K M 11 n f Z U Economical Shoes aro never choap shoos Shoos liko Pingroo Smiths mono womons and childrens and Drow Selby Shoo Cos lndios shoos aro truly economical bocauso thoy Will Outwear two pairs of choap shoos aud aro uot high priced at that If you havo novor tried thorn wo would adviso you to do so Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER OfBco Hardys Coal Oillcn Fire insuranco Farm and City Loaus aud Real Estato Good liouso barn anil J acroBof land In Nor folk for salo cheap J B SIMPSON YOUR EYES SHOULD BE TESTED SCIENTIFICALLY according to tho latost improvod motliodB If you got glassoB from unyouo who soils specta cles you run a jroat risk Thoy may soom nil right for awhilo but thoy will suruly do harm to tho cyoB It is liko a porson KoiiiK into a drug storo and trying to put up n proscription without any kuowlodgo of tho dilToront modi cinos If you doairo the right kind of glasses go to CFWMARQUARDT Norfolk OPTICIAN Nebraska The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 55 Minimum temperature 22 Average 89 Snowfall inches 00 Preoipitation 00 Total preoi pitation for month 28 Barometer 2952 Forecast for Nebraska Partly cloudy with moderate temperature to night Friday threatening and colder with rain or suow north portion THURSDAY TIDINGS R Stitt received a telegram this morning from his brother J O Stitt at Altamont N Y announcing the death of the latters wife Miss Dorothy Salter is seven years old today and a large number of her little friends are helping her celebrate that anniversary this afternoon It is said that ducks are flying about and that tho first indication of tho ap proach of spring is here The nimrods will soon be out with their arsenals endeavoring to coax a few of the birdlets to land in their larder MIbb Lillian Luikart entertained a few of her young friends at her homo on Norfolk avenue last evening The time waa pleasantly spent in games refresh ments and other ways designed to give young people a good time Attention is directed to tho change in the date of the call for tho republican city convention from March 19 to March 17 at 8 p m This is done be cause it is found that if tho convention is not hold until tho 19th it will bo too lato to legally file the certificates of nomination with tho city clerk Owen Brothers railroad oontraotors have been asked for propositions for their entire interests in the Norfolk and Yankton railway The proposition comes from W W Graham Norwalk Ohio who took hold of the projeot about a year ago but who failed at that time to mako it succeed From the fact that he is again looking tho matter up it may be argued that he still has hopes of completing the road The Columbus Journal of 1874 pub lished this item whioh will probably interest old settlors Hon Frank Welch on the morning of Sept 4 was apparently in good health and drove from Norfolk to Neligh nud in the evening about 8 20 while in conversa tion with friends fell back in his chair and expired within 20 minutes of apo plexy He was Nebraskas congressman 1 aud had just ontorod upon tho political canvass to obtain tho nomination for a sooond torm with a fair prospoot of being his own successor Timos Tribnno Tho populist con vontiou was hold at Battlo Creek Tues day and organized by olocting A II Bohannon chairman and O D Tonkins Bocrotary Tho following dologatos werooho9on to tho stato convention W V Allen A II Bohannon O W Cruni O D Tonkins T B Donovan W L Bicklcy II D Kolly 0 T Mufiloy Sam Kent R P Avory Frod H Froo W J Avory Too Martin E L Twiss P A Callou and Ohostor A Fullor By a unanimous voto of tho convention Senator Allou was solootod as chairman of tho dologation Thoroughbred Btock is being rapidly introduced into Nobraska and it will not bo long until this Btato is known far nud wido for its dairios and fauoy stock At an auction salo at Kan bos City Feb 28 ThiokBol a Hereford bull from tho herd of T F B Sotlinm of Ohllllcotho Mo Bold for 5100 tho purclmsor bo ing William Humphrey of Ashland Nob and said to bo the highest prico over paid for a Horoford at public auc tion Grandoo nuothor bull was sold by Mr Sothani to tho Stanton Brooding farm of MadisonNobraskaf or 1 500 and Sir Cromwell ahull wont for 1000 Mr Humphrey the purchaser of Thick aol also purchased this animal At this sale Mr Sotham sold 50 animals for an avorago of 454 a head Charles Vail day clerk at tho Pacific hotel has resigned his position and do parted today in company with Miss Carrie Mather for a long timo an em ploye of the samo hotel for Pilgor where Mr Vails parents rosido Dur ing thoir absonco it is stated that thoy will bo joined in tho holy bonds of matrimony and will thon go to Wayno whore in company with Knox Tipple they will take chargo of tho Boyd hotel of that city Mr Vnil and Miss Mathor have long beon connected with tho Pa cific hotel and havo many friends who will wish them much success in thoir now venture M D Boech of Harting ton who has for some timo beon con nected with tho Wayno hotel has taken Mr Vails place as day clork at tho Pacific Tub News is much averse to meddling in family troubles and were it not for tho many stories and rumors started concerning Mr and Mrs Eli Rsisley it would not mention this Tho fact is that they have decided to sepa rate Mr Rasley having disposed of his property to his wife for 25 and ho will leave There havo been in circulation stories of domestic infelicity and infi delity of one or both parties The News can say knowingly that tho only cause for disagreement was whether or not the young man who has for years helped in the establishment should re main Mr Rasley thought that ho could no longer associate with him in business and Mrs Rasley deemed his help as of much importanco in conducting the work of the estab lishment and therein lies tho only cause of disagreement Other stories that have circulated ore mero scandal with nothing to prove them People who aro acquainted with Mr and Mrs Rasloy are extremely sorry that they should disagree and many have been severe in their condemnation of one or tho other of them but as long as they havo chosen to live apart that is their business and insinuation as to the character of either is not required Mrs Rasley is highly respected by her husband and he is undoubtedly respeoted by her but they are unable to agree on the one point and that is the truth in a nutshell Friends of the family yet hope that they may como to an amicable agreement and that tho decision to sepa rate will bo rescinded I dosire to announce that my spring stock of wall paper is now ready for your inspection Fine whito back paper 8 cents per double roll Fine gilt paper 15 cents per double roll One band blended border to match H O Truman 104 North 4th st Typewriting at the Y M O L rooms Fine lamps at tho Boole Store Stamp photos at Michaels 24 for 25 cents four different positions Until March 15th only Dressed turkeys at the Palace Meat Market Ah there Have you had some stamp photos taken at Michaels yet No Well youd bettor get a move on you aud follow tho crowd You wont havo a chance long to get 24 for a quarter A meeting of tho creditors of tho Auditorium will bo held Friday even ing nt 8 oclock at the office of tho Chi cago Lumber company The object of tho meeting is to take under advisement tho plan of making application for the appointment of a receiver DrFranlc Salter Disease of children Wo make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building aud Savings association T E Odiohne Sec Choice veal at tho Palace Meat Market Smoked white fish at the Palace Meat Market Sulders catsups at Boxs Choice veal at the Palaco Meat Market THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 8 1900 A MONSTER GRIZZLY SenMniiii V Unit Itnvo Mounted a Unite that Attract Attention Sosslons Boll tho Norfolk taxidor mists havo a wido roputatton through out tho etato for tho oxcollont manner In whioh thoy mount spoclmonfl and thoy havo just complotod a piooo of work which will add much to thoir prestigo In that line Tho mombors of tho firm aro modost concerning thoir attainments bnt merit will out as suroly as munlor and thoy havo a patrouago covoring a largo torrltory Hooured through tho oxcellouoo of I thoir work Tho job of work rocontly complotod is tho mounting of an immonse grizzly boar and thoso who havo known of tho work in hand havo takou a loop iutorost and dosirod Us oarly completion Tho animal was killed by Messrs Koch and John Edgiugtou of Fullorton who woro on their annual hunt in Wyoming last October Mr Koch mot tho animal in a thicket near llauchcslor and fired tho shot taking olToot in tho body n oar tho abdomen Tho shot was uot disabling aud only sorvod to ourago tho bruto who mado a rush for Mr Koch and ho mado a hasty exit with tho bruto in swift pursuit Mr Edgiugtou was sitting on his horso uoarby and as tho animal passed him shot it through tho heart It was still very much alive howovor aud made a lush nt its now antagonist As it raised to striko Mr Edgiugtou again shot it tho ball passing through its nock breaking tho spine Tho shot did not prevont tho bruto from lauding its blow which it did with terriblo effect striking tho horse on tho shouldor nud broaking it in two places Tho forco of tho blow sont horso nnd rider rolling Tho horso was so badly injured that it had to bo shot while Mr Edgington os capod without being injured to any ex tent Mossrs Sessions Bell have had chargo of tho carcass siuco tho loro part of November and tho final touchos woro put on tho work last evening This morning tho specimou was brought down from tho workroom and located in tho front room of tho building Its movement was easily tho center of at traction on Main street a largo crowd gathering about and asking all sorts of questions Tho animal stands Ti feet high and weighed beforo being dressed about 1200 pounds In niouuting tho endeavor has boon to represent tho animal prepared to mako its last striko the gcutlomau who did the killing having described its attitudo as minutely as possible It is reared on its haunches with paws raised mouth open oars laid bade and eyelids curlod nnd is indeed a work of art Tho poso is fero cious in tho extrome and ono is almost afraid to approach it for fear tho strike will bo delivered It is easily imagined what a powerful blow it could deal with its immense paws backed by its magui ficout muscular strength and groat weight and is represented as a customer whoso acquaintanceship at close range oven in broad day light would not bo desirable Its attitude is most natural if one may judge from all accounts and Messrs Sessions Bell aro to bo con gratulated upon thoir success One of the owners will bo here next week to attend to the shipment of the specimen aud in tho meantime it will be on display in the front room of the undertaking establishment The Prospect Hill Cemetery associa tion will hold its annual meeting in Session Bolls undertaking rooms on Monday March 12 at 2 oclock p m Officers aro to be elected and suoh busi ness transacted as may come before the meeting All members of the associa tion will be entitled to vote L M Gayloud Sec Window shades at the Book Storo Box can suit you on coffee Farm land and city property for salo by G R Seiler Farm and city loans The Dubland Teust Co Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges rosideuco and nfllco Wall paper at Christophs PERSONAL D M Owen was a passenger for Omaha yesterday J L Oriss and F E Criss of Ponder were in the city today Hon John R Hays is home from a busiuoss trip to Omaha Rev W A Rominger of Tilden vis ited in tho city yesterday F H Beels went to Wayne and Mag net this moruing on business Mrs Bert OBanion went to Clear- water last evening to visit friends Jas Rothwell of Creighton arrived in the city this morning from Sioux City Mrs D J Koenigstein has gone to Lincoln called there by tho illness of her mother F M Hoyor came in last evening from Humphrey where he had been on business Emil Pribbonow came in on the morn- ing train from Wayno and other points in northoast Nebraska M E Getter deputy supremo ohief of the Tribe of Ben Hur of Nebraska is in the city for the purpose of securing new members for that order V M Olom onts nnd John Soxton nlso deputies of tho samo ordor havo moved their fami lies horo from Stanton nud wilt work in tho country in this vicinity using Norfolk as thoir hondquartors Foil Runt Forty acres extra good boot land near the factory by Dr F Vorgos Wall paper at tho Book Storo DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES Ootinclliniinln Candidate are Named and Delegation are llioaen The olty primaries of tho ilomooratio doctors worohold in the various moot ing placos last ovoning and tho follow ing rosults woroattalnud In the dltlerout ward eleotlous First ward For councilman August Brutnmond the presout incumbent was rouomluatod For dologatos to the county conventionon tho 15th tho fol lowing dologatos wore mooted 0 F W Marquardt August Hrummond 1 G Wostorvolt T M Hull OHcar Uhlo J L Daniel Frod Dognor For dolo gatos to tho city convention tho follow ing woro chosen 0 F V Marquardt J 11 Oonloy Paul Friobo J L Danioln Frod Dognor Fred Bruiumoud 1 G Wostorvolt Ludwlg Wotol O II Kralm 0 F W Marquardt was also choaoii iib troasuror to oaro for tho fund providod for printing tickets and other nocoBsary oxponses connected with tho prhnurios aud elect inn In tho Socond ward Julius Dognor was nominated for councilman for tho full torm and Kd Grant was nominated for couuoilnian for tho fihort torm Tho following dologatos woro ohoson to rop resont tho ward in tho county conven tion Al Dognor II O Matrau Anton Bucholz Geo W Box John W Fetter Ernest Ilirth William CI Bomor For dologatos to tho city con vontiou tho following woro unmed It Kil murry A J Brumniund Win Ahl mnnn M J Stone Al Dognor II J Matrau Fred Lou Win G Bomor Carl Wildo M J Stafford James Coylo was noniinatod for coun cilman in tho Third ward and tho fol lowing dologatos woro chosen to attond tho county convention Potor Stallord A P Childs G A Luikart D J Koen igstein S G Dean Albort Wildo Dr Bear For delegates to tho city con von tiou tho following woro named Peter Stafford A P ChildB G A Luikart D J Koenigstein S G Doan Albert Wildo Dr A Bear AJ Koouigstoiu A P OBanion and J 0 Stitt Fourth ward John Spollnian was nominated for councilman Tho dolo gatos to tho oounty convention woro not named but tho following woro chosen to reprcsout tho ward iu tho city con vention Fred Koorbor O A Harsh man Stovo Burnett Tom Shively L H Breed and A Viorgutz An upright piano for rent Havks Jewelry and Music House Improved farm 8 miles from Norfolk house barn windmill 70 acres pasturo fenced 1800 S L Gardner Houses for sale T E Odiornb ASK FOR Hi Hi BITTERS GOOD FOR WHAT AILS YOU For Sale at all First Class Saloons L P LARSON CO FREMONT - NEBRASKA Nebraska Distributor Al b HARDY always keeps in stock all tho best grades of 0 HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screened and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar A anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St L Housekeepers Attention I have returned to Norfolk and open ed my shop in tho Schwertfeger build lug where I am prepared to Make Hare Mattresses and Renovate Feath er Beds and Pillows Will be hero but a short timo only and all parties wishing to hnve work done will please give me their orders early F W PIEPER I HAVE Several Farms for Rent or for Sale on Crop Payments AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST I also want to buy a good farm or some good land MONEY TO LOAN on Good Farms A J DURLAND FEBRUARY 2 1900 JUST CAME IN Fine Line of New Golf Caps 25c 29c 35c C W BRAASCH DEALER IN 49c INSKEEPS MILLINERY IOOAL1 Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho nest in tuc market Scranton Hard Coal In all hIzch TELEPHONE ttl FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary Norfolk N A BAINIIOLT Pronident ALKXANDKB ItKAlt Vico lresldeot W II nUCIIOkZ Cmililor K W ZUTZ AulnUut Uanhlor National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exohange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIBBOTOBS A BEAU F P HANLON iF J HALK W H HUCHOLZ WM ZOTZ NA BAINBOLT JOHN B HAYB F VEBOKH 8 8 COTTON NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN flcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Prompt delivery Work called for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 Ms CIFIC COAST Norfolk Nebr Splendid Train Service DENVER SALT LAKE CITY TO AND FROM g FRANOISCO PORTLAND VIA THE Union Pacific AND ALL PRINCIPAL Two trains daily to and from Douvor and Colorado points Two trains daily to and from San Francisco and California points Two trains daily to and from Salt Lake City and Utah points One train daily to and from Portland and North Pacific Coast points with direct connections for Taconia nud Seattle Double Drawing Room Palaco Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Chair Cars For Time TableB Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed callon your uearest agent or address L LOMAX General Passenger aud Ticket Agent Omaha Neb k