The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 05, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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nro uover cheap shoes Shoes
liko Pingreo Smiths mens
wouioiis nud chlltlrcns and
Drfw Solly Shoo Cos ladles -
shoos nro truly economical
becnuso thoy
I Will Outwear
two pairs of cheap shoes nutl
are not high priced at that
If you have uovor tried thorn
wo would advise yotr to do so
OIHco Hardys Coal Olllcc
Fire iusurauco Farm and City Loans
and Heal Estate
Good liouao barn 11 ml 4 acres of I it t id in Nor
folk Tor salu chuip
See the Point
Sells Fine Jewelry and docs Fine Watch
and Jewelry Repairing promptly and
in a workmanlike manner
H Sij3SS
m o
C rn
I w
The Wentliur
Conditions of the weatliur as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to
Maximum temperature 58
Minimum temperature HO
Average 44
Snowfall inches 00
Precipitation 00
Total preoipitatiou for month 00
Baromotor 2990
Forecast for Nebraska Partly cloudy
with showers Friday and west portion
tonight Warmer east portion tonight
David Kulin who lives on West
Philip avenue is buildiug au udditiou to
his residence
The young friends of Alex Brugge
man gave hini n surprise party Tuesday
evening aud everyono enjoyed a pleas
aut time
Miss Ilattio Hughes of Albion will bo
in the city Sunday and will conduct a
missionary service in the First Congre
gational church
A lettor from II S McClnrr Buperiu
teudont of tho sugar factory at Ronio
New York states that he will leavo for
homo in a few days
The trial of Hurry Lodor for selling
liquor to a minor which was set for
I 10 yestordoy afteruoonhas again been
postponed until tomorrow
Tho Ladles Guild of Trinity church
will mcot with Mrs Matrau tomorrow
aftornoon at 2 S A good attendance
is especially desired at this mooting
Owen Ufos oxpoct to finish loading
thoir grading outfit this ovouiug aud
ship tomorrow Thoir tools imple
ments aud equipage will till IS cars
Miss Mamie Mathor has routed tho
rooms over Durland Slstors milllnory
where sho will start a dressmaking es
tablishment at onco Tho industrial
store which wns formorly In those
rooms will probably bo moved to tho
lliohards block
Contracts for furnishing tho Norfolk
hospital for tho insane with suppllos for
tho ensuing quarter liave been awarded
as follows Dry goods tho Johnson
Dry Goods company staple grocorlos
Hargraves Bros Lincoln fauoy
grocories A G Bohnort lour tho
Sugar City Cereal mills coal Glen
Rock Coal company Denver Col
Tho Y M 0 L has plannod n road
bicycle race to tako place tomorrow
aftornoon Tho contestants of whom
it is understood thoro aro qnlto a num
ber will start from Stanton at 11 oclock
and tho raco will bo rufi from that olty
to this Considerable interest in tho
ovont is manifest nud probably tho
only thing to prevont it will bo inolom
ont weathor
Homor Williams of South Norfolk is
going about today with a bandaged
sowod up head tho result of au early
base ball game Ho with a uumbor of
other boys was playing ball and Homer
was using a tin can us a mask or speak
trumput or something olso whon a
brick bat heaved by a playmate struck
the can nud cut a gash au iuch or moro
In Homors scalp Several stitches
were required to close up the wound
Homor is not tho sort of boy who is laid
up with a slight injury liko that nud is
around today as chipper as a sparrow
Madison Star Ouo of tho things
that yet remain to be explained is why
sone women upon receiving news that
another women is sovoroly ill will
straightway rush to tho sick room and
with a long face inform the patient she
is looking awful bad aud that Mis
was aftlictcd in the samo way
and never recovered Madison con
tains the usual per cent of this class of
women as has been7 proven in tho
several cases of severe illness amoug
women during tho past two months
Anyone who pursues such a course as
above mentioned certainly lacks tact or
to uso harsher terms is possessed of
brains in an exceedingly small degree
If it is impossible for you to bo cheerful
aud of some assistance in a sick room
for heavens sake stay away
Jos Rembke of Pierce county is an
inmate of the city jail charged with
being drunk This drunk of Mr
Rembkes has resulted quite disaBter
ously to his finances if not to his person
aud social position While under tho
influence of booze yesterday afternoon
Rembke was enticed across the creek
near tho dam aud thero according to
reports a couple of tin horn gamblers
proceeded to relievo him of his cash and
jowelry The story goes that he was
knocked over tho head and while in au
unconscious condition was relieved of a
watch and chain aud about 25 in cash
Rembke was so drunk when arrested
that he was unable to give a very clear
account of the proceeduro but this
morning he had sobered up sufficiently
to realize at least that his head was sore
aud that he had been touched Bob
Bathko nud au unknown person wearing
a gray suit and a white hat are sus
pected of having a hand in the deal but
there seems to bo some question as to
who were the guilty parties and neither
have been apprehended
Hunt aud Benedict artists in thoir
line of paper hanging and painting
Leave orders at Bookstore
Dr F M Sisson will deliver his lec
ture Plus at the M E church this
evening In mentioning Dr Sisson ns a
lecturor tho Garuett Kas Journal
Bays Tho address was a scholarly ono
Wo undertake to say from tho many
words of praise which we heard be
stowed upon it that tho speaker struck
the great moss of bis homers with somo
gospel truths in politics
Our millinery opening will continue
the balanco of tho week
Miss E J Bkkikk
B P S Best paint sold at Chris
Fresh whito fish black bass wall
eyed pike lake trout and Cermun carp
nt tho Palaoo Meat Morket
Special Sale lrlftsrt Cut in Two
2000 double rolls wall paper all
now 00
Finest ono band blended border
gilt paper 15
1000 patterns of wall paper to
seloct from
St Louis strictly pure whito lead
red seal per hundred 5 00
Linseed oil per gallon 60
Best paint sold per gallon 1 25
Good ready mixed paint per gallon 80
Fjno ojoth window shades each 25
Extension ourtalu rods 10
Lurgest assortment of room moldings
brushes varnishes glass calcimine etc
over in tho city H 0 Tklman
104 North Fourth street
Fiuo lamps Bookstore
Hoard oT Kdmmtlon iutft Wngnft of Fun
Itora mill Timrltor Ten for Ont
Regular meeting of tho board of edu
cation was held on April 2nd with
President Bruggeman apd all mombers
J S Morrows bill for ropalring pump
of f cents was allowed
Tho treasurers report for tho mouths
of February and March showing bal
auco cash in tho gnnornl fund of I2U2
with unpaid outstanding warrants
amounting to 17412 11 was road aud
ordered tiled
Tim committee on financo claims and
salaries mndo a report recommoudlug
that in viow of tho largo floating iu
dobteduoss of the district and tho low
nssessod valuation limiting tho resources
of tho district to au amount inuufllolont
to moot tho running expenses of tho
schools nud redtico said indebtedness
thoy doom it necessary to roduco tho
salaries of toachors and employes to
amount to au equivalent of a 10 por
cent reduction of presont salaries for tho
next school year
Mr Blrchard of tho committoo pro
soutcd n minority roport dissenting from
tho majority of the committee On
motion tho majority roport was accepted
and tho committee instructed to present
to tho lKard at its next mooting a tabu
lated list of salaries to bo paid during
tho onsuing school year tho vote stand
ing four nyo and two no
A stutomont from County Superin
tendent 0 W Cruni showing somo
statistics of tho Norfolk school district
was rend and tho secretary instructed to
havo tho samo published Tho board
adjourned to nieot at 8 p m ou April 4
11 0 Matkau
Adjourned meeting of tho board of
oducatiou hold ou April i Prosont
Vico Presidout Luikart Birchard Aid
Salter and Matrnu
Tho committoo ou llnanco claims and
salaries reportod a list of salaries
of teachers aud janitors lor the on
suing year reducing salaries of teach
ers as follows 55 to 50 5250 and
50 to 4750 15 to 4250 40 to 15
aud first year grade teachers to aud
reducing sslarios of janitors as follows
50 to 17 15 to 40 and 85 to JS A
motion to accept tho roport was adopted
by a majority vote of tho monitors
Mr OConnor was instructed to pro
cure a speaker at au expenso not to ex
ceed 50 for Commouoomont day and
havo programs printed with tho under
standing that admission should bo
charged to the general exercises in tho
On motion board adjourned
H O Mathau
Smoked white fish at tho Palace
Meat Market
Toilet articles Bookstore
Wasted A good girl for general
house work Mks J B Bakni
Battle Cheek Neb April 4 1900
Headquarters Mndison County Veteran
association Thero will be a meeting
of tho reunion committee held at Battlo
Creek Neb on Saturday May 5 at
1 80 p in to decide on time and placo
for holding the reuuiou this year and
to transact such other business as may
properly come before tho mooting All
union soldiers are cordially invited to
attend It is recommended that tho
committee on by laws meet at tho samo
time and place
S A McKay Pres
W A Barnes Sec and Treas
Choice celery nt tho Palace Meat
Middle aged gentleman wants an un
furnished room conveniently located
for reasonable rent Address X 42 care
Noukolk News
Kill Glovea for KuHter
In all tho new shades now violets
tans modes corals browns French
gray etc Prices 100 up to tho boBt
Mks J Benson
South 10th St
Omaha Nob
Furnished rooms for rent
Farm and city loans
The Durland Trust Co
lie Knows anil Dock
An eminont writer onco wrote
Success doeihiot depend upon what a
man knows but what ho does How
much more successful then must bo tho
man who both knows and does Such a
man is Lewis Morrison whoso famous
production of Faust will bo presented
hero tomorrow night Mr Morrisons
wide exporiouco in tho theatrical world
spans a period of nearly two scoro years
and covers overy position in tho proviuco
of tho stage to bestow from tho carry
iug of n spear to bocoming a gem iu the
coustellatiou of stars in tho histrionio
firmament His whole aim in that
long period has been to gio tho public
tho very best entertainments his genius
oxperieuco nud wealth could supply
Tho result is that ho has accumulated a
fortune and tho public has boon gratified
His greatest success has been his big
production of Faust which this
season makes its farowoll tour in this
country Iu connection with this an
nouueemeut a word about tho coming
preseutatiou is permissible It will be
on a nnioh more elaborate scale than
ovor boforo All tho pconory Is posi
tively now startling electrical effects
aro Introduced and many novel nioohan
Imus prosontod x particularly In tho
famous Bracken scene A chorus
promssos us clastlcal muslo and tho
company Is guaranteed to bo superior
to that of any former organization
presenting this famous play With
this wealth of onibelllshiuonts to
heighten this always popular production
a preseutatiou of unusual merit is sure
to bo glvon
House furnishing goods at Bookstore
Farm land and city property for sale
by G H Seller
Houhhs for wile T E Odiornic
DrF rank Salter Disoason of children
M 1 Tyler hud buslnoss iu Madison
Mis Edward Tanner is in tho city
from Battlo Crook
Charles Tower of Wayne is visiting
frionds In Norfolk
E A Bass of Hawnrdeu Iowa
tho city ou business
Burt Mivnos was a passenger
is iu
Omaha this morning
Senator S Saunders of Hloomflold
was a olty visitor ovor night
Master Fred Iiroadhont of Oklahoma
is visiting with his nuclo Geo N
Geo II Bishop of Hartford Conn is
in the city looking after property
E II Russoll roprosenting Meyers
Manufacturing company of Fromont
O is hero
Mrs IM SeyniourMiss Nellie Seymour
and Kay Seymour wont to York today to
visit friends
Captain 1 H Brown of Wakefield
formorly of this city was greoting Nor
folk frionds today
J Ghauncoy Chi Ids is homo from
Lincoln whero ho is attending school
to spoud his spring vacation
Mrs Diltx nud Mrs Rosoborough of
Tildon aro guosts at tho homo of Mrs
Livingston nt South Norfolk
Mrs David Bamott departed ovor
the U P this morning for Columbus
for a short visit with relatives
Mrs Luciaua Noedham who has boon
visiting her daughter Mrs Rudolph
Chrischilhs dopartod today for Kramoiit
county Iowa
J A Muuson a former Ainsworth
merchant vlsitod frionds iu Norfolk
today Mr Muuson has boon to Ran
dolph mid other towns looking for a
business location
County Suporiutondent C W Crum
of Madison aud his brothor E A Crum
of Creightou wero in tho city yostorday
Neither know of tho othors prosonco in
the city and thoy did not meet while
W II Lowe who came down from
Battlo Creek to make out tho papers
for tho old soldiers and register his
vote will return to that villago this
evening to complete his work in survey
ing tho new cemetery
J F Jenal of Hartington is transact
ing business in town today Mr Jenal
is being favorably mentioned through
out tho district as a enndidato for con
gress on tho republican ticket Ho used
to bo a resident of this city whore ho is
still well known and if Madison county
docs not have a candidate before tho
convention it is not difficult to imagine
that tho delegates from hero will bo
glad to go to him
Wall paper at Bookstore
For Rent A soven room house on
North Tenth street good cellar city
water and cistern G W Box
For Sale A rosewood piano cased
organ As good as now
S Ball Junction
Wall papor at Ohristophs
Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs
Youuger on tho Heights
We make loans on real estato at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odiorne Sec
Sturgeon is the piano man
Application for Saloon Liquor Minima
Matter of application of Win G
Borner for a liquor liconso
Notice is hereby given that Wm G
Borner did on the 27th day of March
lflOO file his application to tho mayor
and city council of tho city of Nor
folk Nebraska for licenso to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk
Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1900
to tho 80th day 6t April 1901 at lot 11
block f original town in First ward of
said city
If there is no objection romonstrnuco
or protest filed within two weoks from
tho 27th day of March 1900 tho said
liconso will bo granted
J O Stitt City Clerk
Application fur Saloon Lliimr llccune
Matter of application of Geo Eblo for
a liquor liconso
Notice is hereby given that Goo Eblo
did on the 27th day of March 1900 ftlo
his application to tho mayor and city
council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska
for liconso to sell mult spirituous and
vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska
from tho 1st day of May 1900 to tho
80th day of April 1901 at lot 0 block
2 Mathewsons addition in First ward
of said city
If thoro is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 27th day of March 1900 tho 6aid
liceuso will bo granted J O Stitt
City Clerk
Application for Saloon lliiior llrmmn
Miittorof application of U F A
MarquartU for n liquor Demise
Notice is hereby given that 1 V A
Marquardt did on tho 2th day of
March 1900 lie his application tti the
mayor and city council of the city of
Norfolk Nebraska for Hcoiimi lo sell
malt spliltuous and vinous liquors at
Norfolk Nobraskit from tho 1st day of
May 1IHM to the IOh day of April
1901 at lot I block I ICoenlKHtolns 1st
addition in llrst ward of said city
If thoro Is no oltjoatton remonstrance
or nrotost tiled within two weeks from
tho 27th day or March 1000 the said
liconso will ho granted
J C Sinr City Clerk
Application lor Saloon lliiior Ilioimr
Matter of application olj dims
Kloo for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Ohns Klen
did on the 10th day of March 1900 file
his application to tho muvor mid city
council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska
tor liconso to sell malt spirituous ami
vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska
from tho 1st day of May IIMll to the
10th day of April 1901 at lot one block
two Hoar s addition In Firm ward or
said city
If there i no objection lemonstriiuce
or protest filed within two weeks from
thnllOthday of March IIHX tho haid
license will bo granted
J O St ii r City Clerk
Application for li iikkUI lliiior lli iitinii
Matter of application of Asa K
Leonard for a Liquor License
Notice is hereby given that Anii K
Leonard did ou the 27th day of March
1900 file his application to the mayor
and city council of tho city of Norfolk
Nebraska for liconso to sell malt spirit
nous and vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purKses at
Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st duv of
May 1900 to tho 10th day of April 1901
at lot 2 Pilgers subdivision in First
ward of said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
tho 27th day of March 1900 tho said
liconso will be granted
1 O Sri r r City Clerk
Application for DriiKKlMlx Liquor lilrniixn
Matter of application of Geo P
Ohristoph for a liquor liconso
Notice is hereby givon thatGoolt
Christ oph did on tho 4th day of April
lllK lllu his application tnthomayoraml
city council of tho city of Norfolk Neb
for liconso to soli malt spirituous anil
vinous liquors for medicinal mechanical
and chemical purposos at Norfolk Ne
braska from tho iBt day of May 1000
to tho 10th day of April 1901 at lot lit
block I original town iu First ward of
said city
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two woeks from
tho 4th day of April 1900 tho said
liconso will Imi granted
lC Stmt City Clerk
Notion to Non rnnliliuit DuCiiiilanl
To Minnio Nit non rosidont defend
ant You are heroby notified that on
tholrdday of March 1900 Albort F Nit
filed n petition against you In tho lis
trict court of Madison county Nobraska
tho object and prayor of which aro to
obtain a divorco from you on the ground
that yon havo willfully abandoned tho
plaintiff without good cause for tho
torm of two years post
You aro required to answer said poti
tion on or lreforo Monday tho 9th day of
April 1900
Aliiert F Nit
By Jlarncs Tyler
His Attorneys
Application Tor Saloon Iliiior Mcminn
Matter of application of Harry Lodor
for a liquor licenso
Notice is hereby given that Harry
Lodor did on the 19th day of March
llOO lilo his application to tho mayor
and city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for liconso to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk
Nobraska from tho 1st da y of May 1900
to the JOrh day of April 1901 at eaU
lot 4 block 1 of Koenigstoius addition
in first wnrd of said city
If thoro jb no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weoks from
tho 19th day of March 10H tho said
license will bo granted
J C Stitt City Clerk
Application for DrncKlHtil Liquor Merman
Matter of application of J L Her
shisor for a liquor license
Notice is hereby givon thnt J L
Hershisor didon tho 15th day of March
1900 file his application to the mayor
and city council of tho city of Norfolk
Nebraska for licenso to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors for medic
inal mechanical and chemical purposes
at Norfolk Nobraskai from the 1st day
of May 1900 to tho S0th day of April
1901 At lot 8 block INorfolk Junction
in fourth ward of said city
If thoro is no objection romonstranco
or protest filod within two weeks from
tho Kith day of March 1900 tho said
licenso will bo grnuted
J C Stitt City Clerk
Pure Fresh
avo essential to good
health and cost no
more than the cheap
stuff handled by some
Sells the Best
Sole Agent for
Chase Sanborns Coffee
Go to seo
for first -class
Ouo door west of Oxunril Hotol
For PlmnlmiK Steam Filling Pumps Tanks
Wind Mills
Ami nil work In tliln lino mil on
Hall Afar I Inn Itiaraiitnoil
Ihnt iloorSoutli of Tin Dllv Newt Olllcn
Itebiiiding Old Hooks
and MagalutH
Nnxl IiiDiiiiiih IiiIiiI Slum Mli Stnmt
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Bumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction CttinmnUod on all Wtukl
Klrst do ir West of Post Olllco
Are essential to health
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
soils them at
Yon fjet what yon nay for
at Ihles
Merchant Tailor
North Side Haiti Street
First door wost of Piano Manufacturing
Cos office
New Goods
Latest Styles
First Class Work and Perfoct Fit Guar
Prices Reasonable Trial Order Solicited
For Sale at all First Class Saloons
Nebraska Distributor
Three Trains Daily
n Ono Niht lo Ituh
umj j Tw jjjj1 lo uforui4i Ortvoii
From Missouri Hiver
For Timo Tallies FoUlurs llliistratod Hook
IamphliUh descriptive of tho territory travers
ed call ou