The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 22, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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O 1 Jenkins is nick with tlio rip
11 Hnrkoy wns in tho city yosterdny
from Stanton
A M IMols was a city visitor yester
from Scrlbnor
II A Tnwnoy was In tho city yester
day from Plerco
Stella M Curry of loncn was n city
visitor yesterday
Mrs 1 1 leek of HoskliiR was n city
visitor yesterday
Mrs W Aloxandor iR homo from
Forest City Iowa
1ns Nichols of Mmlison was n Nor
folk visitor yesterday
H K Honscr of Winsido had business
in Norfolk yesterday
S S llnymnuii was u visitor In tho
Knnr city yesterday
Peter Wlklund mado n business viBit
to Stanton yesterday
Miss Anna Ijundiiuist of Hugn Is visit
ing friends in Norfolk
Dr 1 II Salter Is sightly indisposed
and is resting at his homo
It is reported that Mrs II V Kvuns
of South Norfolk is very sick
Supt D 0 OConnor wns u passen
ger for West Point this morning
Dallas Hrunsou has added an elegant
new hack to his livery stnblo equipment
The infant son of Mr and Mrs
Victor Seymour died at thoir homo
in Lincoln Wednesday
I M Norton wont
morning on business
to Gonoii tliis
connected with
ncotylino gas lighting
Tho Elkhorn road has annouucod a
roduotion of grain rates to Chicago tho
tariffs going ito otloot on tho 17th
J D Larnvboo is moving his family
from tho Mason house in Hayes addi
tion to tho Mittelstadt house comer of
Leuth street and Madison avenue
Schonzel Ss Appol proprietors of tho
Palnco meat market luivo received and
placed in position an elegant now and
roomy ico box in which to keep thoir
Tho birthday of August Scluilsr was
colobratod last ovoning at tho homo of
his parouts on North First stroot and a
very ploasant time was enjoyed by
thoso attending
J M Coylo has declined to run on
tho domooratio tickot as candidate for
councilman from tho Third ward O
15 Holahau has boon appointed as tho
candidate in his stead
C D Jenkins of tho Fair storo sold
8000 bushels of corn at Madison Wed
nesday It is understood that ho re
ceived 2S cents per bushel for tho lot
which would moan a consideration of
Joseph Addison tho son of
Mr and Mrs E S Cummins of South
Norfolk died this morning of puou
monift and will bo buried in Prospect
Hill cemetery tomorrow afternoon
llov O II Main will preside at tho
Rev W II llornaday will bo in tho
city nest Sunday and will presido at
two meetings Tho lirst will bo hold at
tho M E church at It oclock in tho af
ternoon and tho other in tho First
Congregational church at S oclock in
tho ovonlng Tho meetings will bo
under tho auspices of tho Anti Saloon
J II Kingman formorly connected
with tho train dispatchers olllco at
South Norfolk is suffering from a sori
ous attack of Brights disease at his new
homo in Kaglo Urovo Iowa Tho
Euightsof Pythias lodgo at that placo is
giving him overy care but at last re
ports thoy entertained slight hopes of
his recovery
W E Alexander has returned from
Omaha Ho has been given a hotter
territory by tho McCord Hrndy com
pany whom ho has been representing
aloug tho Elkhorn liuo His new terri
tory will bo west from Cheyenne Wyo
and ho thinks some of moving his fam
ily to Salt Lnko City Utah
Miss Emma Ziinmer who lias been
employed at tho Oxuard for soma time
past resigned her position yesterday
It is understood that sho will go to tho
homo of her parents near Neligh and
prepare for hor approaching marriage
with Frank Oesterling bur tender at
at tho Oxuard It is said that tho wed
ding will tako pluco at tho homo of the
brides parents on tho 25th instant
A temperature of 10 degrees below
yero is pretty cold spring weather but
that is what tho government thermome
ter indicated last night ThoNorthfork
river is again frozen over with good
prospects for another crop of ico The
meadow lark has not rescinded his
prognostication yet however and his
cheerful voice was heurd struggling
up through the frosty atmosphere this
Superintendent W 11 Haird this
morning received notice of his appoint
ment as local mnnuger of tho Norfolk
beet sugar factory Mr Hnird has for
a nnmber of years efllcieutly seived as
superintendent of tho factory and his
advunceineut is a splendid acknowledge
ment of duty fuithfully performed
The geutlemau has a large number of
friends among those who have associ
ated with him in tho fictory work and
also a large circle of acquaintances in
the city who will unite in congratulat
ing him on bis promotion
An announcement was today made in
tho Hens Lincoln report of supremo
court proceedings as follows It was
announced this afternoon that tho Chi
cago Minneapolis Omaha railroad
would apply for an injunction restrain
ing tho board from any further consid
eration of tho Norfolk rato caso
ThiH Is evidently what tho state hoard
of transportation has boon longing hop
ing and looking for but Inasmuch as
tho injunction has not yet boon granted
tho jHioplo of Norfolk wonder how it can
prevent thoso worthys from setting a
date and hearing their caso
1 niiiniulffliiiiltit CaiiiRrtiM
The olovonth session of tho Trans-
misslsslppi Commercial congress will
bo hoUPJn Houston Texas April 17 21
It is oxpootod that thoro will ho a large
attondanco and that many important
subjects will bo dlscussod Tho 1 luston
Post of tho 12th contains this reference
to Nebraska and tho congress No
state is more profoundly indebted to tho
Transmlssissippi Commercial congress
than is Nebraska and this is especially
true of tho city of Omaha which has to
her credit tho success of ono of the most
beautiful and complete expositions over
given in this or any other country
Tho Nebraska commit loo Is doing boiiio
quiet but thoroughly eilectivo work and
Vice President Henry Meyer a whole
ale grocoryman of Omaha writes that
Nebraska will do herself full credit at
tho Houston mooting which ho fools
certain will bo a thoroughly representa
tive gathering of tho entiro region Ne
braska has always played a prominent
part in thoTrausuiississippi Commercial
congress and has boon honored with
two meetings of tho organization At
Wichita tho stato had n good dolcgatiou
and will havo a larger ono at Houston
Tho oxocutivo committoo M Woil of
Liuooln and W F Hay ward of Chad
rou with tho asslstauco of Nebraska
nowspapors will push tho work from
this time forward
In tho District Court of Madison
County In tho Stato of Nebraska
Lewis II Painter i
Mario E Painter J
Tho defendant Mario E Painter will
tako notice that on tho 22nd day of Feb
ruary 1100 Lewis II Painter plain
tiff horoin filed his petition in tho district
court of Madison county Nebraska
against you tho object and prayer of
wliioh are tor a divorce from tlio bonds
of matrimony from you for tho reason
that prior to tlio first day of September
1807 you willfully deserted tho plain
tiff and for more than two wars last
past you havo been willfully absent
from tho plaintiff without a reasonable
or just cause
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or boforo tho 2nd day of April
You will also tako notico that on tho
20th day or March HK0 between tho
hours of 10 a m and -1 p m at tho
olllco of Footo ifc Soloman Room f01
Kand McNalloy Building in tho city of
Chicago in tho county of Cook and
stato of Illinois tho plaintiff abovo named
will talco tho testimony of Ld Houkamp
a witness in this action to bo used as
ovidonco on tho trial of tho above
entitled causo with authority to
adjourn from day to day until such
deposition shall havo been takon
Attornoy for tho Plaintiff
Xntirn lit Nou lCeHlilmit Dofidnlimtn
John J Farley and Farley wifoof
said John 1 Farley first uamo un
known non resident eefendauts will
tako notico that on tho 27th day of Feb
ruary 1100 D A Oinmerman plaintiff
Herein Hied ins petition in tho district
court of Madison county Nebraska
against the said defendants and Caro
line E Farley tho objeot and prayer of
which aro to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by John J Farley now
leceased to tho plaintiff upon tho south
hnlf of tho southwest quarter of section
thirteen III and tho north half of the
northwest quarter of section twenty
four 2 1 all in township twenty four 21
north rango two 2 west in Madison
county Nebraska to secure tho payment
of a certain promissory uoto dated
July ill 1808 for tho sum of li0000
and duo and payablo in fivo years from
date thereof that thoro is now duo upon
said uoto and mortgage by reason of do
fault in tho payment of interest tho
sum of liSu for which sum with
interest from this date plaintiff prays
tor a oecreo mat tno uoiuuuunts Do re
quired to pay tho same or that said
premises bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho th day of April
Ditul this 28th day of February 1000
By Mqms Huyon Plaintiff
His Attorneys
1 The Thorn Comes Forth
With Point Forward
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body Purify it with
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Kidneys liver and stomach will at
once respond No thorn in this point
Blood Poisoning Tliu surgeon mid
when lie took out brass shell received In
wound ut San Juan Hill two weeks before
that It would have poisoned me If it had
not been or my pure blood 1 told him It
was Hoods frirsupurlllu that made It purp
it oitoi V Coon it Co iath u S Jnf
Washington llarrtiths Waihlnttou D C
Rheumatism - Mystir and n friend
both suffered from severe attacks of rheu
matism Hoods Sursuparlllu cured both
We would not be without It Wm H
LKvrrn U5 Leonard St Kail Hler Mass
Hood Plllt cure llitr lilt lit- lion IrrlUlloic kid
taly cathartic to tajtlth lluoUa sjriilllfc
Joorgo Conley was down from Battle
Creek yesterday
Miss Nina Walker is homo from her
school to spend Sunday
Coo L lies camo in from South Da
kota last evening to visit his family a
few dnys
Miss Bonder returned last ovonlng
from Chicago where sho had been buy
ing goods
Tlio doctors roport tho prevalence of
an unusual amount of sickness in and
near Norfolk
Manager 7 T Sprocher hascomplotcd
tho work of putting in a telephone ex
change at Madison
Mr and Mrs M D Tyler pleasantly
entertained tho West Side whist club at
their homo on Norfolk avenuo last ovon
Old man Filler has been very sick at
his homo on iiruiisch avenuo but last
reports are to tho effect that his health is
improved soinowhat
Wayno 1 lerald Mr and Mrs Nel
son frimsley entertained friends at
thoir homo Friday evening in honor of
Mr and Mrs Hobt Utter of Norfolk
Tho Young Peoples whist club was
entertained last ovonlng by MiBses
Mattio Davenport and Fannio Norton
at tho homo of tho former on North
Ninth street A very pleasant evening
was enjoyed
uan voooks was uu years ot ago yes
terday and last night a largo number of
his friends gathered at his homo in
Edgowator Park to assist him in cele
brating the event Everybody enjoyed
a happy evening and an abundance of
choice refreshments were served
Tho citizens of Moadow Grovo havo
raised 500 to bo used in fighting the
caso commenced to do away with that
town as an incorporated village Thoy
aro of tho opiuion that lawyers must
live and propoao to contributo thoir
share to tho support of tho profession
This is St Patricks dy and tho sous
of tho Emerald Isle and many who are
not soiis have boon decorated in bril
liant green marks of somo sort during
tho day The weather continues to
wear a wiutorish chill that keeps Mother
Nature from putting on a patriotic tint
Herman A Schorcggo father of E J
Schoroggo of this city died at his home
in Wakefield yesterday and will bo
buried horo tomorrow at 1 p m Inter
niont will tako placo in Prospect Hill
cemotory Tho deceased was in tlio 7id
year of his age having been born in
Germany July 17 1820
Frank Oesterling and Miss Emma
Zimmer havo changed their minds
concerning tho dato of thoir marriage
and havo gone to tho homo of tlio brides
parents near Neligh where thoy will be
married tomorrow Mr and Mrs John
Oesterling will go to Neligh tonight to
be present at the ceremony
It appears that the suggestion of Tin
NitWh in regard to a Fourth of July
celebration was none too early in order
to bo in on tho grouud floor Tho firo
department nud Grand Army post of
f Newman Grove havo already taken tho
flrststops toward preparing for a big
celebration and a correspondence com
mittee lias been appointed to inform
surrounding towns of the intention
of that village
Copies of the Trans Missouri Bail
way Guide published in Omaha havo
been received at this ofllce It contains
tho olllcial time cards of all lines of
railway west of tho Missouri river in
Nebraska Kansas and tlio Dakotas as
well as a number of tho lines operating
iu Iowa and affording connections with
tho east Tho publication is a valuable
ouo to thoso who travel a great deal
It is published each month by tho
Trans Missouri Otllcial Railway Guido
Co at 1510 Farnani street
a P Oliauion lias resigned his posi
tion in tho Fair store and will leave the
first of tho week for Buffalo Gap South
Dakota where ho will tako cliargo of a
ranch for his brothor and his brothers
partner and will move his family there
Chas Toler has accopted tho position in
tho Fair storo nindo vacant by tho resig
nation of Mr OBunion Bert and his
wife havo a largo circle of friends in
Norfolk who will bo sorry that ho is
compelled to remove from Norfolk but
will wish him much success in his new
A deal was consuinmatul yesterday
whereby B Meyers who has for somo
timo time past been operating a grocery
storo iu tho east part of the city gains
possession of tho Bix grocery business
Ho will open up to the public next Sat
urday It is understood that bo will
continue to operate the storo east of
Schorregges It is has been said that
Mr Box will engigoin agriculture Mr
Box has a large number of friends
among his customers who will bo sorry
to learn that ho has Eold out and will
probably continue to give a sharo of
their trade tojhis former place of busi
ness under tho management of Mr
Stanton Picket Stanton needs moro
houses to rent Notwithstanding tlio
fact that several new houses aro being
built overy year tho supply is not equal
to the demand Every building that
offers shelter and protection from tho
elements is occupied and as soon as it
becomes known that a house is to hi
vacated by tho removal or relocating of
the occupants there ure a number of ap
plicants for tho placo This saino con
dition is said to prevail over tho whole
of northeast Nebraska wliioh proves
conclusively thnt tho tldo of immigra
tion is flowing in this direction and
thoro is no good reason why it should
not No section of country anywhere
hns hotter inducements to offer thoso
willing to labor as men ami women
Ahliuan Brothers own tho first chain
less safoty bioyclo over mado in Norfolk
It is strictly a homo product all but
tho gear saddlo and other fixings The
gearing is of tho latest mako and cost
25 This was received night boforo
last nud yesterday morning work on tho
wheel was commenced In tho ovonlng
tho work was dono and Mr Ahliuan
rodo tho completed machine homo to
supper Tho frame was not finished
by the enameling process but was loft
in tho rough as thero aro a few skoptics
who refuse to bolicvo that n bicycle and
especially a chainkss bioyclo could be
made in Norfolk Owing to tho patents
on tho gearing a chaiuless wheel cannot
he made ub cheaply as tho old Htylo but
Mr Ahliuan thinks ho can build one for
between 0T and 75
IimiiiilMHloncr 1rniity ttmidors u DecUlon
In h Cum Stmlliir to That of Norfolk
Commissioner Prouty of tho interstate
commerce commission on the l ith ren
dered a decision on a freight caso iu which
Danvillo Illinois was interested against
tho Southern railway company which
boars such a striking similarity to tho
Norfolk caso presented to hiin that it
fills tho honrts of Norfolk pooplo with
hope Tho following is quoted from
tho Bcos report of tho caso from Wash
ington Tho decision is ono holding
thnt the system of rato niukiug into
southern territory under which on
traffic from St Louis Chicago and
other points tho rates to Danvillo are
tho sums of locals to and from tho Ohio
river audtho rates to Lynchburg are
made on a much lower joint rate basis
is utterly unreasonable If tho carriers
desire to make rates iu that manuor tho
commission decides they must so adjust
thoir charges as not to annihilate tho
city of Danville It is held that rates to
Danvillo must bo adjusted with relation
to rates to competitive localities lik
Lynchburg and tho carriers from tho
point ot origin to destinatiou should
prorate iu thoso rates if thoy participate
in either Lynchburg or Danvillo busi
Under all the circumstances and con
ditions freight rates from northern and
eastoru cities from western points of
shipment and from New Orleans to
Lynchburg may properly bo somewhat
lower than thoso to Danvillo but tho
present rates to Danvillo ns compared
with thoso to Lynchburg aro declared
excessivo Tho rates from northern and
eastern cities to Danvillo and those
from New Orleans to Danvillo on sugar
molasses nco and colleo should not ex
coed those to Lynchburg by moro than
10 per cent The rates between Dan
villo and the west including the rato on
tobacco to Louisville tho opinion says
should not exceed thoso between Lynch
burg and tho west by moro than 15 per
The case is held open to await read
justment of rates by the companies
Wantfd Several bright and honest
persons to represent us as managers in
this and close counties Salary KX a
year and expenses Straight bona fido
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly oflico work con
ducted at homo References Enclosed
self- nddressed stampod envelope The
Dominion Company Doptit Chicago
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for largo house salary 05
monthly uud expenses with increaso
position permanent enclose
stamped envelope MNAiiit
a10 faxtou bldg Chicago
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist
WTPf W MIVrTj ii
i I
The PUcovercr of Swamp Root ct work In
Oil Laboratory
There Is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive Many sudden deaths are caused by
it heart disease pneumonia heart failure
or apoplexy are often llie result of kidney
disease If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad
vance the kidncy polsoncd blood will attack
the vital organs or the kidneys themselves
break down and wasle away cell by cell
Then the rlchuewof the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Brights
Disease the worst form of kidney trouble
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the new dis
covery is the true specific for kidney bladder
and urinary troubles It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases after all other
efforts have ailed At druggists In fifty cent
and dollar sizes A sample bottle sent free
by mall also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures Address
Dr Kilmer Co Blnghamton N Y and
mention this paper
W II Lawyer of Belden was in Nor
folk Snndny
Sheriff Geo W Losey was in from
Madison today
Judge H D Kelly was a visitor in
Stanton yesterday
J E Cooper of Oakdalo was a Nor
folk visitor Sunday
W II Watorman of Wnnsa wns a
city visitor Saturday
Mr Bagley of Croighton was a vis
itor in Norfolk Saturday
Jas Itosoborough of Tildou was a
Sunday visitor in Norfolk
J J Hughes of Battlo Creek was a
Sunday visitor in Norfolk
Albert and Martha Fricko of Madison
were city visitors Saturday
E G Heilmnn ox county clerk is in
the city today from Madison
County Superintendent C W Cruni
was a Sunday visitor in Norfolk
Mr and Mrs Stewart of Emerick
visited friends in Norfolk over Sunday
Arthur Pilger was hero from Mndison
over Suuday visiting homo folks and
Mrs C S A Bnrgelt is quite sick with
tho grip at tho homo of hor daughter
Mrs O S Hayes
Tho birthday of Ernest Bailor was cel
ebrated with a party Saturday evening
at his home on Fifth street
W P OBrien J it Brown nnd
ltobort Bitnoy of Aiusworth woro Nor
folk visitors yestorday
Rev G Stroicher lias gouo to Milford
to attend tho annual conforenco of tho
German Evangelical church
Hal Voght has resigned his position
at Pohlmaus barber shop and accepted
a situation with W O Hall
Mrs S S Montgomery and daughter
passed through the city yesterday on
their way from Chadron to Omaha
Wilber F Bryaut of Hartingtou and
Phil II Kohl of Wayne were in the
city Saturday night onroute to Liucolu
Deputy Grand Master Workman F
F Millor of the A O U W visited
Norfolk relatives and friends over Sun
W H Johnson is homo from his trip
to Now York and other eastern cities in
tho interests of the Johnson Dry Goods
Tho Norfolk orchestra will go to
Plainview Wednesday to furnish music
for a Knights of Pythias ball and
Mrs G W Kibbey who has been
visiting nt the homo of M C Walkor
returned this morning to hor home near
Some of tho delegates from Norfolk
to tho fusion stato convention departed
for Lincoln yestorday and others went
down today
Mr and Mrs W D Lovett who have
been visitiug at tho homes of S It
McFarlaud and M E Slawter havo re
turned to Stanton
It is reported that J G Troutmau is
very sick at a hospital in Chicago His
Norfolk friends will hope that his con
dition may not be as serious as reported
Tho trains for tho east yestorday were
well crowded with delegates enroute to
Lincoln to attend the state fusion con
vention whilo delegations from differ
ent towns in north Nebraska came to
Norfolk to make connections
The Wayno delegation to the fusion
couvoutiou at Lincoln was iu tho city
yestorday enronto to tho capital
Among them were Messrs Phil Kohl
Dennis Sullivan W M Wright Henry
Ley and Albert Berry
II E Holt departed on tho noon traiu
for Omaha to visit his sou 13d and
from thoro will go on a trip to California
Oregon and other coast points Ho will
visit his daughter Mrs Doll Barnes
at Ashland Oregon during his abscuco
Tho Omaha Illustrated Buo of Yester
day contained a very lino hulf tono full
page cut of Henry T Oxnnrd president
of the American Beet Sugar association
it also contained four flno views of the
Norfolk factory both insido nnd out
side tho photographs having been taken
by I M Macy
Morrisons Faust hns boon booked
for tho Auditorium on April 0 and Sol
Smith Russells A Poor Rolation for
April It is promised by Maungor
Beall of Sioux City that both Uiobo at
tractions aro ubovo tho averaLo and
that Norfolk theatre goers will mako no
mistake in patronizing thorn
Mr and Mrs S K Daxtor arrived in
tho city Saturday ovening and will
remain a fow days whilo ho looks after
his cold storago business Thoy camo
in from Califomin where thoy havo
been spending tho greater portion of tho
winter and when thoy leave hero will
go to their homo iu Lowell Mass
Old Boreas seems to havo a firm grip
on tho weather having been iu un
disputed control for almost a week
Last evening tho wind almost subsided
but boforo morning it was blowing n
regular gale Spring begins tomorrow
morning at bS and tho equinoctial
storms may bu expected to modernto
within tho coining few days
It was reported that J II Kingman
f rmerJy of this city now at Eaclo
Grove lown was dead A dispatch
received at tho train dispatchers office
this morning however puts a very
differo it lijht on the matter It stated
thnt Mr Kingman is gotting along
nicely and oxpects to bo out in about a
weok This will bo wolcomu intolligonco
to his many frionds in Norfolk follow
ing so closely upon tho former unwol
como intelligence
Tho body of Hominii A Schoroggo
fathor of E J Schoreggo of this city
was laid to rest yosterday in Prospect
Hill cemotory Rev G II Muin of tho
M E church presiding nt tho gravo
Thoro woro prosont toaltoud tho funeral
tho wifo of tho deceased from Wakofield
Louis Schoreggo from Wakefiold and
Julius Schoreggo from Sioux Falls S
D sous of tho deceased and Mrs J
Bohui a duughtor from Sioux City
Mrs Hill Hooker nntlonal evangelist
of tho W C T U closed a very suc
cessful series of revival meotings at tho
Baptist church last evening nud will
loavo tho city tomorrow for other fields
of labor Tho meeting last night was
especially interesting nud was attonded
by a largo audinco In tho neighbor
hood of 50 conversions woro mado dur
ing hor stay iu tho ctiy audanothor class
of them will bo baptized Wednesday
night An eutertainmout will bo given
at tho Baptist church tonight for Mrs
Bookors benefit
Mrs E E Mitchell of Osceoln Iowa
is opouing up a comploto lino of now
millinery iu tho storo room next door
oast of G M Thompsons grocory lntoly
vacated by S Kothledgo Mrs Mitchell
arrived in tho city with her goods last
week and expects hor daughter hero to
day Tho goods were purchased at Des
Moines lown and a trimmer was also
secured nt that city Tho proprietor
hopes to open tho storo to tho publio
next Wednesday For tho prosont Mrs
Mitchell and her family will have liv
ing rooms iu tho back part of tho storo
O F W Marquardt reports a provok
ing case of vandalism nt his vacant
houso on West Norfolit avenue Somo
persons without regard to propriety or
law outered his house tore down ban
isters ripped up registers mutilated
tho furnace and performed other nets of
a despicable nature Ho promises to
mako things decidedly interesting to tho
guilty parties providing ho can lay hands
ou them Such work is an outrage ou
common decency and measures should
be takeu to provout lawlessness of like
character in future
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for largo house salary 05
monthly and oxpenses with increase
position permanent encloso
stamped euvolope Manaoku
I0 Caxton bldg Chicago
of Hest Varieties ut Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in lnrno eupply Millions of Btiawborry
IilnntH very thrifty nnd woll rootcil iotllio
iikht nnar homo and savo froight or oxproto
Send for prico list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bend Viigc County Ner
Clean and timillfnB tho hill
lromotci a luxuriant pronlh
NrvDr Fallo to llcutoro Orny
llnlr to Uh Youthful Color
Cum train lipraic U hslr lalllDg
ajcBiil gl ixict DnifglU
Do you lake cold with
every cJiango In the
weather Docs your throat
feel raw And do sharp
pains dcrt through your
Dont you know these are
danger signals which point
to pneumonia bronchitis or
consumption itself
If you are citing and have
lost flesh lately they are
certainly danger signals The
question for you to decide Is
Have I the vitality to throw
off these diseases
Dont wait to try SCOTTS
EMULSION as a last re
sort There Is no remedy
equal to It for fortifying the
fystem Prevention is easy
yV 4 m
rrYrl 7c
prevents consumption and
li jits of other diseases which
attack the weak and thoie
with poor blood
thj one standard remedy for
inflamed throats and lungs
for colds bronchitis and con
sumption It is a food medi
cine of remarkable power A
food because It nourishes the
body and a medicine be
cause it corrects diseased
5oc and fioo all drugglsti
IWNE Chemist
New York