 25c package Sold by all grocers H per flow Are Yonr Kidneys t Dr IIoblsSimrngns Pills cure nil kidney Ills Sam ple f roe Add Sterling Itcmedy Co Cr Vcago or N Y This la Your Opportunity On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps gonorouB Bnmplo will bo mailed of the most populnr Catarrh nnd liny Fever Cure Elys Cream Enlm sufficient to demon Btrato tho great merits of tho remedy ELY imOTIIEfiS C6 Warren St 2ew York City Eov John Keid Jr of Great Fnlls Mont recommended Elys Cream Halm to me I can emphasize his statement It is a posi tivo cure for catarrh if u ed its directed Kev Francis W ioolo Pastor CentralPxes Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catnrrh nnd contains no mercurj nor any injurious drur Price 50 cents Parties have stolen our labels stylo of package and tell tbe sick that our tea is just like Rocky Mountain Tea They would ruin your health for a little added profit Beware Ask your druggist of menstruation They AmiAnimiuiyixmnHumrn u s Spreads IIke AVIlilllrrx When things aro tho best thoy bo como tho best selling Abraham Hare n lending druggist of llellovillo O writes Electric Hitters aro tho best selling bitters I havo hnudlul in 20 years You know why Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach liver kidneys bowels blood and norves Electric Hitters tones up tho stomach rogulntes liver kidneys nnd bowels purifies tho blood strengthens tho nerves henco cures multitudes of mal adies It builds up ho entire system Puts now life nml vigor into nny weak sickly rniidowiTman or woman Prico JiO cents Sold byiKiesnu DrugCo nenuty Dlood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it Cascarcts Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring tip the lazy liver and driving nil im purities from the body Begin to day to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c A Ilorrllile Outbreak Of largo sores on my little daughters head doveloped into a caso of scald head wries O 15 Isbill of Morganton Tenu but UucklonsJ Arnica Salve completely cured her Its n guaranteed ouro for eczema tetter salt rheum pimples sores ulcers and piles Only 25c at Kiesnu Drug companys Enjoyment of life depends largely upon your liver RockyMountain Tea will make n now ono Grentmodicino makes healthy babies Askjyour drug gist Brings the bloom of youth to tho faded cheeks Drives nwayj headache indigestion constipation makes health beautiful womanhood Rocky Moun tain Tea Ask your druggist Educate Tour linwels With Cimcnrets Candy Cathartic euro constipation forever 0c25c it CCC fall druggists refund money Tluit Throbbing llendiicbu Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills Thousands of Bufferers havo proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches They make puro blood and build up your health Only 25 cents Money back ifnot cured Sold by the KieEau Drug Co Millions Given Away It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern which is not afraid to be generous Tho proprietors of Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption coughs and colds have given away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthniu bronchitis la grippe and all throat ciiest and lung diseases are surely cured by it Call on Kiesau Drug company and geta free trial bottle Regular size 50c and 100 Every bottle guaranteed LUTE A FLASH of lightning sudden and startling disease strikes dent n many a man Yet there have been warnings upon warnings un heeded Food has lain like a heavy weight in the stomach after eating There have been belchings bitter livings in the mouth nervousness sleeplessness and growing irritability Instead of listening to these warn ings recourse ha been had to some of the nerve numbing palliatives that cover but never cure disease Many serious diseases begin in a diseased condition of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition The stomach is really the vital center of physical life It furnishes the blood which nourishes the whole body in brain as well as brawn When the stomach is weak it is not equal to the work of supplying the blood upon which depends the strength and vigor of the body Without this essential blood supply the body weakens in all its organs The condition of the body when the blood stream runs low is the same as that of the mill when the mill stream runs low There is not enough power to do the work The heart feels the lack of power the brain feels it so do the lungs nerves liver and all the vital organs Dr Iierces Golden Medical Discovery cures the weak stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition increases the activity of the blood making glands and pours a tide of pure blood along the arteries and veins which nourishes every organ into strength It is the great stouiacli strengtheuing nerve nourishing lung healing muscle making remedy of the age It contains no alcohol and is free from opium cocaine aud all other narcotics Doctors Disagree About ten years ntjo I began to have trouble with my stomrich writes Mr Win Connolly of 555 Walnut Stteet Iorain Ohio It Rot so bad that I hid to lay off finite often two and three days in n wet k 1 hae lutn tr nted by the best doctors in this city but gut 110 help Some said I had cancer of the stomach others caturli othus dyspepsia Then I wrote to you for advice You advised the use of your Oolilen Medical Discovery and lleatant Pellets These medicines I have taken as directed I commented to get better from the start ami have not lost a day thissummer on account of my stomach I feci tip top and better than I have for ten jears Keep tho bowels healthy by using Dr Pierces Pleasant Pcl lets They dont gripe They aro easy to take and sure to cure MOTTS iwfffi PENNYROYAL PILLS f womanhood aiding development known remedy for women equals them They overcome Weak ness Srreguluritv ami omissions increase ur ttuu uuumu pains aro LIFE SAVEBS to girls at of organs and bodv Kn Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure 81 OO lJ51t BOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists Dlt MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY wcmMMtstmmmst FREE ADVICE by ourphyslclans and a FREE SAMPLE of our medicine ulto Free Home Treatment a HOpago lUubtratuu book describ ing symptoms and cause of dlbeoscs with bebt treatment also many valuable recipes and prescriptions to plain language saving you heavy doctors bills Ask for it Dr Kays Renovator cures tho veryworst cases of Dyspepsia Constipation Headache Palpitation of Heart Liver and Kidney diseases and bad results of La Qrippe Send for proof of It Write us about all your symptoms Sold by druggists dont accept any substi tute hut send us 25 eta or 100 and we will send Dr Kays Itcnovator by return inalL Aaurtss qr q j KAY MEDICAL CO Saratoga 8prlng8 N Y 1 ffl - 2 0 9- A wwwKiaBm33mHmqFa SOLD BY KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY AND KIESAU DRUG CO u