The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 29, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    I l
Thelo0 Heixis
Pollen 1ui1k Ilnvm lius fiillhlully
Mtvoil tlinclty In tint nlllfo ami tlt
HcrvtH lo olwlion
Kvon JiMUTal loo Wlionlnr ilnnio
emtio ooiiKtihMmuti fun not otler a word
of consolation tolliointl liiilHiiiallhtH
Tlio suhool lionnl will bti honored liy
tluiiiiltlitlon of Hie mum of W II
UlBlintidli II IMthirMHi Voto for
Tho city eleei Ion will lie held ono
week from today uitil voters uro uunin
ailvlfloil that they tmn nuiko no iniHliiko
in voting the reiiihlitian tltiktit
The reptililienn eonnullnianlo liulcot 1h
toniptHiul of Kontl iiioii throuhout anil
there is no roumm why they Hhoulil not
poll thoir party HtroiiKtli and more
Tho demooratrt uro uluuiuiiiK their
canipilgn hIokiiii from antiexpinplon to
nnti imptrlulinni It 1h noticed how
over that their nrfiuiiiHiitH in roKiirtl
thereto uro ntriliinnly Hiiniliir
The populist lupeiH uh a rule are
treating I Oloitt Denver and IiIh True
1opnlist with Homo tleKiee of fiilriuw
Hut the democratic hIhiuU null Ho iH
nuout as nansoutiiij to them an a cup of
castor oil
It is very evident that llryun and his
supporters would ivti almost anything
to tin ublt to ho nblo to drop tho free
Hilvoriiuestion but tin y niade snob a
liubibaloo about it in IKIlt that they uro
unable to let k ontiioly as yet
The republicans have no hiuitaucy in
Hiilieiting tho vote of everyone in sup
port of thoir municipal ticket It is a
Hood ticket to tie to and there is no
chance for a regret after election tint
it was not supported
The largo majority of the reform of
ficers of Nebrnska seem to lie very much
nvorse to niactising the reforms which
woro promised to the people with tho
nolo purpose of iiilluciicing their vot s
This is especially noticable in the mat
ter of railway informs
1 H Muylard candidate for treas
urer on the republican ticket is deserv
ing of hearty support by all wishing u
competent and honest administration of
tho trensuiorr olllce Io the business
connected with this olllce it is essential
that a good man be chosen and Mr
Mrylard is that man
Tho young mini from New York who
proposed to his lady lovo SJ times and
wiik dually accepted is a model of per
sist unco which it would bo well for not
only lovo lorn swain but all other
classes of people to imitate Ho must
have hod as his motto that oltl injunc
tion If at flrst you dont succeed try
ry again
Tho doinoctat i have been compelled
to hedge on the expansion question just
the same as they have on tivory other
question on which they have opposed
tho republicans It is i cully too bad
that Jlio people will ho heartily and
generally endorse republican motives
that they wont allow democracy ground
on which to stand
There was a qnoer sort of fusion nt
Fremont recently when tho democratic
nud republican conventions got together
in joint session and selected candidates
for tho school board Goo L Looniis
and 0 0 MoNisli were tho candidates
soleoted Tho lion and tho lamb can
evidently lay down together in Frouiont
at least on chool mutters
Ountlidiitos of all sorts of political
complexions nro sorcuoly bobbing up in
all sections of tho stato and tho conven
tions will not bo alllicted with n scarcity
of material to work on when tho time
comes One of tho late candidates for
the republican nomination for governor
is Hon John II Mickey of Osceola his
jiauio boiug presented by tho Cambridge
Whnt has become of tho calamity
nuti prosyerity follows of tho demo-
cratic party Thoy should at once
summon enough courage to proclaim
tho fact that times aro no better than
they woro when froo soup houses and
Goxey armies roiguod supremo under
their adored Olevelauds administra
tion It will not do for prosperity tind
its advance agent to have full swiug
Eleven counties failed to rospoud to
tho roll call nt tho populist stato conven
tion How in tho name of W J
Bryan could this happen when tho
state and couutry is overflowing with
statesmen auxious and willing to relievo
the couutry of this terrible MoKiuley
oppression and depression Perhups
the farmers wero too busy getting ready
to raise 8 cent oats aud 10 ceut corn I
A couple of Kansas politicians wanted
to run for the legislature ou tho same
ticket which wa of course impossible
Iustead of laying ju dark alloys for each
others scalp however thoy played a
game of cards and the wiuuor is having
tho loyal support of the loser for the
position on the ticket Tho plan per
sued may not bo commendable iu all
iustauces but tho rosult is very desirable
Numbers of the fusion papers are in-
HtnuntliiK that they dont know wheie
the pi evident stands Why then nil
this talk about Mi KlnlnyH rule
MeKinloys Imperialism tlinMeKiu
ly war and oilier questions on which
tho ptfsidout has taken a derided stand
inuch to the dlscoinlltiiro of the tliinio
crats We Insist that tho iluiiiocnitH
lake a stand conceruliiK MoKinley
whero they can be located
Tiik Nkwh has received u copy of the
Nebraska Mutt lournal published
every month except Inly August and
September by the Nebrnska School forj
tho Deaf The xehool may bo nil right
mill tn ii Itnul Mitfu 1iW mill iwifitlilttl
aim itiii in i iiinniurn iiivu mm
leal manner but mich tact is not Indi
cated by the journal which shows tho
need of n printer in tmnttol If it was
issued by u blind institution its appear
an co uiiuht be excusable lmt a deaf and
dumb institution should certainly do
mote creditable work
Tho Nebraska delegation to tho Kan
sus Oily convontiou Is putting on airs
that would bo deemed a plutocratic ex
traviiKiiuou did tho people not know
from repeated assurances that thoy
ropresent tho common people untl
would therefore not bo guilty of imitat
ing tho vilo capitalists and bond holders
A press dispatch from tho convention city
I states that 1 0 Dahlman has boon
there looking for quarters and that at
tho Coates hous tho club room on tho
tlrst Moor nnti threo bantpiot rooms on
tho second floor also six sluepiug rooms
have been ongaged
The Omaha Daily News whilo churn
ing to bo an independent newspaper is
evidently a Hide partner of tho World
Iletaltl lis independent play was
probably a ruse to get u hand in the
largest fund and that raised by tho dear
common people under the solicitation
of Coin Harvey was probably the
largest ami most seductive Itjook a
leading part in the municipal election
against tho republican candidate and
now finds nothing too mean to say
against the republican administration of
national atlairs No one could read it
and imagine for a moment that it was
imlepuduiit rather than democratic
The World Herald republishes a letter
from tlaptaiu Mapes who is now in the
Philippines regarding a battle in which
ho was engaged in which he bays Wo
went over tho breastworks liko rabbits
and killed tho poor follows liko quail
The World Herald holds this up as an
oye opener to the people who boliovo in
benevolent assiinulation and considers
it uwful Tho paper neglects to com
ment on the fact that tho American
oausalties woro olovon lnen Its entire
sympathies aro with tho abused
Filipinos It is likely that if it had beon
the Americans who wero killed like
quail the World Herald would have
come out with roosters and usked for u
day of thanksgiving
Tho opinion of Dishop Potter on the
Philippine queitiou is most discourag
ing to democracy Tho bishop went to
the Philippines an uncompromising
nnti expaiiMonist and returns with the
opinion that thoUnitcd States has no
option in tho matter the Philippines
must bo retained If the f unionists
desire to retain uny nnti expausionists
or in the now phrase unti iinpirialisls
on the list they must keep thorn away
from tho Mauds in controversy It
seems to bo a snro euro for anti-expansion
tondonoies to be ablo to viow the
situation on tho islands Tho antis are
warned to keep Dr Edward Atkinsou
away from Manila by every moans in
thoir power It would bo futnl to the
cause to allow him to leavo Boston
westward bound
Trciisuror 1 B Meservos imagination
that ho is attorney for the railroads in
all cases coming up before the state
board of transportation has again led
him into difllculty as it did in Norfolk
In tho case wherein the Palisade Grain
and Live Stock company in ado complaint
against tho Burlington Missonri
which was triod at Lincoln Weduosdiiy
Mr Meservo had beon interrupting and
ooufusing witnesses when ho was inter
rupted by T II Tibbies representing
the complainant with the remark
Has tho BurhuRtons attorney any
thing to add to the iugonious dofense of
hi- mad put up by the distinguished
mem erof this board Mr Meservo
replied that ho had been fighting cor
porations all his life Tho people some
how believe that ho has a queor method
of fighting however
The time is coming when all tho
fusion at hand will not nvail tho demo
crats iu their ofilcial control of Ne
braska and judging from tho rumblings
heard iu the distance that time is not
very far off Their people are insstiug
that what thoy desire is a platform of
well defined principles on which they
can stand They uro tired of strad
dling along ou two platforms which
must be more or less vague and
woven together with meauingless gen
eralities in order to prevent them from
coutlictiug When the fusion does
break it will leave both parties in a
weakened condition ami it will take
years for them to recuperate their lost
strength Iu tho meantime tho repub
licans will endeavor to furnish the peo
ple with as good government as need be
desired and one uot teemiug with in
consistencies and broken promises
A New Phase
The World Herald has discovered an
other phase of tbo Philippine ques
tion which it deems of Milllelout im
portance to lie placed in Its slugged ed
itorial columns It recites us a case In
point the admission of Nevuda to state
hoor for the purpose of securing an
additional 800000 votes to keep tho ro
publiean party in power and goes on to
Does any ono believe that tho repub
lican party after getting the machiiieiy
of the Philippine Islands in it hands
woultl hesitutn to make a Mate of tho
islands if it became necessary to secure
a couple of electoral votes People who
woultl have us bollovo that the repub
lican party is alxivo that sort of thing
should recall tho admission of Nevada
to statehood
This is u phase that few had
thought of and ts worthy of profound
consideration Imagine for instance
these Filipinos voting to maintain u
party that Is murdering and enslaving
Ihoni a party that is forooiously tramp
ling their freedom under foot a party
that covets thoir property for their doar
bloated capitalists a party that ignores
all constitutional rights to gain its foul
ends Just imagine this phase of this
important question yo doar common
people I Isut it enough to throttle you
Then imagiuo these dear abused
Filipinos voting to down their friends
the democrats Those tireless littlo
Americans who are spondlng great
hunks of tlnio nud groat gobs of oratory
in the preservation of the rights of a
down trodden people fighting in con
gross for rights those maligned Tagals
uro unable to gain in tho Held
Certainly tho World Heraltl must bo
consistent in regaitl to ono phase or tho
other Either these people of the Phil
ippines aro not ho strongly aver o to
American rule us has been preached or
the republican party which is responsi
ble for this rule need not look for the
development of the now and lately dis
covered phase If all tho alleged
horrois in that island uro true the re
publican paity wouldnt draw tho voto
of a yellow dog
The now phase is important and
and tho World Herald containing it
should bo given liberal and giatuitous
The oflico of mayor is a thankless
position and has discouraging
features Tho mayor is blamed and
abused for many things beyond his
control he is confronted with an end
less chain of coinpluints and objections
ho is hold responsible for ninny small
things of which tho public at large
knows nothing It is a position whore
tho salary is not a consideration and tho
honor of holding tho oflico is not worth
tho trouble presented It is u position
which should be placed in tho hands of
a good mail and a representative citizen
yot there aro few men who desire the
ollico If a man accepts a nomination
ho does so at tho sacrifico of hislesiies
because it is urged upon him by friends
He not only signifies u willingness to
assume the burdens of til oflico because
ho is convinced that it is tho duty of
citionship but ho assumes tho unpleas
ant situation of a factor in a muuicipal
campaign Hi runs tho risk of being
maligned ami abused unmercifully by
partisans and sninll boro politicians and
endures all the unpleasantness of a
campaign tho most disagreeable in tho
gift of tho people because he has every
thing to lose uud nothing to gaiu Re
garding tho matter in this light a city is
indeed fortunate when it can secure as
n candidate ono of its best and most
highly respocted citizens and it is acuity
that all good men owe to give him a
hearty support to insure iu the future
that when a good man is wanted for the
position he cau bo found This is tho
position in whioh Judge Robertson iB
placed and for the sake of the city ho
should bo glvou a magnificent voto and
a clean campaign
It is reported that C J Greene and
John L Webster have signed a truce
with Edward Hosowater to control
tilings at Omaha Tho stipulations aro
that so fur as Douglas couutv republic
ans are concerned Greene and Webster
can tlghr it out tor U S senator nud
Kosowuter can bo national committee
man Of course this truce does not
covor the whole stato and there aro
others olsowhoro who will bo heard
from iu tho final reckoning Fremont
True this truce doos not cover the
whole stato but wo will wauer dia
monds to doughuuts that Edward Rose
water editor of tho Omaha Beo will
either bo the next national committee
man for this stato or that ho will name
the man who is Aud his namo will
not be R B Sohnoider either
Senator Spooner niadoiipass nt the
democratic senators last Friday that
must have proven quite embarrassing to
some of them In the debate on tho
conference ugreeiueiit of the Porto
Rican tariff he protested ngaiust tho
makiug of political speeches on tho sub
oct He suid that in viow of stato
mouts made justifying ballot box stuf
fing and tho employment of tho shot
gun polioy ngainst the uegroes of the
south he was tired of hearing all this
prattle from senators on the other side
of the chamber about tho rights of the
Porto Ricaus aud the Filipinos It
ought to be understood that the sen
ators ou this side of the chamber nre as
auxious to do tho right aud just thing
as are those ou the other side
Escapes With His Force of
Sooo and Wagon Trains
llli Addition In Iliu Krninnludt tnrnn
liiril Unhurt Ailwiurn May Hi- Dnliiyrd
Fur Month Hunt- Soln 11 nil d llotwnnii
Kliulinrloy mid Pnurdidini
IiONDON March SHTlin Boers uio
having a littlo good luck ami aro show
ing some boldness again as a raiding
party estimated at 100 is believed by
tlio British forces at Warronton to have
crossed tho Kiniberley Bloenifonleiti
wagon road Monday and to have headed
for Jacobsdal with tho intention of cut
ting tlio railway 10 miles west Com
mandant Olivier appears to have gotten
his 5000 men and So miles of wagons
into rugged country where ho can niuko
an easy rear guard tlefonso Charles
Williams the military expert says
If this column gets through substan
tially Coinniunilant Olivier will have
carried out the great feature of the war
hcoing that ho ran every chanco of be
ing ground between the upper mill
stone of Lord Roberts army untl tho
net her millstone of the broken Basuto
frontier Ho will have done it within
CO miles of Lord Roberts main
Certainly it looked for a week as
though Lord Roberts holtl Olivier iu tho
hollow of his hand If Olivier gets
through to Kroonstadt witli oven 11000
men it will bo an important nddition to
tho Boer gathering there His escape is
attributable to the worn out condition
of tho British cavalry horses
Lord Roberts seoin to havo been con
siderably crippled by the loss at Riet
river of tlio wagon train before Cronjos
Ten thousand transport cavalry and
gun nnimals are duo to arrive at Capo
ports during this and next week
It is given out at Capo Town thnt
Lord Roberts advance may bo delayed
for months Although such statements
should be received with reserve it
fioonis positive that ho intends to go to
Capo Town to meet Lady Roberts who
is duo to urrivo there in ten days
Tho war office has issued another
tablo of British losses showing an ag
gregate of MiOVJ which does not in
clude -1004 who havo been invalided
A dispatch to tho Daily Chronicle
from Kimberloy dated Monday says
Four hundred Free Staters havo taken
possession of the road between Kimber
loy and Paardeburg Thoy have seized
u farm near Panduiusfontein where ti
number of army horses hud boon sent
to rest and graze It is reported that
their object is to raid tho railway by
way of Jacobsdal
A special to tho Daily Telegraph from
Ladysmith dated Monday says There
uro about 2000 Boers guarding the
nine passes over the Drakensberg range
Thej nro led by Commandant Do Beer
of Harrisniith and consist of Free
Staters It is reported that tho Boers
havo moved their big guns from Big
garsberg us it is not intended to make a
btaud there
The correspondent of the Daily News
nt Lourenzo Murquoz telegraphing
Sunday says The Transvaal war of
lico announces that the southern com
mandos from Colesberg and Stormborg
will join the main body within -18 hours
Some apprehension exists that Com
mandants Olivier and Grobolaar may
bo cut off
Movement of Mount nt Wiirrnnton
WARitrSTov March 20 Tho movo
ments of tho Boers Saturday indicated
that thoy wero trying to find the range
in order to shell tho British camp which
moved during tho night Tho Boers
keop up a steady smashing The rail
way lino is clear and an armored train
arrived bore today
The Boer Commander Steinkamp is
at Upiugton with 800 men and ammu
nition for ono good fight Tho British
advanco on Upiugton lias beon ordered
The rain has ceased and progress is
fairly easy
Only Slight SklrmUliefi
London March 28 Reconnaissances
of slight importance continuo to be tho
only features of tho war in South Af
rica Lord Roborts wires to tho war
oflico as follows
Bloesh ontkin March 20 Captain
Sloano Stanleyof tho Sixteenth Lancors
was slightly wounded in an affair of
outposts north of Moddor river March
lloi rn lleuily to lttriat
Ladvsmith March 28 It is roported
that the Boors aro massing iu their in
trenched positions nt Biggursberg aud
it is added that thoir transport trains
uro pucked at Nowcastlo in readiness to
Jicilitate their retreat iu caso necessity
requires such n stop
The British cruiser Terrible has sailed
for China
Tho United States caual commission
left Port Limoii Tuesday for tho United
Determined to control Asiatic cotton
yarn markets cotton spinners of Japan
havo organized a cotton yarn trust on
an immense scale
Tho fact has just beon made publio
through private channels that Miss
Holon Gould of New York is maintain
ing something like ton chaplains iu tho
Philippine army ut her own expense
What was scheduled to bo a six round
sparring match between Bob Fitsim
mons and Jim Daly ut Philadelphia
Tuesday came to uu cud iu the tlrst
round Fitziiumous floored Daly three
times aud the referee stoppod tho fight
Tho affairs of Chief Clarence of the
Mosquito territory the pensiouor of the
British government who is being sued
for damages has reached such uu ucuto
stage thut he has appuuled to the uov
eminent for assistance Only the skill
of his lawyer prevents his incarceration
- - I
ONLY 8275
ad utit uud btntl to us Utt3
ourmlgt ami lnfsljl alto milli
ner of indies m ountl at hurt
bim nrrk ami r will eini this
vV JS I I II Mil
JmTo Vou cai
mi mAok
rt iu juu vy uxpres
tijcct to examination
uiiiIik and tr It on
11 uearcot txptvps
ftnd 11 found prlVtlljr
tfarlurj rxurtlj an rrp
rrf tiled aotl tlieiuobt
nondtiTuI alni jou
f f r kuw or lieanl of
pay the express
airent our ptlul
niter prk 2 75
ami eipriNk rharxfk
hxjiretH dial get
will ftveruLo 40 to
CO centH for each
1000 mlkH THIS
from an rxlra floe and
brat all wool black or bluo
fpnulne Iturllnn Ilea
er cloth 27 Inchen long very full sweep 14 lucb upper
cape extra full Ipperrape and large loraa collar beauti
fully trimmed with btack flaltlt tal fur upper enpe
trimmed with three rows and collar with two row of
flat mohair braid cloth button ornamentsTnU rape l
flee tailor made throunbout and equal to capes thut setlat
more than double the price Write for free loik Catalogue
Sert Uoetmek Co are Uorimjlilj nllitile Mllor
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Many women lose their girlish forms aftei
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during the whoU
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The earlier its use it
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fectly will the shape
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mothers fritno
not only softens and
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mothers Trleitd is that famous externa
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The little one too shows the effects ol
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Sold at dm 2 stores for t a bottle
Send or our finely Illustrated book for ei
pectant mothers
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iu inVv i k
xlM XL Mill lWvn
A blindness comes lo mc now and ihnn I have it
now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Rinans Tabule
T A enso of bad lirnlth thnt will not benefit They bonlsh pnln and PjnUr2
V One vivo rnii r Noli tho word NHon the unckiigiitntl accept no sulntitut KI1 A S S
10 fur 5 cents or t In imclteH tor MeenH nm be liul ut nil driiK tore T n mimpli e nnd one llimi
tiind tt KtlimitiliilH will bo mulled to any uddrewt for 0 cents forwarded to the Wpaus Chemical Co No
10 Spruce St New York
Edisons Phonograph
Hotter than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays an
dont cost us much It reproduces tbc music of any instrument band or orcbestra tells
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Prices 7r0 to 10000 See that Mr KdNous signature is on every machine Cata
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Smith Premiers The more
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Smith Premier capacity for
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Catalogue Free
Ask for it
Smith Premier
TVnvnte Co
Illinois Central R fi
Tlio Illinois Ctiitral ilosiro to cull nttonttiin
to tlio luii xcelleil H nico thnt ib olTerod bj itb
linib to tlio toiitli for tlio boihon of liO liKW
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
oil Ittins tliroucli to
I AiiKoIcb and San
KrnucUro ia Now
i iit
EVERY uitlithoKoiitliomla
WEDNESDAY cilc lin
ciiil connection mm mado by this train with
daily trains out of Now Orleans for tlio lm illc
Ollbt TllO Kimitid from tllicilL o nvnrv num
Ihb coiinoctB on Mondays and Tliurbdavh at
iiw urioaiiH lauor uocomoor IS lWJJ with tho
of tho Southern Pacific kIvIhk Bpoclal throtiifli
noriicu iiiDiiii riancieco
IM Stvfr k
Mik MM
91 rM
Double daily mrv
ice ib iniiintained out
of St Louis ia tho
lllluoib 4iiiitrit nud
coiiiifctniK line- to
Kit and Atliintii thro
bloopuiK car to Jack-
bouvillo llorida beiiiKcaiiiid ou tho
loiiIiiB St ouis inory ovoiiiiuj Thib train iih
well lib tho Day lxirobb luaiiiiK St UmU in
tlie inoriiiiiK aro 1hH bolnl traiiiH to Nihwllo
IiiiIiib tliroimli foiicli
aud bleeping cais run
iUn tliriiUKh Martin Tonn and the N A St
u uitb liiifi for ill iiiiuci
ml points iu ihoSoutlioabtbicli iihCluuLloi
iMliiiliiBtoii Alklii nuil Snwmnnh ami
pointb iu llorida
Daily from ChiciiKo to Meniphib and Now Or
lioitits ii Uio South on tlio line of t
on ml and M V railroads will bo
ho Irbtand third Tuouliij ofoach
inu tho winter beabon niontli our-
Full Particulars coiirornini all of the aUm
can lie had of iiKonts of tho Illinolb ciitriil
by addrobbiuK A H Iluusou O VAiJtr
m puling m iiriryvr eo ic
Inrbrt art uit I a i fflif
1 l UDUrrualrl l V l - r
anilneunil t S1
rpre oillre ma U tntiixnii
Ill n YJ i nt II M
52 7h ui
1 llll M I l l
utiTpriU MdrVat iV suiii
ST o l t I r m 1 r