The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 15, 1900, Image 1
i i The ILOEHFONTKIN FALLS Lord Roberts Makes a State Entry Into Orange Capital BOERS RETREAT TO THE NORTH ltuinoo Troc Stnte Capital to Kroim tnilt Itoern Are Sulil to Hnvo Atmml iinod All Hope of Milking Pcnrn Will Uentrwy Toliunnmbiirt London March IB Tho first half ot tho campaign is ovor Lord lloberts ar rived nt Modtlor liver Mi Fob IIo Dtitored Bloenifontoin Mnrch 13 Thus In littlo over n month ho 1ms effected the relief of Kimberley nnd LadyHinith tho captnro of Jcnoral Cronjos forces mid the hoisting of tho Hiitish Hag in the rtpittil of tho Free State All this hits been accomplished with conip iratively trilling losses It is small wcmilcr that he is tho horo of the hour in Loudon All tho news papers eulogize him and congratulato tho country They talk of tho Free State as having passed out of existence and as being now one of tho shadows of history It is not doubted that thcro may yet bo heavy lighting but tho genius of Loid Roberts is looked to for victory over all difficulties His triim reference to tho late President Steyn is under stood to show thnt there shall be no am biguity as to tho pobitiou assumed to ward tho republics Tho British continue pressing their ndvanco on the Orange river Tho Hoers still hold Bothulio bridge on the north side of tho fctream but their trenchcb uro dominated by tho British aitillery Heavy filing is in progress and there has been some skirmishing Lord Kitchener seems to bo very suc cessful in reducing the extent of tho Dutch rising Mafelring can scarcely hold out much longer Tho news of Colonel Plnmers upproach has given substance to tho rumors of its relief but thoso best in formedsaro inclined to think tho reliof is more likely to no accomplished by Colonel Peakmaus column lrom Kim berley Judging from the lack of news every thing is quiet in Naal whilo from Her bchol comes tho statement that tho total collapse ot tho insu gent colonists ic im i Jj niineut General Cronjo according to a Cape Town special sails for St Helena March 15 accompanied by all tho Paar deberg prisoners Iull of Uloomfontoln A dispatch to tlo Daily Mail from Eloemfontcin dated juesda evening says Wo surprised and outflanked tho enemy with irresistible force over night General French hold the enemy north and Bouth of Bloemfontcin while Lord Roberts dispatched a prisoner on parole threatening to bombard unless the city surrendered Tho townsmen became alarmed President Steyn and tho chief members of tho executivo council fled and proclaimed Kroonstadt to bo tho capital Sveyn fled to Win berg At test only 3000 fighting men remained and in the morning many finding themselves so weakened broko their guns Others fied Tho rem nant still shelled General French at dawn but the opposition soon collapsed Eight locomotives aud much rolling stock were captured Tho Boer organ ization is collapsing and the breech be tween tho Free Staters and Transvaal ers is widening Major General Pretty man has been appointed military gov ernor of Bloemfontcin to tlie flnltli Tho Daily Mail has the following dispatch from Pretoria dated March 12 Lord Salisbury reply has been received and a Boer refutation of tho British contention is under consideration It will deny that any annexation has been made aud it will declaro that tho occu pation of British territory was purely Atrategio It will express tho -determination of the two republics to ilght to theiluish Uoora Pipe to the North Lokdon March 11 A dispatch to the Daily Chroniclo from JBloomfoutoiu dated March 1S says Bloomfoutein currendered at 10 today It was occu pied at noon President Bteyn with a majority of tho fighting burghers has fled northward General French was within five miles of the place at 5 oclock Monday afternoon Ho sent a summons into the town threatening to bombard unless it surrendered 4 a in Tuesday A white flag was hoisted Tuesday morn ing and a deputation of the towu coun cil with Mayor Kellner camo out to moet Lord Roberts at Spitkop fivo miles south of the town making a formal surrender of tho placo Lord Roberts mado a stato entry nfc uoou Ho received a tremendous ova tion After visiting the publio build ings he went to tho official residonco of me president followod by a cheering rrowd who waved the British flag and tang the British national anthem They were in a condition of frenzied excite ment Ou Monday afternoon previous to tho surrender there had been a littlo tuipiug and shelling but the enemy then retired Lord Roberts has his headquarters at the presidents house and there aro many of tho British wounded in the building The railway is not injured DUnatrli Setit by Lord Hubert London March 15 Tho following is the text of Lord Roberts dispatch to the war office announcing his occupa tion of Blpemfonteiu BoEMroNTElN March 15 Bv tht Norfolk help of God and by tho bravery of her majestys soldiers tho troops under my command have taken possession of Bloeinfontelii The Hiitish flag now Hies over tho presidency evacuated last night by Mr Steyn late piosident of tho Orange Free State Mr Frasor member or tho lato oxocutlvo govern ment tho mayor tho secretary of tho lute government tho landrost and other officials met nio two miles from tho town and presented mo with tho keys of tho publio offices The enemy have withdrawn fiom tho neighborhood and all sconis quiet Tho inhabitants of Bloonifontoin gavo tho troops a coullal welcome linen Will litin lohnnnnbiirc Niv Yoiik March 15 Montagu White conllruiH tho rumor that tho Roeis will utterly destroy Johannes bin g if forced to do so Pretoria could not bo defended ho says if Johannes burg were permitted to roniain Tho loss involved would bo at least 150000 100 and of course tho setback and par alysis of Johannesburgs industries would bo infinitely greater 1 hope therefoie that somothing may bo done to satisfy tho legitimate aspirations ot both belhgeients boforo such a catas trophe to ohihation happens But tho Boors will sacnlico Johannesburg and its beautiful buildings and modem ad juncts to oh lhation if they m u forced to do it Then it will bo u fight to tho last drop of blood lor tho possession of Pietoiii Tim hnr mill Woliiuiriui S lit Louituvzo Mauqitiz Mai Mi 15 Mr Fischer the Orange Freo Statu secre tary and Mr Wolinarans of tho Trans vaal exccutivo council sailed for Europe yesteiday by tho German bteamcr Kaiser VOTES TOWELCOME QUEEN Corporation or Dublin Will Prmmit iia Ailtlrin DiiiIiik IIr Visit Duuun March 11 At a meeting of tho corporation the lord mayor moved that an address bo presented to tho queen welcoming her to Ireland His speech was frequently interrupted by tho occupants of tho publio gallery Alderman Meade in tho midst of hos tile demonstrations from tho gallery seconded tho motion Timothy Har rington M P protested against tho resolution After repeated scenes and ttproar dm ing which the lord mayor threatened to clear the gallery an amendment was moved to the proposed address but tho lord mayor ruled the amendment out of order A division on tho lord mayors amend ment was taken nmidst much excite ment the occupants of the gallery groaning at every ono supporting tho motion and cheering its qpoueuts vig orously The resolution was carried by a major ity of eighty OuiHa Cuiila of rriitriiinl Societies ToiEKA March 15 Rev Sheldon yesterday omitted from tho Topeka Cap ital all the usual cardB of the fraternal societies and when at tho daily confer ence with tho special correspondents he was asked why ho had taken this action ho remarked that ho was not prepared to say He declared however that ho is a friend of lifo insurance which is a feature of fraternal societies Ho said also that ho did not indorse the sonti ment or principle of all the articles he puts in the paper or consents to bo used Meotltifr Wlihont Result CniCAGO March 15 The meeting be tween passenger agents of the western roads and representatives of tho Cana dian Pacific called for tho purpose of settling differences over transcontinental rates camo to an end without result Tho Canadian Pacific refused all propo sitions for a settlement submitted by the western roads including ono to ar bitrate tho differences TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD A conflagration at Carbondale Ills destroyed fivo business houses with a loss of j0000Weduosday Rates of fire insurance have been ad vanced about 1000000 by tho Chicago Underwriters association Tho Joliot Limostono company went into tho hunds of a receiver Wednesday The liabilities nre estimated at 400000 Herman Detterman one of tho best known German editors in tho country died at Columbus O Wednesday aged 58 years Clarence A Webster he well known newspaper artist and writer died Wed nesday at his Alameda homeof Brights disease Kokouns Ills was swept by flro Wednesday Loss ostimated ut 50000 Tho lira originated in Hukills dry goods storo sweeping everything in tho block Mrs Luciuda H Stono widely known M tno motner ot womens dubs and I tvritor and educator of note died at Kalamazoo Mich Wednesday aged 80 Mj Mary Foote Beecher Perkins died Wednesday at Perkins was a sister Ward Beecher and of Stowe Hartford Mrs of Rev Henry Harriet Beecher Dr Samuel Pennington president of the Newark City National bank and who was the oldest living graduate of Princeton collego died Wednesday at his homo m Newark N J aged 04 Tho building occupied by O B Cones Sou mauutacturers of clothing at Indianapolis burned to the ground Wednesday cauning a loss of 150000 85 per cent of which is covered by in suranco H A Shay of Marysville Mon 67 years of ago committed suicide Wed nesday at his robm in a hotol at El Paso by shooting himself through the fore head Despondency duo to ill health was tho causo Tho Democratio congressional conven tion at Eillughaiu Ills resultod in a split and the nomination of two candi dates Joseph B Crowley tho repre sentative of the district and Andrew J Hunter former m PORTO RICO RILL Republican Senators Roach a Partial Agreement WILL NOT rOROE TARI1T IS3UE Appropriation Mpimuin to Ho Inmeil ut Onto nml Hill fir tlvll lotpi nnipiit Will limn Ho Tiiknu lp mill lUMul r Coniinlltrn to Dctoi nilno Turin WuHHixoroN March 15 Republican senators in caucus os1oi day reached a partial agreement on loito Rloo legis lation Tho house bill appioprlnttng i000000 is to be taken up and passed immediately Tho bill for a civil go oinnuiit of the island Is to bo taken up and disposed of as soon as possible anil tho tanft bill is to bo delayed for the present while n committee of seven senators may be selected by Chairman Allison to tiy to coiupioinise dilloi ences on the lovenue bill and secure a ineasiiie which Republican sonatois genet ally fan suppoit This paitiul ugi cement was touched after a fiiucm lasting liom J oclock until fi TWO VIEWS ON COLONIES IVIltir Silt Count II It Ion Iiw Not Pollou I lm I uriipr 1 lint It linen Wasiiimiton Mm oh 15 Two nigii ments were piesented to the senate yes terday in which almost antipodal post tions woie takon by tho two senators Toller in a brief speech maintained that tho constitution could not extend over tonitoi y acquired by tho United States whilo Turner elaboiatoly contended that tho constitution embraced tho acquired territory tho very moment the United States took possession of it Teller held that this government could make tlie outlying tonitory into states or could hold it as colonies as it saw fit while Tut ner maintained that tho United States could not hold col onies or dependencies Aside from tho constitutional quontious tho two sonatoi s were in practical agreement Both were opposed to tho pending bill and both objected to any of the insular ter ritory becoming a part of tho United States or any of its inhabitants citizens of tho United States Mull Topic in 111 lloiifti WAsiilNdiov March 15 Tho District of Columbia appropriation bill wan taken up in the house yesterday and tin der tho latitude allowed Adamsou ai gued in favor of tho Nicaragua canal Cowherd disenssed the Philippino ques tion Howard questions relating to the Philippines and the open door policy in the oiient Rucker the advisability ot electing senators by tho people and Bon toll replied to Cowherd saying that military glory and commercial giced were as repugnant to him as to tho gen tleman from Missouri HULL AND LENT2 HAVE TILT Spirited KxalmngcH Httircon lIoniliiirH of tin- IIoiinh Committee Wasiiinci rov March 15 Feeling ran high at the Couer dAlcno investigation boforo the house committee on military affairs yesterday and thoro wore several spirited exchanges botweou Chairman Hull and Representative Lentz George Cornell was on tho stand relating his experience during imprisonment which differed only in detail from thoso of other witnesses Ono of his recital was as to an old soldier who becauso of brutality of tho negro soldiers toward him took his Grand Army button from his coat and with tears in his eyes throw it awny Cornell said ho made a memoranda of the affair but the book was taken from him and he saw it aft erward in tho possession of Bartlott Sinclair tho governors representative during tho troubles Mr Sinclair who wns present aroso and declared there was no such soldier ns liad been described Mr Lent protested against state ment not under oath Ho also gave notice that ho would call on Mr Sin clair to produco all his books to locate this alleged soldier entry Chairman Hull here interposed to remind Mr Lentz that ho was not tho entire com mitteo and was not in a position indi vidually to order tho production of books inriieil NoitTflun Hun Amuclc Washington March 15 In a par oxysm of inexplicable rago or po siblo insanity Olof Palleson a Norwegian stabbed and killed his wifo Josophino murdored littlo Julia Hongosbacli tho daughter of Charles F Hongosbacli a mail carrier and assaulted the childs mother Mary Ilongesbaeh m front of his home 1121 Twenty fourth street MrsIIengos bach now lies near tho vergo of death in tho Columbia hospital with seven stab wounds in her body inflicted by tho in furiated Norwegian Palleson nar rowly escaped being stouod to death at tho hands of a crowd of cituons Flnnm lnl Hill Now u linr Wabhinotov Mai oh 15 Tho presi dent affixed his signature to tho finan cial bill thus making it a law of tho land Overstreot Intl who had tho bill in charge arrived at the white house at noon and was shown into tho cabinet room where ho was joiued by tho president who after inquiring if the bill had been compiled with caro afllxod his signature to it Tanner fleaclieii Nw Oi leant New Oiiikans March 15 Governoi Tanner of Illinois arrived horo yester day The governor was takon at once to a hotel Mrs Tanner said his condi tion wo auch tlmt ho could uotJcuvf hU room Wl JJJL A NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH l 1JKM SHELDONS PAPER TODAY I iiniP ot Ihlnl I t ot HI IIhIIrIium tull Ton Kv Mutch 15 -In the Capital this morning an odltotint by Mr Shel don loads the llrst page It is set in linger typo Hunt that used in tho body of tho paper and with u hot dor It U headed The Union tr Clnislondoiu and utgos a ooinpict of tho Christian forces of l ho world for the dost mot Ion of tho saloon and tho ptvsorvit ion of tho Sabbath A notable first ivigo in Hole is by Dr Woitistok of Cedar Kapids la at taking Bohemian societies under tho headlines They Toaoh sulfide -So-dodos Organized to Kill digitals Be lief Wink of tho Bohemian Piossiiiid Fraternal Oulois Roniaikablo Growth of Suicide Mr Sheldon writes an intiodnotory note stating that tho author of tho ar ticle was once an inlldol but was con voi tod to Christianity thioiigh tho death of his ti lends An at Hole denouncing Mornioiiistn nnd polygamy by Hichaid Wake o Salt Like City is gifii prominence ou tho llrst pigo A plea lor equal still inge by Mrs Anna L Diggs is u feature of the fun tiibutois page A telegram from Kansas Oily an nouncing tho suicide of J S Poller son of o United States Senator Pofloi is l un with an editorial note extending the Capitals sympathy to the beieaved family ROOT TALKS TO PLANTERS Snjo Aini i liiiu lot in niiioiit liilcniU t Illlllll Kim v Olilliiiilliin Havana Maioh 15 Klihu Root the United States secretary of war address ing the members of the Planters iiso cuitum yesteiday said he understood that distrust existed as to tho cairyinu out of the joint resolution of the United States congress lie declared that tin Ainouean government intended to fl til fill evoiy obligation and said the Cuban should believe and not accoidingly Tho editor of LI Dia at Cuban ion was recently attacked by a ciowd ol sponge llsheis who attempted to lyncli him ou account of an article which up poured in bis paper in favor of a recent decree regarding sponge fishing To Open Collll llrvi rwtt Ion Tacoma Wash March 15 It is un del stood that tho unitli half ol Colvillu Indian reservation will be thrown opei for settlement about May 1 Tho dm tuft contains neb agiicultuial timber ami mineral lands and boomers are itl ready gatheiing to lush aciqss the lino The distiict eompusos 1500000 acres of land Timber has been cruised and agricultural lauds inspected making quick settlement ccitain Tho ceded miiicial poitiou of the district is known to contain immense bodios of low giadc ores Jurj ItiportH n DlHiiKiiTinrnt BurrALO March 15 Alter being mil 8Isj hours the jury in Iho iuso of t lie alleged dock rioters George Skinner Georgo Frye and John OBrien re ported a disagreement The noting al leged was in connection with the double which culminated in tho shooting ol William Kennedy during the grain shoveleis strike last summer To JMaiiiiKO SI loo Tfiim Cedar Rapids la March 15 Belden Hill manager of the Cedar Rapids base ball team for tho three past seasons yesterday accepted tho terms of Presi dent Van Brunt of tho St Joseph team of tho Western league and goes nt oneo to take charge of tho team Ho will sign several new players Davrnport CuihiIiik Iluut Dimtroyril Davkvpokt la March 15 Tho plant of Davenport Canning company was totally destroyed fire lato last night The plant began tho manufact ure of tin cans tho first of tho year and was newly fitted throughout Tho loss is estimated at 1 50000 Jit ill lick y hllHprit Jteleuinil FitANKFOUT Mareh 15 GabnolTiiul arrested in connection with tho Goobul murder will bo released today The detectives say that there is nothing in the charge against him TELEGRAPHIcTl3RiEFS Tho Ohio houso Wednesday passed Iho Griffin bill appropriating 1000000 lor tno Toledo centennial Tho Illinois Manufacturers associa tion has decided to start an agitation looking to tho repeal of tho war revenue act Rev Thomas K Beecher tho elder and only surviving brother of Henry Ward Beecher died at Blmirn Wednes day aged 81 years Fire Wednesday at Miatnisburc O destroyed tho big Rothschild tobacco warehouse and damaged other adjacent buildings Loss 150000 A cablegram recened in Washington Wednesday announces tho mainage of Mrs j ranees Hodgson Btunott to Stophon Townsend of Ijondon Tho project of formiuga gigantic com bination of manufacturers of threshing machines which would havo beou ono of tho largest trusts in tho couutry has been abandoned Profossor Charles Young of the Prince tou university astronomical dopartmont announced that preparations aro now being mado by him to observe tho total eclipse of tho sun which will tuko place on May 28 Tho United States government hns applied for oxerjiuteurs on behalf of Heaton W Harris United States con sul at Mannheim and Georgo II Mur phy United States vice consul ut Magdeburg lu the vote of Kenton county Ky Wednesday to elect u senator to the vaeanoy caused by thq death of Senator Goobcl H L Harbison GoebePs law partner was elected by 629 majority over L L Oretuoy his Republican op pouaut A i JLj Y t C3u NmVBOAIIIllSNJIIII Gov Poyntcr Appoints Omaha Fire and Police Connnisnion INSTALLATION TO Ufi UUSISTM W S topplfton V 1 Iti outfit lr IlH lioilj unit II C MIIIit Am Sniliil lii tlrlillill III lliill NiiiiMi Will lli Mil I III llio Siipioinii mill Lincoln Match 15- iowinor Ioyn tor last oMtilng appointed W S Pup ploton 11 0 Milloi J II IVobody and W 1 Bioalfh as lire nine police coin mlssiniioiN for the IltV of Ouiiilm Tim in tion comes as a continuation of a long mid bitter contiovoisy lor tho couttnl of the polite and tire dopaituionts of that oily Under a law onaolod by tho leg islaluio in 1SD7 the governor was given oonliol of Hie and polite ooiiiiiiIssIouhiii cities ol the llisl class A year ago on an appeal for local self goti union tho supremo coin I deoloiid the law unconstitutional and eslod Iliiitnil in Iho mayor and oily council A case to test the law a s aid lime has ifi ittly boon bionght before tho su ptomo eoutt aud pending a decision iiivunoi lVjnlor jcslcnlav made the appointments ISntiyol the new com mission it is said will be resisted It is tiuili rslood that iulci vcnliou in the nanio ol tin so appointees will l mado in the pending suit in thosiipioiiK couit Minimum li clclil Itnto Ciinr Omaha Mareh 15 In the United States conn jcstoulay boloio Judge M linger the injunction case against tin slate houid ol transportation was called lor aigument The ease is an attempt of the plaiutills in the maximum niU case to secure an injunction to restrain the state boaid of transput tation fiom enforcing Iioighl rates without llrst applying to tho United States ciicuit couit for an older mo lifying Iho injunc tion issued m tho original cusu yTV Ariritnl lor iiiiLllii Suit itioit Nob Mai oh 15 Uniteil Stati h Mat sliiil Moores ol Palmyra ar lc ted Adolph lOhrhatt hero yesterday on the charge of einbivling i5 fiom a letter belonging to Matilda Khrhatt The crime is said by the complainant tr have been committed at Mcdicim Lodge Ran Kluhail has been taken to Grand Island Irmiiii Ilinnii SIiixiIk IIIiiihi U Wahoo Nub Mm eh 15 Franli Ilakel a Gcinum fainu r about 05 eait of age who accidentally shot aud lolled himself Monday whilo trying to kill n rabbit wax mteircd at Weston yes teiday FAILURE OF HAGUE TREATY Not Ono of IliocrH ItrpruHcntiil in Con fiT ncf Mux Itiitllliil tlin Convitntlon Washiniion Match 15 In diplo matic ciiclos here an unpleasant sug geslion has been tin own out to the of feet that The Hague conference has re sulted in complete failure and that even tho limited program ugrocd upon is never to be perfected The basis for this view is tho fact that up to this moment it is not known officially that a siuglo ono of tho powers represented in tho conference has rati fied the three conventions prepared there Tho treaties themselves require that each of tho participants in tho confer ence shall bo notified whenever tht other parties ratify tho conventions Up to this time no such notice hai reached this country So far as tho United States govern ment is concerned only one of the three treaties has been ratified by tho senate and cvon in that caso tho formahtiei havo not been carried to completion It is probable howover that tho appear ance in Washington of tho newly ap pointed Dutch minister bringing with lum tho official copies of the conven tions may result in further action by tho United States upon thorn AlHuImn Hlrmnrr Wrrtlicil Skattik Wash March 15 Tho steamer ISxcolsior arrived yesterday with Captain Snow crew and passen gers of tho Pacific Whaling companys steamer Wolcott which was wrecked ou the night of Jan 1 near Karluk Alaska All were confined threo days on tho beach at tho foot of a glacier in tho snow and rain without shelter on account of tho unusually high tides but on the fourth day managed to got away in tho ships boats to Oak bay Tho Wolcott is a total loss To Iiicrnmo Capital Stoi If St Paul March 15 Tho Gulf and Manitoba Railway compuiy has filed notice with tho stuto railroad commis sion that it desires to iucrenso its cap ititi stock from 50000 to 7000000 in order to extend its lino of railroad from Duluth through Minnesota and Iowa to Kansas City 700 miles Tho purposo of tho now administration seems to bo run tho Gulf and Manitoba to Kansas City and connect with tho Kaubas City Pittsburg and Gulf railroad Ilurliinton fltr Ine the Italia Ottumwa Maich 15 Tho Chicago Denver flyer train No 1 on tho Bur lington road met with an uccident last night 25 miles west of hero Accord ing to reports tho engine of tho train and the trucks of tho first car were de railed No person was injured Tuft ChIU CoiuiiiImIuii WABiijNqTOjV March 15 Judge Taft presideut of tho uew Philippine commis sion has notified his fejlow commis siouers that tho commission will con vene iu thin oity Mnrch Jt7 -- I M I lylM lonicM ill lim Not folk - - - Nebraska 111 C S PA It k nu mvnST At Ill roo ruit Miinilny Mast Block - Ntnfollf Nob XK II T IIOLIHCN IliiHlelnn nml Suigoon Illllii ItimiH Nnliiiiiiil IIiiiiL lliilliliinr TnlmilitiiHi till Miiiill it i i mii nml Id kIiIkiii ii Miiin mill I ltd nt lllllllllllllllll Norfolk Noliraslcu U 1 1 scoBii OSTIKHATIIV ill SoiillitMli Htinl N n roll Niln Will lm in AIiiiIImim Iuinliij iml Inilm ut I in Ii ui III nilNTINT Olllii mii Cllircii h Niillniiiil linn I Hi nil nit nun I ill u I urn tli nt nut ii iii I ii hill 1 1 inn Ii Noilullt - - - NoIiiiihIcu yISS MA BY SIIKLLKY Inslilonulilo Dressmaker l i kIiiIim iii iiKoii lilnil mii Hiiiiiii h Hliire I I n M I lllhH win I Illlllllllll I ll Not folk - - - Nebraska poWBUS A HAYS AllornejH ut Law ItoiniiH III II nml 1 AluH lilnil Norfolk - - - Nobuudcn gKSSlONS iV BULL llinlcrliikors and KinliiilinerF Si i MuiiF 1111 Nnifiill Am- Norfolk Nebraska - - - yt M KOBKUTSON Attariifj al Lsw looms 1 ami 2 HoherlHon Wlglon Bloik Norfolk or Iluniliiiijr Sldim Killiiip rumps TanU Ami all wnrU in Huh Iiiiii c nil on W H RISH Snt ibTiii lion liinriinti cd Tiisl ilnor South of Tin Daii Ni hm Olllce M RS I I H HULL Facial Treatment Manicuring and Shampoo 111 ulinll rail nt jour Ilium k unit ilo iinj HiIh work Order taki n fur linn lialr bwiicIkh IVrfict miilrli Kiiaraiili ol Hi nili nco un Ilmt htreil luiictioii UiilrrH innj bo loft at tliu Iiuictioii UrilK Slnre Tolopliono Mi 11 Nt C WALKER DKALKIt IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 GRSEILER Sale and - Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission fJraasch Avenue and Tnird St PHONE 44 KARO BROS t I S4MKmfft Everybody wants the beat of meate We make a special effort to please our trade Oar Shop U thcVjMdBt In the City