f y tt V i i I i rft I It ft I L I I 1 ift 8 h x f NORFOLK M IS LOST State Board Seems to Know Little About It SECRETARIES ARE INDIFFERENT No ttecortl of ltd HiiIiik Adjourned mill It Scoinn In lio Ouliif liv Ilofiiiilt In Kiijolnnil from Inking Ait Ion mi Otlmr Chhck by linden Aliment Kom Tupsilnys Dally Tho Lincoln ooirospomlout of tho Omaha Deo of totlaj gives tho following iv regard to tho stato board of trntis liortation and tho railroad freight cases It appears that tho tired gontlomon aro so overworked that they havo been un ublo to follow tho Norfolk caso thorn solves and know but littlo about tho niattor Tho long hopedfor injunction has at last been sorved and tho follows may now on joy n fow days of rost Mombors of tho state board of trans portatii woro this afternoon served with a i Vy of an order issued by Judgo Mungor of tho fedornl court restraining them from entertaining hearing or de termining any complaint which lias been or may hereafter bo filed with tho board touching tho rates of chargo niado by tho Chicago Northwestern tho Fre mont Elkhoru Missouri Valloy or tho Ohicngo St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railroads This order is to con tinue in force until April 5 when tho complainants will move for a permanent injunction Tho board of transporta tion is also restrained from making any order fixing or prescribing tho rates which either of these companies shall charge for transportation of freight be tween points in Nebraska and from tak ing any proceedings for tho purposo of enforcing any order heretofore issued Very littlo surpriso was expressed at tho state houso t his af tomoon when tho injunction was sorved it being gener ally expected that the board of trans portation would be restrained from proceeding with the hearing of tho cases pending against the Fremont Elkhoru Missouri Valley nud tho Omaha roads both of which were recently continued until tomorrow The caso of the Business Mens fas sociation of Norfolk against the Omaha road has been lost in the mass of rail road rate litigation that has been piling up forthe last two months and there is little prospect that it will receiveJIany further consideration from thej secre taries or members of the board The records do not show that it was contin ued with tho other numerous rate cases from the meeting held last woek and in fact there is no record to show that it was set for hearing on that occasion When questioned concoruingthis case the secretaries assume an air of defiant indifference and make no attempt what ever to explain why it has not been given a hearing Secretary Laws said this afternoon before tho restraining order of Judgo Muuger was served that ho supposed tho case would come up tomorrow but neither tho defendant nor tho complainants woro notified to bo present It is admitted by nearly every member of tho board that thoy cannot furnish tho relief asked for by tho citi zens of Norfolk yet they refuse to either dismiss tho case or to take stops toward enforcing tho order made at the Norfolk meeting Tho citizens of Norfolk aro kept in the dark concerning tho status of their case and all of their requests for inform ation are speedily consigned to tho waste basket by tho overworked secretaries who apparently havo no time for an swering letters concerning official busi ness Proclainntliiu to jta inaia Lincoln April 4 Governor Poyntor lias issued a proclamation calling upon tho people of tho stato to contributo to tho roliof of tho starving people of In dia Ho has designated J H Auld cashier of tho Oity National bank of Lincoln as custodian of tho funds and all contributions aro to bo sont to him Q L Hosfqrd of Univorsity Placo has been designated to tako chargo of tho roliof work and tho collection of funds Farmer Kail Hxliauited In Fire Columhus Neb April 4 Frod Gor bor a Swiss farmer living iu Loup township mot his death in a peculiar manner yesterday Ho sot fire to some grass to backfiro from around bis property Tho firo got boyond his control and ho ovorexorted himself and fell exhausted in the firo Ho was over como by smoke and suffocated He had been dead a unmber of hours when found Fltziluinioiu ami Iluhllu Sign Articled Nkw Yoiik April 4 Robert Fitz simmous and Gus Ruhlin mot yester day and sigucd articles to moot iu a 25 rouud contost before tho Wostchester club at Tuckahoo Juno 3 or tho first day thereafter whon pictures may bo taken successfully Tho men will fight for 07 per cent of tho gross gate receipts aud a lions sharo of tho pic ture receipts fielly Killed Ily u Triilii Piattssiouth Neb April 4 Charles Solby a teamster fdr N Hazon who has a contract of grading for Nowoll Atwood was struck by train No 4 from Schuyler a short distance this sido of Oullom yesterday and instantly killed Tho body was brought hero and au in quest will bo held Aviicrlrun Oii tiiiy 1inir Town Manila April 4 Gonoral John O Bates has peacefully occupied Surigao Dagayau Iligan aud Misamis in the iKaud of Mindanao TARIFF BE PASSES Porto Rican Measure Goes Through the Senate HAS A MAJORITY OF NINE VOTES Vntn Stand 11 Pur tn 11 Af uliut It Only Committer AincMiiliiimiM Aro Arritnil ixrlliinrtit Oiontnr Tlian lit Any Tliim hliiro tlio War CmigrcM Washington April 4 Yesterday was a notablo day in tho sonato It brought to a close tho sharpost and pro longed dobato upon nuy measuro since those disouhscd during tho memorable war congress two years ago At 4 p in tho votes woro begun upon tho Porto Rican taritr and civil govern ment bill and tho pending amend ments aud less than an hour later tho measure about which there has been so much contention in and out of congress was passed by a majority of nine tho final vote being 40 to 11 as follows Ymit Allison Clear Piatt Conn Haltur Uiinim Piatt N Y Hani llauthmugh Prltohard Carter llawluy Qtmrles Chandler Jones Xuv Host Clark Wy Kuan Scott Cullom Kyle Scwull Diboo Ijiulgo Rhonp Dupew Mullrido Kpoounr Fairbanks Mediums Stewart Forakur MoMillln Thurston Foster Penrose Wetnuiru Five Perkins Wolcott 10 Giullngor Niiyn Allen Iloltfeltt Peltut Hncon Jones Ark Proctor U Hate Kennoy Simon H Hurry Lindsay Sullivan Clark Mon MoLuurln Tnllliifurro Clay Martin Tollur Coekroll Mason It Tillman Culberson Money Tin ley Daniel Morgan Wellington It Davis H Xelsoiull Vcstai Harris Bovoridgo was tho only absontco who was not paired Only committee amend ments were adopted It has been evi dent for some time that tho bill would command a majority in tho sonato but notwithstanding that fact tho interest iu tho measure both of senators and of the public has not flagged an instant The galleries woro crowded From 11 oclock when tho senate convened until tho hour when tho voting began advocates and opponents of tho bill brilliantly aud eloquently maintained thoir convictions and tho auditors were kept iu a stnto of constant excitement Tho particularly notablo speeches of the day wore delivered by Mason Ills in opposition to tho measuro and by For aker O who replied to a brief speech by Wellington Md It was the Ohio souators desiro to clear up auy misun derstanding or misinformation concern ing tho bill Masons speech was argumentative eloquent and amusing by turns aud a3 it covered the entiro rango of tho coun trys duties and responsibilities to what tho Illinois senator sarcastically termed Our it was very interesting aud clear to his hearers Just before tho sonato adjourned a sonsatioual episodo occurred in which Wolcott accused Lodge of urging that which was unqualifiedly falso Tho difficulty arose over an effort made by Lodge to havo tho Spooner bill made tho unfinished business This involved tho displacement of tho Quay caso aud tho friends of tho former senator from Pennsylvania mado things exceedingly lively for half an hour Finn all In the House Washington April 4 Tho house yesterday entered upon consideration of tho substitute for the seuato Hawaiian territorial bill under a special order which will bring tho question to a voto tomorrow afternoon at 4 oclock Tho debate was in committeo of tho whole aud only three of tho six speeches were pertinent to tho bill Knox N Y chairman of tho committeo on territo ries delivored a carofully prepared speech in advocacy of its passago Rob inson Ind critioisod a section in tho bill which ho said continued in force labor contracts existing iu Hawaii de nouncing it as legalizing a system of wago slavery Mondoll Wy spoko generally in support of tho bill Lano la ono of tho Republicans who op posed tho Porto Rico tariff bill mado a vigorous speech reaffirming his position and warning his Republican associates that tho country would not support an unfair policy toward tho Porto Ricaus Thomas N O Williams Miss and Boutoll Ills discussod imperialism CANAL COMMISSION BACK Field Work Done and Compiling the lie port Will lie Tukeu Up New York April 4 Tho canal com missioners Rear Admiral Walker Sam uol Pasco Colonel Ernst and Emery H Johnson were passengers on tho steamer Allegheny which arrived yoeterday from Central America Tho commission has spent tho last thrco months in Central America select ing tho host routo for a canal between tho Atlantic and the Pacific aud all tho commissioners have returned to this country oxcopt G S Morrison who is still at work ou tho Isthmus of Dariou Tho commissioners started at ouco for Washington whero the commission will bo busy for somo tinio preparing its roport Admiral Walker refused to divulgo tho opinions of tho commission as to which is tho best routo and also decliued to commit himself on tho ques tion if whether tho canal should bo for fled Mine May lie Shut Iiitii CoiOKAno Spkinqs Colo April 4 There was an important meeting held hero of men who aro vitally concerned in tho exorbitant rates which tho rail ways and smelters aro charging for tho transportation and treatment of ores and a resolution was passed unanimous ly that tho output of tho mines con trolled by those present should bo cur tailed and tho mines closed down en tirely if necessary TUB NORFOLK NEW THURSDAY MARCH 20 1100 DEATH OF DR F VERGES An ICarty Pioneer anil INtoi tnnl Itisidont of Norfolk Called llomn Saturday Tho nnuouncoiuont Saturday after noon that Dr Ferdinand Verges was dead camo like a shock to his friends nud acquainiauces iu Norfolk although it was not altogether unexpected to ninny of them who had noticed his gradual doclino from his usual robust health It was received in sorrow at many homos whero tho old gentleman had ministored to tho welfare of others and by those who know and esteemed his friendship Had tho angel of death mado a doliborato choice ho could scarcoly havo chosen a man more popu lar and ono who would be more missed by tho community at largo than Dr Verges Although born in Germany tho doctor was thoroughly American ized nnd loved his adopted country and its institutions with a fondness scarcely to bo excelled by a native of America Being ono of tho early pioneers his in terests and thoughts had become thoroughly interwoven with and inllu oncod by his surroundings I lo was a man of sound morality aud his worth to tho state and community was inesti mable Never a public man in a political senso ho exertod a progressive inllueuco in a quiot and private way that was of much inomont to his follows aud tho unanimous desire of all who know him is that his cud is peace and happiness Dr Vorgos had beou sick with tho grip for sovcral wooks past at times boing confined to his homo aud again able to bo up and about His friends had thought that lie was in a fair way to comploto recovery but on Tuesday evening last ho becamo so indisposed that ho took to his bed and during tho night was very sick aud at times deliri ous Wednesday ho felt hotter again but was taken worso Thursday and dur ing Friday and Saturday was very side Ho was apparently conscious Saturday morning but was unable to address his daughter Minnio who was with him almost constantly except by signs Saturday afternoon ho quietly passed away tho result of his death being tho effects of tho grip and asthma from which ho hnd been suffering and gonoral debility of his systom Tho funeral will bo held Wednesday at 2 oclock p m from tho houso aud tho remains will bo taken from thoro to St Pauls Luthoran church whore services will bo conducted by Rov Wm Hoeltzol Interment will take placo in Prospect Hill comotory ho having boon ono of tho charter mombers of tho association that laid out tho comotory Ho will bo laid to rest beside the graves of his two wives on tho lllth annivorsary of tho burial of his first wife Augusta She was buried on tho 4th day of April 1887 aged til years His second wifo Mary was buried February 2 1891 aged 53 years Tho deceased leaves four children to mourn his loss Minnie aged 20 Anna aged 18 Charles aged Hi and Mary aged years Tho latter was born to his second wifo aud tho older three woro all tho result of tho first union Minnie was tho only ono at homo with hor fathor at tho timo of his death Tho other three aro at present living with thoir undo Fredorick Verges who is tho only surviving member of tho doctors immediate family at Greussen Germany whero thoy are being educated tho sou being in tho High school at that city Anna and Charles aro expected to ar rive in this country during May and will make this their homo Tho youngest child has been adopted by tho doctors brother in Germany Dr Ferdinand Verges was born August 21 1813 at Thuriugia Germany He emigrated to this country whon a young man in the prime of lifo locating in Chicago in tho early 00s From Chicago ho camo to Omaha in 1808 and in 1809 ho camo to the Elkhorn valloy locating a homestead 10 miles north of bore in Piorce county His early struggle in getting a start horo woro re viewed at length in tho issuo of Tni News of March id In 1881 ho disposed 0f his interests iu Pierce county and moved to Norfolk whero ho has mado his homo since and his lifo was ended in the placo whero ho took tho mature and progressive stops of a busy lifo his efforts resulting to tho advantage of his neighbors and friends us well as him self He has been closely identified with the dovolopment of Norfolk aud his bufliuess foresight aud active prog ress is evidenced by many publio im provements As an instance of his progressive nature it might again bo a The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World imnea ana uccuptea txciuslteli By lit 2BKmmos5xK sr1 ci v i DLOOD POISON iflH WlP rlPlml KR liitiiglniiq lllooil Poison me so slli hl that tltr UJtK X H victim it thinly within tho giasp of the monster befoio the tine untitle of the disease M IL--WW klw ln I1101 i1sN Hie blood it quickly tilled with Hut poisoimut vims and tho SfVi 7t swu KlK mucus patches iu the mouth wnet on scalp uleeit mi tonjMie tote IU j thioit empliont on skin coppei minted splotches and fulling huii atid cyclnows vu1 in muni mi umiui us iiiese me mi wiumsuiKiinie signs ot lotiluglntts Wood rolsntl Doctors still ptcsciibe metniry and xlash as the onlv nue fm lllooil Poison These poisonous mill crals never yet made u complete and pet umticnl cute of Contagious I Hood Poison Thev diive the disease 1mmir Wholesale Prices io Users Our General Catalogue quotes them Send 15c to pirtly pay postage or cxpresbajje and well send you one It has 1 100 pages 17000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70000 things that you eat and ua and wear We constantly carry in stock all artkleb quote J MONTGOMERY WARD CO MlihlfJti Avd MullinM Ciciuu WIIH TUUItrjHUlKnil lllll ml mil mill kiiiiI Unix 1 nint i Mercury AND Potash OtlllillU eWrlWlTlIi f ClIADt PROP CASIHET BUR3ICK StWINQ MACHIHt I liiiiiiiuljriiirI It Him 01111111 itlillltllir ILnt nur llnilriil In IkIiI 1 1 unti i a U lirrtifllt iilUfiirltirjll will un lilniitullliil ritnl In iimtlilttllt v Illi fiiiiiii himI lilt lllll 11 1 lllliilin tut rpnv tiwKM3B5rVVs m it in jiiimik til special Oiler Price 1550 tmif ftrlklhl ARrnl 41111 1 i iuidfitUlil rhrttutt urlhfi vm ImuihInhihI tin Ti rkht wit vrt j i iriiui mrii w m iniiin nivt IT THRU MOMTHS TRIAL ui own Ihini Hinl wv will ittiini on r fir rrti m f i n mi iini iml 5lll lliil r i itlirrtrnl mLfn n Kriltir Hr nli 1Uritlr rtl fHSdi 101111 11 HI lilH hihI tin nil Til It ilnotl lltixl In imr t nl Jlnrhlnp UIikmp liittiMSO tnr IIiIh tlltlll IIKNk I UHMI III 1 1 111 h li jrinlrt nliir i it olfri i i lif nti Iiohmi B EWARE OF IMITATIONS XZZ SSI lthIMIIIMltlllltPI 1 1 1tC link hi wn InirMnr II III 1 1 I X At Iltllr11lllhll Mil nrmi Inn iiiimiU 1 rllr kirfif fr Irnl In I lilraKn unit trprn mImi rirlliiMr nnl t nri Iiiin ctii lllliilin IHIllllUn HI U llllllll I IIIM III II Hit II llll IIH HMIIIMr nun nun 1 IIMII Ih III MIM Ml I lirl iiiiiLit In Atiifr mm wrecks inuK lino ine svsiein covet it up tor while lint it bieaktnut again in wotse ririu Tliese powerful minerals ptodure mercurial rheumatism and the most olTcusivo sotvs ami ulcers causing the joints to stiffen ami liuget miils to dtnp nil Morotirv find pOtdBll inillCU WrOUlCH llOtOlirOHaild those Who have lieeil lloseil willi these ilimu novo nflur f f1 iu i if V lMY liTcu111 tuaiiuei being i puiely vegetable leiuedv it foiees the poison out of the nystcm nud instead of euung down builds up and nivigoialet he genet nl health K S It the only antidote for this specific vims and theicrore the only cine for Contagious Illnod Poison No niattei iu what stage oi how hopeless the case may appear even though ptouounced mailable bv the doetoin S S S can bo ielie1 upon lo make a mpid peiiuaueut cute S S s is not a itnu ittiiiiftii iiiiiHiiin r i i fi it i I iiiumr t un ijiniviur n iifiiiiv nuy yniis mis pinveti n it MitciuM tmiuiliiiir rtuo tftftltr tiitiiiltt KJtiril f11 11 1 i 1 ri Not cures for thitf disease It is tlur viiij jiiivj iiuhmi iiiiiiiriiir Known rlnllLJvl MM1lyKt fnk N J i Ill Hll Hl Mllllpll llw Hsr lllell H UN III S lit lint tllt IlltPI ur1tt4 uptcnd nil over my body I liesc soon limkc out Into soles mill II in i uiy to Illicit- tin- nllthi I t iilin r l li riir I lmimr ennvliii rl tltit llir fetk M v4aBa loi Ion could do un- no kihhII IimiI sii nt 11 luiiidirl dillntH wliiili wilt i nlly llitmvn iiwiiv I llirn 1 BB H ttfd vntloHS luti nt lull tln y did mil tnuli tin- dlsnmr Wlirii t Ind IliiUliri my lost B H l liolllt or H S S I wnst truttv Imiitov l nnd whs Irllf litrl with Ihr trsidt Ihr Intitr ird stildli ttei L L 1 m my ilicst Iickiiii to clow iiiIpi mid smnllrr inirl Iwlotr lotii dlniiiiHitrd rtitlirlv I truiilm il my HSk Lll VS urlKd lrnim Hlioiici mid my nppvtllr lmiiotrd I w ns soon rnlltrly wrll nml my skill 4 k Bk HA ever for this Send fot nut Home Treattnent Hook which contains valuable infotmalioii about this disease with complete illieetiotit fot self ttealineiit Our medical depatlinenl is in cliatgc of liysieians who have made a life litne study of blood diseases Dont hesitate to wtite for nnv infotmation ot advice wiiiitrl Wi mati i In lmi All correspondence is held in the most sarin confidence THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA 1A stated that lie was one of tho first to realizo tho adaptability of this country and olimato to tho culture of tho sugar beet ami his efforts to secure a sugar factory for Norfolk woro largely respon sible for tho location of tho present Norfolk plant Not only did he woik for it but ho contributed of his wealth to tho extent of about 000 As a physician ho had a largo praetico whiohho commenced to cultivate at tho timo ho settled here and there aio many who havo depended on him for their medical attendance who will sadly miss hit viBits Dr Humphreys Specifics cure by acting directly upon the disease without GXciling disorder iu any other part of tho systom no cuiikh riucrn 1 ClrmustlonH InflnmmntlniiH i 2 Worm Worm Hover Worm Colic ii 3 Tim IIiIiib Colic Crying Wnkof illness ili I Dtnrrlirn of Chllilrun or AdulU i 7 Coiiglni CoIiIh llronchltH 25 8 IVmirnliiln Toothache Facoacho 2H U lli ndnrhr Hick Iluadacho VcrtlKO iH 10 0ncinlnInillKUiitloiWcnkHtomuch2 1 1 or Inlnrul lVrlidn 25 Vi Wlilli n Too 1rofuso Pcrlodn iii ll Croup Irirviiultln HonrrtciiLis ii II sill t Illii uin Krysliiulan Kruptloni 2i 15 Ithi uiiiiilisiii lthcumntlulnliis Vt 16 Mnlnrln Cliiltn Kovcr anil Auua 73 19 ntnrrli Inlluunza Cold In thu Head ao WIiooiIiik oiirIi 21 IliiBi ii in SW Nervous Drlillllv 1 00 30 Urinary V nkiiriiiWottlnR licit Vi 77 Grip HayKover 23 Dr IIumphroyB Mnnual of nil Dlflcaflcs at your UniL Kluts or Mailed Krcij Sold by dniKKlstH or nnt on rcclpt of price HumphrcyB Mud Co Cor Wllllum John tils Now York Save the BSiddiemans Profits by Buying Direct from1 the Manufacturer GREAT REDUCTION IN CUITAS - FOR THIS WEEK ONLY HAVE decided that in fu I ture 1 shall sell my mnnu I fictures direct to the con sumer saving them the jobbers also the retailers pro fit I guarantee them in tho following particulars viz Ab solutely true scale perfect workmanship and correct adjustment of strings OUR 269 WALO GUITAR reduced from 1 is genuine blrcliwood beautiful rosewood finishrosewood finger board position dots American patent head standard sire We include l REE with every Guitar an extra set of strings and a valuable self instructor OUR 348 WALO GUITAR reduced from ri 00 is same as above with extra celluloid bound edges best French finish neatly inlaid soundholc a magnifi cent guitar Free Free Free A Genuine Walo Silver Steel String for your Violin Alandolln Guitar or Hanjowill be sent absolutely free to any address on receipt of a cent stamp for return postage Send for Walos Catalogue of All flusical Instruments and Furnishings Latest up-to-date Band Orchestra and Piano Music Catalogues on appli cation A T WALO MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S Broadway SI Louis Mo Pine Kepulrlnir a Specialty Watch for Our Next llariralns THE BURPICK ffiiUSSH - Fkj d iu ALYiwLlMn i sk snVflUlM i mm Sb1 riinn mul tiion If rntivlnrril llinl inii Ml III 1111111 Mil It li 11 II m inn lime rplriiiii llir IiinI niiitrrlul in 1 I M L q VXrl L KVfQ rU iiii 111 ill1 rli ill Ik n li liririKiiiiilr lirnmlil nml ninmiiciilil mit tiniiltriill Oil rAiSl GUARANTEED Hn llciliUnlriHiiilnif mimnUirnhViiiiil mirnl 2 t Will WVlQV Y ra iinli li niirlilnr miili lurj Limimii nf lirliiiiijl It ftirnLliiil mill mil rnnl III fViiiWvirtW htrtiiitlon Iliiiili till J linwiiiivoiiiniin inn Itninl ilm llliii lnlmiriiiiy -3 VMWiiiyCj U 1 Hnl i t limi ll Jll v UT DONT D1SLAY Jiru lliiflmrk I u inn llmiuiiirliH 1II1M1 Hill frj IAllldll 1 II Ulllil Mil l ui ii wrmii III iil iii tc i iirKimimilre liy llii ti i lie mul miiiiMLi mi orulilili It nuy purl Klvimnu r Imlr It frrr nr rlian1 1 I V It iilln lllilllth Hint ri t ii ml y iu r innni v It ynu un mil iifitiilly nitliilliil rtliniFiiiirniiHufll Mill I S3550 ottiuit t iiMi imint inuv OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED l ml witli u ii 1 1 D i tiliiii nli it iitt v rlto tin jtihlishr tI t Ii Ih piijinr nr Mt trfipnlilari ntfnnil Jin rn Nut Ink jh vf i m i man 1 xi un rv Itniik Niw V irl m uny illrnml nr t h iMitnpuny In n n v t k mir a rnilliil nf t r tM iiKj Ml ip cntliu m nf tit Hie I Ilfintfnd lilorkti in i liliiHpt tin i nipt y uonr y 2Ml poplu In onr umi 18 Hll E uJJ li l Z SOLID QUAHTEII SAWED OAK 018P01SK CABlHFTiun t 1 Htlstli i nliiw iiiikhllin ifSA rliiMil iliiiili ill iiillix li III luhlllili n it it rilrr Ulilr Unl XV1 ir ilnl Ilm iitliiliiiill Willi lull U I m II I lillo uml In I U hi Hniilnl MWllllT 4 tniif ilrnnrri Inlll thllll Llrlm Irantr rul li lulliiliil I III mm i nml ill Iuriiliil iiiIiImiI HiiIhIi Mm nt niiiil ilnivt i niK ixtKiiiliiiir litrri nilllirtiilill tlniitli irt lililni Sim t J i Imn 1ihh I lnit Utitf llliili Irm hrlil liiilll I IHir llllllll 11 ficl KNIT till I inllllur vln ll llllf ulllil I If initilllllli liulililli wlmli I iiljilr lnl liiilltti iiiilriil l iihIiiii liriltlliir liiiiiiii i il liiiimi nhrrl fKliiii liilili iit un Imii liiiiriilsiiuii Iurtli r p ili nl m i Helm costs you nothing ii ii iiii iiiiii Vmii miiiii iinrv frirBrlr - iiNlvlnir iili li flllilil my jimr lirll t iiiint till lti ftO Iililn tlini in iiiiIik mil xuv ion iii not nimll 1 HIIHU runty I illlnr 1 Atltlross SEARS ROEBUCK fit CO Inc Chicago III senp us QME DOLLAR utlhli Ail oat Binl fctnI hi lit hUIi IIMrand hII kiml joii I hi ITIIiOI l rUtini JKrl OIHUN lj rrfUlt I O Il nulijrrt litritvili lion Von t mi rinmliie It wt juur nt urcl In IrIiI ilrputt hihI II inn II ml It 4 t lift I J un rciirrMittlil thn itrrnliiil 1u jhii ntr ml fnr litllrr limn ontini ailirrlUnl hy oldfra nl tiwirn niotirj iy hi rrrlKdl mml OUR PRICE 33 SO If- llilililtMH r U nm rnUlilrhaium THE IARLOR CSM Uflitn or lid mutt IIUIUUJK AMI hMMTIST 1M Intlmmrnlrt nrrniilr riulll tlio fllllitf ritluii ili ii Inch N niiiniviil tlliiM t fiuiti il iihiiliirapli nn run tot rn hmiiii Mrnnf Its heniitlfnl fipiu nrurirr Almln IVmn nnllil iiuirlir Kiiuiil imiU or u iilimt un iliMlrril iwrfrTtlrd Iry pl p imnrl Itoily IjfAuliful timrurlrf cltltn iurU nml mnny ollirr liiMMinif tl rnrAlloit tnl iinmnl mltnn ll II UUY LAUNThllM 1JI I I t IOK Vi Uflfiit hJli 42 InrlmH luiif 21 Ine hi ttnloiunl wi IkMh Ifi lMiUMiN Ton tnl ii h T nrtavos l nlnpt in follow Jaiunt riliirlilt liuiriinit 71 f null i elrir irfinun iiki ttiiirr irriilnl MtMr 1lnitimon I or If nil ui llumnNt J llrlr Iitti1nr4 I limn Hwrll llmml Orffftn Hnrtl 1 Hrtm ot 4rrlirlml Tottnl Itroonalor Ilpt ulllj rri H Iir 17 Iurr Hnrl nlmll 1 Hitnf 17 ItiRrmlnKlr llrlllUnl I rUilr ltrrfi nolnttl Itlrli Slrlt m hmouth DUpkafin UrciU I Nl ui rJtftftliiir rwill Jlrluillmit Irlnrlltkl limit TME PARLOR GEM avtUm rmith tnnf thn Olrliratnl frl It t v hkli uru tjuty unci in thn 111 xh t tfruk lllHtMltlMlltitt 111 t fil Willi Ilaroiuwuil CiutrrN nnl u Humana alKn ln ht Iliilitff frlU r xtlitTH eti hclloWN nf llm lifnt i tillMrlnlli 3 il v IfclldWH KlotU uml tlncKt lullirrin vhUh THE PARLOR CEM Wfurni linl fli i IliM tHjtlnl plain i riiich inlrrnr nIiLrl ilal il iitxlal fiiutvn aikI vi ry mmlern liniiriiVLiiKMit li rurnlah frrr at haniUomr orpan atoot and tlip bral trail hialrur lion lunik huMUnrit GUARANTEED 25 YEARS r jMlrfiliiaiaVMKte iaP MMMBJmmm 5k i2J3SalfflJt 1S 8hI Mlllrlini nV Nl I 1 OtlClNl AT tiilH unl iipt I iMIi 1 lino nn 4 upi rii nvcrvtlihii In mu I nil Inftrnnntiti rt I o wort trlml huIo prlrjt rly for frrHJinwU nyri pliiM uml inn n x fnurnmiiil t iuluu AiMrrrti Spf u tJjatk 2 Co ro Uutvuhl fliatlu Uiuir 3EARSPOEBUCK CO Inc Fulton Dwplainasinil Way nan Sts CHJCACO ILL -TRY THE Daily News Job Department jll Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains QUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS I WO DAILY FAST TIIAIKS KACII WAY HKTWKKK OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis Willi direct connections to all South em and Eastern points Unexcelled timo nnd accommodation to tho Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For more comjilcte information descriptive linmpliluU etc addross J 0 lHILMlII W C 1IAIIKKS AO KttudPA TI A Southratt or llth and Iouila Str OMUIANEHUAS SEND ONE DOLLAR Ut thl ail out find mmk lo ns ntnl VC 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Catnliimiuiif iL nle net fnr tliu Ink Sean Roebuck Co Inc Chicagolll llottmtk A lv am IUnujtlj rellllr Wlur TRUSSES 65c 125 ANn IIP 65c re ituuc ihr itrr Hi at Troilfi mtir il IACiUUt rilltls u than unutiiiril lo iirJi ti Iliaretl tiy ottipra anj WE JLtARAIIIIE TO fIT YOU PfBFECTlY hat f V V en iinin fjuumtu out rrturU Inn oruur nii iiw iik ll rlli Maiilc liu IllutruleJ ibnr tutthU I ut mi1 send in mnitli til H hlHliL s uttsjuur llrlibt MrliM iir tuiw lonrf nu liuve Uvi upUrt il wluthiT ruiure lUieoi amall alitaH uiiKKir iiirlii arnumi lie bml on a Una wltli tint iitno iky vtlctliei mrtuiil on rlrfht or leltill jiijwoulll inii rltliir Hum to ou uitli I hi- uiidar lltlllllL If I It nut a i rrfrrt HI i rqmllo ImiclSll rlailai Hirer lli io uur irli oupjirvtulDitauJ Wd tvill roturn our money VHITC FOR FHrS TRUSS CATAIOCIIE rrtriill 7irii f lutiluiliii llm tr iMOOO ln Trtitt n i fanlrur alunl au tir d4 uhlrU trll Iur vlilw itSEAHS ROEBUCK Co CrJICAO il B I To PATENT Good Ideas may bo secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD Baltimore Md 6uWcrtptlQU9 to The Tutcoc Record iLUUpertODuw