I Iwi X The Norfolk fietas i flint HphvoMuiiNioti oiivoittlotuiiwtH i toilny llt ilU uhmi lumoii win nKniu fuse not couiiMnk tho poptills To tho HwivtiuiM of tlit Htuto rr iviiianiiriniimi If you nro Irony to write Ilfito umko hIk folk Huslniss Mon Hi Hon id too Nor- A IVmim armor rrrontly llirow h honvy Htifkntli vloimimloK ml kllli il Ills IS month old girl huhy Kroin this It nppiiirs that wotnon luwont tho oMilnxivo rilit to tho loconlof throwiiiK hmlly This Is nu on of mining pricos mid yot Mr Mrynn Ih not sutindiil Why Simply hoouuso ho is not In tho presl dontliil ohnlr This is also tho cuuho for dissatisfaction on tho pint of his Mip portors Kvon Pitchfork Tillnmn appenrs to havo limltl intorvalH and may hoiiio day como to his MMiMiH In tho sonata Fri day ho said 1 am always willing to trust Wm McKinloy H is pit riot io 1111111 Tho doinooints think thoy can carry Ohio this fall Thoy havo thought ho for years but havo not dono so It Ih thoir old K hoino of wrontinjr tholr chlckons hoforo thoy nro hatohod and nftorward dovotliiK columns of spaco to explain how It happonod Imitators of tho Rev Oliarloi M Sheldon nro bobbing up in every com munity Tho Fremont Tribune states that it lias rocoived overtures from u eouplo of gentlemen who desire to run that paper for a weilc as u populist would run it This it would Room is an unnecessary and unwilled for oiler Thoro nro now ninny horrible examples of how populists run papers throughout tho state Cho rocont lowering of freight rates oii gjain and tho increase in prices on tho markets nro responsible for a rush of grain from wostont points to tho market and tho railways aro lading it a dilllonlt matter to supply the ears de manded in the movement It is an other indication of tho fact that farmers havo boon able to hold thoir grain for thoir prioo inoro successfully than for a number of years past Parisian htDls nro tuning up thoir intos to moot tho anticipated libit of Amuricnn visitors to their groat show Not thnt thoso rates will apply to Amer icans alone but bociuso tho American tourist oIIom tho best plucking whon abroad Yonr American who would bo satUtlod with a saloon lunch at homo must havo tho best tho land allords whilo traveling abroad and tho foreign catoror long since became familiar with our Amorieau woikuoss for show Hastings Record it The appointment of a board ofllroand police commissions s for Omaha by Governor Poyuter is a long ways from approaching tho referendum in polities It is nho a near approach to that de splsod McKinloy imperialism Tho governor was not elected to control Omaha any more than tho bnlauee of tho state and ho would certainly havo shown good judgement if ho had refused to accept tho first opportunity offered to take a stop of that kind If Omaha finds itself unablo to govoru itself it is timo enough for the state to take n hand It doesnt umko n bit of difference what tho administration does the op position is able to concoct a story op posed to it that would scare an ignorant person out of sevou years growth and iuduco n spoutanoous growth of gray hair That is thoir stock in trade and if thoy can niako a calamity story with a somblanco of truth about it that will nttract tho peoples attontiou they are highly delighted Tho really sensible person will rather pin his faith to past achievements rather than bo iulluoucod by stories with no foundation whatever ou fact For ton years prior to IS thero was practically no railroad construction iu Iowa Last year however under tho existing gold standard imperialism nud other iniquities of tho present ad ministration thoro woro T82 miles built giving employment to a largo number of people nud stimulating activity iu tho places nffectod by these newly con structed liuoj Thero nro somo people who desiro to change these conditions who hope for au administration with panic failures and non progress as features Thk News would be much surprised if tho majority of the people should desiro such a change In all their oppositiou to United States control of tho Philippines tho insurgent representatives give it out that they do not hope to wiu against tho United States forces but carry on a show of resistance in tho hope of influencing legislation in cougross They dopend on tho Filipinos iu this country to accomplish that which they aro uuable to do aud were it uot for tho support thoy receive iu America tho insurrection would have beou over long ero this If it is tho real desiro to locate the people who aro responsible for tho war aud tho deaths iu the Pnilippiues tho people are respsctfully referred to Pettigrew aud other politicians of llko charnotor who would rathor non tho Unltod Htatos kv ornnioiit and hor Mildior hoys punished than to relinquish their vnnarlos A largo portion of tho Philippine arohlpolego Is as yet unknown nnd unex plored This statement is somowhat surprising whon It Is considered thnt it lies so close to Ohina tho most thickly settled anil oldest country in I ho world and It only goes to show that tho nooplo of tho far east are iinprogresslvo un civilized and would scarcely develop u gold mine lying at their very door It will take anglo Hiixon entorprlso to show what Micro islands nro really worth nnd to develop their resources It will some day be acknowledged that tho best thing that over happened to the Philippines and tho entire orient was OeweyH victory and tho roHiilts following it Tho pooplo of ho east may havo hoiiio excuse from u commercial point of view for opposing tho United States control of tho Philippines Such n movement will undoubtedly have tho olToot of building up mnikots on tho western coast that will in many rcspcctH prove formidable rivals of tho Atlantic ports but at tho same time this will bo of im mense benefit to tho transinlsslssippi country With n market on both sides the people of tho middle west will bo in tho center of such competition nnd bo iiblo to tako advantage of it both going and coming To refuso tho Pacific coast such an opportunity would thoro foro bo n suicidal commercial policy on tho pnrt of tho people of tho west Tho democrats continue to rojoico in any statement that would indicate that the war in tho Philippines is not over and would bo indeed sad If no news came to cheer them in patriotic feeling toward countiy iiiul Its policies It would Perhaps no mau during tho past weok has been so thoroughly advertised ns the Rev Olmrles M Sheldon aud uo paper has been in us large demand as tho Topoka Capital which he is eugaged iu running as Christ would do The paper and its teinpDrary editor havo been rouudly aud soverely criticised which has but added to their notoriety aud the most apparent moral which has yet been drawn is that it pays to ad- vertizo Tho comments aud the notoriety attained are already beginning to assume the status of a bore aud it will be but a short time uutil Mr Sheldon uud his effort are forgotteu by a popular mind aud something else will eugago their attention This will go to show that cranks and novel THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 22 1900 such their their not rcnuiro a tremendous stretch of tho Im agination to coucoivo of those parti sans holding rallies building big bon fires and celebrating should Aguiualdo succeed In raising an army that would drivo tho United States forces into tho sea Thoy need not go much further on those lines to desire that tho Indians of this country should drivo tho usurp ing palo faces out Tho Philippine brigands aro not now as sovoro on Americans as they aio on nativos and Ohlnnmon In ono province recently thoy killed 20 of thoso people and in another eight whilo they burn dwollings rob steal and porform other inglorious nets Thoso nro tho people whom the fusionists say should bo given thoir liborty and this is tho kind of liborty thoy would dosiro If the Unitod Statos troops woro withdrawn tomorrow such atrocities would iucronso ton fold nnd nil respectable paoplo would bo compelled to fleo from tho islands to savo thoir livos a glorious prospoct surely and ono which should nrouse tho patriotism in tho brenst of ovory littlo American The sale of agricultural implements this year in Nebraska is said to bo tho host over known Farmers have nionoy and thoy propose to hnvo tho latest nnd best implements with which to till tho soil The farmers who were to bo nf dieted with S cont oats and 10 cent corn in case of Mclunloys election four years ago aro prospering as they havo not dono for yoars Thoro are some however who aro worse than tho man fiom Missouri who had to bo shown in that they will not bo shown nnd will undoubtedly vote for n roturn of tho grand old Clovolnud tinios Their iium bors havo been materially lessened dur ing tho past four years nud it is to bo hoped that they are a long ways from being in tho majority Tho nuti expansipnists would bo im measurably plonsod to seo tho Philip pines sunk lower iu civilization than they were uven under Spanish rule which would certainly bo tho case if the United States forces woro with drawn from tho iold Thoy promulgate tho same kind of argument that would prevent a fathor from controlling and bringing up his children in tho way thoy should go Tho whipping of n stubborn child may seem sovore at tho time but tho parent and ovoryono else knows that ho often deserves it not r tho parents gratification ami train i n but for that of tho child Tho L uited Statos would indeed he selfish if it cannot share its boasted civilization aud progress and oven the most pronounced littlo American ciuuot believe iu Ids inmost heart that the people of the Philippines will be injured by tho direc tion and control of this government mothods limy win for n time but tho person using good hard porslstent common Reuse will win in the long run This uppllos to advertising ns well as other business methods In a letter recently written from the Philippines Judge Norris formerly of Wayne says that besides being polyga mists and slaves iu the Philippine archi pnlego there are cannibals Think of that ye fuslonistH cannibals Aro wo to havo cnnuilml citizens also Must our children nnd childrens children associato with cannibals and learn to eat each other Hoiriblo Horrible I Or perhaps the McKinloyudniluistritiou is governing them without their cotiFcut ami refuses them permission to oat each othorl Another iiwful clleot of Imper ialism and militarism Thoy should havo a free Kovornmont nnd bo allowed to eat each other should they ohooso I If Fmporor MoKlnley tramples on their rights his hellish purpose of promoting civilization has not been overdrawn Our declaration of indopondonco says that nil men nro created equal Hint they nro endowed by tho Croator with coi tain unnlionnblo rights that ntnong thoso nro life liborty nnd tho pursuit of happiness and that governments derive thoir just powers from tho consent of tho governed Is it just and right under this declaration thnt these people should bo governed nnd thoir happiness in outing Mich other dono way with It Is awful to coutum plato what this McKinloy imperialism may load to Tho notion of tho republican city con vention last Saturday night Is proof pos itive that tho cons rvativo element in regard to tho conduct of tho city bns prevailed Ono cannot iningino Judgo Robortson presiding as mayor over u city where ovorything is run wide open neither can it bo conceived that ho will inaugurate any oxtromo methods is a ninn in ovory sense who will the business mon of whntover class play but will insist on a cortain toction to tho youth and morals of Ho glvo fair pro- tho oity Tho saloon mnn pnys for a privi lege to conduct his business iu accord ance with tho provisions of tho law and it can bo dopondod upou that if Judgo Robertson is olected mayor ho will do all iu his power to seo that thoir rights are rospocted Norfolk has a class of saloon keopors who iu a majority of cases do uot desiro moro freodom in the conduct of their business than tho law accords bnt if ono should desiro to go boyond such limits it may bo de pended upou that Judgo Robortson if elected will use his intlueuco iu tho protection of tho citys morals Thero is no question but that Mr Robertson ui mayor will use n wiso discretiou and will give careful consideration to tho domands of tho saloon keepers as well as thoir oppououts nnd will render his decisions with fnirnoss to one and nil His will bo tho kiud of nn administra tion that all should dosiro Tho nomination of W M Robortson by tho republican city convention as candidate for mayor is cloarly a caso of tho olllco seeking tho man as contrary to tho usual rule of tho mau seeking tho tho ofllco Mr Robertson did uot want tho nomination and absolutely refused to run uutil it was represented to him that it was his duty as a republican to tako it If Mr Robertson is any ono thing moro than another that one thing is his loynlty to tho republican party nnd priuoiples nnd whon ho be camo convincod that ho would bo serv ing his party iu a critical timo ho sac rificed his own inclinations aud con sented to accept tho nomination Ho did it however upon tho oxpress condi tion that ho would go on tho ticket as a republican and not as tho candidate of the Good Government club tho Anti Saloou league or auy other clique or faction in tho party aud his utterances in ncceptiug tho uomiuatiou contain no equivocation on that point As ho now stands on tho ticket ho is entitled to the loyal support of every republican iu tho city aud if ho receives tho votes to which ho is entitlod ho will bo tho uoxt mayor of Norfolk And no republican ueed havo any fear of tho kiud of an administration ho will give us which to quoto his own words will bo fair houest clean economical Uy tho selection of Mr Robortson as tho stand ard bearer iu tho city olectiou those persons who aro anxious to have tho party work iu harmouy feel that a crisis has beeu passed which for a time threatened to sever the ranks into two dangerous factious and therois a gen eral rejoicing that a candidate has been named who cau rocolvo tho hearty aud uunnlmous support of every mau in tho party The spectacle of men who placo party principle abovo ofllco greed boiug kept out of tho populist convention by a squad of policemeu was an ovideuco of militar ism at Lincoln Monday whilo tho men iusido wero preparing to resoluto ugaiuBt this disgusting quality on the part of the McKinloy ndministratiou The arguments put up by the demo crats iu regard to tho Porto Hican tariff do not seem to accord with their old war cry that the consumer pays the tariff Just uow they aro uot interested in the consumer but it is the producing people of that islaud who must sutler Surely the arguments of democracy are a9 inconsistent as possible Tho domocruU would bo pleased to hnvo Norfolk furnish a pretext this spring for the assertion that tho polit ical sentiment In regard to tho repub lican national administration had under gone a change In this city and county Tun Nkws feels safe In asserting that if thoro has been u chnngo it is in tho other direction nnd it would bo n great mistake for republican voters to furnish the giound work for any such conclu sion Judgo Robertson is a candidate whom no republican has the lemblanco of an excuse for not supporting nnd ho should certainly havo his full party vote nt tho election ou tho Sid of April Tho domocrats think they do not need tho aid of tho Texas populists to carry that state for Bryan this fall and they aro accordingly making uo overtures to that organization in that state and no concessions Thoy dont enro whether thoy go in tho or to Cincinnati or to tho grand domocrntio rendezvous in his satanlo majestys im perial realm Thoy can go and good riddanco to had rubbish In Nebraska and other northorn states it is different The aid of tho populists is needed to place democrats iu ofllco and thoy aro soft soaped until you caut rest Thoy may rest assured however thnt if democracy should over gniu tho powor thoy hnvo iu Toxns tho pops would fol low thoir Texas brothoron ovor tho tran som so quisle it would muko tholr bonds swim As it is tho populist party is or once was tho big end of tho fusion con cern and it would bo a case of tho tail wagging tho dog should tho domocrats bcomo obstroporous Tho statement published todny by tho water commissioner throws an outiroly now light on tho condition of the water fund of tho city which tho public has been led to suppose was almost hopo lessly bankrupt Tho statomout which is takon from tho records of tho city clerk and water commissioner demon strates conclusively that tho fund is not only not baukrupt but ou tho coutrary will havo monoy in tho trensury ns soou us tho pipo iu tho nrtesinn well is pulled up and sold which has beou or dered dono by tho council During the present ndministratiou of city affairs then it is shown that tho operating ex penses of tho waterworks havo been kept up 2000 worth of water bonds have been paid out of tho fuud tho ex penses of trying to secure nu artesiau well havo beou mot and there is mater ial ou baud which whou sold will give tho fund a credit Thus is another pop ular boliof exploded The Auditorium It must bo admitted that tho city has not dono what those who built tho now Auditorium had a right to expect under tho conditions of the proposition that was mado before it was commenced It was gouerally understood that tho proposition was that if Mr Warrant would erect an auditorium in Norfolk tho citizens of tho town would tako onough insurance iu tho Royal Uniou Mutual Lifo Insurance company that tho cash premiums should amount to jt00 and that tho sale of Eeats for tho opouiug night should produce Mr War rant 1000 making a total of 7500 Mr Wigton uow ropresouting tho inter ests of tho constructors of tho houso has prepared a statement showiuc that tho gross recoipts from these sources wos iu round numbers only 3000 leav a deficiency of 1CX Mr Warrant agreed to build an audi torium at a costof 10000 It is stated that tho actual cost howover exceeded that amount by not loss than 2000 It will thus ha seen that Mr Warrant more than carried out his part of tho agrcemout and that the people of Nor folk did not raise tho amouut which he had ovory reason to believe would bo dono In cousecmoiico of this shortage au indobtodness that was not contem plated rests against tho property Tho city has au opera houso which after completion of tho cornice will bo veiy attractive and will fully meet tho necessities of tho town This opera houso will bo a great convenience and inducement in tho matter of securing conventions aud largo state mootings and will greatly improve our staudiug among tho enterprising cities of tho west We are gotting tho bonofit of tho enterprise aud good faith should be kept with thoso who put up tho build ing Mr Wigton who has taken charge of tho Auditorium with a view of securing tho payment of the claims against tho building for labor aud material has just returned to Norfolk after an ex teuded trip to secure this ond Ho re ports that mouey from out of towu cau be had after Norfolk has mado good one half of tho shortage Ho says that when this is accomplished tho claims held by Norfolk citizens will be paid off with mouey rocoived from other sources As a matter of public pride overy clti ran should lend a helping hand aud subscribo such an amouut as his circum stances will warrant This plan is thought to bo better than to rely upon the salo of tickets for au entertaiumeut because through that method tho ex penses would be considerable and the amouut that would go to tho laboring men would be muoh less thau the amount aotually paid by our people Mr Wiutnii will see tlio citizous 01 town tho next few days and it is hoped that thoy will respond cheerfully to his call fA II R IlTO TAJ KiM u 14 rn UMmi ill it iv nfc iT s ii krttuum y mC - aa I ak J ---- vstW jfimtt v O -a Kl mmm f ft 4 mtM Mfm ONLY 8275 SE NDNOMONEV cuttLH m J out and aenu tu ut Him j our weight nnd liH jhl rtUo ituin Wrof inches uioundtoJj tij mid ntrk ami ttO wiliMiid thlt vr Mfc - icA FUR TRIMMED 2EAVLS -S BEAUTIFUL LiOHlCApE io ou h expit Al L u luljcct to cxnnilnatl lull o cur oxamino and ti it oa in jniir ntHrtHL express or- lieu ami K iounii prrfrcilj bUWfortorj riattly at rep- rrwempi arm IP iDti Humlfrful inlup Jim rirr latror heard of a tli expresF nrcnt our pf lul oiler price 275 Rod e i pm ebiigra hxpnHi uhrtfus will Rvtrak 40 to Co cents for mcii 1000 mile THIS CAPE IS LA TEST STYLE FOR FALL and WINTER made from an citra flo and htAjatl wool MirlarliluA fcniilni liiirlioii Itra verclotli 27 inches lon very lull nwuep IJ lncb apper cape fXtra full Ippfrcapeand lireitirmcu1Ur Ikruu fully trimmed with black lialtlc mi1 furt upper capo tiliiuiHMl with three row and collar with wi luwhof ia mrLftlr inlClotll button ornirnentb TliU ep U fnf UlJor made thrnuithont and equal t rnperi that rtlat inoii than double tho prh Wrlti for free I lok t atBliffuft SEARS ROEBUCK CO CH1CACC ftiran Kutouel 4ito are tuoruajul reliable fcdluut ALL WOMEN AGREE A druggist in Macon Ga says I have sold a large quantity of Mothers Friend and nave never known an in stance where It has failed to produce the good results claimed for it All women agree that it makes labor shorter andless painful Mothers Friend is not a chance remedy Its good effects are readily experienced by all expectant mothers who use it Years ago it passed the exnerimental stace While it always shortens labor and lessens the pains ol deliver it is also of the greatest benerV during the earlier months of pregnancy Morning sickness and nervousness are readily overcome and the liniment relaxes the strained muscles permitting them tc expand without cattsingdistress Mothers Friend gives great recuperative power tc the mother and her recovery is sure and rapid Danger from rising and swelled breasts is done away with completely Sold by drujgisU for 1 a bottle THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA UA Seal tax out free lUustilted bool fi cipicunt motben sniCirt KB SHE WAS HLIND A blindness comes to mc now and then I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose I cant read because sonic of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabulr A cno of hurt licallh that n ITAN8 will not benefit They bniiUh pMn nd prolong Ufa One KlviH relief Note tlio word HI IANS on the packng nnd accept no iubtltut TJTP AN 3 10 for 5 ront or tw Ivr packet for conln may be hurt ut nny druse tire Ten amrte nd one thou iaifl twtlm nliilH II I hi mulled to any addruss for S cents forwarded to the Klpaus Ctiemteal Co No IU Spruce St Now York EDISONS PHONOGRAPH Hotter than a Ratio Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays and dontcostns rhuch Itrcproduccsthcmusicof anyinstrument band or orchestra tells stories and sings the old familiar hymns ns well ns tho popular songs it isal ways ready Prices 750 to 10000 See that Mr Kdisons signature is on every machine Cata logues of all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York ta FRIENDS - iAL iTV arc iliz long time users of Smith Pointers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair bills reduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity fcr good work all the Imii Is unequaled Catalogue Free Ask for it The Smith Premier Typewriter Co THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS tmlm nJlaflbCvir KrJW ill Ju vHT rS m Illinois General R 8 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSTTIR TOT7KISTS Tbo Illinois Contral dusires ti call nttoiition to tlio uiiuzculliil forvico that is olTereil by its linua to tho biiuth for tho uisun of lSW 1P00 C A LI FO RN I VIA NEW ORLEANS Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING A Personally conduct nl Kuiift throiudi to Los AiikiIos and Sail via Now Orleans in connection with tho Southern Pa cific lcawiu Chicane on tho Centrals fast Now Orleans boo- riiil riMiTmnlinn mIsimnmcIh In this train with lull troins out of Now Orleans for tlio Iaciflo Coast Tho Limited from thicimo ovory ovon inc connects on Mondays nnd Thursdays nt Now Orleans aftor Doconibor IS WJ with tho SUNSET LIMITED or tho Sontliorn Pacific kIvIiib special through sorvico to San Francisco FLORIDA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA Doulilo daily torv ice is nintntained out of St Louis via tint Illinois Central and rounictlut lines to Kiibht illcCliattiinoo KU and Atlanta thro Hliiniilin car to Jack t oiiUllo Florida lioini carried on tho DIXIE FLYER IrnviiiK St Louis oery nvoniiiB Tbib train as woll Mb tho Daj Express leaving St Louis in tlio inoruiiiR nro holli solid trains to Nashville Iiii1ii through coaches and bli opiiiK cars mil iiIiik thioiiKli Martin Tenii and tho N U k St L Ity Connection via this lino for all princi pal points iu tho Southeast such as Charleston WilmliiKtoii AiLiu aud Savannah and for all poiutb iu Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from CIiIciiko to MomphLa nud Now leans Or- HOMESKFKKltS EXCURSIONS to certain points iu the South on tho linet of the Illinois Central and Y Si M Y railroads will ho run ou thollrst and thild Tuesday of each mouth ilur Inir tho winter snaboii Full narticulaisconcoriilnij nil of tho nmno can hohail of aKOiitbof tho Illinois Central or by addressing A 11 llunson U P A ChicaKo 975 BOX RAEiM COAT Iltoor MwMvioMi riiZi3 SEND HO MONEY KM ul t Ul jour bright nut wUtlt tile puulirrur iniiii rtuDa iua si urttl llkra uur i 1 vJrr roil clu ii snilcr inn ulitl wt IUeUHljnillilnntlivciilf x loli tuljci iu iiutuUu hk aiuliieanil liv It mnt our niHiet oxiirtf onkl ftil If round til ki rrurtratrd ad Itp inil nonutrful talu vu trr mw or lirard ut a j vuual Io any rvul uu luB bL fur filHI tg l he Liire atctnt 01 u sitlULUtnu i -Kilt 5273 auJ 4inrfschaive XIUSIAlKINTOSaUttlM aijic tuy lining unuo irum km valrrrr taa rolur yruuiue IlatUlaitrl loll i full lenirxli iluuhlo LreaatcJ f acrveHetoullar lam1 iaM llnlnic aliTpruutH HCilreuma suitable for Loth Kala 9r UtrrruNl anil cuaratrrd llltilfil tiltK nr oirra by ua or an iitlif ilo irrtrrrdulkbaaipU of Meni Maukinlnaliea up to I1W m aim Maun io Jliunurt simiaud Over- iiwiuitiuniM njutiu imt vriit iur Hlli HlMrLKIIIMlk So UllKOldJr SEARS ROEBUCK Co line CHICAGO tkara ucctuti to art laarouf lit reliable aiUlor i wl