The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    The ofolklSLeucis
W N HUflIC 1ubllnhnr
KMnllltinl IvH
Kvnrv lnv njnuit Similar Ill rnrrlor
1 la It mnil lint XI
wnnV li cent
Kutnlitliilinil ISSI
Kvorjr Tlmrnlny lly mull inr your tV
Knlcroil nt tho PontoNIm it Norfolk Noli n
fpciiml cIukk ninttnr
TnlnilQ N i
Tho Fronoh pooplo have already nil-
tmnnnoil their intention of rulflillK tho
price of ovorthliiK wilublo tol
notch Tltoy would hIiow mom shrewd
mobs If thoy lcopt this intention In tho
background until they have Hoourod
tluilr victims
Tho Chicago pupem ro KlntiiiK 0Vr
tho fnut tlmt George Dowoy Jr him
taicoii up litn rosldouuo in tho windy
city Ih it possible Una thlH will hooch
nltato another transferor that house in
Washington whioh a Kmtoul niitliu
nttoinptod to glvo to thin young mans
Thoro isn constantly increasing do
mniul from European countries for
American coil Tho foot oiiKlit to ho
HUilloiont inducement for outside capi
tal to open up and develop now Holds
and by ho doing break up tho strong
combino that at present eontrolH tho
production in tliis country
Tho south continues to glvo ovidunco
that it will Hhorlly bo annexed to tho
district popularly known an Bryans
ononiyH country Thoy rofiiHO to
accept anything that IooIch like anti-expansion
Tliey realize that expansion
will bonollt their markets and pricoH
and what iH truo of tho Houth is certainly
true of othur portioiiH of tho country
Tho old and established pluase of
democracy Wo view with alarm
will probably bu worked overtime again
thisyiar Democrats are inclined to
view with alarm anything calculated
to koop them out of olllco and power
They magnify this alarm into some
thing plausible and endeavor to pass it
oil onto tho people as a real genuine
scare Voteis aro learning to bo moio
optimistic of lain years and aro not
turning white about the gills every
timo democracy says boo
The popularity of American novels
has been constantly on tho increase In
ISO1 among the six most popular works
of ilctioii as attested by tho number of
copios sold only one was by an Ameri
can author four of tho six boing British
productions lu 1817 tho six best soil
ing bookB inoludod two by American
writors lu 188 throo woro Amoricuu
aud iu 1800 according to the Bookman
tho six best soiling books wero nil by
Ameriouu authors The English aro
not nsking uow if anyone roads Auion
cau books
It is terribly grating ou tho norves of
tho democrats and to
consider tho action of tho
populists in refusing to further
assist iu pulling tho democratic baud
wagon through tho byways of oftlolal
gcood nn I quicksand of inn principle
aud insisting that horeaftor thoy will
remain in tho middle of tho road Thoy
candidly admonish thorn that they can
have no chance of winning oflloial
omolumont and besides will diminish
tho chapces of tho combined aggrega
tion to win It is indeed discouragiug
that men should set principal above
party and desire for olllco
Pennsylvania has purchased iOOOO
acres of ground suitably located as a
boinninc in tho direction of forest
preservation This is only a beginning
Tho state plans to purchase ovorv avail
able ucro of timber land which can bo
obtained within her bordors at tho
maximum prico of fTiOO per acre this
being tho limit fixed by tho legislature
This is a movement which ought to bo
taken up by every state iu tho union
It is alarming to note tin rapidity with
which tho native forests are boing swopt
from the face of tho country and mhuo
check should bo placed upon its destruc
tion before every vostigo of nativo
forest iH ruined
Cab vis not suffering m oh in afluui
nancial way at least since Undo Sums
government took her under protection
Tho democrats would bo ploasod to have
tho people think sho was still wof ally
abased but thu records will not sustain
any such insertion It is surprising
whon tho work of reconstruction is con
sidered that tho islauds finances should
be prosperous so early but tho faot re
mums that sho has not only boeu made
self supporting but has to her credit
for the year 1899 a surplus of V oO000
When it is considered that more has
been done during tho past year tliau
for many yoars for the islauds sanita
tion aud improvement generally this
statement is all tho more startliug
Tho calamity fellows are clearly at a
disadvantage iu regard to Oaba
The lrcbident Kiglit
Andrew Carnegie has ofteu boon
quoted by the opponents of tho admin
istrutiou lately as one who is opposed
to all acts by the government That ho
lie is still ou admirer of President
McKiuley is evidenced by the following
quotations from a letter writteu by him
to a friend
As one looks over tho situation lie is
impressed by tho fact that tho president
has boon right at IIthI upon each
tlirco vital HtageH in thodrania HowaH
right in eounolllng delay in deohtring
war against Spain when lie was assured
that his rightful demand for Canadian
homo rule homo rule in Cuba of tho
Canadian typo was within roach Thu
moinbiwrt of UN own party in congress
wero wrong when thoy failed to support
the prosidout and under a gust of pas
sion declared war contrary tohisadvico
in a second important crisis our
binder was also right at first and showed
tho hlghost political wisdom Tho
Philippines were not to bo demanded
but thu Pandoras box was to bo left
for Spain to struggle with
Again in regard to Puerto Hico ho
has boon right from tho very Rtart
Itrpiililliiui City Coliviiiitliin
A republican con volition of thu city of
Norfolk Nebraska Is lioroby called to
meet nt tho city hall in said city on tho
IDthdayor March 11110 at i oclock
p m for tho purpose of nominating
candidates for tho following olllces to
bo voted for at tho city occtlnn to bo
hold April 1000 viz Mayor treasurer
city engineer police judge and city
cleik also two members of tho board of
education foi tho Norfolk sohooldistrict
and for the transaction of such
other business as may como before it
Tho different wnrils will be entitled to
representation ou tho basis of ouo dole
gate at large and one additional dulegnte
for every ten votes or major fraction
thoroof cast for M B Itooso forsupienio
judge iu November 1800 vl First
ward 7 Second ward ll Third ward
18 Fourth ward Tho school district
outside t ho city of Norfolk will bo entitled
to I delegates iu tho nomination of
membuis of the board of education
M G IIazks
1 J SiOiKWicu Chairman
Ill miiry Klm tloiiH
A primary election of tho republican
electors of tho First ward of tho city of
Norfolk will bo hold at tho olllco of tho
police judge in the city hall iu said ward
tin tho 17th day of March 1000 for thr
purpose of nominating a candidato Im
councilman and to elect hovoii delegate
to thu city republican convention to hi
held in Miid city at p m nut lie 10th ol
March 1K0 for tho purpose of nominat
ing city olllcors I oils to remain open
from IS oclock noon to 7 oclock p m
CJho II Sitau
A pi iniary election of tho republican
electors of tho Second ward of tho city
of Norfolk will bo hold at tho ros
idonco of C J Stookwell in said
ward on the 17th day of March 1000
for the purpose of nominating ouo coun
cilman for short term one councilman
for full term nud to oleot 1 dologutob
to tho city republicuu couvoutiou to be
held in said city at 8 p m on tho 10th of
March 1000 for tho purpose of nominat
ing city ollicors Polls to roniain opon
p in tor the purposo of nominating a
con nan and seven delegates to bo
vote r at tho primnry election to be
hold in suid ward on tho 17th diy ot
March 1000 and for tho transaction of
such other business as may come before
it Gro II Sibau
Tho republican electors of tho Second
ward aro hereby called to meet iu cau
cus at tho Oxnard hotel ou the 12th day
of March 1000 at 8 oclook p m for
tho purpose of nominating a councilman
for full term nnda councilinnu for short
term and 1 delogates to be votod for at
the primary eh ction to lie held in said
ward on the 1th day of March 1000
aud for tho transaction of such other
busiuess as may como bofore it
J W Hansom
The republican electors of the Third
ward are hereby called to meet at tho
Oxuard hotel on the 12th day of March
1000 at 8 oclouk p in for the purposo
of nominating a councilmnn and 18
delegates to be voted for at the primary
election to be held iu said ward ou the
17th day of March 1000 aud for the
ot I transaction
from 12 oclock noon to 7 oclock p m
J W Hansom
A primnry election of tho republican
electors of tho Third ward of tho city of
Norfolk will bo held at tho oflico of L
O Mittlestadt in said ward ou tin
17th day of March 1000 for the
purpose of nominating ono conn
oilniau and to elect IS delegates to tho
city republican convention to bo held iL
said city at 2 p in on the 10th of
March 1000 for the purpose of nominal
ing city ollleers Polls to milium ope
from 13 oclock noon to 7 oclock p in
F E Hakdy
A primary election of tho republican
electors of tho Fourth ward of the citjs
of Norfolk will lo held at the drug store
of 1 L Ilorshisor iu said ward on the
17th day of March 1000 for the purport
of nominating one councilman aud to
olect bix delegates to the city republican
couvoutiou to bo hold iu said city at 2
p m on tho 10th day of March 1900
for tho purpo o of nominating city of
flcors Polls to remain opou from IS
oclock noon to 7 oclock p in
C J Chapman
Uipn lil lean CiiutiiMH
The ropublicau electors of the First
ward are hereby called to meet in can
ons at the Oxnard hotel in said wutd on
the 13th day of March I HOC at S oclock
of such other business as
- I IA H It
limy cimiiu iioioro li r n iiaiiiiy
Cool In ii Slfiilii of 1
is not surprising to
Tho republican olectois of the Fourth
ward aro hereby called to meet lu caucus
at HorshlsorH drug Htoro in said ward
on tho 12th day of March 1000 at 8
oclock p in for the purposo of nomin
ating a councilman and six delegatos to
bo voted for at tho primary election to
bn held iu said ward on thu 17th day of
March 1000 and for tho transaction of
such other business as may como lwfore
it O 1 OlIAlMAN
Tho republican electors of tho school
dlst i lot outside thu city of Norfolk are
requested to meet iu caucus at tho Ox
nard hotel In said city on Sat unlay the
lJth day ol March 1000 for tho piirpoto
of nominating six delegatus to tho city
couvoutiou to place in nomination two
members for the board of education of
of tho school district of Norfolk to be
held Maich 10 1000 at J p m
Thr or Witr
A pliiin apt and excellent illustration
of the popular cxpicssion the fortune
of war is thuMingulur fact that Major
General Leonard Wood tho present
military governor of Santiago province
is now in command of his former com
manding olllcer Tliis strange statu of
nflaiis ia explained
lust a little more than two years ago
General Wood was mirgeon of the Fifth
Hcgiment infantry with tho rank of
captain and after ho had left tho serv
ice to practice medicine in civil life at
Washington he was remembered fondly
by the entire regiment as an ollicer who
was fond of athletics especially foot
ball and wrestling At the opening of
the late war lie was appointed colonel
of the rough riders and for gallant
and efllcient services lendered ho earned
liispiiMinl rank and appointment Dur
ing tht entire war thu Fifth was the
only reguwir infantry regiment that did
not have a chance to see service but nft
er the protocol had been signed and tho
fighting troops were being sont homo
the Fifth was detailed to do guard duty
lit Santiago under General Wood
So it now happens that General
Woods old colonel is under his com
mand as are also tit her officers who
used to lank him when he was only a
captain That is the way tho world
moves up and down Verily there is
much truth in the saying that Ho who
takes vour orders today may bo your
commander tomorrow New York
It learn that
Colonel Funston of tho Twentieth Kan
sas was the fiiht man to enter Malolos
for ho has tried to bo at tho front iu
every fight
At Bayaino Cuba says tho Iola
Kan Registor whore ho was ono of
400 niountci Cubans who charged a
lino of 2500 Spanish infantry waiting
to receive them with cannon at the an
gles his horse was swept from under
hiin by a charge of canister and he was
left on foot 30 yards from tho Spanish
lines I saw I could bo of no further
use he remarkod in telling tho story
to the writer hereof so I took tho sad
dle and bridle oft my dead horso and
walked oil tho field
Think of that His horso had just
been killed by a cannon shot and 2500
men only ill yards away were shooting
at him and yet he remembered tlmt
saddles and bridles were scarco and
dear and staid in that fire till he could
carry his iiwayl No wonder that with
such a leader the Twentieth Kansas is
making a glorious record
IIoxi lie Moon tlluiliN Mount llooil
From tho point of view of most Port
hinders the moon was launched tho
other evening on its journey to the
zenith squarely from the peak of Mount
Hoed Tho glow of tho sotting sun had
hardly failed from tho big mountain
when his substitute poked its noo over
tile north slope and sat for a second on
the hiionldcr half way up to the summit
like the earth on tho shoulder of Atlas
Then it journeyed diagonally up the
slopo till it reached tho peak dipping n
little k that tho rugged outlines of
tho mountain stood out sharply against
the deep red sphere Tho moon left tho
summit like a vast balloon making n
little southing nil tho while It seemed
to hang suspended a few minutes bo
fore going farther but scon gathered
headway and journeyed forth into tho
The picture is one wh ch is not often
seen but which is worth cuisiing a
continent to witness Portland Ore
lie Ili luil Ton
Mrs iUnnk found herself lu a rather
oinbnrnihMiig situation one day when
she was dining for the tlrst time nt the
home of a minister Opposite her sat
the ministers little boy a sharp eyed
little fellow of 1 years While his fa
ther was asking a somewhat lengthy
blessing the ludy elevated her eyelldi
slightly aud caught the eye of tho little
fellow opposite her
Tho Instant his father said Amen
the boy pointed an accusing linger to
ward Mm Blank and cried out shrilly
She pecked pupa fahe peeked Har
pers Bazar
Thu Old Miiiin Itctorl
You dont liuvt any ruins In tlilv
Mawsted country snld the Hritlsh
scion to his futiuo
No tsuld the old man wo dont
And you wont linvo any loft In IJiir
land if your noblo army of titled pau
pers can marry enough rich Yankee
Klrls to put now roofa on your old caa
ties Cleveland Plain Dealer
Hit Vuy of GpttiiiK It
Wife earnestly JeorKt dear 1
have prayed so fervently of late for n
tailor made pown that 1 feel It would
lie tlylntf In tho face of Providence not
to p nud Ket measured at once
Brooklyn Life
lln 1iiiirr to Snottir ho
nut Il ami II v Mr Wllllmnn
AVItli n CrnoUnl Shoe
Every now ami then said n man
of moderate means something Imp
pens to remind me that I nin only n
novice lu the art of life For Instance
my shoes were wearing out anil In ono
of them there was an ugly crnck In tho
top If there Is one thing more dis
turbing to mi than another It Is tho
sight of n shoe on one of my foot with
n hole In the top Hut I hud not the
money wherewith to buy another pair
and though It may seem ridiculous I
couldnt very well spare the quarter
that It would cost for a patch to say
nothing of thu fact that a patched shoo
Is little less unsightly In my eyes than
one with n hole In It
Walking In this predicament one
day I met a friend whose means so
far as I knew wure little If any great
er than my own He now had In tho
top of one of his trimly blacked shoes
a carefully cut round holu Since I had
last seen him he had apparently pros
pered enough to hnvo got the gout a
fact on which I ventured to comment
Why he said you can got precise
ly the wiine kind of gout with a pair
of shears And then he smiled Ho
always was blithe and gay no mattor
what betlded
Well when I got homo I enlarged
that hole In the top of my shqo to the
size nnd respectability of a gout open
ing and now when 1 go down In the
morning on the elevated 1 dont hold
that foot with tho broken shoe curled
under the seat back of the other ankle
as though 1 had a curious hnblt that
way but I place It boldly out In front
and 1 road the paper with tho air of a
man who Is going down town with his
surplus Interest money to tnko a little
tiler In stocks Chicago Inter Ocean
liver litn Timidity
Some day perhaps Jesso Lynch Wil
liams may follow his book of newspa
per stories wllli some sketches of mag
azine olllco life He has bad experi
ences and he can write them
Here is one of them
When I tlrst went to Scribuers
Magazine he said I was a walking
Interrogation point The editor would
toss a letter across the table just like
a common piece of papor saying
Heres a letter from Kipling Its all
right It might as well have been a
note from his tailor
I stood by and shivered at the sac
rilege And tho typewriters They
would pound out letters to Meredith
Stockton lames Ilowells aud Kip
ling just ns they might have done to
me without changing a feature or
missing a punctuation mark nud I
marveled nt their nerve One day u
stout middle aged man brushed by mo
In the otllce We begged ench others
Hold on a minute called the edi
tor I want to speak to ye Ho wells
that Ilowells I asked the office
Mr Uowells VXf
Mr W D Ilowells
Mr William Deau Uowells
The same
And I softly caressed tho sleeve that
tho novelist had brushed against ns If
it had been touched by a saint But
after awhile the feeling of awe woro
off Wo deal iu authors Thats our
business Philadelphia Saturday
Evening Post
Ill I n ian to Ittiiiiiiilifr
Never forget that women are made
out of girls and that men are made
out of boys that If you aro a worth
less girl you ore a worthless woman
and If you aro a worthless boy you
will be a worthless man and the best
educated men and women once did not
know A B C that all the things
which you are learning had to be
learned by them that the efforts spent
In making others happy will In some
way add to your own happiness that a
lift of usefulness and helpfulness is
worth ninny limes more than u life of
100 lCwud 100
The readers of this pnpor will bo
plotiaed to learn that there is tit least
one dreaded disease that seieueo has
boon able to euro in all its stages aud
that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
tho niidifiil fraternity Catarrh boing
a onhtitutiouil disease lequircn a
eoistitiuioimltioatinont Halls Catarrh
Cure ih taken internally acting dinotly
uixiii tho i lood and mucus surfaces of
the system thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease and giving
the patieut strength by building up
tho constitution and assisting natnro iu
doing its woik Tho proprietors have
so muoh faith in its ourutivo jiowors
tint they otlor ono hundred dollars for
any case that thoy fail to cure Send
for Itat of tLstijionials
Adilre s V J Oiicvky Co
Toledo O
Sold by druggists Too
Halls family pills are the best
Nevor quit certainty for hope
Never take a medicine of doubtful value
nstead of Hoods Sareaparilla which is
sure to do you good
If vour liver is out of order causing
Biliousness Sick Headache Heart
burn or Constipation take a dose of
Hood Pills
On retiring and tomorrow your di
gestive organs will be regulated aud
you will be bright active and ready
for any kind of work This has
been the experience of others it
will be yours HOODS PILLS are
Bold by all medicine dealers 25 eta
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Hkhorn 8c Mo Valley
Omnlin InFuiomjor
U Kxpri BB
h r
carii Ksiircm
On IlisdtaiKor
jiiuck iiiiih cxprntfl
Kniilnntii of tho Mono bdiool located at
Wmjiiii Nnbr otivpt Tiieednjb and lri
days will hu nt Winsido
No Knife No Drugs
oiiHiltntioii nnd Examination Krii
Office hours 9 to 12 a in 1 to
4 p m
Jwv J
If you want
the Best Seeds
Buy Vicks
Our own growing
and the
Worlds Choicest
The handsomest and most coni
pleto Catalogue wo over issued
sent free if you state iu what you
aro most interesteu v lowers 1
Vegetables or Snuill Fruits t
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for tlio Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wuik
First dojr West of Post Oillce
7o in
12111 1 in
740 pill
Vnrcllffrn 1240p m
onllKro Accommodation 0U0iim
I2V0i m
tl05n m
lllnck Hills Kx press
Vontlro IaiiRMiKur
VortllKro Accommoilntlon 720
Tho Ulilctifto nml Dlnck Hllln KxprcnR nrri
nnd flopnrts from Junction depot TlioOnmlin
nml VonilKro trntUB nrrivn nml dopnrt from city
ftopot II V M ATRAC AKont
Union Pacific
l onimbiiR Accomiiiodntion 01H t m
Omnlin Uouvtirnuil Pnclllc onnt 1100 a in
north Aiimvi
ColiimlniB Aco mmnilntlon 10t0pm
OmiiliH Vonvnriitiil Inclllc ronnt U0pm
CmniPctH nt Norfolk with K K At W V kiiIiib
west nuil north nml with tho U Ht P M ic O
for points north and rnt
K W Junkman AkouL
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
biotix City nml OimtliR Pnssongpr Si0nm
Sioux IMtylitasniiRor 1 HI i m
wfst ABiuvn
Sioux tity PnawtiiTPr loai n in
Hioux City nud Omnlirt IiiRflniiir 730 pm
CotunctR at Norfolk with I K V M V Koiiijj
woBt nnd north nml with thn U I for mints
W Junkman Asmit
lJnrj oxcoptJStindny
I C ObUDLC u u
Graduate of American School of y
ih now liiditpil in Norfolk nt rosidenco
of Mi Mclliiilu Till S Ulh Si
Fine Watch
Spanoar ouilmnn
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Conttiactor and Builder
I Fourth Street
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
A ii Work OitABANTKiiu
Cor 4th St nnd Ilnmscli At
Daily News Job Department
From tho Politico Farm Bovon milos oast of
Piorco two horses ono a dappln Bray nnd tho
other a liulit iron Krny WoiRht about 1000
uacli Findor will ploaso notify
Hosklns Neb
Are essenlisil lo hetilUi
handles only pure groceries
froe from nil alteration and
sells them at
You pet what you pay for
at Uhles
The Overland Limited
0 Lt1 11 12 V
To the Pacific Coast
rw v i Hours to Sun Frn110lro
UNMiS Hour to Portland
Doulilo DrowiiiK Ilnoiu Pnliice Sloopora
Hullot SmoVins uml Library Cnra with
Harbor Simp nml Iloaaant Hoailing Itoonis
UiniiiK Cars Mimla 11 111 Onrtu
Iinttch IiKlitStoam Hoat
For timo tallies tolilore illiibtratoil lxoks
iainililtB iluecriiitUo of tho territory trav
uroil cull on
- i