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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
u 8 cmmi less Hcnltli in lier licniultig eyes lieaUlt in her glowing check licnltli in her merry lmigh Yet country nir iind country hours cant wive her from the common experience of women mi Yxpcricncc which dulls the eye pales the cheek niul turns the lnujjh to a sigh Womntdy ills come to nlmo t nil The most seveie nml painful of the diseases which nffect the delicate organs usually attain their severity through neglect or through the tin skillful treatment of local prnclition crs Young women should be xvnrmxl that irregularities and debili O ear the Ugnature of J STOHIA ihe Kind You Hava Always Bought CuPfflSfa Dcauty la Illood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it Cascarets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body Begin today to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed iuc use oue A Fright rul Jlluiultr Will often cause a horrible burn 6cald cut or bruise Buoklons Arnica salve will kill tho pain nnd promptly heal it Gores fever sores ulcers boils corns nil skin eruptions Best pile cure on earth Only 25cts n box Curo guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug Co drug store Working NikIu nml tiny The busiost and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings New Life pills These pills ulmugo weakness into strougth listlossness into energy brain fag into mental power Thoyro wouderful In building up tho health Only 253 per box Sold by Kiesau Drug Co drug store CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Till Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST gfj jju Signature of tAaZCU Dont Tobacco Spit tad Bmcke Your life Jtnaj To quit tobacco easily and torever b mag netic full of lite nerve and vigor take the wonder worker that makes weak men strong All drugclst8t0por II Curo guaran teed Booklet and Mkle free Addreu Bcrllng Remedy Co Chicago r New York JSSL tczi u JHyEf L Ur idHBEiSwVRiDflfrw tating drains are only the precursors of more serious trouble if projxsr treatment is not obtained Disease never stands still The deeper rooted the disease the more difficult the cure Dr licrces lavoritc Prescription has been the means of curing thousands of women many of them in the Inst extremity of disease It is n medicine for womans ills which docs what it was made to do nnd never dis appoints any woman who gives it a fair and faithful tiial RMiSsvHB altiwvs Helps n anmm nnwrt rictus lavoritc Prescription regulates the xriods diies enfeebling drains heals Inflammation nnd ulceration and cutes female weakness It makes child birth easy and gives stiength to nursing mothers There U no alcohol in favorite Prescription neither does it contain opium cocaine or any other narcotic Women suffering from chtonic forms of disease nre invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter m and obtain the advice of a specialist in the treatment of mnnaus diseases All corresiKMidctice strictly private and sacredly confi dential Address Dr R V Pierce llulTalo N Y Miss Kiln Snup of Jamestown mllfoid Co N C writes I had sulTcied tluce years or more at monthly periods It heeiued as tlioiiKh I would die with pain in my back and stomach I could not stand without fainting had given up nil hope of ever being cured when one of my friends insisted upon my trying Or Pitrces lavoritc Piesctiptlnu With but little frith 1 tried it and before 1 hud taken hnlf a bottle 1 frit better hail better appetite and -dent better Now 1 am happy to Hay I am entirely cured and all done in two months time when all other medicines had failed to do any good at all Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets aro womans favorlto laxative Tltcsy aro small in size ttic doso Is small and their benefit is not transient but permanent UimmIm Aro Prull Words lira but loaves It to not what wo say bulwiint Hoods Sarsiipa rilla doH that tolls tho story Tho many wondorful cures oiToofod by thiH moilioiun aro tho fruits by which it should bo judged Thoso provo it to bo tho groat uiumiuiiIIimI romody for 1vh loi8inrhouiiialisni scrofula wvltrhmim catarrh and nil other nilmonts duo to impuro or impovorished blood Hoods Pills aro non irritating mild oflfectivo sioiiii dimiiii on 13 B Monday uliiwyer of Ilenriutta Tox onco fooled u irmvo digger Ho Bays My brother was very low with malarial fovor and jaundico 1 pur suailod him to try Kleetrio Bitters nnd ho was soon inuoh hotter but continued thoir uso until ho was wholly cured I nmsuro Hlcctriu Bitters savud his lifo This romody oxpols malaria kills dis easo gonns and purities tho blood aids digostion regulates liver kidnoy troubles foinulo complaints gives por foot hoaltli Only 50o at Kiosau Drug Oo drug store IIuw Aro Your Kidneys f Dr HobtiVHiiarnciH Tills euro nil klrtnor Ills Sam plo free AiM SlurlliiK Itemed j Co UtitcuKO or N V A Night iifTriur Awful anxioty was felt for tho widow of tho bravo Qonoral Burnhain of Maohlas Mo when tho doctors said Bho would die before morning writes Mrs S II Lincoln who attended her that fearful night bat she bogged for Dr Kings Now Discovory whioh hnd mora than onoo saved her lifo and cured her of consumption After taking she slept nil night Further uso outirely cured her This marvollous medicine la guaranteed to euro all throat ohest and lung dlBeasos Only fiOc and 100 Trial bottels free atKlesnu Druv Co drug store Men can bo cured privately ami posi tively at home of all weakness audj dis ease Writo for now free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sioux City la Whutilottio Children Drlnli Dont givotlumi ton orcolToo Have yon tried tho now food drink calloil flrain 0 V It is delicious and nourishing and tukos tho plncn of colloo Tho more Oraiu 0 you give tho children tho more health you distribute through their sys tems irain O is made of puro grahib and when properly proparod tastes like tho olioico grmlos of colloo but costs about j as much All grocers soli it IT conts and W cents Tills Ik Your 0iiirtiiulty On receipt of ten cento ciibli or stamps a goneioua sample will bo mailed of thr most popular Catarrh and ITay I ovrr Curt HlyB Cream Halm aufllcieut to demon btroto tho gieat n i itn of tho leiuedy ELY HHPlMBi S fl5 Warren St Kcw York City Itov John lleid Jr of Great Falls Mont rocomnieniied Jlyu Cream Tiihn to mo I can ornpliasiKo bin ntnlcment ItiBaposi tivo euro for catarrh if u oil as direct ed Jtov Frnneis V Ioolo Pastor CeutralPrcs Church lltleua Mont Elys Cream Balm in iho acknowledged euro for enlnnh and contains no luorcury nor any injurious drui Price 50 cents Tlio Philippine natives run poll moll At tho sounds of our Yankco yoll But oh what a gait theyll have maybe After taking Rocky Mountain Tea Ask your druggist Perfect womanhood depends on perfect health Natures rarest gift of physical beauty comes to all who uso Rooky Mountain Tea gist Ask your drug- To Cure Cuiiatlpitttou tforerer Talio Ciscurots Cnndv Cathartic 10c or l5o tf C C C tall to cure druKKlsts refund inouey Rdnrntti Tour Howell With Ctecaret Cnndy Cathartic cure constipation forever Oc25c It U C C tall druggists refund money Intestinal iufeotiou appendicitis and all affections of tho bowels liver nnd kidneys provonted by taking genuine Rocky Mountain Tea mado by Madison Modioino Co 35 conts Ask your I druggist Doing nothing is doing ill Impure blood ueglectod will become a serious matter Take Hoods Sorsaparilla at ouco and avoid tho ill Biliousness Ilinvo used your vnliiublc IIISlS and Unit them perfect Couldnt do without them I have used them forsomo time rar ituugusiion ami biliousness and am now com Slutoly cured liccommcnd them to every one nco tried you will never bo without thom to tho fumllyr Euw A Maux Albany N V CANDY TRADI MANN KHMTtMO ESaSln Palatable Potent Tatte Good Do uooil Never Slckeu Weaken or Gripe 10c ilc 60c CUBE CONSTIPATION lrllt noiJ Cpiy CMim Boilrtil h rrt itl NOaTnRin Split und uunmnterd tr oil Klits to fUUU Tobacco Uablu THE North Western LINE r E V R t is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 1 1900 EDITOR ON IDAHOTHOUBLES IulilUlmr Wlm Vn Arrntleil TVitllli s IIHiue Miiuan Cnininltler Wahiiinoton March 1 Tho investi gation of thu coursoof the United States military force in oonneotion witli tho CoeurdAleno mining troubles wan re sumed by tho Iiouho committeo on mil itary ulTairs William II Stowart pub lisher of a paper at Mullan Ida a town near tho scone of the rioting testified at considerable length He said his paper had no official con nection with tho minors nnd ho hail no part in tho riots at thu time of tho blow ing np of tho mill Subsoquoutly howovor ho was nrroatod without war rant at his ofllco by Stnte Auditor Bart lett Sinclair nnd an army ofllcer Mr Sinclair stated to wltnesi that he was nocuscd of publishing seditious matter Ho was put in tho bull pen Tho general treatment of tho men in tho pen was revolting ho said They were frequently insulted by tho negro soldiers nniphell on Iho Htnnil WAfiitiNdTOJf March 1 Congress man Campbell principal counsel for thu prosceutiou in the Clark case was on tho stand during the greater part of tho day He said ho had attended tho pre liminary couferonco of friends of Clark which resulted in the autl Daly cam paign He had not heard much of the talk having gone to sleep He hnd given tho Clark people no uotico when ho hud doeided to discontinue his al legiance to Clark and hudidnotbocomu unfrioudly to Clark uutil ho bocame dis satisfied with his campaign mothods Ho emphatically denied Bon Hills statement that he Oampboll had opened tho Biokfurd letter boaring upon the prosecution of Whitcsido but confessed that he had advised Hill to open it Ilnrulorile Urine if Prices Kansas City March 1 Thicksol a Hereford bull iiotn tho herd of T V U Sotham of Chillicotho Mo sold at pub lic side hero yostorday for 5100 tho purchaser being William Humphroy of Ashland Neb This is said to bo tho highest price over paid for a Horoford at public auction Grandee another bull was sold by Mr Sotham to the Stanton Breeding farm of Madison Nob for 1600 and Sir Oromwoll a bull went for 1000 Mr Humphrey tho purchaser of Thicksol also purchas ing this animal Horatiu a cow was bought by V N Rogors of McCook Neb for 100 Mr Sotham sold 50 an imals lor im average of -154 a head CIomiI mi Aiiiltit of ml Famine Livixwouru March 1 It is an nounced horo that tho State university at Liwroiuo lias closed on account of a coal famine Several days ago an acci deut to tho coal shaft at tho state peni tentiary mine at Lansing caused the mine to oloso Tho State university bus boon depending on coal sent from tlio penitentiary and owing to thu heavy storm whioh has blockaded thu railroads a supply sutliciont to maintain tho institution could not bo obtained from other sources All of tho students uttoudiug tlio collego wero sont homo lCx Mlnlstcr IMiHlpn Condition Nkw Haviv Conn March 1 The condition of E J Phelps ex minister to England whilo not critical is still as serious as it has been for some weeks No new unfavorable symptoms have made thoir appearance in tlio past two or threo days aud his friends aro still hopeful that ho will recover but ho fails to gain strength as rapidly as was hopod Kitlu Hnil unit Snow In Tuxna Denison Tex March 1 Specials from all sections of Texas givo accounts of rain hail and snow but uo material damage has been done savo to straw borries and cabbages Cattle are not ufferiug enough in Texas to cause auy niateriul damage WHEAT MARKET YIELDS Hmitltnent on CIiIoiiko lionrd of Trade i lloiirlxh All roiiuil CniOAOO Fb JSliojird of trado market were quiet today The heavy tmowfall wan a bearish Intlueneu In wheat May closing Jfilo under yostenlay May corn and Hay oats closed each u tihade down May pork closed lo depn MJfcl May lard Ji5o lower and May rilis 6o down Closlni prices WllKAT May I5iitl5ie July C000Jo CoitN May H4JAa8ii July av iljju July SKWQS Jio Pome May lUBi July I1067g10tl0 Kins May hVCafiaWiy 577l580 IAUD Mny 5858i July JftlK Ciwh quotations No i red wheat Wtirb BSI40 Mo i rtprint wheat lSUTJTo Hoi corn 3Jo No 3 oats iHJVttAte IUilcnio Il Stuck CnitHOO Keb S Oattlo Kuoelpts iiOW Kenerally btronijiirj natlvtvs good to priinu steers httuul to 10o hihiT tftdOitdeO poor to uiedluiu about steady ttlSt75 Kelnctinl fautlurri steady liil75 mixed Htookers quiat fUJiJ919J OQVfi Hteady 3ltOI helferd Ann M ol05 cannei H strong fit gMHlibulU hteady I J7liti4UO ealvev htrnne 5 00st8W 1exas fed htrers Htoady WOOiOi J Texas bulls linn IM 3jpiTS Hors ReoelptH today aeuu tomorrow 110000 estimated left uver StKK active nviruidnir Hhadii hiKlier top Jl07 i mixed and butehers U7UIUJJ KOimI to ehoiiu heavy I48S lt7h rough heavy l 70180 light I80I8S balk of sales t SOiiet 10 Shuop Hrouipta 12000 sheep aud 1 nubs strong lfffJlN higher good tooholou wethem fJDiJA Si fair to choice mixed l tVJ i 40 western sheep 5Ji5 IK yearlings tiycMM native lambs MA75 wtuturu lambs J00Oft7 Ui Kaiimi City lie Stock Kansas Cirv Keb 38 Cattle 1700 j Hinall supply on account of snowbound trains i10o higher no choice native steers common grades iJ50i5UU stookers and feed ers I42ot5ou butchers cows and heifers U3oitt7 eauners rj8VJ330 fed westerns Ja485 western fetHlerv IS 44 35 Texarw 13504 60 Hogs lteuelpts S100 steady to fia higher heavy 476ili mixed t46V0 476 light I45X470 pig 40Otfl60 Bheeo lieceipts 800 light supply met with quick sale at steady prleus lambs J0UIA1 yeirllngs ltlU0iA0S6 muttons J5W4576 atockera and feodors jaWaOW culls I30ft3 SO South Omli llu Stock South Omaha Fob 28 Cattle Receipts UiKW active stronger native fceof steers J4OU4640 western steers taUVliM Texus steers mKglUOl cows and heifer IS 5125 dinners tiiU3Hii stackers and ffoders 3 00 J1 W calves iiOX725 bulls ulng etc 275 a5 Hoes lterriptH tl100 blind- higher heavy tlUjWSJ mixed tl 70 litt 1X0 jiigs 14KX4IV bulk of wi Uii Sheep Kieeipts aJU tlrm jreorlinjv tbUXQ 6 0U webtern muttons J5 5cj5tW ktocl sheep A GREAT WRESTLER ttla nnconnfrr AVIth In- Cinr anl III Innolile IteiTiinl Out of Iho Rtorles of Peter lie Great which arc current at the court of St Petersburg Is of tho great czrtrH wres tling tun tell with a young drngoon Ouco lu tho Imperial paltee ho the story goes Peter was at table with a great many princes and noblemen and soldiers wero posted within tho hall The czar was lu n joyous mood and rising called out to tho company Listen princes aud boyarsl Is there among you one who will wivstlc with tho czar Thoru was uo reply and tho czar repeated tho challenge No prince or nobleman dared to wrestle with his sovereign Hut all at once a young dragoon stepped out from the ran Its of the soldiers on guard Listen Orthodox czar he said 1 will wrestle with thee Well young dragoon said Peter I will wrestle with thee but ou these conditions If thou thro west me I will purdou thee but If thou art thrown thou shalt bo beheaded Wilt tlioi wrestle ou those conditions 1 will great czar said tho soldier They closed aud presently tho soldier with his left arm threw the czar and with ids right lie prevented him from falling to the ground The sovereign was clearly beaten The czar offered tho soldier whatever reward lie should claim aud he Ignobly claimed the privilege of drinking free as long as lie lived lu all the inns belonging to thu crown What became of him his tory does uot say Olid Name of Mnrylnnit Kit nil a Tlio curious names given to tracts of land by tlio owners lu olden times are Illustrated In a conveyance encounter od by a clerk in the record otlko re cently whilo engaged In reorganizing the indexes Tlio deed lu question Is recorded In Liber W 1 No GO folio 07 It was executed In 1710 and con veyed from Joshua Stevenson to Ulch aid Gettlngs live tracts of land lu Bal timore county the consideration being 1200 The nuine of each tract and its dimensions aro as follows My Sweet Girl My Friend and Pitcher 012 acres Hero Is Life Without Care and Love Without Fear 41t acres The Unex pected Discovery 202 acres Hug Me Snug 15 acres and Stevensons Cow Pasture With Llttlu I am Content 22 ncres naltiniore Sun Indlnnii Stoel Mills Close Down Munch Ind March 1 livery ono of tho 11 big iron and stool mills in In diana owned by tho Republic Iron an 1 Steel company closed doviiindollnitcv last night on account of tlio recent 111 tig of suits in Mutioio to enforce tho weekly pity law bv Stato Factory In spector MoAbeo and over fiOOO moil bo caino idle Nine Miners KnKiinlioil RnnDtxn Oitl March 1 Nino miners wero entombed in tlio Big Cave Iron Mountain initio yostorday Tho air sup ply pipe is broken and id is feared tho uion will die of MilTocntion Tlio res cuing party is communicating by knocks and sounds It is believed sonio of tho imprisoned men will bo rescued alive Kdilintois III Session CmcACio March 1 Stormy weather had little effect ou tho atteudauco yes terday at tho mootingof the department of superintendence of the National Ed ucational association in tho Fino Arts building Nearly every seat was taken when President Downing called tho meeting to order Attempt to Adjust Scale Des Moinics March L Both tho miners aud tho operators were com pelled to show their hands yesterday at tho session of the joint conference The miners demand an increase of 25 per cent iu the scale and tho operators say they are willing to grant a 5 per ceut advance The presentation of the freedom of a city or borough In England Is now a mere compliment which docs not con fer any substantial or exceptional priv ileges WOMEN CURED AT HOME THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES Tor more than tweutv lho years Dr J New ton Hathaway 1ms made a specialty of Ionialo Disoiios DnrliiK that timu ho his had amonK 4m ins patient over ten tluius and uoiniiisiiirerlni from all tloro many dlllorent peculiar to the set aud has completely and perma nently cured more thau 80 per cent of tho ca Ob he has treated lly Ills exclusive method whli li lio has perfected ilurlnp tho twenty iHii 5 cars of hit most oxtiiislvo practice he lb enabled to cure all of these dllfereiit dloisp tncliidlia painful profuse or suppressed nuiistruatlou prolapsus all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration lii fact uvorv form of thoso diseases which make a bunion of life to thu gicat maturity n women Ho lias so perfected this system of his that he eiii troat thoso cases by mall without any per sonal examination to which uM ry seusittvo woman naturally objects uud without any oper ation with Us consequent palu aud necessary danger Ills system of treatment Is taken In tho pri vacy ot tlio homo tlio cuio U palnloss and Ills positive ONB LOW FEE Write him a lettor statlnc briefly your condi tion and he will send you a blank to Iw tilled out Ho will Bto your case his xrsounl attention and Kile and make Ills fee mi moderate Including all medicines necessary that on will not feel tho burden ot thu pajmcut and ho will guarantee youaposlthocuru Addros J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr Ilutbuwuy Co Conmiereliil lllmli Sioux City Iowa MKVriONlllls 1AlKlt WUES WltlTlNO EXSHlMJUMJMOI If MMATiP flfffl 1 J iil Tho Kind You Ilttvo Always Bought ami which has occn iu uso for over 30 ycars has borno tho signature ot rms niul has boon uuulo umlor his per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no ono to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes aro but T3x pcrlmcnts that triilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR A Costorla is a substitute for Castor Oil Pnrcgorlp Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless nnd Plrasunt 7b contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays Feverishncss It cures Dlurrhoua ami AViiul Colic It relieves Teething Troubles dims Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of - y rf - B BmfiMa 1 D HM b SlRn a fi lis Balis mm lAOItf ADVISORY DEPARTMENT For nd Tien tn CAitt rpniilrlnp nprtal direction addreu gU lnp yinptoni UdlH Hflr Dp Ike ClUTTlinuUA miuicinK CO Chattanooga Tcnn REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE rJfj T rW Made a Well Man vof Me CrUJSLAJV szuEna03Ez nzenuczBjarx prodacni the above results In30 days It actl powerfully sad quickly Cures when all others fall Yonograen will regain thoir lost manhood and old men will rocovor their youthful vigor by usinl ItBVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nerrou nenB Lost VlUlitv Imnotencv NluhtlT Emissions tiost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all offocta ot solf abuso or ozcoBgaod indiscretion which unflta ono for study business or marrlago II not only cures by starting at tho vest of disease but laacrcit norve tonic and blood balldcr bring lug bsck tbo plnlc Blow to polo cbeehsandro ttorlng the Are of youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO DC ether It can be carried in vest pocket Ily mail C100 per package or fclx for M5O0 with o posl tlve written gmnrantoe to core or refund the muoy ClrcuUrfrse Address Soyal Medicine CofaaSga2r For gale by Geo B Ohristoph 3COKBINDINC Reblndlnir old Books and flagazlnes H ERUMMUND Next to Deans Iuiiit Store Fifth Street - 444 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years IE3EEE5S2SESS IWOTTS THE CINTAUn COMPANY TT MURRAY BTRCCT NCW YORK CITY TalflKa VKIKMI 6BS B They overcome Weak ness irregularity and omissions increase vig or find lllllisll nflina of menstruation They aro LIFliJ SAV13US to girls at womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for womeuequals them Cannot do harm lifo becomes a pleasure 100 PJ315 BOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PIIAltMAOY st WintiiBffD jsj Howell Ind Nov 28 I will always priilso Wino of Carilul It has done mo moro good tlim all tho medi cines I have ever taken in my life Please send a book about femula diseases to tho ladles whose names I enclose Mrs MINNIC STODOIIILL I m U It isnt necessary for a woman to Rive particulars When she says she has female troubles other women know what that means It means days and nights of endless suffering it means headaches which no tongue can describe it means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen it means agoni7ing backache and shoulder ache and arm ache and aches in the lower limbs it means nerves on edge the blues despondency and loss of hope It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhoea It means martyrdom some times even death seeuv preferable And still Wine of Cardui will utterly put those diseases and pains to rout It has cured thousands of cases when nothing else on earth would To the budding woman to the bride to the wife to the expectant mother to those Koine through the Change of Life this Vegetable Wine is a blessing Druggists Sell Large Bottles for 100 pom FREE ADVICE by our physicians and a FREE SAMPLE of our medicine also Free Home Treatment a llOpagoTUubtrated book describ ing symptoms and causo of diseases with best treatment ulso many valuablo recipes and prescriptions In plain language saving you heavy doctors bills Ask for it Dr Kays Renovator cures tho very worst cases of Dyspepsia Constipation Hcadacbo Palpitation of Heart Liver and Kidnoy diseases and bud results of La Grippe Send for proof of It Writo us about all your symptoms Sold by druggists dont accept any substi tute but send us 25 cts or 1100 and wo will send Or Kays Renovator by return mnlL Address DR B J KAY MEDICAL CO Saratoga Springs N mmQMttm SOIiD BY KOENIGSTBINS PHARMACY AND KIESAU DRUG OO Fteiofriphed ma un Til I I jWL X WmTmmWl w KIYS CItKAM BATM la ft positive cure Apply into the nostrils It Is qutcUly absorbed 39 tents at DrucRists or by mall samples 10c by mall PY BHOT1IEK3 60 Warrpa BL Now York City lhB Kind You OASTOHIA Sean the Hap Always Bought Signature of U itratts with you whethsr yea eontlnu th narvo Kiiiiuv IUUCCU UKUlnU v u remuTei t aeure ior vodkooo wiu cut rrou auirui ipen uioog uas purinir ih uiuour tares lost uianhoudT makes you troogT I I In health nerTe aW it 1 VI old caieeeure androckttCJW BXO TO llAC from lo l iWour own drueiciit who Twill vouch for m Tako It with wlllnatlflUtlr narltfitlv On kboxai uauallycureai SboxeitlM iruaranteed toruri orwrfund mnnw SUrllr amxlj Co klcis intl Sw Icri OA8TOHX boiaa WW The Kind m Have Alwa5 BougM Bean the t