The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 29, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    i r i
Totu IXAVd of Uordon was In
L W lUntv of Randolph was in
follt yesterday
Mllo Warren was it city visitor yester
day from liyiioh
Snpeiintondont I 15 OConnor went
to Wayiin today
A now wnlk In being laid in front of
tho Hobortson block
II P Simmons was in tho olty yester
day fnin Chadron
A H Oorbott of MiuIIhoii was iv Nor
folk vlBltor yestorday
Mrs K O Mount made tlio round
trip to Omahn yesterday
Mr OIiiih Kvnnn of Meadow Grovo is
visiting Norfolk friends
Horn thiH morning to Mr iud MrH
K T Welsh ft ton pound loy
MrH D 1 Nicholson of Madison
TiHitod Norfolk friends yesterday
Superintendent U HoynoldH Iiiih
returned rroinlu trip to Long Pino
V P Piinco nnil Initios OHrion worn
city visitorR yesterday from MiuIIhoii
1 lurry Kogers and Vrnnk Noldig woro
city vit itors from Madison yesterday
A P OhildH departed thiH inomiiiK
for Iarkor S D to vIhU IiIh duuKhtur
A J Durland wont wont Wednesday
night and will not return boforo Mon
Judgo Couch of Piurco wiih in tho
city yesterday on IiIh way homo from
Mr and Mrs W A Spencer of
Pierco woro trading in Norfolk thiH
II O Truman iH improving tho front
of hiH wall paper and paint storo with a
now coat of paint
MIhb Mamio Matrau who has boon
siok has resumed tho teaching of her
school in tho Taunohill district
Tho Madison company will givu a
military ball in that city thiH evening
and a number of Norfolk people con
touiplato attending
Mrs N A Rainbolt Mrs G 1
Koipor and Mrs W 11 Uuttornold have
gone to Crelghton and will Hpimil Sun
day at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Geo
D Butterllold
Min9 Nottio Nelson of Oakland irt in
tho city visiting friends and on Wednes
day evonlug she entertained a number
of thorn at tea at tho homo of hor Hist or
Mrs J H Anderson
Tho city officers aro milking a special
oflort to huvo tho stivots and alleyH put
in shape It is a good movement and
ono which should receive the hearty
approval and assistance of property
Edmund tho 4 yearsold boh of Mr
and Mrs lludolph Ohrisohillis is very
sick and for a number of days lias been
Buttering excruciating pain in hiB hip
Tho trouble puzzles tho physician but
ho thinks it iH tho bono
A prairio lire in llillsido Tcrrnco near
tho residouco of T E Odiorno yester
day afternoon caused some excitement
but fortunately resulted in no damage
Somo young uns and somo matches
were responsible for the bluzo
E D Perry of tho Clifton house
South Norfolk has rented tho room
lately occupied by Ted Haverlleld and
will open up a first class luuch couutor
Tho building has been put in good con
dition by a fresh coat of paint iupido
uud out
The Sugar City Cereal Mills com
menced last night to run 18 hours por
dny tho object boing to got a stock
ahead so that tho mill may bo shut
down in n few weeks to miiku bouio re
pairs aud improvements on tho ma
The ward central committee last
evening selected W A llomloben to
till the vacancy on tho First ward re
publican couucilmauio ticket made
vacant by tho resignation of G F
Eieeley and ho will muko tho race
against Aug Brunnnuud
Madison Chronlclo At tho ropnbli
can city caucus at Norfolk hint Satur
day evening tho Hon V M Robertson
was nominated as the candidate for
mayor A bettor selection could not
have been made aud it will keep tho
other fellows hustling to find a man to
beat Rob
The dry goods storo of F A Hustou
has been closed to the public and the
eoods are beiuK packed preparatory to
their shipment to Alusworth whore
they will be opeued up in uuother storo
owned by Mr Huston It is stated as
their reason for tho move that Mr
Hustons health would not admit of
him running both stores
John It Hays chairman aud Jack
Koeuigstem secretary of the republican
judicial central committee ore writing
the committeemen of the various comi
ties to incorporate in their calls for the
county cDuveutious a phrase calling for
the eume uumber of delegutes to attend
the judicial convention which will bo
called later us are chosen to attend the
state convention
The colonial tea given by the ladies of
the First Congregational church in tho
church parlors last eveuiug was very
well attended aud a good social time re
sulted A number of those present were
dressed iu old coloual styles and tho
bocial was honored with the presence of
Ocorgo and Mnrtlia Washington or their
representatives Ills understood thai
the Indies cleared about M
Mr and Mrs 1 K Hon departed on
tho noon train for Heading Pa tho
homo of Mrs Hoir parents called 1 1mm
by n telegram announcing tho serious
illnoHHOf huj father Mr Hon will
return In novorul weeks while IiIh wife
will probably remain all Hummer They
fear that Mrs Hoius father Ih on IiIh
death bed aud may die boforo they get
there Ho Iiiih sulTored several strokes
of paralysis latoly
Tin N ivh likes to see the olty govern
ment conducted an economically iih pos
sible aud must thereforo enter an em
phatic protest ugaliiHt an unwarranted
extravagance noticed today This noon
in broad daylight with tho sun shining
iiulto brightly W H Law wiih out on
the sill wnllt in front of tho city hall
sharpening Ills saw by tho light of tho
street lump Tho waste of Htool in tlio
saw Minim Is not objected to neither
does this paper object to Mr Law lim
ing a sharp flaw but there was a woeful
waHto of perhaps a conts worth of gas
ollne when tho light of tho sun Hhould
have been amply HUlllolent
Wantkd Honest man or woman to
travel for largo house Halary iflirs
monthly aud expenses with increase
position permanent enulose
stumped envelope Manaoku
ill Caxton bldg Chicago
Wantbd Ilinest man or woman to
travel for largo house salary r
monthly and expenses with Increase
position pormauent enclose
stumped envelope Manahk
JitO Caxton bldg Chicago
Curo Ami Trnntiiiniik Of TIih Sltb
Dr Humphreys Spocilio manual on
tho treatment and cure of tho siok
mailed freoon request Adress Humph
reys Medicine Co New York
In tho District Court of Madison
Countr In tlio Stato of Nebraska
Lewis 11 Painter
Mario E Painter J
Tlio defendant Marie E Painter will
take notice that on tho 22m day of Feb
ruary MOO Lewis H Paintor plain
tiff heroin Hied his petition iu tho district
court of Madison couuty Nebraska
against you tho object and prayer of
which are for a divorco from tho bonds
of matrimony from you for tho reason
that prior to the llrst day of September
ISitT you willfully deserted tho plain
tiff and for more than two years last
past you linvo been willfully absent
from tho plaintiff without a reasonable
or just cuuso
You aro required to answer said poti
tion on or before tho 2nd day of April
You will also tnlto nntico that on tho
Oth day of March MOO between tho
hours of 10 a m and I p m at the
otllco of Footo Solonian Room fiOl
Riind McNalley Building in tho city of
Chicago in tho county of Cook and
state of Illinois tho plaintiff above named
will take tho testimony of Ed Hnukiunp
a witness in this action to bo used as
evidence on tho trial of tho above
entitled cause with authority to
adjourn from day to day until such
deposition shall have boon taken
Attorney for tho Plaintiff
Xnl itll to Xou ltosliluut DofoniluiilM
John J Fat ley and Furloy wife of
said John J Parley llrst name un
known non resident rofendants will
take notice that on tho 27th day of Feb
ruary 1000 D A Ommennau plaintiff
herein tiled his petition in the district
court of Madison county Nebraska
against the stud defendants aud Caro
line E Farley tho object and prayer of
which aro to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by John J Farley now
deceased to the plaintiff upon the south
half of the southwest quarter of section
thirteen Hi aud tho north half of the
northwest quarter of section twenty
four J I ull in towuship twonty four 24
north rango two 2 west in Madison
county Nebraska to secure tho payment
of a certain promissory note dated
July HO 180S for tho suln of 1 i0000
and duo and payable in II vo years from
date thereof that there is now duo upon
said note and mortgage by reason of do
fault in the payment of interest tho
sum of llu870 for which sum with
interest from this date plaintiff prayB
for a decree that tho defendants be re
quired to pay the same or that said
premises bo sold to satisfy the amount
found duo
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or botoro tho Oth day of April
Dated this 2Sth day of February MOO
D A Ommxhman
By Mupes Hazen Plaintiff
His Attorneys
Every Well Man
Hath His III Day
A doctors examination
might show that kidneys
liver and stomach are normal
but the doctor cannot analyze
the blood upon ivhich these
organs depend
Hoods Sarsaparillu purine vitalizes
and enriched the blooji It cures you
when a bit off or wheu seriously
alllicted It new disappoints
Dyspepsia My luifctmnd had dyspep
sia and Hoods Suriupuilllu cured tilm
Our little boy was nervous and the baby
had ulcerous sorea It cured both Mkb
Emma Hebk Portage 1u
Indigestion- could not eat for some
mouths on account ot distress and Indies
tion Hoods Sarsupurllla cured me so that
I can eat and sleep well M kb O A Guntz
Taylor and Wulnut Sts Wllmingtou Del
lloodt lllln cur Uer lllitlif nou frrltatliij nod
ouly cMUartlc ta take with lUwdt SartipuilllZ
Mrs Finch was a visitor fttiui Buttle
W G Baker went to Pierce this
MrH S Brown is a olty visitor from
Battle Creek
Misses Carr and Bancroft wero city
visitor today from Pieico
Rev A HoIIiih and son of Pierco wero
Norfolk visitors yesterday
G A Luikart is conlluod to his homo
with a sovere attack of the grip
Tho Kaffeo Klatch met with Mrs
Morris Mayer yesterday afternoon
Mr ami Mrs Pohlman of Pierco woio
Norfolk visitors thia morning
Miss Clark of Pierco was in town this
morning enrouto to Columbus
Mrs Bright nnd Miss Brown wero
olty visitors today from Wmsido
Misses Mary and Kato Htuiuor have
gone to Madison to visit at homo over
A converts culture class will bo or
ganized Monday evening at tho Baptist
B F Wood ono of tho publishers of
tho Madison Chronlclo is a city visitor
thiH afternoon
Miss Edith Parker is homo from
Crete where sho has been attending
Doano college
W tiponcer of Neligh brother-in-law
of W O Hull of this city is in town
thiH afternoon
Mr and Mrs S K Long went to
Madison today to attend the tunerul of
MrH H Wilbergur
Mr and Mrs F Mutohko of Piorco
visited over night with Mr and Mrs
M B Singer of this city
Sainuol Marty and Win Huffsmith of
Creighton wero In tho city today on
their way homo from Omaha
V G Beds tho pioneer stock dealer
of Norfolk now sports a now phaoton
to promote tho oaso of his retired life
Mr and Mrs C D Jenkins and
daughter wont to Madison this morning
to attend tho funeral of Mrs Wilbergor
Mr nnd Mrs M Becker aro horo
visiting their daughter Mrs Morris
Mayor on their way homo from a trip
to Philadelphia Pa
Goo StovoiiBon of Madison was in
town this morning enrouto to Plainview
where ho goes to woik iu tho interests
of tho Royal Highlanders
Chas Mitchell of Creighton camo to
the city yesterday to meet his wife who
was returning from a visit to tho west
Tlioy returned homo today
Mrs Cunningham of Wuyno was in
the city this morning nnd was joined by
her daughter Mrs Gearhnrfc of Pierco
who will accompany her to Wayne for a
Ervin Gerecko lias resigned his posi
tion at tho Fair storo and ou Monday
will enter upon duties at tho Dexter
cold storugo plant where bo will bo em
ployed during the summer
Tho regular Sunday afternoon moot
ing of the Young Mous Christian
loaguo will bo held at tho leaguo rooms
tomorrow afternoon at i oclock Cap
tain Watkius will lead the meeting All
are invited
The replovin suit commenced by
C 11 Johnson against tho F E M V
railroad company was continued for 10
days on tho application of tho railroad
attorney aud the date of trial has been
sot for April 21
Tho Bubjoot of tho sermon at the
Christian Science church in I O O F
hall tomorrow at 11 oclock is Un
reality Golden text Isa 10 0 8
Sermon consists of select readings from
the Biblo and correlative passages from
tho Christum Scienco text book
J A Trulock sold somo of tho effects
of W B Hight this afternoon at the
corner of Mniu and Fourth streets
Much of his property had been sold at
private siilo ami this was a cleaning up
salo preparatory to Mr I lights removal
to Colorado Springs Col for which
place ho expects to leavoMouday
W H Law states that ho didnt need
to light tho street lump to file his saw by
yesterday as low as a certain reporter
forTiiK News stood near with his hat off
tho reflection from hiB hairless cranium
being ample and sufficient for all pur
poses but when he departed tho dark
ness aud gloom was so intense that he
couln t cut it attor tlio saw was caro
fully sharpened
W E Alexander departed yesterduy
for Utah to begin work in his now terri
tory for tho McCordBrady company of
Omaha He will return in about six
weeks and move his family to Ogden
which city has been chosen for their
now home Mr Alexanders old terri
tory has been assigned to Mr Erskiue
who will movo his family here from
South Dakota about tho first of Juno
It is proof that business conditions iu
Norfolk are better than for years when
it is realized how the business blocks
aro bo generally occupied They are
scarcely vacated until some firm comeB
along and rents them There are fever
yucant storo looms than for many years
aud busucss has extended to tho oast
ou Main street until netrly all of the
most uudesirable locatious are occupied
Several firms have recently moved or
closed out but tho buildings do not have
to wait long for a tenant
Pluiuview Republican Here is a
chicken and egg story that in a clincher
uhil while It seenii rather fishy it Is
truo Just KM days ago last Friday
while Jim Manghiinor was threshing ho
covered up n hen with straw and when
on Fridoy ho uncovered her ho found
her still alive though in a weak condi
tion The hen hud lived that length of
time without food or water Sho was
sitting on one egg when found but wo
did not learn whether tlio egg wan still
fresh but are inclined to believe that it
had seen bettor days
Tho oIllcerH of tho Masonio lodgo of
thiH city received a tolephono message
this morning announcing tho death of
J L Avery at hiH homo In Battle Creek
which occurred yesterday The
deceased was a Mason and tho funeral
will be conducted tomorrow afternoon
at 2 K tinder tho auspices of that order
All meiubers of tho Norfolk lodge huvo
beon invited to attend Mr Avery is
quite well known hero ho having taken
considerable interest in county politics
It is oxpeetod that a number of Norfolk
people will attend tho funeral services
A gentloman who was In town this
morning and who has been prominently
connected with a largo wholesalo insti
tution stated that ho had watched
closely the efforts of Norfolk business
men to get bettor freight rates and was
much interested in the light being made
Ho said thatiiB soon as Norfolk secured
what was asked ho stood ready to put
iu a wholesale house that would bring
four or five faniilis hero aud would
employ from 10 to 15 persons
The enterprise contemplated would
handle several carloads of fanucrs
produce eacli month
Last Monday Attorney
Kmersou sustained his
something coutninrd iii
Thompson of
objections to
tho Emerson
Enterprise by calling around uud pun
ishing Editor Cobb Tho Eutorpriso of
yesterday contains tho following refer
ouco to the affair Thompson de
parted from Emerson Monday morning
after bidding tho editor of tho Enter
prise an affectionate farewell pre
sumably for greoner fields nnd pastures
new It usually htippouB this wny A
man who will nttnek au editor if ho
doesnt got tho worst of it as in the
Harris Blonkiron casehas to leave town
suffer disgrace or somo other ignominy
Tlio following arc the names of tho
jurors drawn by tho sheriff and clerk of
tho district court for tho April term of
the court whioh commences April Oth
The jurors wero drawn yesterday and
aro summoned to appear at or before
10 oclock u m ou tho lOthday of April
MOO Frank Beols 13 II Dye A N
McGinnis John Muurer A B Richard
son Audrow Schwartz A T Stceu
Win Stork J L Burnett P O Hirsch
Win Mcintosh Ross Moody Pat
Roonoy J E Simpson W D Sterner
John Wade C B Durluud Jacob
Kalmer Henry Massmun Jack Philips
Wm Schlonder G D Smith A L
Stewart Henry Wetzel
Battle Creek Republican J D
Hoover nnd las Taylor went down to
Norfolk Saturday aud ordered of F B
Alderman a monument to be erected at
the gravo of Clark Hoover Mr Taylor
informs us that the monument chosen
will bo cut out of blue marble and will
stand ten feet inch Its costs will be
170 all of which amount has beon
subscribed and only romains to be
collected when it becomes duo The
monument will be ready for shipment
about tlio first of May and ns that will
bo near Docoration day we should
think tho erection of it might bo post
poned until then and be mado a feature
of the services ou that occasion
Wasted Several bright and honest
persons to represent us ns managers iu
this and close counties Salary 900 a
year and expenses Straight burnt fide
no moro no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank iu
any town It is mniuly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dept H Chicago
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Dont Know it
now To Flud Out
Fill a bottle or common Bass with you
water and let it stand twenty four hours a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
Unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys if It stains
your linen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order
What to Do
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed that Dr Kilmers Swamp
Root the great kidney rernedy fulfills tvery
wish in curing rheumatism pain In the
back kidneys liver bladder and every part
of the urinary passage It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It or bad effects following use of liquor
wine or beer and overcomes that Unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day and to get up many tlnies
during the night The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp Root Is soon
realized It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases
If you need a medicine you should have the
best Sold by druggists In 60c andjl sizes
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonaerlul discovery pT
and a c ooK that tells
more about It both sent
absolutely free by mail
algnji liia
aaaress ur Mimer u iiomeof Bounp iioot
Co Binghamton N Y When writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper
Tho infant son of Mr and Mrs G T
Sprechor has almost recovered fronl a
Hovoro attack of pneumonia
E T Richards of Creighton came down
thiH morning to tako a position with
titiinnurds marble works
Mr and Mrs 11 L Snyder very
pleasantly entertained a number of
friends at dinner Saturday evening
O ti Bargolt came In this noon from
Leod City S D to visit rolatlvos a fow
days while oo his way to Chicago 111
G T Sprechor has roturnoil from
Madison whoro ho has beon engaged in
completing tho local telephone exchango
for that city
Tho of Mr and
Mrs L Hartwig of Edgewnter Park
died Saturday about 1 oclock and was
buried this afternoon
Davo Harrington left on tho 1 oclock
train for ills old homo in Iowa called
thoro by tho unwelcome intelligene
that his mother is dying
It is understood that E G Heilmau
has rented ono of the Marplo houses iu
Hillside Terrace and will soon movo his
faintly over from Mndisou
Miss Irwin n missionary iB in the
city today Sho iH holding n missionary
meeting at the homo of Rov S F
Sharpless this afternoon
Engineer W II Lowe rournod yes
terday from Wayne where he has been
engaged for several days iu laying out n
plot of ground into 5 noru tracts
Tho work of completing tho now
Auditorium was commenced this morn
ing tho brick work on the north sido of
the building being given tho first atten
Through a misunderstanding the
name of tho trimmer at Inskeeps was
given as Mrs Adelado Phillips when
it should have been Miss Adelado Phil
Seats for the entertainment to be
given by tho Airship company on the
Oth will be placed ou sale at Leonards
drug storo at 8 oclock tomorrow morn
The Sunday World Herald of yester
day iu its snapshots of prominent
Omuhu citizens gives a very excellent
picture of J D Pierce formerly of this
Tho reporter for Tun News referred
to by W H Law in Saturdays issue- is
very mad aud wants to meet Mr Law
ut high noon in Pigtail alley for a hair
pulling match
Quite a number of residences in the
city aro being painted and otherwise
improved Painters this morning
started tho work by decorating Morris
Mayers homo
Aug Mutthieson who lives two
miles west of the city cut his foot quito
severely ou a disk harrow yesterday nud
tho nt tendance of a physician was nec
essary to put tho injured niomber in
J T Camball and C L Robertson of
Forroston 111 have beeuvisitiug at tho
homo of W M Robertson for several
days Tho latter is a brother of the
popular mayoralty candidate
Yesterday was a little chilly with a
north wind blowing but it was not bad
for a March day This morning opened
up with an ideal springlike condition of
weather nud Gentle Annie is again
Meadow Grove Press Dr Smart
medical examiner on the insanity board
was in town Tuesday Ho called to see
Mrs Oscar Losvis and upon examination
prououncod her insane They will take
her to tho Norfolk hospital
Stanton Picket Mrs Conger was
oxpected to arrive homo last Saturduy
but a final examination of her injured
foot by the attendiug physician revealed
a condition of the member loss satis
factory than was expected aud she must
remain iu Norfolk for an indefinite
R T Edwards came upfront Stanton
Saturday uud will visit his brother J
W for sw ral days Ho is now woik
mg for tho Nye bnyder company
Fremont nnd expects to go to Hadar in
a few days to begin tno erection of an
elevator for that company
Swigert Henderson have opened up
a stock of goods iu the storo room va
cated by the Variety store which thoy
hope to close out by the first of April
The first named gentloman is from
Gordon and tho latter iB iroiu Clear
water Their stock consists of goods
issued to he Iudiaus by the govern
H II Patterson lessee of the electric
light plant is deserving of credit for
turning on the lights about au hour
earlier than usual Saturday evoning
The gloom produced by the cloudy
weather was so intense that a light was
almost a necessity and Mr Patterson
was prompt iu supplying the need of
the hour
Fremont citizens have organized a
society to be known as tho Knights of
St EebragiiB sugar beets and will hold
a street fair and carnival this full on
about the enme idea as the Kuigbts of
at Omaha The kuights
have a ritual aud initiatory ceremony
which aro Bind to bo decidedly out of
the ordinary
The sheep ranch south of town is now
f tding 600 bushes of corn daily be
sides a lurge tonnage of hay That
this is a large item of expense may be
realized when it is known that 28 cents
per bushol was paid for corn Saturday
The farmers iu tho neighborhood thus
flud a ready market for most of their
surplus feed right at home
Thero has been a changm of operators
nt the telephone exchange anil sub
scribers to the system aro requested to
be patient with tlio now nrrangemont
until the work becomes more familiar
Tho numbers will have to bo given
wheu requested as tho now operators
aro uot familiar enough with tho sub
scribers to deslgnnto thorn by name
Baud musio is usunllyingreatdemand
during presidential campaign years nud
tho muslciauB of many cities and towns
nro preparing to moot this demand by
getting their musical organizations in
trim Norfolk being tho metropolis of
a largo territory Bhould have duo of tho
best bands in tho state and bo in readi
ness to take advantages of the oppor
tunities ccrtaiu to ollor this summer
and fall Norfolk Iiub tho musicians
but lacks tho organization
Pierce Call Hon Wm R bertsou
Iiiih beon nominated by tho republicans
of Norfolk for tho position of mayor
Tho republicans of Norfolk nro follow
lowing out the right idea and tho idea
that should govern all parties that of
putting up good honest men men
that have the conlldenco of the people
for olllco As loug us tho republican
party of Norfolk put up Hiich men as
Col Simpson and W M Robertson nt
tho head of their ticket they should
have no trouble to elect them
Editor W 13 Powers of tho Pierco
Louder is in tho city today Mr
Powers is sectrotary of tho Northeast
Nebraska District G A It reunion and
is authority for tho statement tiiat the
reunion to bo held near that city July
lO ll inclusive will be the biggest aud
grandest yet held in the district In ad
ditiou to tho encampment of G A It
veterans they nre nrrnuging for an en
campment of veternns of the Spnuish
Americau war Tho committees are
getting to work early and anticipate
great events
Jas Gray who resides near the round
house nt tho Junction was the victim of
au nccideut with a 22 calibre rifle Satur
day He was engaged iu pumping
wnter aud was in a stooping posture
when a target rifle in the hands of a
boy named Ayers was discharged tho
ball striking him in tho back just below
his Bhoulder blado nud buried itself un
der tho bone His wouud was attended
to but the physiciaii wns unable to lo
cate or veinovo the bullet Ho will
probably be lnid up for some time The
bullet was a 22 calibre long and had ho
not beeu stooping over would have
perhaps resulted fatally
aSS 33 93l55SaS3S3
It s Easy
To Take
Thin pale anaemic girls w
need a fatty food to enrich
rt their blood give color to
their cheeks and restore their
I health and strength It is
-a safe to sav that thev nearlv u
0 a
all reject fat with their food
e in
i3 exactly vhat they require
r it not only gives them the jjj
I portant clement cod liver oil
I in a palatable and easily
gested form but also the hypo-
J phosphites which are so
blc in nervous disorders that t
usuaiiy accompany anaemia
fatty food that is more easily j
digested than any other form
of fat A certain amount of
flesh is necessary for health
You can get it in this wav
v A hnra L nntw - Vb
sons to train n nnunri n
j day while taking it 1 1
w andioo all druggists
i4k 1
of Beit Varletlei at Hard Tlmei Prices Smalit
fruit in jBree uimly Millions of trawW
plBit Trv thrifty and well rooted Oettho
North Bend Nurserls
U - l
iu r jage
County Ner
Hair to li Youthful
Cum kip dw I t Color l
MciiHlimyat Ihuftia
k 1
Zt t T f lirnvVM ri 1- v Jl
w wW icimM new York w