The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 22, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Wellington Fox is sick with tho
O T Kelly of Plnlnview was a city
visitor yesterday
Mrs G G Young innilo a trip to
KmorBon Sunday
Little Karl Sillier has been sick hut i
now improving
Mrs Kmil Brumniuud is sick ut her
lioaio en First streot
Clin Stnhnko of Wakefield was n
visitor in Norfolk yesterday
Dr E N Sninrtwiisn visitor in the
city yesterday from Mndlson
1 W Williams of Wnyno is to put in
u steam laundry ivt Madison
Lnwrcnco Heckondorf 1ms purchased
u house mid five lots in Kdgowator lnik
Miss Hittio Brausoh rottiriu d Inst
evening from n visit to friends in lown
Miss Kuto Kelly left this morning for
Mt Vernon Iowa to visit her grand
Miss Lucllu Umuiermau has again
necopted a position in Durland Sisters
millinery store
II Winklor and W It Korth left this
morning for Green River Wyoming to
work on the railroad
Dr P II Salter is in Omaha today in
consultation with Dr W S Suninrrs
on au Important ease
S W Bnuingardiior of Alliance ar
rived on tho noon train to visit his sis
ters Mrs W E Spencer and Mrs Geo
Word roaches tho city that Mr W S
Pardounor is very siek with typhoid
fovcr at his homo in Ghiuo California
Ho hnB many friends hero who will hopo
for his speedy recovery
Tobo Richardson is hero from Fuller-
ton to visit his brother-in-law A P
OBauion previous to hi3 departure for
Buffalo Gap S D Mr OBanion and
his wife hopo to leave tomorrow for
their now homo
Tho Speddon Paigo Roportoiro com
pany will bo nt tho Auditorium all of
next week giving standard plays at
popular pricos Manager Spoar says
that tho company comes well recom
mended and it is expected that tho
house will bo filled every night of tho
Peter Bell went to Fullertou this
morning witt the mounted grizzly bear
which had beon recently completed by
his firm The animal was crated and
shipped by express making a rather
cumbersome package During his
absence Mr Bell will visit his sister
Mrs Chas Landers at Genoa
Tilden Citizen Miss Tillio Stanton
has been ill for several weeks and it was
feared that she was afllicted with rapid
consumption Dr Tashjean was called
from Norfolk on Thursday and pro
nounced her to bo suffering from appen
dicitis She is recovering however and
from present indications will not be
compelled to undergo a surgical opera
tion for tho trouble
Sessions Bell are receiving returns
every day from their magnificent suc
cess in mounting tho monster grizzly
bear for Messrs Edgingtou nud Koch of
Fullerton and tho published accounts of
their work Yesterday they received
congratulations from a Fremont man
and inquiry in regard to work and to
day a letter of tho miuiu kind from a
lady at Pino Ridge agency
Levi A Casselman aged 05 years
died last evening at tho home of his
daughter Mrs Mary Kenerson of War
nerville after a sickness of nearly a
year and a half with cancer of tho face
The funeral will be held from tho house
tomorrow at 1 oclock Rev G II Main
of this oity in charge and tho remains
will bo interred in tho Albery cemotry
The deceased for a number of years
lived on tho farm seven miles north
west of Norfolk coming to this county
1 5 years ago
Madi tou Star Drawings nro now
heimr made of the proposed monument
for tho Madison soldiers who gavo up
their lives during the Spainish war mid
it is expected they will bo completed in
time for a meeting of citizens to bo
called in tho early part of next week
F P Prince is taking an active interest
in the matter and it is his plan to form
a soldiers monument association nt a
meeting called by Mayor Horst It is
desired that tho monument bo in place
by Decoratlou day
Tho stereopticon entertainment at tho
Baptist church last eveniug was vory
well attended and greatly enjoyed
Tho stereopticon was under tho manage
ment of E E Adams and ho flushed on
tho scene a series of pictures illustrative
of Bon Hur and giving au oral account
of tho story giving each picture its
proper association with tho famous work
by Gen Low Wallace Tho entertain
ment was for tho benefit of Mrs Hill
Hooker who has been conducting
services hero and were vory satisfactory
Tho Womnus club hold an opou meet
ing last evoning nt the homo of Rer
and Mrs John Julleries of South Nor
folk The evening was devoted to
Spanish musio and a number of flue
selections were rendored A paper on
Spanish musio which hail been prepared
by Mrs Geo X Beels wos reud by Mrs
A J Durland aud Mrs C II Reynolds
also had an interesting paper Tho
meeting was largely attended by mem
bers and friends pt the organization
Ono of tho enjoyments of the evening
was tho refreshments sorved
Ciiliilltlnii r Wilier lmiil
NoiuoiK March 21 Editor Nrws
Believing that it would bo of interest
to the public to know just what
condition tho water fund is in and just
what amount was spent by tho council
In an otTort to strike artesian water also
the cost of tho new well which is a
good one doubling tho citys wator
supply I wish to niako tho following
Btvtetnent which is not for political
purposes as I will not agnin bo a can
didate for tho olllco of water commis
Tho total expenditure in tho
effort for artesian water was flliHtl 17
Cost of now well including
connections and building no 25
Total monies spout in wells 1411 12
At ths timo there was paid out
of tho water fund for the pur
pose of taking up 2000 in
bonds JOIKI 21
Also for new roof on pump
house 181 Kt
Making a total expenditure out
side of running expenses of 70 ill
Now as to the condition of thufund
Tho city clerks books show
that thero arc certificates
of indebtedness outstanding
against tho water fund of 2 12 II
Tho water commissioner under
instructions from tho mayor
and city council lias taken up
and cashed of these certifi
cates 2181 8
Leaving a balanco of certifi
cates actually unpaid 701 75
Thero is now duo the city from
water consumers G 111 2t
Thero nro 000 feet of 8 inch
pipo and about 800 feet of Cl
inch pipe lu tho well which
hns been ordered pulled ind
sold which after covering
expenses of pulling putting
it at a very low estimate will
bo sold for 700 00
Giving tho fund a credit of 12115 2t
After deducting outstanding
indebtedness 751 70
Lenves an actual balance to tho
credit of this fund of 181 17
Respectfully submitted
II H Pattrkson
Water Commissioner
Curo And Trout monk Ol The Sll
Dr Humphreys Specific manual on
tho treatment and curo of tho sick
mailed freoon request Adress Humph
reys Medicine Co Now York
To Cum lii Srlpio In Two Dnyn
Tuko Laxative Bromo CJuiniuo Tublets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to curo 15 W Groves signnturo on
every box SHc
Harriet Torreuce aud Albert W
Toneuco non resident defendants will
tuko notice that on the 12th day of No
vember 1898 Ferdinand Verges plain
till herein filod his petition in tbo
district court of Madison county No
braskaagtiinst Herman GerockoSnrah E
Gereckoand others tho object and prayer
of which nro to foreclose ncei tain contract
executed by tho defendant Herman
Jereeko and the plaintiff for the sale of
following describe promises situated m
the snid county from tho plaintiff to the
defendant Herman Gerecke viz
Commencing at a point fifty five rods
east and two rods north of tho southwest
corner of tho northeast quarter of tho
southwest quarter of section twenty two
in township twenty four notth of range
one west of the sixth principal merid
inn and measuring from thence north
fifteon rods thence west fifteen rods
thence north three rods theuco west
nine rods thenco north twelvo rods
thence east ono rod and twenty two
links thenco north nine rods und thir
teen links thenco eost five rods and
twenty links thenco south twenty eight
degrees and eight minutes east fourteen
rods and two links thenco oast seven
teen rods nud nine and one half links to
tho light of way of tho Fremont Elk
horn Missouri Valley railroad thenco
along Baid riht of way south fifteen
degrees and fifty minutes east twenty
eight rods and two links thenco west
fifteen rods nud ten links to tho plnco of
beginning containing fonr ncres and
thirty five and ono half square rodB
more or los which property was ued
us a brick yard for tho manufacturing
of brick said contract boing dated
Mm oh 20th IBM and providing that
tho said defendant Herman Jerccke
should pay tho plaintiff as purchase
price therofortho sum of 100000 ns fnl
lowHl10000Docomboril18Jj120 00
July 1 1811 1 12000 Decombor 1801
8000 July 1 1805 S10S000 December
ill 1S0 I 4000 July 1 1800 1010 CO
December 51 1890 with interest at tho
rato ox eight per cent annum from date
payable senii anniuilly nnd in default
thoreof said contract ahould be null and
void and palntiiV would bo entitled to
tho posHKfion of paid property that
default has been made in payment of
said suniB of money and thero is now
duo upon said contract tho sum of
lli7r with interest from this dato at
tho rato of eight per cent per annum for
which sum with interest plaintiff prnys
for u decree that the defendants bo
required to pay tamo or that said prem
ises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo
On tho 21st doy of April 1899 plain
tiff filed a surpplonipntitl petition substi
tuting Harriet Torrenco and Albert W
Torrenco ns a parties defendants instead
of Victor K Torrenco tho said Victor
K Torrenco having died nud said parties
being his only heirs at law which facts
at said timo were unknown to plaintiff
aud have since come to his knowledge
the said Victor K Torrenco having
obtained a judgment against tho defend
nut Herman Gerecke of record in said
court and still in force
You ore required to nuswer snid peti
tion on or before the 2ud day of April
Dntcd Februorv 15 1900
Ferdinand Vkkoes
Mis McNealy is on tho siek list
Geo A Brooks of Bnzilo Mills n city
I1 S llnyiH made it business trip to
Pilgor today
S II Alexander of Wayne was n city
visitor yesterday
Perry Franklin of Aurora was it city
visitor yesterday
Mrs Plant of Meadow Grovo was a
city visitor yesterday
Mrs Loohke who has been siek is
reported better
Superintendent I O OConnor was a
visitor to Madison yesterday
Mrs Dun Motenlf went to Madison
this morning to visit friends
Dr W A Leo of Oakdalo is in tho
city visiting his brother Dan
Hev F P Wigton of OmuoihI was
greeting Norfolk friends yesterday
Ed Reynolds and A A Welch of
Wayne were city visitois yesterday
Miss Laura Korkow of Fremont Into
of Chicago trimmer for Miss Bender
arrived in tho city yesterday
Francis 11 Palmer has been selected
in post muster ut lOineiiek this county
Dr P 11 Siltor went to Chirks this
noon to perform an operation on the
wife of a prominent cattle man
Editor U E Foster was hero over
night on his way homo to Pluinviow
from tho fusion convention at Lincoln
S K Warrick and Fred Scheerger of
Ihttlto Creek passed through tho city
yesterday on their way homo from Lin
John Flynn Geo Killen and II
Weinberger have gone to Rocky Ford
Col to work in tho now beet sugar
County Surveyor W II Lowe was a
pnsbenger this morning for Wayne
where ho coos to look after some work
in his line
Mrs Adelaide Phillips of Chicago and
Mrs Agnes ioreeko of this city aro tho
trimmers at Inskeops millinery for the
coming season
Mrs Mao S Wheaton and her son
Jamie came up last evening from
Omnliu for n visit to her parents Mayor
nud Mrs Simpson
Dr Salter of this city and Dr Pringlo
of Pierce performed an operation for
appendicitis on n Pierco patient at tho
sanitarium this morning
Misses Maymio McNeill Florence
Biggs Amelia Wilde Lettn bpuuldiug
and Daisy Hughes have accepted posi
tions at tho Iuskeep millinery storo
Gerry Light Sam Roberts and a
number ot other young men departed
yesterday for Green River Wyoiniug
and RockyLFord Colorado whero they
expect to find employment
James A McDonald says that S WT
True and wifo formerly of this city
started Monday for Spokane Washing
ton whore they expect to uinke their
future home
Tho meeting of the creditors of the
Auditorium at tho office of tho Chicago
Lumber company last evening dd not
result in any satisfaction or agreement
with tho partieB interested
Golfing is to bo introduced at Hast
ings This game is pronounced ono of
great enjoyment nnd conducive to good
health It is suitable for ladieB as well
as gentlemen and Norfolk lovers of sport
should tuko stops toward organizing a
The treasury department at Washing
ton on Monday reported that it would
cost 115000 to erect n government
building in this city tho site for which
has boon secured Congressman Robin
son has a bill pending for 75000 for tho
Mrs T J Morrow went to Omaha
yesterday in response to a telegram
announcing tho illness of her husband
in that city Ho is Buffering from an
attack of pnouniouin His condition
haa not been learned since his wifes
Captnin E H Phelps of Schuyler as
sistant adjutant general of tho Associa
tion of Spanish American War Veterans
has written hero with tho object of
forming a local organization in Norfolk
and it is probablo that an effort to or
ganize will bo miido Major J N Kil
lirn of Columbus is the commander of
tho department of Nebraska
Many persons enn call to mind tho
rhyme beginning Murch the 21st is
spring Today seems to accord with
tho assertion it having oponed up as
beautifully springlike as could bo dosired
with tho exception thnt tho north wind
which has beon blowing for a week past
loft tho weather somowhnt chill It
has ohaugod to tho south now however
and some beautiful weather may bo ex
Robert Bailey was up before tho
police court this morning on the charge
of using abusive hinguugo Ho pleaded
guilty to tho charge and was fined 2
nud costs Tho officers fees were lifter
wnrd remitted The young man wus
engaged in putting up some bilMwards
when Mayor Simp on ordered him to
stop This resulted in a displuy of
temper on BaileyB part nnd ho used
BOino disrespectful nnd obsceiio language
to the mayor aud Chief of Police Wida
man who was present and heard the
language arrested him Bailey claims
that he had authority to proceed with
his work in the written consent of Iho
Warren Heeler claims to have a sure
cure for warts which he hop s everyone
ulllUted with the unbecoming excres
cences may be induced to try lie says
you t ike a bean and rub tho wart with
it then you bury it the bean not the
wnrt under the eaves of the house
Dont tell anyone whero you put It Hy
the time tho bean litis the wart is gone
Warren snys this sounds liken fake hut
It isnt ho tiled it lie docs not say
what would happen should the beau
Implicit to grow ami perhaps some euro
should be exorcised in this regard Be
cause if the bean grows the witrl might
also grow
Attorney General Smyth had post
poned the hearing of the Norfolk freight
rate case before the state houtd of trans
pollution until today but still them is
no evidence of the hoard being in session
here Why cannot the court hiiiry up
with their injunction In prevent the ac
tion of the hoard Heie 1 liny have been
patiently postponing the case fiom day
to day and week In week on the hope
that the court would come to their re
lief with tin injunction while the board
and the people of Norfolk aro becoming
nun o and more tiled If tho court
dixsul soon move it is feared that the
board will have to and hen no one but
the com will be to blame
Mnor N si Im or
Mijor Nathan S Porter died in this
city yesterday and his remains will bo
taken tomorrow morning to Poncn
where they will be laid lu rest beside
those of his further and mother In
the death of Major Porter there passes
away one of the sturdy pioneers of Ne
braska and one who occupied a promi
nent pari in its early hiBtory and devel
opment Ho was born in Chautauqua
county Now York in the year 1812
where he lived until ho was 20 years
old Then with his father he spent
three years in Pennsylvania returning
to Jamestown N Y lu 1857 ho came
west and after a winter spent in Wis
consin with two companions ho located
in Ponea where ho purchased the farm
which ho owned and considered his
homo until the day of his death
Major Porter was it man of more than
ordinary ability and in an early day
when he look an active part in politics
he was known and inspected thiougli
out the whole north part of the state
and when tho history ol Nebraska is
written ho will hu entitled to occupy a
prominent place on its pages lu 1802
he enlisted in the army and helped to
recruit company I of tho First Nebraska
cavalry and was mustered out in tho
fall of I Still Tho following year he wus
elected as a republican to represent Dixon
county in tho territorial legislature In
1850 ho was a member of tho touitorial
senate and helped prepare the state con
stitution which was ratified by tho people
tho following 1 uno He was ro elected
u member of the state senate in 1808
and during the three terms that he
seived the people of tho northern part
of the stato ui their representative in tho
legislature ho did so with honor to him
self and profit to his constituents He
was elected and served two years as in-
Jt X
i Mtmm
Ix Tieiiniircr of Ihn Initeil Sluleb iml now
lres of Hi Omnliu Loan iiml Trust Cu llm
liiiki M iiml inosl iiniinliiiiil uinotlitiix of ci t
a id fiirm Ioiiiih in tin weM ih a mini vim him
won uraltli iiml pKiiniiiiiiti Ihtiiuhi or niilmii
it i hie will iiml until li i uoicrn rniTK
r TssdG
iJila JPwM ft
3 AWwi -1 i JnWrt
i iiiL L v I I i -
IrWwl r
There is a comfortable fedinu that
omes after a bath with Ivory Soap which
is conducive to a good nights rest
COIVMKiHt tntll MV 1MI HOC 1111 fc lAMtllll CO CINCINNATI
specter of the slate penitentiary He
was elected several times to olllco in
Dion county
In 1870 ho was appointed by Piesidenl
Hayes us agent at Iho Port Peck agency
Montana where ho served four years
The work of au Indian ageui y in the
far west during tho e stirring times was
no sinecure but Major Porter succeeded
in keeping his wauls a portion of them
being hostile Sioux from tho uprisings
which were so prevalent in those days
To Major Porter while acting as agent
is given tlo honor of receiving tho sur
render of Silling Bull who it will bo
remembered etcuped across tho line into
tho British possessions after the Custer
massacre When tho old chief found
that ho was being hard piessed here
turned to the United States and gave up
his ritlo to Major Port r and ho weapon
remained au interesting souvenir with
the major the rest of his life While
living at Fort Peek ho lost his wifo and
one child and as soon as Iho lime for
which he bad been appointed had ex
pired he returned disheartened with his
two remaining boys to loncn After
ward ho was appointed by Iho president
as a commissioner to allot lauds to In
dians in tho Indian territory in which
position he served three years
The sail and trying experiuccK which
he was compelled to undergo at the
Indian ugoucy affected the remainder of
his life which has been far from happy
during tho closing years But draw the
veil of charily over Iho misfortunes
which befell him in lute life and re
member him only an a man who was a
hardy pioneer who helped build up
Nebraska who wiih generous to a fault
in his biisinesn dealings with his neigh
bors nud who was a model husband nd
father his devotion to his family 14
iug him to often do lnr more for Iuh
loved ones than his strength nreiiuu
would permit
Clin I of I IiiiiiIih
I desire to thank the many neighbors
and friends who assisted in the care of
my deceased father during his recent
sickness and death and my thanks nro
especially duo to Pel or Fitch and other
former neighbors who so mateiiully
aided iiiinnlciug his last days comfort
able Mauy Kcnkuson
Ivttrr IIhI
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the pot olllco March 10 1900
Mrs Burnett Mr Kdclis G A
Donley Mrs Hanson Sol Ilnrtmaii
Ierthu Ilitshberger Woo O L Iluseh
Matilda Jascoveae Jessie lanes OW
Janes Lillie Johnson Clara Johnson
Carl Labi M L Patterson W j
Hawhouse 2
If not culled for in days will bo
sent to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of tho above
please say advertised
Dr Kays Renovator
tiros Constipation Dyswosia Liver Complaint
Spring Ills and all organic diseases
because it renovates and invigorates the entire system stimulates the liver cleans and
tones up the stomach kidneys and bowels fills your body with rich red blood builds
up stiong healthy flesh and restores to weak and jaded men nud women tho clear
skin bright eye and buoyant stop which mark sound health
As a
of the United States
Heartily Endorses
Americas Greatest Remedies
Dr Kays Itenovator and Dr Kays Lung Balm Few men are better
or more favorably known in both Commercial and Political circles
throughout tho United States than this shrewd financier of Omaha
Neb and it is with his characteristic strength of expression he writes
u II A VING known of some remarkable cures of Omaha people of
II fectod by Dr Kays Henovator and Dr Kays Lung Balm 1 bo
liovo hat these great remedies are worthy of tho confidence of the pub
lic Dr Kays Henovator cured Geo W Hervey who succeeded
Win J Bryan as editor of tho World Herald of au aggravated case of
stomach trouble after ho had sullered untold agony and all other rem
edies and three of the best physicians in Nebraska had failed to help
him He now says months nfterwiu ds that ho neer felt better and
that ho owes his life to this great remedy
and Mood Purifier Dr Kays Henovator has no equal
fnres Pneumonia Pleurisy La Grippe Bronchitis Tonsilitis aud all Throat and Lung
Diseases Piof Edw B Wnrmnn of Chicngo tho noted educator whose articles entitled
Five Minute Lessons in Good Health aro now appearing in tho Ladies Home Journal
writes Dr Kays Lung Balm is tho mildest and most efficacious remedy that I have
4 ever UBed j
For La Grippe Dr Kays Lung Halm has no equal
IW REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Bemedies actually Just as good as Dr Kays Henovator nud
Dr Kays Lung Balm uro not madk or sorn y anyoni anywhkkb If not at drucgists wo will send them by
mall postage paid on receipt of price Dr Knys Henovutor 25c nnd 1 six for f Dr Kays Lung Balm 10
uud 25 cts Write us for kree mkuical advice sample and hook
DR B J KAY MEDICAL CO Saratoga Springs N Y
Sold by Koenigsteins Pharmacy and Kiesau Drug Co