Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
X V 1 Liuuuimtai I Shoes nro novor chenp shoes Shoos liko Plngrco Smiths mens womens awl childrens nnd Druw Solhv Shoo Coa Indies rIicos nro truly economical hecuisu thoy Will Outwear two pairs of ohonp shoos nnd nro not high priced at that If you havo novor tried t horn wo would advise you to do so Davenport Bros V If NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER O Hco Hanlys Coil Olllco Firo insurance Farm and City Loans nnd Real Estate Oooil house lurn anil 4 ncrosnf limit in Nor folk for uochoap L E SIMpSON l V O o o o o o o o z t DO Y o o o o A that all children who attond schrol should have their Eyes tested once a year According to the latt sfc information gained by o the uximinntions of school dreu it has been proven that 120 par cent have s omo eye defects 4 which should bo corrected with the proper glnses Why lot dren sullor with poor oyo bight o when science has provided a edy I C F W KIARQUARDT OPTICIAN NORFOLK - NEBRASKA The Management of the Auditorium an nounces that McCar thys Mishaps is a first class farce comedy one of the best on the road and they will cheerfuMy refund the price of ad mission paid by anyone not satisfied with the performance Thi oiitlmr Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature iii Minimum temperarue Hi Average 4 Snowfall inches 00 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for mouth Hit Earomoter 2050 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight and Fridny Colder west portion to night and oast portiou Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS Collectors ar3 out in force today The Sturgeon music honso received nuother car load of organs yesterday Mr and Mrs Tns A Covert welcomed n daughter to their home this morning Rev E E Hosmnn will prench at the Methodist church tonight nnd the Fowler brothors will sing Inskoeps millinery store is being im proved by tho npplicntiou of n fresh coat of paiut on itB outside surface There is a question as to whether March camo in liko a lion or lamb and for proof tho end of the month is anx iously nwaited The weather today is genuinely March Although a strong north wind is blowing tho snow and iee is melting rapidly nnd the water is almost filling tho ditches O F W Marquardfc has discovered who took his carbide bucket or nt least who returned it as n neighbor snw it brought back It is not likely that the bucket will be disturbed again The keeps season is now at its height and many youngsters who could much more profitably be spending their time in sohool are now devoting their entire energies to the game of marbles Fremont Herald Tho death register nt Norfolk for the past year shows 15 deaths iu an estimated population of fiOOO peoplo n rate of soven to a thousand or about soven tonthi of one per cont This Is considered n very healthy showing It H said by those intlmato with tho theatrical profession and tho standing of aotors that Harnoy Ferguson who presents McCarthys Mishaps nt tho Auditorium tonight ranks second to Tim Murphy with whoso noting many Norfolk peoplo aro familiar Tho birthday of Otto Zuelow was celebrated in nn enjoynblo innnner last evening at his homo on North Seventh streot As a mnttor of fact his birthday Is on tho 2JHh of February but It had boon so long since ho had ono that it was dcoldcd to colobrato tho 28th Tho express ofllce Is pormoated with a scent not closely resombling heliotrope or cologuo Manager Holnhan disclaims responsibility for tho stato of condi tions and says that as long as pooplo insist on shipping skunk hides ho pre sumes ho will havotoroceivothom Ills sympathies aro with tho express mes senger whs lundles thorn Tho McCarthy troupe arrived this noon from Fremont nnd will entertain tho thoator going public at tho Auditorium tonight Tho prices aro 75 fit 115 and 8 cents A first class comedy is antici pated and although soats yero not placed on sale until this morning they aro going rapidly Tho Huobnur Settlo company left today for Pender where thoy havo nn engagement Tho past few weeks havo been tho most prosperous of tho winter to coal doalurs and ono Norfolk firm ut least has enjoyed ndditioual and unusual blessings during tho past week On Tuopday Mr and Mrs Mux Schmedobery received into their homo a son and yes terday Mr and Mrs II E Hardy wel comed n daughter Mr Schmedobery is ono of Mr Hardys assistants March 1st is a date whou it is custo mary for pooplo to move especially in regard to farmers who lease and there seems to be a movement above tho oidi nary in this particular this year Three different outfits of household goo s pust ed through the city by ways of Main street this morning before oclock If niov mioiits on other streets and throughout tho country wore ns largo accordingly thtro were many changes made Tho Wednesday club enjoyed ono of most ploabant meetings since its organiz ation yesterday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs W H Butterfield It was des ignated as guest day each member being permitted to invite one friend and as a consequence about iiG Indies were present Several interesting papers were read and one of the enjoyable features was the distribution of Shakes peran quotations from the plays studied during tho year Mrs Frank Salter won the first prize in placing the largest number of quotations while Mrs C G Somers won second place After the program tho ladies of the club served dainty refreshments and tho occasion was one long to be remembered for its enjoyable features of which pleasant social convjisition was not n minor quality Tho Huebuer Settlo company closed a very successful three nights engage mont in Norfolk Inst evening presenting Marriid Life to a full house Tho play is a comical combination of connu bial infelicities and the audience was kept in an uproar of laughter during tho best part of its presentation Mr Huobnor sustained his reputation ns an all lonud actor in the character of Frank North a young artist while Miss Bay Whipple as his wife Gertrude North won additional friends in Norfolk by her superb acting All who attended were well pleased with tho companys entire engagement and were delighted with the announcement of Mr Huobnor that thoy may again visit Norfolk somo time in tho near future The specialties presented wore of a highly pleasing character Tho attraction at the Audi torium tonight will bo McCarthys Mishaps a high class comedy Improved farm 8 miles fiom Norfolk house barn windmill 70 acres paturo fenced 1800 S L Gakdnku DrFrauk Salter Diseases or children Snidors catsups at Boxs An upright piano for rent IIayks Ibwtlhy and Music IIoubk Ono more car fresh mined Canon City coal just received nt Hardys Notlcd The undersigned committee will re ceive propositions for tho purchase of tho old Norfolk fair grounds consisting of 00 acres of land with race track agricultural hall building nmphitho nter ticket cilice windmill and pumps and fencing Propositions may cover tho entire property or the laud without buildings or tho buildings or any part thereof without the laud This property will actually be sold soou so do not delay The right to decline any propo Bition is reserved Ira G Westehvelt L M Gaylohd II A Pasewalk Committee White fish luke trout and cattish at the Palace Meat Market Sturgeon is the piano man Choice veal at the P dace Meat Market Houses for sale T E Ouiounk THK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 1 1IJ0O THE NORFOLK CASE CoiiuiilxRlniinr Irouty l lntrt h writ lit WorliMlrrnlil ltrporlor Commissioner Prouty of tho interstate railway commission wont from hero to Omaha where ho and Commissioner Yoomtuts aro taking ovidonco in a ease wherein James F MeGrow of Lexing ton claims discrimination by tho Mis souri Paeiilo in tho matter of cosl rates In speaking of tho Norfolk case to a WorldHorald reporter yesterday Mr Prouty is quoted as saying Wo hoard nbout ton wltnosses yesterday nnd four today Tho citizens of Nor folk led by Mr C 11 Johnson who has tholr grievances well In hand mado u voiy good showing and aro earnest nndslncoro In their belief that thoy havo been discriminated against in favor of Fremont Lincoln and other Nebraska points in fact I doubt if I over heard a similar case so well pro souted as by Mr Johnson nor do 1 recall hearing a case for tho railroads so ably presented as by General Manager Bidwoll Tho raihouds seoui to bo as earnest in tholr belief that thoy havo not discriminated against Norfolk as tho peoplo of that town to the contrary tho ovidonco submitted shows discrimi nation ngainst Norfolk Tho full commission will arrive in Omaha somo time before tho first of May on its way back from California at w hioh timo tho complaints of Norfolk oitizens will bo again taken and the ease concluded hero The testimony is now all iu but the arguments will bo heaid nt that time As to what tho out come will bo I havo no right to express anopiuiou atthis time Bulk oysters conts Meat Market Choice turkeys at Market ut tho Palaeo tho Palaeo Moat Box can suit you on cotleo Farm land and city property for salo by G R Seller Farm and city loans The UUiIlanu Tuust Co Bulk oysters at Glissmnns PERSONAL Chus lauch of Crcighton is lieio on business 1 W Mi Clary is assisting in tho ex press otlico O B Dnrlaud had business in Plain viow yesterday L J Horton of Stanton wns iu Nor folk yestorday W E Conrad wns in town yesterday from Hastings F C Dryer represented Grand Islaud iu town yesterday A H Bohanon was a city visitor yes terday from Madison Julius Lohman has gone to Hot Springs South Dakota Ray Seymour is assisting in tho drug store of Asa K Leonard Mrs J Ahran of Wiusido was shop ping iu Norfolk yesterday Mr and Mrs J W Tumor of Wayne wero iu tho city yesterday Modiiii03 Barr and Spenco of S antui wero in tho city yesterday Mrs J L Kueasel was in tho city from Battle Creek yesterday Will and Frank Jenkins wero city visitors yesterday from Battle Creek Row E T George Ftipped in the city last night on his way from Columbus to Neligh Howard A ntles and sister of Stanton wore iu tho city today doing some shopping Miss Bender will leave tomorrow for Chicago to purchase her spring stock of millinery Jos Rish returned yesterday from Platte Centor whore he has been visit ing a month 31 D Sturgeon was a passongor for Wayne Wnkefield and other points on tho noon train Mrs McBride wont to Madison this morning called by tho sickness of Mrs Willis Mo Bride Miss Dessi Lobnow has resigned her position at tho Wayne telephone station and returned to Norfolk this morning F E Gillette and D D Carpenter of Ainswordi havo a car of horses and miles at tho Union Pacific stock yards Mrs Hill Bookers thome touight at the Baptist oliurch will bo Shadows Tho interest and attendance at tho meetings aro increasug H W Ghrisman who formerly con ducted a grocery in tho building west of Fueelers now occupied as a millinery store arrived in tho city last evening from Los Angeles Cal Ho departed at noon for Creightou to visit his wifes folks and will go from there to Iowa He says Mrs Ohrismau will bo here iu nbout six weeks to visit friends she hav ing stopped enroute to visit her Bisters at Park City Montana Mr Ohrismau was in the Klondike country last year and while he didnt enjoy tho life says ho had some valuable experiences His sou is attending a military bchool at San Mateo Cal We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhom Building aud Savings association T E Owohne Sec Fresh halibut at Glissmans Ageuts wanttd for tho best typewriter on the market tho Pittsburg Visible writing iu sight at all times exclusive territory fiven Addross Uindloy Hard ware rem puny Pittsburg Pa Itxitt lnlnm 1 1 illinium The following transfers of leal estate aro reported by Chester A Fuller man ager of tho Madison county abstract olllco at Norfolk Myra Mathews and husband to Mary Mathews wd w su of lots t aud I block 2 F W Barnes 2nd add to Madison 200 00 W B 1 light and wife to Win Schimiuolpheiiuig wd lot 111 block H Edgowutor Park add to Norfolk United States of America to Oliristoph Vendor Oho pd nw 1 1 -22 I United States of America to Andrew Beigstiom pd swi eiii 1 Milo Maitindalo and wife In Olias 11 Slieiloek wd swi ijji y Thomas OShea and wife and others to David Larson wd so W 21 1 110 00 1000 00 ioo DO Tolophono No 112 will ring up Dr I Verges residence and olllco Dressed dueks and ohickons at the Palace Meat Market IViiiiniii anil II In Ioli When Dr Nnusen visited Leeds soon after his north pule expedition a very amusing Incident was witnessed largo ciowd stood outside the station to welcome him two of his most ardent admirers being a couple of old men who kept waving their sticks and shouting tlieinsehes hoarse When the celebrated cxplmcr had passed In his cuitIiikc I lieic followed In his wake a wagon dragged by horses bearhiK a long lion pole which belonged to no electric tiamway company Directly the old men saw It the following con versation took place Well Ill be lilowed BUI hes browt tpole back wl lilnil wild one Aye said the other and we tonly two ats noticed It Thcio all run ning after carriage sllhii Theyie that well they cant tell tuiirth pule when they sees It I on don Aush eis lor lliiii Iiik ol flmil A mil In the county court of Madison county Nebraska Iu the matter of the estate of Juno Ui Furiro deceased Now on he 2ith day of IMirnary IIOO cnmoM CI II1HU the udininih tratorof said estate and prajs for leino to render an account as such adminis trator It is therefore ordored that t10 211 h day of March 1000 at I p 111 nt my office in Madison bo fixed as the timo and place for examining nnd allow ing such account And tho heirs of said docoased and all porsons interostod in said estato nro required to appear at the timo nnd place so designated and show oauso if such exists why said account Bhould not bo allowed It is further ordered that said M O Hazen administrator give notice to nil porsonB intorested in said ostnto by causing a copy of this order to bo pub lished in The Noufoik Daily News a nowspapor printed and in general circu lation in said county for three weeks prior to tho day sot for said hearing In testimony whereof I havo hereunto Fet my hand and nilixod my official seal tliis 2iith day of February 1000 siaiJ Wm lUifs County Judge FOIFt BITTERS GOOD FOR WHAT - AILS YOU For Sale at all Flrst Class Saloons L P LARSON CO FREMONT - NEBRASKA Nebraska Distributors IU E WO na A HIH0Y always keeps in stock all tho host grades of Uptown 0fflce4th St HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screened and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 L DO YOU SMOKE If so try the Palace Cigar Stores ending 5 cent Clknro - Capadura Saborosa Broadleaf If ou uut u iratturciKur wo lino tlio host lOctiiturb 11 tluicii i J I DANIEL Proprietor FEBRUARY 2 1900 Mnvc You Tried Them m PA CIFIC COAST JUST CAME IN Fine Line of New Golf Caps I 25c 29c ArrjD 35c 3rJljTJT 49c INSKEEPS MILLINERY joe I C W BRAASCH DHALUH IN QJ T CO j m Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho best in tho market Surnntion Hard Coal In all hIch TKLKIHOMi H BABIES CRY FOR WHEATLING AND DREAD A1ADE FROM BON TON FLOU SOOAR CITY CEHEilL MILL Norfolk N A ItAlNIHHr Inwiitml AMXANDKK HHtll Vion Inwililmil W II IIUCIIOI CiiMilcr i WUT AKululMiitCiiHlilnr National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exohangc Interest Paid on Timo Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIBBOTOHS A HKAH K P HANLON kK J HAIjIi W II HUOHPJV4 WM ZVTl NA IlAINIIOIiT JOHN It IIAYH V VKIH1KH B H COTTON- NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Prompt delivery Work Hilled for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 Norfolk Nebr W II JOHNSON Jahiiieb V H tlUtAAHUlI Ahh r The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 lln Hml noil uclimiKo on t Iiih count rj ami ill iitrln of Kuniiio Pirm Lohud Directum Alii Ahmuh V II Ioiinhos iiah S llnmoi V W Hiiaahui HUASK 1 A LLJKAUT T K MCMMIMIKR L SlHMIONH DENVER SALT LAKE CITY MWx SAN FRANCISCO s PORTLAND VIA THE Union Pacific MEAL SERVED STfeAl ARTE MfcATI PINTSCH LI LlGrT i FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS C SEE The Norfolk Building end Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary n A MJIKAKT Pbkhiiiisnt OHAS H HKIDOK Viri Prehiint Splendid Train Service TO AND FROM Two trains daily to and from Denvor nnd Colorado points Two truins daily to and front Sun Francisco aud California points Two trains daily to and from Salt Lake City and Utah points Quo train daily to aud from Portland and North Pacific Coast points with direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeping Cars Uuffet Smoking and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Chair Cars For Time Tahles Folders Illustrated Hooks Pamphlots descriptive of tho territory t raven t d callou your nearest agent or addross IE L L0MAX Geusrnl Passouger and Tickot Agent Omaha Nkb