The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2
u r I a I Ll 2 TheSktfolkfieuia W N UU8K PubllHlinr nrv wooV Is coutB VI DAILY KfttftMUIiod IM7 nxrnnt Hnmlny Ilf rumor lly mnll imrynnr 000 txir WKKKtY lOlnhllnliml KM Kvery Tlmrnlny JHt mull imr ynnr IV Kntnrrd nl thn ruitofllro nt Nnrfolk Nnl n cconil elnM mnttnr Tnlophouo No 22 e On Monday tlio Oriinil Island IiiiIo pondont discarded thn old and woll worn typo which has done norvioo on that paper for many yearn ami oiimo out with an ontiroly now dnvw wliioh nmlcos n flront improvement in its appoiirnnco Tlio now proprietors of tlio Indupoiidont ixro being nocordod n ood patronage and they will mnlco n succors of their vontnro It 1b said Mint it costs 1 100000 n yoar to maintain tho J I roynl pnlacon of Kmporor William of Gornuuiy This is rccomniondod to tlu fuslonlstH who in BiRfc tlmt this Ih iui imperialistic admin istration nnd tlmt Win MoKinloy Ih an omporor ThiH Jh in quito a contrast -with our presidents TiOXM ayoar and ho will liavo to tnnko mivurul long strides boforo ho is us ImporlaliBtlo as William of Oornmiiy Mr Hryan Ih resting up in his Toxas homo for a few days boforo entering upon nnothor round of ondeavor to cro ato public sontlment In his favor and against tlio prusunt adniluistration llr Bryan needs a rost as tho taalc bo foro him Is by no moans a light ono In the meantime ho is probably proparinga pro nomination speech in which the crown of thorns and cross of gold will not bo given tho promluouce of four years ago In n description of how an Omaha woman was inducod to haul down tho British ilng at tho instance of somo youthful Boor sympathizers tlio Daily News of that oity says slio is now waiting for a more auspicious time to fihow her sympayxsn cmddv dm Kvon then sho should bo careful how she shows anything liko that tho people aro not in a mood to put up with tho frivolities of a woman ovon though she is a British sympathizer During tho week bogluulng March 12 when llov Olmrles M Sheldon will publish tlio Topeka Oapitol as Josus would do tho Atohiusou Ohanipion tho oldest paper in Kaunas will bo placed in chargo of Ooorgolt Nunnolly bettor known as Autolopo Dick a vorsntilo and ormtio nowspnpor writer who will attempt to publish a papor as tho dovil would do Thus Kansns will next wook bo tho scono of two illus trations of contending forcos which will bo watchod with interest by tho gouorai public A year ago tho city of Koarnoy voted that no licousos should bo grantod to saloon mou and tho rosult has boon that during the past yoar tho city has ljoon without licensed liquor shops but fchoro hnvo at all times boon plonty of places where anything wautod lu tho liquid liuo could bo soourod Whilo tho school fund has boon doprivod of tho mouoy which comos from licousos it is claimed that thoro has actually boon moro liquor sold and more druukouoss ou tho streets than under tho old license system This condition has lod to prose cutions without oud which have in savory case failed of couvictiou This year the people of that city proposo to vote to issue licousos again and keep the traillo whore it can bo hold under con trol Goo P Itowoll who has had more experience with newspapers and realizes their value moro than perhaps any Bcoro of men in the country in a rooout inter view with the Denver Post makes somo acknowledgments extremely gratifying to the publishers of oveuiug journals Today said Mr Rowoll tho ovon ing paper Is tho paper bocauso tho ovon ing paper publishes todays news today Nvuereas tho morning paper publishes lyostordays news today Ilia argu ment is therefore that tho oveuiug 1 paper is tho best advertising medium Ordinarily thero is moro tluio for n reader to poruso tho oveuiug papor than in tho uiorniug when household or business duties must occupy tho atten tion of readers Mr Rowell is of the fair or carnival of somo sort with good speaking good imifllo ami confetti por Imps in placo of lro ornokor and torpo doos with a good flroworkn attraction nt night would bo tho thing Tub Nkws would ho ploasod to rocoivo communications of limited longth from citizens in regard to Mm nmttor and nil suggestions should rocoivo consideration from tho people Tlio expenditure of a vast sum of money should not bo nocos snry and tho celebration might bo mnnnged by an organization similar to tho Knights of AlcRar ben of Uninhn Thoro aro oortalu points at which partisanship coasos and anarchy boglns There are oilticlsms which nro sustained by tho ethics of political warfaro nnd thoro aro criticisms and denunciations which Ixirdor closely on robollion and treason An attack ou party policies by an opposing party often producos good rosults A dosorvod denunciation of a party candidate and his policios is along Mie line of party duty to tho stato and operates to provont corruption But a fiendish attack upon the country tho army or tho lag or any of thoso things which patriot ism tenches paoplo to revere nnd rcsprot is not to bo con doned morely liocnuso a certain party is in control and such tactics should ho frowned down by all pooplo rogardloss of pnrty politics The denunciations in Romo of tho party papers aro vicious in a largo dogroo It is not tho kind of rending a patriotic father should dosiro for his sou It is not nrgumont it is not oven amusing It has nothing to recommend it and ovorything to con domn it It is an ahuso of tho privilogo of free spoooh and it is hopod that thoio are few partisans on oithor sido of a question who will sanction it As long as majorities rule In this country their powor should bo rospooted to a cortaln degreo and tho frowning down of vi cious attacks on tho country or tho flag becauso of this fact should ho applaudod If a cause cannot win without this vituporatiou it doos not dosofVo sue- COSH Itnptilillmu City Convention A ropublicnu convention of the oity of Norfolk Nebraska Is hereby called to moot at tho city hull in said city on tho 17th day of March 1000 at 8 oclock p in for tho purposo of nominating candidates for tho following offices to bo voted for at tho city election to be hold April 1 1000 viz Mayor treasuror city ongiuoor police judgo aud city olork also two mombors of tho board of education for tho Norfolk school district aud for tlio transaction of such other business as may cotuo boforo it Tho ditlorout wards will bo outitlod to ropresontntion on tho basis of ono dole gato at largo aud one additional dolegate for ovory ton votes or major fraction thoroof oast for M 11 Reese for supromo judgo in Novombor 1899 viz First ward 7 Second ward ll Third ward 18 Fourth ward 0 Tlio school district outside tho city of Norfolk will bo outitled to i dolegatos in tho nomination of uiomborB of tho board of oduontion M O Hakn O J Stocicwkm Chairman Socrotnry llapulillniii Ciiuciuhor Tho ropublicnu oloctors of tho First ward aro hereby called to moot lu cnu ous at tho Oxnard hotol lu said ward ou tho 13th day of March 10G at 8 oclock p m for tho purposo of nominating u councilman and soveu delegates to bo voted for at the primary election to bo hold in said ward on tho 17th day of March liXX and for tho transaction of such other business as may come before it Geo H Sieau Chairman Tho republican electors of tho Second ward ore hereby called to moot in cau cus at tho Oxnard hotel ou the 12th day of March 1000 atSoolook p in for the purposo of nominating a couuoilman for full term aud a councilman for short torm aud lit dologates to bo votod for at tho primary oloctiou to bo held in said ward on the 17th day of March 1900 aud for tho transaction of such other business as may como boforo it J W Ransom Chairman Tho republican oloctors of the Third ward aro horoby called to meot at tlio Oxuard hotol ou the 12th day of March 1900 at 8 oclock p in for tho purposo of nominating a councilman nnd IS dolegatos to be votod for at tho primary THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 8 1900 further opinion that tho poorest head I election to bo hold in said ward on tho of a family can afford n newspaper Not only is tho head of a family interested in a newspaper but his wifo his sou aud his daughter share his interest and liko to keep informed on the days doiugs so that though the subscription liat may not be as largo as could be desired the ndvortiser reaches a large number of people It may seem unseasonable but Tub News is of the opinion that the early bird sometimes catches the worm aud it is perhaps none to early to begin asking the question Is Norfolk going to cele brate the Fourth of July this year It iB Norfolks turn it being uow three years since a celebration was held here Tub News is of tho further opinion that the old fashioned celebration with greased pig potato and fat mens races and other like amusements is no longer a drawing cord They are tiresome ex tremely so aud people do not enjoy a colouration ot this character as they should It is suggosted that a street 17th day of March 1900 and for tho transaction of such other business as may como boforo it F K Haudv Chairman Tho republican electors of tho Fourth ward are horoby called to meot in caucus at Hershisers drug storo in said ward on the 12th day of March 1900 at 8 oclock p in for tho purposo of nomin ating a councilman aud six delegates to bo voted for at the primary election to be held in said ward ou the 17th day of March 1900 and for the transaction of such other business as may como Iwfore it O J Chapman Chairman The ropublicnu electors of the school district outside the city of Norfolk are requested to meet in caucus at the Ox nard hotel in said city on Saturday the 12th day of March 1900 for the purpose of nominating six delegates to the city convention to place iu nomination two members for the board of education of of the school district of Norfolk to be held March 19 1900 at 2 p in uir n j j i uj m KINS Ilr Denily lleiriti to Aniiniinrr Tlinl Ihr Dlmlcrnllo Movement tn AM ArmIiiiiIiIoo llm Tolitllr Collnpt nml llnnllil tlcyotiil Iti piire BUllO UV iNrEllUABHUN WASIIINOION D O Tu the Killlur I deeply regret tn nnnoiinco ess Gen oral Huller commences hlz dlspntchcs frum South Africa tliet our Kllllpceno cnmpnnc wlcli wuz organized cz a Dlmlcrntlc movement lu nld Agulnnl doo licz totally collnpst It Iz bustld beyond ropare nnd not even our few Ilcpuhllkln allies In Mnssnclioosetts nnd tlio Vooulted Hlnlta somite kin put life and activity Intti It nglu It hez caused mutch hitter fuel In around these Dlmlcrntlc hodqiinrtcrs nnd wc nlr now tryln tu find out boo It wuz thet hez bunkoed us nnd mnde us nppcer so rldlciilim befonr tlio kountry Wc Htnrtod In tu help the Kllllpeo nnzo but wo made nn orftil mlstnke In slzlii up Agulunldoo I did miself wen I opened correspondence with lilin nnd onloaded our hopes nml fcers In sum coufldeuslinl letturs wlch hez nlrcddy bin publlsht Frum whtit the ltopuh llkln Insurgents hed sod I wuz led tu boieove thet Mr Agiilnnldoo hoo wuz no nimbly dotlgln the representatives uv this guvcrinent nuioiig the mud and Insecks uv hlz native land wuz n grnte innn hoo wood eventoonlly establish n Fourth ii v Jooly nnd pnn out n bigger mnn than Old Washington won he rip ped things up the buck lu this kountry fer the Instrucshun uv Englishmen Actln upon this theory the Dlmlcrntlc pnrty conclooded tu boost him up high er than ennybuddy hed befonr nnd we soon hed our stump apeckcrs nnd noozepnpors filled with hlz prnlscs Our members uv kongross tnlkcd nbout him nnd n few ministers prnyed for him nt the hen convcushuns nnd the old mnltls hoped he woodnt ferglt em wen he needed sum monr wives Door In the hlte uv our cnnipano In his bo haft If sum observln furrlner bed cum here ho wood hov thort thet Agiilnnl doo wuz tho whole sho frum the wny wc blowed hlz horn for him Sum uv our good nnd rellnble Dlmlcrnts hcv grntely admired him because lie wuz llreln oft such lofty sentiments about the Goddess uv Liberty nnd utlier vvlm uilu nnd sum uv the old stnndbys nlr In favor uv puttin him on the ticket with Androo Jackson next fall Ilevin set the idee afloat thet ho wuz a man several sizes larger then ennybuddy we cood prodooce nmung our own Amerikln staltsmcn it Iz ex trccmly mortlfyln tu find thet he aint mutch nbove the ordinary Dlmicrnt He hez crooelly deceeved us hi not llckln tho Amerikln army cz he sed he wood and lie hez thcroby forfeteil the respeck uv hlz Dlmlcrntlc slmpnthlzers In this kountry If ho had drove Ad miral Dewey nwny frum Manila or gobbled up tho land forces or even hnuled General Otis nwny frum his desk wc cood hcv overlooked sum uv hlz uther falllns but tu bo driven frum one place tu nnuther nnd hov hlz line uv communlcnshun with these hedqunrters cut nnd hov his wifes clothes captured nnd perhaps washed stamps him cz an Infcriur general hoozc staltsmnnshlp nlnt up tu whut wc thort It wuz We hcv bin unhossed nt every turn All tho soljers and their relntlvs were nglu us nnd wo wuz put In tho onpatriotlc attltood uv givln nld and cumfcrt tu the nrmed enemies uv the kountry We didnt exnetly meen tu du thot hut the onscroopoolus He publlklu noozepnpors sed we did nnd the people seemed tu voto cz if thn be- leeved cm I wuz moar than surprized tu git a letter Inst week frum Old Deekln Burlap hoo lives In Noo Ger sey only a few miles frum ml own farm nt Applejack lie iz a horny fisted farmer and never voted enny thing but tho Dlmlcrntlc ticket and never knowed thare wuz cnuy uther ontll Inst November wen tu tho sur prize uv everybuddy he went tu the poles nnd voted tho strnte Republlkin ticket I roto tu him tu kuo whut It ment nnd after flndln sumbuddy tu read mi letter he hed it ansered and shied hlz cross mark and sent it tu me lie sed hlz 2 sous wuz lu tho Fllllpocns flteiu for their kountry wen thn warnt brushln nwn flics and muskeetcrs nnd ho hoped these few lines wood find mo the snnio lie sed he lied nlwnze voted tho Dlmlcrntlc ticket cz often cz the clccshuu ofllcers wood let him took his npplejack strnte and hoped tu hcv the oppertoonlty uv votln fer Androo son jest once monr befonr ho kicked the bucket ontll ho heerd thet the Dlm lcrntlc pnrty wuz sldelu In with the Fllllpeenoze who wuz wnltin for n chance tu plunk hlz hoys Thet he sed wuz the lust camel thet broke hlz bnck nnd hed be gosh bunged if ho woodnt vote the Republlkin ticket tu prevent em frum doin it Then he went on lu tho letter wich sumbuddy hed writ fer him tu abuse me nnd tu sn thet I ort tube tarred nnd fethered nnd sot tu hntchtn out chickens be cnus I hed turned In with the enemies uv ml kountry Now wen a mnn like the deekln Iz In flooeuced tu pursoo slch a course ez thet rite in the stnlt uv Noo Gersey under tho best nnd purest uv Dlmlcrnt lc surroundins whut mny we not ex pect in pluces whare people live under Republlkin lullooences nnd whnro thn uir monr likely tu git led nstray It sot me tu thlukin nud I hev conclooded thet we did a durn fool pecce uv biz uess wen wo give the cold shake tu our own citizens in a hot kountry nnd wasted our slmpathy outu u lot uv half clothed hcethen led bl slch a feller ez Agulunldoo Frum Applejack Farm wlch iz next tu Grover Cleveluuds iu the stait uv Noo Gersey Thoro is moro catarrh lu this section of tho country than all othor dlscasos put togothor nnd until tlio last fow years was supposed to bo iucurahlo For a groat mauy years doctors pro nounced it n local disoaso and pro scribed local romodles nnd by constantly failing to ouro with local troatmont pronounced it incurable Scionco has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disoaso nud tlioroforo requlros constitu tional troatmont Halls Catarrh Curo manufactured by F T Ohouoy Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional curo on tho markot It is takon inter nally in dosoB from 10 drops to a ten spoonful It acts directly on tho blood aud mucous surfaces of tho systom Tlioy olfor ono hundred dollars for any enso It falls to curo Send for olroulars and testimonials Address V J Chunky Co Tolodo 0 Sold by dmggist 7o Halls family pills aro tho host Sturgoon is the piano man Agents wanted for tho host typowritor on tlio market tho PittBburg Visible writing in sight nt nil times exclusive torrltory given Address Biudioy Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa The western part of Persia Is In habited by a species of camel which la the pygmy of Its kind They are snow white and are on thnt nccouut almost worshiped by tlio people In Henry VIIIs time a lnmp found In a monastic tomb that was had been burning for 1200 yenrs llobPotorto pay Paul That is what they do who take stimulants for weak nerves Hoods Snrsaparilla gives truojuorve strength Onllnanco No o An ordinance amending seotions Unnd 1 of ordinanco No 137 being An ordinauco regulating tho sale and uso of malt spirituous aud vinous liquors in tho city of Norfolk Nebraska Also ropealiug ordinauco 2 10 Bo it ordaiuod by tlio mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Ne braska Section 1 That section 2 of ordinance No ii bo amoudod so as to read as follows Any person or porsous wishing to obtain a license for tho sale of malt spirituous or vinous liquors within the city of Norfolk Nebraska shall boforo obtaining such license file in tho ofllco of tho city clerk of said city of Norfolk bis her or their application in the form of a petition signed by thirty resident freeholders of tho ward iu which said liquors aro to bo sold provided there aro sixty or more resident freeholders in said ward aud in case there are loss than sixty resident freeholders in 6aid ward the petition shall bo deemed suf ficient if signel by a majority of the rosidont freeholders of said ward Said petition shall set forth that the applicant is a person of respectablo character and standing and a resident of the city of Norfolk in tho state of Nebraska and praying that a license bo issued to such person Section 2 That section four of said ordinanco No 1H7 bo amended so as to road as follows When said application is presented to the city clerk he shall receive and file tho same and no action shall be taken upon said application until at least two weeks notice of tho filing of tho same been given by publication in the nowspapor published in Madison county Nebraska having the largest circulation therein Aftor the said notice has boon given if thore are no objections iu writ ing filed with tho said city clerk against tho issuance of said license nud a good sufficient bond has boon duly approved by tho city council said council in their discretion may grant said license Be fore said license shall be issued the applicant therefor shall pay into tho city treasury tho sum of five hundred dollars 50000 as a license fee taking the treasurers receipt therefor which said receipt ho shall filo in tho office of the said clerk Section 3 That said sections 3 and 4 of said ordinance No 137 are hereby re pealed aud ordiuauce No 210 is also re pealed Section 4 This ordinance shall be in force from nnd after its passage and publication as required by law if asseu aua approvoa aiaron ist muu J 13 Simpson Mayor Attest J 0 Stitt City Clerk Notice to Non resilient Defendant To Minnie Nitz non resident defend ant You aro horoby notified that on tho 3rd day of March 1000 Albort F Nitz filed a petition against you in tho dis trict court of Madison county Nebraska tho objeot and prayer of which are to obtain n divorce from you on the ground that you have willfully abandonod the I plaintiff without good causo for tho term of two years past You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Mouday tho 9th day of April 1000 Auucivr F Nit By Barnes Tyler ins Attorneys Order Tor Hearing of Final Account In the county court of Madison county Nebruskn In tho nint tor of the estato of Jane La FnrKO deceased Now on tho 2lth day of February 1000 came M O Iluzen the adminis trator of said estate aud prays for leave to reuder on account as such adminis trator It is therefore ordered that the 20th day of March 1000 at 1 oolock p m at my ofllce in Madison bo fixed as tho time aud place for exutuiuiuj aud allow ing sucu account Aim tuo Heirs of said deceased aud all persous interested iu said estate are required to appear at tho time and place so designated aud show causo if suoh exists why said occouut should not bo allowed It is further ordered that said M O Hazen administrator give notice to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to bo pub lished in THE NORFOLK JJAILY NEWS a newspaper printed and in general circu lation iu said county for three weeks prior to the day set for said hearing In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand aud aflixed my ofllciul seal this 20th day of February 1000 seal Wm Batbs Couuty Judge 0 A IjOIKART Pbmidbnt CHA8 8 HHIDfJK Vicb Pbmidbkt BABIES CRY FOR B O Q to33 caQ e a -HI CCfc c O UJ U a c 1- R R TIME TABLE Fremont Hkhorn Mo Valley EAST BErART OmaliB PassoiiBOr tl OT a m V CO KiproBB 1240 p m r ABB1VK cagoKxproBs JSOpm On Inswngor liio p m Eh DKrAItT Hlack lllllfl czproRS 7 10 pm Vordfitro PnnnoiiRor 1240p m VordiRro Accommodation 900am WEST ABBIVE Hlnclc lllllfl Kxprcss 1220 p 111 Vordiro Passongor t0rum Vordlero Accommodation 720pm Tho Chlengo nnd Muck Hills Exproaa arrivoa and departs from Jnnotion depot The Omaha and Vorcligre trains arrivo and deport from city dopot II J Matkau Agont Union Pacific SOUTH DHPABT Coltimlma Accommodation 030 pm Omalia Dnnvorand PaclfloCouBt U00nm NOBTH AttKIVE Columbus Aec mmodntion 1030pm Omaha Monyer and Pacific coast 900pm Connects at Norfolk with F E 11 V going wost and north and with tho C St P M O for points north and oast F W Jcn kman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DEFABT Sionx City and Omaha Passenger B 30 am Sioux CltyPosscnger 100pm WEST ABBIVE Slonx City PaBsengor 1035 am Bioax City and Omahn Passenger 730p in Connects at Norfolk with F K M V going west and north and with tho U P for points Bonth F W Juneman Agent Ualy oxcoptJSnnday -TRY THE OSTEOPATHY in NORFOLK 9 I E SCOBEE IT 0 t Graduate of American School of Osteopathy b now locntod in Norfolk at rosidoneo of Mrs McBrldo 111 S Utli St F M THOMAS D 0 wadnato of the samo school located nt Wayne Nohrvaxcopt Tuesdays and Fri iluys will bo at Wiusido No Knife No Drugs Consultation nud Examination Froo Office hours o to ia a m i to 4 p m l3 4 i MMtfrtwtfcti fcj If you want the Best Seeds Buy Vicks Our own growing and the Worlds Choicest 1H The handsomest and most com plete Catalogue we ever issued sent free if you stato in what you are most interested Flowers Vegetables or Small Fruits JAMES VIGKS SONS ROCHESTER N Y -- W II JOHNSON LARtnsa W UnUAASUH AssT The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 nny anil soil oxclmnjo on thin country anil all pnrtu of Enropo HADJiClrJMiABMV W JolR0 CHAR S ItRIbOR C Hwank 1 A Lcikaht T K Mrmuinokr L Bkssions c Farm Loam W DnAAflcn 0 WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Railroad and Business Directory HAYES Watch Repairing Spenser 4k Ovilmao Boots and Shoes Repairing Nsatly Dono JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder I 7 Fourth Street IflSKEEPS luIuhlHEQY Cheaprst nnd Best Norfolk Avenue J W EDWARDS The Norfolk Harseshoer All Wobk Guabantekd Cor 4ti St and Braasch Av Daily News Job Department STRAYED From tho Pentico Farm 90ven milos east of Piorco two horsos ono a diipplo gray and tho othor n light iron gray Weight about 1000 each Finder will ploaso notify A W WADDELL Hoskins Neb PURE GROCERIES i -- ------ Kj L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink First door West of Post Office Are- essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhles The Overiafid Umited VIA i i J To the i o i 37 IToura to Ban KrancUco v ta Makes Many Hours Quicker Time Pacific Coast THAN ANY OTHER LINE Hours to 1ortlund FROM MISSOURI RIVER FINELY EQUIPPED Doulilo Drawing Room Paluco Sloopora Buffot SmoViug and Library Cars with Durbar Shop and Plaasaut Koudiui Hooms DlniiiK Cure MoiiU u lu Curtu Pintsch Light Stouiu llout For time tables folders illustrated Imo1b pamphlets doscriptivo of tho territory tra oreed cull ou J F W JUNEMAN Agent I i