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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
lit W H m V b i 1 ft I I i II 1 1 ThcJSlottfolklSieuas V N HUSH Ihinllnlinr Kvorr waoV l coitK DAILY IXnlilfiillixl iw Inv oril Siimlny Hy ciurlnt llj mnil imrnnr mi WKKKIiV ilnlillrlir l 11 KroryTluirnlnjHlT l it onrt0 Kiilonxl M tlm IiMtollUvi nl Norfolk Nnlt oocouil cln imiMnr Toloiiliono Nil S2 fur tlm follow Iiik oIIIcim ml tint imllliiriir imlilli nrroiHilN nltollii utinti nf itiihllii llllllln nor ltKiiili1lriui Stuto iiiiiiIIiiii tiMiillillrmi olprlnrnnflliffmiriit rmiii Tim tin of tin Milt or Nnliniokii urn nil il no III cum MI Inn ill llnnlii Nrlnnkii Alii2lllM nlUuVWk i in fol lliiiirMiof iiVliirl iiK four ilnlnmilfn mul f ilnwVit ilo llm mitlmiiil iimiiI Inin i oiim ililrliiMiimiiiln Ililllilnllilnn muinlixit Il In iiiiiiilimlliiii iitiilliliiliM Ilmilii ilii iirnliliiiillnliiliitirnKoniiior uiitiriiiir Mpriilnry of hiiIi ItiiiHiinir uiiitiml ion ImlliliiiKH mtiwimimilmitof imlillr Iiml riirlliu TlitiiitiHtif loimwnt iBiiuntltslfKiil I i ii iniiliiliiifiilii fin mirli HM Mitrs nil i rrnridiii tlinniif rani for Hon M II Illill llllllll llrnMi tor jlliltftol tliiiMlliriiniiironri in Him tin it hi tvii run HiiMtrm Iliiiiunii liclnit OMlitlllll III lIlllftllllH folIllttH Ailiiiim J J Aiitiilon Ill lliiiuiir - llliilni lliionn Hon lliittn f llojl l Hrouii I llnirulo Hurt I llntlir 1 Uiirn Vilnr I Cltut n rinrr tlipimino Clnr tolrux CumlllK HJ imliT Ij DnLnln Dnwiw J IIiiwkiiii II DihiiiI nlxon II DiulKii - DoiiuIiik IHl niinily I Kilinorn I Iriiiiklin 11 I KuriiiiH II 1hkii HI UnrjWil -I iinr flrnnl - tJrinlij I Hull HI llmiitlton II llarlnti Husm MlWluork Holt II IICMllnl t llownnl S IlllllJSOII 5 It In Hcoiiniiniiiliiil I follllMHI I1 Kiiiiuo W Knlth Km ii Ililm KIiiiImII 2 Knox - liiiiiriihlnr I lilnrotii IjoUiiii - 101111 Milliornim M111IU011 Mnrrlok Niiiiiii NpiiiiiIiii NiickollH Olim IllWllDII IllklllH Iliiilm IMnriii IUttn Colk Itml Willow Itirliiuilfon ltoi 1 S11II110 Miiipy Snuiiiloi 1 SlllttH lllllll Siiwiuil Sliiiriilim Slinriiiiiu Sioux Sliiiitou Tluinr TIlOlllllH TliiirHton Viilloy Washington Wiiynii Wnlmlm Wlinoltir Yotk Tot nj Unit I If II II IS 21 li i 11 s 12 tl tl 21 ri is f is 1 n IIIOXlltH 1 1 III- IovmiiI hill thul thiuliilirtiltiw iriiHiit oiihl llio full Mitoof llm ilfliCition Tho rtmnlj ioii 1111li011n In llm Hiitiiral IliunlliM linlil for tlm liitriiohiMifMlaitliiK ilnliwitos to thin ooiiMii itotiHliiill Hilnrl lliopoiiiilj coiiiiiilttiMiiinil ol llocr tliiiior Al tho Ktiito IoiiMiitlim Hi Htntniiintriil roiiiiiillloiniiiMi fiom Ihiioilil 1111111 luiriiil HOimtnrliil illhtrictH will lm nilniitnil for ii hi 11 tin 1 11 11 v mi prf ii nil 1 1 111 nnw NtlttO IOlll mlttio willhohl its inoiilinir nl llio iIchd or tho ulntncoiiMiitloii luiMiiTrlll JT M Miviirn Clmii limn Si critiiry Im Tom Uitmlillriiii County C11111 nut Ion Tlm riimlilliiui oliiloiH of Miullwin i oiinty Niihrimkn uro roiiiiiwtnil to winil ilnliwiln fiom tlm miMiril vnlinu iirioiiioti to nuil in coiimmi lion nt Norfolk Niiliiiinkii 011 tlm 2ll ilii 10 April UKO nt I oclock p in for tlm iurHitn of Mjlictinil7iloliiKiilOH to tlm lopiililicim etnt ooiiMiiitioii lit Lincoln Nol1r1iHl11 Mn 2ml IlKX iiIhi to iiloct ilnliKitiH to tlm riiiiihlionn con urieiiiouil roiiMiiition of thoThiiil ilictrict mill to tmiittiit Bitch otlmr liiniimss us inny lm liroiiKlit liiforn thocoiiMiition Tlm BiiMriil inMcinilH 1110 niillthiil to innio Hiiitntiou iiH followii tlm iipporlioiinmnt iMiiiiK ImwmI ti on llm Mitnrni1 for Hon M H Himvu for juilKiiof llm niiproiim coin t of NnliriiHkii ill thonlictiou lmlil in IVli bniiiK 01m ihhwitn nl lurKO fin iiicIi miIiiik pricinit mill 01m foriiich lSvnln 11111I major fraction tlmreof Norfolk- iiiHt waul Socoiiil wnril Thirilwniil lmirlli wnril Outbiilo lilTiironii HnlilnCrouk Mailihou Union Hiithlaml Inirvmw l Valhiy 4 Warnnrvillii t tllOMI I tlrion luntiMi - Dour Crunk H Slmll Cinnk 13 Schoolcraft H Kiilaiua7oi t I mm id Total 121 It in iiiiiniiiimiiliil thai nrnciiinl iirimai ids tin holil on llm llth ila or piil IlKX I win Whiti J A Mi Ntcuois Cliiiiiinan SocniUrj Memphis is fast becoming n formid able rival to St L uis She claims for horsolf a progressive spirit of which the Missouri metropolis is not posessod and eomo of her present enterprises will surely lead to hercoinmorciul doatioauco in the Mississippi valley Tho name of G A Luiknrt of this city is boiug constantly uioutioned ill connection with tho olllco of state treas urer and ho may bo n strong caudidato before tho democrat io state convention There is oue thiug oortaiu Mr Luiknrt would bo n vnst improvement over the goutloiuan who uow holds tho office and nets ns nttoruey for tho railroads in coses np for trial before tho state board of transportation Tho hopo that this nation will some day bo the fiuaucial center of the world is no longer an iridoscout dream Tho recout loan of 25000000 to the govern ment of Russia which will bo expouded in this country for the products of Auiericau labor was n neat htroko of financiering and another step in tho direction of financial supremacy It 1 not oucouragiug to those who advocated free silver as the only balm for financial ills but ia no doubt satisfactory to a largo majority of people More than 20000 Japanese immigrants arrived at Hawaii last yoar nud there is n prospect of oven larger nuinlwrs for tho present year There is 110 spneial fault to lo fouud with this increaso to our provincial population Tho JapanCEO nro good workers poacoful orderly thrifty and wo aro on the best of torms with them in their own laud uud else where but as tho capacity of the Ha waitan islands is decidedly limitod and such numbers as these will soon sub merge them it seems desirablo that a definite plan of government and admin istration should lie immediately pro vided to suit the case A farmer iu Fulton county Ohio recently sold 25 head of sheep for S00 an average of 040 per head Iu Grovers time it is said that a liko con signment would not have brought to exceed 125 and even at that price a - imrolmscr would linvo been liard to Hntl TIiIh l mi atlviiiicn of u littlo moro limn IUK nor innl 1 fit Is only trustH tlmt nro ratoliiK jiHcom out or hlKlittliuio nuist bo 8iuili ti t 111 tiK fftfnmrft rHt TlilttlHii liiislittFH mliniiilKtrntion and llio farntorfl Hoom to li proflHiiK about ns inuoli iiH aityomi 13 it If tltoy aro mixloiiH for a cliuiiKo It is a hard niattcr to cniicliido jiiHl what thoy dcstio DuriiiK iw oainpalKii hiiiinnn wtiro hmmI to toll tho dear iicojilo tlmt In can MuKiuloy was tiled ud tho farm ors woultl ho ntriiKKlhiK - il f luii ccnt corn H pontoatHiuiil liny at 1 jior ton This weok in OhlcnKo corn was quoted nt HI fonts oats at - fonts miHh pi Ices whllo hiils on ftitttro woro fousidorahly in advnnco of theso prlctH Tho prifcs paid for hay nniLMi frMii 7 to I0 nor ton lint these foots In no wiso ulVoot llio caluni Ity howlers and thoy nro undouhtedly ut work propnrliiK oven nioro startling iKureH of a onlatnity iintiiro to ho IhsuimI this year Their nervo is adinlrablo Mr Ilryan should call attention to his own parly when in a mood to hIiik it on itliottl imperialism and militiirlHiii In the south tliero are thousautlH of 110 mofiliens who aro disfranehlsed and held jih subjects without represontatlou merely bivnuM tho tlemocratH aro stronit oiioukIi to prevent them from oxercisitiK their rights at tho polls Thoy aro ov timed without their eonsont in every setiHonnd intimidation is used to la op them in their propor sphoro This grout frientl of tho common and op pressed people need not ko to tho Phil ippines for a horrible oxamplo of im perialismho can find it right at home Secretary 1iwssays of tho failure to notify Norfolk of tho change in tho tlnto of hearing complaints I know that tho Norfolk people should have been noli led but 1 was ro busy I neglected to do it Ho hnsnt done two dollars worth of work in all tho years he has hold the olllco and everybody knows it Tiny are not expected to do anything Kromont Herald Whats that An admission from a democratic sheet that officials of tl 0 great reform nninlgaination aro not expected to do niiythiug Surely this friend of fusion must bo mistaken I 1 r is only a republican party and a republi can administration tlmt croates ollicos for pooplo not expected to do anything That iB tho only party with any author ity to cieato a sinecure The amalga mated forces of reform aro abovo such mot hods It is only a practice of cor rupt ionists boodlers corporation cormo rants and pass grabber always to bo found in tho republican party The pure mid spotloss robo of tho rofortnors has nover been bedraggled by coming in contact with this sort of tactics Why ovon tho republican party in somo stilt s controls transportation boards that do something and are meant to do some thing Thoro is no excuse whatever for reformers to drop below republican corruption 1 IT CANT BE DONE So Wilt 11 You Co o KiikIiiimI Dnnl Ti j o Do It Yes remarked the man who had spent tho winter in London its funny to see the young Americans over there pans themselves off for Englishmen I have nn incident of tho kind in mind When 1 crossed to the big town I was met by a young chap who had preceded 1110 by about two months When I set oyes on bun at tho railway station 1 could hardly believe my own Hight ho appeared so changed Had I mot him on JJroadway I would have spotted him ns a typical Englishman To ine ho locked tho Britisher to a T Ho was dressed in a suit of checked clothes that didnt fit His shoes were shapeless his gloves too big and his hat a littlo fiat affair that looked like a fried egg and too when ho opened his mouth 1 learned that lie had not stopped the imitation at the clothes He talked liko a John nie for all tho world I could hardly understand it nnd in explanation ho said that ho had picked it all up for his own benefit and that every one thought him to be a full blooded Englishman with a gennino liking for joints and ale Well wo started up the streot and before we had gone a quarter of n 111110 niy young friend was acccsted by a grimy faced and ragged littlo newsboy who yelled at him Ere yo ave it 1110 cove th loitest NYork Erald and my young friend collapsed 1 learned afterward how futile it is for an Amer ican to pretend in England Why there wasnt a newsboy in London that couldnt have picked my young friend out among a million human beings with his eyes shut Detroit Free Press OiiiiT Orluiu of it Motel They say that tho best hotel in Toxae is to ho fouud at Helton n town on the Santa Fo road and is kept by soven sanctified sisters as tho proprietors are popularly called Several years ago a woman iu tho place and her husband quarreled over tho best way of ex pounding tho Scriptures to n buntlay school class and were so stubborn that they separated and were finally di vorcd This family controversy was taken up by tho town which was soon dis tinctly divided between the adherents of tho husband and tho adherents of the wife The result was a largo crop of di vorces and seven husbandless women including tho original cause of tho com motion joined together and rented the town hotel Oue of them did the cook ing another was parlor maid a third made up the beds and to they divided tho work among them nnd ruu llio es tablishment on tho co operative ylau Chicago Record VM 1 TI1K NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY MARCH 1f HK0 WW BITOT 1YILKIN8 lie A 11 11 on 11 ro tin- IHnkinorj uv n ISimi Imiiii IVr Hie Cniiiiniiie o Store When l nr tin Siiltiin of S11I11 Iluito uv iM mtuAsiirv WAHHINtnoN 1 G T11 the IMlttr These hcdqimrlors lies got sum star tling InfermiiHhiin lit let loose Tor the benefit uv llio Dltnlcrntlo party and It 1 7 uothln less II11111 the pteclptlalln uv 11 iiimi Ihsoo lulu the cumin campaiie wlch oil Iu sidetrack mini uv the old ones wo huv bin ousiicconHfully 111011 Ueyln wllh The November elecHhtins Hhtiwotl thil we hiv bin bnrklii up sev eral wrong trees doorln the past yeer and eniiythlng thet will distract publlk nllPiiHlmn fitim Hleb performances Is wittli cnktirrljen and ndoptln It wti with this Idee In lew thet I hev In- tloocetl our IJImlciatlc niniilJeiH tn ex plonr till tho plans thet hev bin sub mitted tu fin nnd tu ransack their crniiliiiiiH In llml sum real live and ex oltln Ihsoo In put befonr the kotintry In place uv those wlch tin obtrooslve and onscroopiiliis Hopubllkln majority Hlnughlercd nt the November hog klllln Our slaltstnen hev lied nootneroiis constilliiHlniiis oiitu the subjeek anil the most uv us hev cum u the con clooshini thet It wood be best tu spring Hum 1100 perllllkal rocket thet wood not hev tu mutch pedigree behind It fer the Uepubllklns tu pick nt Hero tttfore wo hev bin bothered with hevln n record upon most publlk quostyuns wlch wuz tu tank nnd sen red nwn the raw recroots wen ha begun tu over haul It I 11 111 afrade wo hev made the same tnlstaik In ltitchln up with Agulnaldoo In tlubblo harness and Jolcln over the defects and delays uv the Fllllpeono campane In order tu nvold sich snags In the future we hev agreed tu lutrodoocc nn Intlrely noo nnd redbot Issoo hot haint bin hauled thru prevlus cnmpnncs nnd bcciim wa terlogged bl tu mutch dlseusHhun We hev decided tu overhaul the sultan uv Sulu fer hevln tu inenny wives nnd tu put the grate Republlklii pnrty uv this kotintry oiitu the defenslv for no goshlntln a treety thet wood permit Hleh nn onlinly and liumorul stnlt uv nffnli R We kin stnntl poligntny In Utiih nil rite nnd kin glv Mr Huberts nil the boostln we dare tu on the sly for he Iz a troo bloo Dlmlcrnt nnd wood tin the snlm fer onny uv the rest uv us If we wu In the snltn fix but tu hev sum fur nwn nigger ontu an Island In the Pacific ocean thet no Dlmlcrnt knu wuz nbttv wutor ontll this onprln slpled and corrupt Itepubllkln utlinin istrnshun captured it live In a stalt uv poligamy with no cloze on but a plug hat Iz nn oulrage agin koiistltoosliunnl liberty thet no good Dlmlcrnt kin up hold or tolerate Ez u notls uv our lntenshuns tu 011 doo this grate act uv Injustice wo hev hod Mr Williams uv Mississippi lu trodoocc an opium Joint resolooshun list ti the house uv representatives call in fer nn Investlgashim uv the subjeek In order tu find out whure we air at and git a bill uv particulars If we find upon Imiulriu around thet the sultan hez got moar wives than bo kin Handle or lunar than be iz entitled tu we must find sum wa tu redooce biz basis uv representasliun without doln tu tnutcli tu Injure hlz feelins We kln uot unord tu be tu hedstrong In deelln with sich matters on account uv fu ture possibilities I beer the Uepub llklns nlr likely tu faver sum compre benslv plans uv annexasbun fer the furrln territory wlch wo hev laltly ae Quired nnd tha mite conclood to ltitcli on Sulu In sich a case ez thet the sul tan mite cut sutnthln uv a tlgger ez an onelothed Mormon In an Amerlklu Htalt or territory If the Uepubllklns hev not corrupted hi in most likely he wood renin ne u Mormon nnd wood nnturally drift tu support uv tho Dlml crallc party In view uv sich a possi bility It wood be onwlse tu hnrrer up hlz feelins tu mutch nt the present time but be kin be conlldenshully told thet the harrerin Is only Intended for eflockt In this kountry and tu be used ez capital agin the Uepubllkln party He must bo made tu ondorstand how necessary It Iz fer the Dlmlcrats tu on load sum uv the dead Issoos tha hev bin chained tu and how reddy tha nlr tu snap nt eniiythlng thet nfTords cm nn oppertoonlty tu du It Wen he 011 derstunds the sltoonshuu I feel confi dent he will npprove of It with nil hlz hart and sole and enter entbooslas tlcally Intu the plnns we air perfect tu give him n roast in our next cam pane In the ineentline our noozepapers nnd stump speekers will jlno hands with our congressmen In denouneln polig amy ami partiekularly thet part uv It thet Iz belli engineered by the siiltiin uv Sulu Tha will pitch Intu tho pres ident fer allowln hlz ropresontntlvs tu conclood n treety with slob a dlsropoo table scoundrel ez the sultan and will Insist upon Ltiowln how nienny wives he hez nnd wliut thn wnre If thn ware eniiythlng at nil We must Insist too upon the nbrognshun uv thet part uv the treety wlch allows the sultan tu hev a dozen wives wen a Dlmlcratlc kongrcssmnii aint allowed tu hev throe without sutnbuddy makln a grate fuss nbout It Uesldes wliut nshoorance hev we thet 11 whole lot uv Dlmlcrnts wont emlgnte tu Sulu nnd go Intu wholesale liottsekeeplu If sich an on fnlr ami onjust discrlmlunsliun Iz made ngln em The Dlmlcrntlc party must be rallied ez one man and go forward In solid ranks ngln this latest Uepub llkln trick tu deplete nud demoralize our forces It kin bo inude n lively nnd a savin Issoo and our rallyln cry must be No extra wives fer tho sultau uv Sulu onless we git our share SuxoQirU3awV rruiii Applejack Farm with iz nest tu Graver Clevelands iu the stmt uv Not Gerey Couldnt Krrp n Hoorit They were discussing the finest Ion nn to whether it woman can keep a se cret Little Johnny had not appeared to be listening but be suddenly lidded his con rlbiilloti to the stock of general In telligence by pxelnlmlng Well 1 know inn cant keep a secret Every thing I do slio goes and tells It to pn almost tho first minute ho gets lnu the house Iloslotj Transcript Irliuiiry ClrctloiiM A primary election of tho ropublicnii nliotiiis nf tlin liirst ward nf tlm ollv nf r -X Norfolk will be hold ut tho olllco of tho polico judge in tho city hull in said ward on tho 17th day of March 1100 for tho purpose of nominating n caudidato for councilman and to elect seven dolegntcs to tho city republican convontion to bo held in said oily ut H p m on tho 17th of March IIK0 for tho purpose of nominat ing city officers Foils to remain open from 12 oclock noon to 7 oclock p in Jko II 3itau 1 Chairninn A primary election of tho republican electors of tho Second waril of tho city of Norfolk will bo held at tho res idenco of O J Stockwcll in said ward on tho 17th day or March 1000 for the purpose of nominating one coun cilman for short term 0110 councilman for full term nnd to elect 111 dolcgates to tho city republican convontion to bo held in said city at 8 p 111 on tho 17th of March HMX for tho purpose of nominat ing city officers Polls to remain opon from 1- oclock noon to 7 oclock p m J W Ransom Chairman xw A primary electiou of tho republican olectors of tho Third ward of tho city of Norfolk will bo held at tho office of L O Mittlestadt in said ward on the 17th day of March 1000 for tho purposo of nominating 0110 coun cilman and to elect 18 delegates to tho oily ropublican convention to bo held in said city nt 8 p m on tho 17th of March 1900 for tho purposo of nominat ing city officers Polls to remain open from 12 oclock noon to 1 o clock p m F E Hakdy Chairman A primary olection of tho republican electors of tho Fourth ward of the city of Norfolk will bo held at the drug store of J L Hershiser in said ward on tho 17th day of March 1000 for the purposo of nominating one councilman and to elect six delegates to tho city republican convontion to bo held in said city at 8 p m on tho 17th day of March 1900 for tho purpose of nominating city of ficers Polls to romaiu open from 12 oclock noon to 7 oclock p m C J Chapman Chairman ItriiiliUciiii City Convention A republican convention of the city of Norfolk Nebraska is hereby called to meet at tho city hall iu said city on tho 17th day of March 1900 at 8 oolock p 111 for tho purposo of nominating candidates for tho following offices to bo voted for nt tho city election to be held April i 1900 viz Mayor treasurer city engiueor polico judge and city clork also two members of tho board of education for the Norfolk school district and for tho transaction of such other business as may come before it Tho ditterent wards will bo entitled to representation on the basis of oue dele gate at large aud one additional delegate for ovory ton votes or major fraction thereof cast for M B Reese for supreme judge iu November 1899 viz First ward 7 Second ward 13 Third ward 18 Fourth ward 0 Tho school district outsidothe city of Norfolk will be entitled to tl delegates iu the nomination of membors of tho board of education M O Hazes C J Stockwkli Chairman Secrotary Telephone No 112 will riug up Dr F Verges residence and office Notice to Nou rtHlileiit Defendant To Minnie Nitz non resident defend ant You aro hereby notified that on thoilrd dny of March 1900 Albert F Nitz filed a petition agninBt you in tho dis trict court of Madison couuty Nebraska tho object and prayer of which are to obtain n divorce from you on tho grouud that yon have willfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for tho term of two years past iou are required to answer saia peti tion on or before Monday tho 9th day of April liXX Aliieht F Nitz By Barnes Tyler His Attorneys Onlor Tor Iluurliif of Fiiml Account In tho county court of Madison couuty Nebraska In tho mnttor of the estate of Jane La Fareo deceased Now on tho 20th day of February 1900 came M O Hazen tho adminis trator of said estate and prays for leave to render on account as such adminis trator It is therefore ordered that tho 20th day of March 1900 at 1 oclock p m at my office in Madison bo fixed ns tho time and place for examining iiud allow ing such account And tho heirs of said decensed nud all persons interested in said estate aro required to appear at tho time aud place so designated and snow cause if such exists why said accouut should not bo allowed It is further ordered that said M O Hazen administrator give notice to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to bo pub lished iu The NokiOik Daily News a newspaper printed aud in general circu lation in said couuty for three weeks prior to the day sot for said hearing In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 2iltb dnv of Fobruarv 1900 Have You Tried Them seal Wm Baths j uoumyjuuge Railroad and Business Directory e - fe ft cc uj x i oo S o cc - s 0 a J U- 2 gZ O 3 V R R W TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST mrRT Omnliii rnnariicrpr dHrtnm CIiIciiko KxprtSB I2iltim abuivk IiIciiko hxprrHR 7i0n in Oimilui 1niMitiKur 1210 p tn VtT WTWIT Illnck Ihlln rvxirnn 710pm Vurilliuo InHRPiiKnrt 1210 p m VonllKro Accimimixliitlon iMMnm wkst Aitntvi Illnck I 111 In KxprrHA 1220 p m Vnnlliiril lHSBillKtT tl 05 11 111 Vonllcro Accomiiinilntlon 720pm Tlm IiImko mill Illnck Hills Kx promt iirrlvoa mill tlopnrtnrioin Innotlon ilnpot TlmOiimlin mill VcrillKro trains nrrlvo nnil ilopnrt from city depot II U Matkau ABL nt Union Pacific SOUTH DErAtlT Illinium Accommodation 1130 p in Omnliii Dcnvor nml Pacific Count 1100 11 m mihtii A mil vu OolumlmB Ace niinoilntinn 10l0pm Omnliii Ifiiivnrnuil 1ncillc connt PiOOpm ConnictH nt Norfolk with K K t M V roImi wont nml north nml with tho C Bt 1 II O for points north mill rust V W JUNCMAN ARCllt Chicago St Paul Minneapolis 8c Omaha ntflT DEPAnT Slonx City nnil Oinnhn InasonRer Hi0nm Sioux HtyPnHHPimor 100pm WHT ARHIVR Sioux City Pnanpnitor 1015nm Sioux City nnd Onmlii PansonRiT 730 p m Ooiinoctfl nt Norfolk with K K t M V Kiiln wi st nuii north nml with thn U 1 for polute mmth F W Junkman Agent Diily oxcopt Snnilay O A IiUlKART President CIIAS 8 HKIDdE Vice Puksident TriiHtooH Suit of Kenl Eatiitn Notice is hereby given that by Tirtuo of an order mnde 011 the th day of Murch by the Hon E P Weatherby referee in bnukrnptcy of tho district court of the United Stntcs in and for the district of Nebraska I will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash on tho 7th day of April 1900 at 200 oclock p 111 on said day in front of Leonards drug store in tho city of Nor folk iu Madison county Nebraska the following described real estate belong ing to tho estate of Herman Tillenburg bankrupt to wit Lot G in block 1 Bear Mathewsous addition to Nor folk Nebraska a one half interest in lots 14 15 and 10 of Wards suburban lots to Norfolk Nebraska now platted as Bob Flemings subdivision lot 13 in block 1 ot Gardner Braaschs addi tion to Norfolk Nebraska and lots 7 and 8 block 1 in Collamors addition to Norfolk Nebraska all in Madison county Nebraska Said sale will remain open for one honr Dated March 9 1900 Arthur O Hazen Trustee TRY THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING If you want the Best Seeds Buy Vicks Our own growing and the Worlds Choicest a The handsomest and most com pleto Catalogue we evor issued sent free if you state in what you aro most interested Flowers Vegetables or Small Fruits JAMES VIGKS SONS ROCHESTER NY C S HAYES Pine Watch Repairing SponoBri Ovelmon Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done d BHERMANN Contractor and Builder 117 Fourth Street INSKEEPS rVlIItLlNERY Cheapest nnd tlent Norfolk Avenue JWEDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoer All Work Guaranteed Cor Jtli St ncil Urnnech At W II JOHNSON CAsninn W R BHAASUII Abst Csniiit The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny ami sell oxchanco on this country nnd nil putts of Enropo Faim Ioniia Directors -Carl Ahmus W Joiinson Char S 1ridoe C W DnAAscii Swank A Luikart T F Mkmminoeb L Sessions BABIES CRY FOR C Jl WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W D Halls Barber Shop MAIN ST THIRD DOOR EAST OF FOURTH L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik First dmr West of Post Olllce M PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhles Three Trains Daily VIA OVScr0vV roit WYOMING UTAH NEVADA CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST POINTS Ono NIkIii UiUtuli aA Two NilitB to uliforiiiii Orison From Missouri Eiver For Time Tublew Follere Illuitrtod Hook Pamphlets ilfccriptUoof tho terrltorj travora odcall cm F W JUNEHAN Agent t i