X f n i I -V - COUNTY LEGISLATURE at oil lit Wlitili tlu tliuiliiB AwnMiiiinl lire to hi Minlo Otlmr lulnt Madison Neb Mtirch U Hoard of county cominissiiiin rs of Madison county mid state of Nobmslcn mot pur suiuit to luljourntuuiit Prehimt 11 W Wiutor John 1 HurIios uiul Ohrist Sohniitt Minutes of lust nioothiK wore roml uud approved On motion tho following bills wero allowed Beolor Hros mcrclmndiso for pnupor itfOO applied on personal tax for 1818 V A Bryant modioino for paupers l15 applied on porsonul tax for 1808 and 18IW 13 G lloilnmn worlc on dollmiuent tax list SoTiO Mriuckiuim ifc Sou pencils ink etc 410 D S Fraser work on assessors books 1500 Phil Bauch worlc on assessors books ar oo Allen Hopkins ono half damages for land for publics roadway 20 00 Madison Chronicle printing 11 7 0 W Darlington one wolf scalp J00 F J Siruirrcll one wolf scalp 200 T O Reeves one wolf scalp 200 1 Kost ono wolf scalp 200 Nebraska Telopliouo company toll SO cents On motion resignation of O D John son as road overseer of road district No 21 to tako effect May 1 was accepted On motion tho following appointments were niiulo J F Reeves as road overseer of dis trict No 1 Thomas Aminos as voad oveiseer of district No 22 Olo Johnson as road overseer of dis trict No 27 Dan Travis us load overseer of district No io On motion tho petition of P F Zutz et al for the opening of a toid on the east side of section J township 21 range 1 was granted um report of ap praisais approved and accepted On motion bill of O F Winter for two acres of land taken for above road 10010 was allowed at tho appraised value 0000 On motion bill of August Buutrock for 10000 for two acres of laud taken for above road was allowed at 0000 tho appraised value Ou motion the following bills wero allowed W F Ahlmau appraiser 200 ap plied on personal tax 1809 2215 balance 07 cents H G- Brueggemau appraiser 2 GO applied on personal tax 200 balance 00 cents J J Clements appraiser 200 Arthur J Koeuigsteiu deputy sheriff serving notices in above road caso 205 H 13 Becker desk tor county super intendent 1S0 W II Carman 200 copies review questions for county superintendent 400 On motion the following ollicial bonds were approved A W Golds worthy road overseer district No 12 Chas Fensko road overseer distrio No 7 P Ij Bussy road overseer district No 2 John P Wright constable Norfolk precinct Herman Gerecke assessor Norfolk precinct Ou motion the annual report of the soldiers relief commission was approved and ordered placed on file On motiou board adjourned to 7 oclock p in Board mot at 7 m and proceeded to select GO names from which the jurors for the April term of district court are to be drawn The following names were chosen O F Haaso John Wado G D Smith Henry Miller J E Simpson L Buckeudorf Frank Ueckor rnan Frank Beels G W Lee O B Dorltiud Aug Kauu J L Burnett Win Lehman S A Beoler Pat Rooney O D Jenkins Julius Degnor P O Hirsch Peter L Bussoy Johu Craig John II Harding S A Mackay Jach Philips James Rosoborough Charley Cummings L O Waterbory Win Jennings B H Dye John Risk Henry Massman Thomas Wade Ross Moody W I Stirk A M Ouuuiugham A N McGinniB Chas Lodge A A Bley Olaus Young A J Heath Win Stork Henry Wetzel Harry Heath Wm Sohleuder A B Richardson Wm Molutosh A L Stewart Geo B ilovelaud O R Hiutnan S B Cain acob Kalmer Ole B Johnson Johu aurer Sape Ohpat T E Alderson enry Ulausen A t steon w u terner A Suhwartz lid OShoa and E Plass Ou motiou board adjouruod to Maroh 0 at 8 a m i Board met pursuant to adjournment ii 8 a m Jon motion bond of S W Hayes justice of tho peace Norfolk precinct was approved On motiou the following resolution was adopted Whereas It appears that the various agistrates havo not complied with Ben S in 580 chapter 50 criminal code it is Resolved That they be requested to mply with said law immediately On motion tho following bills wore nlowedj iMearl Heauey chair for Chris Sbhavlaud fi00 J J Hughes salary postage oto fC 50 Ohrist Sfhmitt salary and rcpaiis on bridge U Hfi H W Winter salary and cash paid for caro of paupers etc S ID A O Tyrrel mail pouch 100 On motion board adjourned to meet with assessors at 1 oclock p m Board met at 1 p in and attended meeting of assessors The minutes of nssessors meeting woiii ordered published as follows All tho commissioners and all assessors woro presont T D Preoco was elected chairman and O T Richardson sec retary A motion prevailed that all property lu Madison county bo assessed at one Ilfth of its cash value On motion it was agreed to value farm lands at from 500 to 10000 per acre Farm and driving horses at from 500 to 12500 Stallions jacks and thoroughbred horses at from 2500 to 00000 Stock cattle from thtoe years old and over from 2000 to 1000 Stock cattle ono and two yeais old 1000 to 2500 Full blood outfit from 50 00 toir000 Fat cattle at from 25 00 to i000 Cattle to bo lu feed yard at least four months to bo considered fat cattlo Ou motion it was agreed to niako memorandum on back of schedulo of the number ago and value of all cattlo On motion it was agreed to value mules the same as farm horses Sheop at from 100 to 000 per hoad Hogs at ono lifth of their cash value on the first of April All other aiticles on schedule at ono fitth of cash value On motion it was agreed to assess all grain held for speculation at ono lifth of its cash vilun on tho lh nt of April All grain to bo listed on schedule under No 7 On motion it was agreed to vuluo bi cycles it from 10 00 to 2500 On motion meeting adjourned sine die After adjournment of assessors tho board transacted tho following business On motion tho bund of J H Conley constable Norfolk precinct was ap proved On motion the conntv treasurer was ordered to transfer 288 from bond fund in school district No OS to tho district fund On motion the claim of Luella J Hoover for 1500 for injury to hoiforif J C Hoover was allowed and applied on personal tax On motion lnard adjourned to April 10 1000 at 1 oclock p m Phil Bauch County Clerk i J ud go Robertson republican candidate for mayor is gaining in popularity each day and there are none who aro urging strong objections to his candidacy Next Tuesday is the city election in Norfolk Thus far tho campaign has been conducted very orderly and de cently and it is to be desired that such will continue to bo a feature If the secretaries of tho state board of transportation are too busy to notify the people of Norfolk when tho rate caso will be heard the press will keep them posted if tho fimo of tho hearing is only tipped off Omaha 13ee On the vote for mayor in Sioux City Iowa tho republicans elected their can didate by a majority of 201 Monday Tivo years ago the democratic candidate for tho same office was elected by a majority of 1020 And some one said that Iowa elections resulted favorably for the democrats Dr Humphreys Specifics cure by acting directly upon tho disease without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system DO CUKE3 PRICES 1 Fevrm Congestions Inflammations ift iS Wormi Worm Fever Worm Colic iS a Teething Colic Crying Wakefulness US 1 Diarrhea of Children or Adults iS 7 Coushi Colds Dronchltl 5 8 euraliila Toothacho Faceacho iS l Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25 10 lviipeiiiaIndlgestlonWeakStomacb25 1 1 Suppressed or Ialnful Ierlodii iS 14 Wlillm Too Prof uso Periods iS 13 Croup InryngltW Hoarseness MS 1 1 Salt Itheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25 13 ItheuiiialUin Ilboumatlo Pains 25 10 Malaria Chills Fover and Ague 25 10 Calarrli Influenza Cold in too Head 25 SO WlioopinuCoug 25 27 Kldnev DUeime 25 2ti ervoun Debility 100 30 Urinary Wealuiemi Wotting Bed 23 77 Grip Hay Fevor 23 Dr Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free Sola by druggists or sent on receipt of price Humphreyb Med Co Cor WllUam John Bta New York TRY THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING TH13 NORFOLK NEW T1IUUSDAY MAKril 2U 1100 MIHOSUARADISK There is no Insurrection on the Island SOLDIER WRITES INTERESTINGLY Tlrlilo tho Oniuiiil With u Sllili Mini II IIIiianiiiim Dollar UettliiK Itltl ill Miuui tiilu HiihiIIIk mill lliil SolillitK mo li nroiin mill lliiiltliy OMul lo Hut A correspondent to tho Ohicano Inter Ocean writing from tho island of Negros in the Philippine archipelego gives soino most interesting facts in regard to the island Tho following is quoted from his commuuitatioii Tho Sixth United States infantry arrived on tho island lust June right in tho middle of tho rainy season Any auti imperialist who thinks it is a regi ment of side men Had better steer clear of the invalids along about sunset when the natives tup the eocoanut trees for tuba Ive got live mouths piy coming to mo that says there isnt an athletic club in America that can mat eh them man for man for robust health ami a good healthy tlobiro to hammer thundor out of somebody at least once every twenty four hours When l joined tho regiment on October 1 last eight recruits fresh from tho states canio with mo Every man of them has put on llesh since joining tho regiment The good health of tho men is not duo to tho easy time theyve boon having The men of tho Sixth would shy at a dry bed just as a farm horo does at an electric car For five months they slept in tho mud and rain and if theres a man of them who isnt soro footed from marching day and night the sergeant major doesnt know his liuino Hut they can average eight pounds of mountain beef a day and whip their weight in catamounts Wo dont know what a sick man looks like Away back I proudly referred to the fact that 1 had tivo months pay due to mo That is STS American I expect to get tho money shortly Id like to bet of it the on following proposi tions Tako a thousand picked men and let them undergo live months of the same exposure and hardships in any state in tho union that tho Sixth infantry has undergone hero and Ill hot that 10 per cent of thoin will bo dead and -10 por cent of them in tho hospital Weve had practically no sickness hero Ill pick 1000 men from this regiment and bet that there isnt a community of iSOOOO in tho United States from which a physician can pick 1000 equally healthy men Now about tho insurrection There isnt any on this island I cant find any evidenco that there ever was ono Tliero used to be a Jesse James gang and a Geroniino band back in tho states Theyve got the tamo thing hero It isnt something new that came in with American rule Thero have been Pi piecio robber bands in tho mountains of Negros over sitico Jod niado Boston They live in tho mountain fastnesses and levy tributo on tho plantation owners If tho planter fails to put up his sugar mill goos up in flames Itici dently they attack wonion and kill a few old men and babes Thero is just ono cure for them and that is tho Oltl Testament recipe Extermination root and branch Wo are prescribing that treatment at present with flattering results nnd tho peaceful inhabitants of the island aro delighted to find how truly good a thoroughly dead Papiecio can bo If tho present landholders on this island wore Americans of tho typo who settled tho frontier west Undo Sam could withdraw every Amoricansoldior from tho island tomorrow with confi dence that after a couple of squally years all would be well Thore would ensue a little preliminary Winchester rule and lynch law and shortly peoplo would begin to ask What has become of the Papiecios 1 suppose that Lo of Boston would make a great outcry just as ho does now about tho brutal soldiers If Mrs would only condescend to rock tho cradle and do tho housework so that Air Lo could spend a couple of mouths over here with us wo think wo could convince him that it is hardly fair to class Jesso James and Aguinaldo with George Washing ton Tho Negros Papiecios havo been run ning their tax collection agenoy and murdering nmigos on the sido for so long that the Spanish landowners hero come to take it as a matter of course The Spanish soldiers nppeurod to take tho same view of tho situation Tho history of Negros fails to show a Biugle instance in which tho Spanish soldiors chased a Papieco baud further than the foothills And thoy would havo as soon thought of embarking for tho moon as of venturing into the mountains Now it is different A corporal and four bluecoats go into the mountains after Papiecos just as they would go into tho woods after rabbits When tho Spaiuardsaud amigos first saw theso little squads heading for tho big hills they held up their hands in horror and tho air fairly buzzed with warnings Now they aro getting so that you can yell Papiocio at thorn at midnight and thoy dont faint For the bandits are getting fewer and roost very high Menu while the brutal American sol- SH Jm mm fit r JEP diary subsist on lapieoio beef killed in the mountains and grow fat If our appetites hold out for six months inure there will be mi more cattlo in the mountains ami the lupiocio problem will have sol veil itself With tho Papiecios exterminated or if lloston prefers she might pension them Negros asks but one boon good roads Jiveu good roads Nenros will pay the national debt of the states lust tickle the land with tho sharp end of a crooked stick and it blossoms dol lars You couldnt stop her from grow ing rice with anything short of a special piovideiice If they had free rein the Papiecios couldnt burn tho canefieltls fast enough to keep her from producing a sugar crop Negros gives greeting and welcome to tho man from Louisiana with the capital to start She will clothe him in purple and lino linen If he dislikes water hhe will build him a palace at Nagaski where he may spend tho rainy season And she will give him a monthly vacation at II mg Kong and an allowance of change that will enable him to lose 00 jack pots smiling As to Spanish prejudice dont let anyone toll you that tho Spaniaids of Negros dislike Americans They area business people Thoy own property and they wish to develop They hailed American occupation witli delight and looked forward to American rule with confidence For Suln 1 i acres one block southwest of tho Grant school good six roundhouse barn etc All now At a very reason able prico Calvin Huiins Notlcnto Noii Ursliliiiil DoIVnilunt John J Farley defendant will take notice that on the 12lrd day of Febru ary 1000 Caroline E Furloy plaint ill heroin iiled her petition in the district court of Madison county Nebraska against said deft ndant tho object nnd prayer of which are to obtain n divorce from the defendant from the bonds of matrimony on tho ground that the defendant lias willfully abandoned tho plaintiff for more than two years The plaintiff prays for a decreo of divorce from tho defendant from tho bonds of matrimony and for the custody of Myron M Farley a minor and child of plaintiff and defendant You aro required to answer tho said petition on or before the Dth duy of April 1000 Dated February 21th 1000 Cohomni E Faiuky Plaintiir By Mapos ami Hnzen her Attorneys m F Br E A genuine WAL0 Silvcrsteol String for your VIOLIN MANDOLIN GUITAR or BANJO will be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE to any addrcsMou receipt of a 2 ceut postage stamp for return postage We do this to introduce the WAL0 Sllversteel String which is a combination of the best tone producing1 metal and much superior to any string on the market at the present time Is STRONG DURABLE AND ABSO LUTELY TRUE Ah an inducement I quote these strings in complete sets for a hort time only at 12c a set REDUCTION IN YIOLIN OUTFITS THIS WEEK ONLY OUR 500 WAL0 VIOLIN Stradivarius model cut to 333 reddish brown color fine polishvcrv SWEET and CLEAR TONE Our 750 WAL0 VIOLIN Stradivarius model cut to 498 light reddish shad ed Ilk lily polished best finish good heasoned SPRUCE TOP and ebony trim mings Complote with each Violin fine black polished CASE good BOW extra set of strings rosin and sell instruction book Send fur WALOS Catalogue of all Musical Instruments and furnishings We also carry latest up-to-date BAND 0RCHES TRA and PIANO music Catalogues on application Fine repairing a specialty In writing mention this paper WATCH FOR OUR NEXT BARGAINS A T WALOS MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S BROADWAY ST LOUIS MO Gssmai ho Cmt Out or ffimwwd wstut Plasters Sutgical operations and flc h diMrmtltg plimtets tnc uselfit painful nnd ilnngcimm and licsldcs nrvcr cute Cancer No iimttet bow often a caticctniis note is lemovcd anolliei conies al m neat the sninc point ami always in a woise form Docs not this ptove conclusive v Hint Outuct is a blood disease anil Hint it i i folly lo attempt to cute Ins lecp scntid iliiiucrnu blood tumble liv cutting ot binning out the sine which after all is ouh an oulwaid sign of Hie disease u place of exit for the pouon Cancel inns in families tlnoiigli many gineiatlons mid those whose auecstois have been allliited with it ate liable nl any time to be sttiiUen with the deadly iimlni Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another ftuthet ptoof tliut Cancer is a disease of the blood To cute a blood disease liUethis you nuisl cute Hie etttite blood nvsIciii evety ttaee of tin jxiisoii Nothing curca Cancel cllcetually and tiettnaiieiitly but S 8 K c SS S enteistliecliciilattoii sent dies out and tentovesall taint ntul stops Hie fot million of cniiccioiis cells No mete tonic or otilitiatv blood medicine can do this S S S goes down to Hit vet y loots of the disease mid foices out the deadly noisou allowing thesote to Ileal until ally and peiitiatieiilly S S S at Hit tmiue time put Hies the blood mid builds up the genetal licnllli If VkvVi Ifcff Hy A nine pinipic a nainuess looking wail m mole a lump lu tile liteast a cut ot mulse tlint tefUHca to henl nutlet otdlnmy tieatinenl should all be looked upon ulli suspicion as tins is often the beginning of a bad fotm of cancel Mm Sunlit M KerilliiK il Wlinlmu Avr lliltlnl Trim wtllrs 1 run 41 iiim ud mnt hi tliirp nits limt Millrnd with n hrviio mm of Ciincrt mi ni Jnw ulilili tlu ilnitoiM ill tills city -mill wan iartiiiililr unit tlill I ruillil tint liie tllilr tlnili sit inittitli I ua riilrd llirlt Mnlrmriil lis liar mill linil iIicii up nil Innie nt in Ih Iiik rll ulilili when inyiltiiK ll kilimlHKir my eninllllnil IrniniliHiiilril S S S ri tiiWIii n frw iHitltrs the iiik Ih uiiii to henl iinu li lo I lie Kiitptlsi of the pliyilolnlm mill In n shot Ilnie iiiinlc n roinnlile rme 1 jiilnril in llrnh hi v npprtllc is iplcnillil slcei ii irttrshliiK in tnrl inn riijoyhiK prtfitl ht iilth Our nieilieal tlepattmeiit is in chmge of pltysieinns of long expeiieiiee who ate especially skilled in tteallng Caneei mill other or infoi mutioii wanted we make no chmge wlmtcvet fot this setvice SE8VDMQ tMOiMEY m i m HSLNmi ii JUIIIIII 11110 l I nil I III Ii 1 llitl In iimi Inn Html Hm lliix tlni lull 11 Ml I nl I hi limit III IK I A HIM I III HIlllU I sss In rrriitrtl nlur ii rr illrri1 hi uitt limii BEWARE OF 8CWTAT8QHS Tl HMlt mlllln iilmm lll 1111 H IIIHh I I Mi 1111k lllltll - w llli HlIIHlll Itiri i iL MilliKMir If ml In I lilrncii AtMlliiriiMliiirrrflliilp iiiImIiiim mil 1Tt5 ItPR 8S3IRlDrxlf hr llltl lllllllllMII 1 i ViV KJfilfJeiK unit iiinin iiiim in nun iinii blood diseases Write for niir advice THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA TtllMUItUlKMU tlilh IIHl HIMlil lt 1IM ft Mil mi uniiiMiiiii MADE PROP CABINET CJHDICK SEWIMQ MACHINE him Iituijrti in 1 mi in m it iniiuilm ii til j nir hi it 1 1 in hi l i i ml ir fmnui tytzxe iiinin iimiiim nun Mini nil ii min ii I mim Mini I tin Ml 111 iii i iihui iiiiiii nil lit 11 II Mill i llllll i lll I il lliih il U ltilnliiiitl On S VW2rrrL J J 1 1 in iil ill hi lli litr -3 k r TUji Zlg i - ii ii i iiiiinmiiiii illi i m iii I lll lrl III CUAKAMTrEl lliltllrM riiiiiilim m lirnll u nrnrl tt t Vfl I l77yr4l 7ItI I - ninf Mi l1 I ry Vimtii h Im Mi iMil I fiiiiUIl nml nut Krmi I if3 JWiVii i l itmrt mi Jliink ii ll n i I imm m It iml iln Itliii iilmn nrnny 4 riivJ JJCJ J lillul 1 lull I I I I 1ll millliillilliiiaili Irailil ullll Vi 1 II llllllli I u ji5 I r fiioTr YOU fJdTliINd 1 ilU nrliln i II with inn mi vol llii n If iMinrlnrril tlmi ui an iilni t mi in fniun um Ml 1 I III Tl UN ll 1 fl11 If ill IIV I Mill llll n Ulllli mil n u 1 l l nlillfrtllj rii ml I umn tin tit no iiiiHiirii niiiiiit in imi UONi ULLiAY I im lm w k i i hi Hiihi 111 inilic I ill iiii i Address SLARS ROEBUCK fit CO Inc Chicago III sewpjs qe DOLLAR in til til oul ami html in lit lli tl llll Km p nl hi ml jim Ihl t M I MIKJMU tit I lilt II n DJIlN Ii tuWUt I O II nnlJirl hiriHinlnn 1 lion i ihi tin v ii ii I tit- II ul 1 mi r lit urtM in lull I iliiml iiiitl II mi ilitil II Ivuilh mm 1 1 prrM mi i um itrrniiptt iin joii itir mi rut fur lidn IIihm iirjniiA rtidt rilii A l iIIhtn kI nuirn iikiimi inii I In- firlili tfil OUR PRICE S i350 It t II flniilrni ur lrO ami It lithtrh imi Tllb IAlCLUlI UUM uiih Hie mutl III ItUII nilSlUHISl IOMII lii itriiiNiiiItt itrrniNilft I mmii I Ihi I Uti tintluti lii h ill l JfiMiUfit il illn I fi inia ipIm 1 iKiiuili wiiiraii Inriii miiM Mca nl U i in iiiitlul njiinHUinin Almlr I ruin nnliil quitrlt r hiiuil tmU or UiilniM li ihitlrt tl iiirroiuli l tfj ullp Tull immI IchIj tipniil fit IlitrMiii Irr hicii nut mil inuti tillnr liKmliiinir li rnrttloii i itiul tirnnMiiH miillnir II Ihf IU 14 I MT hill I I III lMtlOlt M I ft It it lituti 4 Itn1 h lt tr i Im k4 v hi ami wrl Im IV 1 hiij on ii In ii i tela i r4 II nl f iih v liiipnuKii rtlnrliult lltiiriAim lirimiiri l ilrl i triniiitu Mfiiii tiiiin r I ri rni I utipH r Ilia fin ii n liiitf nml in lliiiinimi II Orliir I i im f lit in Hmllt I lrftinl Oriran hilt I hrU Orrirtlral Tmii l K Iliin Jiilllv UmU I hlf 7 1nri Hl MilnIU Itml IH I if 17 llmrmliiKly Irilllanl 1 1 Inlr IIkiU I m luTlt Ulrti M Uw Sn 1Iimh IImW I S l ir Hi flnit HiM IMrlMil Mii THE PARLOR CKM Mm riiislnnf I hn t IMirrilfil A i i II hi i w hlcli nir tin I urn I in t riti tifili UL iTtllle I lint UMUlll lilt il Willi II tiinniiiil I miplr i jiu 1 tm lliiiiiHfin fstrto Li rl il T rHn 1 tin I L In low ill1 l it i hhi fi lulli i iv In llipwrt f r nml t m n hMluM in iuliH THE PARLOR GEM is fiiml li l ujih Ilxll ImmiIi I iuli li limit i nl I I plui tic lil fnuiMM nml iviry ninlmi iiiipj ivriiMtni t j ill v vvy 1 1 JZSZSjtmt HOP KJyitV r 11 RXifflrl t aijju iMiWiii J KWtoasi s l Lpft SB T cuAjjMitEDjsYEMis rssz rLiiliff rz w -rap hwi pi f M fn itfiintciiw mi miiiii int w iv ii wM y fc XfLGhPSJ1 m im i v ir nir it iuui im I i ii -iii-ii m wwlrflJiavic i fcHVJ trip mii uiwi iiiii ii ii ii 1 iii viin t1 m o AlCi y ft pyiSrJ u IlKhi i 11118 1 r urMll Ill 1 fi ORiCH NS JWifijl A Z p rf lj Jj i iilliiikiriril ltaiir t Mmi I u a tj PMlilW Hi r iinv pmi In inn in rt wif Wif fi 4 II 311 llfl r I -11 Hil f 11 MltllO I VWJllSX i 1 tin lirwf t ihjh nh hn v -4 n uicti 1 iiipl jy in1 nly i win In iti t r own Ajc l ar t j 11 illtft I il I Jinl ii IM t1jMt nnd n u PiNiii Lh - hi lpn d trnnuutt nt owe t vMoIphuIu iuIi c vV nit for frtt i re in I riti jp i urn mil i ul In r liiicut cjUI hju AdtliLJi ihtr UwbucL X iai trt Uiortnily rIUijl liiur iKAR OP jfliCK V CO Inri fullon 0fsnl3inintPi VnvmanSln rwifjnn ML TRY THE Daily News Job Department Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains LICK SEKVICK CLOSE COXNECTIOXS TWO UAILT FAST TltAINS KACII WAV HKTWKKN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all Soutli ern and Eastern points Uuexcollod tiuio and accommcxlaUoni to th Famous Hot Sprines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SEOURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For more comphto information inscriptive pamphliiU etc aildreta J 0 lHIMillTI W C BARNES AO lf andPA T P A Soututadt Cor llth and Douglas Stf OMAHA NEUBAS SEND ONE DOLLAR Cut thli rvl out ami mjh1 to uh anil wnuiii nuini jou till miiji iKwir ACME tJ lb 1IAUOItH blilr U Iruuhtt i llMilijtU to ciitml natiiu tmouni Jtmnini It ul ou ficiiftil luimtniiil If fiiuiiit iHTltotI nitUluit it y uxiictly ui rtiit Miilod iui1 Higutllo HCijf i that r lull at ii Kjnj llirrillnn 1 itftiit nur sj rcU rifr aia ir Hit tl iij or iG75 mil fiulirtit vhmvtv Tlu liliipliltf vfltt i I H Ullfl tllf freight will uwnxre t r v tvhC iiillu anil hi- Kuarautrit ift dfllttrj nr i nr tor fTxrsVil firm slwrt or wtrrh iuwllhp PLAT01M SSAlt MApE iiiuwintiiil ID VfHrIlM 1 Mill IlLtrlllfftlMIC 1- nnfenrON trMlii cn IVH I Ell - OO J B4 I will HFlKli ivhi II v ulnf all wtlklitr urniheil llraHU htaill utluhr0 Itu iun Klrirn llrnlliliux tulp IUiriru M ICiM IneliiB r 4lnu on udjuttnlilv ililll liiirliuj hut Dviitrin mid pilot niJi t ren litre Hivurnti ana ilnrutilo houIm iiiuiU inouuteil on fuur luruv wlireli lli ra nlrel ua I n t or unit oiiiaitifiiteit uixl lM iitlfully iliiltlidl Uirnimhoul Kurj farmer 1IIih tvloe tliunxt in me xiuocin li uelkhlnu the trritln lie ntll uml lmyn HIlllU T HMi the i 1 I nljni e faliiluuilPnr nlH ritufnrtlieot inir Aililre Sean Roebuck Co Inc ChicagollL IN ln Iturlutk 4 u re Ihnrvusbl rctUtlr I illur w m i V H rm DOC iMtt It trv rlnu lb irrTltiifl Trolt nJ lillul IllirMl A tliAi ntliir1 tj TRUSSES 65c S125 AND UP sff iBss nriu t lv nlmni n1 W B P3 umurri in lit vnil PfRtprn kv Cr ntliei youwriti ourtltic trmrli rruV or our titw jik Hirrtliilr tiiu iru iiiutraioil aimrr milium 1 out and fill to ua with Ol II HmUL IlllltumJ itrour Iolflil lll Xir ho loni oi have b 0 iptureil whether rupture UUrKeoi niHll aUnfcUite umher indie aiounil the Ik1 on a line with th upmrt My uliclhsr mptuioU ou rldht or leUle iU e vlll neuit either iri to ou wllli Hih under iaiitu If II It not i rtM St nd rul la iniMrtht lull tl hre our pi K oucun return it au I wu 111 roturn your niorioy VSIYE FOR FHEE T31I5S CATALOGJE Tur ifr Tlrtior InclKlilv till I1UIKI Utt Tru 1 1C itrurf hant an r il wbltbrll tar vfcfO POHDUCK Co CHICAGO HI ITo PATENT Good Idm way be secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD Ralllmnra UA Bubscriptlouj to The iateot Record 1100 per sanuiu