0 I Tonkins wont to Buttle Creek
today to nttoml the populist county con
Mr niul Mrs M Mlhills lmvo movcil
to South Norfolk from their former
homo on West Madison nvonuo
P M Conner left yesterday for St
Edwards whoro ho will tako chnrgo of
tho Edwards Bradford lumber otllce
Miss Luolla BraaFoh is in tho city to
day on hor way from Omaha to Bloom
Held whoro sho conducts a millinery
Miss May Craft of Battle Creek who
has boon visiting Miss Gertrudo Austin
a fow days returned to hor homo last
Uuby tho infant child of Mr and
Mrs Shipuinu colored of South Nor
folk died last night and will bo buried
A 0 Johnson formorly county com
missionor from Nownian Grovo now
living on his farm near Meadow Grove
was a city visitor yesterday
Geo Davenport arrived in tho city
from Randolph yestordiiy bringing with
him tho balanco of his stock of shoes
which will bo closed out hero
Piof OConnor returned yesterday
from Chicago whoro ho had boon a
week attending tho mooting of tho
National Educational association
Miss Ella Barrett and Miss Agues
Konuedy havo gouo to Red Oak Iowa
whero thoy will teach classes in short
hand and typewriting
Tho local branch of tho Piano Manu
facturing company has received three
ears of sample machinery to bo distri
buted to points throughout Northeast
Cecil Green had tho misfortuno yes
terday afternoon to have his foot stepped
on by a horse that wib sharp shod His
foot was badly cut as tho result of tho
A number of tho friends of Ernest
Schulz assisted him in colebrating his
birthday last night at tho home of his
parents on North First street A highly
enjoyable time was tho result
Having sold hisdray line in this city
Henry Miller proposes to take a trip to
the Hot Springs S D whero ho will
remain some time for his health His
daughter will accompany him
W II Blakemau local manager for
the Piano Manufacturing company
closed a deal yesterday whereby he
becomes the owner of what is known as
tho Scheier property on north Eleventh
street and which has been occupied by
Mr Blakemau for some time
Dundee Mich Reporter If a beet
raiser beat another raising beets and
tho beets raised by tho beat beet raiser
Loat the beets raised by tho beater then
the beat beet raiser has also beat the
beater and both have beat and are beat
beet raisers and their beets have both
beat and aro beat boots
Randolph Reporter George Daven
port has decided to close up tho firms
business at this pluce and will go- to
Washington and Oregon on a pleasure
trip and to visit relatives there Ho
expects to close up his business by next
woek Wo regret very much his de
parture and ho will bo greatly missed
by his many frionds
A very sick Indian with a ticket
from Superior to Verdigre was un
loaded at tho depot last night and was
taken into A N Eddys hack and
brought up town Ho was referred to
the police officers and they in turn ap
plied to Commissioner Winter None
of tho hotels wanted him as a guest and
a man was finally hired by Mr Winter
to care for him in the police headquarters
office Ho was given attention by a phy
sician nnd received as much care ns
possible under the circumstances The
doctor said he was suffering from pneu
monia This morning the Bickman
was loaded onto the freight and started
toward Verdigre His ultimate destina
tion iB the Sauteo agency
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable
papers is
It 1
everybody who reads the news
sure to know of the wonderful
U r
ii -
i Msj
cures made by Dr
i Kilmers Swamp Root
I the rreat kidney liver
L and bladder remedy
tr It is the great medi
al rallrtumnk n it
w luiliur Wl Mil
teenth century dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr Kilmer the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist and Is
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou
bles and Brlghts Disease which is the worst
form of kidney trouble
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney liver or bladder trouble it will be found
just the remedy you need It has been tested
In so many ways in hospital work In private
practice among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail also a book
telling more about Swamp Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble
When writing mention reading this generous
nttr In IVilj nm anj
tend vour address to
Dr Kilmer CoBlng i4WllHl
hamton N Y The
1iil liiiyiwu
regular fifty cent and Home of Bwamp iioot
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists
A UIr UIrI of Illinium llroimil Out limt
Madison Nob Feb 27 WOO Board
of county commissioners of Madison
county statu of Nebraska mot pursuant
to adjournment Present II W Win
ter John J Hughes and Christ Sohmitt
Minutes of last mooting read and
On motion A W Tillotson was al
lowed faHO pur week for taking caro of
Mary Woods Order to bo in offect un
til further notion of tho board
Mr W D Burkholdor of Madison
precinct wns beforo tho board with
complaint of having lost a horse by tho
sumo bronking its log in a dofectivo
culvert on tho 17th iuBt Aftor hear
ing tho evidence in the caso tho mutter
wns settled by tho board allowing Mr
Burkholdor 1000
Ou motion tho board adjourned to
7 30 p m
Board mot at 7 10 p m
On motion tho following bills woro
W D Burkholdor for loss of horse
1000 less porsemil 1S99 tax 0 10
amount allowed 3350
M 1 Moyur attorney fees in caso of
state of Nebraska vs O O Berry 5000
M B Poster attorney fees in caso of
stato of Nobraska vs Win FWoinstook
31 -11
Dim Salter Ss Salter nttendnnco etc
furnished Mrs Kirby i5r0 less per
sonal tax 1583 balanco 07
Mrs Amoliii Wuguor boarding pau
per Mrs Kirby and child 9020 less
personal tax 1807 171 balanco 88 -11
0 W Crum salary for January and
February and incidental expenses
A W Tillotson caring for Mrs
Woods 1000 less personal tax 1870
balance 11 30
Braasch Zuolow merchandise for
sick Clark and Michelson 1081 ap
plied on personal tax
Fremont Tribune books and station
ery 5080
Asa K Leonard medicine for Mrs
Kirby i 70 applied on personal tax
County clerk for recording oflluinl
bonds and issuing certificates of election
8875 to bo accounted for as fees of his
Madison Chronicle printing 1150
It D Scott printing for county su
perintendent 2100 less personal tax
12 08 balance 8 83
It D Scott printing and stationery
for couuty judgo 1275
J J AdaniB hat and coat rack 75
cents applied on personal tax
It D Scott publishing county treas
urers semi annual statemont 8500
E G Hoilman taking indexes to
Fremont for repair and railroad faro
11 IG
County clerk postage express etc
2 U3
OShoa McBride coal for count
O W Dnrliugton one wolf scalp
J C Reeves one wolf scalp 200
applied on personal tax
L B Baker lumber for bridges
1013 applied on personal tax
Henry Clausen grave lot for pauper
Hosbrook 200
Wm Low district No 1 1 work on
roads 1900 and work on bridge 1700
less personal tax 791 balance 2800
James Clark work on bridges 1375
less personal tax 790 balance 585
Carl Reicho grading 1451 less per
sonal tax 788 balance 2005
W L Miller work on road 500
applied on personal tax
Lars Nelson one wolf scalp 200
applied on personal tax
Henry Heath work on road 7f0
Joseph Finkrol work on road T00
applied on personal tax
J I Beach hardware etc 1750
applied on personal tax
In the insanity caso of Robert Pottitt
II A Moston ono day and mileage
Horry Becker one day nnd mileage
In tho insanity caso of Dennis P
W P Evans one day aud mileage
Dennis G Sullivan one day aud mile
age 5 50
James Hughes ono day and mileage
ft 50 applied on personal tax
P F Sullivan ono day and mileuge
550 applied on personal tax
Peter OShea ono day and mileage
2 00 opplied on personal tax
Roport of Carl Itoiohe road overseor
district No 9 was audited and ap
proved showing all accounts paid and
no money on hand
On motion board adjourned to Febru
ary 28 at 8 a m
February 28 at 8 a in board mot
pursuaut to adjournment
On motion tho county treasurer was
ordered to transfer from the miscellane
ous fund to the 1898 general fund the
505 10 paid in by E G Heilmau and
the 10000 paid in by Geo W Losey
On motion tho treasurer was ordered
to transfer from the 1898 general fund
to tho 1899 bridge fund 1000
On motion tho following resolution
was introduced
Whereas It arnears tlmr nt nan
eral election held in November 1899
sunarate nshfmnrH wprn nlpnrnri fnr ooi
of the four wurds in tho city of Norfolk
and one for that part of Norfolk pre
dinct lying outside of the limits of said
ivy ana iuai ui saia election two jus
tices of tho peace woro elected for tho
city of Norfolk and ono for that part of
Norfolk precinct lying outside of said
city and that at said election two eon
stables were elected for the city of Nor
folk and ono for that part of Norfolk
precinct lying outsldo of tho limits of
said city ami
Whereas All of said ollloos havo be
come vacant by reason of tho law under
which thoy were elected having been
declared unconstitutional olid void by
tho supremo court of Nebraska
Theroforo lloriumi Gorocko is hereby
appointed assessor for Norfolk preoinet
S W Hayes and J L Dnnlol aro here
by appointed justices of tho nonce for
said Norfolk precinct and John P
Wright and James II Conloy ore hereby
appointed constables for said Norfolk
precinct Each of said oillcors hereby
appointed to qualify ns required by law
On motion tho following nppoiid
montfl wero made
Chas Fonsko road overseor district
No 7
Peter Hussy road overseer district
No 2
JJIj S Warwick road overseer district
No I
On motion Win Low No I was ap
pointed member of the soldiors relief
commission for district No 11
Ou motion tho following bills were
O A Ooons medicine for paupers
Hosbrook 710
Gus Kiul janitor for January and
February 0000
U D Mathews oil for Losey 1095
A L Stewart printing lt5 less
porsoual tax 2 79 balance 1 110
E N Smart fees in insanity cases of
Pottitt aud Sullivan 21180 less per
sonal tax 510 balanco 1850
A W Gross fees in tho same eases
12 00 loss perhonnl tax 102 balance
7 38
Madison Chronicle printing 900
F Brinckmnn Son blank books
Chr Schavlaud fees in iusauity
cases 2300
W N Huso printing 1100 loss
500 charge for folding in treasurers
statement bnlauco 3000
Canton Bridge Co building bridges
OShoa McBrido coal 7475
It D Scott publishing commissioners
proceedings and bridge notico 15000
less 900 for publishing proceedings of
January 0 balanco 51 00
It C Miles postage express etc
On motion tho resignation of 13 A
Liudonian as justice of the poaco Nor
folk product was accepted
On motion receipt of Ex Treasurer
Wildo for 5534 -13 stato taxes paid
was approved and ordered filed with
the treasurer
On motion clerk was instructed to
striko out city tax assessed against per
sonal property of T E Odiorne Norfolk
city amounting to 1590 for the year
1899 from tax list as said Odiorne lives
outside of city limits
On motion bond and contract of M O
Wager was approved
On motion bond of Ward Towle
bridge contractors was approved
On motion bond and contract of W N
Huso was approved
On motion official bonds wero ap
proved as follows
C D Johnson road ovorseor district
No 20
Chas Polonski road overseor district
No 31
T D Preece assessor Battle Creek
Alfred Deuel road overseer district
No 3
On motion bill of J H Couley was
allowed at 1073 and applied on per
sonal tax
On motion a warrant was allowed
Claus Young oil tho soldiers relief fund
for 10000
On motion tho following bills wero
A K Robinson ono wolf scalp 200
less personnl tax 85 couts balance 11 1
In caso stato of Nobraska vb O O
Horace Huskius witness 1 00
Isadoro Fink witness 100
W S Obnno witness 110
on personal tax
M O Garett witness 110
on personal tax
H O Huskius witness 110 applied
on personal tax
In case stato of Nebraska vs Wm F
S W Hayes justice of the peneo
515 less personal tax 3J3 balanco
W II Widaman constable 130
In case stato of Nobraska vs Frank
S W Hayes justice of tho peace
Martin Kane constable 210 applied
on porsoual tax
Bill of Geo W Losey for keeping
Robert Pettitt insane 11 days 2750
was rejected on the grounds that accord
ing to tho best evidence before tho
board Mr Caleb Pottitt agreed to keep
the said Robert Pettitt aud he should
theroforo pay said bill
Ou motion board adjourned until
March 19 1900 at 1 oclock p in
Pjul Baccii
County Clerk
Saturday March 17th is the last day
the Variety storo stays open Tables
oil crowded with bargaius to close out
Stove nearly now with pipe only 0
The News jod aepartment is com
plete in every particular
V C Orabill was in town yesterday
from Wakefield
J N Iliuuin of Ponoa vm a oily
visitor yesterday
Miss Annie Carton of ONeill was a
city visitor yesterday
Tho I O O F lodgo will hold a reg
ular mooting tomorrow evening
MIhs Gertrude Austin went to Hnttlo
Creek this afternoon to visit friends
Mark M Cond tho horso former of
Fremont sojourned In tho city over
Chas II Johnson mode a trip to
Stanton this afternoon to deliver o
Mrs Annie King and John King of
Hellwood woro registered in tho city
Euiil llartmnti hos returned from
Iowa where ho hod been for several
years past
Julius Lehman who has been to Hot
Springs S I for several weeks has
returned to Norfolk
Paul Nonow who has been in he
statu of Washington for several mouths
past returned yesterday
Mrs W 11 Field Geo W Irving
and Miss K E Gassou weio Tildon
visitors in tho metropolis yesterday
Rev W R MoKlm leturned last
evening frohi Hartingtoii where he had
been assisting Bishop Williams in
services Sunday
Owen Ditgon ono of tho linemen with
tho Nebraska telephone company has
tendered his resignation to accept a
position with tho F E fc M V at
Robert Filler who with his paronts
went to Oregon a year or more ago re
turned yesterday ond it is said that his
father will return ond again inako No
braska his homo
Tho stato board of transportation lias
thus far foiled to show up in Norfolk to
givo tho fiuol hearing on the freight
rate question ond nothing has boon
hoord from it regarding its intentions
Tho wonthor today is very much like
March with o good still breeze from
the south provuiliuir The recent fall
of snow nnd sleet is rapidly disappear
ing and a good lusty quality of mud is
forming in its place
Tho Union Pacific train last night
brought in a special car with R W
Baxter superintendent and M K
Barnham chief engineer who remained
in tho city ovor night returning ou tho
morning train to Columbus
Dick Boswick has sold his stock and
personal property at his farm east of
tho city and has rented his place Mr
Beswiok aud wife dopnrtcd today for
Council Bluffs Iowa whoro Mrs
Boswick will enter a sanitarium for
tieatmont From thcro they propose
to go to Hot Springs Arkansas where
thoy hope to benefit their health
W P Williams of the Auditorium
has named Goo 11 Spear landlord of
the Oxiiard as resident manager of tho
house Mr Williams is now in Omaha
whero ho has boon detained by business
longer than ho expected but ho will be
homo tholnttor part of tho week Dotings
for tho house will bo mado through A
P Beall monager of tho Grand opera
house in Sioux City
Tho following delegates havo boon
cho jon to represent Norfolk precinct
at tho democratic county convention to
bo held in this city Monday Pat
Roouoy John Wado F D Kraut M
Machmillor C F Haaso D Roes W
F F Miller William Bruminuud and
James Connelly sr Tho caucuses of
tho various wards to select delegates
nre to bo held this oveuing
Dr Anderson of Sownrtl stato veteri
narian wont with Dr O A McKim to
Wiusido yesterday whero thoy made
further investigation into the peculiar
diseaso which had been afflicting the
stock in tlmt locality recently Their
final conclusion was confirmatory of
previous investigations to thooirect that
the onimols wero suffering from hydro
phobia produced by being bitten by o
mad dog This morning Dr Anderson
assisted Dr McKim in romoving o dis
eased rib from a valuable mulo at
Brunsons barn
At tho residence of tho brides father
John Boock at 9 oclock last evening
Row J P Mueller pronounced tho
words which mado Mr George M Dud
ley and Miss Ilnttie L Boeck mon ond
wifo Tho wedding wos o privoto affair
only relatives of tho contracting parties
aud immediate friends being present
After tho ceromony all did justico to nn
elegaut supper which was awaiting
them Mr Dudley is ono of tho rising
young men of Norfolk at present pro
prietor of tho Bon Ton restaurant which
ho is making a success Up to last Sat
urday night Miss Boock was n trusted
employe of The News and she has tho
best wishes of tho whole force in her
now venture whereby sho drops tho
composing rule and takes up the heavier
duties of matrimony In a short time
Mr nnd Mrs Dudloy will occupy rooms
over the restaurant
Grntii OI Cnuu O
Remember thnt name when yon want
n delicious nppotiziug nourishing food
driuk to take the place of coffee Sold
by all grocers and liked by all who have
used it Grain O is made of pare grain
it aids digestion and strengthen the
nerres It is not a stimulant but
Ik 0 I A i Ml X Z ils
Do not wash your hands and face with a common
laundry soap or if you do dont complain when you
find them rough hard and chapped Ordinary laundry
soaps are good for scrubbing floors but not for the skin
Ivory Soap makes a creamy lather that rinses easily and
takes the dirt with it The natural oil of the skin
washed with Ivory Soap is not removed and the skin is
left soft and smooth
health bulkier and tho children ns well
as the adults can drink it withgrcnt
Costs about
colleo 15c and 25n per package
your grocer for Grain O
Ed Oarberry loft for Potior
much as
last Thursday
Rev Main of Norfolk preached
the hall last Sunday
Miss Helm Nmiglo of Wayne is a
guest at tho home of her uncle Oliver
Mrs W II Loomis returned Thurs
day from a months visit with friends in
Iowa and Illinois
Charlie May and Jake Peuhollnw
will give a masquerade ball in tho hall
Friday oveuing March 15
Goo Wheeler has rented o farm of
David Horrington in Stanton county
and will take possession about the first
of April
Alex Binder has bought the building
formerly used as a ticket office on the
old fair grounds at Norfolk and will
move il onto his form
Hereafter tho lodge of Modern Wood
men will meet in the hall the first and
third Saturday evenings of the mouth
and tho M H A lodgo every second
aud fourth Saturday
Nulled In Noii UmIiIiiiI DufciiiliintA
John J Farley and Forley wife of
said John J Farley first name un
known non resident Iefendants will
take notico that on the 27th doy of Feb
ruary 1900 D A Ommeniion plaintiff
heroin filed his petition in the district
court of Madison county Nebraska
against the said defendants and Caro
line E Farley tho object and proyer of
which aro to foreclose a cortain mort
gage executed by John J Furley now
deceased to tho plaintiff upon tho south
half of tho southwest quarter of section
thirteen 13 and tho north half of the
northwest quarter of section twenty
four 21 oll in township twenty four 2 1
north range two 2 west in Madison
county Nebraska to secure the payment
of a certain promissory note doted
July 30 1898 for the sum of 130000
ond duo and payable in five years from
date thereof that thero is now duo upon
said note and mortgago by reason of de
fault in tho payment of interest the
sum of 130870 for which sum with
interest from this dato plointiir proys
for a decree that tho defendants bo re
quired to pay tho same or that said
promises bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found dno
You nro required to answer sold peti
tion on or lwforo tho Oth day of April
Dated this 28th day of Fobrnnry 1900
D A Ommekman
By Mapes Haon Pluintiff
His Attorneys
Curu Anil Treutimink Of X hcSlck
Dr Humphreys Specific manual on
tio treatment and euro of tho sick
mailed freo ou request Adress Humph
roys Medicine Co New York
SuninionH liy Publication
Ollie M Foxworthy
George Foxworthy
Defendnnt J
To Georgo Foxworthy non resident
dofendont you oro hereby required to
take notice that ou the 0th day of Feb
ruary 1900 tho plaintilf filed her peti
tion in the district court of Madison
county Nebraska against you eettiug
forth that you havo been willfully absont
from her for more than three years last
past without any fault or provocation on
hor part Thnt boiug of sufficient abil
ity to provide for support nnd maintain
her you have wantonly grossly and
cruelly refused and neglected so to do
Sho prays that she may bo divorced from
you and be restored to her maiden name
of Ollie M Wade and for general equit
ablo relief You are required to answer
snid petition on or before tho 19th day of
March 1000
Dated February 0 1900
By Barnes Tyler
Her Attorneys
Harriet Torreuce aud Albert W
Torreuce non resident defendants will
take notico that on the 12th day of No
vember 1898 Ferdinand Verses plain
tiff herein filed his petition in the
district court of Madison county No
braskaogoinst Herman Gorocko Suroh 10
Gore ukonud ot tiers I ho object ond proyer
of which oro t o foreoloso a certain con troot
executed by the defendant Herman
Gorccko and the plaintilT for tho sale of
following describe promises situated in
tho said county from tho plomtiir to tho
defendant Herman Gorocko viz
Commencing at a Hiint fifty five rods
east ami two rods north of the hout Invest
corner of the northeost quarter of tho
soul Invest quarter of section twenty two
in township twenty four noilh of range
one west of tho sixth principal merid
ian ond measuring lrom thence north
fifteen rods thence west fifteen rods
thence ninth three rods thence west
nine rods thencn north twelve rods
thence east one rod and twenty wo
links thence north nine rods and thir
teen links hence eiiM five rods and
twenty links 1 hence south twenty eight
degrees and eight minutes east fourteen
rods and two links thence east seven
teen rods si ml nine and one half links to
he right of way of the Fremont Elk
horn Missouri Valley railroad thence
along said right of way south llfleon
degrees ond fifty minutes east twenty
eight rods ond two links thenc west
fifteen rods ond ten links to tho place of
beginning containing four acres and
thirty live and one half Miimro rods
more or less which property was used
us a brick yard for tho manufacturing
of brick said contract being dated
March 20th 1893 and providing that
tho said defendant Herman Gerecko
should pay tho phiintitr as purchaso
price therefor tho sum of 100000 us fol
lows 11 50 00 December 31 1893 120 00
July 1 1891 1 12000 December II 189
8000 July I lMlfi 1HO0 December
31 1895 1K July 1 lb90 101000
December 31 I 95 with interest at the
rate of eight per cent annum from dato
payable semi annually ond in default
thereof said contract phould be null and
void and plaintiir would be entitled to
tho possession of said property that
default hos been n ado in payment of
said hums of money ond thoro is now
due upon said contract tho sum of
203375 with iutorest from this Into nt
the rato of eight per cent per annum for
which sum with interest plaintiff proys
for a decree that tho defendants be
required to pay same or that said prem
ises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found due
On tho 21st day or April 1899 plain
tiir filed a surpplemfntiil petition substi
tuting Harriet Torionco and Albort W
Torreuce ns n parties defendants instead
of Victor K Torreuce the said Victor
K Turrence having died and said parties
being his only heirs at law which facts
at said timo wero unknown to plaintiir
and havo since come to his knowledgo
tho said Victor K Torreuce having
obtainrd a judgment against tho defend
out Herman Gorecke of record in said
court and still in fnrco
You are required to auBWor said poti
tion on or beforo tho 2nd day of April
Dated Februnrv If 1900
Fkiidinanu Viiiiis
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for lnrgo hougo salary 15
monthly and expenses with increase
position pormoneut eucloso self-addressed
stamped envelope Manaouk
1130 Cuxtou bldg Chicago
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho dibcose without ezciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
DO CUHK3 rnicEs
1 Finer CongosUoiu Inflammations J 5
J Worm Worm Yuvw Worm Colic J5
3 TecthlriCoUoCryln1Wakefulne8a ii
1 IHarrhca of Children or AdulU iS
7 Cougln Colds lronchltl S3
8 Neuralgia Toothache Vaoeache 23
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo U3
1 0 Ivpepla IndlgitlonWoakStouiachJ5
11 tiuppreinedorlalnful Period 33
li Vlillf Too Profuse Periods 23
13 Croup LarynaHla HourveneM 23
14 Salt BheumKryalpelasiTipUon8 23
15 lUicuuiatUinKheumatlolalm 23
lC Malarla Chills Fever and Ague 23
10 CatarrliInflucinzaColdUitbeUead 23
20WhoopliiK Coucii 25
27 Kldney UUeaaea 23
2t JVenroui Ueblllly 100
30 Urluary WeakneuWetUngBed 2il
77 Orlp nayKuTMVi - 25