The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 05, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The fiottf oik iNtetxis
Tho vote polled yesterility Ifl sultl to
hrtvo boon tho lruKiM In tlio history of
Tho Vroinont TrUnino llmln II difltoult
nmttor to llRtiiiKiiisli n coiiipuiiy of
rntirond moil with thoir puHtohoiutls
from u parly of inform stuto nflluinls
Norfolk will probably bo t niton ouro
of during tlio coiiiiiiR your mid tlm poli
llointiHof tlio city win now botfiii dovot
liif their liino toward tho living of tho
htjito and nation
Tho lato Jonoral loitboil of tho
Transvaal novor saw a mnvspnpor until
lio was 111 years of uko Thnro am fow
ontlmof lllln thiH country who novor
Haw a muvspapor nuliss Ihoy aro blind
Nowspnpors aro about as common as
straw nowadays
Tho republican national convontion
will moot in Phtliiilolphfii Juno ID tho
populist national convontion in Siouv
Vails S 1 May t tho
road populists in Oiuoinnati on tliosamo
day tho piohibltionists in OIiIoiiko
luno J7 and tho doiuooratio national
convontion in Kansas City July I
Tlio mid roadors of tho lotot Cooper
union of Omaha kiivo thoir fiiHion
follows valuo rocoivod tho othor day
Tho latter faction llrod tho former from
tho club but tho mid roadcrs rotaliatod
liy capturing tho club rooms and ex
eluding tho fusiouists Tho question
row is which was llrod and which is
tho goiiuino Pot or Coopor union
Tho Fromont llorald designates Doha
Donnully Heaver Dock and thuir ilk as
tho bad blood of tho fusion movement
and hopes that all of thorn will drop out
The man who places principal above
party and olllce greotl is not wanted in
tlio fusion trust in which democracy is
tho chief stockholder There is too
much Boiiso or porhaps tho fusiouists
vfould call it nonsense in this class of
Tho democrats wore fearful in Abra
ham Lincolns time that his election
would mean the overthrow of tho con
Ktitutiou They aro still concerned
about tho constitution although many
years of republican rule has not yot
overthrown it They ovidontly boliovo
that thoy aro patriots in thoir own way
but claim to distrust tho republican
party as iucondiary and anarchistic
without rogard to historical facts
During tho mouth of February this
countrys exports avorngod fiOOOOOO
per day au iucroiuso of J25 per nont over
tho oxports of any previous February in
tho history of tho country To cliango
this doplorablo state of affairs tho ad
ministration and policy of tho country
should bo changed Tho election of
Bryan will probably have that effect
Tho producers of tho country who aro
largely artectod by this condition should
tnko in all that is said by tho liryauitos
mid givo thoir disapproval of this way of
doing busiuoss
Tho domoemts dont soom to bo able
to make any hoadway for campaign
material without misquotation mis
representation or garbled oxtractB Tho
VVnynoRopublican complains that tho
Coloridgo Hhido quotes a portion of
Judge Norris lottor from tho Philip
pines nnd makoa a oaso for
but fails to quote other portions
which would givo au altogether differ
ent tono to tho matter Tho Fromont
Herald givoa the same treatment to au
article in Tiik Nkws coucerniug tho
tsaino lottor A causo must bo fcoblo
indeed which compels tho use of such
An eastern man was speaking of No
braska tho othor day and ho Baid Its
a fauny place you havo out thoro I
was in Nebraska ton years ago and a
big organization of farmers oUinnco
people had control of ovorythiug They
talkod a groat deal about principlo and
hach liko things and thoy wore down
on lawyers If I remomber right a lawyer
could uot belong to thoir organization
and thoro was a caso whore ouo member
who was studing law was expelled
Since then they soom to havo forgotten
all about tho priuolplo talk and tho only
persons they elect to office aro lawyers
The politicians havo certainly workod a
coufldouco game on those loug whiskerod
Tho stato central committees of tho
three fusion partios have been called to
meet in tho stato house at Lincoln April
15 for the purposo of fixing up a slate
to be adopted by tho conventions which
are to bo held at a later date It would
eoem that tho convention part of the
deal would be uuuecossary and tho
delegates oould save transportation
whether cash or pasteboard by
allowing the committees to perform
their work Why tho fusiouists should
adopt tho slato method which has by
them beeu accorded the reputation of
heing a corrupt republican method iu
former years is beyoud comprehension
Thoy are evidently becoming as cor
rupt and unprincipled as auy ropublicau
dared bo
The f u6iouiats who think that by at
tacking the middle-of-the-road popu
lists ami D Clem Deaver they will
force them into fusion are seriously
mistaken Thorn are thousands of pop
ulists in Nebraska who havo locognizcd
tho corruption of tho fusion crowd for
Rome time and havo even gone so far in
their objection to tho olllce greed of tho
fusion truit that they havo alllliatol or
at loasl voted with tlio republican party
for several years past and by so doing
have aided tho cause of truo populism
by defeating or cutting down tho major
ities of tho olllce Honking crowd and
bringing tho breakup of fusion that
lunch nearer roaliation Hy tho split
in tho populist ranks and the organiza
tiou of tho mid readers the republican
parly loses their support Tho repub
lican party has boon bennlltod by fusion
in that tlieso mid road supporters woro
becoming more nunterous each year
and now that thoy will havo a party of
thoir own and tho republicans will loso
their votes it appears- quite silly for tho
fusiouists to insinuate and asseverato
thai tho mid road movement is backed
by tho republicans
Dr John Alexander Dowio tho
faith healer who has been arrested
several times in Chicago and who
formed a new church organization
should at once bo looked up by
the national fusiouists Ho would be
an invaluable aid to their cause as ho
lias established a reputation as a scaro
maker that has boon unequalled for
yours Ho could originate a scare that
would mako tho hair of tho doar com
mon poople stand and causo thoir
skin to raiso goose pimplos Tho Mark
Hanna Orinio of 7i Cross of
gold imperialsm militarism
and other bogies which aro practically
worn out and fit only for tho garbngo
heap aro moro pigmios and palo into
Ins gnillcanco beside this scaro recontly
sprung by tho doctor If I disap
pear it will bo booauso I shall havo been
murderod And I chnrgo in that ovont
that the Masonic society and tho Metho
dist Episcopal church are my murdororfl
Tho Masons havo takon a vow that they
will murder mo ns thoy did Morgan
The Masons nud the Methodist Episco
pal church aro today the most murlor
ous institutions on earth And if I dis
appear suddonly it will bo bocauso I
shall havo boon murdered My death
has been sworn
Prof OConnor administers a woll
morited robuke upon tho citizens of
this placo for tho niaunor in which tho
North Nebraska Toachors association
has boon trcatod horo in past a fact that
has boon brought into groator promi
nenco by tho unusual hospitality ex
tended by tho citizens of Wayne to
thoso who attondod tho mooting of tho
association hold thoro lost weok Prof
OConnor truthfully says that whou a
political fironious or other convontion
comos to this city bigs and banners aro
unfurled to donoto our welcomo to the
visiting delegates but iu tho past tho
toachors havo boon allowed to como
hero for their annual sessions almost
unnoticod and unannounced This is
out iroly wrong and wo nro all moro or
less to blaino for it If thoro is any one
class of pooplo moro than another who
should bo woll treated when thoy como
to a town it is tho teachers upon whoso
shouldori rest to a largo degreo the
formation of tho character of tho peoplo
of future generations Norfolk should
oxteud a cordial hand whou thoy como
hero not only from motives of town
prido for tho purposo of making them
want to como again but bocauso from
tho very uaturo of their calling thoy aro
ontitlod to tho boat that can bo offored
them When the meeting of tho associa
tion comos horo next spring lot us drop
our usual indifference and give tho
toachors a royal welcomo and mako
them feel that wo are interested in them
ami what thoir association is doing for
thoir improvomont and advancement in
their choseu profession
Tho mayoralty contest in Norfolk
yesterday was notublo from the fact
that two of tho best men who could bo
found were selected to head thoir tick
ets Mr Westervolt is vory popular
amoug all classes of peoplo aud it was only
bocauso of the fact that tho republicans
selected ouo of the best men obtain
able that ho was defeated Itoth sidos
worked with a vigorous energy for
their candidates aud succeeded in bring
ing out the largest vote ovor polled iu a
city campaign Mr Robertsons stand
t keu at tho nominating couveution
win what electod him Whilo ho ro
fusnl to bo tied up by tho anti saloon
leaguo that orgauizatiou realized that
he was a mau with whom tho morals of
tho city could be eutrusted and they
gavo him thoir votes Noither is tho
judge hampered by an alliance with the
saloon peoplo and ho may bo expected
to use his good judgment in his actions
toward them Mauy votes were re
corded for him that would havo beeu
counted against an anti saloon leaguo
candidate aud undoubtedly quite a num
ber of democratic votes wero recorded
for him because of the stand taken by
the saloon element iu favor of Mr Wost
ervelt As Tub News understands it
although a different story was circu
lated yesterday Mr Robertson will
handle the saloon question with fairness
to tho saloon men but with the under
standing that they do not control tho
city aud cannot theroforo do as thoy
please The conservative anti saloon
element will bo satisfied with his man
ner of handling the traffic while had
Mr Westervelt been elected they
would have taken the matter in their
own hands
Tlio con ervatlvo oloment
Tlio election yesterday as far its tho
city ticket was concerned resulted in a
distinct republican Victory that party
electing foui of tho live olllccrs on tho
ticket On tho school board tho two
democratic candidates were elected and
iu tho couiicllmiiuic light four democrats
were elected to one republican making
the council live democrats to throe
Uiiil Viirlit Albert mill Vlrliirlii Ariltp
In Irlili Water
DlTiillN April In spite of the rain
that was falling and tho huge puddles
of water under foot t ho ai rival of Queen
Victoria in the royal yacht Victoria and
Albert oil Qiieoiistowu was tho occasion
for much enthusiasm although this did
not take an organized form owing to
tho fact that her majesty canio sovcral
hours ahead of schedule tinio Tho pas
sago of tho channel was smooth and tho
queen suffered no discomfort although
she expressed regrot that the prematura
departure from Holyhead owing to tho
threatening weather conditions should
causo her Irish subjects disappointment
It had been officially announced that
fiho would reach Kingstown at 510 p
m Tuesday instead of 2 p in but at
tho latter hour tho Victoria and Albert
loomed up through tho haze and rain
and waB greeted with tho thunder of 21
guns from each ship in tho Hritish
channel squadron
Thousands had poured iuto Kings
town regardless of tho rain which
ceased about G oclock and they braved
tho cold and wind nnd mud until mid
night Tho demonstrations wero con
fined to nn illumination of tho wharves
and a fow flroworks hero and thoro
From tho jnckies clustered on tho decks
of tho squadron camo God Savo tho
Queen which was takon up by the
patient crowd on tho shore and when
Soldiers of tho Queon lloatcd across
tho quiet water tho spectators on Kiugs
town pier joined in with equal fervor
Although all political conditions aro
represented in Kingstown there was no
attempt at a counter demonstration Iu
fact tho ovonings flroworks singing
nnd ohoering wero not marred by any
discordant note and tho entry of tho
queou into Dublin today will probably
bo a ropotitiou of tho same fnondly
General Oil Cubic Smmiinry of Louses
mid Kcmilts of Campaign
Washington April 4 General Otis
has cabled to tho war dopartmout prob
ably with a view of correcting erroneous
impressions that exist in this country as
to tho stato of tho insurrection in the
Philippines a summary of tho result of
tho development of tho campaign siuco
tho first of tho year His figures go far
toward offsetting tho boliof that oxists
in some quarters that since tho adop
tion of guorrilla methods of warfaro tho
insurgents havo indicted substantial
loss upon American arms in comparison
with tho punishment received A sig
nificant sentence in tho report differen
tiates insurgents aud lodronos showing
that Otis has taken cognizanco of the
fuct that a considerable number of bos
tiles aro not soldiers under tho rules of
war and may not expect tho same treat
ment Tho report which is dated Ma
nila April is as follows
Sinco Jan 1 124 skirmishes in Phil
ippines havo boon reported mostly
slight affairs Our casualties woro
three officers and 78 enlisted men killed
US officers aud 151 men wounded In
surgent nnd ladrono losses in killed and
loft on field 1 12G captured moBtly
wounded 14315 small arms secured
8031 pieces of nrtillory 103 largo
capturo of othor insurgent property
A number of important insurgent of
ficers aro surrendering and the situa
tion is gradually becoming moro pa
Alarming lleportii of Wnr lreimratloin
oinu From Kiiiiin
BrRUN April 4 Tho Kooluischo
Zoitnng a semiofficial organ publishes
alarming reports regarding tho war
preparations which Russia is making
on laud and sea Tho Zoitung an
uounces that the czar will go to Moscow
today to bo present at a military council
All dispatches relating to tho mobili
zation of troops aro carefully censored
boforo thoy aro givon to tho pross Of
ficers who havo applied for leave of ab
sence have boon informed that nil such
requests will bo denied for tho present
Lets Thnu Week Mipply f Uual In Ills
rittaburi Ilnrlmr
Pirrsnuno April 4 Hoports ro
ceivod from tho coal mines in tho Pitts
burg district indicato that tho strike in
augurated yesturday against tho dead
work scalo and tho rato lun
assumed largor proportions than at first
expected Fow ininos aro 111 operation
arid fully UOOOO miners nro mlo it tlio
6triko should continue for a week it is
likely that every mill in tho Pittsburg
district dopondiug on tho two coal
combination for their bupply of coal
will havo to shut down There is less
tlian a weeks supply of coal iu tho
Pitthburu harbor Tho oflleials of tho
coal companies expect to uffoct a sottlu
meut before tho ond of tho week
Saiilin Iliotira Iu Court
New Youic April a Olga Nothersolo
aud others jointly licensed iu a blanket
indictment of maintaining 11 nuisance
nnd offending public decency in tho
production of a dramatization of
dets Sapho wero on trial today in
tho criminal branch of tho supremo
court whero Justico Fursmnu presided
Those indicted with Mis s Nothorsolo
aro Hamilton KjvoIIo Marcus Mayor
aud Theodore Mos All nppaared in
court excepting Mr Mois who was re
ported ill Five jurors wero secured
W M Robertson Elected to
Preside Over City Affairs
Norfolk Continues l Itotiiiiln In llin
Column nr Republican Olllnn -Tim Dnm
oeniU Multn n lulu cif Odd Coiiiiellinuii
Siliniil llmiril loix Democratic
From Wednesdays Dnilj
Yesterday witnessed thoChnrrioJt
fought political battlo over soon at a city
oleotion iu Norfolk
On tho head of tho ticket whoro tho
forces woro thrown with all the
strength that could bo commanded tho
result is clearly a ropublicau victory
and Norfolk will contiuuo to bo classed
iu tho ropublicau column
Although tho issues us nmtloup in tho
campaign just closed woro somewhat
out of the ordinary yot tho election of
W M ltobortson as mayor moans
nothing moro than n good cloati admin
istration conducted as tho ordinances
provide and with equal justico to all
Tho ropublicau candidato for city
clork camo out of tho tussel with a
handsome majority to his credit whilo
on tho othor hand tho democratic can
didato for city treasurer has tho largest
majority of any ono iu tho Hold Tho
contest on polico judgo was vory closo
tho ropublicau candidate winning by a
small majority Tho ropublicau candi
dato for city ougiueer was olectod Jwith
ou t opposition
Iu tho selection of couucilinon tho
republicans did not farojfso wellouly
electing ono out of five Democrats nro
reaping coustderablo consolation from
thiB fact as tho now council will stand
live democrats and throo republicans
aud thoy claim that they havo it within
thoir power to handicap tho mayor if ho
attompts to onforco any measures not
ngroeablo to thorn
Hoth tho democratic candidates for
members of tho school board are olected
by strong majorities
Tho following table shows the result
by wards
Kohortsou ro
Weston olt ilem
City Clork
McFnrlaud rop
Korn rop
legnor lorn
Insownlk roiK
rant dom
Heck rop
Holaliaii dom
Hrtrhosoii rop
School Hoard-
Kieb rep
laltorson rop
Matvau dom
Doau dom
KoonfgBtoin loin 101
City Tronsuror
Mnylanl rep 61
Friday i lum 12
Hajos rop 59
Childs ilmn 12S
City Fngitioor
W H Low orop 176
4tli Total Maj
183 213 85 C91
Will Accept Nomination For Preililont It
Tendered Him
New Yokk April 4 A special to
tho World from Washington says Ad
miral Dowoy authorizes tho World to-
announce to tho American people tnat
after mature reflection ond in respouso
to the earnest entreaties from all parts
of the couutry his former decision uot
under auy circumstances to run for tho
presidency is rescinded A World cor
respondent saw tho admiral at his homo
laBt evening Admiral Dowoy said
I realize that tho timo has arrived
when I must definitely define my posi
tion When I arrived in this country
last September I said then that nothing-
would induce mo to bo a caudidato for
tho presidency Since then however
I havo had tho loisuro and inclination
to study tho matter and havo reached a
different conclusion inasmuch us so
mauy assurances hayo como to- mo from
my countrymen that I would be accept
able as a cundidato for this great oflleo
If tho American peoplo want mo for this
high oflleo I shall bo only too willing to
Borvo them
It is tho highest honor in the gift of
this nation whut citizen would refuse
Sinco studying this subject I am
convinced that tho oflleo of tho prosi
dont is not such u very difficult ono to
fill his duties being mainly to execute
tho laws of congress
Should I be chosen for this oxalted
position I would execute the laws of
cougross as faithfully as I havo always
executed tho orders of my superiors
iniunritto mhiik i aiii
Lincoln April 4 Tho Stato bank of
Cambridge was closed yostorday ou or
ders of tho stato banking board and au
examiner put in charge Tho capital of
tho bank is 12500 ami its doposits 40
000 An accumulation of bad paper is
givon as the causo of tho failure Frank
Bagwill is tho president aud S O
Simon tho cashier
rhyUlniin 111 hoimltm
St Louis April I Tlio Tri Stato
Medical society comririsiuB prominent
physicians of Missouri Illinois and
Iowa convened in annual session horo
yesterday Dr O Beverly Campboll of
St Joseph Mo tho president culled
the meeting to order Aftor tho report
of committees tho day wus spent iu
listening to pnpers
lill Koluniitlun Accepted
Washington April 4 Tho resigna
tion of Webster Davis as ussistant sec
retary of the interior was accepted yes
terday by Secretary Hitchcock by direc
tion of tho president
wpii If
if MWPk1
A blindness conies to me now unci then I have it
now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabule
- kioith that will nnthrnpflt ThT tiantih Dftln tnd nrolontcllfe
V f rtvn relief Koto tlio wora on the package nnd accept no lufntltut
Y iu nwt r ja nil mar Iia hnri ut aiiv druff fitnr Ten Sam
1 - t T T V im fl
ONL 275
ad out aud stud iu ue ttWta
5 our weight tnd bf Uhl ftlO niuii
ber of iiiLhjt urouml imJj ut io
anil nerk and wo will send tlifr
CEOTH CAPE to jou bj exnv
Cu lbutjtfct to examination
You car examine and to J on
at your nearest express of
fa w MwJhk
IlreATirt IT found perfectly
atULictorj etiirll a
r nlel ud tlir trMut
4 u lv
nufidfrful talue yim
etrr aowor beanlof
pay tho express
atrcnt our fiMtrJal
and riprem chirrt
Express charges
will ueraK6 40 to
SO cents for each
1000 miles YHI8
from an extra fla asd
beany all wool litaettorblua
ronulae Itnrltox Ilea
vr r cloth 27 Incheslonjr very full sweep IMncJ upper
cape fxtra full Vvptr cape and lary atom collar beauti
fully trimmed wit St blaek Baltic teal fun upper capo
trimmed with thrw rows and cohar with two rowsof
nn mohair braldi cloth button omamentsTbla cape la
One tailor made IhroutaMut and tfiuaV to capes that sell at
more than double the price W rlt fr free Cloak Cjtalortifi
Beir Uoebock Uc v Uoroofia rltible tiUtor
A Baby 9
is very much like the blossom
ing of a flower Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon the care bestowed upon
its parent Kxpectant mothers
should have tho tenderest care
They should bo spared all worry f
and anxiety They should eat
plenty of good nourishing food
and take gentle exercises This
will go n lung way toward preserv
ing their health and their beauty
as well as that of the little one to
come But to bo absolutely sure
of a short and painless labor they I
climilit ncik V
regularly during the months of gesta
tion Til 13 la a Dimple liniment which
is to bo applied externally It gives
strength and vigor to the muscles and
nrevents all of
nuncv wliicli women
Mothers Friend is
discomforts of preg
tieU to mini
wsre absolutely necessary When
dumrer whatever
Jet Motheis Friend
store Sl per bottle
used there id no
at the drug
nr m twa luvnW t Its f p Hat Id llnrn
samples and ono
Snd MUmoiiUl V Ill bo mailed t5 ujMMiMbrS cat forward to U Rip Chemical Co
10 Sprues St New York
are the long lime users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
un equaled
Catalogue Free
Ask for it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
Edisons Phonograph
Better than a Tiano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays and
dontcostas much Itrcproduccsthcmusicof any instrument band or orchestra tells
stories and sings the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs it is always ready
Trices 750 to 10000 Sco that Mr Kdisons signature is on every machine Cata
logues of all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York
Illinois Central R
Tlio IllinciB Central ilosiros to cull nttnntion
totlio uiioxaellud borvici that is olloreil liy Its
linos to tho south for tho season of lbWMOOO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
PorsonallT conduct
ed ItuiiH through to
Los Aiiko1h nnd Sun
Francisco via Now
Orleans in connoction
cine lonviiiK Chlcago
in tho Coutruls fast
Now Orloans Sue
einl connoction iili mmlo by train with
daily traini out of Nuw Orliiuis for the laciftc
Const Tho Limited from Chicuc overy ovon
iiiK connects on Mnndnys nud Thursdays at
Nuw Orloaiis nftor Dttcembcr 18 1S99 with tho
of tho Southern Pacific giving special through
nervico to San Friinciuco
Doublo dnilr sorv
ico Is maintained out
of St Louis rla tho
Illinois Central and
connecting linos to
Nush illof luittnnno
Ku and Atlanta thro
Hleeiiinir car to Jack
sonville Florida boing enrried on the
lonving St LoiiIb oory opening This train us
woll lis tho Day Kxpross leaving St Louis in
tho morning xro both solid trains to NushvUlo
hnviug through conchos uud sloopbigcirs run
ning through Martin Tnn and tio N St
L Ily Connection via thih line for all princi
pal iMiintu in tho Southoast such ns harlestou
Wilmington AiMn nnd SuMinnnU and for all
points iu Florida
Daily from Chicago to Memphis uud Now Or
points iu tho South ou tho lines of tho Illinois
Central uud Y M V railroads will bo run on
tho first and third Tuesday of ouch mouth dur
ing tho winter season
Full particulars concerning nil of tho ulxivo
can be had of agents of the Illinois Central or
by addressing A II Hanson Q P A Chicago
E91 FJ
AlltUlUU 500 t AI KItftf TC
ai tl hcud to ui
tile jour brljlt nnd wrlght U1 nomktrof
urat niuua i iHia j at br4b lUri otr
irfct tiinlfrroslflnp uiuuilfr aruitttiitt
wf w ill kIkI i u lUUtoui by vxtw
Ml tuUJt rl lu niiiulnktliu Kx
anilneuiul li ft uut ounieauat
txpiVMi ofiiOtf and tf fouo6 riarllj
rrprvtruiu ana nr dmi wanottnin
talu vu rttr w r hrard oft mbJ
ruual lu any fia jou co buj tr
fjOO itu itm tUiiinuLtnt Jill
KIMUUIIIIIt 1itIU 5275 Hlii
vlv lavhiKED
J Ills llACKISItfSIl Ulatctt Il
etlv tay ftuliig luuue from bfj
walrrfrin I Ua fulur ifriiuior UlUrrl
lotlii f till lentrtli teulile lrmifd
Niger el wtnillar fane iiluM lining
untrriiruul svvdr uiui dutiable ftr
lintH lala ur Oirrtunt anil uarnlM4
MIU1I1T tlllL rirr cKirrd I ui or
ail ithtrliiiute tor Irrr llolli Stuulrt
of Milia MarLintotiheii iii tn fSuo
A Ullll Mai1fltMUHIrt htlltrf nn 1 llar
f mauat nun t tcotnlloui write for
l Hiik Marti iiiMik u un a iii
bean tlotbsik t lo are IbKrvujU rtllttle Iiditor