The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 15, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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r o s
llnyes Ib in Petersburg on
Dr Clyde Wlntorburn of Wnyno in In
ho city
Kd Best of Stnliton was n city visitor
Judgo Powers mndo ft IniHliiPKB trip to
JPierco today
11 1 Miller of Stnnton was In Nor
folk yesterday
11 W Ablfl wns in tho city ypfltorday
from ColuuiliiiH
Kd HoynoldH wtiR city visitor yoster
day from Wayne
V J Bnnni wna In town yoBterdny
from Rising Olty
H 11 Horblson of Madison was In
tho city yesterday
Mrs 11 0 Coroll who has boon qulto
ill is roportud butter
v O A Hnrshmnn or South Norfolk Is
reported on tho slok list
Dr P 11 Suitor had profoBslotml busi
ness in Wnyno yesterday
E K Valentino was n city visitor
yesterday from West Point
Henry Nelson of Fremont is transact
ing business in tho city today
Horn yestorday morning to Mr mid
Mrs Lester Parker a 10 pound
A A Kearney and E 1 Newman of
Stanton woro in town yeBtorday
Miss Olara MoFarlnud was n visitor
In Norfolk vostorday from Stanton
Mrs Hobort Utter coutomplntos n trip
to Wnyno tomorrow to visit relatives
Jlev D Mnrquott and wife of Stauton
nro iu tho city tho guests of Dr SIbsoii
Mrs StoinkrauB and Miss Ruolow of
Piorco woro shopping in Norfolk yestor
A Blosslug mid a Ourso is tho sub
ject for disouBsion at tho BaptlBt oliuroh
J A MorriB nud L R Pritchard of
Jttoadow Grovo woro city visitors yestor
Mrs Wm Young and Miss Idollo 11
Taylor of Buttlo Crook woro in Norfolk
John M Cotton of Dos Moiuos Iowa
was traiiBncting busiuoss iu Norfolk
E E Adams has rotnruod from
JBooniorwhero ho gavosomostorooptlcon
Mr and Mrs 0 E Greou havo
moved into ouo of tho Foster houses on
South Elovouth street
Ernest Sohulz who recently undor
went an oporation for tho romoval of
lih jaw bono ia nblo to bo out
Mrs Agnes Leo is roportod quite sick
at tho homo of hor parents Mr and F
ll Gruonwald on South Third Btroot
A rocoption will bo given this evoniug
at tho Mothodist ohnroh for tho now
mombors All membors nud friends are
Tho Bonder Milliuory store wost of
Puoslers grocery is being thoroughly
Teuovated and placod in Bhapo for tho
coming season
John Mellon of Omaha traveling
passenger agont of tho Chicago
railway company wus in tho
city today on business connected with
his road
O M Wright formerly night operator
at South Norfolk was iu tho city yestor
day onrouto to Fort Robinson on a visit
JIo 1b now conductor on a street car iu
Tho 12 littlo glrla who woro enter-
tainod by Mrs John R Hays yesterday
in honor of Dorothy Salters Tth birth-
day woro invited to como and bring
tholr bcht dollies They enjoyed tho
occasion very thoroughly
Mr and Mrs E W StovonB were
passengers for Missouri Valloy yester
day whero Mr Stevens will take tho
examinations providod by tho F E
M V company for ougineors and other
employes of the road
Captain Beeler and wlfo who aro on
their way from Hot Springs Ark to
their homo iu Gordon have boon visit
ing with Captain and Mrs II O Ma
tron Tho two gentlemen woro mem
bers of the same regiment during tho
civil war
In tho flro wliioh destroyed 10 build
ings at Leed S D yesterday moruiug
tho jewelry house of 0 S Bargelt for
merly with O S Hayes of this city was
destroyed His relatives and frieuds do
not yet know what Iub loss wus It is
possible that n portion of his stock was
Tho sheeting for the roof has been
placed on tho new Catholic church and
it will now bo but a short time until the
building is enclosed Tho uow ediiice
is assuming more handsome proportions
each day and will bo one of which not
only the parishiouers but the entire
people of the city can well be proud
A dispatch to the Beo from Fremont
states that John W Sohadt of that city
has succeeded iu making syrup from
sugar beets which he thinks will prove
a strong competitor with cane and other
syrups and molasses for cooking pur
poses It is of about the same consist
ency and a little darker iu color than
the best grade of New Orleans molasses
and contains no granulated sugar in
Yesterday morning Frank Eble was
currying Eome of the kinks and dust out
of tho fur of tho grizzly boar mounted
by Sessions it Hull using a horso brush
in tho operation whon some member of
tho crowd gathered naked whoro tho
animal was killed A mllo north of
lladar said Frank with n promptness
and npparont slneority that would bo
convincing to anyone who didnt know
him Tho knowing ones mulled audibly
and Frank continued his dexterous
wielding of tho brush
A Now tiuliiRtrv
Norfolk Is to havo n now ontorpriso
or ono wliioh haa boon but jmrtlally
represented for a number of years It
is u marblo and Rtono ontting works
Tho Alderman Granito and Marblo
oompnny has rontod tho west storo room
of tho Elsely block and In now receiving
n largo iuvoico of stono audmomimeutB
F 11 Aldorman tho proprietor has
dono a largo amount of business through
this Hootiou of tho stale for Bovoral
years past nud has docided to movo into
the territory where ho can bo in closer
touch with ids trado lleretoforo hu
has handlod all of bin bushics1 from
West Point and whllo ho will still
maintain a business thoro tho main
bnsiuoPB will bo dono from Norfolk
Tho front of tho building will bo used
for a display or wnro room and a par
tition will bo used to Roparato it from
tho stono uutting department iu tho
roar Tho firm has put iu a largo num
ber of tho haudsomo monuments iu
ProBpoot Hill comotcry and a- largo
number havo also boon placed in tho
cometorios at towns tributary to Nor
folk Yestorday Mr Aldorman was
down to Albion nud sold Governor
Poyntor a fine mouumont to bo erected
over tho gravo of his fathor Mr
Alderman is an energetic busiuosa man
and should recoivo a cordial wolcomo to
Norfolk Ho has boon engaged in tho
marblo busuiOBS bIiico 18811 and contem
plates going into it on n moro oxtonslvo
scalo than over buying Btono in larger
quantities mid direct from tho quarries
Kiijoy Tlicinnelvoii
Tho railway employes of no distant
oity havo their own ideas iii regard to
tho olllcinls who occasionally inspect
thoir work A by Btundor remnrkod
that tiieso olllcials must onjoy thorn
selves riding around in thoir privato
Yes thoy do romarked nn employo
whon thoy fool good
And whon tho dont feel good
chipped iu anothor omployo thoy aro
raiBiug Cain with ns
Wanted Sovoral bright and honest
persous toroprosont ns as maungors in
this and closo counties Salary 900 a
year and expenses Straight bona fldo
no moro no loss salary Position per
manent Our roforoucoB any bank in
any town It is mninly ofllco woik con
ducted at homo Roferonces Enclosed
addressed stamped onvolopo The
Dominion Company Dopt 51 Chicago
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for largo house salary 0C
monthly aud oxpouBos with incroaso
position permanent enclose
stamped onvolopo Manaqek
C0 Oixtou bldg Chicago
Notice to Nuu KuHliluut Uufuiitluntii
John J Farloy and Farley wife of
Bald Joliu J lvarloy llrst namo un
known non resident cofeudauts will
talco notico that on tho 27th day of Feb
ruary 1100 D A Ommerman plaintiff
horoiu tiled hia petition iu the district
court of Madisou county Nebraska
against tho said defendants nud Caro
line E Farloy tho objeot and prayer of
wliioh aro to foreclose a cortaiu mort
gage executed by John J Farloy uow
deceased to tho plaintitf npou the bouth
half of tho southwest quarter of section
thirteen 1 and tho north half of tho
northwest quarter of seotiou twouty
four 21 all iu township twenty four 24
north rauno two 2 woBt in Madison
county Nebraska to secure the payment
of a certain promissory uoto dated
July HO 1898 for tho sum of 10000
mid duo and payable iu live years from
dato thereof that thoro is now due npou
said note and mortgago by reason of do
fault in tho payment of iuterest the
humof 1130870 for wliioh sum with
iutorest from this date plaintiff prays
for a deoreo that tho dofoudunts be re
quired to pay tho samo or that said
promises be sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho Oth day of April
Dited this 28th day of February 1100
D A Ommkkman
By Map is Hazou PlaiutitV
His Attorneys
Great Haste is Not
Always Good Speed
iMany people trust to luck
to pull them through and are
often disappointed Do not
dilly dally in matters of
health With it you can
accomplish miracles With
out it you are no good
Keep the liver kidneys bowels nnd
blood healthy by the use of Hoods Sar
eaparilla the faultless blood purifier
Dyspepsia- I know a positive relief
or tlytcjsiu unit tlmt Is hoods Sarsajm
rllla It cured inc My neuralgia ulto
stopped W II lUimwN 101 Oak Street
lilnuliamton New York
Tired Feeling -My appetite was
capricious my liver tlltorclerrd nnd I was
tired Hoods Sarraparilla relieved It all
It cured a friend of mine of female weak
ness MhsJessik A Meakns Clayton Del
Hood ttlli cur liver Uli tlie uon Irritating and
only cathartic to tuk Willi HckhIj Saitgyarllla
Ceo Davis is able to bo up
Miss Julia Stafford has gonotoOmahn
to visit
IM Farloy of Bnncroft was in Norfolk
E U Hubs was in tho city yesterday
from Piorco
Goo Harnett of Harvard wasn Nor
folk visitor yesterday
MIhh Margarot Carr of Piorco is a vis
itor iu Norfolk today
Mrs G M Sohott of Stanton was n
city visitor yestorday
Miss Winnie Hartley of Madison is in
tho city to visit friends
Mrs W E Powers and sou Chris aro
in tho city from Piorco
P M Moodio wiw n olty visitor yes
terday from West Point
Miss Erynn haa gono to Oakland to
visit frionds ovor Sunday
Mrs Heitman has returned from n
visit to frionds iu Battle Crook
Geo Walters is in tho city from
Omaha visiting with his family
Robert Ncsbit nud son of Onkdnlo
wero Norfolk visitors yesterday
John Schramm and sons havo gono to
Chicago to visit a couple of wooks
Mrs August Euro has gono to Sioux
Oity to viBit friends a couple of weeks
Mra E A Bullock wont to Sioux
City today to visit her husband ovor
Mrs O J Hibbon nnd Mrs James
Collins of South Norfolk hnvo gono to
Long Pluo to visit frionds
II N Pollock today movod his family
to Omaha whero ho has n position with
tho Pacific express company
Mrs Hallot McCormlck visited with
her sister Mrs Ohas McDonnld of
Piorco Bovoral days thiB weok
Edith daughter of Mr and Mrs L
P Halo of tho union depot has been
quito sick for tho past fow days
Frank Johnson went to Omaha this
morning whero he may enter tho serv
ice of a largo furniture and carpet
Tho pooplo of Columbus are flattering
thomsolvoB thnt they aro in a fair way
to secure a Tripler liquid air plant dur
ing tho coming summer
Otto Buoholz and Miss Ida Millnitz of
Plainviow nro to bo married next Wed
nesday Tho is n nieco of
Chas Biersdorf of this city
Tho Household Ecouomio department
of tho Norfolk Womnns club will meet
on Monday March 12 with Mrs F G
Coryell on North Tenth street
The republican county central com
mittoo is holding a mooting today at
Battle Creek for tho purposo of fixing
timo and placo for tho county conven
Missos Edith nud Nellie Morrow
ontortaiued a party of their young
friends at thoir homo on tho Heights
last evening at cards dancing and re
The Moadow Grovo village trustees
havo passed an ordinance making it n
misdemeanor for any person to sell or
givo away any commodity other than
sorviug meals or lunches on Sunday ex
cept in cases of sickness or death
Battle Croek Republican J F Red
man that noted populiBt of Valloy pre
cinct removed with his family to Nor
folk tho first of the week where they
will make tholr futuro home Peter
Morrison will farm tho Redman place
this year
R H Roynolds has receivod instruc
tions to proceed with tho work of finish
ing up tho wallB aud roof of tho Audi
torium and expects to commence work
Monday Pooplo will be glad to learn
that tho building will not inuch longer
remain in its present unfinished condi
Madison is confronted by a scarcity of
empty houses buitablo for renters Tho
samo condition prevnils in Norfolk
and perhaps every other town iu north
Nebraska It is everywhere apparent
that peoplo aro coming to this section of
tho country to mako their homes nnd
tnko ndvnutage of its excellent oppor
Robbers entered a hardware storo at
Piorce last night and relieved tho estab
lishmeut of considerable valuable prop
erty They also entered n saloon but
were not highly rewarded for their ef
forts Tho ofllcera hero nro keoplug nu
eyo out for any suspicious characters or
circumstances that will lead to tho ar
rest of tho thieves
Mrs Ohas Harding weut to Omaha
today whoro Mr Harding has a house
in readiness nnd whero they will mnko
their home in future Tho childrou
will remain hero n few days with thoir
grandmother Mrs McMillan Norfojk
is sorry to lose tho familyand best wishes
of many friends will accompany theui to
their new home coupled with the hopo
that Mr Hardiug will mako a succebs of
his now creamery venture in tho me
B P Cnmpbell nnd Wilson Cook got
iuto nu argument iu the rear of one of
the saloons yostorday afternoon and
were arrested on tho charge of disturbing
tho pence Cook appeared lwfore tho
police court and contributed 10 to the
support of tho city Campbell wns too
much intoxicated yesterday to appear
and was kept in the city jail ovor night
This morning he was given some medi
cine to stonily his badly shattered nerves
and nppenrcd boforo courtwhcro ho was
givou n lino nud coats amounting to 10
Having no money ho wroto forsomo nnd
is still under control of tho court
Tho Wost Sido Whist club mot with
Mr nnd Mrs E P Wonthcrby Inst
ovouiug Tho members woro Invited to
attend in costumo nnd tho outfits worn
by thoso prosontgavo ono tho Impression
thnt timo lind turned backward n fow
hundred years and thnt nucient history
wna bolng roviowod in living example
Tho unlquo nnd Bomotlmeg rather gaudy
nttiro of tho nssemblngo furnished tho
foundation for a groat amount of fun
Dr H 0 Horring pnstor of tho First
Con grcgationnl church of Omnhn will
preach in tho First Congregational
church this city tomorrow morning nt
10 15 and in tho evoniug nt 7 80 in tho
Second Congrogntiounl ohnroh nt South
Norfolk Tomorrow is tho dny dovotod
to tho homo missionary rally by tho
First Congregational ohurch nud Dr H
BrosBof Lincoln stnto superintendent
of missions will bo hero Mrs Bross
Mill also bo hero
W II Wigton writes The News
from Omnhn that ho oxpocts to bo in
Norfolk tho lnttor part of tho weok
when ho hopes to bo in position to make
doflnito propositions for settlement of
tho claims ngaiuat tho Auditorium It
ia certainly to bo hoped that a satisfac
tory sottlomctit of tho troubles now
existing may bo brought about Tho
pooplo of Norfolk havo tho kindest
feelings for tho young men who put up
a lino opera houso for this town aud on
every sido tho hopo is expressed that
thoy may bo adjust their nfinirs as to
reap tho reword of their enterprise
Tho city has purchased tho building
on Dorsoy Placo ndditiou built by Gene
Stevens for a paint or carpontor shop
nnd the snmo will be movod to tho oity
lot on Ninth street south of tho Episco
pnl church whero it will bo fitted up
nud used for a hose houso for the West
Sido team Tho building has double
doors nnd will require but little fitting
up to bo in rendinoss for tho purpose for
which it is intended It is understood
thnt tho price paid for it wns 75 nnd
thnt it will require tho expenditure of
2fi to movo it to its new location This
nppenrs to bo a very reasonable price for
a hose houso as compared with the prop
osition made at tho last council mooting
Tho Tenuysou club held u most
thoroughly enjoyable meeting at tho
homo of A J Durland in tho Heights
Tiio feature of tho evening was a charm
ing parlor talk on In Memoriam by
Professor Fofller instructor in Gormau
at tho stnto university Tho club has
studied In Momoriam during the
winter and tho professor camo nt the
earnest solicitation of the membership
His talk was exceedingly interesting
nnd was given from tho standpoint of
ono who had made the nnthor nnd his
works n deep study Prof Foiller ia an
old classmate of Mrs Durland and it
was largely through her efforts while
visiting in Lincoln this winter that the
intellectual treat to the members ami
their guests wus secured In addition
to tno address by tho professor the
company was treated to some Tennyson
musio by a quartet Refreshments
wero served during tho evening and a
good social time was enjoyed The
club membership numbers 20 aud each
wos permitted to invito n friend so thnt
with members nnd guests there were
nbout 50 persons present
Statement or tho Object and Itirposes or
the Good Government Club
At a meeting of the Good Govern
ment club held Thursday evening tho
following statement of its purposes was
lorniuintea nnd tno request made that
it bo published in local papers
Whereas It has been asked What
ia tho object purposo aud iutout of tho
Non Partisan Good Goverumeut club
Therefore we wish to state to tho tax
payers voters and public gonerally that
Whereas Our city finances are in a
bad condition nnd that exponditurea are
in excess or receipts tuns running our
city iu debt Wo nsk for a system of
economy and retrenchment in the fluan
cial administration of municipnl affairs
Kuuiuiiiy iiuu particularly in tno fol
lowing f
1st That tho police station now
maintained be abolished
2nd Believing thnt the nmount paid
ns sniaries iu operating our waterworks
system is excessive especially the salary
paid tho water commissioner that
either tho office should bo abolished or
tho pay reduced to au amount equiva
lent to service required
ilrd That tho exponso of lighting tho
city be investigated and if found exces
sive bo reduced
For tho best moral iuterest of the city
we further demand
1st That minors bo prohibited from
loitering iu tho saloons
2nd Tlmt tho baloons Iks prohibited
from maintaining what aro commonly
called wiuo roouiB
Ilrd That the saloons bo required to
ob ervo tho law respecting night nud
Sunday closing
4th That tho saloone bo reqnired to
keep the windows nnd doors of their
places of buBineFB unobstructed
5th That whenovernny person keep
ing a saloon and selling intoxlratinc
tho city of Norfolk such persons license
shall be nt ouco revoked
tth That gamblinsr be suppressed
The members of the Nop Partisan
Good Government club Ftand readv to
J C Unss of Wausa is in tho Sugar
T Ohilvcrs is a city visitor from
0 M Wright departed last night for
Dr Lucy W Gardner is a city visitor
from Lincoln
B F Swan of Wayne was a city vis
itor Saturday
S O Campbell of Madison is a visitor
in tho city today
Miss Eva Dolcn ia vlfliting friends nt
Tllden and Onkdnlo
Mr nud Mrs F J Halo of Battlo
Creek aro city visitors today
Mr nnd Mrs H L Johnson of Stnu
ton wero city visitors yestordny
J L Wntson nnd Joo Chnda of West
Point woro Sunday visitors in tho oity
John Friday has returned from Iub
visit to Wisconsin whoro ho has been
for Bovoral weeks
Dr G A McKim departed last night
for tho western pnrt of tho stato on
votorinary business
Mr and Mrs J J McFarland of
Stnnton visited at tho homo of S R
McFarlnnd yesterdny
Mr and Mrs W II Butterfiold and
Miss Ada Buttorfield woro pnsscngers
this moruiug for Omaha
Mrs E W Kibboy of Plainviow is
visiting her sister Mrs H II Simons
nt tho homo of M 0 Walker
J H Alexander of Huron S D au
old time Ames Iowa friend of N A
Rainbolt was a city visitor ovor Sunday
Geo Berry who lives nine miles west
of tho city is shipping 10 carloads of
sheep to market today
Rov G H Main went to Stanton
todny where he will assist a portion of
tho week in conducting rovival meet
Miss Lois Grant Childs has gone to
Mndison to nttend nt the bedside of Mrs
P Rubendall who is very sick with
Mrs W E Alexanders father R
Waito died yesterday nt Forest Oity
Iowa Mrs Alexander was nt his bed
side whon tho end camo
B F McDonald of Pender is in tho
city visiting his son James and to
attend tho meeting of tho republican
congressional central committee
O L Butler a traveling man is very
sick with pneumonia at the Pacific hotel
and it is feared that he will not live
Ho is receiving every attention possible
Many of tho farmers throughout the
country aro busy sowing their smnll
grain crops the ground being in excel
lent condition for the purpose nnd the
wenther most propitious
A W Ladd editor of the Albion
News nccompauied by Mrs Ladd
visited iu Norfolk ovor Sunday with the
family of Mrs Ladds brother Con
ductor Fox of the Union Pacific
W H Clark is moving his family to
tho large houso on Third street and
Philip avenue while R Stitt will
occupy the house vncnted by him at the
corner of Sixth street and Pnrk avenue
Tho Y M 0 L is planning to give
an entertainment nnd social on the 80tb
Tho league room will bo used for the
purpose of serving the supper nnd the
entertninment will be given in Masonic
This is a new country and the oppor
tunity for development is still great
It is said thnt 25 years ngo not n furrow
hnd been tnrned in Pierce county
while uow there nre 250000 acres under
cultivation and still a largo nmount of
virgin soil which can be profitably
Yesterday was as delightfully spring
like ns could be desired and tho peoplo
were out in force enjoying tho balmy
atmosphere and bright suushiuo to tho
utmost Spring millinery and toilets
were considerably iu evidence thus
early in tho season It is predicted by
many that thero will bo homo winterish
weather yet
Tho beet sugar compauy at Ames is
uegiuuing to onjoy mo experiences re
sulting from a suit for damages tho
first case having been started recently
John Kotthoff sues for 5325 damages
alleged to havo been sustained by reason
of employment in tho factory While
doing some steam fitting he foil from
tho top of a crystalizing tank breaking
an arm and lacerating his hand
The crowd of people in town Snturday
could scarcely havo been larger had it
been a show day or Fourth of July
celebration The side streets wero
lined with teams and tho wnlks along
Main street were literally thronged
with people The crowd was brought
out by the glorious spriug weather and
was on shopping intent The dny was
a very satisfactory ouo to dealers in
spriug goods
Tho home niUsion services yesterday
morning at tho First Congregational
church wero very successful in point of
linuors within the citv shnll vinitn nS interest attendance and collection Dr
of tho provisions of the statutes of tho Herron of Omaha preached a forceful
nii ui iiouiunm ui win uriiiHaiices oi serinon nnu ur una Airs moo nf i
SSSSveTSSSSou AS nSeiS 6f rt f fiuan
nreg i ciuuy nun iu ouppuf i uiemsoives
The Non partisan Good Government
coin were nlso in uttendauce It is
understood that n collection amounting
to about 1113 wns raised which will go
toward the building of churches nnd
The republican couuty central com
mittee nt its meeting iu Battle Crttk
Saturday decided to call tho comity
convention nt Norfolk on April 21 at 1
oclock p in for tho pnrposo of choos
ing delegates to tho stnto aud congres
sional conventions Tho ropresoutation
was based on tho voto cast for M B
Roeso for supromo judgo nt tho last
election giving each precinct ouo dele
gate nt largo nnd ono for each 15 votos
or major fraction thorcof This gives a
total of 124 dolegatos in tho convention
of which Norfolk will have 38 aud Mad
ison 15
Mrs R W Williams gavo a very
ploasant party to a number of friends
Saturday ovoning tho occoslou boing
tho 25th nunivorBary of tho marriago
of Mr nud Mrs Williams Mr Wil
lianiB was kopt iu ignoranco of tho fact
that tho party wns iu progress and was
completely surprised on coming from
town to find his homo taken possession
of by frieuds Tho ovening was spout
with gnmes and at 10K dainty refresh
ments wore served to which all did
ample justice The guosts left sovou
piocos of silvor and othor substantial
gifts as tokens of their high esteem for
thoir host nnd hostess At a Into hour
they bid thorn good night wishing thnt
uinny moro years will bo added to their
married life
Tho postoffico dopnrtmeut has de
cided to issue stomps in bookB but it
will bo two or throo monthB boforo they
reach tho local postoillco Tho book
will be of a convouiont size to carry iu
tho pocket and will contain stamps to
tho nmount of 21 ceuta 48 ceuts nnd 0
conts Au ndvnnco of ouo cent on ench
book is nil that is to bo charged the
general public aud if ouo tonth of tho
stamps uow sold in loso packages aro
distributed iu book form the govern
ment will realize a haudsomo profit ou
tho investment Tho government will
pay 2 a thousand for these books and
they will be sold for 10 a thousand iu
advanco of course of the face value of
tho stamps they contain It is believed
the book containing 24 ceuts iu stamps
aud costing 25 conts will be tho most
Madison Star Quo warranto pro
ceedings have been instituted iu district
court by Perry V Lewis against Wil
liam McDonald Joseph I Beach E W
Johusou James L Dunn and Ira D
Alyea trustees of the village of Meadow
Grovo for tho purpose of securing an
order declaring void the action of the
county commissioners in establishing
the corporation of that village nnd
ousting the defendnnts as trustees It
appears that the plaintiff has taken this
course because of tne alleged illegal ac
tion of the incorporators iu including in
the incorportion a lot of farm land
adjacent to tho town in order to secure
sufficient population to permit incorpor
ation Some of this farm loud belongs
to the plaintiff aud ho seeks relief from
excessive taxation in this way W M
Robertson of Norfolk has the prosecution
of the case which from present indica
tions will be a hotly contested one
Olauuei anil boutlftci the btlr
lromutei lnxuriaut growth
Never Falls to Kcotora Gray
jxair to lit juuiuiui lAjior
Curd fcalp di tai balr tailing
fiOcamlIHJiU DrupglnH
I Babies and children need I
-proper food rarely ever
J cine If they do not thrive
on their food something is I
wrong They need a little
T help to get their digestive T
machinery working properly
i i
i will generally correct this
1 difficulty
j If you will put from one
I fourth to half a teaspoonful
in babys bottle three or four I
I times a day you will soon see J
j a marked improvement For j
larger children from half to
a teaspoonful according to I
age dissolved in their milk 1
if you so desire will very I
j soon show its great nourish- f
f ing power If the mothers
milk does not nourish the 1
I baby she needs the I
crn U mill cIiaih ff i T
j -v 11 win jiiuyv au eueti
at once both upon mother
i and child
50c and 100 all druggist
SCOTT DOWNE Chemist New York