The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 08, 1900, Image 1
X 1 i I THE NORFOLK WEEKLY BOEUHlMYONKdERDN Roberts Reports That the Enemy Is In Full Retreat CASUALTIES OF ENGLISH FIFTY Iltirghers Forsake Position Near Osfon teln nrltUh Flying Column From Zulu lurid Invades Transvaal for the first 1 Time Sine the War Commenced London March 8 Tho war ofllco has just posted tho following advices from Lord Jloborts PoiLAU Ghovk March 7 Wo had n very miccoRsful day and havo com pletely routed tho ouomy who aro lu full retreat Tho position which thoy occupy is extremely strong and cunningly ar ranged with a socond lino of intrench meuts which would havo caused us heavy loss had a direct attack boon m ml e Tho turning movement was neces sarily wido owing to tho natnro of tho ground and tho cavalry ami horso ar tillery horses aro much dono up Tho fighting was practically con fined to tho cavalry division which as usual did oxcoediugly well and Gon eral TYoiioh roports that tho horso ar tillery batteries did groat execution among tho ouomy Our casualties aro about CO I ro gret to say that Lioutonant Koswick was killed and Lieutenant Bailey was soverely wounded both of tho Twelfth Lancers Lieutenant do Orcspigny of tho Second Life Guards was sovoroly wounded Remaining casualtios will bo tolegraphod tomorrow Generals Dowot and Dolaroy com manded tho Boor forces Iirltlih Ailvanco FIftuon Miles London March 8 Lord Roberts wired yestorday morning from Osron tein and ia tho evoning from Poplar Grove 15 miles eastward By an ap plication of tho olementary principle of strategy the Boer positions 15 miles long across his path havo boon omptiod and their holders have been obliged to retire in confusion consequent on hasty withdrawal Nothing was done by Lord Roberts to disturb the symmetry of tho deadly ingonuity of the Boor trenches in front of him Ho marched out infantry estimated from tho com mands named at 30000 men and sent 10000 brsimon and horse artillery in a -bold sweep around the Boer left where upon tho Boor ceutor and right became untenable Fifty British fell when tho cavalry caraeinto contact with tho Boors Tho correspondents differ as to tho enemys strength The Daily Mails representative thinks tho Boers number something moro than 4000 Tho Daily News man estimates them at 10000 As these figures come from observers at headquarters it is clear that Lord Rob erts force was overwhelmingly suporior He can scarcely havo fewer than 45000 immediately available as tho Guards brigade reached him from Lord Mothuen Tuesday Lord Methuen now com mands only volunteers and tho local forces at Kimberloy some of whom cave gono toward Mafeking Tho Boers do not yet appear to appre ciate the mobility of Lord Roberts corps which yra3 able to strike so swiftly in this affair that tho enemy had to abandon a gun much forage and a largo quantity of camp equipage The Standard cautions Englishmen against rising to a height of sereno contentment whioh tho actual position does not justify and thus measuros the situation A largo number of tho Boers aro still in tho field Thoy havo a wide range of oountry over which they can operate Although their mor ale is somewhat damaged it would be too much to say that thoy will not stand again Indeed what wo want them to do is to stand again for it is only in a real staudup fight that wo can inflict those losses which would eventu ally lead the dofeated to suo for peuco Lord Roberts has gained a success but it must not bo regarded as a signal vic tory until wo know what damage has been inflictod and what prisoners havo been taken Tho Dutch risings in the northwest ern districts of Capo Colony aro tho only cloud visible in tho sky of British pros pects Cronje Will lit Sent to St Helona The militury authorities havo decided that General Croujo and tho other Boer prisoners shall bo sent immediately to tho island of St Holoua thoro to ro main until the end of tho war Lord Roberts has chosen Lord Bathurst col onel of a militia regiment nfc tho front to command tho escort xto St Helena which was last month placed in cable communication with Capo Town and London It is also asserted that tho cabinet has rosolvod to neither proposo nor eutortain a proposal at tho presout juncture for an exchango of prisoners A dispatch to tho Times from Osfou tein dated March 0 says A com mando of 8000 Boers has offered to sur render but on impossible terms Gon eral Croujos losses were greater than ho udmitted Sixty bodies of Boers havo been found in one gravo llrltlsli Invade Transvaal London March 8 A special dispatch from Durban says a flying column of British troops from Zululand has en tered the Transvaal and has beeu daily skirmishing with small parties of Boers The force cousists of mouuted infantry Natal scouts and artillery all com mauded by Major Prendergast Tho coluum first crossed tho border on Feb 20 It uoy occupies an intrenched po sition on Catasa hill nine miles within the Transvaal ltrucr Iteturns to Pretorln Glkncok March 8 Prosldont Km- gor returned to Pretoria His address to tho burghers lias fired thorn witli fresh enthusiasm to coutiuuo tho fight for independence and to bring tho war to a successful lssuo RETREAT DUE TO A MISTAKE Commandant Through Error Abandoned Key to the Doer loiltlon Bouu Oami BiociKUBiiKno March 8 Tho fodorals havo fallon back on tho Biggcrsberg chain that crosses Natal south of Dundoo Tho rotroat from Ladysmith was due to tho mistako of n certain commandant in ordering his men to retire from tho koy of tho posi tion without any reason for tho move On tho receipt of bad news from tho M xldur river Woduosday it was resolved to sond tho wagons back to Biggors borg and soon long strings of wagons lined tho roads Whou tno last train had loft Elands lmigto a workmans train followed carefully blowing up ovory bridge and culvert botwoon Ladysmith and Glon coo and when this had boon done set ting lire to tho Elaiidslaagto collieries Thus tho British with Natals south ernmost colliurios in their hands aro unablo to draw supplies therefrom It is impossible us yot to givo tho burgher casualtios owing to tho disor ganization of tho ambulance anil tho circumstances of tho rotreat RETAIL STORES BURN UP rtro III Llitlnilelplilit Ciiiihch Iosh of Al most n Million PiiiLADKiiMiiA March 8 A flro en tailing an ostimatod loss of over 900 000 occurred in tho retail dry goods dis trict Tho conflagration originated in tho engine room of Shonoman Bros dry goods and millinery storo at Eighth and Arch stroots and it was lovolod Tho loss is placed at 300000 Marks Bros dry goods storo adjoin ing was partly damagod by smoko and water and thoir storohouso was com pletely gutted entailing an estimatod loss of 300000 Tho flames sproad to tho six story building on Cherry stroot oocupiod by Myorhoif Bros manufacturers of womens aud childrens clothing and tho Philadelphia Eloctrical Equipment company Nothing was loft of this placo but tho walls Tho loss is placod at 200000 Sovoral smaller buildings woro moro or less seriously damaged FLOODS IN NORTHERN OHIO Swollen Klvers Inundate Lower Portion of Several Towns Geiveiand March 8 Telegrams from various points in northern Ohio indicate that great damage is boiug dono by floods At Fromout tho Sandusky river has overflowed its banks and submerged tho lower part of tho town Collars of busi ness houses aro filled with water and many factories havo been compelled to close down At Warren tho Mahoning river has reached tho danger point and tho lower part of the town is flooded Much dam ago has resulted at Massillou owing to the Tuscarawas river overflowing its banks Tho Grand rivor at Painesvillo is out of its banks and a serious flood is feared Tho quarries and tho village pumping station at Borca aro covered with wator entailing heavy losses SUBSTITUTE BY TRIPLETT Resolution to Provide State Quard Under Deinooratlo Governor of Kentuoky Fkankfort March 8 Iu the sonato Senator Triplett offered a substitute for his resolution to provide for a commit tee to investigate tho removal of muni tions of war from tho arsenal to Loudon Tho substituto proposos to appropriate 100000 for tho immediate equipment of the stato guard under Democratio Governor Beckham and Adjutant Gen eral Castlomau und for tho purposo of recovering military property of the stato now m alleged unlawful possession of Republican Governor Taylor Pension for Queen 111 Washington March 8 Tho sonata committee on foreign relations author ized tho reporting of nu amendment to tho diplomatic appropriation bill appro priating 20000 to ex Queen Liliuoka laui and providing for an annual dona tion of 10000 to her as long as sho may live At the Mercy of it Mob Paseuiuust Ga March 8 Four ne groes havo boon captured by a mob of 100 men at tho homo of Dan Minis near hero Thoy aro supposed to havo been implicated in tho killing of Mims und his child Tho sheriff with a largo posse has gono to attempt thoir roscuo TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Patsy and James MoMahou chargod with murdering Jacob Lovenshoimor were arrested Wednesday at Mari etta O The statement of tho London board of trado for tho month of February shows increases of 3085700 in imports und 3837400 in exports Tho anxiety in regard to tho overduo French lino steamer Pauillao which sailed from New York Fob 5 for Havre is increasing Captain Silas W Terry late in com maud of tho Iowa husbeen assigned to succeed Admiral McCormick as com mandant of tho Washington navy yard George W Drake tho famous moun tain deteotivo together with a man named Ford woro shot to death Wed nesday night near Torrout Ky by William St John The remains of CO soldiers who died iu Cuba were buried at Arlington ceme tery Wednesday with military honors The bodies of about 500 soldiers who died iu Cuba now rt in this historio spot NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH 8 1100 WllfflLBRWANTSSBAT i Says He Resigned From Army Before Congress Met THINKS HE SHOULD BE SWORN IN General lands at Han Frnnclico nnd Talks nl CnMltlonii In Uuani and tho lliMp plnes Says War It Over Except for Guerrilla Hand San Fuanoisco March 8 General Joseph Whoolor nnd party who havo boon in quarantino since thoir arrival from tho Philippines on tho transport Warren last Monday woro permitted to land last night When soon by an As sociated Press roporter General Whoolor said that his health was excellent and that his trip to tho Philippines had if anything benefited him physically As to tho situation iu tho Philippines and Guam ho said All is very satis factory in both places Tho war is over except for tho guorrilla bands that am bush our troops and do a little damage Just boforo I loft 1 hoard of a case in which an American soldier was killed and sovoral wounded This condition of tilings will not last long 1 think I was much pleased with tho Fili pinos Thoy aro intelligent courteous and kind Thoy aro not disposed to revolution and violence but tho false representations mado to thorn regarding Americans very naturally aroused thorn and led thorn to boliovo that resistance to our rule was tho only possiblo oscapo from impending evil I found that when thoy learned tho real character and tho purposes of tho Americans they scorned well reconciled to our government und I firmly bolieve that after tho establishment of a good aud wise civil adminiHt ration of affairs an era of great prosperity will bless tho people of tho archipelago After a briof stay in this city General Whooler will go to Washington to take his seat iu congress I havo a letter saying that nu offort will bo mado to keep mo from taking my seat said tho genoral but I do not seo why such an offort should suc ceed I shall go to Washington having resigned from tho army and with a proper certificate of election nnd expect to bo sworn in It will bo noted that my resignation from tho army was handed iu beforo congress mot MOURN DEATH OF HARMER Ills Colleagues of the II01190 Shocked nl 111 Demise Washington Mnroh 8 Tho death of Ropresontativo Harmcr of Pennsylva nia tho Father of tho House oust a doop gloom over tho proceedings yes terday and tho house adjourned out of rospect to his memory Although ho was known to bo in fcoblo health his death came as a shock to his colleagues by whom ho was uuivorsally beloved Ho was tho oldest member of tho house both in length of sorvico and iu contin uous service As such it was his duty to swear iu the incoming speaker at tho opening of each congress His only ap pearance iu the house this session was when ho mado a special trip from Phil adelphia at tho opening of tho session in Decomber to administer the oath to Speaker Honderson His death makes Genoral Heury Bingham of Pennsylva nia tho Father of tho House Ho be gan his service in tho Forty sixth con gress and has sorved continuously for 20 years Loilfje Talks on Philippine Question Washington March 8 Tho sonato soldoin accords to any of its members a greater complimont than it gave yester day to Lodgo Masb Tho announce ment that ho would deliver a speech on tho Philippine question drew to tho sonato ovory senator now in tho city and to tho gallorios an unusually largo number of auditors Throughout the delivery of tho speech despite tho fact that ic consumed three hours the Mas sachusetts sonutor was given close at tention Soon after Mr Lodgo had concluded tho senuto adjourned out of respect to tho momory of tho Into Rep resentative Harmor Pa Food Distribution In Porto Itlco Washington March 8 Tho ucting socrotary of war has received a commu nication from General Davis on the subject of food distribution and roliof of tho destitute in Porto Rico It was the intention of General Davis as recently statod to tho department to discontinue tho freo distribution of food about tho first of this month but tho industrial conditions existing iu cortaiu portions of tho island rendered it absolutely ne cessary to continue to feed tho starving inhabitants for some time longer Tho military governor therefore has re quested a shipment of 500 tons of rico codfish and bacon in addition to tho 600 tons askod for about thrco weeks ago Illll for Heller of Hettlern Washington March 8 Senator Quarles yesterday reported Senator Thurstons bill for tho relief of settlers ou tho Otoo nnd Missouri reservation in Kunsusund Nobraskawith an amend ment extending tho time iu which set tlomont may bo mado on tho part of do Uuquoiits to one year instead of 10 days ueulef jlaKue jiepoic Port Townsend Wash March 8 Dr Foster iu charge of tho quarantino flatly denies tho rumor in circulation that tho bubonio plaguo and not bori beri afflicted tho crow of tho Japanese steamer Nanyo Maru which haa beeu detained at Diamond Point statiou Tho story is a fake said to havo originated in Victoria LEGISLATORS AT CHEROKEE Memtiers of town House and Senate Visit New Hospital for the Insane CiiKUOKnic la March b Tho special train carrying SUO momborH of tho legis lature thoir wives nnd others especially invited to accompany them reached Gherokoo at 1230 where carriages wero iu readinoss for tho accommodation of tho oxoursionlBts Aftor ooflVo was served tho party drove out to tho new insano hospital whoro they spent noiuo thuo iuHnoctiug it After ilm party rofnrned they woro sumptuously banqueted at tho Innvis hotel After dinner sjMeohes woro made by Hpoakor Ilowon Senators Cheshire llarriman JuuUin Eaton Titus Blunohurd Hubbard Hall Rep resentatives Hyors Temple Eaton TheophiluH Carter John Oownio of the board of control Dr lloyt and Dr Hill of the insane hospitals and lion Lafe Young for tho press Tho concluding hours wore spent iu a social way tho train leaving for Des Moines at 530 Proinliiunt riiyslilun Arrested Drs Moinks March 8 Dr J W Adams an old and prominent practi tioner of this city was arrested ut noon charged with murder in tho second de gree Mrs N Wright tiled tho infor mation which charges tho doctor witli the murder of her daughter Dollie Mrs Wolfonl wife of Charles Wolford A few days after an alleged abortion was performed Mrs Wolfonl died lown llnltuilium Meet Sioux Oitv March 8 Delegates to tho number of 100 or 500 aro in attend ance hero at tho semiannual meeting of tho Iowa association of Unitarian and othor independent churches which opened with a banquet last evening aud will continue tomorrow Death or V W Itnnd BuHiiNcnoN la March 8 O W Rand a wealthy capitalist of Burling ton died ut Riverside Oal lust night whero ho wont for his health Mr Rand was prominently identified with the lumber business of tho Mississippi valley anvernor SIiuwh rather Is Ilend MomtisvihiE Vt March 8 Board man Shaw futhor of Governor Shaw of Iowa died at his homo here aged 81 years SOVEREIGN TELLS OF RIOTS lvllonl Action In Itlowln Up Mine ltullillnuH Wim Preconcerted Washington March 8 When James R Sovereign former grand master workman of tho Knights of Labor ro sumed his testimony yestorday at tho Couer dAlouo investigation beforo tho houso committee on military affairs Representative Lent asked him if thoro was any law written or unwritten re quiring members of a labor organiza tion to conceal tho names of criminals Mr Sovereign answered iu tho nega tive Spoaking of tho general conditions in tho mining country while tho men woro imprisoned Mr Soveroign said ho had soon mothors weoping for their sons wives for thoir husbands and sisters for thoir brothers denouncing tho military otiiccrs for tho roign of bread and wator and describing it as a ropotition of tho horrors of Andersonvillo Tho members of tho committoo cross- examined Mr Sovereign at considerable longth Ropresontativo Hull again took niin over tho assembling of minors on the morning tho mill was blown up Tho witness said it was evident thoro was soma preconcortod action At Mr Hulls request Mr Soveroign read an artiolo iu tho paper editod by him jib to Bunker Hill Destroyed 1000 Deter mined Men Wreak Veugoanco on tho Scab Miuo Tho article said that half of tho 1000 men wore masked and nrmod with Win chester rifles and described tho awo in spiring scenes as 3000 pounds of dyna mite were placed under tho mino con centrator ono of tho largest in tho world and it was completely wrecked after three terrific explosions TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tho bubonio plaguo increases at Cal cnttathoro having boon 111 deaths from tho disease thero last week Judgo Jesso J Phillips of tho Illinois supromo court is rapidly improviug and is now thought to bo out of danger Of the total production of Bossomer rails in 189 Pennsylvania mado 1221 807 tons und other states mado 1015010 tons Tho Eloventh Ohio district Republican congressional convention has nominated by acclamation Goorgo W Steele to suc ceed himself Dr John Friederich 55 years old fouuder publisher and editor of tho American Swiss Gazette of Now York died Wednesday It is roliably reported that rocont in undations iu tho department of Maqua da Peru havo caused losses to property estimated at 300000 Four thousand employes of tho Na tional Tube works at McKocsport Pa were Wednesday notified of a 10 per cent advance iu wagos Tho southwestern passenger bureau has authorized u rate of one faro plus i for tho Trausmississippi commercial congress which meets in Houston April 17 to 31 A fruud order was issued Wednesday by tho postoftlco dopartmont ugainst L D Bass tho Union Teachers agencies of America aud tho bureau of civil ser vice instruction Tho 1000 employes of tho Jersey City sugar houso of tho Amoricau Sugar Ro fining comimny who uro now laid off were told that they would not bo ueedod for uu indefinite period Tho coal minors employed ut tho Hickory Coal companys mines at Sharon Pa have been granted an in urease iu wages of flye cents per ton after a three dys strike News DRATI1 LIST ISSEVf NTY Conservative Estimate of Those Killed at Fire Creek TWENTY RINK BOWKS TAKKN OUT s Thlrly Sli Aio Hllll Itrlleved to lie ln toinhed III the Mine Work of Iteniov Inir the Undies Continues Cause of IC pluliin Not Determined Flint CitKiK W Va March 8 The rescuing part itm continued working hard at Ited AhIi mine today in removing debris and securing tho bodies of the victims of tho explosion Tho scenes of distress among those hunting their missing friends are still as appalling as yesterday The work at tho mine con tinues night and day and it is still im possible to givo tho exact number or the victims or to identify the bodies that havo been recovered The most con servative estimates of those connected with the mine place the killed at 5J and thero are others who insist that the number of victims will be found to reach 00 A report from lie rescuers at tho mine was Unit 31 victims had beeu rescued VIII lining dead and live seriously injured While the surviving minors anil others estimate that there are at least Jilt miners still entombed loncral Manager Howell says there are only 311 still in the mine The estimate of the latter would Indicate that thoro woro 70 killed and live injured and it is conceded that all of thoso still in tho mino are dead Mnyns limited by Mexicans Oaxaoa Mox March 8 News has reached hero of another hard fight be tween a force of about 300 Maya Indians and 1000 government troops Tho bat tle took place near tho town of Aguadu Colonel Kornando Gonzales who is a member of President Din personal Htaff was in command of tho govern ment forces which made tho attack ou the Indians The Mayas woro strongly intrenched but were driven from their position by tho terriblo fire which was poured in upon them from an advan tageous position Thirty seven Indians were killed end a largo number wounded Three soldiers were killed Over 300 guns which were thrown away by the Indians in their flight before tho government troops were afterward picked up by the latter Hums and llicou Pur the Philippines Oiiicauo March H Thirty two ro f rigorator cars 700000 pounds of ham and bacon cured under govern ment formula with a viow to preserva tion in tropical climntos bound for tho American soldier iu tho Philippines loft Chicago ou the Alton railroad hist night and will go direct to San Fran cisco whero it will bo transferred from tho refrigerators to a wuiting transport and thence to Manila After tho hams were smoked and cured in tho usual manner they were placed iu a white muslin sack Then a thin coating of oat hulls was placed around tho ham and another sack of white drilling was drawn over all Then tho ham was packed in salt Ueloni Wins Chnuiplnnshlp Hot SiitiNOS Ark March 8 Scores of women wero in tho big crowd which saw Mrs Shattuck of Minneapolis champion woman trap shot of tho world shoot with C B Dolong tho Arkansas champion after Dolong had just defeated Captain A II Bogardus who held tho worlds championship for 17 years Mrs Shattuck shuttered 10 out of 20 single targets to Dolongs 17 Tho ton paces ovont resulted in 1 1 for Mrs Shattuck and 13 for Dolong Mrs Shattuck killed 10 out of her 20 live birds Dolong scored 10 doad pigeons aud won tho triangular contest Clements Is Found Guilty Oaikdovia Minn March 8 Tho jury brought in a verdict of guilty of grand larceny in tho first degree us churged iu tho indictment in the trial of Clements tho LaOrosso man ou trial for complicity wrecking tho Fillmoro county bank Clemeuts claimed to havo soverod his connection with tho bank somo timo beforo tho failure but his partner Todd testified that tho books had 1 eon altered to make out such a case in order to keop -10000 worth of property from thoir creditors lCiilue floes Through a llrhlee Pittsiiuuo March 8 Tho locomotivo hauling tho Chicago fast freight west on tho Pittsburg Fort Wayno and Chi cago railroad crashed through tho steel bridgo spanning Robinson street Al legheny and dragged the tender and ono car with it Firoman A K Miller of Bolivar Pa and Brakemau George Dowald of Pitcairn Pu were killed outright and Conductor James F Mar tiu of Pitcairn dangerously injurod One Hundred Dentin From Smallpox Jackson Miss March 8 An oflicial roport mado to tho Hinds county board of supervisors yestorday reveals an ap palling stato of affairs in the Jouesvillu neighborhood iu the sou thorn part of tho county Tho community is literally honeycombed with smallpox of tho most virulent und loathsome form aud dur ing tho past six weeks nearly 100 deaths havo occurred Iuro fond Couxress Wabiinoton March 8 Tho third annual session of tho puro food and drug congress begun hero yesterday Secre tary of Agriculture Wilsou delivered tho maiu address of tho day uyiug tho question to bo takeu up by tho food con gress is one of common honesty and that the man who sells an articlo different from what it purports to be is common thief RAHNKH A TVUCll U II Ilsrnnn I M I Trier Norfolk AttornojfiAt Lai Nobranka U O S PA UK Hit DKNTINT At Iltifce Kvery Mmiilny Mast moult - - Norfolk Nob II T HOLDMN IhjHlr lnii mill Surgton Olllre CltbmiH Nnllimiit llmik lliillillmr Tiiliiiiliniiii llll HiiiiIIiii him mill lliHlilniirti Mnhi mill Kllli Ht Ttileplimin 11 Norfolk Nebraska H J OOLK DKISTINT OlIloniinrlHtlsntm Nml Itnnk HnoMnncn ime block mirth of Ctitutreniitloiiiil elitiroli Norfolk - Nebraska V1KH MARY ail ICLLKY Fashionable UroNHinuker Up stnlrs In Cottun oloek mr Humes storo 1lril clHst work xiinrniitueil Norfolk Nobrasjca pOWKHB AYB Attorneys at Iuw Hootiu 10 II sud 17 Mutt lllook Norfolk Nobraska gRHHIONB BKLL Undertakers and ErnhnlmorB Bastions lllk Norfolk An Norfolk - Nobraska W M HOIII3IITSON Attorney nl Lair Rooms t and 2 Robertson JWIgton Block Norfolk WIIKN YOU WANT A tiOOl SHAVE or BATH W Oliails Barter Shop MAIN riT Tlimil Dlioa ICAHT OK KOUHTII For Plumbing Slcam Fitting Pumps Tinks Wind Mills Anil all rupnlr work in this Una en M K lOria Batlofaotlon Innrantood First door aontb of Daily Ntw offlea Mrs HHHull Facial Treatment Woticcriig ted Sbcmpoo Wllltlsrtljr call t j onr homes and do any of thi work Orders taken for lino hair switches Perfect rnatoh guaranteed Pesldouco on First street JnnetioD Orders mar be left at ilia Junction Dm Jtore Telephone 16 M C WALKER DKAlKIt IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 CRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission Braasch Avenue and Tnlrd St PHONE 44 KARO BROS Jj Meats IBHi Sausage WBm Fii t Game Everybody wants the best of merts We make a speoial effort to please our trade Ottr Skp th Kutot tattoo